Aѕmongold Reacts to "The Tragic Tale of WingsOfRedemption" | by SunnyV2

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there could actually be a wings of redemption redemption i actually think it's possible it has the n word in it i mean just tell me when it is i'll skip past it all right let's watch it oh he's selling out he's skipping the n word in the video like it's bro dude asman's not the same he's not the same as he used to be guys he wouldn't have done that back in 2017 he's cocked now oh my god the twitch overlords they've got their tendrils all in them he's just a puppet for the new world order yeah he's changed i missed the old asthma one who would use the n-word uh-huh yeah that's look i i no i get unironic comments like that i really do it's crazy about my personal life banned them no i don't got any friends dude no person deserves this kind of ridicule i gotta hate my life at this point my grandma's dying i spend my entire life sitting in this room i had 1400 worth of chargebacks come out and all you do is get picked on and criticized that's my life most of you guys would crack under the stress that these people put me through i just want to escape the bullying i do people make make fun of me and pick at me i'm pretty much defeated in every aspect of my life you know i have no such it's like it's sad that's actually it it is sad but it's it's some sad ass fucking shit man like the guy just gets completely shit on he's a bully though no the guy's not the thing is like you always have people listen you always have people that say oh yeah but he's an asshole but oh yeah but he's an asshole nah man you're just looking for a reason to shit on him like let's be honest like what are you not that what are you gonna go around like you what do you have a crusade against assholes no you don't man you just you're going out of your way to do this a lot of people this is the way i look at it a lot of people look for other people out there that they will have an excuse to bully them that like people look constantly for someone who they have an excuse to bully no he's an asshole oh yeah definitely steam to begin with and i feel like nobody loves me but guess what it's okay he's an easy target never fucking tell people how you feel see like wings i don't know what the fuck you were thinking man why the fuck would you say that on stream like why why well yeah what are you doing bad move yeah if you haven't heard of his name before i guarantee you you're definitely not gonna forget it from this point onwards and to test this game hearing offline i hate you too honestly can you stop everybody i want to watch this guy this guy's great i love him i love this guy this guy's amazing look at that he's throwing his throwing his controllers around he's banning everybody in chat this guy's great this is entertaining it's funny that says i got home how many controllers was that [Music] geordie jordan aka wings of redemption was born on the 21st of april 1986 into what you might call unfortunate circumstances his birth had been the result of a teenage pregnancy and due to the young age of his parents geordie would be raised with the help of his grandparents in their trailer park home at the age of two his father an alcoholic would abandon the family entirely giving us a pretty clear idea of the unfortunate means by which wings of redemption had been brought into the world however sucks bro that actually like really sucks god damn that's that's that's disappointing that's rough yeah yeah the circumstances were far from desirable as geordie jordan entered school he would begin to excel in sports claiming to be one of the most athletic people in his class that would be until a physically gifted foreign exchange student joined his year placing geordie in second place like man there's a javier man that was that was it for me like i was the fastest person in the school for running but javier would always fucking beat me man he would always fucking beat me and i would get so close to beating him but javier would know he would always fucking beat me man and it would piss me off so much javier yeah javier and like he like i was fast as fuck boy but he could he still was ahead of me man i see him every once in a while he works somewhere he works at a a car repair place nearby and like i always love to see him right because you know we grew up together but man fuck javier man god damn it oh my god the same thing happened to me i was second place yeah school sporting in order to counteract this geordie explained that he began to eat more during dinner time under the assumption that it would help him grow faster hopefully giving him a physical advantage over his opponents however this would cause jordy to begin gaining excessive weight ultimately leading to a sporting underperformance and isolation into the fantasy world of video games in the process of this his family including his brother and single mum would move from his grandparents trailer park home into low-income government housing where geordie jordan would continue to gain weight while further isolating himself from society yeah those houses are fucking garbage a lot of them are duplexes and you can hear people on the other ha on the other side like i've been in these houses before by the age of 14 he had reached approximately 240 pounds or 110 kilograms also being diagnosed with bipolar and social anxiety disorder adding to the isolation even further to counteract this geordie jordan would begin to take on various low-skilled jobs in order to get out of the house more often as well as earn himself a little bit of income in his late teens he would take on various positions such as working at a video rental store a supermarket as a 911 operator and even as a domino's pizza delivery driver however he found many of these too bad okay stimulating often leading him to quit within only two weeks of starting however at the end hey he lasted longer than i did at sam's club yeah well he lasted yeah he's trying he's trying trying to get out there trying to yeah he's trying to do what he needs to do 18 geordie jordan would finally get into a position which he was able to hold for some period of time specifically a job working for a company by the name of met class what i did at meclas is i was overhead crane operator for blast furnaces that basically poured liquid metal and things out kind of like terminator 2. while working at met class in 2007 geordi and another friend by the name of z7 taylor would play call of duty also starting to regularly watch sniper montages over on youtube in the process thought about making his own videos however given his busy work schedule would dismiss the idea as he had minimal time for doing so however in 2008 an event would occur that presented itself as a negative in the beginning however would turn out to be a huge turning point in his life the global financial crisis geordi explained that since he was one of the more expensive employees at mexico like this fucked everybody like this real shit fucked everybody i remember back whenever it uh this is like i'm i'm thinking like uh fucking wings is about the same age i am right i'm assuming he's like probably 31 to 34. yeah he's like 31 to 34 yeah yeah something like that 35. uh yeah he's 35. so like the same thing should happen to him right so in like 2008 he 35 that means he's like 21 he's like 21 22. i was like 18. and so like that's right whenever you were in the job market you're trying to get you're trying to work and i remember like bro like you would be happy it would be unrealistic to expect to get a job if you uh for more than ten dollars an hour like i remember whenever it took years for like that to recover it was so fucking bad like i had to deal with this shit too good old bush screwing america over oh people yeah bush group b bush fucking