A BED Setup!? Asmongold Roasts His Viewers PC SETUPS | Episode 3

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what do we got here we have three monitors and i do really like the fact that this person just for like maximum degeneracy put their monitor in front of their window because i don't want jesus to know that i'm looking at what i'm looking at on this computer so he puts his monitor in front of the window to prevent jesus from seeing him and you know what i bet jesus appreciates it let me go down and let's start this up the first one the first viewer set up it's very very basic i i kind of like this though i mean he's obviously watching my stream so that's a plus right there and yeah i mean he's got the like but why is why is everything pink though why is everything pink i don't know about that man like that one is kind of odd it's purple not pink bro like look at that [ __ ] around look at that [ __ ] around the mouse pad is that pink or is that purple guys like tell me right now is that pink or is that purple that's [ __ ] pink okay i'm like that's [ __ ] pink 100 decent setup not amazing but it's a decent setup let me go to the next one wow this guy spent all his money on a curved monitor and he can't afford anything else to put on his desk and he's just got that random ass [ __ ] thing of that guy that being mad over there yeah look at that he's just got i feel like this is decent though like i always i always like setups that are um what do you call it i like setups that are very basic they're clean there's not like anything crazy or weird about them they're just very clean well put together setups this is a wooden desk which is definitely a few steps down for me i'm not a big fan of wooden desks but overall i do like it it's minimalistic yeah i like the minimalism of it that's definitely good it could be a standing desk too oh it is i'm pretty sure it is because it can go up and down the chair is decent too even though it looks a little bit weird overall i think this is okay this is a decent setup i like it and especially because he's watching my stream he's also playing wow even though it's on a wide screen monitor which i do think is kind of scuffed now that's next one let's go to the next one here okay all right so this is what you like to call a struggle set up this man has one monitor he has a bin q monitor from 2012 his keyboard is from 2009 and you know how best buy has like two keyboard sections they have like the keyboard section for the good keyboards and they have the keyboard section for the mom keyboards and i don't know how to use a computer people this is like the mid-range of the shitty keyboard aisle he's got a piss bottle on the right which is decent actually he's got multiple piss bottles and he's using a steel series mouse this is the same mouse that i'm using right now so i can respect that and his desk itself what is this disc it's literally an ironing board this man is living it this man is doing what he needs to do his desk is a straight up [ __ ] ironing board this man right here he's had a lot of challenges in his life he's worried about a lot of things in his life things could be better but they could be worse at least he has one monitor what's this one here oh wow that's really nice holy [ __ ] this is some clean ass [ __ ] so he's got his mic right there obviously his blue yeti he's got the little light the little ring light over there the webcam in the middle he's got three monitors this guy is living in 2009 okay he's got some nice shoes down below he's got the ship from his uh from his window that fell off onto the ground he doesn't have a problem to fix that he hasn't problems that he doesn't need to fix that though his mo his desk though do you know where you get that desk let me tell you you get that desk in the outdoor area of walmart the chair is kind of scuffed to be honest like the chair is kind of scuffed um i don't like that i don't like leather chairs the reason why i don't like leather chairs is because you're gonna sit at the table and at the chair all day and you're gonna sweat and they make you sweat even more than you normally would and then you're going to sweat and then stick to the chair so you guys need to understand like i have been sitting in chairs playing video games for a long time so whenever i give you my advice about this trust me that you're being informed by a professional let's go to the next one [Music] all right i'm gonna try to give this an honest rating okay you know what you [ __ ] you want to talk this [ __ ] next time i get a pizza hut delivery i'm gonna pretend like i'm not gonna give them a tip i'll give them a tip but that's what it is that's what he's got that right there that's his [ __ ] pizza hut delivery thing that he puts on his [ __ ] car and this is the same dude that's delivering pizzas probably watching my stream while he's driving around calling me a naked mole rat in my chat that's what it is that's i know what this is because my friend used to deliver pizza as a pizza hut and he had the same god damn thing you