Ignored & Insulted! Asmongold reacts to WoW Feedback Crew Exposing Shadowlands Devs | ft. Mcconnell

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the fact that a warrior can do more dps now than they will at level 60 with one legendary and the covenant should speak volumes on how shittily they are implementing the shadowhand systems and this is already accounting for the removal of corruption what what this is the best it's gonna get i'm already at the bottom of the meter i i just this is really yeah hello yeah what basically has happened is that blizzard has they previously had a private feedback forum so here's the thread right here i will no longer be silent if you're curious about why i and others are cynical about the wow team's feedback process here's a thread about private avenues of feedback that some theory crafters were and are offered and why they haven't made an out of difference in a long time so this guy is coming up and he's breaking it open he's busting it out into the open and he's letting people know what's been going on he is exposing it unironically exposing it this is about the last one that i read here um around the early to mid 2013 just before the release of throne of thunder um i was invited to a private feedback forum for the wow theory crafters this was the first incarnation of private forums which many have speculated about ever since so this is a good decision by blizzard i support doing a private feedback form i completely support doing a private feedback form i'm not even halfway on it i totally agree with this and here's why i agree with it i agree with it because most people don't know what they're talking about they have no idea what they're talking about so in theory i think a private feedback forum is a good idea and it's probably going to be more useful than reading the general forums it's in its initial stages this forum was wonderful many of the most positive developments in both mr pandari and even the developmental stages of wod were as a result of the careful and thoughtful feedback that players on this forum provided it was also reciprocated with also with actual candid discussion on the part of the developers wow with the results of which were probably some of the strongest system and general game design decisions the game has ever seen that sounds really good that sounds amazingly good everything about this sounds great i don't know really uh anything bad about this at all i'm a big fan of this all right well let's see where this is gonna take us i don't see how it could possibly go wrong what could what could possibly go wrong here around the end of 2013 a key figure in wow development who happened to be the brainchild behind the forums left blizzard slowly but surely everything began to change developer tones became more condescending the obvious effort put in by players went ignored who was that was that ghost crawler 2013 so ghost crawler was the one that came up with the private feedback forum at the time people hated ghost crawler listen here's what you need to know anybody who is has a public-facing position in world of warcraft will be hated it doesn't matter who it is it doesn't matter what they do they will be hated no matter what so ghost crawler probably was the person who they're talking about the majority of wod was miserable for form dwellers but was nothing compared to legion if there was ever a true death suffered by them it occurred when the wow dev team's line of communication during the legion beta became nothing but insults rudeness and ignoring us it was a horrible experience i alluded to what was going on somewhat in my final blog post but i never went into full detail largely out of respect for the person who had founded them despite that person being long gone for blizzard however enough is enough [ __ ] the first incarnation of the private forums were deleted during legion it was then resurrected and still exists with a new crew of feedback givers and some overlap from the old but continued to be the same trend of developers essentially treating feedback givers like trash in addition i'm told there is an influencers discord largely comprising of the youtube content creators and other prominent figures in the wow community in other words the current forums are not the only semi-private line of communication the dev has the dev team has this is the case with a lot of things right i mean obviously you're going to have people that have lines of communication to blizzard right of course they do so when you read the twitter threads complaining about the masses please understand that this team does have all the access they need the theory crafters and players with a key stake in the game's development they simply choose to ignore insult or be little them [ __ ] complaining about the masses is facetious the masses have considered yelling consisted of a loud yelling of ignorant uninformed players since day one of vanilla that is the entire reason behind the genesis of the private forums and the influencer discord yet surprisingly the masses weren't an issue in the past probably because the team at the time actually understood the best way to obtain good feedback was not by alienating and marginalizing the actual rational voices of folks who were willing to put in the time and the effort it took a long time for me to step back and realize how incredibly [ __ ] up it was that the wow community consists of of so many players especially theory crafters that put so much time and effort into improving the game with zero compensation and many were happy to do so truth is isn't that feedback has suffered or changed it is design it is a state of the game whose system developers have proven themselves to be a bunch of man-children with egos the size of mountains gas holy [ __ ] god damn holy [ __ ] that's like drop but that's like putting your dick on the table this good this girl just did that i don't know if