set that shit up and then everybody blamed obama for it i remember us who was one of the first to lose their job as business prophets began to tumble they started laying people off and one of the people that got laid off was me because i was one of the newer employees and i was also getting paid more than most of the employees on the flat factory floor he would then be put on government unemployment payments which in combination with his previous employment history seemed to dampen geordie jordan's confidence in relation to his ability to hold down a job working for someone else if you think i could hold a job down you're kidding yourself the reason i don't get a job is i can't hold one down however there was there's a lot of people that feel that way right because like it breaks down your ego it breaks down your self-confidence whenever you get cut and like you get fired from like job after job after job you know eventually you feel like you're a loser because you keep losing your jobs you know what i mean like that's what it is and um it's just like to me i never ever felt that way because i just never gave i never wanted the job right and so like i like like my perfect job would be not having a job like that's it it was rough yeah i never i never felt that way personally but i know a lot of other people that definitely did and it's destructive man it really is one advantage to come out of this whole situation suddenly geordie jordan had all the time in the world his friend z7 taylor had started making his own call of duty videos and noticing the success of them because i've seen taylor in his channel and i love reading the comments so i'm like damn he would order a hd pvr capture card and begin to record his own high definition call of duty videos in his newly found free time geordie jordan would then register a youtube channel under the name wings of redemption taking the name from an inscription on king tut's tomb which stated death shall come quick on swift wings to him who disturbs the peace of the king but while making a brand new channel was extremely exciting for wings of redemption he wouldn't even make it past his first video before embroiling himself in some level of controversy in his very first video wings felt the the first video like imagine that like literally like you you're starting to you're starting shit you're starting shit literally on day one starting trouble on day one oh my god i'll be right back i take a piss all right i'm back the asthma goal challenge no you have to jerk off on stream like people have to be able to see you you have to have a webcam on you to complete the asthma goal challenge it doesn't work that way wash hands shut the fuck up shut the fuck up i need to stick up for a call of duty strategy known as camping where the player would stay in one location for a prolonged period of time and wait for players to come to him instead of the other way around some people think i'm a camper which i am a camera the strategy was common but often frowned upon by players who are more aggressive and as a result his comments say bro while you play a bow you play there's only that one one thing matter you win if you're not winning you're losing and if you're losing you're not winning you've got to win that's it it would fill up by the way imposed his playstyle however on the opposite end of the spectrum people also respected wings for his honesty and his unapologetic nature towards the strategies that he preferred and as a result he began to build an audience given the almost non-existent competition on youtube at the time wings would quickly become one of the things like again like keep in mind like that listen how he just did that right he said hell yeah hell yeah i'm a camping camping-ass bitch that's what i do what about it that's me what's up like he didn't try to defend himself he didn't try to like oh man people hating on me so much man he said hold up wait a minute yeah that's right that's what i do hell yeah brother creators on the platform and research he began to gain the attention of other large call of duty youtubers specifically one by the name of woody's game attack he's still around this is woody the unexceptional gamer and i make call of duty videos designed to help my unexceptional brethren do better in the game woody's game tag have begun youtube at around the same time as wings and in order for them to share their audience with one another they will begin to post dual commentary videos hey guys it's woody the unexceptional gamer and i'm doing a dual con with wings of redemption today also starting a podcast together by the name of painkiller already or pka for sure hello guys this is painkiller already and i'm your host jordy jordan aka known as wings redemption for anybody else can't put two or two together in this podcast wings would continue with his strong opinions and unapologetic attitude on topics relating to call of duty however with such would also begin to gain a reputation as a guy who would constantly respond to those who shared differing opinions while wings go this is it you never bro like if you know somebody is in their feelings like i'm telling you man if there is ever a content creator uh that is responding to comments on youtube or even on twitter like if you know like if you do this like this is you i read it out for stream but you know what i do like i see a comment i don't like on youtube i just delete it i'm like that's it i don't want to read that you don't all right that one's done and that's it yeah you never never never respond to him due to negative feedback by responding to it it instead seemed to amplify it since his audience noticed that the best way to get attention from wings was to simply leave a negative comment which wings often struggled to ignore in addition to this wings would begin to show up that's a little bit like me right because i always i love to argue i love to fight with people it's it's fun to me right it's fun but like it does attract a lot of people that do the same thing yeah like it it does i i love mcconnell does that too it's just it's my personality right so i see wings arguing with people in chat whatever like as it's whatever it can be a spiral it can be because then people will uh will disagree with you for like dumb reasons and like i've actually had a lot less people disagreeing with me recently because i just say all right guys it doesn't matter what anybody else's thinks i know i'm right everybody else is wrong and that's all there is to it let's move on and people are like wait you can't say that i have a dis i i have an essay i wrote out about how you're wrong i wrote an essay you have to read this as but not read my essay like what's that paragraph time that shit out all right guys so let's see what this one is oh somebody photoshopped my head onto a giraffe oh that's that's a good one dude oh thanks for five subs completely fucking move past it right that's it yeah i didn't read it read the first three words and it's like yeah true dude and that's it based more regularly in his videos prompting negative comments in relation to his weight however despite clearly being on the heavier side his subscriber count was mediated by his gameplay rather than his physical appearance and by august 2011 wings of redemption had peaked as the 281st most subscribed channel on all of youtube with a little over 300 000 subscribers after all intents and purposes of redemptions youtube channel seemed to be chugging along just fine that's probably that would be until the 67th episode of the painkiller already podcast where the tragedy of wings of redemption really set into motion after one of if not the most notorious call of duty events in youtube history to spice things up on this episode of the podcast woody and wings would invite another streamer and youtuber on by