The Literal God Is Back!? Asmongold MOUNT OFF Competition

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today we will do the first mount off in over a month now i've i've gotten a lot of gear but you know what we've gotten a lot of mounts too and i think we're gonna have an opportunity to get in here and actually see what we can do for a mount off the rules are very simple i will get on a mount every other player in the entire raid has to get on that exact same mount if they do not get on that exact same mount they will be kicked out of the tournament until only two players remain those two players will then duel to see who among the two of them has more mounts and then the winner of that will go up against me that's how it works so boys let's see i would say are you ready but it seems like they're [ __ ] ready so the first mount the green karaji battle tank let's go boys get on the green karachi battle tank why because it's right no we're getting on the green one everybody get on the green karachi battle tank this mount comes from this raid everybody should have it you should have it i should have it everybody should have it come on boys let's see it is there anybody that doesn't have this mount good job good job make sure you guys loot these mobs by the way so they're not getting in our way okay good good that's what we like to see all right i thought that was a yellow one for a second but it wasn't you know what speaking of yellow ones let's get on the yellow one everybody get on the yellow one get on the yellow karaji battle tank i want to see it every single person every single player must get on this mount or they are kicked out of the raid wait this guy's wait he's not leaving is he [Music] wait a minute no he's not leaving oh my god okay no we're fine okay good that's good enough give me a second why you guys do this weird [ __ ] on me all right every single player wait denis denis didn't enos that's the wrong color that is the wrong battle tank dininess i don't have it goodbye we lost our first person now i think this one also is going to lose some people as well i don't really know why considering how easy it is to get but we are going to get on as always every single time that we do this tournament in aq we are getting on the red karachi battle tank this is the rarest one most of the time only one drops in the entire raid whenever you run it which means that all you had to do is run this raid once and you would have gotten this mount but unfortunately somebody right here this hand of a doll doesn't have it he wants to flex on his crab very impressive fizz you haven't spent 20 minutes doing one instance i'm proud of you we all are great work man good job goodbye zanthius goodbye you guys fought well you tried hard but unfortunately you didn't have one of the easiest mounts to get in the game better luck next time what mountain is the red crab it's from the undersea user for achievement all right cheaters wait what are the cheaters wait there's a cheater koala from the guild game master we know what i always wanted to kick a game master out of my group get the [ __ ] out of here get out of here yeah i don't want you in here there's no rules in this [ __ ] instance i make the rules here not you yeah get the [ __ ] out of here i run this [ __ ] game yeah get that get the [ __ ] out of here i'll kick a gm right out of my goddamn run all right that's a lot better we got all the red ones now let's go ahead we're going to get on another easy one all right i like to start it off easy and then i like to get hard let's get on the imani battle bear this is a very easy mound everybody should have it if you don't have it you're a [ __ ] clown flashbacks is hiding wait what wait a minute where's flash bro you were inside the [ __ ] get on the red one get on the red one right get now the red one you were inside the anubisath idol you were hiding inside [ __ ] idiot [ __ ] idiot dude you're gonna play those [ __ ] games on me man you're gonna cheat you're gonna cheat in my mouth you're gonna cheat and my [ __ ] mount off absolutely disgusting everybody else has the mount good i'm proud of you now let's continue yeah cheat better next next traveler's tundra mammoth get on travor's tundra mammoth let's see it everybody get this is a 2 000 gold mountain every single player in the entire game should have this mount anry you have champion of naru you know you have this mount get on it henry do you really not are you are you kidding me are you [ __ ] kidding me henry is this a joke you have champion of nauru and you don't even have this easy ass mount to get i [ __ ] knew it get the [ __ ] see dude they [ __ ] they sit there and they wait dude they [ __ ] wait yeah real clever dude real [ __ ] clever there's a guy hiding in the corpse give me a second sorry asman i love you me too i'm sorry too goodbye good job guys everybody else has the mammoth i'm proud of you guys good work you've done very well so cute yeah of course what a bunch of snitches yeah exactly all right we've gone through some easy mounts this will also be a more uh uh more like relatively difficult mount the red drake from getting exalted with worm rest accord and wrath of the lich king this is an extremely easy mount to get anybody who spends any time at all would know how to get this mount it's not difficult in any way shape or form and anyone who doesn't have it is just [ __ ] lazy [Music] looks like we've got a lot of lazy