Asmongold's Thoughts on Why Method is Not Working With Red Bull For The World First Race

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Oh hmm apparently skull made a post about the future of the race to world first and my method is no longer working with Red Bull what Wow yeah where it's on his Twitter I'll look at it right here here's what it says let's see the future of the race the world first and why method is not working with Red Bull why method is no longer working with Red Bull NASA decided Street and race the world first for the first time in old dear we reached out to method to Red Bull and Method decided to stream to race world first and her seminal do we reached out to Red Bull and brought them on the spot to the event and provide a venue the older way the old dear world first race I was a huge success over six million unique devices tuned in and overall 10 million fewer hours were accumulated in comparison this is more than twice the viewer hours of overwatch League playoffs in 2018 well that's because nobody cares about overwatch league here a Red Bull saw the magnitude of racing world first and no wait raced Oh race to world firsts ok and decided that they wanted there to own and operate the event themselves after all dear they started pushing us to have the race to world first streamed on Red Bulls twitch channel we of course rejected for many reasons including most importantly we see long-term damage of handing off the 14 year community to run world first competition through a third-party corporation only the company are only the community and Blizzard themselves should have ownership over the world first race and also because method had no partnership Nord receive any direct compensation from Red Bull the race the world first livestream channel was the only way to interact with the viewers and to bring on sponsors if we handled if we handled off if we handed off the livestream to Red Bull then we wouldn't be able to compensate the players to compete in the race the world first so um Beth I can't negotiate a contract you know well it wasn't that they can't negotiate I mean like at a certain point like sometimes you reach a point where there isn't a negotiation it makes both parties happy right like sometimes I keep reading okay okay so basically I do agree at this point like putting it on Red Bulls twitch channel would be stupid the twitch channel that red bull does that there's no reason to do this it brings in no unique viewers it's bad and whoever is making decisions over at Red Bull doesn't understand viewer behavior and them trying to have this as a selling point and they're wasting the company's money by trying to do that it just makes no sense at all okay it's very very stupid thing okay just one second let me look at the rest of these okay stream it from your homies house look oh my god the rest is here there are no compromises to be made well yeah I mean sometimes you just have different goals and it just doesn't work out the above is a key discussion point for months we tried to find a solution in hindsight we should have gone our separate ways at this point however we were constantly given hope and the solution was coming in at the same time we did hold the Red Bull Brendon high self esteem and we wanted to give a fair compromise finally two weeks before the recent battles our order a dungeon Red Bull agreed to have the live stream remain on method switch channel furthermore red bow indicated that the long term partnership could happen after the completion of the Bo d race the world first unfortunately the two-week tournament meant two-week turnaround meant that we couldn't take live-action take action on unlocking the events full potential such as methods plans to include other guilds and generally develop the event into something bigger despite this the event was another huge success even surpassing the viewership during old dear wait really what is it um I don't remember that at all I I like this dude are you high B ok that for sure ok alright well it doesn't matter I don't know I thought it didn't do as well but who cares nothing materialized after Bo D instead Red Bull continued to pursue the route of trying to take ownership of the race to world first events it was very disappointing for us at method as I think anyone who tuned in the blast races of world versus events can appreciate how much value Red Bull has gained from their involvement as the eSports Observer put it the stream featured constant presence of Red Bull giving the brand access to millions of hours of viewership I think that's absolutely true because they paid for retail by no good things well wait a minute like what do you mean um that has nothing to do with it okay let's see here when dialogue remained open it was leaked to us that red bull reached out to limit and pieces to plan an event called Red Bulls world first oh no I don't know who those guys are oh no oh [ __ ] okay so mad like I don't even know what the hell he's mad about but I know who's mad okay uh dota2 casters yeah I have no idea okay so let's go with the rest of these Red Bull had gone behind our back and after seeing their presentation to limited pieces it was apparent that they had taken a lot of our ideas and concepts for expanding the race to world burst Red Bull will therefore likely be putting on their own event 48.2 the eternal palace with limit and pieces this time around but method will have no involvement with the event method will host the race the world first event in a new location and we are very excited to share all the details with you about