the name of syndicate who would he describe to be the best call of duty zombies player on the planet possibly didn't didn't syndicate scam people or is that somebody else like i'm trying to remember why was that yeah he's a scam was he a scammer yeah yeah yeah yeah it was his camera it was yeah i thought he was in cs go lotto i thought so that is crazy that phantom word yeah phantom war was in there too yeah yeah no the cs go the thing is people gonna do it if they can do it they shouldn't have been gambling scam literal children well of course you're gonna scam kids they're stupider it's easier to do i mean fuck feeling subconsciously threatened by syndicate's channel and call of duty skill wings was quite wildly disrespectful to syndicate throughout the stream i could put up a fight again you know in like cut forming off too with the wall but then throw me dude you would get destroyed in a world of war i have never lost in addition to this wings would go ahead and state that he says that he'd be much better at zombies on his first game he doesn't even play zombies but if he were to he'd be much better than the best player the dispute wings and syndicated one they won each other multiplayer m16s that could go i'd do it for the fun of it i'd go for it let's do it so what mother we play like why do you fucking why why do you have that big ass ego like the thing is like back in the day like wings was never a competitive call of duty player right like he was never a competitive player like he was never because there were professional players in call of duty he wasn't one of them so what do you fuck you have a big ego for in a competitive game you know you're not playing professionally who's also a grown-ass man arguing with a kid at a time yeah then if it was a video game he should have known he would lose game rules that favored him he should have noticed he lays it all out there so it's to his advantage just to top it all off the match was hosted on usa servers favoring wings and giving syndicate a massive disadvantage due to lag as he was located in the uk there was no way that wings could possibly lose this match as the there's no way guys hey hey yo surely he was gonna win like in the video called the tragic tale of wings of redemption surely surely he will win odds were completely stacked in his favor or so he thought the winner would be the first player to reach 30 kills or whoever had the most kills at the 10 minute mark after nine minutes of intense back and forth syndicate had 13 kills while wings only had nine with less than a minute remaining realising that there was no way he could catch up wings would announce that i probably won't be on painkiller already again which was followed by events that i think are best experienced by simply watching the real world did you spawn in i broke my controller you broke your controller here's one thing that that clip shows is that it wasn't fake you know you guys always talk oh he's fake raging he's just he's doing this for the camera no it's real it's it's it's real it's the real shit he's pissed why the fuck you stream that god damn it was your idea no i didn't say it in front of 7 000 live viewers after oh my god 7 000 viewers back in 2011. like that was sitting and like also wakes wings started throwing he got it he said the kick got two more two more kills on us before twitch that was a lot bro like that's like that's like having seven that's like that's like a seventy thousand a hundred thousand people right like compared to now it's like a hunt yeah bro like that's so many people man that's the whole internet everybody saw this shit mike and the thing is i remember um oh my god like i've had like i've challenged people this stuff and i've lost before and it's like it there's nothing that feels worse than that it really feels like it feels like they just it feels like somebody got your head down in the dirt and they're making you eat a big fat veiny dick that's what it makes that's what it makes you feel like it's nothing is good about that at all right soda nah but we came back we won that in 2v2 so i feel better but like just in general yeah i know hours of trash talk wings was humiliated with nine kills as opposed to syndicates 14. jordy's reaction led his audience to realize one simple thing wings of redemption was not this famous call of duty hero who took a romantic risk by starting youtube no he was an immature man child who happened to catch the call of duty youtube wave while living so you know what's really funny about this is that if you are a player that's like pretty good at the game it's almost the same thing as doing nudity for the only fans thing never actually play competitively because it's easier for people to measure how good you actually are and it's better to keep it like theoretical you know what i mean like yeah it's like ninja never played competitively really like never do that yeah just keep farming keep farming kids and solos keep farming kids in uh you know random queue that's it yeah bruce lee that bruce lee listen bruce lee that's true like i i i think bruce lee was a great martial artist but like in my opinion if bruce lee went up against chuck norris it would not even be a question and chuck norris would destroy him like it would absolutely fucking destroy him chuck norris was a championship fighter a karate championship fighter bruce lee was not absolutely not like hell no yeah uh no way wrong on so many levels i completely disagree bruce lee chain chuck norris bruce lee would destroy chuck norris no shot no no no shot man you're wrong bruce lee was the only gay bruce bruce lee said chuck norris person gave him a challenge wait a second like just real quick like didn't chuck norris win like karate like uh like national championships but he he did right chuck norris did yeah he did so what did bruce lee win yeah he won hollywood in my heart yeah exactly so that's but but doesn't that prove that i'm right wait a second does it doesn't just just prove even more that i'm right that like because bruce lee never went into a championship he never actually fought competitively in that same level and that is the reason why people think that you don't need to win something to prove you're better bro you're so fucking delusional you think a fucking national champion but you you think it's on the same level you never like you're so crazy y'all are so crazy like what do you mean like it's it's it's a whole point of winning some of his competitions personal choice you believe bruce lee was strong it's okay or not bruce lee was a great fighter i'm sure he was but to compare him with an actual championship fighter huh no shot no fucking shot man like there's no way let me see here chuck norris won the national championship madison square garden yeah bruce didn't spar he wouldn't be chuck norris who's more graduated and more martial arts exactly like it is so funny for me to see to see people that believe this sh brute dude bruce would not have had a chance against chuck norris like he would not have had a f it would not have even been close like you're comparing an actual tested trained championship fighter with an actor come on on unemployment the difference between his online persona and true personality had finally shone through in case wing's reputation hadn't deteriorated enough already this was really only the beginning syndicate will posed a screenshot to his twitter the following day displaying a conversation in which wings had requested they play again in a fixed match where syndicate would let wings win with the goal of restoring jordy's reputation the screenshot would end with syndicate stating you want you get 3 000 i get 2 500 but i have to come out on top sound like a good deal or do you want part of it no no so wings is trying to fix the match yeah wings is wings is trying to