Asmongold Reacts to a Facebook Streamer Explaining Why Asmongold is Toxic to the WoW Community

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state of Wow what is this here so many people quit to keep our raid team consistent we finally just gave up after being a mythical for years and yeah mythic mythic reading has gotten a lot tougher the reason I play the game is I love hardcore progression reading I like to be able to play here we go alright this is the beginning today's message first things first I guess you okay everybody okay all right here we got them my hey hi see what's going on welcome welcome everybody welcome to the stream can be a fun one I can tell start off with this come on hey how long is this gonna take who watches this like I want to have somebody roast me and I've got to sit through an intro that's okay here we go here we go all right all right let's go it's that good guys come on just wait real come on come on let's go we're dragging out content more than I am Dark Souls screams come on let's well let's get through it okay there's some people that just really aren't cut out for streaming man he'll get it eventually okay just give him like a 45 minutes or so okay okay oh boy are we gonna get there or like wow yeah that's not the best picture but it'll work stuff around I had to change the tab so people didn't see okay come on man how long has this been it's been like like it was like like three minutes always gonna put me next to gallo okay all right okay let's let's let's chat okay I'm finally a little chit all right let's go oh no Shane it's not clickbait it's totally not clickbait I'm gonna tell why this dude is poison thank God I'm wise dude okay let's go and I'm gonna back it up with science all right okay here we go let's take a swig of Dr Pepper before he roasted this guy I mean wait a sec my picture over there cuz your cameras are in the way okay yeah all right great here we go oh no no I'm not even gonna watch this dudes channel hey I I've I've seen enough this is dude all right here we go yes do women do Dark Souls wait so this guy has been going on non-stop aim and I'm saying non-stop I don't know what and ash it's fine how bad World of Warcraft is okay and I kid you not he has been bashing it like hardcore crazy lately and it's it's insane that hum oh [ __ ] yo for a second I can't show it because it shows her real name but somebody on the [ __ ] chat playback is a girl and she says I love me some asthma and xD so who's the real winner here okay here we go turds of thousands of people give this dude money to [ __ ] on a game that we all play given yes well we don't all play it what do you mean we all play it like who's this we so like right there like if I look at my audience for like because eye twitch gives me analytics and I understand how the analytics work and I can use them and that's what made me more confident to do Dark Soul streams and make those decisions over 80% of my audience does not consume World of Warcraft content on a regular basis I am the only World of Warcraft stream that they regularly consume that's it and that is based off of twitch this isn't a third-party Annalee this is literally what twitch is telling me the game does have some some problems well obviously it has problems because you're sitting there in the main city you're probably going to do nothing let's see what you're gonna do you're gonna run around in the main capital for 40 minutes go over to the Archon tournament do dailies from 10 years ago in the stream so yeah obviously the game has problems because you spend the entire time looking at pictures of another person sitting in the main city talking about nothing and then doing dailies from 10 years ago so how are you gonna say that I'm complaining about the game and I'm bad whenever your stream is evidence that the problems that I'm saying or real um you know just a few there there are a few problems right gear clearly a big problem then getting rid of tear gear was a [ __ ] disaster ok ok I'm gonna tell you why this guy is an issue likes win like how long have we been doing this like this has been like four minutes like I mean like really how long is this going to take this guy is making you know an assload of money on this game to bash the game that we all of them play right and I mean hardcore [ __ ] on this game this guy has been given literally did he just turn on music wait a second did he actually just turn on like in-game music like he's gonna do a speech like he's Aragorn in front of the black gates of Mordor I mean what's going on here I mean I I don't know ok let's keep going he's upset hundreds of thousands of dollars of stuff free from viewers you [ __ ] a spectral tiger that my up goes for like three to five thousand dollars and he's been given a different furry right and he still second we're at one 1302 I'm gonna look up this guy's armory let's see he's got to open up his character sheet right it's CKC let's see if he has a spectral tiger and this is gonna be a real easy way to figure out why he's upset while armory okay let's go ahead and let's take a look at this guy's armory and we'll see if he actually has the spectral tiger CKC and let's see he's