this in an upcoming announcement the future of the race the world first so what do you think about this so far well I know I mean what am I supposed to take from this that Red Bulls a bad company and I shouldn't watch their event when the next world first race comes around I think the only I think that really the only mistake redbull made here right I like based off of this when I'm reading is trying to get them to put it on Red Bulls stream I think that's stupid like making sure they have like ownership of it and everything like that I think is counterproductive it's a waste of their time and money and it's not going to help them in the long run imagine this imagine if you host somebody with a hundred thousand viewers it's not like they're gonna have a hundred thousand viewers in Xtreme around the only reason that they're forcing this and pushing us so much is because they don't understand viewer behavior is because nobody at Red Bull probably streams or if they do they have like 15 viewers and they don't understand how it works it's just stupid that a date like I don't know what they're thinking like and they need to sit down idaten really they should sit down and talk with people that stream like understand how viewers make decisions what they do and figure out how to [ __ ] do this better because here's the thing nobody wants this to happen like this is worse for everyone because now there's a bunch of drama now redbull can't get along with method because they didn't want to put it on Red Bull stream Red Bulls trying to go behind their back and create a second event and everything is worse off because Red Bull has this goal that's stupid it's it's a mistake and yeah a Red Bull and as we go the Red Bull confirmed I wish they would talk to me Red Bull talk to me like speaking of begins months you've got $100 right wow this is second I read that actually just a minute oh it's already okay give me a minute yeah it's you it's 19 in cheer I was thinking about hundred dollars I presume we caught Red Bulls event on Twitch support the members of the WoW community who've been doing this for years well the thing is that like the other people that are doing this with Red Bull have also been doing it for years it's not like limit and pieces don't deserve our support as well right I mean who's to say it they do but I do think that method III I don't know I mean like here's the thing right is it this is a business decision and the problem with making something like this it's a business decision is that the business decision is in the face of a front facing company that's based off of its interactions and its relationship that it has with the community so whenever you make a decision that's business related or a business focused at the expense of your involvement or relationship with the community you're effectively making a brand withdrawal and it's effectively the exact same argument that I was making before about why Blizzard is making a mistake by making store mounts because they're diminishing a brand value so yes obviously method is doing so sorry Red Bull is doing something that is good obviously this is like a good for them as a company but is this good for them in a long term I I don't know because I can guarantee you there are going to be thousands of people that read this and they think to themselves [ __ ] Red Bull dude like what does s fan gonna do because he's a part of method and he likes Red Bull he likes Randy drinks Red Bull on stretched Red Bull whatever nobody really know it's whatever you know that's not true and so it you're just mean what is he gonna do probably do the same thing I mean like he's gonna have to completely disassociate with Red Bull at all he's not gonna be able to drink red Bull on stream he's not gonna be able to say man I love rent bowl he can't do any of that now because because of this falling out of it that just occurred you ever think of that honestly like for what I know I I don't think that they're gonna have any sort of like you're not gonna have to do anything like nothing's gonna change white desert yeah nothing's going to change I mean like you can't just tell somebody who's a content creator for like years it has like a huge audience yeah you have to decide you have to stop using this product because it interferes with a you know a dispute that we had on you know with like a contract right I mean that's insane as okay just say it another country this is I can thank you itch and thing or and thing you think you made a nation didn't limit pieces and Method should talk about to make an event and give Red Bull the axe red Bowl isn't the only sponsor out there listen I mean they're not gonna do that because they see money in it like that's why see that the thing is that like a lot of these companies like I do believe that like yeah a lot of them probably should do a better job at being able to do this but like one thing that Red Bull has is money Red Bull can do money and like why do you think these companies these these are these guilds are doing it it's because they're getting money for it do you think Red Bull is just doing this for these guilds just as a charity event do you think that people from moment and pieces aren't going to get paid for this potential event of course not now of course they're going to get paid and that's why they're doing it because maybe selling old deer raids and VOD raids isn't paying the bills for them anymore and they've got to actually sit down and make some [ __ ] money right and and I would say on this is better than selling runs but I mean who knows if that's