Asmongold Reacts to "World of Warcraft's Most Famous & Infamous Players Part 4" by MadSeasonShow

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there's a good little intro achievements meltdowns funeral crashing sex for gold World of Warcraft has seen it all just like the Jerry Springer Show of mmo's luckily for us much of it has been preserved parts there's something oddly intriguing about it it's like a train wreck that she can't look away from that's very true I'm here magnanimous melancholy beneficent myopic monotonous chronicler a Mad Season show welcome oka love because for the next 20 minutes this is World of Warcraft's most famous and infamous players part for felton responses to a subject aya has an obsessive interest I've mentioned before I live in the world Warcraft has been made easier to obtain over the years these days you can't go a single level without a full new set of equipment which is convenient but that thrill of finally getting a new piece of gear is diminished back in the day getting an epoch was well epic it was a big event and you'd spend the rest of your day lovingly steer that gear a beautiful purple pixel absolutely embarrassed at the noise that you made when you obtained it I was never an all Jude 4 strength 4 stam leather belt ha level 18 oh the voice you just heard was that of Joe Joe just another one watching some adventuring in the world of Azeroth in his leveling he apparently happened upon a belt one with for strength and 4 stam nonetheless and he had a nerdgasm heard around the world it's so bad either then or he was just having a stroke what kind of stroke is up for you to decide and when I say heard around the world I mean that literally someone else entered so many times men who the y'all balls of steel bro like we watched that I remember sitting in the control of my broadcasting class in 12th grade and in-between us playing Secret of Mana and super smash brothers melee we watched and tool harassment and it was the greatest time of my [ __ ] life oh my god it was so good I watched every single one of them this group of friends not only was listening but was also recording you know trance forced an leather belt he'd record their reactions and upload them to YouTube for all to see and Joe was just one of his many victims over and over all right obviously it's not oh dude for strength 4 stam leather belt been coming in here doing this nerdgasm spawned a whole series 1 million as Union compiler himself and his fans would replay it variables controller servers to get a reaction Wow [ __ ] those guys creating content like I said our pixels was strong it's like the dark side from Star Wars except somehow even more nerdy people have even died okay it's pretty scary how it can grip people it's just a game at the end of the day why people take it way too seriously no it's not never mind that yeah I mean come on if you're willing to murder someone for in-game loot what's to stop you from it oh no well I guess we may as well get this one out of the way that's right epic epic get it crazy for a woman - offering sex for gold let me try to explain just why she's doing this yeah back when the Burning Crusade expansion came out one of the big features being added to the game or flying mounts you used to be locked to the ground either on foot or on a ground mount and the only time you could fly in the game was when he took flight paths which restricted you to a set path from point A to point B yeah now player controlled flying was always a highly requested thing so when it was announced for the Burning Crusade people flipped out there was just one problem though it costs gold which is Indian currency it was a lot of money in effect for much for most players to have with that fur to put it in her perspective buying the long boy was about as much money as it took to buy epic flying back then so yes inflation is about a thousand percent again oh yeah no I I think so like I really think that gold it wasn't that hard let me look okay let me do how much how much did gold cost in TBC uh history of well let me just look right now okay let me see how much it costs did they have like any numbers here cuz I I bet that I'm right I know belly or did a video about this but I don't really know where I can find that video [ __ ] okay yeah III can't even I can't even find it I just know I remember Jeff used his mom's credit card to buy gold and I made fun of him for it for a long time and it cost him a lot of money so he could buy his flying 6000 Gold's about $140 no dude it was way more than that I guarantee you it was way more than that like 6000 gold was a lot of money I was going out of their way of by grinding mobs or professions some were a bit more industrious than others however hello I need five thousand world of gold for my epic flying Mountain in return you can mount me you have to have an account on my server and I want the gold before we do anything smart girl up front delivery that's pretty smart yeah you don't want people conveniently forgetting account information post-coitus now do it yeah we can quote trade had your place since I can't host edit because I have a lot of dumb guys message me who clearly don't have the gold a creator of yourself and a screenshot of your character with the five thousand gold you know there's pretty easy to spoof why don't have them posing in front of their computer holding their drivers license giving a thumbs up to the camera that's true alright level 17 I told rude and would prefer someone's using to role-playing I have a costume hey who's ping who now hey also I'm not adverse to the idea of groups slash anal know what you're thinking you want to see isn't a game boy or I mean there's no way that this worked right come on this is the entry did you know it did work she made a follow-up oh hey I just like to thank all the jackasses that thought it would be funny to post my picture class in and make fifty thousand threads about me on the World of Warcraft forums again my epic Mound in about an hour that was very enjoyable for both parties while all of you idiots probably spent hundreds of hours farming yours and you don't even have them