a paladin and I'm assuming he's this blood elf paladin he let's make sure the shoulders are the same yeah this is probably him okay so he's got three thousand achievement points 926 item level and yeah I guess is this actually him 110 yeah maybe it's not him am I looking at the wrong person 926 oh wow I didn't even realize that this necklace has six thousand stamina excuse me 61 thousand stamina my dad oh he's on EU I assumed that he wasn't okay just a second EU Armory okay let's take a look and see if I can find this guy I'll see if he has a spectral tiger because I believe this is gonna be a really easy tell to see why he's upset um CKC okay alexstrasza it's the same Oh was I already looking at oh I was looking on EU to begin with man I'm sorry guys I'm just [ __ ] up okay while our Marie Osmond gold okay I'm just gonna search on my armory and then we're gonna go from there man now I was making front of that guy for tech problems and look at me I'm making myself up like an idiot okay here we go so he's 382 paladin 17,000 achievement points and let's look at what he's got going on here okay two of eight mythic oh dear no arena ratings or anything like that okay and highest Keystone he's ever done this in 11 I don't blame you I don't do them either it's because they suck and his necklace item oval is 37 Wow okay so let's go over here let's look at collections and let's see if he has the spectral tiger okay let's scroll all the way down and load more I'm not seeing it guys I think that we figured out why he's mad man dude you need to stream on Twitch and not Facebook and maybe you'd have people give you free [ __ ] like that's all you need to do nobody's gonna watch your stream on Facebook go on Twitch and maybe somebody will give you a spectral tiger he has it way what no he doesn't Am I am i stupid no he doesn't I just control felt like it's not there look I I don't see it anywhere yeah he doesn't have it man okay just a second we'll play the rest of it it's a stir okay wait I'm a disaster let me go back to that real quick you know just a few there there are a few problems right gear clearly a big problem then camera Dov tear gear was a [ __ ] disaster okay okay I'm gonna tell you why this guy is an issue thank god this guy is making you know an assload of money on this guy to bash the game that we all of them play right and I mean hardcore [ __ ] on this game this guy has been given literally hundreds of thousands of dollars of stuff free from viewers yeah you [ __ ] a spectral tiger that Mayo goes for like three to five thousand dollars and he's not that much furry right it was great and he still [ __ ] about this game right why would that matter like if I have a mouth so like if somebody gives to me the spectral tiger eye I like the game now like how is that supposed to work well what do you mean like okay let's keep going giving WoW is not perfect it isn't everybody knows it's not okay it's it's not the best game in the world and we all know it but to say that the game is dying everybody that's been posting it hell I even post fun at it from time to time but the games not dying yeah Activision is [ __ ] right now they're a pain in the ass but how do you know any of this like how do you how do you know any of this like I mean let me see if I can try this Wow Facebook Facebook actually Facebook page analytics let me see if I can find this Facebook analytics Steve grab I want to see how many interactions he's gotten the reason I was trying to do that is see how many interactions he would get per post and then correlate it to like herbs and flows of the game to prove him wrong but I don't know I've never done that before because I don't really care about Facebook is a social media site so I don't know where I would be able to look accurately they're not killing the game Blizzard went through and said yeah we're gonna release patch 8.1 in beginning of December right which was nice it gave us a little bit of do a couple of war fronts before they release heroic you know I understand blizzards logic behind not wanting to release the raid because it's the holidays especially with like method and them nobody wants to spend the holiday season having to do hardcore world foregrip I shouldn't so it may well you're right and that totally makes sense Blizzard should delay content for a hundred people and yeah I mean that makes perfect sense Blizzard should because method and limit and all of them raid very seriously if they're able to do that Blizzard puts out the raid then they're gonna have to raid on the holidays so what boys are should do which would be best for everyone is to delay core content of the game for every player because a hundred people want to play it a lot it's since pushing it back and this guy dudes complaining because we're getting time gated content it's not that we're getting time game content there's literally tons of thousands of things to do and wow there's so much then why aren't you doing it if there's so much for you to do you only have 17,000 achievement points and you spend the entire video sitting in the capital city the only thing that you go and do are ten-year-old dailies and then after you finish those what do you