going to stop Red Bull has a Formula One team they spend more on brakes for a season in all of eSports honestly bro you're probably right that being said yeah I I don't know I feel like this is it's a loss for the whole community because Red Bull has such a misguided promotional plan promotional strategy it's so misguided Gary just said Red Bull never paid method a penny what then why the [ __ ] would you partner with them if it's about money if it's a business decision what you partner with him what the [ __ ] was the point the whole time then what is this dude what is this dude let me say it louder for the people in the back method was never paid a penny by Red Bull this is beyond outrageous no it's not Victoria Victoria he means because beyond outrageous they had a contractual agreement that they both agreed to now assume this is assuming that method didn't like oh yeah we're gonna pay you a hundred grid and then methods like where's the money though what do you mean what are you talking about one point bro what money thing bro you know this is a contractual agreement that came together that it was reached by two different parties like what the [ __ ] do you mean like they agreed to that it's not lost red roll sponsor to increase their venue utilizing methods reach taking over that reach and think you know laughing work is [ __ ] rebels let's come a company that risks lives I don't know about that man they don't respond yeah give me a [ __ ] break dude the call sponsors with free Red Bull marketing yeah I don't understand why did they take that I don't know I mean you'd have to ask to talk to likes go and you know dairying them and figure out like why this was a good deal but whenever I see that you know they branded this thing with an entirely a Red Bull thing and then it ended up not happening so what did they really gain from the organization from a all the players together I think that they jumped the gun on that personally and here's why basically I and I don't know maybe I'm just backseat quarterbacking here okay but it seems to me like it probably would have been a safer decision for them to do it remotely on the first race and not involve a sponsor because that means that they would have more to sell and they'd have a higher mic a higher sale value of doing that right and it would come into it independently rather than being supported by somebody else like that that's you know it's just what I thought so like for example I could never we did our first tournament we didn't have any sponsors the prize money I put that money up myself I paid for that and and why isn't that because that means that now we have much more negotiating power if we want to happen with when I sell the tournament to somebody later on right like and tally you're right no actually again again Howard saw you know hearts in the chat hammers up it's always about to say hammers up to tally for contributing to and I like that art subdued hearts out yeah hearts up in the chat all right all right okay it's not that bad so yeah I mean like I'd have to look at like the individual contract and like you know it's like I'm assuming they're telling the truth here right I don't think that they would make a I mean this is obviously a coordinated social media effort by method to talk about this issue so it seems like they would not make a coordinated social media effort to lie about a contract that they had with Red Bull I'm going to rule that out now it could happen but I doubt it very strongly let's see here Red Bull sukima Haas no we don't really know about that say what what else did he say in this pose okay let's go back and what we will take a look at the post okay we got a little bit derailed there aren't you the leader of method no I'm not you should have company sponsor your transmog contest in everything um ooh can I tell mores a little here's the little insider tip okay if you are looking to get sponsored by someone that understands internet culture and twitch stuff and she like that it's Wendy's it's Wendy's not a lot of true that it's Wendy's you should get in contact with them there's actually something I've been planning on doing sponsoring but I'm gonna be probably sponsoring this with my own money I'm not sure really if we're gonna take it to the next level there's basically two stages of this and I can't talk about the second stage right now but the first stage is I'm going to Commission somebody that I have in mind to actually create art for people that win the transmog compositions in the what do you want in the event and then maybe do it free to do to the top three or just a top person that wins the tournament right and I'm gonna Commission that and then have it done for those people right so we can you know build up the community and everything like that and it's it's not really a whole lot of money and it's like something that I think would be really special and it'd make things more exciting while you become a sponsor instead because you need to have a you need to have a product that you're selling in order to sponsor somebody else like what product am i selling there's only so far you know why perceived clout can get you anyway let me go back to this okay with stock options and Red Bull count is payment absolutely yeah I would consider that payment is it payment or consideration I don't know you'd have to ask a lawyer but it's it's absolutely some sort of compensation yeah I would say so sell your bathwater it's a good idea here's 100 for this next tournament if you want to fatten up that pot some more let me know thank you very much nice and