think you're gonna fool me with this [ __ ] where's my [ __ ] pizza just kidding i like dominoes better with your busted ass lamp that's on the back look at that lamp that's just knocked all the [ __ ] around this is insane you're gonna call me asthma bald naked mole rat but you know what you've got me on two of your monitors so who's really winning here i would say i am let's go to the next one three see you guys thought you were funny right the middle monitor is the same monitor i baited you into saying three knowing that you would say that whenever i said two that way i could call you stupid just take it okay i have to take it every [ __ ] day you guys can take one l go to the next one danny what do you got for us danny what the hell well how the [ __ ] do you sit in that what the hell man this [ __ ] sucks like bro you got a fire hazard that's in look at that that's a fire hazard right there that's worse than mine never mind it's not worse than mine yeah regardless mine's actually way worse i'm actually surprised that i haven't burnt the house down yet yeah this is [ __ ] terrible like you've got three different cans there you've got [ __ ] dos equis you've got a red bull can i'm pretty sure and you've got powerade okay this dude this dude's going too hard and he's got the little little peepo all right that's the only good thing the only reason you guys are rating this highly the only reason you guys are saying anything good about this is because the little [ __ ] people that you for some reason have decided to relate to other than that this is an absolute [ __ ] of a setup this is the biggest [ __ ] of a setup that i've ever seen and on top of that this guy has i believe two separate [ __ ] computers how do i know that because he has two separate mice but he only has one keyboard so he has two mice that are plugged in because those are both mice and you can see the light coming out of both of them but he only has one keyboard so how the [ __ ] is he gonna use two keyboards or one keyboard for two mice was he playing two with two hands like this he's a multi-boxer he's a multi-mouser we're gonna go to the next one hopefully we're gonna get some better uh better contestants here so this is somebody here she has a wow avatar as her character let's see what we've got i'm going to allow that i will allow this this bullying for one reason that you put that [ __ ] in the trash you threw that [ __ ] wait hey she threw her in the trash honestly this setup is [ __ ] amazing like i i really really like this setup a lot this is [ __ ] awesome like everything about this is really well designed like this is some straight up [ __ ] like this is really really good like it's an actual artist she's got like her art pad that's like right there where like i'm pointing at that's really really good she's got her own like little lamp if she wants to draw something herself she's got plants in there so the plants can turn into pencils and she can draw with those then she's got her monitor in the middle now the only thing that i'm going to take away from this setup is the fact that she's only got one monitor how the [ __ ] are you going to have one monitor you've got three computers you've got a drawing pad you've got a tablet but you don't have a second monitor it's like you're living in 2020 and 26 like 2005 at the same time and then she's got the warcraft cosmology chart she's got ragnaros thing there i mean i think overall this is a really nice and well put together setup now i do want to say though one thing that i do take points away from or i don't really i don't take points away from it but i think it's kind of a meme is whenever people use the gaming chairs a racing chair how fast are you trying to go buy a nice office chair and just sit in the office chair okay we're gonna go to the next one all right this is from somebody named big anime titties okay so this is aka fox slayers uh this is his new house it's his new apartment and he wanted to uh show us his new setup here i don't know really what to think about somebody who clearly wants to have sex with sailor moon that's clearly what we're at here but what do we got here we have three monitors and i do really like the fact that this person just for like maximum degeneracy put their monitor in front of their window because they're like i don't want sun to get through because this place is a place where the sun doesn't shine because i don't want jesus to know that i'm looking at what i'm looking at on this computer so he puts his monitor in front of the window to prevent jesus from seeing him and you know what i bet jesus appreciates it let's look at what he's got going on here so we've got one monitor right here oh he's got lysol how's it how bad does this dude smell man god damn why you got that but where's the tissues bro like what the [ __ ] oh my god what is all this look at these little bat boys oh my god they got the whole figurines their own [ __ ] dude oh my god look at them all and the little stickers oh my gosh this is just so [ __ ] overdown like i get liking anime but