do you go back to the capital city I think he does a lap around to see if the that mount is up the oh oh I get looks like it looks like he already has the the time most proto Drake so it's like if there's so many things to do then why aren't you doing them like even on stream Oh May who cares he's done more than you for this game yeah I I have nothing against you know him saying that he's done something for the game I don't know exactly what he's done for the game he hasn't contributed to any art aspects of the game he hasn't developed anything he's literally just a player same as everybody else and child to his own opinion given his opinion stupid uh-huh oh there you have it boys I'm entitled to my opinion but my opinion stupid I mean I don't know like it depends on what you consider adding things to the game III would consider right I mean like and this is more of a subjective argument that the guides that I've made for the game and the achieve Long's that I've done and look I mean look I'll show you something I've done for the game is there a way that I can find it here I think there is achieve a long part forward so here we go I'll mute this right here and this is something I did for the game a while ago and I did a thing where everybody could go along with me and I showed them how to get them out and all these people are people that were able to experience and do that with me and we got this mount together with like my stream I consider this one of the most successful moments of my stream and so I gave these people something they could do and enjoy and have fun and I also give something back to the community as much as I can I tried to do a lot of things for the game I think the community of the game is what really kind of is why my stream is successful in a large margin-right because there are so many people who are you know like really into the community of the game and they care a lot about it and being able to like emphasize that and build on that really makes it special and that's what like look at all these people these are all people that you know did achieve along with me and and everything like what do you mean I don't do anything for the game like this is an experience that a lot of these people really enjoyed and they got something out of it like I don't know I mean like that's it's like yeah I don't develop the game but just because I don't develop the game doesn't mean that I can't help people enjoy it um I don't think the games dying we're still literally getting who's this we we're getting content yeah so if they add content to the game is the game not dying like worid to Draenor got patch 6.2 was the game not dying then what do you mean what's it like like runescape gets content EverQuest gets content Guild Wars 2 gets content like does that does that mean the games aren't dying and it's it's fun anybody that says otherwise you know everybody's entitled their own opinion I'm saying everybody who says see this is their right right he's like ok it's fun and anybody who says otherwise is and then he's gonna say stupid right or something like that but he catches himself because he knows that he would make himself look like a fool if he said that right is because people like this he's not a very stupid person now he's stupid but he's not stupid enough to be completely to have no self-awareness he has enough self-awareness to catch himself before he says anything incredibly stupid but he still just says a bunch of stupid stuff on his own right and that's why he caught himself and he says everybody's entitled to their own opinion because he's trying to seem like he's reasonable even though he actually has very extreme opinions why the game hasn't died and no Esmond gold does not speak for most of the community when did I say that I did like I I never said that I speak for most of the community like I'm I'm one guy like there's a lot of people that agree with me that's why the BFA video was so popular the BFA video was so popular that Ian watched it so like and like the concerns that I have or the same concerns that you have and if I'm getting through then how am i poisoned to the game if I'm literally like it's just I feel like this probably the thing is like whenever you get into like doing things online you realize that a lot of people don't like you for the sake of them just like not liking you right that's the thing he's not conductive or does anything product - he literally sits on his computer all night well that's because I'm not a light bulb I like what do you mean I'm not conductive and trolls people he pitches about other people's content videos and that what are you doing and he spends his time just complaining AF King he's like okay I've got millions of thousands of hours on this game yet most of his time played is AF case he literally begs for people to afk him through Iowa next to the dungeon or through the island expeditions which is very going it's kind of irritating that people do that but you know whatever it is it is what it is it's not annoying for me it's [ __ ] great what do you mean no and zeth know it this is the game is nowhere near I'm gonna pop this down by the way the game is nowhere near its peak it