Asmongold Reacts to FFXIV Streamer MELTDOWN (Deleted Video)

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all right so this is what's going on with pyro before this video begins i want to set a content advisory for those who are watching and listening now you're going to hear some very strong language and i think essentially if you are listening in the presence of young ones perhaps this is going to be a video that will be best served with headphones or a video that we will explore at a later time when the kids are not around now that all being said i will include a link to this full clip if you guys want to go watch it for yourself and you don't care for my commentary and my thoughts on the subject matter at hand that being said what you're going to see has been edited down it's essentially to highlight the key points still encourage you to go watch the full clip in case any of the contacts that i cut out ends up leading to a miscommunication or misunderstanding of the points intended okay with that disclosure out of the way let's go ahead and jump into it and then we'll talk about essentially another epic gamer moment from pyromancer what a [ __ ] intro what a [ __ ] intro oh my god just flat out uh it's definitely inferior when we're talking about the capabilities of the console yeah it is that doesn't make the people inferior but that's what people infer from it no question mark yes question mark yes question mark yes console's better imo right okay right said no one [ __ ] ever who sat down in front of 165 hertz screen no one in there in the history of the universe has ever sat down and played at 165 fps and then said i want to go back to 30. you're [ __ ] full of [ __ ] dude you're so full of [ __ ] i came over he's right i gave him a chance and learned to love it and fell in love with it it's just like i just don't i can't the logic just is not computing in my brain dude i i i i can't connect my wires with with what you're saying i can't i can't find the logic and reason in what you're saying commutes are vastly different than a console preference it's not one to one ban this [ __ ] idiot dude [ __ ] ban that get him out of here man there we go [ __ ] ban him i love it but he is right why ban him oh my god dude i can't believe it ban him too i believe ban him too can't believe it people don't agree with me ban them all there he goes guys it's not about the man you guys are such low [ __ ] iq dude yeah looking through dumb ass remarks in the chat bro they don't agree with me i gotta ban them that's not why they're getting banned you [ __ ] idiot yep pyro guys pyro pyromancer is the only smart person on the internet we're all retards look dude i'm not gonna say that word i wish you wouldn't have said that because we don't say that word here on twitch thank you sir enjoy your ban but with that being said oh don't go all right that's one thing i'll stop you on wait if you don't like people saying the word just blacklist it in your chat then nobody would be able to say it yeah just black what's the word like that that's yeah like just black with sword i got problem solved if you're gonna act like a [ __ ] idiot maybe dessert expect to get treated like a [ __ ] idiot maybe if you're not gonna stop and think before what you say true get what the [ __ ] you get when you say it there it is how about that because that's exactly what the way you guys treat me there it is yeah you guys do that same [ __ ] to me you heard it so don't pull that [ __ ] double standard [ __ ] where you trying to turn it around because i have to sit here and [ __ ] have to listen to all you and all your [ __ ] that's true and as soon as i decide i don't want this [ __ ] face in my chat anymore now i'm the bad guy because i've taken control of who i want in my stream and who i don't be a man true no but we gotta we gotta we gotta we gotta take it a step further all right let's go we gotta really pissed people let's go facebook facebook in the chat and [ __ ] type wham phase two facebook because that's all we're good for that's what our li that's what our life amounts to sitting in twitch chat and [ __ ] sitting there and waiting for pirate to get mad so that you can poke him with a stick yep get a [ __ ] life dude i gotta say like this is just like the biggest mistake you can ever make i'm gonna tell you why is that so whenever a chicken starts to bleed all the other chickens go around that chicken and they peck the bleeding spot until the chicken that's bleeding is dead the solution to that don't bleed it that's a pecking party that's right don't bleed uh if you have people that get you pissed off that make you mad uh the best thing that you can do never show weakness never ever ever show weakness never get mad never show weakness because people can make you mad because they have control over you man that's what it is absolutely um you say stuff like this but you mauled constantly guys i think you should brush your teeth every day i actually to be fair i do that guys i think you should go to bed at a reasonable hour so you can wake up in the morning and be able to uh go about your day without being completely tired yeah i i i think that's a good idea now do i do this no uh absolutely not i stayed up until 1am last night nope i didn't do that but i know it's a good idea i know i theoretically like this is what you're supposed to do but it's just not what i do why because i'm an idiot a lot at 1am bro i wake up at 8 