I appreciate that man thank you thank you um listen like if you're a sponsor and you want to be featured in our next tournament let me know please and we'll we'll talk we'll do anything almost right I mean like what if the next tournament that we did we got enough sponsors where we could have a $20,000 pot oh my god yeah yeah I think we could do that so yeah I mean absolutely I mean and that's see like the meetings and I've been having like uh you know whenever I tell you guys I'm very busy I got two good two and if a Red Bull got sued saying that they'll give you wings are ready to pitchforks voice yeah I don't know about that dude I think that's that was stupid but you know it is what it is have you tried dark dark berry dr. pepper it's absolutely amazing so is vanilla float I only have the originals man I got timed out for two months ago as of ocean man song copypasta I'm sorry please forgive me minidisc let me just look right now okay I really don't want to [ __ ] with somebody's logs right now but um we'll go ahead and I'll look at you just make sure that that's not anything bad yeah you spammed it let's say like 10 times it's a little bit too much man okay let's go oh you're so you're so annoying what like you're such an annoying person like I'll get this here just a second it's all like copy pasta and then complaining about gachi and then you're mad about Sean Paul [ __ ] you idiot Sean Paul's our god but what the [ __ ] you talking about like yeah maybe because like whenever temperature came out you were three years old and you didn't understand it and then you're spamming the same [ __ ] trying to get copypastas going and you've been watching my stream for a year making comments about viewers oh my god let's see what where's the rest of this let me save it ant-man was actually really awesome and endgame didn't he crawl up Thanos his ass I mean didn't boilers look dude it's too bad man is this stream guy as Mon stream is dying thank God your band you're so [ __ ] annoying get the [ __ ] out of here go be somebody else's viewer okay you're so [ __ ] annoying it's embarrassing okay I'm done looking at that anyway the point that I'm trying to make I don't like you okay so let's see if you say Brian I know about that okay um well no it's just like you have to build it let's let's get back on track okay all right which track okay okay okay let's go back to that method way all right let's see okay there's nothing else it really said about that let's see future of the racing world first racing world first exist in 14 years company run initiative without direct involvement from Blizzard or third-party corporations we reject the prospect of a third-party corporation taking this competition away from the community now that the race the world first live streams have shown there's a huge public interest and commercial viability good I have no problem with third parties being involved we want third parties to be involved why not it helps the players make money they don't have to make sale carries it allows more people to be part of it it makes it more legitimate so then you can have like more formal tournaments and you can actually allow those players to fully show what they can have it develops a scene it creates interest in the game it creates promotion for the game through like organic engagement and viewership there's a thousand reasons oh that's all true however the more you involve corporations and money into something that started out as more of a home I agree with you it's exactly how you get [ __ ] like what happened to twitch you know what I mean and less less user freedom and [ __ ] like that rules yeah basically rules I only can counter that by saying all the rules that third parties would give you twitch already has well that was just an example I'm talking about like I don't know deals that you make with these businesses and [ __ ] like that and you have to chill their materials and goods and show like that yeah I don't really care a whole lot about yeah of course it does I mean like out and nothing is like completely perfect right there's cool in exchange with everything but the point is that or some sort of an exchange with everything but I think the positives outweigh the negatives yeah I mean Schilling some sort of drink or an energy drink or I don't know a vacuum cleaner or some sort of [ __ ] it doesn't matter and I think it can be funny and it's like every other sport has that if people want to make eSports legitimate and you know like try to take it to the next level that's what they have to do and I think there's a lot of people out there who don't want to take it to the next level they want it to that community organic thing that never leaves you know their their bedroom and I can respect that I absolutely can respect that but there's a lot of other people that want to be able to do this and they want to be able to make money at it because I mean not everybody's is fortunate enough to have a mom that pays everything or you know a job or whatever and I understand that right I get it I also don't think that companies or any player has like I don't think boys or any any these players are not owed a salary they're not owed a salary for playing Wow that's ridiculous no one is but I do think some commercial viability and commercial I I guess not interference but relationships would actually be better overall for the the community I would a game shouldn't be your job according to who you loan the [ __ ] out like uh III don't even know what to say why I mean like I genuinely don't understand like what what did methen