it's a girl or a guy i have no idea but either way they put their dick on the table right there i'll tell that for sure all this and more uh were things that i wish i had included in my final blog post but that i refrain from doing so out of respect for one person if you're reading this i'm sorry if this damages our personal relationship but i can no longer be silent in the face of what's happening judging by the seven dm's that i've already received thanking me for this thread i guess that it resonates my suggestion please join me in speaking up assuming that it doesn't put your safety or well-being in jeopardy many of you were right right there with me and you saw most of what i did in case you were wondering what the tone of the private forums is like these days here's what someone with current access to them just dm'd me i guess i'm not the only one who's had just about it let me see this is what blizzard said this is what all blizzard had to say generally true that explaining things is good but also want to point out that the biggest way that changes are previewed is the existence of the beta the water change has been in since the alpha and the fact that all mythic plus testing has been done with it in place is more valuable type of feedback than the back and forth over a patch note this is sort of true of everything oh the drinking water change is it a con let me look at the other examples here's exhibit two same guy by the way um in case the tone didn't make it abundantly clear okay here it is part of why i'm skeptical is the mythic the mythic raiding theory craft community is a first order is to a first order approximation a huge social engine who's uh raised into terror i don't know what the [ __ ] that means uh is specifically to decide and enforce that everyone in the community uses the same talents oh who's reason to exist reason to be okay i i thought so uh it seems like a french word yeah i just you know context um i don't think that we could do anything with the talent design that would easily change that there are like entire discords and websites that employ people full-time all based on the concept of telling people what their talents are best and spreading the social norm that they shouldn't use other talents well if that's the case then why do you keep trying to muddy the waters like if you know that this is an inevitability why do you keep trying to make it more complicated to reach the inevitability like it it it it's counterintuitive because he's right what he's saying he's totally right obviously like the reason the reason that they exist i think this is kind of like obviously this would bother somebody in the community because they would think that they exist for other reasons but from the perceived reason for existence and the reason that other people derive from their existence is so that they can look at those players and discern what those players are doing and then do that same thing themselves that is what why the theory crafting community does that's what they take part in that's what they that's what they do so what he's saying here is not entirely untrue but what i'm saying here is this seems contradictory if you know if you know that this is the case then why do you create systems that are too complex and that you're trying to muddy the waters and make it harder for people to know what's best in order to try to fight against it if you know that it's not gonna work let me restate this again just to point out how absurd this situation is this is how the wild system developers continue to speak and treat players that spend hundred hours of their free time trying to help develop the game purely on passion let that sink in i think this is probably a this is an example in my mind of people being very emotionally invested in something and then having like obviously this guy is being kind of condescending or this girl or whoever it is is being kind of condescending and they're kind of an [ __ ] but the reason why this person's reacting as badly as they are is probably because they're extremely invested in it and they feel like this person isn't as invested as they are so i think the problem is really a divergence of philosophy and probably these people feeling like too often the devs disagree with them and they're feeling like too often they're having their opinions discarded and because they're having this happen so often then that's why they're being frustrated because i feel like if somebody said this at the beginning it probably wouldn't be a big deal but it's like kind of in my opinion it's like this have you ever had somebody that pisses you off constantly it's one [ __ ] thing after another one [ __ ] thing after another and you know what this son of a [ __ ] leaves his drink on the coffee table without a coaster and [ __ ] this was the last straw you knock that [ __ ] right off the table and you knock it on the floor and you spill it on the [ __ ] floor and you don't clean that [ __ ] up because you're [ __ ] mad going to be rounding off this thread and switching off notifications first since multiple people have asked this is the post that i wrote about why i was done with the game in legion consider this thread to be a belated harsher addendum to it second i've retweeted a few acquaintances that were on the forums with me and go and give their thread to read too i never took screenshots perhaps naively so while present for the first generation of the forums so i'm afraid that i can't provide any more finally thank you to everyone for the kind dms of support i sincerely appreciate it for what it's worth uh this is all hit me and saw left me feeling very hollow i'm glad i got it off my chest but it's sad to consider how a four-year tweet thread was the straw that broke the camel's back oof there it is let me see what this uh other person said i was on these forums they were flawed from the onset and can be summed up as a bad idea with