in the morning you understand that like i wake up eight in the morning like i have to get up i get my stream ready i i go and i get i go to the gas station uh you know i wake up early and so like that's seven it's not really eight eight in the morning we have by 8 30 right but like yeah it's early only eight yeah you wake up at 4 a.m bro shut up like you wake up at 4am you say you just tell me you wake up late like that's that's more late than early today is the worst stream i've ever had on final fantasy the worst one this is the worst stream you've had on final fantasy so far one ever dude and i know part of it is because of my attitude i know that i am [ __ ] i get heated bro yeah i i swear i get i can be short and condescending all right yep i do the same i know that yep but so has everybody else the whole time pyromat about the 10 [ __ ] in chat out of 1800 people no yeah that's exactly right that's exactly right pyro don't hide it that's what it is like you i do the same thing there'll be like six people in chat i'll be like you guys agree and everyone's like yes there's one guy who's like no i'm like well [ __ ] you [ __ ] okay so you guys don't agree all right well here let me explain it another way and i pull up microsoft paint i make another graph right like it's just that's that's just what happens right it's just what [ __ ] happens i i i yeah it's just there's like the thing is i i feel bad for pyro because i feel like i do the same stuff but like i i guess like people don't pop off on me as much but they don't get mad as much about me at it or whatever like here's what yes as my gamer moment exactly yeah i do the same stuff no you don't i think the difference with me is that like what i've learned to do is that eventually whenever i figure like i've kind of i've hit the like we've gone in circles seven times now right we don't need to do eight i finally decide you know what all right i'm going to uh i'm going to just tell people like listen to how i think that's how i feel that's it it is what it is i'm all dude okay do you not understand that i'm mad at you when you make when you make comments like that you're winding yourself up over a ui yep i can't handle you guys you guys need to [ __ ] literally go out and interact with real [ __ ] people and have real [ __ ] interactions in real conversations and real stuff i don't think it's fair for me to ask you to go through my entire library to find the context of which that we're about to discuss so the tl dr is for the longest time especially since pyromancer came into final fantasy 14. there is a there is some some validity in what he's saying right is that a lot of people get pressed and mad like you see this in ban appeals for example some guy just like randomly pops off because i said something like um cat girls are hotter than bunny girls and he's like i can't believe you would say that you're a [ __ ] freak and you know they get so mad at me for something like this which by the way it's true it's i mean it's obviously true but you know this is what people think and uh they get furious about this streamers are not gods streamers are not these infallible beings they are not these uh this like this this ideal to ascribe to streamers are mostly middle-aged men younger to middle-aged men sitting in their house yelling at a microphone playing a video game that they're probably bad at that they played for the last 10 years why like why are you expecting a person like that to have like like people get pressed about [ __ ] all the time like people get mad about [ __ ] in real life all the time like stupid [ __ ] right jimmy white goes to what i said before right that gideon video where he goes to the bowling alley with a coconut and there's like three pyromancers just there at the bowling alley they're just there at the bowling alley like this is normal i'm content creator i have pondered and with others have pondered what will life look like once the content that he likes to consume has really run its course and i'm not going into the raids and i'm not going into that he can't find and create content and find joy in final fantasy xiv yeah far from it essentially what is kicking up a lot of the frustration and drama in the community is a video that i talked about over on ginger prime focusing on how the community itself kind of imploded today but beyond rehashing that video what i want to focus in on is the concept of pyromancer as a content creator not as a i think that the idea that every action that occurs inside of final fantasy is a direct reflection of the community of the game is very surface level and i think is very bad i don't like this i find it unfair there are millions of people that play final fantasy 14 and if 75 of those people are hostile in a twitch chat that does not mean that the community is bad also it does not mean that that's even the final fantasy community in the first place there are people who watch pyromancer that are not really in the final fantasy community they just watch pyromancer why do they watch them there are some people that watch him because they don't like him how do i know that because i've got some of those people myself and you see them in the band appeals this happens all the time this is wow g trolling him wow i would have never expected 4chan trolling someone to make them mad how could this have ever possibly happened how did this get through the norton cyber security how did this get through