there so don't talk all the trashy one I got my epic flying mount and it got laid take a Haj is more than most of you fail can ever hope for all right there this is all too much no it's not mad this was so beautiful I remember I remember that post and I was thinking back then man I wish I was a girl I would suck so much dick for gold it would be beautiful I'd have every flying mount on every character serious right I was totally I was totally jealous that she was able to do this right it's the same as like you know and people are now and in like a different way yeah dude female privilege female [ __ ] privilege literally I thought this was a wholesome little channel here let's take a break from prostitution for virtual currencies let's talk about the goon squad not really known for being one of the top guilds but rather one winner draftsmen like the little crashing this time but some of their work includes cutting Jaina Proudmoore to Orgrimmar to kill unsuspecting city dwellers up forming a rate of zombies during the Wrath of the Lich King launch event to infect and kill unsuspecting city dwellers and rigging alliance lawyers into attacking an immune player and gathering them up so they can revive all at the same time to kill unsuspecting city dwellers well at least this time they're of the opposite faction their crowning achievement however came during the Wrath of the Lich King expansion the new peanut bomb I remember this one side had to defend a fortress from the other fending off players siege tanks demolishes planes well that's what the box wasn't a goal of the attacking team was to break through layers of walls using siege tanks or if you're an engineer grenades these also do damage but since the main stage combat they did relatively little in comparison however in preparation there's the video I watch this the gameplay perched themselves upon the final door leading to victory of the zone all having a large supply of grenades yeah soon as it started they parachuted down one minute destroyed the last decayed to win the game in record time a stunned Alliance returned to the keep only to find out that they've been locked out and surrounded by elite horde guards which slaughtered them if they drew to close immediately after Blizzard released the hotfix which made the grenades pretty much useless in the PvP zone well at least they were still useless useful and all the time this is girl [ __ ] from elitist jerks this is a narrated video of a Zululand speedrun that'll show you how my group has successfully approached the zone recognize that voice that's right that's the voice of ian has a hostess the current game director of World of Warcraft this was back during the Burning Crusade before he was affiliated with Blizzard yup he's the leader of the elitist jerks guild which is one of the most influential guilds in the entire game in 2008 before the wrath of the lich king's law yeah he joined blizzard as a raid and dungeon designer and seven years later moved up to assistant game director and finally in 2016 the game director for world of warcraft a position he holds to this day however in this video he's just a neat guide on how to successfully complete the bear run indosoul aman raid and The Burning Crusade it's so crazy for me to think that like ian was like just making wild videos back then you know wait you're just making a while vaduz me I'm like that could have been yeah that could have been me I don't know it's just it's crazy for me to think yeah yeah it's giving me me for sure Osmund gold game director yeah I mean hey the path has already been blazed a range groups Brits out in a semi-circle around the boss and the melee obviously are directly on him you'll see that so far to take know what if like he started off the videos like oh yeah what's up you [ __ ] idiots alright so we're gonna show you pieces of [ __ ] how to get this mount cuz you suck too much dick to get it on your own like can you imagine that if they had that video out and then like he was the director now like honestly if that was the case I'd feel so much more comfortable unless you take us three to four minutes to get you at a time or just tick down to 16 minutes if you killed the first batch of bosses within a time limit you were rewarded with the bare mouth and it was quite difficult during the time so this guide proved useful to many players showing different shortcuts mob skips and boss strategies to speed round the raid as fast as possible look if someone pointed out in the comments of the video you can maybe think of this as foreshadowing to the mythic Plus system which that's introduction in Legion a lot of that came from Diablo threes rift system although it's similar actually but it's interesting to think that if Ian ever became the game director we wouldn't have had mythic Plus which i think is one of the best things that the game has going for it right now so think of this as the very first mythic plus run in a way yeah he was also active in vanilla World of Warcraft though he was the one who did the math and concluded that the C'thun fight from vanilla HQ for Tia to be mathematically impossible to win assuming the absolutist geared roster of 40 players making zero mistakes holy he was a final boss of the raid kethu not Ian and he went unkillable by even the top rating gilts at the time for months these guilds called out a guide and accused them of releasing intentionally over tuned content in order to stall for their next raid which was of course next ramus some things never change some were constructive like Ian and it provided the numbers and others took a slightly more dramatic approach this is a screencap of an IRC chat from a member of death and taxes another top guild having difficulty killing the over tuned to old god also present in the chat is fear the alias for alex oppressor abia who's the currently world designer for World of Warcraft during vanilla a quest designer there's quite a his mom as well having led the EverQuest guild the fires of heaven which is considered by many to be the most dominating guild in the entire game when he was still playing every quest in 2003 he made a profanity-laced