boys in here that's just fine with me let me remove them you know it's going i'm too lazy to turn in my rep tokens during wrath of the witch we can wink he just put on the tabard and run a [ __ ] five man 10 times and you're gonna get it like this this is not a a [ __ ] like you don't need to learn a bunch of [ __ ] math and other [ __ ] to figure this out like just do it as much as you can like it's actually easy as hell man yeah you just wear the tabard and do the dungeons alrighty [Music] everybody else wait get on the right mount man i don't want to have to look at you again all right there we go good everybody else has the mount i'm proud get out get out get it get out of the run get out get together get out of here [ __ ] bronze drake dude imagine this being imagine this being a bloodbath imagine the red drake being a mount that's hard for people to get imagine getting kicked out for a mount that's been in the game longer than half of my chat has been alive sad very very sad let's go again next mount the tan tan writing towel book get on the tan writing towel book this mount is very rare very few people have it it's extremely difficult to get only the best players are you [ __ ] kidding me i was meaning this is a joke like for you guys that don't play wow this is a [ __ ] joke are you kidding me very funny this is the funniest [ __ ] thing possible man this is absolutely hilarious wow okay had to do it to him yeah you had to do it to me all right that's real clever man well i'm gonna have to kick you out though because you didn't have the right mount smitten goodbye tormund goodbye and then look at him hellwind you're gone goodbye you did your best it's a gmod funny oh yeah oh yeah they're they're real real funny real real funny let's go over here goodbye walk it out boys walk it out get on it get get out of here get the [ __ ] out of here with your busted ass broken dog [ __ ] ass mounts literally no [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this this is the dark war towel book did i say to get on the dark war towel book or the tan war towel book purple eco's one chat always remember that purple equals win yeah you're right except for today goodbye nice try get them out of here get get them get them get get get get get get get get them out of here let me do another one all righty better luck next time okay fossilized raptor i don't know if i want to do fossilized raptor or not let's see what else i've got what do you guys think i could go with the nether wing drake but i think i've gotten on that one too often i want to throw them a curveball i want to get something that's a little bit more challenging something they haven't really thought of yet let's go ahead and maybe we'll go with the new mount i want to try a new mount a brand new mount and buy a brand new mount i mean not a new mount but we're going to try something that i haven't done for a while okay here we go the green shadow pan riding tiger the green shadow pan riding tiger let's see it okay okay everybody else has the mountain except for treading betray it in you did your best that wasn't good enough cunnilingus very very clever getting on another mount that i don't have well enjoy it man while you're getting kicked out for a month that you don't have goodbye we've lost a lot of people so far is it time for us to go is it time for us to go into the rare amounts is it time for us to go into the rare amounts boys let's go alrighty i'm deciding what's it what is the easiest rare amount to get what is the easiest rare drop mount to get i would say actually you know what let's go with this one this is a very rare amount anybody can get it now this is a 20 chance mount every single one of you should have this one every single one of you and you almost all do minus robin oh oh wow wow okay all right they've all [ __ ] got it there we go holy [ __ ] all right good job great [ __ ] job man amazing [ __ ] job proud of you now let's continue okay next smell what do you guys think what do you guys think i know what i'm gonna do i'm just kidding bravery everybody activate the raven wards this is one of my favorite mounts in the game i love this [ __ ] mount i remember back in wrath of the lich king whenever i got it i felt so [ __ ] good i felt like an amazing player a great person and a true champion and all of you guys are as well except for wait [Music] we are elite champions i see that holy [ __ ] man these guys are insane what the [ __ ] okay all right let's go yeah let's do it again alrighty another mount i'm gonna go for another rare one i want to go for a difficult amount to get something that's not too hard maybe we'll go with something that's relatively casual relatively easy why don't we go with one of the legends the clutch of g [ __ ] this is gonna lose some people i can guarantee you we're gonna lose a good number of people to this one there's one two three three people [Music] oh my god what oh no this is so sad i farmed it so much yeah just not enough oh man but you've all got the purple one well you know what or the blue one or whatever color that is goodbye feminol goodbye jazz dude goodbye thoracium goodbye gunned goodbye as well little turn to i feel bad honestly i feel like i got on i feel like i did something wrong to them can i stay no um yeah you can always stay if you're like one of the last people to get kicked man like like you you you didn't you you like it's uh that's this that this cert you got