norton and mcafee you're telling me 4chan the hacker got through norton and mcafee at the same time and windows protector shell oh my god and he got he got all the way into the twitch chat oh he's breaking through all the barriers this is unstoppable listen guys it's just every time that something bad happens in in final fantasy this is not an indictment of the final fantasy community it's just not it it's it's such a it's such a stupid thing to say it's the same thing with wow it's whenever it happens as a habit like this is a habitual thing that happens regularly so i could say something like for example uh final fantasy like criticizing final fantasy in general or not liking the story is generally like the community will spurg out on you for that like they absolutely will they will react emotionally and in my opinion partially irrationally because of that they'll get really really upset now why is why am i saying that's the community and this isn't because this doesn't always happen that does that's the difference you can't look at one point on a graph and say here's where the line's going you have to have multiple points like quinn yes sure here we go toxic streamer equals toxic chat no i don't agree with that i think there are plenty of streamers who are positive who are still have toxic viewers uh of course and also like there's a this is a symbiotic relationship you have a toxic chat all the time it's gonna make you toxic too i think the only reason that streamers and community sorry uh that viewers say that is they're trying to hand wave their own hostile behavior by rationalizing it saying it's the streamer that caused them to do it i think it's [ __ ] i don't like it attack on who he is as a human being but as a critique overall to the points that he's making in this rand video and also kind of that i'm not surprised by it and i don't know if that in and of itself is surprising so i feel like i should owe you guys some context to what's been said publicly and what we've talked about behind the scenes now ultimately both of those are the same conversation what does the content for pyromancer look like once the content the story the hype behind den walker has all but gone away and then tapping that into pyromancer being i would say a man of passion based off of the first uh epic gamer moment where he really kind of exploded onto the scene especially within the final fantasy 14 world warcraft on the backs of everything going on with blizzard yep so now that video where he's exploding that video on my on my channel has like over a million views and i remember it was him and he's like this and it says like it was all for nothing holy [ __ ] yeah two million it's crazy bro over two million oh my god difference between my stream and the others is very thin hairline uh i i think that i'm not really that much i i think really the reason why i i don't i don't know i'll talk about more like at the end but yeah that's it well i'll talk about more based off of decisions that square annex has made now these decisions square nexus made were made years ago they were part of the terms of service that we've all agreed and people have continued to push and push and push on that line yeah and now especially after coming off the ultimate a lot of the drama uh that's been surrounded with that square enix has no choice really but to enforce their policy etc and that's why um pyro deleted his uh stream his vod uh and so this moment now lives on on somebody else's channel and that's again going to be linked in the description of this video for you guys to get the full context pyro's passion for the game in his opinion is his own and i think essentially i don't really fault anybody who's willing to get up put themselves on camera become an entertainer especially somebody who promotes final fantasy 14 but beyond just the promotion of any one single game i have had long standing reservations that playing just one game is actually very very unhealthy and the content creation aspect is kind of now a predictable cycle of hype grind and then explode and that's yeah that's actually true this is a very good insight i think that uh being a one game andy is only a recipe uh it's a recipe for disaster you know you and and this is one thing that i learned playing wow think about how long it took me to play other games and have it be successful like just genuine generally successful i had a lot of success very early on uh dark souls one and three i mean this was like they were the most popular streams on twitch at the time like i mean let's be honest yeah it did look at tyler1 no and you're right tywer1 does what he wants to do and that's i think he does [ __ ] amazing right but don't go and look at one person and say oh this one person or this one person has this one thing so like uh what you say that's general advice about uh the other thousand people it's not true because there's that one person yeah that's just it's one person it's the same thing with me and wow right like i streamed wow exclusively i only streamed world of warcraft and my stream was massively successful it was and it was it was great and it's not like you can't do it but whenever you do that you do have a huge problem you have a massive uh issue is that whenever you run into a content drought or something like this happen uh happens uh you know you you get put in a position where it's like well what do you do do you continue playing the game that you want