is it everybody knows wrath of the lich king was clearly the best and if you look at his demographic everybody knows it everybody knows it was clearly the best which is why subs were stagnant for the better part of the expansion like I guess not stagnant that that's that's an incorrect word to use they were going up much more slowly than they were in Burning Crusade or vanilla now you could say that's just a product lifecycle but I would say those things just conveniently coincided with systems in the game that diminished the community and also lazy gameplay like oh you're only gonna do one raid four times a week and people are stopping playing the game what is surprise rathne watching it was not objectively the best Burning Crusade was better than wrath which gained every [ __ ] way and vanilla was better than both of them if you look at the entire game and not just the in-game experience hey for the people that like his content its what twenty to thirty five-year-old school yes I get it that people are liking his content but it doesn't make a good content so then why did you bring up the demographics so the idea of what he's trying to do is is trying to indirectly say that because my demographics and he doesn't know what my demographics are cuz only I have access to that and he's right basically by the way he's pretty much right but he's trying to say and compartmentalize my influence by saying that because I'm only appealing to this small group of people that you know my influence doesn't really matter as much which obviously you can make an argument for that sure but I think it would be a lot easier if he would just say what he thinks rather than trying to beg the question I think it's kind of annoying and obnoxious and boring whenever people do that if you're calling 50k thank you adding out poison to the game thank you man I be constantly spouting out poison on a game then imagine how mad he's gonna be now dude he's gonna watch the video and then people are gonna give me money Wow he's what while I'm watching a video of him getting mad that people are giving me money that's [ __ ] amazing thank you dude where's my [ __ ] drink just give me a second I've got to get Pepsi I'm thirsty and oh yeah okay well I guess that's something we have in common just kidding he's running around in circles I I play it the dude clearly hates the game yet he keeps playing it so well maybe because I don't hate the game like I hate certain systems and again what do you mean I hate the game there's a lot of things about the game that I hate like even now like I recommend people to play wow like what do you mean I hate the game I don't hate the game there's a lot of things in the game that I hate but I don't hate the game 25k more yo thanks bro I appreciate that thank you thank you thank you dude speaking of making money everybody should twitch prime right now [Music] loaded up which Braun go ahead boys it's a little while so go ahead and do that I'm sure there are a lot of twitch moms out there that need to be given now and do that right now there we go Thank You McConnell I appreciate that like the game I mean I love the game I think the game has its faults but I'm also not hating on the game I think it's great I really do okay no so he likes the game no that that's good he likes the game obviously that's great I'm happy about that he likes the game every that that's very very good thing heck she doesn't I think that if he actually liked the game he'd spend more time playing it and it's like unless yes to sit there and you know he can only do this in town because he has to think and dedicate all of his brainpower to thinking about how he can make statements that don't make sense about me I mean you know I don't really think that's entirely true Eric there's plenty to do I mean [ __ ] there's plenty to do you're right like sit in desire allure and complain about as mingle if there's plenty to do then why aren't you doing it like III don't even know what to say here like he's got a number of miss a pen of exalted reputations not a lot there's more than he can do he doesn't really care about that there's a lot to do let's see what what are his ideas on what he can do I spend my time going through an achievement honey I mean I don't even have half of the and I'm also a progression rater so I liked no you're not because you're two of eight mythic that's not being a progression Raider like pugs can do that like you're not a progression Raider at all you're like literally like pugs can kill Zach Voss at this point like what do you mean progression Raider again this is coming from me like I'm not a progression Raider and I've at least killed like I don't even know how many boss is an old deer I've killed I don't even know but it's more than that the fact that you know I get a wait a little bit I get to work a little bit on my azurite progression while I'm waiting for the game waiting for the next raid to come out I don't want to get burnt out on content if you're going hardcore raiding one after another and it's a nightmare what does that mean but see I guess my point is that I'm trying to get across is it's it's odd that so many people that are saying they hate