rant about a new raid called the plane uptime it's a shaky release so he took to the forums to give the developers in ultimatum I'm gonna read it out you have 14 days if after that time the plane is not properly tuned I am deleting my characters and canceling all of my accounts the rest of my guild will follow suit as will several other guilds and the people that play EverQuest to be briefed I did not work my ass off jumping through your idiotic hoops with my friends and guild mates so I could go to a zone where only groups of 18 could enjoy the content even it even in these even past these initial moronic events I can finally get my entire guild to raid with me [ __ ] you guys seriously [ __ ] you I cannot believe this right now I'm just so pissed off I'm sitting here in plain of time and 3/4 of my guild is just sitting around while a group of 18 is repeatedly trying to beat one of the many encounters don't you people have any [ __ ] decency Smedley why don't you stop counting your money and start issuing orders the tragic irony of creating the ultimate cock-blocked encounter in the form of kil Jaeden which requires 80 to 80 people to defeat and then limit encounters to the plane in the plane of time to 18 14 days after that this site will change from the most popular eq fan site on the wet on the internet to the most popular world of warcraft fan site on the Internet I'm done playing ball with you useless [ __ ] it's my turn god see this is whatever they just hired people that were mad no I do you hate that other game right though yeah why all right come work for us yeah he made a profanity-laced rant about a newsagent right on the plain of time it's a shaky release so he took to the forums to give the developers in ultimatum you have 14 days if after that time the plane is not properly tuned I am deleting my characters and cancelling all of my accounts the rest of my guild will follow soon as well as several other guilds and people that play EverQuest I did not work my ass off jumping through your idiotic hoops with my friends and Gil I know I'm giving blizzard 14 days to properly tune kethu instead this time giving blizzard 14 days to properly tuned C'thun or he and his guild will quit the game and switch to professional solitaire back to the IRC chat though the guild questioned the professionalism and ethic of Blizzard releasing a seemingly broken encounter and expressed frustration with their inability to overcome problems or challenges after carefully pondering their argument that the content may be a bit over tuned a frosty hobby looked back to the time when he was the player the frustrated guild leader posed with an unbeatable challenge and retrospectively he saw that he and Zeno weren't all that different thus with great care and deliberation he sincerely took on the criticism and replied I think you're just being a [ __ ] well damn it's very impressive actually with how filtered everything is these days to what lengths do you have to go to often for an employee of a triple-a game to say that you have down suicide how much would you have to mess with someone to completely send them off the deep end to the point where they publicly lash out at their own community base well the world may never know it I it's like a double retardation whammy like these were the beautiful days hey this is great it's like a double retardation whammy I'm surprised he can say that with blizzards okay I think you can read the rest of that yourself who continued their constructive discussion of old gods and [ __ ] and it didn't go very far and incidentally C'thun did end up getting nurse ortley they're out there and Guilds finally started to beat him up more importantly though we were left with one of the most dramatic public arguments between a blizzard employee and members of the community in the company's history we need more of those man no.1 what am i doing like that we really did need more of these like if Ian would just come on and occasionally just like do a while stream and just like read the forum posts and just call them [ __ ] morons that would just be beautiful I'd love it like I don't know why we don't have that more often like and if people got mad [ __ ] them dude I can guarantee you like it would be overwhelmingly positive if they did that with my life talking about drama of random people across the world whom had never met probably will never mean on a video that's definitely gonna be advertiser and friendly and filled with comments telling me how monotone I am you know what YouTube you have 14 days 14 days to fix her broken website or I'm going to take my channel and turn it into an erotic audio book promotion tool I grown and run my fingernails across his back and he guests a strangle what the [ __ ] fudge Anna he chokes and it half cry a half-grown it tears at my heart but also decide me tightening all the muscles below my weight yeah on second thought I'll just cover the new mobile Diablo game but first let's take a glance at an important moment in the game's history we took the amount of outrage and then doubled it Jay Wilson is a name that lives in infamy amongst the Diablo community yup Diablo 1 & 2 are considered to be masterpieces of the action RPG dungeon crawling genre you killed demons and you get loot to kill more powerful demons even just two games to its name it was one of the most addicting franchises gamers came across with quite the active community still playing today decades later forgive me for giving you all of this backstory but it's necessary to understand what the feeling was at the time and just why the fans of the series felt so betrayed his creator and David Brevik is considered to be a god amongst fans of the series with an outpouring of support even today for a remake - his iconic sequel Diablo - well we know bud here comes the year 2012 and with it Diablo 3 the second in this series I actually talked to David Brevik it was like maybe a couple of months ago and I was gonna invite him on the stream to do an interview but then I just kind of like lost track for everything and we ended up not doing it but uh yeah I just didn't really like it didn't really pan