Asmongold Watches WoW Cinematics and Warbringers Videos Just Before the Launch of BFA

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good and Firefox all right good so BFA leveling tips what am I supposed to do 12 tips for easier leveling should I watch that like I should just like watch cinematics I'm pretty sure like I don't even really feel like watching like leveling tips because I don't need leveling tips because we're just gonna win right I don't yeah I'll just watch the cinematics man [ __ ] that [ __ ] just watch cinematics Mad Season yeah yeah which one should we start with boys watch fortnight oh yeah sure classic alright we'll watch the classic while cinematic ah which one is is it this one or this one I'm gonna say it's the one from 8 years ago actually I'm gonna do the longer one why not that let me resize this four years have passed since the mortal races banded together and stood united against the might of the Burning Legion No Azarath yo our sub sounds work the tenuous pact between the Horde and the Alliance has all but evaporated the drums of war Thunder once again thank you see no show couple $100 which like that thank you thank you thank you dude thanks gonna do thank you so much fun [Music] then this quality so bad let me see if I can find another one actually yeah I'll just keep watching it whatever whatever it's fine this my favorite part right here honestly I don't know why I just really like that part just looks cool as [ __ ] man and there's me dude this right here this is why I made my first character right here I played a mage yeah see sworn we're using the totems back then for more threat dreams the crazy thing about that is that even now it still looks badass right it doesn't it doesn't look shitty at all it still looks cool and that's from a long long time ago right I'll watch yeah yeah I can do I can do BC oh what the [ __ ] oh the Cinemax there we go 2003 yeah it's kind of annoying all righty where is PC novel cocked I'm sorry oh it's whoa I was like cut off oops oops [Music] banished from my own homeland [Music] and now you dare enter my realm you are not prepared [Music] CUC for 10,000 years I never like drain eyes always thought they were stupid there's the maze dude from gruel's lair that seam does look really good man see this what else looks ugly I got anything she's hot at all they could have done a much better job let's be honest yeah yeah I'm not a family [Music] that's me that's me right there [Music] yeah that's also me - cos lawyers will get excited and Burning Crusade a lot it's bad time skål go down [Music] [Music] [Music] that was good I really the Burning Crusade one I wasn't like a huge fan of I will say something that I think might be a little bit controversial I honestly think that the odd one is like on par with wrath which game right and the only reason I rather looking is better is because there's more war associated with it my son the day you were born the very forests of Lordaeron whispered the name [Music] and right there was the end of the cinematic from Warcraft 3 so it just started right after Warcraft 3 the Frozen Throne was the last in a Mac was I'm sitting there [Music] [Music] [Music] there he is dude it isn't so badass man my child I watched with pride as you grew into a weapon of righteousness [Music] our line has always wrong with wisdom and strength and I know yuuma show restraint when exercising your great power [Music] [Music] eridan first time I saw this I was like damn I want that mouth it's honestly the only thing I thought with this whole cinematic I thought it would be amount [Music] but the truest victory my son is stirring the hearts of your people I tell you this for when my days have come to an end their human shall be oh man dude oh man that was what it was all about aye man a wrath holy [ __ ] that was so good man it really was I it was amazing I'll just be honest was [ __ ] amazing crude humor use of alcohol Wow no wonder everybody the place this game is [ __ ] up I was hyped about this I watched it I read the Deathwing book whenever I was in high school so I was reading operas I was [ __ ] ready [Music] [Music] no one actually white dragon song no you did that's an STV with my torment it's wretched kingdoms awake beneath my rage Debra was so [ __ ] bad-ass turd [Music] vast Azeroth will break [Music] beneath the shadow of my wings [Music] mr. I really like that one man I I do i I think they didn't they did Deathwing dirty man they did I was disappointed cuz it was just like okay you know we're gonna we're gonna shoot you with a magic pancake and now you're dead it's like what why you do that you know it's it's disappointing that's kind of what happened and then so like death waiting to death it was good right so yeah like Illidan you know the Lich King yeah Deathwing it's like wow they're gonna have to come up with something crazy gonna be Sargeras next well surprise big surprise big [ __ ] surprise goddamn man I can't get over this ah stop why did they do this to us why we flaked so asked why the leaves fall did you send it that's where the same perhaps there is a better question I still what they have to do this their cokes badass looks that kind of a warcraft 3 character more than Wow in a lot of ways yeah that was Varian he's mad this is small what is this is so dumb man this is so stup I like why they had like really [Music] [Music] so DOM [Music] this is so stupid man what is this a kids game the only thing this is accurate about is how hard it was for warriors to beat monks there it is it's how it works and then run away just like that [Music] why do we fight to protect home and family to preserve balance and bring harmony [Music] various for my kind the scenario question is what is worth fighting for [Music] well now we got that one out of the way so that that came out and obviously I was like all right great you know we've got this [ __ ] and wad was amazing right wad this was what it was all about right I mean I was like okay this is a big apology for that bull [ __ ] that happened in mists of pandaria it's like finally you know the game's gonna be back to how it is dude this is honestly like probably one of my favorite Cinemax I remember getting up in the morning and watching this with my mom I remember this very very clearly as soon as we watched I went I watched it again 35 years ago during an extreme claim your destiny you must we give in return everything [Music] the music is so good - she's backpedaling [Music] [ __ ] mana rock dude big dick mana rocks [Music] this right here is the the best part of any cinematic they've ever done right here in my opinion this is the best part [Music] it's