your man you gotta do more you gotta do better man like you can't just ask to stay whenever you don't even have g kun this is like oh yeah can i stay i don't have the 5 million gold now it's like yeah sure whatever but you don't have g kun come on man you got to take it a little bit more seriously what's this right here verendale of the alliance van cleef didn't kill himself [Music] that attempted humor is just about about as bad as your mount collection sorry goodbye it's not good better luck next time join another guild it's a stupid name okay next mount let's go ahead and throw him a curveball get on the dunes scavenger get on the dunes scavenger i want to see the dunes scavenger come on there we go there we go easy [ __ ] game there it is warsaw and raspberry wait is this guy buy it quick man dude don't don't listen to him he's probably selling it on an alt character and he's trying to just make a quick sale let me buy it man it's too late you can't do it now don't buy it are they actually they're not oh no man what are you doing what are you doing there are no rules that says you can't buy it okay all right let's go ah dude i have like no gold all right now remember raspberry he bought this mount just so he could get into the next round all right we have our top 10 right here our top 10 contestants for the mount off and now let's take it down to nine i've already done enough of those hmm hmm skull ripper [Music] get on skull ripper this is a mount that took me a very long time to farm oh no cartacon you don't have the mount that's nine boys that's what i said boys there it is that's nine hey yo you did your best but it really didn't just go kill them just just go get them out man like literally just go get them out like i don't know why you don't have how do you not have this one like you need to go get this mount like this is easy as [ __ ] all right we have our nine people arathi is up as of today go get it yeah go get it right now dude all right next round the rat stallion no i don't think so uh i've done that one more regularly i don't think it's really time for that one to be activated again why don't we activate i'll let the chat decide chat tell me what you guys like [Music] activate the asses of alarm get on the asses of alar let's see it henry oh okay okay all right there we go these are they're ass champions all right well that's i think that's a good thing right i'm not sure but yeah maybe it is all right you guys want it all right fine we'll do it everybody get on the mail muncher get on the mail muncher let's do it hey man i think you know this but i know how you feel i really do i know how you feel man i've been there many times just go back into the visions and keep on opening up those boxes can i stay and watch only if you're like the last five man it's not not uh soon enough because i can't keep track of everybody i'm almost at tri 400 plus sounds like it's time for 401 next amount i'm gonna close my eyes i'm gonna pick one [Music] oh this is a good one green proto-drake yo that's a [ __ ] dude this is my [ __ ] curveball green proto-drake oh oh robin shoots [Music] uh oh my mom was a server first green proto drake on my server [Music] robin i'm sorry to say man but you didn't make the cut sometimes you get it and sometimes you get gone whenever she got it i'll take top 10 for first try it's good enough magic's terrace one the swift white [ __ ] do we get on the swift white [ __ ] [Music] we haven't done that one for a while and i like saying it so yeah let's get on it yeah get on the swift white [ __ ] this is a very easy mount they're all gonna have this one but you know what we're gonna get on it anyway let's see it boys there it is look at that eight white [ __ ] looking good lots of [ __ ] we love to see it good job boys great work now let's keep going [Music] alrighty check the dates um 9 29 and oh damn yo you got those on the same [ __ ] day yo congrats that's big that's really really big i remember i farmed this mountain um with a you know the shadow priest that i told you guys got atiesh and he spent like an hour and a half explaining four horsemen and then the raid wiped in 10 seconds [Music] that exact same shadow priest he and i every night after raid together with two man magisters terrace and we promised each other that after one of us got the mount that we would stick around and help the other one get them out [Music] and we did this together for over a year and i have in my old hard drive a screenshot of us standing right next to each other both with the [ __ ] mount he worked on trump's campaign in 2016. guy's wild as [ __ ] man well you got guys a guy's nuts but like [Music] that's the guy man this is from back in the day dude and uh i talked to him like maybe like three years ago i should have taken his account like i could have taken his account from uh uh because like he stopped playing right and like i had access to his account that had fts on it i could have merged it over with my account before battling it and i don't know why i didn't do it but uh yeah i could actually have atish on my account if i didn't do that or if i had done that uh i mean i feel like it's kind of my rts2 because i helped get a lot of the uh the parts that he needed right back in burning crusade so you know it's kind of like a that's kind of mine as well okay let's see here next one oh no no i'm not gonna do that one that one's way too hard all right let's do one that's a