to play that maybe you don't want to play as much because you've already played everything do you play another game and lose a bunch of your viewers and then like you know maybe potentially send your channel into a death spiral there's a lot of like streamer [ __ ] uh you know existentialism that goes on there right and it's just unfortunate it's the case it's the game it's not you yeah exactly so like uh this is what happens with a lot of people variety doesn't work if you're not an interesting person that's why many people fail and that's the [ __ ] truth and i i will say this because i'm an [ __ ] is that a lot of people are not successful variety streamers because they're [ __ ] boring they're [ __ ] boring and they have a [ __ ] personality that's why that's the facts and you could go oh it's not no no no and like you know what i learned is that there are games that make me boring there are games that give me a [ __ ] personality and you know what i did i stopped playing those because i can acknowledge like oh wait a second this isn't really my thing right right it puts me in a weird spot so like i think this happens which games any game where i have to read a menu yeah so any game where i have to read a menu that one's off the table yeah we can't do that one and uh yeah so uh lost art no i love lost ark i think lost ark's [ __ ] great uh so yes um just in general you know what i'm saying right and anyway i uh i i just feel like it it is like really stressful and i think there's like an underlying stress for that with like any game streamer and you see wow streamers go through this final fantasy streamers especially go through this because here's what happens with final fantasy streams and i've seen this happen with a lot of content creators in final fantasy in general is that they go through the msq and then after the msq is over uh they don't really retain those viewers because those viewers were just there to watch the msq and then after that's over they're gone and that's the way it goes but what you have to understand is that those people were never really your viewers it's like for example like i'll go and i'll i'll get i don't like a hundred to two hundred thousand viewers right whenever i play whenever i watch like a brand new announcement for a game or something like this it happens pretty regularly it's great but those people are not my those are not my viewers those are people that just want to watch me watch that content and then after that content's over they're gone so you have to look at like building up an inner community and like growing that slowly and you can't look at you know hype viewership as uh the norm basically and so yeah that's it and uh still watch preach though well there's other people that are exceptions right i'm not gonna go through and say who is and who isn't an exception but i think that we can all agree that whenever many streamers finish the msq in final fantasy their viewership goes down drastically am i wrong yeah am i [ __ ] wrong like i mean there it is so like yes i'm not looking for exceptions or anything like that but uh that's generally what i'm saying so this happens and i think this is going to be the case for sure but people need to understand that that's not always their fault sometimes that's just the way it goes never wrong papa daddy well because if i am wrong you're [ __ ] banned let's watch pyromancer it's essentially kind of what i see happening here in his content now he's frustrated he has asking questions but essentially something obviously happens and he goes on to say talking about this is in his best dream he knows that he's bringing a part of this negativity to the stream and and it ends up just obviously creating this epic gamer moment in which that these two worlds collide and i'm sure that somebody said in chat that i'm wrong about heb turkey uh heb is a grocery store and basically like so they never stock turkeys and what happens is like i will go to heb and i want to get a turkey and there'll be 17 chickens and zero turkeys like that's not true number one it's not true blackjack thanks for the five subs i appreciate that it's not true like it's i'm not wrong about this because there are people that look for turkeys and then they leave you can afford to stock two turkeys a day okay you can have two turkeys a day it's fine like you can do this and it's okay it's not like we don't need 20 chickens they're not that great i did go to ksc last night with my dad and it was pretty good to be fair were raised and bands obviously from his content started out from his community starting rolling out the long-term effects is something that i'm more interested to understand as a content creator myself but as a data analysis one of the things i really enjoyed and what you actually would see and the top 100 content creators of final fantasy 14 video on this channel or in my how asthma gold impacted the final fantasy 14. we watched that firemancer and preached a video about the top two beneficiaries from all of that wave yeah from that last wave it ended up really having a massive massive impact on who they are as content creators their viewership over on twitch and on youtube and and tip of the hat to them and congrats to them i don't see this as kind of a negative on final and that's obviously my bias people think that we should you know only talk about you know a game in a certain light represented a certain way theory and the philosophy