little influence and the devs continue making game direction slash decision choices a lot of them thought were wrong anyway so you get the idea these players are heavily invested in the game and have their own ideas for the direction for better or for worse but the devs have already solidified what they want to do at this point yeah that's an issue context well what he's saying is like they're they're soliciting feedback from people but then the feedback that they give is not workable and then the person feels like they're wasting their time giving feedback because the feedback was never possible in the first place so it feels like everybody's just wasting their time through this pointless pointless thing uh and even aside from that whenever the posters wanted to talk about the systems in class design for the upcoming expansion devs mostly just wanted to talk about spec identity in a way that was somehow completely devoid from gameplay there's two very different ideas on what mattered and this is what i'm saying here is that the developers don't have the same goals as the players do and that's bad yeah i think that's really really bad um whenever you have the player base that has one goal and then the developers that have another goal how the [ __ ] can you possibly make people happy it's impossible because you're trying to do two different things doesn't even make sense so despite what the dreams of these posters it really is the ultimate gamer fantasy to be so good and so important you get to guide the future of the game itself it was never going to have much impact i lost a lot of interest in legion i think and a lot of other posters did too that and the combination of not having any power it dwindled out pretty quick it's like being elected to city council or sorry class council and it felt cool for a bit but it was more of an empty token i don't think that it should have existed anyway there are a lot of bad cases under representation of good players theorycrafters who didn't get in uh on the click and the posters who did get in leveraging it for social privilege etc one or two of these people would act as if some sort of secret lobbyist come on friends uh uh come on friends i have special connections with blizzard follow me and we'll be heard together just tons of room for resentment and drama and ultimately not were not much at stake as a tangent one of the biggest eye openers to me was that everyone was realizing how massive the schism was between pve and pvp people uh let me pick up the artoonious post wait what the fact that a warrior can do more dps now than they will at level 60 with one legendary and the covenant should speak volumes on how shittily they are implementing the shadowhand systems and this is already accounting for the removal of corruption what what this is the best it's gonna get i'm already at the bottom of the meter are you [ __ ] kidding me hello yeah so how do you feel about this i mean obviously there's a disconnector between what the devs think is valuable feedback and what the players think is valuable feedback right so if you if you have a private forum and you've invited some of the best theory crafters and players to to offer their their point of view yeah and you're making changes based on what you you the developers want to do and you're only you're taking like a drip of the feedback from the players that you selected i don't think it's gonna work out and i think i think when you look at how bad the game has gotten in terms of at least class design and how fun specs are to play like it it's it's it takes way too [ __ ] long for these changes to happen i don't know what i don't know what the problem is in the pipeline from players giving feedback to developers acting on that feedback and why it's not being taken into account like on these private forums that they have which i'm not on by the way okay i just want to point that out but i think if you look at stuff like um shadow priests right now are apparently pretty fun to play i don't know for sure yeah i hear i hear good things about shadow priests right i hear good things like if you play the way i look at it is like if you play a bad spec long enough you'll eventually be rewarded with the spec being good for like maybe a couple patches unless you're a destro lock here's what's weird about this post here is that i think this indicates kind of what i've been talking about how they develop games without the context of how the systems and how the things in the game actually affect and make players feel because i think that these people are viewing the way that it makes a player feel as being a negative whereas i think for a lot of other people and for a player they don't look at this as a sim you know a series of math calculations they look at it instead as an experience that they either enjoy or they don't and if it makes people feel a certain way then i think that should mean something and obviously like what they're saying is true like yes the emotional reaction to changes is sometimes disproportionate like i i've had that i've gotten disproportionately mad about changes too of course i think almost everybody that plays this game who's played this game for a long time has gotten disproportionately mad about a change in world of warcraft for me it's all the [ __ ] time i haven't okay but theory just for most part think their opinion is word of god including my doing well that's what i'm saying that okay i agree with i agree with that i think that i think that saying like oh i i i'm i cannot remain silent i could like this is odd was a little bit dramatic this is such a this is so dramatic if i was going to do anything i would i would just i would react with anger obviously yeah but like i'm sure every every spec okay i think i think there's a problem with there's no feedback to the feedback okay there's there's not enough so for example i think every class has dead talents