not our destiny as their times change warfare knows man that's what he needed to be and so [ __ ] bad-ass [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] that was like in my opinion that was just so [ __ ] hype and badass dude I still can't even get over the fact of how good that was and even now it just depresses me because if expansion was but besides that oh my god it was amazing mob classes I was 10 of 10 yeah if you play the game all day the final one Lords of war were great yeah I think all that stuff is really good oh I forgot about leech I forgot about Legion I don't know how but I did okay that's I just completely forgot okay my bad my bad my son a terrible darkness is returned to our world no it's not how I miss cheesy as before it seeks to annihilate everything that we hold dear I go to face it knowing I may not return yeah it's true barian does look like a badass though look at that [ __ ] all my life I have lived by the sword I see kingdoms burn and what's brave heroes die and pain it's been difficult for me to trust after losing so much [Music] but from you I have learned patience tolerance and faith [Music] [Music] the tomb of Sargeras Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] pretty badass dude look what happens to Sylvanas here it just goes back to her ship somehow I guess Varian can't jump like that he doesn't have disengaged and her oak leaf there's no path available so he just falls down and dies [Music] she can fly it no I only happen to be fi she wasn't able to fly here and doing I now believe as you do that piece is the noblest aspiration man if only he knows who preserve it you must be willing to fight [Music] ostrich is good it was good I mean I like that one a lot I wasn't like a huge fan of it I wasn't like oh my god this is the greatest one ever but it was good I like the fact they and varying in there I thought Varian looked really good that was the main thing that I liked about it okay now old soldier before it be FA okay I guess that's what would make sense and this is like five minutes long I didn't even know that it's actually of course I did blow that because it's six I really wish they made more of these Oh Lord South hang there he is he didn't even talk to him I like that it's doesn't even look at him how many do you think too many there is no honor in this they will come for us now all of them he fought with you in the third war he knows Warcraft 3 oh you could cut down 10 enemies with a single blow it's void swarm this be my first matter what should I do dude or yes of course but if I do fall may it be with honor in glorious come on there will be no glory today only pain area today you have burned your warriors death my son yet once again I am denied it [Music] what are you doing waving what is mind I hopefully get like more combat sings with surfing but it'd be badass go back go back live another day go back to your father I can't he's dead the Horde it's all we have you know me is that it what I've seen what I've done give up boy like you [Music] [Music] live another day [Music] but such a good scene without honor [Music] [Music] I was honestly like I was not happy with how how star Fang got got in this cinematic right I was just kind of upset about it because I was expecting to be like some badass he was like killing a bunch of people and everything and then like he just got killed by some Night Elf archers and just like oh we didn't get killed but you know he got shot and I'm like oh wow great this is awesome I'm still happy spoiler alert there it is ours is a cycle of hatred alliances forged and broken we have paid the price for sharing this world and we have forgotten what makes us strong clothes right I fantasize one corner on will be ours Mike areas that we have her corner let's say the first time you really see the cosecant like you already have a new seat for sake of innocent matters there he is - let's knock that read the [ __ ] out man [Music] these part one's pretty [ __ ] awesome [Music] [Music] mr. Bradley didn't have Benson matter look at blocking oh you know that's ya can't get mall [Music] as this animal saw Brad Pitt [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I thought that one was pretty good I I did I like that one a lot honestly and that's basically all the all this so the cinematics they're so [ __ ] go boys yeah yeah yeah for the Horde like yeah this is the last 30 minutes man I still can't even believe it 30 minutes left and so [ __ ] BFA comes out man it's still insane it is where is by the way where is the azshara war bringers what happened to that I'm so confused it just it's gone soon oh yeah soon secure the beach shoots way harder than this way hotter than this besides the what are you calling the actual cinematic yeah the innocence remained in the tree this is war this is hatred right when you were defender of you people do you not remember I remember take up good [Music] can't beat the witch scammer [Music] [Music] there's the goal a bear no you don't understand don't agree you'll soon join your loved ones I crave for you you've made life your enemy and that is a war you'll never win you can kill us but you cannot kill such a villain it does such a villain burn it those are long-range catapults by the way very long yeah I'm still waiting for the azshara one let's see what is this world of warcraft would they put anything out yet no they haven't goddammit piece of [ __ ] okay just a minute or is it there it is who's there the one I thought this one was actually pretty good [Music] yeah people got really into the song I didn't I obviously the music was really good let's be honest [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I think one of these guys is like all rxr I'm pretty sure [Music] [Music] majors are too strong the standard it's ridiculous come on come on come on power I guess she's like oldest [ __ ] now right father yeah she's a MILF I always thought that like this is actually a good one like I wasn't a huge fan right of Jeana I've never been a huge fan of Jenna I've actually never liked Jeana at all I thought she was a complete [ __ ] but I I didn't like it a lot okay it was actually pretty good a hundred percent yeah yeah it was much better servers around already wait oh battle Nets down okay well I'm on wine so hopefully I should be okay
Channel: Assertonsin [Asmongold Stream Reactions]
Views: 109,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold reacts, reaction, asmongold
Id: l6dWzvxOPVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 27sec (2907 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 16 2018
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