do you have to like anime this much it's a girl uh yeah you really think it's a girl this is a this is a dude man this dude has more hair on his back than i probably have on my head listen for weeb setups here's my advice man if you're a weeb be a weeb go all out get 18 different figurines of the same [ __ ] girl and just put them all over or different girls put them all over like go all in because what i'm seeing here this is somebody who's not fully ready and willing to admit what they are they're afraid of being known for what they truly are it's okay you can be a weeb don't be ashamed of it but have a little bit of shame that's it let's go to the next one so very big uh a very big fan of um this is what you like to call uh this is called the dick-nosed monkey and uh that's actually what uh charles darwin called it and um yeah this is this is the dick nosed monkey and uh oh my god wait the first second i saw it i was like oh what like my mods are [ __ ] up and then i actually looked at it and it's like just this thing man does it get erect oh my god yeah what if he blows his nose does it like flap and flip around oh my [ __ ] man it's polars that's so weird dude that is so [ __ ] weird i don't even want to think about that okay let's look at the setup if we can even take our eyes off of this uh that that schnoz okay um look this setup sucks okay like this is everything wrong with the setup okay let me explain what's wrong with it number one your monitors are there they're they don't really fit together very well they're different sizes which is awkward number two your keyboard is on the desk which it should never be on the desk because if the keyboard is on the desk then that makes not less room to put your drinks on the desk so you don't want to have your keyboard on the desk because that's where your drinks go on top of that it's a wooden desk which is disgusting i hate wooden desks you should only have yeah no i'm being serious on top of that we're going to keep going he has a keyboard tray and he's not using it but he is using it he's using it for a diablo three mouse pad that was a mistake that was a straight up goddamn [ __ ] mistake he should not have done that now you know what the third and final or fifth and final mistake he made was i'll make sure let me show you guys what the fifth and final mistake was it's right there i bought that mouse do you know how long it lasted three days this is this is what you like to call a real gamer and who's this from this is from necrolord85 through 854 on twitter necro award this is incredible the amount of time and effort you put into this is amazing but you want to know what's not amazing is the boots that you have on your classic wow warrior look at those pieces of [ __ ] look at those dog [ __ ] ass pieces of garbage nobody wants to see that let's go down to the rest of these he also has gummy lifesavers i'm impressed by that i like gummy lifesavers they're [ __ ] delicious now the reason why i like this one is because of how many cups it has on it it reminds me a lot of my own setup and whenever i see something that reminds me of myself i think that's good because i'm good he's got a massive [ __ ] mouse pad of the lich king i like that a lot how many cups does he have here he has let's see seven eight twenty got about 15 cups and also he's got a dr pepper down there in the middle right between his [ __ ] legs whenever he plays the game he reaches down he takes a glove out of the dr pepper and he goes back to trying to farm a better pair of boots for shitty ass undead warrior that he should have rolled into an orc instead so it was actually useful in the [ __ ] raids let's look at the other ones from will the thrill 89 my setup starring tiger panda yepcock okay i have to say this is good like this is a this is a really good setup like straight up this is good setup it's simple it's clean it's well defined the only thing that i'm gonna take points off of here is the fact that he has water on his desk and not dr pepper he's even got probably a picture of like him and his dad in the middle that's [ __ ] awesome man imagine masturbating with his dad watching you just flip the picture over okay it's not a big deal or you do it in the dark so you can't see it uh there's two other ways you can solve that problem and uh trust me guys uh there's plenty of other ways to do it yeah you just you turn the picture around it's like people can watch you and that's fine because the [ __ ] frog you know like it's not a big deal uh regardless this does look pretty cool and i like it this is a good setup yeah this is not really that bad oh wow this is actually really good damn it's him and his wife it's not even his girlfriend it's his wife so we've got view image let me just view image so we've got the two uh all the skateboards there which are the skateboard decks which are badass they have a little oh that's so good they have a little cat bed in the middle so they can both pet the cat whenever he's standing there they have the two wait what is that what is that in the corner there