okay every class has them so for galden's for example for rat paladins justicar's vengeance was only good for like maybe a month in legion okay that town has been dead for like four [ __ ] years and it's going to be dead for the entirety of shadowlands okay it's gonna be completely dead that's exciting i don't unders and also and there's been no feedback from the devs for justice cars vengeance being the way it is okay yeah it doesn't it doesn't replace templar's verdict okay it makes it so that you lose out on damage because you you do a shitty little heal that doesn't make a difference in the in the end okay so there's no feedback on that and there's no feedback on auras either so every all a lot of rats are complaining about like for example rhett aura which is it's complete dog [ __ ] i i don't know it doesn't reflect damage it no it doesn't reflect it doesn't do reflect damage it's a complete it's a completely selfish aura that just makes it so that whenever you're a team or a [ __ ] raid member or party member dies you get avenging wrath for like 12 seconds that's cool but i'm being serious like that's obviously it's it's such a selfish buff and that's i don't think that's the way auras are meant to be i think auras are meant to be like you know you're [ __ ] you're buffing your party or you're right i need to take a piss but you just think about this all right i think that's cool and i'm gonna explain why when i come back uh you're a [ __ ] okay well i also want to say that these the example that magdalena gave were not very good i think a better i think a better example would be um whenever whenever that one dev uh said that uh oh great that's why it's a talent choose a different talent you know when you're giving feedback on talents and [ __ ] i think it's not productive to just be like oh well just just choose a different talent man that that doesn't help it's it's you're just it's just it's it pisses me off anyway what a day so yeah it's pretty cool because you can turn it on whenever like in a bg or something like that i don't think do you really think it's a bad ability it shouldn't be in the game yeah i think this should have changed uh rhett or a long time ago i don't know i i feel like i feel like a lot of times they they reach a point where a a spec is at the most fun it has been in a long time like but they still do changes sure well they have to they can't just stop changing it i do i don't understand why i feel like a lot of times they make changes just to justify their own job it like cause people are getting bored no but your goal is to make the game as fun as it can possibly be right and if that's your job as a developer and you've hit that mark you don't need to change anything else it's it's fun if the feedback that you're getting is that a spec is extremely fun and a lot of people like the way it plays just don't [ __ ] [ __ ] with it you know it it's like i don't know you think they wouldn't get it justify your position in the company just let's change it for the sake of changing it because uh we gotta have our jobs i mean i i don't i hate this [ __ ] man okay didn't you get bored at the end of like imagine like at the end of an expansion where you played your same patch for like i don't know like 10 months or eight months wouldn't you get bored of playing your class after then i know i would and like especially if it was like but the thing okay all right so let's i think we can compromise on this to some degree i agree with you but i think that the degree of change is too high or it is too low like they have to change some things they shouldn't just flip it upside down it would be too hot right so like they okay i i don't know for me mop and water red were like some of the best times right okay and to change that going into legion and a lot of your [ __ ] was either you know a lot of your power was put into ashbringer which is whatever that's the whole point of the artifact yeah but then they kept going with it so then they kept putting the power into heart of azeroth and essences and you know they're not hard about yeah essences and azerite powers and [ __ ] like bad corruptions and they're not returning it to the classes and they're making it so that i think the classes are more boring and the systems are more convoluted and i think that's the wrong direction to go i think you need to put more fun back into the classes themselves and just let the systems i i don't know just exist on their own without having to interfere with i think that the problem is that classes are 70 complete and the max level in-game systems are 30 percent right and for some classes only 10 and so you have an 80 class not very good but overall i think that's what the issue is that's what i think it is is that the classes are they're built to be incomplete because the max level systems complete them is that do you agree with that yeah i don't think it should be that way i think you should you shouldn't want to play the game to engage in the system so that your class can feel good i think yeah you just give the person or the the people the classes as they are a complete class and spec and then just let them have fun in the systems you don't need to i don't like this like mixing of the two it just feels it just feels [ __ ] [ __ ] man these decisions are [ __ ] [ __ ] i hate this [ __ ] i don't know why we can't just have more honest communication and conversations with the devs on a more candid level i think the fact is that all of this um obfuscation and confusion and talking around the problem has caused a lot of the concern that they have and we have if we sat down and we got more chances to talk with them then we would have many more opportunities to be able to actually have a communication a line of communication and make changes iteratively but what this person's saying about the changes already being implemented to begin with it's just not there i think what we can