Pre-ordering Games in 2013 vs 2022 | Asmongold Reacts to TotalBiscuit

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this is from 2013 and look at all the comments five years later i'm back to this video i kind of want to see like how much have things changed since back then ladies and gentlemen my name is totalbiscuit you know there are times when i despair they really are there's going to be one of those times i think simply because i feel this subject is going to come up again in a big way as a result of the release of aliens colonial marines which is getting absolutely pasted i do mean paste it in a way i've never seen before by the gaming press for a major triple a release it is getting hammered into the ground i am utterly shocked i am really really yeah you're god damn right to maybe be sort of average and people say oh it's okay but you know it doesn't really live up to you this thing is getting destroyed so i feel that we need to bring up this topic again and that's the topic of pre-orders so last night i went on top sellers you know what i found aliens colonial marines this was before it came out it was the top seller on steam wait people the game was a top seller and it wasn't even out yet oh my god so people were buying this thing and of course they were doing it sight unseen there was no demo and there wasn't any money on it and they were getting lost exactly well in the case of steam they were getting something called the sharp stick which was a gun yeah a slightly different gun it fired apparently sonic harpoon artillery remote projectiles so little explosive tip dots wow and that was pretty much it so apparently that was the incentive and it was enough for people to throw a lot of money down on this thing now you couldn't preload this game even if you could it would have been a fairly weird thing to do considering well it's not exactly a big download it's about six gigabytes so it's not like you're going to have to download a blu-ray's worth of content nowadays you want to download a game see like the thing is that whenever you download a game there's like a 70 gigabyte download because 30 gigs are for the game and the other 40 gigs are for the root kit that china is installing onto your computer to [ __ ] be able to pull up your pc whenever they invade the united states this is of course just one example and how many examples do we have to go through and look at pre-order bonuses and say oh well this is not particularly great this is not much of an incentive for me to throw down money what a pre-order essentially is especially if you're doing it on steam is you throwing down money sight unseen and getting very little benefit for it and if you little benefit for it that's right yeah buying it sight unseen you do that the chat would total biscuits say about diablo immortal i really wish we could have seen that [ __ ] video i imma be honest like he would be he's he would rip it apart yeah that would have been holy [ __ ] times are changing yeah he would have blown up yeah so you're not gonna be able to get a refund if it turns out the game is a complete stinker now bear in mind that steam will cancel pre-orders prior of course to the release of the game what they won't do is give you a refund after the game actually comes out because it's automatically put on to your actual account itself yeah of course that's much more difficult generally speaking steam will do one for you yeah they'll give you one refund and then after that it becomes very very difficult to get refunds from steam for games that you've purchased whether it just be right there on the day as it's come out or whether it's pre-order and then convert it into a purchase after your money has actually been taken yeah now this wouldn't be somewhere times are changing for the worse what i love about this video is the fact that you can look at so many parts of it and think to yourself man that part happened that part happened etcetera the problem if there weren't so many games coming out that have review embargoes that hold all of the criticism the critique and the reviews and analysis until either the day the game comes out or the day before yep there's a lot of this going on aliens colonial marines is the latest example of that happening and as a direct result a lot of people pre-ordered it on steam before the reviews went up and now a lot of people have aliens colonial marines which the critics are saying pretty much across the board with a couple of exceptions this game is dreadful it turns out it doesn't matter because they've already got your [ __ ] money aliens colonial marines may have been some kind of gigantic bait and switch according to people like jimmy and there's also a lot of other people you've got to keep in mind there's a lot of people who will play the game and the game will be bad and they won't refund it that's a big factor is it you they won't refund the game they'll say like oh yeah this game it sucks and they're just like not going to play it again who claims that the demo that the press got to play was actually not part of the game at all like it is not representative of the game because they made something completely different and a lot better solely to impress the actual media themselves which isn't gaming great they they made like a completely separate game for the game developers to play oh my god which to me boggles my mind and as far as i can should be downright illegal and that's a gigantic example of false advertising and bait and switch tactics if i ever saw it but of course this wouldn't be the only game that's had pre-order bonuses and people have