out you know what happened yeah yeah it just it didn't pan out he's released over ten years prior in the year 2000 with an expansion set in 2001 so there was an immense amount of hype and a thirst for I returned to the series its existence was announced in 2008 and players for the first time I got to see the game in action what a dolly made the wait works for players though because it looked great the dark demon slaying action what I ins knew and loved seeing a return at nearly a decade of the auction game but having moved on from Blizzard at this point it would be the first game in this year without brevets personal touch blizzard instead left it in the hands of Jay Wilson a former developer for relic entertainment having been working on games such as the company of heroes and Warhammer 40,000 the dawn of war years past and work on the game continued it was teased a WoW as long as I know each class one by one and even including playable demos the game would enter a closed beta stage in fall of 2011 where a small portion whether stacked was playable with all five classes I love this it looks pretty good and fans eagerly awaited the release era 40 Saturday 5:30 a.m. I made 12 2012 yep and the actual launch was a perfect sign of things to come yep the game sold incredibly well shattering the rides it accumulated 3.5 million sales within the first 24 hours after release and over 6.3 million in its first week of lunch as for the gameplay while the menus looked good that was about all the players could say about the game at that point because no one could login Blizzard was unprepared for the massive reception and their servers couldn't handle the millions trying to log in at lunch there is no offline mode for the game even for single-player he had to be connected to the Internet to play it would persist even weeks after the game's lunch yeah as archived by this 94 page thread was always so bad that their offices in South Korea were raided by the Fair Trade Commission because gamers were unable to play their game Wow using refunds players who did get in Hawai fund a game with potential for greatness but all in all a mediocre experience compared to its former at least 11 years ago players could progress through four exits story with four levels of difficulty - normal in an MMO hell and inferno yep all providing a tougher challenge but greater rewards much to the dismay of players though was the existence of the real money auction house system yeah they could buy items using in-game gold or real-life money usual action money would exchange from one player to it yo your boy Yasmin gold sold one of those spheres that look just like that 150 bucks I took Austin and Jeff over to Panda Express and I bought them their food I like boys welcome to the good life we got it made now I'm gonna be getting these swords all day every day I'm gonna be [ __ ] rich and there was this one guy I remember he took out a loan on a car because he made enough money on the real money auction house that he you know he was able to buy like a car like I'm not even kidding and like he took out a loan on it so like I don't know how he dealt with the payments like I'm assuming they repossessed it after they got rid of the auction house but it was still like I mean I I love this show like I actually thought that the real money auction house wasn't really that bad of an idea and like just having the auction house in general wasn't a bad idea and I don't know dude Diablo 3 was really fun but uh there were also a lot of problems it was not that bad no I didn't think it was bad because like basically the alternative to the real money auction house is you don't have ain't trading at all and I'd rather have people have pay2win then not have anybody be able to trade it's just a lesser of two evils from my perspective another an Blizzard would receive a cut of the sale essentially basically pay to win model as players would describe it a problem made worse with the fact that the higher difficulty settings seem to be unbalanced and poorly tested some PE has an in-game trading okay well if you want like a perfect world for me right it would be that you had trading but you didn't have the auction house I think that the auction house was just Blizzard legitimizing something that was already going to happen right I mean that that's what I would specifically want I think having trading is more important than like the the potential to like pay to win right I mean that's just that's my perspective because not having trading affects everyone the pay to win stuff doesn't literally p OE I know I love peewee yeah I think that's great I'm happy about it like yeah P we did it right yeah yeah that's the whole point classes were able to scrape by and completed with very expensive gear and a very specific set yeah all others particularly male a struggled in another in the penultimate difficulty or which was hell the game was tested though not just by players but also the team itself of course why increase the difficulty of the inferno mode to where no one was able to complete it and after that as Wilson infamously boasted they had double dot it was a soul stirrers pinned the extremely unfair and unbalanced nature of the game on G Wilson both he and his quotes became the subject of ridicule of players wanting a challenging but fair ends game dying was extremely unforgiving drops were dumb and far between and the enemies were fighting I gained a random set of ethics is so valuable to the very limited number of viable character builds in the game was absolutely regenerate health and you'd be left with a hefty repair bill and with gold also being purchasable with real money alas our taste in people's mouths it was all too common for people to be in a situation that's don't feel gold and all of their gear was broken the only way to progress would be to start a new character or the difficulty and farm low level enemies here once or visit that ever alluring a real money auction house early on one of the best ways to earn gold would be to run past all of the enemies in the game and just break all of the pots or other faster one bullseye remember this behold the