Asmongold Reacts to Fan-Made Memes | Reddit Recap #22 (OTK Special)

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otk but also there's a lot of questions and i think even an hour video would not be able to answer all of them but i'll do my best here to talk to you all about how we became an organization and how all this became what it is now and i know rich you and i have been talking about this for how long okay um and i think that's where s fan came in uh s fan was one of my greatest friends at that time and still is by the way okay he was completely all in and the three of us came together and we talked about it and we talked about it and we talked about it and we talked about it and we talked about it and we talked about it that's good added a few more of those and we talked about it and we talked about it and we talked about it and we talked about it and we talked about it and we talked about it yeah uh i i guess that was the first part about it and we talked about it and we talked about it and we talked about it and we talked about it okay dude okay [Music] dude and that's why we needed tips whenever i saw the work that tips is able to do with the cdf what's that i knew that we needed somebody like tips to be part of our organization what is this and so we asked tips if you would be willing to do that and be a part of what we were trying to make this is more awkward than the office i said no but and we had a lot of conversations about who else would want to be part of who else would want to be part of our organization and who else was really one of our friends we wanted to spend more time with so we had to get miss kiss this doesn't say anything i know s fandu my dad even still brings up you doing the green screen yeah super funny i watched oh my god yeah i think one of the most beautiful parts of this organization is you have five different people five very different experiences there's the organization oh wait a minute [ __ ] yes oh no wow we promise we're friends next line yeah off stream no god what you don't read nevermind that's good they added some special sounds it's gonna be really great and there's gonna be a lot of really cool content and these guys as ms kiff said they really are my friends oh come on never looked forward to working on something more in my life and this group just i feel like i realized i think you're wearing the shirt when i first met you any one of us could ever imagine uh not only like where we're at oh [ __ ] streaming or any level of content creation goes but to be able to make the the like randomly [ __ ] interruptions we've done or the things that we're going to do yeah i think uh we definitely have somebody so stick around and see what you know what i think i was because it was at dreamhack austin we have been friends we've been friends for like six or seven months at this time because we made friends and we talked about it and we talked about it and talked about it and that's all we did this is it's not the unedited version oh i couldn't have done this without it so thank you guys all so much this is oh my god it's a dream come true i think for me and oh my [ __ ] god yeah it's crazy wow this is painfully awkward i love it oh my god then he's gone now and he's gone now another marshmallow this is what i remember yesterday yeah this is exactly what the announcement was guys this is the actual video no it's not it is not i'm sorry about this yeah me too not a sex cult by the way [Music] this is your fault there you go in the middle oh i'm so happy about this by the way that's for dishes not for hands you can use it oh my god [Music] okay okay [Music] it's not listen it's not i clean my pants see these are the same pants i got dirty and i undirty them see they're they're clean now everything's fine what is this here this is so we didn't know like i honestly we didn't know we just put it in there and we're like hey that looks good why not dude why can't why asmon hates the catalog in screen so much the truth [Music] okay okay i'll uh we'll we'll let that one go yeah that was actually really that's actually really good uh i hate to say it i hate to say it but uh it's it's actually really good bald man in his 50s comes after getting a mountain world of warcraft and it has seven 7k up votes and that is on what website is this on hornhub and um so yeah uh thank you very much for uploading that i'm glad that i can really expand and diversify my audience that that's great to see um okay let's see here uh otk iro transmogs we got a winner voice what is this okay okay this was all right to be this was the train wrecks podcast right this is a train wreck's cooking stream it's very different all right uh yeah totally different wait i was just having we're just having a good time just hanging out man that's all there is [Music] any milkers boys who want some milk any milk any milkers yeah asmongold wins the trans mount comp with the new pre-patch mount what is this here longer boy wow send this idea wait same legs they're not that skinny they're not that skinny are my legs really that skinny like i remember whenever i did this like let me see if i can find it um train wrecks uh asmond gold cooking but watch this watch how i get right out of there one hand clean i've been in multiple garbage cans before so they took this clip right here and they took my leg and then they photoshopped it to be even smaller and even skinnier than it was than it originally was like i'm not that skinny that i'm not look it's just it's completely normal like this is the normal size of a normal person's leg that happens to be around six three and 115 pounds like this is completely normal for a person my size uh let's see here um asthma jailer [Music] wow great thank you so much yeah this is really appreciated this is everything that i would have ever wanted thank you so much great uh asbon roid if he pumped iron uh i mean that's not gonna happen dude like i mean listen i could gain like if i gained like 20 pounds of muscle mass that would be good like i'm not trying to be like some big beefy boy or anything like that uh it's just not really my thing and uh it's not like just kind of like how my physique is but uh in terms of like you know 20 pounds of working on i think that's kind of reasonable uh let me see some fan art of asmon i made wow that is actually terrifying what the [ __ ] that's so gross dude uh somebody says this is mcconnell oh no dude asman's ot is this like about my okay this is photoshopped that that one is actually this one's actually photoshopped they're not that skinny now they're close but they are not that skinny okay it's real it is not real at all imagine molding over something like this black people on fantasy wow oh people are mad that the characters are black oh [ __ ] quickly recruit private garrick the alliance never gives up oh that's that's my character in the cinematic it's just stupid like you can have orcs trolls like you can have spirits you can have the lich king but you can't have a black person like how is a black person less like how is it that you could have a dragon but not a not a black dude like what's the logic behind that i think it's silly i don't like whenever video games adopt like real world politics but having black people in the game is not real world politics it's just having black people in the game it's the same as having asian people in the game or something like that it makes literally no impact on the story there's it doesn't matter all right poor mccool what is this poor mccool mcconnell and otk man shut the [ __ ] up man shut the [ __ ] up wait this is what do you mean he can be part of no you guys don't let him don't let him manipulate you okay i don't know who made this post or anything mcconnell can be part of it however he wants to be part of it okay i don't want to hear any of this [ __ ] okay just chill out don't worry about it you talk to them mcconnell knew this was happening he knew this was happening a long time ago mods don't often get to uh get them but when they do it's amazing what is this here is this what i think it is and we'll start this up mods doing [ __ ] again uh what a [ __ ] surprise what's up y'all it's me it's your boy ass bingo what's up sup what's up y'all boy what's up sup sup y'all it's your boy [Applause] [Applause] yeah yeah yeah we know this is [ __ ] terrible all right very [ __ ] clever guys very [ __ ] clever that genuinely startled me i i didn't expect to see that at all that actually was very clever i didn't even notice that okay asthma gold started oh yeah 1 million views in less than one month and 75k likes it was a great video yeah this video popped off like i don't know what it was about this video but it went crazy like that's my uh that's probably one of my most popular videos but i really actually think that uh my most popular video still is actually not even one of me it's of my mom yeah my mom has [ __ ] 500 000 more my mom's more relevant than i am i spot the similarity this is photoshop i i do not have a [ __ ] unibrow like i'm not ed i am not [ __ ] ed this actually makes me uncomfortable to look at because of the eyebrows like you wait no it's not like me what do you mean wait look at my [ __ ] face where is it look i don't have a [ __ ] unibrow are you guys crazy he doesn't i don't understand what the hell is wrong with you guys blizzard import maintenance moyes remember new expansion launches this is blizzard expansion blizzard maintenance employees whenever more than three players engage in pvp combat at the same time those are blizzard maintenance employees whenever people try to do a raid this is blizzard maintenance employees whenever there's a world boss that gets pulled in the open world with the appropriate amount of players that are fighting it when the pregnancy test comes back [Music] negative [Music] yeah real [ __ ] clever uh we're talking asthma viewers the title should be whenever a girl says hi to us wait that's not true if we're talking asthma and gold viewers you know what it should actually be whenever a girl doesn't break up with us uh found asthma golden npc spot as well in the warcraft movie i think i've seen this one haven't i those of us from the south have always admired that about you uh-huh damn [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] game yeah the male muncher at the very end i i really uh really impressed by that guys uh the fact that you could come up with using the mail muncher i mean you know it's not like it's not like that comes around every day and how rex troy remove pp's killing from the game complain about it on forum on reddit complain about a lot while streaming i do that um keep complaining on twitter and repeatedly sending tweets about it i do that too make so many videos on youtube exploiting this until blizzard realizes that it's easier to remove the pvp scaling system than fixing every single way that it can be exploited yeah yeah that's pretty true dude that is pretty true it worked man can we get bald man to play this slap the baldi is this actually a game this is not it's not actually a game like yeah it's not a [ __ ] game i don't even want to think about this damn that's really cool that's actually really cool what do you guys think about this i'm impressed i am very very impressed with this i like it a lot i think it looks great it's sick yeah i agree new otk logo announced i don't know how i missed this one but i can tell you one thing i wasn't missing it today is the day [Music] fools you make yourselves triumphant it's time it's time it is only a matter of time i'm actually right outside the incense out there right now that's the coolest part in my opinion that one's [ __ ] badass wait what is this no one goes home until our job here is done it just it's so [ __ ] epic man it is so absolutely [ __ ] epic you have seen nothing the frozen heart of nazaramas and so you seem a little tense and so so much for a happy ending we're here boys it's time yeah that's the uh that's the other one man all right [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 267,700
Rating: 4.9462428 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold best, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold reddit, asmongold memes, reddit recap, asmongold reddit recap, asmongold recap, asmongold subreddit, asmongold wow, Asmongold fan made, Asmongold fan, fan made, meme review, review meme, wow memes, zackrawrr, reddit recap asmongold, asmongold 22, asmongold #22, asmongold otk, otk asmongold, otk, one true king, asmongold org, asmongold otk org, otk awkward, otk but awkward, mizkif otk
Id: dgPwy9UHVlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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