is that what i think it is oh it is look what they have look what they have just a minute let me throw all the way down here so they have a fly problem and that right there is an electric fly swatter you can buy these on amazon and you can buy them at walmart and these little electric fly swatters if you hit a fly with them it'll blow the fly up man they're [ __ ] awesome i've had like five of these these are amazing he's got the illidan's war graves all that kind of [ __ ] this is really really really [ __ ] badass man the iron forge uh ironforge screensaver everything about this looks really really well done i like it a lot man uh boomer juice hot sauce well yeah i mean like that's they use the hot sauce for like the uh the flies i guess right they're eating a lot of food in their room and then you know the food attracts the flies and they zap the [ __ ] out of the flies and they put the hot sauce on the flies and you call those toppings it's exactly how it works man what's wrong with that yeah he's got a gamer wife man he's a lucky guy very very lucky guy let's go to the next one the [ __ ] is this look at the top right did he really print out a picture of me that's got no that's photoshop man that's gotta be [ __ ] photoshopped there's no way okay it was photoshop all right never mind i was so worried there for a second okay it's fine all right so let's see here he's got one monitor all right that's definitely not very good on top of that he has the little ship i like the ship the ship is cool uh the keyboard is nice the keyboard tray is good too in general i kind of like this i feel like this reminds me of like one of the old school setups it's like this is a setup that you have out in the garage so you have one monitor you've got the scuff tv you've got the little mini tv which is positive i feel like the best part of this setup is the ship okay wait i got this one for my mom the little stuffed animal the one right up there i got this one for my mom overall so i'm gonna give him some points here because of the fact that he has food there okay like an empty glass of food is something that makes me feel more comfortable in a different place right a different an area of food like you just got food sitting around there's like flies buzzing around and it just feels like you're in the gamer you're in the gamer moment you're having a gamer moment you're sitting there on your desk with your weird little [ __ ] owl thing and you're laying there on the on the [ __ ] bed sitting there playing wild there's food everywhere birds flying around you or flies flying around you and you just feel like you're uh you feel like you're part of it you feel like you're having an experience i like this a lot i think this is a nice looking setup the keyboard though is [ __ ] garbage this keyboard is the size of a tablet who the [ __ ] wants this kind of a keyboard like what are you supposed to type on there this is a keyboard for ants and wait look at the mouse what the [ __ ] is this andre the giants mouse look at it it's massive it's it's half the size of the keyboard wow poor man setup just look at the legs just like asthma bald my legs are not that skinny they are not that [ __ ] skinny like i have i have normal i have normal size like look at that my legs are normal sized that's completely [ __ ] normal like i am skinny but so are deers like look at a horse's legs a horse's legs can run fast but they don't need to be thick i i don't i'm not a thick boy okay i am a stick boy this this setup is [ __ ] garbage this setup is like this is like whenever you stay the night at your friend's house this is the setup that you guys land out with is you have like your shitty [ __ ] monitor your your shitty laptop that you [ __ ] you hook up to like a keyboard this is exactly what it is this is a mom i'm staying you know billy is staying the night and he's going to set up his keyboard and computer over there and we're going to play land we're not money shaming anybody okay like listen i used to have a scuffed ass setup too you guys want to see my setup from back in the day this is me hello everyone okay that was me that was my [ __ ] desk i'm still sitting in that exact same place right now like i understand the struggle i understand the lifestyle i understand what it takes i get it this is decent it's clean but it's shitty you know what you use laptops for nothing because you buy a pc a gaming laptop i had to buy my mom a gaming laptop actually it's 2 000 [ __ ] dollars man let me go to the next one so we've got obviously this is the setup i like this in a way because he has four monitors four monitors but you know what's so sad about those four monitors i'm gonna show you what's sad about him he can't even come up with one good transmog look at that you know what i think it is is he's using an hp monitor from back in 2006 whenever they started selling them as uh standalone pcs and he still has it from all the way back then and the color correction and the color toning on the monitor is so absolutely bad that he's convinced himself he actually