fix the match holy fuck uh y'all y'all really didn't like that that opinion did i did you like you really you really didn't like that opinion it's so funny for me to see that like you really didn't like it no i i it's chat's mad like it is just no asthma you're wrong i i oh man twitter poll chuck never chuck norris versus bruce lee um man chuck norris said himself that bruce lee could beat him i never heard him say that or not i'm not sure but like you think about jackie chan people they never give complete opinion well you know about fighting though i know somebody who fights com professionally and wins championships is probably going to beat somebody who doesn't i i know for a fact that's what's going to happen but absolutely like you you really think bro you really think poll i actually am curious you know what we'll go we'll get back to yeah let's do a poll let let's see i'm really curious because i i feel like completely confidence who would win um bruce lee chuck norris let's see all right what do y'all think who would win a fight who would win in the fight let's see 66 percent of 59 percent of people think bruce lee would win six like are we counting chuck norris from the chuck norris jokes no it's more of a weight difference chuck and bruce was similar uh so it's debatable um i just like it's just it's so weird to me that somebody would even think that a person that doesn't have like trained tested like skill in competitive fighting would lose to somebody who doesn't like it it's just it's unbelievable to me that somebody would believe that would actually think that like let's see what y'all say 58 of people disagree with me obviously you didn't watch the movies and that's what i'm saying is they're all movies chuck norris was the real fucking deal he actually won real competitions it's it wasn't in a movie it was a real life that was in real fucking life he's a talented martial artist absolutely he's probably one of the best of all time but chuck norris won fucking tournaments bruce lee didn't win tournaments like that's the difference like that's a that's a big fucking difference let's see this um it sounds like a good deal one part of it listen i'm gonna say this guys people delusional and can we at least agree that the fact that bruce lee never competed on that level the question behind it is always going to lend itself more positively than to bruce lee than chuck norris the question behind it and that's it like yeah you i have to be getting trolled right now no yeah it's like fucking like it's real versus theory you're just ignorant of public facts uh competitive tournaments aren't same as real movies actual fights is a whole different level yeah bruce lee competed on a higher level man y'all y'all man yeah sure sure okay yeah uh yeah all right yep okay listen guys listen you think is uh all this kind of stuff etc um coping very hard listen people are gonna disagree about this i i'm not i'm not gonna argue i'm not gonna worry about this one one bit okay i think chuck norris would win it would not even be close he's trained by ip man what do you know about ip man other than the fact that there's a movie about him of him doing things that might not have really happened but you're literally comparing accomplishments that somebody has in a movie it's in a movie it's in a fucking movie but this is a it's a movie what are you are you crazy oh my god it's a fucking movie what are you doing okay let's see here i'm not taking part in that it's free money i'd rather earn money well i kind of need this money i don't make 2500 a day it's regardless of the money you want to come out on top of the situation you just made it 10 times worse i got a family to feed some money's a big deal to me you said you wanted to bury the hatchet what bear than we both make money this is what's so fucking funny to me about this thing right is that he thinks that like the way that syndicate has to bury the hatchet with wings is that syndicate has to lose to wings so wings can preserve his ego that's what's so fucking funny to me man that is hilarious yeah that is so fucking funny oh my god i'm gonna come out on top of this situation you just made it 10 times worse as well as no way wings you just blew it big time wings videos would then begin to fill with comments regarding his childish reaction to the loss however rather than rectifying it by stating the syndicate one fair and square wings would paint himself as the victim of the situation stating the reason he didn't win the match was because woody hadn't set the rules correctly oh that's it that's gotta be it like that's i mean like man if woody if it's it's a shame that woody uh rigged the match against him like that's actually that's fucked up that woody would do that to him like that's so messed up that that would happen yeah in addition to this he would upload videos talking about the many problems that he'd been dealing with uploaded with the assumed goal of garnering sympathy from his viewer base there'd been so much stress with sub box breaking the the view count thing but losing the 1v1 all the haters all the loss of subs i've actually gained 20 pounds because all i've been doing is worrying and eating worrying and eating the problem was that attempting to garner sympathy ended up having the opposite effect on his reputation as the that's what it is especially if you've got if you're if your audience is 14 year old kyle's all hopped off and all hopped up on mountain dew and monster energy whatever the fuck guess what they're not going to give a shit of oh wow people said mean things to me like i don't care like whatever it's just sad like what's this here we'll see i know people keep talking about the chuck norris bruce lee thing um like just again like i'm not i'm not gonna read the comment like that's it i'm done like yeah i was like you like you just you just just type it and press delete whenever you finish typing it you're going to have the same effect yeah you're going to have the same effect guys don't worry about it you open a can of worms it's just sad um anyway so like look a lot of people are never going to commiserate with you there's always like nobody is ever going to commiserate with you if you're a popular content creator and you're sad that people are being mean like it's just not gonna happen nothing but display his overwhelming lack of confidence this lack of personal confidence also began to manifest itself in videos where wings would talk about his weight stating that he had gained approximately a hundred pounds from comfort eating since his reputation began to decline in order to combat this wings would move in with a new member of the pka podcast kyle where carl would act as his personal trainer giving him an exercise in the teen and cooking him healthy food for everybody kyle had even spent five thousand dollars to rebuild his shower and if he was going to live with me we would have to put in a new shower so construction began the next day on a five thousand dollar show stating that it would have been too small for wings to fit in however despite putting in an incredible effort to help wings after only a week wings had requested to leave kyle convinced him to stay for another three weeks leaving after having lost an impressive 40 pounds upon returning home jordy would hire a personal trainer however problematically given his lack of discipline and the return to his old environment wings would gain the weight back in the few weeks following his return home because he's lazy and he just likes to eat food that's what it is is he probably just doesn't want to do anything like it's like if you want to be here's the thing is that if you want to be fat that's fine you'd be fat but like like there's it's got to be a certain level of personal responsibility for that too it's not like this is the world is