actually purchased i mean duke nukem forever is another prime example this is something that got pre-ordered on steam to the point where it ended up being in the top sellers list there were a couple of silly little bonuses you could get and then of course it comes out and it ends up being dreadful of course and there are plenty more games that have done exactly that tomb raider for instance that is currently available to pre-order on steam now gotta say this is of course a much better deal than a lot of the other pre-orders because it comes with various benefits like it's 10 off for instance so you save five bucks can't really argue with that right you've got pre-purchase rewards that are unlocked as more people pre-purchase free copy of lara croft and the guardian of light well that's a game that you could have gotten for three dollars on about every steam sale ever but it's still a good game you know lara croft from the guardian of light is a genuinely good game number two the challenge tomb dlc for tomb raider an exclusive tomb for lara to raid now as far as i can tell it would seem that this is a piece of release dlc so it looks like someone actually made a level within the game that is only unlocked if they reached a certain level of pre-orders well that's a bit of bs isn't it why don't you just add the content to the game in the first place and then you have a more full game experience then reward number three the endurance dlc pack for tomb raider which we don't know a damn thing about it says final details will be revealed in january 2013. that has now passed we don't know what that is so we have no idea if that's something that's going to be given to you on day one that's gonna be day one dlc which is obviously a little bit of the game kind of sliced off in order to incentivize you to buy the game that you would have are they doing or did the games still do day one dlc yeah do games still do day one dlc gotten anyway or i don't care it's a piece of dlc that you'll be getting later on but of course we don't know we don't know we're not going to play wrath wrath is [ __ ] dead no raft endurance dlc actually is that [ __ ] is right because they didn't bother to tell us so that is a gigantic amount of sight unseen nonsense that you're getting here and yet people pre-ordered it pretty hardcore i might add yesterday it was in the top ten on the steam sellers list unbelievable this is a game that's coming out in march and yet it was in the top ten like it was above games like anti-chamber a game that's had universal acclaim and there's tons of stuff on youtube that allows you to figure out whether or not it's actually working it was above far cry 3 again which once again received okay that's interesting universal acclaim it even ended up above stuff like skyrim and black ops for a while insane really when you think about it and yet there it was people were enticed by this whole tiered reward system that they've got going on here it's like oh i'm going to encourage my friends to pre-order because i want the reward tier to go up to the next level so i get more stuff in this game that i haven't played and have absolutely no idea as to whether or not it's going to be any good are you seeing how this could be harmful yeah please tell me that you are because i like to have faith in my subscribers right i like to think that you're a smart bunch and that the people [ __ ] up the comment section are just the vocal minority and i shouldn't really pay too much attention to them it's like a couple hundred people out of 950 000 subscribers right there's bad apples in every barrel but i am really hoping that you guys see where the problem is here now pre-order bonuses i've railed against for long i think that they're just gonna keep doing it i don't think that the games are ever gonna stop getting rid of pre-orders i think pre-orders are here to stay in the worst possible way and i don't think they're good for games but it's funny for me to see this that this [ __ ] came out nine years ago people still think that time but you know why pre-order bonuses exist because people keep pre-ordering video games and pre-order bonuses actually work they entice you into the game itself i think the best part about this is that people now have gotten dumber like whenever this video came out it was really popular and now people are proud of the fact that they're pre-order andes they're like yeah i pre-ordered the game what's wrong with that of course i pre-ordered absolutely jesus they start to get you invested in purchasing the title this is the same reason why places like gamestop charge five dollars for you to pre-order now you can get that back i mean it's pretty easy you just say i don't want to buy the pre-order anymore oh hell you just don't buy it at all and then the money stays on your account and you can buy something else so it's like oh well there's no risk in that well yes and no i mean why do you think they do this in the first place it's because it gets you invested in the game you've already put money down that means the money you're going to pay on launch day that's slightly less you've set up a plan yeah this is i'm actually parroting the guy from that dice talk jessie shell stated that you get this plan in your mind when it comes to purchase and deviating from that plan isn't something you want to do and when you put money down and this this is my speculation i'm pretty sure it's not his but the idea is pretty much the same thing when you put money down that's a part of your plan that's a stepping stone towards buying the title so you become more committed to buying it you become