the game we're still playing you know if you don't like it it's because they're emotionally invested in the game and they played it for a decade and they love the game even though they don't like it in its current state so they find things to do that are outside of the normal meta to keep themselves engaged with the game even though they're not happy with the current state of the in-game progression like that's why what do you mean like people love this game like well get your [ __ ] achievements like let's look at this guy's achievements here like I bet he's got feats of strength in 2008 let's take a look feats of strength let's see our reputation event let's see events wait what's he's only played for two years there's no way that's true let's see what he started in 2013 so this guy quit the game like if this game is so great why did you you quit for like 48 four years right which is like yeah maybe you like went and did something else okay I can't say why he quit but yeah of course you don't understand why we're criticizing the game because you never played it whenever it was good you started playing the game in mists of pandaria you have no idea what a good MMO is because you never got the chance to experience it of course you're gonna think that I'm weird because I'm criticizing the game you'd never played Burning Crusade how can you say that rattle which King is objectively the best whenever you never played Wrath of the Lich King unless you were on a different account which I'm sure that you were right I'm sure it was a different account how do you know that rattle which King was objected like this is so sad he deployed in 2009 oh did I see it he had the original you BRS oh no did I miss one let me see if I can figure it out dungeons Leroy oh no this is 2013 we'll get Brewfest look at his AO TCS feats of strength okay well let me go back to feats of strength where do you want me to look at events I don't see it here yeah he earned the 2009 vintage toy gift in 2017 because it's obtainable retro actively right you can go back and get these items the achievements were actually earned in 2017 I know you guys can't see it oh oh that's why you guys are confused because it's not showing it there I'll show it real quick oh can I do that oh it's a little bit farther out right but the achievements here let me see if I can zoom out yeah there we go so you can see 2017 right there the guy got all these achievements everything that he has is from 2017 or 2013 he doesn't even play the game or he never played the game whenever it was good yeah I didn't show you guys that that's my bad I didn't realize that okay I mean [ __ ] I hate goulash I'm not gonna eat the [ __ ] I'm gonna eat something I like you know if you don't like the cave then get the [ __ ] off of it there's no point in staying and playing yeah that's all it's frustrating to me whenever people think like this because it's a very very binary way of thinking it's kind of like you know like Game of Thrones for example I think the season before the current season a lot of people weren't happy about it right I was like cuz Sansa got raped I think that was probably like the main point of contention that people had but people were critical of the show but they kept watching the next season because they cared about the show and they were invested in it overall and there are plenty of examples of people not being happy with the current state of some form of entertainment but still wanting to continue to consume it in some form or another and wanting it to get better and that's why I do the videos that's why I give the feedback and that's why people care what I say is because I want the game to get better like III just think that this guy doesn't want people to talk about it at all he cares about is the mounts and what he what can he get for free basically a stop clock is Right twice a day my biggest problem is it's not necessarily his persona but it's just him as an individual like you got to look at it from the aspect of this guy has probably not worked an actual adult day in his life like held down a real job which ate more that's actually not true I had the job at Sam's Club number one actually I was number two first job I hosted the IRS worked there for two years I should have to work every single day early on time I did my job and I was invited back the third year but I chose not to because I was in business school and I was doing YouTube so yeah I worked at the IRS I even still have the I don't have my wallet with me but I still have like the little card it's like the the call number if you want to get like extra hours yeah I worked there for two years or two seasons actually his was like full year round so like that's that's not even true either audit me daddy okay dude power to him I'm glad he's he's getting money to do what he loves but when he starts [ __ ] on it and treating other players like [ __ ] that's the part that's irritating to me I just don't understand the toxicity up how are you gonna complain whenever I treat other people like [ __ ] whenever you did the intro that took you five minutes because you don't know how to use a computer just showing somebody that I look like Gollum