not conspiring against you whenever you don't exercise you know what i mean like it's not conspiring against you this is what you're doing despite having left kyle's house this wouldn't be the last time that they hung out approximately five months later the three main members of the pka podcast being woody kyle and wings agreed to go on a survival style camping trip in the woods together kyle traveled back three hours from his house to the location at which they agreed to meet which was followed by a call to wings checking to see how far away he was this would be someone says it's a mental battle not a physical one everybody's got trouble everybody's got problems like the thing is like there's always going to be here's one thing like if you want to come up with something like that one thing that you can be certain of is it there's somebody who has it worse than you who's gotten to where you want to be that's it just remember that like i yeah it's yeah they they've they've gotten that way and it's like again it at the end of the day it's like you can blame it on whatever you can blame it and and say uh you know oh it's because of this it's because of that and you know what you can be right but at the end of the day it doesn't change your situation you know what i mean it just it doesn't change your situation the point at which woody and kyle's continually compassionate attitude towards wings would finally dissipate i'm driving in the night before let me give old wings a call make sure we're all good to go here you know call them ups hey man and get ready to do this thing i'm driving in now about three hours from the place what are you up to i'm not going [Music] what what do you mean i'm not coming when were you going to tell me surprise wings had left carl and woody to camp by themselves resulting in wings alienating his final two youtube friends and ultimately being kicked off the pka podcast yeah so we've decided uh it was a group decision we decided that uh wings redemption wasn't going to continue with us uh on the show for at least the the foreseeable future um he's got a lot of stuff that he needs to work out before he's you know up to par with with what we need from him you know he's he's having a hard time and uh he's made some decisions that we didn't feel were we're so friendly so for the time being uh we're gonna we're gonna continue without him it would then become apparent that wings was questioning whether or not he wanted to continue as a youtuber stating that he would like to quit youtube however the status it provided made such a decision extremely difficult i know what i need to do what i need to do is quit youtube and move on my life but at the same time this is the high point so far my life i just i don't know why like the thing is like maybe what you need to do is just like not fucking worry about it i think that like really with the person person like wings it's like it sucks because like like i would say he doesn't have a support network of people that are like you know that back him up but like he did have kyle and woody right so like he had people that were on his side it's just some of these people right they these are people that find a needle in a haystack with with like negativity they're always going to find a reason to uh uh they're always going to find a reason to shit on you right and and like and always a reason to like hold it against themselves i think with wings a big thing is uh is insecurity a lot of it is just straight up insecurity and uh bro can you play no i'm not going to play you say that type it again i'm going to watch another video after this type it again see what happens yeah see what happens yeah that's what you're gonna get listen we're gonna get to the gambling we're gonna get to the gambling section of the stream soon and then after that i might play a little bit of fortnite i haven't decided yeah that's it so what i'm really trying to say is like yeah i feel like the guy is just insecure that's what it is that's why he has to defend himself all the time hard to walk away from having access to 50 000 people basically being able to get advice at any time of the day any day of the week hard to walk away from you know being somebody of importance to going back into a world where you're nobody however perhaps the end of jordy's out of his control because by this point his subscriber count had already begun to decline the release of black ops modern warfare 3 black ops 2 as well as the increasing simplicity of creating video content meant that winx had substantially more competition for the videos that he was creating with a dying channel and absolutely no one else to turn to wings will begin to upload variety videos on games such as fallout and final fantasy in a desperate attempt to slow the death of his channel welcome everybody welcome to my fallout 4 playthrough he would also attempt to recapture his old fame by covering call of duty drama and starting a new podcast called the podcast show with other washed up call of duty streamers like white boy 7th street however these would also fail to slow the death of his channel in addition to all of this wings would break up with a girl he had been dating at the time by the name of brandy which depressed him even further dropping his motivation to lower and lower levels from this swings of redemption over to twitch stating that it required less editing and through donations and subscriptions he was able to make more money than he ever could while on youtube to be fair that's exactly what i thought too like wings totally good idea like 100 good call bro like exactly yes you you go over there you do that instead you have no sympathy i mean the guy listen the guy the guy grows up he's got a lot of shit against him he's got problems it's just it is what it is like uh i sympathize with me how to tuck life it's not about simple like i don't simply like this is not about that right i mean like i just i look and i see like why people do what they do right like i want to understand like what goes on in somebody's head while this was a positive in a strange backwards kind of way this extra income would come to him alongside an equivalent amount of emotional stress and further unexpected problems the lack of editing and live nature of the streams meant that wing's personality was on full display warts and all this meant that if something annoyed him within the game there was no way to simply cut it out as he had on youtube and anyone watching was able to record whatever reaction wings happen to have see that's the thing that's why you don't like the fucking stream bro is because that's why there's more trolls in streaming is because they can fucking get that raw reaction it's like usually whenever whenever i read something dumb on twitter that might piss me off for a second or if i'm playing off stream it might piss me off for a second but like the difference is whenever i sit around and i'm on stream i can't just like oh man we cut that out we cut that part out no you can't cut that part out that's in there forever break controllers complain extensively headache i'm hot my sugar's low i some may drink all my pepsi's as well as constantly rapping as a result channels began to pop up such as sean ranklin xbottle and gulag kingpin all of which devoted to uploading wings of redemption's worst moments this created a meme community around trolling wings where viewers would often recreate his most common actions such as banning subscribers from the chat drinking pepsi and eating wendy's chili done for the that's i feel personally attacked i i'm i'm being personally attacked here wait a second so what wait a second like wendy's chilly like i have wendy's chili probably somewhere here on my desk somewhere i'm drinking a pepsi right fucking now and he's playing dark souls 1. like this