more likely to actually pick it up in the first place even though you know that you haven't really invested anything you've still put some money down it's a little bit easier it's a little bit cheaper on launch day for you even though it's the same price anyway sure you just happen to have split some of the cost so that's why gamestop does it because they realize it's an effective tactic to make people pre-order and actually convert that pre-order into a real sale and when it comes to steam once again a [ __ ] game is that oh my god what happened delete the vod oh my god what is this you're done jesus you don't get the chance to refund that it goes on your account it sits there and then you have to contact steam support and maybe they give you the money back but they probably won't and for what what did you gain a skin pack some free game that you could have picked up for three dollars on 25 different steam sales in the past some dumb rifle yeah you're throwing 50 to 60 bucks to the title you know nothing about except for carefully crafted marketing material that's what people have done for years now yeah that's what people have they've literally done that for years and they don't even care now people are even proud of it they're like yeah like people are proud of being whales in video games now this is totally normal how many times do people have to get burned by this you remember dead island there's a great example yeah dead island which at least some people like don't get me wrong was it on the same ballpark of quality as its trailer and that marketing trailer was absolute genius everyone remembers that was one of the best trailers i've ever seen got people seriously hyped for the game it wasn't even the same solar system of quality as that and yet people pre-ordered it anyway because hey that trailer really impressed me that's what they do yes people buy games that they've never played before they pre-order them because they can and they get a bonus for doing it nukem forever that's good the number of pre-order bonuses available there including a big head mode how is that a pre-order bonus that's something you could hack in the ini files not only that but that's basically some dumb easter egg i mean it's a cheat it's arguably a bug why the hell would you pay for a bug that's beyond ridiculous you got a trucker hat if you pre-ordered it at bloody walmart oh yeah yeah physical piece of pre-order tat i mean this is the stuff that we actively avoid getting at trade shows because it bogs you down and it's absolute nonsense t-shirts do you really need gaming t-shirts in your wardrobe desperately to the point where you're willing to risk 60 bucks on something that might suck because yes absolutely people are absolutely and i think that has only become more common especially if it's like limited edition if there's like a special thing about the t-shirt people will buy it like [ __ ] crazy i can tell you you can get a lot of pretty good t-shirts for 60 bucks and the physical that's just one aspect of it the most harmful thing is the fact that pre-order bonuses and the fact that people are willing to actually pre-order to begin with have encouraged horrible development practices over the course of the years now i'm talking about the notion of taking content that was intended for the game and splitting it off as a pre-order bonus i'm talking about wasting the time of developers to create specific content for different retailers i'm talking about the notion that when you buy the game you can't ever have the complete experience because you didn't buy it from seven major retailers at once right i mean bloody dishonored was really bad in this regard no don't get me wrong not every pre-order bonus i love seeing this man this is so [ __ ] funny to me because it's only gotten worse that's actually takes away developments yeah it's only gotten this is often stuff that's developed by the art department in the months leading up to the launch of the game where the assets pretty much complete and they have nothing better to do with their time because they're in crunch and they're finishing content but all the art stuff's already done they're doing bug testing it's nothing the art department can really help with i mean they're not just gonna put down the wacom tablet and then go and debug the game that's not their speciality so yeah they can work on stuff like that that's fine no big deal but a lot of this stuff does in fact take away from the development time and you should never be splitting off parts of the game prior to release in order to incentivize purchase or pre-purchase from various different places i've told you about how day one dlc is essentially one of the absolute worst things to ever happen to the games industry pre-order bonus see it was the worst thing to ever happen to the games industry at that point total biscuit didn't see diablo immortal okay yeah yeah see this was you got to keep that in mind so pretty much on that level and yet they keep doing it because it works because people will willingly pre-order the game yeah now i suppose it's healthy for the industry at least in the short term it's okay great we've got some money in the bank prior to this game even coming out this is good we can show our investors pre-order figures we can show them actual guaranteed income this is awesome for us but it's terrible for the consumer it's absolutely dreadful it also encourages really bad review practices incredibly bad and the reason is that if you happen to decide hey i'm going to release this game and i'm going to rely on my marketing material i'm not going to put out