little bit more interesting let's go ahead and get on drake of the north wind or south wind excuse me drake of the south wind i want to get on some exciting mountains here i want to have some fun we want to get in here we want to take it more seriously there it is all right good job how about we get on i feel like i don't know what to get on right now i don't know how hard i should get all right that's a good idea everybody get on a new midnight from return to karazhan get on the new midnight from return to karazhan this is a pretty rare amount to have very few people have it my favorite mountain yeah this is one of okay all right they're showing off now it's time to get it's time to dequeue somebody all right yeah somebody's getting dequeued here yeah someone's done someone see someone someone's getting kicked out right here all right they're trying to show off now i see how it is you guys want to one-up me this is a challenge all right fine let's [ __ ] do that all right next mount we're going to get on the hm i'm thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking no that one's too hard all right uh bone white right bone white white primal white raptor there you go get on the get on this one get on this one right here hold okay all right that's fine all right let's see flex on them boys all right you guys want to [ __ ] start this [ __ ] i'm ready for that too let's go uh get on the crimson slaver maw from the antoran wastes this is a completely random [ __ ] mouth you guys might not even have this is very easy to get but some people might not have it okay that's it all right i've i've had i [ __ ] i've had it i've had it with these [ __ ] these these flexors man this is disgusting all right let me go back down over here all right what do i frighten kodo no no yeah i'm gonna do it frighten koda frighten kodo oh my god absolutely [ __ ] deleted three four people we lose all right step back gentlemen step back a little bit we have our three contestants here unseen the insane from the guild fortuitous you monked up from the guild ballerborn bash cutter lord of the reigns from the guild number go up gentlemen who do you think is going to win who do you think is going to win bash cutter is the chosen one by the chat [ __ ] wait he just g quit hey yo [ __ ] him man yeah who gives a [ __ ] all right next mount we'll get on some just to get a lay of the land chat why the [ __ ] would you vote on me mimiron said are you kidding me unseen are you [ __ ] kidding me are you [ __ ] kidding me oh my god all right now it's the two of you i will figure out which one of you will go first by getting on a mount the first one that you guys don't have will be the person that uh that gets the point glacial tide storm from mythic jaina glacial tide storm okay okay all right okay all right uh grand armored griffin from operation shield wall grand armored griffin bash cutter [ __ ] ass it sure is you monked up has one point bash cutter you have to get on a mount that you monked up does not have bash cutter gets on oh the hard mode mechagon mount okay all right all right he's gonna have that though he doesn't have that on you mocked up has one point batch cutter has one point then you monkey up gets on the uh that's a shackled urzo for mythic argus bass cutter doesn't have that it's two to two it's sorry it's two to one basket gets on the arcadian war turtle for 150 curious coins and curios it is two to one bash cutter you have to get on amount that he does not have oh the blood gorge croc from glory of the older old dear raider oh oh dude you did your best and then oh clutch of hawaii from the new 8.3 zones all right he's got that too bash cutter come on man you're not going to lose this are you oh all right this is one of the new quellens oh he's got that one too bash cutter oh i don't have that one uh bash cutter come on man come on man you gotta get come on man like try harder try harder man you're trying to get on these mounts obviously this guy plays bfa for some reason you gotta try something different you gotta yeah switch it up okay all right the uh the thundering one he has that too this guy does a lot of [ __ ] he's got a lot of alts this guy lives in patch 8.3 bash cutter it's not going to happen he has literally every single mount from patch 8.3 okay he's done 8.3 really oh man i would have never been able to tell that like that's crazy really okay let's go so fast the [ __ ] yeah there we go all right oh the ashara bloat ray from gory of the ashara raider okay all right they both have that batch cutter you got to display this guy plays bfa a lot oh blood gorge hunter from the all right island expeditions oh the crackhorn leaper also from island expeditions and oh this guy's got every single island mount in the game bash cutter man this is not looking good for you buddy this is not looking good this is not good at all i don't trust it it could be a fake out so you think he's trying to fake you out he's lying but he actually doesn't all right all right the island thunderscale from again the uh the island expeditions what else is there okay there is a mayor from the havens ward office mission there it is right there oh the elderhorn all right he's got that one too oh the twilight avenger he has that as well bash cutter it seems as though he was not lying back he doesn't need to lie he's confident he's got the mounts why would he need to lie if he already has the mouse oh oh [ __ ] they both have