because i believe all conversation is promotion especially of that game and i see that happening personally time and time again i see people talk about how bad a game is only to be messaged by other people saying hey we should go check out the game i hear it's pretty bad or hey it's been a while since we played that game i remember how tough it was let's go let's go relive that for a little bit so i do get these messages recently for lord of the rings online just as an example josh drive hayes made a video apparently and now all of a sudden people want to play it regardless of whether he says anything positive or negative about it it's really about having that conversation in it being a part of what people are talking about the add-ons things i think is the catalyst but what i think pyro showed us today is it actually is something deeper perhaps a frustration perhaps he's just having a day perhaps whatever insert thought that you might have regarding of it but here we are and here's his moment and here's where the community has to make a decision and that is essentially what i think is what i'm waiting to see what happens next my prediction has always been uh especially with anybody who's i've talked to that has been following pyromancer for a long time is that they would say this is pretty much his standard laissez faire this is his standard process he has these moments he has these times where he ends up it's this is not a pyromancer epic gaming gamer moment this is not pyromancer's um epic mega meltdown this is tuesday yeah that this is tuesday that's all and and so yeah that that's that's all there is to it and and so yeah it's the same as like people like there are a lot of people if if they had if they said and they did stuff that like i would do or he would do on stream this would be a big deal but nobody talks about it whenever i do it because it's like yeah he does this all the time it's who cares right yeah it doesn't matter just fighting with chat now arguing over whether something that's important or something that's complete nonsense but he loses his cool he loses his you know honestly his for the for lack of a better term i even despite the fact that i gave you the content warning at the start of this video i'll try to remember he gets pissed off he gets [ __ ] mad yeah i get it uh this happens like i think that the reason why is like you have streamers that are really bad at video games and people [ __ ] hate them for it uh you have like i think dsp uh dark side phil and uh wings of redemption these are two big examples of people that are not amazing at video games but uh people [ __ ] hate them for it and then you have other people that are also not amazing at video games and people don't hate them for it because it's not about getting mad it's not about how you act really it's like a likability level so like if somebody has a very low level of likability people will perceive their molding and their blow-ups as instead of funny they will perceive them and like as like shitty and like it will make them mad right renzi thank you very much for the five good that subs right and so being likable is the most important thing that you have to do whenever you're a streamer uh being likable and being entertaining that's the only thing you don't have to be good at games you don't have to be uh you don't have to at least for a guy right it's a lot harder for a girl that's not attractive to be popular it's just the truth uh but for a guy you don't have to be attractive uh you don't have to be uh really consistent you just have to be likable uh that's it that's the only thing it's yeah mischief is not like an amazing video gamer right he's very good at mario 64 and a few other platformers absolutely but he's not this you know next level video game player and everybody likes him why is it because he's likable that's what really matters and everything else like likeability is like a charisma stat in in real life and if you have low like ability people will perceive all of the other actions with a much more negative connotation you see what i'm saying check arthur's tweet i actually already have it up because i'm going to talk about that after this attacking others uh personally because they don't agree with your opinions isn't likable there are actions that make people unlikable but there are also just general demeanors that people have that are unlikable as well of uh you know in this regards and all that's being said is that this feels kind of like who he is and whether you like that content or not that's not a judgment like again i have no ill feelings or ill will towards him or anybody who decides to sit here and put themselves out into the world i think what they do is a real good service for the game at its core and i think that's a real important conversation to be had but i think it's also important to recognize our humanity in all this and essentially the struggles and the and the challenges that it can be faced as a content creator we should strive to be better we should strive to ask people to to do their best and uh you know and also we should probably in this case like it feels like a lot of what's going on right now is everybody's just poking everybody seeing who's about to break who's having kind of a bad day this is what people do for entertainment they treat people like animals and they poke them with sticks because it's funny to watch them cry that's true that that's the way it