do what i want to do is if we could have devs come on every once in a while and just talk about the game and be able to discuss these things and how much they matter to the player base because i feel like they don't really they don't see how much it matters and also i dislike this idea that like the emotional component of the game is like invalid like people play video games to feel good people want to feel good playing a video game why do you think it matters to people why do you think people want to spend hours and hours and hours farming out for a different tint of a weapon or a different type of mount it's because they get something out of it i i don't know i just don't get it i don't get how riot can be you know lauded for their [ __ ] communication but blizzard is so bad it's embarrassing and right they make [ __ ] mobas some of the most dog [ __ ] games ever mobas are [ __ ] horrible but yeah they have better communication from the devs it's just i [ __ ] hate that [ __ ] [ __ ] mobas [ __ ] lame they're very boring and they're not as cool as mmos most mobas you can't even get mounts in them and they just suck i don't know do you think we'll be able to get somebody on no you're not gonna you're not gonna be able to talk to any developers i think like you saying this [ __ ] like i'm a good developer it's never gonna happen like you can ask as much as you want i don't think it's you're you're never gonna get a developer to come on to all craft and be [ __ ] candid with you about why they make changes just come out they make changes or whatever the [ __ ] okay they just come on the stream that's fine too it's like i don't know i don't think it's ever gonna happen illegally at least you know what ghost crawler i'm pretty sure was the one that said they were gonna nerf brett into the [ __ ] ground okay and at the time that was pretty shitty right but at least i i would rather have a developer like that act like that and and be like that than just [ __ ] complete radio silence because at least that's something well yeah you can be like you know what [ __ ] you greg i don't like that how you think you're gonna nerf my [ __ ] class and it's like at least there's something to talk about whereas like now everybody's just yelling into the void at least he communicated at least he [ __ ] yeah blog posts or whatever the [ __ ] at least he put together the private forums at least they did that i don't know what the [ __ ] going on right now it's just irritating i think that the problem is this i think the problem is that blizzard feels in a complete adversarial relationship with the community and they've been put in that place by a number of different uh factors and somebody needs to come in and break down that relationship because as long as that relationship exists the game will not improve because blizzard's goals are not are contrary to the players goals and until blizzard can get ahead and they can listen to what people are saying and respond to it in a meaningful way then nothing's going to change [Music] like that's the problem is i think the developers feel like they've been alienated in the community i think that for example like ian probably like i don't know like do they consider going on preacher's stream a mistake because ian used like the ripcord thing and then everybody talks about it now the thing is like i think if they had more communication each individual thing that that was said would not be considered as seriously it's like think for example look at donald trump donald trump has some crazy [ __ ] happen like every week it doesn't matter what [Music] well it doesn't matter because there's so many crazy things that happen that they stop phasing you it's like shock therapy and i think that i think we need some shock therapy from from the [ __ ] devs come on and just say like we think the people that think this are [ __ ] morons like if i got a dev on and he said yeah of course we're not going to get rid of lfr you [ __ ] idiot like everybody plays lfr i'm like okay all right [ __ ] you but fine you know and move on but like it there's it's all this this like weird [ __ ] yeah but i think them still like i think the them still having r is there you know [ __ ] you we're gonna keep it right yeah it's the same titan forging i believe yeah but that's gone well it was yeah which is good by the way it was very good i was very happy about that you know at least that's a it's a step in the right direction to have gear beat gear i was surprised i was shocked he said that when he first did yeah um in an interview with a ghost car a few years ago he said at blizzard we the developers are the rock stars success vips all other companies the players are i think that's why mike moorheim and mets and left the devs have been looking down at us for too long at least at least they could justify being the rock stars when the game was better if the developers feel like they're rock stars right now they're [ __ ] delusional you know what they're probably spending all this time you know going to these fancy ass restaurants ordering this fancy ass food or eating caviar twitter all the time yeah eating caviar posting on twitter [ __ ] [ __ ] god damn [ __ ] rich ass [ __ ] i hate rich people yeah same how long was that interview with ian it's like an hour or something like that i think so yeah i don't i don't think this is enough time like you need like i would say you need like six to seven hours with the developer to really get into like the nitty-gritty yeah why decisions are made i i don't like this like oh uh we're gonna take an hour out of our busy day of like uh meetings about nothing to talk to the player base which should probably be the most important thing to do but we're only going to give you guys an hour like i i don't i don't get that well i think it's about okay if they're doing it more though right i mean i i would say so i don't know i it feels so weird to