guy that fucking this is too close to home like why are they making fun of them and the wit oh wow wendy's like oh what what are you too good for wendy's now you're not nobody is sole purpose of getting videos for these specific troll channels because if i talk about anything on everything there's a video made about it and there's 20 000 people laughing at me or there's a podcast with a hundred thousand viewers all of this would lead up to an apex in a stream on one oh absolutely that's what happens is like people make videos about you like hate videos and shit like that like i've had people do the same shit to me uh just in general i think that uh again this is what i've said with a lot of things is that if you want people to like you win that's all you need to do it doesn't matter how much of an asshole you are it doesn't matter uh what your personality is people love winners and if you win all of that other stuff doesn't matter and if you lose none of it matters like nothing else matters like win or lose you never win i come out ahead a lot of times with things right i do unassuming night in late 2017 at which point wings would do something which many consider to be the most iconic moment in the history of first redemption the live stream started like any other however as with many of his streams it wouldn't be long before half the lobby was there purely to stream snipe and annoy jordy jordan that would piss me off i mean to be fair like that would really piss me off like if i had to deal with that i would be furious i would be fucking furious man like because it's like you want to play the game but you can't play the game you know you know what i mean damn it dude as the night progressed the stream sniping only got worse of course it did because as soon as one person sees this is the thing right it's like you know what i if i ever want my oh guys guys stop subscribing oh wow stop guys please stop trading me gold this is so annoying oh my god everybody's trading me gold please quit stop opening up please stop stop stop doing this right and then people just gold's just rolling in there's throwing it people are sitting here gold ha ha i'm so funny i'm trolling him right that's what it is yeah if you get pissed off about it then people are going to uh they're going to know about bob bob stop man stop guys stop stop stop uh it's not yet work the thing is like you guys see what i'm saying like i know how to get people to do shit like this is all this is all i do like all i do all day is i think about how to get people to do to do what i want that it sounds like i sound like a psycho saying that and it's like whatever but i think all the time like okay well what if i do what if i say like this and i say it in this way and then i bring in this and then like i could i could think i i could think and how to do this rex in with the five kids up it's like i would i would think out like a flow chart in my mind on like what to tell people like i would do this back in the day whenever i would talk to girls like i would be talking to like 10 girls at a time like 10 girls at a time and like i would have a full chart in my mind of like how i would respond to them and i would beta test the girls that i didn't like as much like certain things to say to them and see how that went over and then use it on the girls that i like more like i'm talking about like i'm like this was like some degenerate like this is all i do that was this is all i would do like me and cody had that work fucking awful like it worked awful like i didn't i didn't get with a single one of them hardly like it was mostly girls online they sent me nudes though that was really cool that was great but i never really met a lot of them on in real life so it's like who gives a shit it's horrible oh bro white these are only the stories i can tell on stream [Music] well i i would be then in order like like look bro like he's so mad look at his face look at his face of course he's mad how are you not fucking mad this guy is sitting in front of you dropping bombs on you trying to blow you like that is just of course he's fucking pissed man he's furious looks incredibly frustrating it's like yeah of course he's mad it's very stressful it pissed me the fuck off i'll tell you that for sure is this the moment this isn't the moment is it then in order to combat the stream snipers his viewers suggested that he appear offline oh god uh you just activated his trap card oh boy oh oh boy i i know about this oh we all know about this twitch jordy responded with look at you look here look listen appearing offline does not stop it so stop giving advice you know nothing about possibly paving the way by the way wings was right like by the way all of this he was actually right like just keep that in mind he was right for the breakdown which he was about to have the streams now being continued and feeling helpless to the circumstances he had found himself in wings of redemption would respond with the following what's that [Music] i don't know what i'll stream again [Music] i really need to make this money i really wanted to get this surgery man i wanted it so bad just turn off this frame man just turn off the fucking string get to it i can't take this man you got it you got to take the you got to turn off all i wanted to do is like i was lonely i wanted to stream it have a good time maybe have a good game i feel bad for the guy honestly like this this shit's sad but the thing is like there are people out there they think this shit's funny and they're gonna dedicate the thing is like it's the same people like they torture animals like it's not the same thing right like like annoying a guy on a video game is not the same thing as torturing an animal but it's the same like the general idea right it's like people they like to do this like it's people are evil there's a lot of people that are evil they think that he deserves it they think that they can do like whatever like fake crying i don't think he why would he be fake crying like well i don't think it's fake crying yeah that's not it at all uh people have no empathy no it sucks like it sucks if that shit happens to you man it definitely does that's fake people are cruel sympathy baiting no you're just saying that because you don't like him like that's what it is you just don't like him i think that's all there is to it and uh they're emotionally torturing them well yeah of course and uh people think it's fake crying to check themselves the thing is i bought a car with surgery money hey yo like it is what it is but like don't give a streamer money don't give a stream of money you think oh he's going to use this money to help himself shut up stupid ass you shouldn't have done that in the first place man like it's just i think it's reasonable for somebody to be stressed out about this shit it's completely fucking reasonable and like why don't you speak about mental health it's like obviously this person obviously wings is in a bad place who would not be in a bad place if all you do you log on this is your job think about this think about let's say you work at target and there's a guy that comes in in an inflatable barney costume every single day and every time you try to talk to somebody he starts playing the trombone and so like as soon as it happens you're like well actually sir and just like randomly out of fucking nowhere and then after a while manager comes over and he doesn't tell barney to leave barney can't leave maybe you can't see barney maybe barney's invisible to everybody else and then the manager gets mad at you because you're not helping everybody out you would have the worst time of your fucking life you would have the worst time of your fucking life and it would be funny for the first three times but after three months ain't nobody laughing no more that's what i'm saying