a demo no i'm going to put out some really good trailers yeah but in reality this game actually stinks right it's in my best interests not to allow the press to actually put out anything on it until the game comes out this practice didn't this exact thing happen with cyberpunk last year yeah this exact thing happened with cyberpunk that is so [ __ ] funny this has been going on in the games industry for a while it's been going on in the movie industry for a while there's a reason why a lot of films don't get pre-screenings and one of the biggest reasons is they know the film sucks and they don't want people to know about that prior to it coming out that maximizes their potential sales or more accurately it maximizes their potential suckers the more people pre-order games the more of these embargoes we're going to be seeing review embargoes are pretty common they apply to most games now they officially stated now they're now it's just the norm like as far as i know they're all pretty much the same can you get ted cruz on board no i don't think that there is i actually don't think that there is a legal ground to ban pre-ordering i i i don't think so i think that pre-ordering this is there are some things out there that people just do dumb stuff and it's their fault this is not a problem to be solved by government you know the reason for this which is not untrue is that they need an embargo in order to give all reviewers and critics and everybody a fair chance to have a go at the game and actually write their reviews there are some people like myself we do first impressions it doesn't take me an awful lot of time compared to someone who beats the game then writes a review that's why i never call my stuff reviews right it doesn't deserve that title but everyone else who's doing really very smart man it would be too bad if somebody who maybe did write a review an mmo for three hours and then wrote a review on how good it is or not geez that would be really bad if that happened wouldn't it holy [ __ ] hughes has to play through the game especially with something big like an rpg it takes a long time to actually get through that so that's why review embargoes exist however they can also be abused yeah of course they can restrict the actual coverage of the game all the way up until the release and if you break that embargo you get blacklisted you don't get any more copies you don't get access to betas you don't get access to press events where you can actually preview the game and get the kind of material that you need in order people worry about this even if you say bad things about the game that's why there's like this weird thing where the game reviewers keep giving positive reviews to games even though the games aren't that great so they can continue getting more early access content good articles and good videos let's just say that breaking review embargo is something you will only really do once because once the word gets around nobody is going to talk to you anymore no more pr agencies will actually deal with you so the most fair i mean like obviously it's their right to have an embargo with it's about the intent behind it that's bad but publishers have like uh like for example um eldon ring had an embargo like they gave me the full the full game early before the game came out and i just didn't talk about it or make any content about it or anything like that like i didn't play it even uh but yeah i had it whenever i did that demo thing i have gaming media by the balls so everybody they can't risk breaking embargo because it's too damaging for their business and by the time those reviews actually come out game's top seller on steam i mean hell it was top seller on steam yesterday and the game wasn't even out yet it boggles my mind it really does it blows me away there's good news there's bad news the bad news is this is our fault for being stupid enough to continue to pre-order these titles that's what i think too i i don't think this is like the loot boxes like i think the loot boxes you can say that [ __ ] is gambling and it's misleading and it's a it's like a marketed towards kids a hundred [ __ ] percent but be pre-ordering video games is not something that i support legislation against you know like i don't think it should be against the law to pre-order a video game however i think people are dumb if they do it unless you're a streamer or it's some like unique circumstance i i think it's dumb no benefit to it whatsoever it's not even a case of being no benefit it's actively damaging the games industry it's not just like all right okay i took a hit for 60 bucks no you're encouraging terrible business practice you need to stop it you really really do the good news the worst part about this is that like all of these videos like this video right here has two million views 2 million [ __ ] views and it didn't do [ __ ] all because there's plenty of people out there they're like well you know i mean that's true most of the time but i really have a good feeling about this one i really think this one's going to be good i i like it it's entirely within our hands we actually have the opportunity to derail this entire business practice you know what we need to do learn a bit of patience it really is that simple learn a bit of patience those of you sensible enough to be patient and not pre-order aliens colonial marines now have at your disposal a wealth of reviews the vast majority of them say this game is a stinker and you should not be dropping 50 60 bucks on it and that's good you were patient and as a result you were rewarded everything is in your favor if the game had