goes and you can say oh no but that's not how it should be yeah you're right okay all right now let's get back to reality yep that's how it is so yes that's what they do all cows exactly they love to do it and to the extent that people can do it and actually upset someone they will do it more that's what it is what happens the same thing to bully they say it's not fair absolutely it's a pecking party there you go man and the people are so mean they're just so mean they're so mean and and the thing is that they do it because this is the thing i noticed a lot is that many of them will do it with a sense of that this person deserves it this person is acting out in a way that i find socially unacceptable so it is now my responsibility as internet user number 2744 to harass them and and this is what people do right and like again this this happens constantly man he deserved it yes they say he deserves it and this is just what's going to happen like and again it's not uh legit made a video analyzing a single brief streamer interaction you should make videos on you you'd have hundreds of content for videos to be fair he did make a video on me uh that's just how it is where people don't change uh it's just the same so we should start to be better individually just saying how it is is very lazy thing to say no it's not a very lazy thing to say it's a very it's the opposite of a very lazy thing to say so there are a lot of people i'm going to explain exactly why you're wrong okay and if you disagree with me i'm going to ban you in chat because pyromancer watch your power manager video so we're just going to you know play along with the uh you know the nature of it um so this is basically why i think it's wrong i think it's very popular nowadays to speak in platitudes and to coddle people and to never tell people that any sort of negative thing that they have in their life is an outcome of their own behavior i think that it's very popular to speak in platitudes it's very popular to talk about how things should be it's very popular to say oh well you know everybody should try to be better individually and make these meaningless platitudes that don't help anyone because obviously what you're saying is true but it has no consequence and it has no value because it can't be acted upon of course you should become a better person is that really going to help anyone no it's not but you're leading them into a world where the expectation is that everybody is doing that where that's not the case so just because you paint a fantasy world just because you believe that this is what people should do that doesn't mean that that's not what's going to happen so like for example just because it's going to rain next week doesn't mean you're going to wear a raincoat today because that's not what's happening just because you think this is what's going to happen in the future doesn't mean this is what's going to happen today i think a lot of content creators do their viewers a big disservice by coddling them and not telling them anything that could potentially challenge the idea that they're perfect and everything bad in their life is a consequence of something exterior to themselves the truth is that i think a lot of people are victims of their own bad decisions in many regards i know i am i think a lot of you guys are too how many of you guys are are victims of your own bad decisions you do something [ __ ] stupid and guess what guess what you get [ __ ] over for it and yes that's the way it goes and if you don't tell people that you're allowing them to live in a delusion that's unhealthy you're allowing them to live in a world where they have no control over it and what i'm saying is not that you can't you can't work individually to be a better person and i'm not saying you can't even work collectively to be become better people but what i am saying is that you have to do that in the context of knowing that that's not everyone's goal and i think telling anybody else anything different is leading them into a position where they will make themselves unhappy you see what you guys see kind of where i'm coming from here yeah it's like that that's that's right yeah you're enabling them right yeah yeah and that's that's really what it is uh it's not a big problem today's society a lot of young people don't accept responsibility your own choices it has nothing to do with young people there's plenty of old people that do the exact same thing uh i i there's no age thing there are 60 year old morons and there are 16 year old morons uh i'm not going to do this uh the younger generation is bad thing i i find it silly i think that uh every generation has clowns so that's all i'm really trying to say bad day and that really comes down to kind of the the final thought that i had yes in the video i posted over in prime but this is kind of an addendum to that especially after uh pyro's uh you know uh you know rant in this case and it comes down you never really know what somebody's going through and in the terms of content creators like i don't want to put them on a pedestal they're gamers just like all of us in their regards but there's also something that it's like if you're going to poke the bear you shouldn't be you know upset when the bear gets up and gets pissed at you that's one thing i agree with that bro like i 100 agree with that because like how many times do you have it we're like i was trying to make someone mad and they got mad wow