like just gave me anxiety yeah you just put compared playing video games to being a target worker absolutely i did yeah of course right i mean because either way i mean you got to interact with people like yeah it's like yeah he's streaming he's entertaining an audience of people that's hard to do if you think that's easy do it yourself you probably make more money than your current job if you're good at it yeah if you're right and you think it's that easy you probably quit quit your job tomorrow and start screaming just do that why would you why would you not why would you not do that you said gaming not streaming oh yeah yeah but he's gaming right that's what i mean yeah just do that [Music] would you host me i don't know are you cute the clip has gained 2.6 million views to this day and just like his last rage the clip would go on to continually haunt him however unlike his last rage where he would have to simply deal with comments this time around his trolls would go to much more effort joining his games in order to play the content through the speaker [Music] all right it's like the thing is if wings just leaned into this and just like leaned into the memes i feel like i feel like wings of redemption there is a possibility that there could actually be a wings of redemption redemption i actually think it's possible with some content creators i don't think it's possible but i i literally i think that there are a lot of people that could see a legitimate wings of redemption redemption your boy did you invite him while giving more fuel to the growing numbers one of these channels goes by the name of liquid richard who has today uploaded four full-length professionally produced albums all of which being made from the stupid things that wings has said over the years which is especially hilarious as the music is unironically extremely well made and entertaining from the point of his notorious cod world war ii rage he's like play that as your intro song man yeah play that as your fucking intro song like that's all there is to it i feel bad for this doing myself here right to be able to roll with the memes he would have been fine yeah well the thing is like if you take this shit too seriously maybe you just shouldn't be online right it's like like because it's gonna happen like regardless of like if it should happen or not it's gonna happen and like i think it's very uh it's like not a it might make you feel good to say oh well this should never happen to anybody and you shouldn't have to deal with this it's like oh thank you so much thank you so much oh wow thank you cheryl oh yes thank you so much that that changes everything that changes the world shut up like that's nice but that's just not how the world works that's not how the world works you're not you're not giving anybody you're not helping somebody whenever you tell them that and uh yeah like yeah fuck you cheryl shut the fuck up and uh the fact is that like yeah if you if you have a personality that just doesn't vibe with this kind of a behavior maybe you just shouldn't do it is it racist as fuck has said an n word multiple times on stream yeah what does that have to do with this is a redemption cycle continued over and over again he would do something stupid attempt to prove that he was in the right resulting in even more trolls or he would attempt to improve his life in some way or another fail miserably and be publicly ridiculed by his detractors he would get weight loss surgery in mexico apparently because everybody everybody makes fun of him because he's fat right that's what it is is they make fun of him because he's fat i guarantee you if wings of redemption if if he worked out and he looked like a giga chad like like let's say he worked out and he was like physically fit and in shape i guarantee you half of the hate would stop like i'm not even kidding you i guarantee you like that's like just work out look good and that's it like he's an easy target yeah exactly because people don't like that they like think of every like that's like like greek greek doesn't do the same content he used to do though right like if greek still ran around screaming at people being obnoxious people probably love that still i feel like greek the problem with greek is greek stopped giving the people what they wanted and greek started giving them what he wanted which is good i'm happy for him but you got to expect that people are not going to like that as much i i think that's really what it is we love greek yeah this is a this is a pro greek uh stream like i like greek too you lose a hundred pounds never prove it and still look the exact same thing that's good it would continue to ban trolls from the chat giving them the exact attention they desired ensuring that they rejoined at a later date on a second account my dog's been banned nine times him giving his free twitch prime to me is not going to stop him from being banned at this point he's going to pretend every situation it was impossible for wings of redemption to choose a response that wouldn't end in complete and utter catastrophe seemingly consistent with the overwhelming misfortune in jordi jordan's life only two months ago on the 26th of july 2021 his twitch partnership would be revoked for breaking exhibit d of the content guidelines as explained on a wings of redemption youtube livestream titled twitch fallout twitch took my partnership away today for exhibit d jordy then stated that he may leave the internet and get a real job everybody in a chance tell me wait so they removed him from exhibit d well what the fuck is exhibit d yeah what the fuck is that these exhibit these nuts is that it that's the whole thing that's what he broke yeah it's like he didn't do shit oh my god loser is definitely not helping himself he's not helping himself but like there's a difference like the thing is like you could still feel bad for somebody who's an asshole like it's like somebody's an asshole but like maybe they don't deserve that yeah he's an asshole of course he's an asshole absolutely job and you know that's a possibility however if his past has taught us anything the chance of that actually happening is unbelievably low wings continues to stream on youtube however the dislike ratio and a short look at the chat gives us a pretty good idea of how many people are there for no other reason but to continue to troll him i was watching a video created by one of my favorite youtubers the other day xerbia who included why doesn't he just take the videos down just dmca strike the videos what are you doing like the thing is like they're not helping you be relevant like why would you not just dmca strike the videos uh like it's just yeah that's what he should that's what he should have done is just dmca strike them he does well then how they still up there's always a new channel no just it's easy to get that shit taken down like the troll channels pay him to keep their channels up i feel like this is what it is i think wings keeps them up because he thinks that they give him relevance and if he doesn't have the troll channels that nobody will care about him i think that's it yeah he's like he's farming hate watchers lying in his video thoughts from your deathbed which i think runs incredibly true to the tragic tale of wings of redemption the hard road was easy while the easy road was hard wings of redemption has spent his entire life attempting to walk the easy road avoiding anything that would result in short-term adversity however through seeking comfort he's ironically transformed his life into a complete and utter tragedy it's as if you that's what happened to my mom like this actually exactly whatever mom she never would want to put in an effort anything and and then she she would do she would just make her life worse because of that it's like you avoid temporary uh