the green hellfire inferno from goldan oh my god what the [ __ ] okay headless horseman that's easy and then all right grove warden okay oh oh my god dude bash cutter cannot trip this guy up man this guy's like a [ __ ] robot dude he just immediately uh oh oh no oh no oh that's good with the two points and then he gets on that that's the what's that the thundering onyx concept that comes from huan and chai mas isle and then instead of that bash governor has that so it's two to two you munked up gets on the uh that's a swift white warsaber and that is three points for him and then batch cutter gets on the uh that's the rest of the mount that comes from mechagon and patch 8.2 and he has that as well you monked up has three points bash cutter only has two bash cutter you have to get on him out that he is not okay [ __ ] you all right that's three points for bash cutter good job any pvp or oh no oh no that's already four points for you monked up it is oh no does batch cutter not have the pvp mounts the highmountain elderhorn that's easy to get dude everybody has that oh no bash cutter you're not gonna lose this are you there's no way you're gonna lose this he lost one paragon okay all right you're gonna go through it he's getting on the uh the valarjar storm wing all right i respect that i love that mount that mount's [ __ ] awesome [Music] bass cutter's thinking he's wondering he's strategizing he's plotting he's looking up this guy in simple armory to try and see if he can find him out that he doesn't have from 10 years ago but is he gonna find one or is he going to lose has four points bash cutter only has three and then he gets on the lupine fox oh oh oh okay all right they both have it and then oh this soundless mount [ __ ] you guys man [ __ ] you guys are [ __ ] like why you gotta get just i'm right here you have to get on that mountain in front of me is that really what you gotta do what a bunch of dicks the silent glider this drops from soundless and uh in in masterton yeah i get it man i get it well i get it okay the black goat he has the black goat oh the army of the light paragon box mounts these are the alex there's three of them and you monked up probably has all three of them considering he has all these other mounts look at that this guy immediately gets on the exact same mount he's so [ __ ] fast it's like bash cutters going up against a [ __ ] bot this guy has aimbot except for he's just getting on mounts how's this so fast when we bought i think he has like an add-on just has him like replicate the same uh an add-on probably that allows him to apply the same buff that that the other player has to themself me too add-on oh yeah it's too bad method didn't have that basket bash cover it's on you oh no bash cutter oh no oh no not going to prolong my death you monked up all right chat was wrong chat has failed all right all right you mocked up it's on you begin whenever you're ready move back a little bit on scene [ __ ] [ __ ] all right swift versace raptor all right it's one to one it's one to one i can play that game oh okay all right gorster all right maybe he doesn't have glory the drain or raider maybe he doesn't have that wait what bro i just threw him a curveball [Music] fell still annihilator he's got two points i've only got one i have to get on a mount that he doesn't have okay uh let's see what am i going to go on all right uh how about uh let's see maybe i can go oh darkmoon daredevil okay this is a pretty rare amount it's a thousand tickets there's no way he has this there's no he's done he's done it's over you're finished it's two to two boys there it is and then you [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] oh man you're gonna get on that mount you're gonna get on the one [ __ ] mouth that i don't have the risen mare all right conqueror scythema okay he has that as well all right let's see what are the other ones that i can get on instead cloud wing hyper grip how about that one all right get on this one right here cloud wing hippogriff [Music] is this gonna be three right here yeah it's three boys that's three and that's for [ __ ] four yeah he's got four he's got so it's four points all right child of torkali all right this is a pretty rare mount you have to get this and i said oh he's gonna [ __ ] get on he's gonna [ __ ] he's just gonna [ __ ] get on yeah he's gonna [ __ ] get on him yeah i knew he's gonna [ __ ] get he's gonna [ __ ] get on it man i just knew it man all right fine bloodbang widow 2 million gold now that's fine he's got four it's four to three he's got four i've got three this could be my four this could be my four that's my form right there what was this this is the [ __ ] is this the [ __ ] you want to play that game that's five points for you and this is five points for me you know you don't [ __ ] have this you know you don't [ __ ] have this this is it that is five to five enjoy it while it lasts enjoy it while it lasts because it's not going to last for very long there we go i'll just get on this one all right he's got that one all right uh b swords iron tusk you might not have the new wards or draenor time walking mounts these are pretty rare many people don't have them yet because they haven't saved up the tickets he has that one all right let me try the other one maybe he doesn't have both of them [ __ ] okay all right how about the awaken mind board this is for plus 15 dungeons okay he has that one too all right and tauren