consolidate so many issues that require such a such nuance yeah just cram it all into a goddamn hour you know yeah that's so weird it's it's i don't know it's weird to me developers can no longer judge how popular how unpopular something is based solely on the number of people telling them about it asmond gold could piss in a jar drink it then demand blood elves to be deleted from the game and be replaced by walking talking jars of urine then you'd have thousands of people spamming the forums demanding that change i think that's not true that's not true at all i completely disagree with that give it give it a give it a whirl give it a try dude here's the thing there are plenty of things that i say that my viewers disagree with like i feel like that's not even what it is if they think this is [ __ ] true then why aren't we riding on a [ __ ] caterpillar we're riding on an ancient and you know what it's gonna look stupid it's not gonna fit through doors it's gonna be too big it's gonna be unwieldy and it's gonna be [ __ ] annoying and nobody's gonna use it after the first three days everybody disagreed with me they did what they wanted to do this idea that i can make all the decisions and i just tell people what to think is [ __ ] delusional my viewers don't give a [ __ ] unless they're agreeing with what i'm saying i just i don't know what to do like i think that just like talking to the devs and like being more open to like just giving feedback in a way and like listening to what they say the devs don't know what to do either that's what the whole [ __ ] tweet was they don't like these people don't know what to do [Music] that's what we're talking about we're talking about the disconnect what do you want to see changed i don't know there's i've said it so many times it doesn't really matter i don't want to get into it again you're just demoralized uh no i just don't think anything's gonna happen if i just sit here and [ __ ] about it for 20 minutes uh it's kind of sad like i i don't know really what else to say about it besides that i mean you're missing game devs one and three of top hated jobs well that's not the thing is like i'm willing to i'm willing to extend an olive branch and try to communicate with the devs and actually do something positive and that's all i'm really trying to get at i just want to be able to do something positive because i feel like there's it's not really happening and i feel like it could happen in a way that it isn't and that's really what it comes down to for me like i feel like we can do more than what we are doing now and it's like right now in pvp for example like you're getting like i think pvp now is better than it was a hundred percent but there are some things in the game that are just like super scuffed like these are just like super scuffed things and it just happens and it's crazy to me like it's absolutely crazy like you just one shot somebody reaping frames two people right there reaping flames like this is cool it's really really cool but at the same time like some classes just like don't die like healers are balanced for arena and like why would you balance healers for arena it makes literally zero sense to me like that's the last thing that people do people do bgs and like keywords are just op as [ __ ] bgs i guess actually not anymore really not really not anymore yeah people die so fast now it's actually not even true anymore yeah i was just thinking i like that yeah i like this i like the pace of pvp right now damage could damage could probably be a little bit lower but i like the fact that i don't have to spend 10 minutes at waterworks to cap the note you know either people die or they don't either you win or you yes like uh this [ __ ] where you have to wait until you know dampening kicks in an arena or you have three healers go out of mana finally after an hour at water works like yeah i hated that [ __ ] like i just want people to die or they don't it does seem like it kind of goes on it was going on too long i think this is definitely an improvement a hundred percent i agree with that like right now like i'm just kidding like i use my healing cooldown and i don't heal like my health doesn't even go up i just still [ __ ] i just still [ __ ] get [ __ ] i just still get [ __ ] it doesn't matter at all is it understandable on balance right after the remove scaling well it's not about being unbalanced right it's two completely different things right we're gonna lose that one 100 we're gonna lose that one uh 15 people on you well i mean no dude like go up against like a shaman or something like that like they'll still [ __ ] one shot you like th the game is in balance right now like it just [ __ ] is as fun as it is and everything like that it's still pretty [ __ ] unbalanced like right now uh i i don't know like yeah but too much balance is boring dude yeah because then you get then nobody [ __ ] dies you're pressing all these goddamn abilities you're putting all this power into the cooldowns and nobody [ __ ] dies it's it that is boring to me yeah i can agree with that this is at least a step in the right direction i don't know you guys never happy i'm more happy now than i was like i will settle for this i will much more settle for this than what it was originally [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 357,414
Rating: 4.8643322 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold best, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, asmongold savix, mcconnell wow, asmongold mcconnell, mcconnell pvp, asmongold savix reaction, wow shadowlands, asmongold shadowlands, shadowlands pvp, shadowlands devs, mcconnell return, mcconnell shadowlands, shadowlands changes, shadowlands pre patch, shadowlands classes, shadowlands class changes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 59sec (2399 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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