like I make fun of people's characters like I'm not making fun of your face like I'm making fun of what you're saying like what what do you mean like like I I know anytime we have somebody in our guild that is you know just this pain in the ass we're gonna get rid of them because you want to have a positive experience in anything you do let's see Travis wheeler said well sucks right now and subbed a little over a month ago after getting item level 380 I kept my sub up for every expansion aside from WOD yeah cuz what's up to anything in play WOD so why don't you guys tell me what are your guys as biggest gripes of the game right now everybody already knows as right gears a problem with the game so there's no point in even bringing it up we all business you know still be about me or is it um let me see Randy I ever said he wasn't better than me I'm not a completionist and so I honestly don't care I have it what are you you're not a Raider I mean you're more of a completionist than you are a Raider at least you've got 17,000 achievement points you've got the time wasp roto Drake that's better than being two of eight mythic I mean I would say yeah that's good I mean he's got no he see it's twenty thousand because it showed that earlier job a full-time job I have a family with three kids so I'm happy playing the game of my free time but I don't think the game needs to be [ __ ] on I'm sure your kids appreciate you sitting around complaining about somebody on the internet instead of spending time with them obviously everybody can do what they want but it's like if you're gonna use that and then rationalize that is like yeah I'm gonna spend all this time talking [ __ ] about somebody on the internet like give me a [ __ ] break like yeah sorry honey I can't come to dinner right now I've got to go complain about asmin gold yeah I don't care if Timmy got an A on his spelling test asthma Gould said something that made me mad as much as it has been yeah we're fine war fronts are different content gene it's something that's different it's something that yeah there's good content and then war fronts are different from that boom and nothing is perfect when they bring it out like look at the path of the Titans for Christ's sake they it was a good idea in theory didn't mean if they didn't bring it out so it doesn't even make sense what you're saying like what do you mean like yeah obviously things get better over time everything's gotten better over time but that doesn't mean that you can't criticize it currently like how do you think it got better over time just by people waiting and not giving any feedback and saying that it's bad that's why they got better is because people gave the feedback laid out the way it would oh I have no jealousy over him I see that my my UI looks like yours from BC okay cool I guess that's me if mattered I like my UI setup Eric yes repetition daily suck grinding azurite sucks everybody knows it sucks nobody ever said it was fun global cooldown Jacob I still think that there's a pretty I mean he's a rep a load and of course he's gonna be okay with everything being on the gcd I I think what did I have my arcane torrent or something got put on the global cooldown see ads not not a big deal yeah so it's let's see it feels like busywork for me to subscription prices yeah I think so it can be it's the game is what you make it so if you're not having fun while you're playing it why are you playing it oh you like that Rebecca we got that one last night you can go watch my [ __ ] well give them a-- will give it like a couple more minutes and then we're just gonna we're gonna move ahead of this obviously i think the part about me is is kind of over so let's let's give it like maybe two more minutes or so and i'll give some closing thoughts and we're not gonna watch the Belger video today maybe we'll do that tomorrow but i'd like to get into Dark Souls a little bit sooner so we're not gonna watch that right now okay i streamed it last night - oh god may Blizzcon was a total [ __ ] show that diablo mess was a [ __ ] nightmare but how is how is it that nobody's excited for an avatar yeah it's a little bit of ways away but man I am so excited to go to NASCAR here's why we're not excited is because Argus was much more exciting than Nasdaq are right or Nash's are I don't know are you got me there I don't know how to even pronounce it but because Argus was infinitely more exciting we got to go to a whole new world I felt like I was playing Halo it was incredible and then I go down and I have to kill 12 demons some things never change and Argus was a huge disappointment for a lot of people I thought it was ok from a completionist standpoint but if you can make Argus not come not enticing and exciting then there's no chance of you being able to make something that's much less important than that like Nash Tahar important or exciting too and this Healing Touch for resto druids but do bad patches bad x-pac's okay I love Legion I think Legion was a great game it was Betty for challenge runs the dude pays for everything which is nice I mean if you have the money what I paid for challenge runs paid for challenge runs away what do you mean no I didn't