turned out to be good you could have gone right under steam and just bought it right there oh so you miss out on a skin pack or the sharp rifle who bloody cares these things are me everybody cares the cosmetics who bloody cares we just saw who cared yeah you want to see who cares they're right here guys these are all the people that care that's what it is yeah it's fomo like you don't want to be the only person in your group of friends that doesn't have the special amount who wants to not have the special mount meaningless don't be suckered in the case of tomb raider oh well i miss out on a free copy of lara croft from the guardian of light that i can play right now let's be honest here if you actually wanted to play larcraft in the guardian of light you would have bought it anyway i mean for god's sake it's been part of so many steam sales that game has been out for years this is not a big bonus to you if you intended to play it rather than just add it to your steam shelf and say hey look i've got an extra game which i'm never going to play you would have already played it tomb raider might be great i mean all signs are pointing to it being pretty good right but you don't know that yet so why would you buy it i mean it's just insane do you do this with anything else in your life or is it just games if it's just games then take a good hard look at your consumer practices take this this is exactly what mcconnell said i'm gonna be honest this is exactly what he said yep and nine years later nine years later they're right there just the same wow i don't understand a problem with pre-earning latest wow expansion i mean here's the thing is like if you want to pre-order so you can play the game early i'm not going to tell people what they should and [ __ ] what they can and can't do with their money right what i will say is that i do think that pre-ordering there is no benefit for the consumer with pre-ordering like there is no intrinsic value that you gain as a consumer for pre-ordering you see what i'm saying like that that's really what it is hard look at what you do as a consumer and think is this screwing me because the chances are it is now some people are going to come back and say well i would have bought it anyway and there's a big problem isn't it because with aliens colonial marines you've got a game that a lot of people would have bought anyway because it's an aliens game they are loyal to the franchise they are lawyers that's why players that's terrible the reason it's terrible is because these are the guys that go into full-on stockholm syndrome cognitive dissonance fanboy mode as soon as anyone criticizes this game here's what's going to happen the people that pre-ordered this game are going to be split into one of two camps there's going to be the guys that are like i got burned hard and then there are going to be the other guys who say no no this game is great this game is incredible no guys you're really missing out and then actually get super defensive of the game why would they get super defensive of it because they drop money on it and they can't be wrong no yeah they don't know why you have this situation this is why you have bad games come on i mean the war's easy imagine being being roasted and you don't even know you get roasted until nine years in the future that's where we're at the biggest possible example of that you have this group of people that are neurotic for the war z they have stockholm syndrome they are literally grateful to hammer point for screwing them they have convinced themselves that because they would never make a bad decision because that reflects badly on them they have convinced themselves that this is a good game even though also i should go and speaking of this i should go and look at the diablo immortal subreddit after this point to it not be curious and they will actively attack anyone that says otherwise yeah that is beyond consumer irresponsibility going into the realms of crazy going into the realms of actively working against other consumers like basically being i wouldn't even say a paid shill because they actually paid for the privilege of being a shill incredible are you they are a paid chill but they paid to be a shill oh man that is sad out of your minds why would you do that and yet it will happen it will happen with aliens colonial marines it happened with war z it happened with duke nukem forever it will continue to happen with people that drop money on games prior to it being released and then convince themselves that actually no they didn't buy a bad game because they would never do that because of course they're totally smart would never be suckered in i mean what's the worst thing about dude i cannot wait to [ __ ] look at the diablo immortal [ __ ] oh my god being suckered in to a pre-order for a game that's terrible right well the worst thing is having to admit that you were the sucker nobody likes to think they're suckers nobody announces nobody yeah that's the thing they're like no no no i invested 50 000 into the game no i i yeah i've invested i've invested money into games before i yeah i invest money in the games they'll make up excuses totally normal it is a nasty cycle yeah stop being involved in it please think very very hard before you pre-order a game think well would i have bought this anyway am i such a huge fan of the series that even if 20 reviews from people that i trusted came out and said this is dreadful even if my friends who i trust came and said to me this is dreadful even under those circumstances i still would have bought the game and i still would have played it anyway if you are