discomfort for uh you know long-term uh you know temporary discomfort for like a long-term gain and you do the same i do i do a lot of times i do uh and like it's a it's a bad uh it's a bad thing and i try to not do that but it doesn't really work that well like i i make the same mistakes to be honest i can relate to this a lot we can't really avoid the tragedy of life but the choice we get is whether or not we want to experience the tragedy now because mission or whether we ignore what we need to do and have the tragedy happen he actually looks a lot thinner in that picture like and he's even got a youtube thumbnail face i mean that's perfect yeah that's good i'm i'm happy for him voluntary admission or whether we ignore what we need to do and have the tragedy happen to us later down the road as is what happened in the case of wings of redemption damn [Music] god fucking damn bro like that's some real shit god fucking damn like now he's just his original way well i mean brother you shouldn't have fucking like you have to have a like you can't eat bro like look at this man like that's two of them you don't need two of them man like that's that's the large too like i can tell it's the large that's so large you don't need two fucking two chilies like oh my god why not though no you don't man like how many roosters peanut butter cups today i haven't eaten a single one today i'm on a diet i'm only gonna eat six today yeah i'm only gonna eat six well listen i i gotta well it's just i feel bad i feel bad for him because like this shit can happen to like a lot of people and it's just it's it's just it's disappointing it really is like i feel bad for uh i feel bad for wings but at the same time it's just like you did this to yourself man like you you did a lot of this shit to yourself and like you got to take accountability for what you do to yourself and where your life is and it's like obviously he's had a lot of bad stuff happen to him a hundred percent but it's like at the end of the day you're still responsible for yourself like that's it and uh i'm sure he also eats with his anxiety well you can tell he has anxiety like look at this right watch this so y'all might not notice this shit internet and get a real job everybody look is moving back and forth that's because he's shaking he's so nervous good job look at that so there's a possibility however if his past has taught us anything i noticed shit like that yeah that's what it is look at yeah it's just i feel bad for the guy i do and uh it's like he just lost his i do the same thing all the time uh but like that's how i know and uh it's like i can check out that bodyweight like the thing is that like if you want to get people to do what you want to do you got to know how to how to look at how to look at things that they don't see how to look at things that people can't see and like that's what it is and so uh let's see here it's just a leg tap i mean not fucking to be honest nah nah nah man like i think that everybody like i feel like it's a better story in my opinion i think it's a better story for wings to to redeem himself like a redemption story is usually a better story like in the narrative of life it would be better if if he redeemed himself that's what i'm saying is that gloria is was that lost in my heart no this is a bird got in the house it's a bird that got in the house man i can't believe it like they just keep getting in the fucking house bro this drives me crazy it's so annoying gambling shrimp you are right man uh but i do want to talk about this a little more right so look this is one fact here is that another timeline wings fire stuck around raising to be a fit responsible healthy streamer with millions of subs that could happen man it's like i grew up i was lucky right my dad was always around my dad was always around and he like basically um anything so one time i was gonna be a uh i wanted to join i said this like a couple weeks ago i wanted to join uh a like a junior police league whenever i was joining i was in a in middle school and my dad has almost never had like a very strong hand in like what i do like he pretty much lets me do what i want but he said wait a second hold up hold up wait a minute you're not joining you're not you're not going to class i said why he says because our family we're the other guys yeah we're the other guys with the police and so that's the kind of stuff my dad taught me and so it's a little bit different and uh he but like he's always been supportive of me doing stuff and it's like i cannot imagine what it would be like to not have like a parent there to help raise you in that way right that's what it is and uh what does the other guys mean or the bad guys the police are after yeah that's exactly what he meant that's that's exactly what he meant and so yeah obviously redemption would be nice but life isn't fairytale there isn't always happy ending yeah but it doesn't mean that there isn't there never is that's the difference right it there's sometimes there is and uh yeah sometimes it actually goes and it's okay and uh let's see here let's see we'll read the rest of this stuff down here don't get the sympathy rich or get she said the age of consent should be 12. the ignored is crying wife and nurse you want to talk about possibility of having cancer he kicked an animal in a cage he blames everyone else for his mistakes and never owns up to them why would anyone defend him is beyond me i don't know about any of that stuff that wasn't in the video um let's see here transfer student beats uh him a pe class yeah maybe that's it i mean it sucks man it really does it's disappointing but you know that's life i guess i feel bad for him he did bring this all on himself uh he had to help many people we killed four and he threw it away he did uh there were a lot of people that tried to look out for him and help him and he uh he squandered that opportunity and he should not have done that that was stupid of him to do uh it was stupid of him to do i feel bad for the guy i hope he's able to get the help he needs and i think that even a lot of his haters this is maybe this might be a bit much i think even a lot of his haters would like to see him rise up above him because it's just a better story and i think a lot of his haters are just people that are looking for entertainment and the entertainment of him rising above it is entertaining like that's a good story that's all there is to it you should interview wings or redemption on stream so i could have like uh like a fucking stream where i interview people that are like really hated in different communities and i i'll interview them and then they'll uh you know talk about problems they had et cetera like that oh that would be a good idea we could get um alinity boogie wings of redemption dsp um otk redemption podcast uh let's see who's some more of them destiny can't do destiny um uh stop um where's the rest of these uh ninja yeah ninja um yeah ice we can't do ice uh let's see where's the rest of these uh maybe a few other ones right i think that would be in chris chan no bro like i'm not about ready to go down that rabbit hole like i i you'd eventually run out though yeah you're right it's a mental health podcast yeah maybe it's just i feel like that kind of stuff is important it definitely is [Music] you
Channel: Aѕmongold TV
Views: 724,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr, asmongold sunny, asmongold sunnyv2, sunny, sunny v2, sunny 2, wings of redemption, asmongold wings of redemption, wings of redemption reaction, wingsofredemption reaction, asmongold watches wings of redemption, asmongold reacts to wings of redemption
Id: s_hzgK6cYBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 13sec (3733 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2022
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