like I got I literally have the realm first what do you what do you mean I I paid for challenge modes like okay yeah I guess I'm exposed guys yeah I paid for realm first that's it man pay for it by your by yourself I guess Austin I don't really play much role playing in WoW I mean it could be fun but I don't know okay do you not and gear gear with anything I mean Elif ARS a [ __ ] show it always will be is this about me kind of suck about me it'll be boring let's get back to talking about me okay let's get back to is this gonna be in let's see [ __ ] I'll be right back first personally a mythic rating Angus says yes I hate forests personal it's kind of a nightmare I like the old style of you before Creed master looter was great I think they should bring ya they really did Jean they put a lot into the war fronts but I mean I'm hoping they get better with time I'm hoping they're heroic it better I think that if war fronts were PvP based it would have been a hell of a lot better okay Rebecca if anybody is looking for a guild that's active you guys are all the more welcome to come over to Black Rock and hang out on mine we constantly running okay all right this is good so if it turns off again I've got the other web cam photos right look front of me out here so I don't know what's wrong with it honestly no I'm not necessarily I'm to the point where I think it's kind of frustrating to a streamer that it's really represent the WoW community has been just treating the game like [ __ ] and it's really not laura's terrible Jimmy watch tell me what is if you say we wouldn't wait isn't this contradictory with what he said earlier about how I don't represent the community and now you're saying a streamer that's supposed to represent the community like which one is it I mean oh man Wow like this is honestly like I don't even think this is funny it's just depressing what about what is it about the war that you think is terrible because I am I'm kind of interested talk lore I'm I'm a huge floor buff and I love everything about the the wall or it reminds me of an early Tolkien style of war and of course it is because it was taken directly from Valcour and and Sargeras that there was so much more of them before the Chronicle slightly changed it like a it's derivative from Tolkien like come on everybody's all excited about getting the ashbringer and then it kind of died down a bit then I think tomb of Sargeras and and tourists were amazing so many people quit well obviously you think that cuz you never did it on mythic let me see here view raid history did you ever do it on mythic well you did but I don't know when that was let's go ahead and let's find out whenever he did mythic tomb of Sargeras achievements maybe he did actually let's see here dungeons and raids let's see Legion raid and this was during mythic phone avatar 2018 I'm pretty sure that was during BFA so yeah I mean okay I forgot really whenever it came out okay to keep our raid team consistent we finally just gave up after being a mythical for years and yeah mythic mythic readings gotten a lot tougher the reason I played the game is I love hardcore progression training I like to be able to challenge myself to do better and the reality is sometimes you can't do the mythic stuff because you don't have the people I hate the fact that they do the whole seems like you need to have 20 man whatever to do mythic rating I would personally love it if you can if it's scaled like the rest of it okay Ellen you're not the only one that likes for friends I enjoy them too yeah but one brain is what makes me want to unsub I believe it the drop rate is kind of a [ __ ] I hate it's a nightmare I like the solo aspect I like being able to go back through and do old my logs aren't really that good eyes on tenth there are happen some of his content that I think has been great to watch but a lot of it I think has just been too negative and again you're just [ __ ] on everybody that plays the game and he's it's gotten to the point where it's like well you don't have four hundred ounce earpiece [ __ ] or you don't have this so you're a piece of [ __ ] it's really disappointing to me whenever I see somebody who's taking something Reaganomics another twenty gifted subs don't know if I said that earlier thank you man whenever somebody takes a joke that I make and they turned it into something real right it's like I don't know how you how I've ever said if you don't have for hundreds you're a piece of [ __ ] and it not be sarcastic like I'm if you can't tell that's not sarcasm like III don't know I don't know what's wrong I've been playing since vanilla it doesn't matter it's it's just I mean everybody's playing the game just to have fun I mean I have fun playing [ __ ] I'm having fun just walking around on my time loss murdering awesome see do I go back can I do old stuff I still farm at my ass right okay imagine bragging about the time loss proto Drake in 2019 Wow chunk of the last week farming mounts I got ax-cut region just by going back and doing old content and we lost just by farming old content and then I've been doing my meta achievements that I missed so I mean that's something that I've been having fun with also