has a good set well let me set you straight this is a terrible terrible terrible [ __ ] set you're playing wow on windowed mode this is just i can't believe it like look at this he's got an overwatch [ __ ] desk mat what is this and it's like also it's like this is like [ __ ] it's like two-face you've got that right there this side of the of the desk is completely [ __ ] clean and this side of the desk is like my desk he's got his keys his wallet there he's got some [ __ ] deodorant his headphones it's just a [ __ ] regardless i think this is a decent looking setup it's fine i guess um yeah it could be it could be much worse i'll say that for sure let me go down to the next one what the hell is this [ __ ] what do you think asthma on setup too i kind of like it but here's what i'm not really a fan of i don't like the keyboard i think the keyboard he's trying too hard like he's trying way too hard with this keyboard like look at the colors on it and everything about it like just chill out with the keyboard man buy a normal keyboard like you don't need to show everybody that you're from 2001 a space odyssey every time you want to buy a [ __ ] keyboard just buy a [ __ ] keyboard and stick with it and then on top of that let's look at the rest of these let's go ahead let's zoom in here let's see what he's got going on so we've got this right here get your lenses perfectly clean i don't know what the [ __ ] that is oh i guess he's a cameraman that's good he's got his little uh whatever the hell that is i don't know what is this it's a i see a thermo cup you what no you get a soda cup what the hell is that man the [ __ ] thermo cup he's so he's got three monitors right here now generally i'm not like a huge fan of like three monitor setups in this way but i'm okay with this one what do you guys think this is a generally well designed setup but like i feel like we're not getting any of them here like i'm going to go to the next one like i want to get a setup here that's just [ __ ] lit like a setup that is 100 [ __ ] lit let's go to this one right here okay so the best thing about this setup is the camera angle that is the best thing about it this setup looks really good because of the camera angle this is an amazing camera angle and also he does have a smash pro controller you're right about that so if you add those two things together you've got the smash pro controller and you have the good camera angle i think this is a pretty good looking setup and he's got the picture of azeroth in the background this is decent but look at the mantle look at the uh we call it around the window still there that's some dirty ass [ __ ] cobweb dead spider [ __ ] going on at the edge of the windowsill and to be honest i've got plenty of that behind here for me too but the difference is that my entire my entire room is a piece of [ __ ] so it's not as bad you either have to have everything be a piece of [ __ ] or nothing be a piece of [ __ ] you can't have one or the other if you do that it's not gonna work okay and the rest of this i do think does look pretty good i really like the the chair everything about it what do you guys think about this one it's worse but consistent yeah and also yeah there's not really a lot of mouse room i don't use a lot of mouse room either honestly uh so it's not really too weird for me but i can see other people that might not really like that as much alright let's go to the next one see what else we've got what is this what is this what flag is that yeah what flag is that i don't even know what the hell it is it's an lgbt flag i thought that was like a rainbow okay so let's talk about positives here number one he has a nintendo switch he's playing the witcher 3 and i really like his uh his shelves there i like the the hat on the shelves i like the goblet on the shelves the little uh the little radio thing looks like it came out of [ __ ] like 2001 that radio is stuck on playing girlfriend by avril lavigne that's [ __ ] amazing i love it he's got two monitors i'm on one of them that's [ __ ] amazing overall i like it yeah i actually think this one is decent i don't think it's amazing but i think that it's decent and um let's see what are the other things he's got going on here what the hell is this what the [ __ ] is this what is this what is that thing with the buttons on it is that a calculator don't you guys have phones [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,252,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold best, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, asmongold pc setups, asmongold setups, asmongold reviews, asmongold viewers, asmongold rates, asmongold pc, asmongold roast, asmongold roasts, asmongold roasted, roasts, roast, episode 3, asmongold episode 3, asmongold 3, xqc, xqcow, asmongold xqc, xqc setup reviews, xqc reviews, xqc pc setup, xqc pc, xqcow setups, xqc setup review
Id: pMcBIYsQEt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 30sec (1770 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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