they're such an [ __ ] shut up [ __ ] shut up [ __ ] quit trying to be obnoxious quit trying to be rude like what do you yeah of course oh i was i was trying to be annoying and people got annoyed oh wow let's shut up like oh also in pyro's wait like this there's no innocent party in this regard poking the bear talking about like add-ons and then you know he's effectively streaming with them despite the fact that bands have been rolling out like all day for people who are violating those those things and i think they should i think the best thing that could probably happen to pyro in this case is that being that he is using third parties that he gets banned not because he's being bum rushed by a community the third party rolling out like all day for people who are violating those those things and i think they should i think the best thing that could probably happen to pyro in this case is that being that he is using third party tools that he gets banned not because he's being bum rushed by a community that wants to see him banned but because i think the policies have to be applied to everybody evenly even though i think a band would help him out both as mental state also giving them free promotion to take a break from the game get a breather and come back strong because that's essentially what happens with content creators but at the end of the day like i don't think there's a really other better option out there at least i disagree with that um i think square enix should do whatever they're gonna do right i mean i don't think there's really a right decision in this case and it puts them in a weird spot right uh because like you obviously have and we're to get into this right is that there is clearly a uh a concerted effort to report pyromancer and like is this witch hunting yes it is in a way but they're also not wrong like there's a difference whenever you're reporting somebody for something that's not real or you're attacking somebody because of you not liking their personality and it's like for example like one time i made a group and i called it big dick throne of thunder and i put it in group finder and people reported me and i got suspended was i getting witch-hunted well no because i got i broke the rules i did i i broke the rules i shouldn't have typed that i did and i got in trouble it was deserved yes i broke the rules i got in trouble that's the way it goes but it does seem like it's a stupid rule yeah but it's the rule like i i agree that it's stupid but you still have to follow the rules unless you can get away with it right it's like i don't care about the rules but at the same time i don't get mad whenever they're applied to me because that's what they said they were going to do like that's all there is to it um you're getting brigaded though yes you do but you can't get brigaded if you're not breaking the rules i hard to agree uh square enix is at fault since nine percent of these third party tools are making up square enix's deficiency for delivering a working ui i agree with you uh functionally but you understand how this puts them in a very bad spot right this puts like it puts square enix in a very very bad spot where they can't really draw the line anywhere because that's just opening up a huge can of worms and all this other stuff like there's no there's no way that you can solve this problem right yeah there's no way you can solve this problem and not have there be collateral damage so what i'm saying here is that like whenever pyromancer has this [ __ ] happen i don't think him getting banned is good i think that'll be terrible right because then it empowers all the people that reported him and then they're going to continue to harass them even more because it validates their efforts but at the same time pyromancer does have things that are against the rules and so like how do you how do you approach that how do you approach something where a person has something that's against the rules and people are doing it in a disingenuous way but they're still technically right how do you handle that i i don't know if there is i haven't heard of it yet anyhow i just want to share these thoughts i want to get you guys um you know my thoughts on the subject thanks so much for your time and listening to them again check out the original video if you're interested in the full context of his post i hope you guys all have a wonderful day and i hope to see you in my next video but until then take care all right i think that's fair i i feel like pretty much what he said like i don't agree with the uh the band thing but pretty much everything else i i do agree uh we'll go through and we'll look at just a bit more and uh then after that i will uh i'll look at the tweet about this um what is this here that you either leave the stream or you shut the [ __ ] up oh no oh no actually sorry guys i forgot to link this video for anybody who doesn't want to want to uh this is a video made by i think ginger prime am i right about that yes i am and so you guys can give him a follow give him a like if you feel like the video was good informative et cetera i think it was pretty fair right it was pretty fair and that's the way it goes [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 592,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: 55wvz3UOMXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 35sec (2375 seconds)
Published: Wed May 11 2022
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