I have fun doing PvP I don't know about that dude the guy doesn't even have any Rena ratings but we'll see what happens okay the way I look at it right and like people like this I'll go ahead and I'll just give closing thoughts right because like obviously I think this is gonna be as if I haven't done much of Guild Wars 2 in a while good idea the only reason I want to bring up I want to bring up the state of WoW and what people think are the the major issues that they turn my guild so we spent [ __ ] but he will forever love it no matter what yeah and I think he yeah it's true it's drops Esmond golds naman for views elite oh I'm sorry Derek I wish you didn't feel that way but if you want to have an open discussion please feel free let's be free McConnell is elite yeah he is kind of elite I'm just waiting for wild classic Wow has been dead since Cataclysm ended Legion has been what oh boy Samuel I do agree I think mist I actually have a little bit of fun wow that's too far I don't see nicely but we've had carrots did nothing wrong [Music] let's see I love my holy pally yes paladin's for the win make it a really bad it's just different everything is different I'm wearing Diane we're not mad at them I'm just talking about how we're not mad at them what do you mean you're not mad at me like you're talking about that I'm ugly I look weird and then you say I'm bad for the community and the title of this stream is asmin gold is poison what the [ __ ] do you mean like he's been more toxic lately than he has been in the past I've been playing well for over nine years I have it's because the games been worth is a impressive feat our [ __ ] gets too expensive it's where your tank bein Stinson oh hey we'll take a look here in just cigarette okay I'm almost done scrolling through this like there's no way I'm actually gonna watch this whole thing I mean I have them I just don't have them leveled cool so I'm gonna kill three okay stuff so like for example oh there's the kids in the background each that's great PvP so you know I used to have a raid leader that would do that and whenever I would he would open his mic I'd hear screaming three different types of screaming screaming from him because we did it wrong screaming from his wife because he's not listening to his kids and screaming from his kids it was just great man I actually talked to that guy about a few months ago I said yes when you quicks his abilities let me say disabilities you need more characters you just have them don't forget about that yeah I mean do I want to be doing argent tournament dailies for 33 days in a row to get the last of my mounts know am I gonna do it yeah because I want to get my mounts but that's the part that kind of keeps you coming back to wow if everything was handed out to you in the first five minutes of you playing then it's something we can agree on the game less okay bosses for different fact so this is the guys are guys I think that all right I appreciate the talks tonight and then if you guys want to continue the discussion you know I'm gonna try to make a weekly stay - Wow just to talk about everything behind all the sudden every paladin has one yeah but you got to look at it David from an aspect of you know you're not supposed to look at it oh that's another Saint Paladin yeah it's stupid but you know you're the champion of the story and okay staff of Sargeras and okay that's enough we've had enough of this we've gone through it he's rambling on look I mean the guy here's the thing with this guy is that he's a very very opinionated person and he masks his strong opinions by pretending to be reasonable now anybody that's seen somebody like this in real life knows what they're actually like this is a toxic obnoxious jealous rude just person that you don't really want to be around and obviously that's the case considering this guy can't find a guild he still clicks his abilities and he's sitting here making Facebook streams about how I'm a bad person here's the thing man is like you're gonna think I'm toxic for the community I could see the same thing for you I think that you're much more toxic than I am you're you're downgrading and downplaying you know negative feedback that people have things that people care about and oh the [ __ ] god damn it I mean ending thoughts this guy's a [ __ ] clown he's mad he's obviously jealous he's stupid and that that's really all there is to it I mean like I probably wasted too much time watching this anyway and well let's just get back to some other stuff anyway man it's just a complete waste of [ __ ] time I'm sure he'll have something to say back to me too I look forward to it I need content because while certainly isn't gonna give it to me
Channel: Assertonsin [Asmongold Stream Reactions]
Views: 392,245
Rating: 4.7206426 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, BFA, WoW, world of warcraft, battle for azeroth, asmongold reacts, reaction, asmongold watches, asmongold highlights, best of asmongold, mcconnell, twitch chat
Id: ePSobrwwvO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 49sec (3109 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 05 2019
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