char hound and tauren shorthand [Music] amani warbear i'm right here i might as well get on it get on the amani warbear get on the amani warbear yeah that's what i thought dude i just got on an old mount mass that [ __ ] it dude he says well [ __ ] infinite time reaper okay all righty well i guess do you concede at least i didn't lose to a girl all right i'll remember that you mocked up you are the winner of this competition above all others you have risen you have defeated everybody else and you have the best mount collection in this mount off in over a month we have not done one of these mount offs and today we return you monked up stand next to me we'll take a screenshot together sanguine thank you very much the five get the community subs i appreciate that very much man thank you thank you single stand next to me but not the ones you needed listen you fought well you fought hard you did a good job [Music] it's a tie [Music] he forfeited because he knows that i have 10 other unobtainable mounts and he ran out of mounts that he either i didn't have he knows he's gonna lose these always end in a concede like obviously like i have like [ __ ] seven different gladiator amounts like five different removed from the game pve mounts like two other amounts that are probably removed from the game as well like there's no way he's gonna win you monked up did a great [ __ ] job though good work i'm proud of you you're a good person and a worthy fighter don't let chat get you down don't let people tell you that you're not good enough you did the best you could you fought well and you are the winner it's a round of applause right now for you [Music] good work we're better first round and i have plenty other ones too good work you're gonna suck his [ __ ] too no that's only if they beat me listen you tried hard unfortunately obviously that's the way it goes i think this guy did very well though i really do now i'm gonna have to go and try harder and focus more about this etcetera i'm gonna let you guys know this guy there used to be a time where i didn't even worry about who queued up into the mount off because i knew what the outcome was going to be it didn't matter who it was there was a time where like two of like the top mount collectors in the whole game both cued into the mount off and i was so confident that i 2v1 them at the end of the mount off because they were both girls and i won that's coming back we're bringing it back i'm gonna keep farming these as you guys can see every single week i grow stronger very soon here you won't even be able to see the mounts that i'm still missing these are some of the only mounts that i am missing in the entire game a number of these are guaranteed drops basically this is going to happen probably within the week this one is probably going to happen next lockout whenever it comes up again this one will happen this week too if the boxes come up i will farm islands all week to make sure that i get this mount this week the silent glider i am going to start farming this off stream i usually don't farm mounts off stream but this one is so [ __ ] annoying i'm going to farm it off stream and the g mod next time i do gmod i will get that one and the ivory caught serpent wall so yeah i'll get that one as well we have this conversation every time yeah but this time it's true that's what you guys aren't understanding is like i'm i'm growing in power and in just the small amount of time that i've spent invested in doing this stuff i have gained almost 400 achievement points i have gained multiple amounts and while these people think that they've gained a sense of humor it's not true they're very clever but unfortunately how clever they are won't matter very soon because i'm going to have all the mounts in a short amount of time one a week that's it yeah it's going to be a week like that's what you guys don't get like yeah big dick is back in town you're goddamn right and i'm going to tell you guys something i feel like at a certain point like my reputation is at stake whenever i lose a mount off or whenever somebody has more achievement points than me it's like my reputation as a person as a streamer it's like you know oh asmond yeah he's like this really good wow player well no he's not anymore right but like uh seven years ago he was actually really good but yeah nowadays nah and you know like it's just kind of sad you know what i mean it's just kind of [ __ ] sad yeah he was the literal god now he's the metaphorical god now he talks about how he used to be really good though brings that up all the time we can't let that happen anymore i'm gonna keep farming guys i'm gonna keep farming we're gonna keep winning don't worry about it okay thank you guys so much for watching i appreciate it and until next time boys [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 467,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold mount off, asmongold mount, wow mount off, mount off competition, wow mounts, asmongold mount off competition, mount off contest, asmongold competition, asmongold contest, mount off wow, wow competition, wow contest, asmongold mounts, asmongold loses, asmon mount off, asmongold best, asmongold wins mount off, asmongold mount off win, asmongold win, asmongold wins
Id: VY3WhstC_pI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 38sec (2918 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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