brutal non-stop action of Diablo 3 the game saw a record-breaking release Diablo had the most like [ __ ] stupid farming methods there was one where you would go in and you would kill the blacksmith's wife and then you would leave and then turn off the game and then restarted there's another one where you would go into Act one and you'd go into like the tomb of the forgotten giant or something about what specifically and you would kill all the mobs in there and then you would leave then there was another one the one that he showed with Act one and you would destroy all the pots and then you would leave and you would restart it then you come back and you destroy all the pots again and you'd have all this gold finding gear because there was a stat back in Diablo that made you find more gold so you had full gold finding gear just killing pots then there was another one on top of that that kripparian used whenever he was leveling up where you would basically just farm treasure goblins the whole time like Diablo 3 all it did was it was just a series of really really stupid farming methods it was beautiful but the actors quickly dwindled once they uncovered its gaping flies wah verdicts who originally praised the game began condemning it and even the series creator Brevik was interviewed by Inc gamers that's analogous game in the trilogy I gave some criticism on some of the troubles that they were facing and how he would have done some things differently I'll have a link to the description to see for yourself but all-in-all is pretty innocuous members of the development team however took offense to the interview and mistakenly posted their discussion to the public eye and frankly we're quite scornful how dare he not life for us and say that her game is flawless where breivik was professional and courteous this small group of employees took a liking to mocking him and the past games that he's worked on this call Wow with a comment from the game director himself [ __ ] that loser whoa this is public delete everything [Music] well they took the amount of outrage with the game and they doubled it due to the problems of balancing and the real money auction house many fans were already dissolution with what the game was and how they wanted it to be I don't think that's a big deal honestly like he's talking privately like I mean who hasn't had like a conversation privately like he thought it was private right because he it's not like he was doing this publicly like yes yes he he thought that it was private like he would not have said this if he knew that it would be public right so it was stupid that he did that on an online form but the intent was for it to be a private conversation which i think is completely reasonable like who hidden here hasn't said some [ __ ] about people that you wouldn't say in public everybody's done that right it's like of course J Wilson's pissed off of course he is I don't think that's I really never thought this was a big deal it was funny but it wasn't a big deal unprofessional give me a [ __ ] break don't be such a [ __ ] many sad has a bastardized version of the series that they fell in love with over a decade ago so to see the person holding the reins of this game post something such as this whip the fanbase up into a frenzy some swore off not only the franchise but also Blizzard as a whole and only the most zealous like followers stuck through the whole ordeal and has a reward for their loyalty for their undying love of the Diablo franchise they got to witness and further bastard inspiration for mobile devices one don't you guys have phones Wilson later apologized for his comments and he addressed some of the problems that the game was facing and the whole incident goes down is one of the most dramatic moments in gaming history he would later step down from Game Director for Diablo and moved to the lead game designer for the Legion expansion of World of Warcraft he parted ways with not only Blizzard banks aiming industry as a whole in June of 2016 oh really man you know what a bit better like no really you think about what that means that he did like the original legendary system and like everything that they did after this dude left was like all an improvement yo [ __ ] that loser yeah for real like the guy comes in no I mean really am I wrong like I don't know maybe he's a good game dev maybe I don't know what I'm talking about but it sure it just seems like a very coincidental chain of events just not feeling this there's just something about my crippling addiction to World of Warcraft that I just can't drop I such a large world filled with strange strange people and we wouldn't have it any other way would we if you're on the same boat I'll see you in the next episode of World of Warcraft's most famous and infamous players Wow [ __ ] Wow dude I'm gonna I'm gonna let me give you guys a link to this video okay there's a video go ahead and give it a like alright let's give that video a like I'm gonna go ahead and then give it one right there alright I I'm I I love this [ __ ] dude like honestly the drama is what really that's that's the real game is the drama like everything else besides that like who really cares about what boss you're killing etc it's all about the drama and like just getting mad at people and you know these like rivalries and and all of that you know that that really really matters a lot and I think it's hilarious and that's what it's all about can't have joy without drama well yeah exactly that's what it's all about I don't click links well you should because this is a good link here I'll link it again there you go there go ahead and go give the guy like and there you go
Channel: Assertonsin [Asmongold Stream Reactions]
Views: 1,085,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, BFA, WoW, asmongold reacts, reaction, asmongold highlights, best of asmongold, twitch chat, madseasonshow, asmongold watches, world of warcraft, battle for azeroth, infamous, famous
Id: Y5NzH6LiUuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 34sec (2134 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2019
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