in that situation all right pre-order fine if you have even the slightest doubt for the love of god wait please wait so wait a minute so totalbiscuit says it's okay he says it's okay guys it's all right everybody come on let's get get your money get your money let's go quickly you are doing more damage we know it's going to be good industry than you can possibly realize we as consumers have the ability to stop this [ __ ] for good and we're the only ones who can do that publishers aren't going to do it yeah devs aren't going to do it it's up to you will you be part of that solution will you help fix this or will you continue to be part of the problem i guess that's up to you my name is totalbiscuit and i'll see you next time i have to show you guys something i do and i feel bad for doing this but i'm gonna have to do it it's it's so sad because there are people out there that still believe that they can fight the good fight and there's this guy in here he's very angry about me he says after immortal after immoral you pre-order wow 200 iq but you could make a change man listen no i can't no i [ __ ] can't and that's what's so sad alternatively you could choose to not okay you could choose to accept asman's point of view and mentality or you could reject that doomer uh mindset and accept that one person or a lot of people can make a difference and not be a [ __ ] about it and not just [ __ ] take blizzard's [ __ ] fat [ __ ] up your ass every [ __ ] year every [ __ ] expansion every pre-order oh man just accept your voice doesn't matter it's just it's so sad because people they have they believe so strongly about this and they they're so idealistic and it's like mcconnell man how many times we pour salt on our head for a storm out they still keep making storm outs man [ __ ] you am i wrong do it again you should do it more what more more salt on my head more salt jesus that's what the world needs it needs more salt more [ __ ] conviction more principles does the fact that devs haven't talked given updates it's just a cash grab they all aren't going to support have bonus attribute roles bonus sneak peek on nail biting immortal vault defense blizzard only made diablo immortal to pay for all the lawsuits oh no man why bother when changing gambling because i don't believe okay all right you that's actually a good question the reason why is because i don't believe that people have self-control i think that people are self-indulgent lazy selfish self-serving short-sighted animals so if you ever give a person an opportunity to work against their own best interest they will do it whenever i wanted to do something bad in my guild that was bad for most people but good for me i'd put it to a vote because i can always convince people to vote against themselves every single time and they'll do it every single [ __ ] time and it's what would work every time guys it's just perfect description yes and i i i don't think that it works like i don't think so at all people don't follow dharma it's a problem like you said earlier nobody's going to do something about it then why why not you do it you can do it make a change in gaming you can listen you've got to stand for something or you'll fall for how can i get people to stop pre-orders listen you're already on you're already on the path just by the opportunity to talk to a senator about [ __ ] loot boxes true if someone like you someone that [ __ ] uh an absolute [ __ ] degenerate okay someone like you can put yourself in a position okay from the bottom you were at the bottom of the [ __ ] barrel okay you were at the very [ __ ] bottom six seven years ago okay you worked your way out and now look at your position you are one person okay so people in chat should look at that yep and take that to heart if asman can work his way up from being a bottom of the barrel cockroach to the king he is now [ __ ] anybody can do it you just have to [ __ ] put yourself out there and [ __ ] make some moves and have and actually understand what principles are the difference have a have a set of core values names name one change that we've made on a large scale that happened without like with just us like what one change bro i'm saying that you have the opportunity to do something we cannot stop people preordering we can't stop them pre-ordering like it's not going to happen like i understand i don't i don't agree i don't agree and i think slash they got rid of it they just deleted the emote but spitting on people was having an effect yeah but yet they just deleted it jesus christ so one so the the one example you asked for you just say you just write it off well no i just write it off i'm saying that it was it was ultimately inconsequential it was it wasn't if they had to remove the emote because it affected their bottom line what do you what does that say it says that it was [ __ ] working but it didn't matter because they got rid of it oh my god the effect the outcome was you're saying [ __ ] doomer dude i'm not a doomer i'm just being nihilistic doomer i don't subscribe to your mentality at all i yeah you don't have to subscribe to it to know that i'm right you think you're right i think i do i do think i'm right do not pre-order games okay do not pre-order games uh that that's it unless unless you you wanna make bobby make sure he gets another yacht [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 379,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: 3342KnBmyQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 55sec (2155 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 24 2022
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