think they were gonna get out of it by involving Red Boy I don't I don't know let me look at this again okay so I actually okay I misread this first sentence here allowing a third-party corporation to take ownership of the world first race I don't think them owning the world first race it might not be good absolutely I think that could be completely bad I'm not saying that it would be but I think that having I think having sponsors and corporations involved there's like two different things right being involved versus owning it I think owning it could be bad and being involved is almost necessarily always good okay that's the point that I'm trying to make okay let me go with the rest of these it should be just like NASCAR yeah okay let me go to the rest of this okay the Guild's become powerless and restricted in terms of the event itself the exposure they get the revenue generated from the event and other elements all this has had a direct impact on how long-term rating scene develops from here on out okay yeah a notorious problem there's been sustainability of being a top raider the majority of guilds that have achieved world-first are either disbanded or stopped competing including guilds such as death and taxes Niall um and Scindia blood Allegiant and Paragon seeking to achieve a world-first requires an immense amount of dedication but yields no tangible reward if you were successful we live in a time of top eSports competition's rewarding millions and prize money and six or seven figures of annual pro player salaries most operators on the other end have to take vacation from your full-time jobs to compete in the world first race and this is okay like boys er doesn't owe them a salary for competing in the world first race there's there's no there's no there's no commandment written by God that says that people that compete in the world first race should expect to be able to do that and be able to make a profit off of it or be able to do it freely there's nothing that ever said that it's completely yeah player yeah players came up with this this is a completely organic thing he's just stating that though no I understand that yeah it's just a stain to me it is a problem but I don't think this is a problem that you know how you solve this problem is you have sponsors for the event that's how you solved the problem that's the only way you can do it and even then you probably wouldn't even be able to because of how like you have to sponsor you sponsor the event and there's like 25 people you have to pay so you're cutting the amount of money that people are making by so many different ways I don't know if it would ever be worth it no let's look at the rest of this okay the past two race the world first events of achieve numbers sumo csgo major tournaments for multiple weekends at the LCS these events are massive and their value should be realized by the guilds involved um that's true I think people how did the other guilds besides method do what do you mean oh yeah I don't know yeah that's what I'm saying is it like not well probably 2k views well we can look right let me go ahead and let's take a look just give me one second let me pull up some analytics here pull-up twinge and I'll see if I can find the analytics here okay give me one second okay so let's see all right so limit maximum I think that's obviously one of the the guy let's see how their event did last time so obviously when did crucible come out and be OD I might [ __ ] this websites so bad this is actually the worst web site in the entire world no what is it it's worse than Neopets okay so let's see right here April 22nd 23rd it seems like it's somewhere around here right somewhere around in April they didn't stream okay well we'll look at that Neopets please yeah I'm serious so it's somewhere that limit didn't stream okay well who can we look at THD walk let's look at th to walk and see what there are what do you call what their retention was okay uh stand front no it's okay all right so we'll go all the way up here this is obviously what it's going to be so this is somewhere around then okay so we'll look at right here so this is I think whenever the first what was the first day they did this it's April somewhere around here so it's only like three or two thousand viewers I think one of the big reasons why one of the big reasons why methods event did so well and blew all of the here estream Josh okay why can't look at Josh because josh is banned let's say did you do sighs run this week no we actually should do that I was actually just parking outside parking myself outside of Perales hoping that people would come up to me and trade me gold but it hasn't really been happening I'm pretty upset about it let me go back over to the yeah I'll go over to storm Linden let me see if I can beg some for some gold over there Josh's band yeah yeah Geo they banned him he didn't say why I mean I'm sure it's like an internal thing but uh yeah he didn't say why they banned him like people linked a bunch of clips of things that it could have been a reason why he got banned but nobody really knows he didn't actually formally say okay just a second here everyone knows wine not really I mean it could be a lot of reasons just because you see something that's ban worthy doesn't necessarily mean that's why you got banned but the point that I'm making here like who who gained the most out of the world first races besides Red Bull who gained the most Josh Gustav John those streams put him on the map they did he was getting like three four hundred euros after that he was getting three four thousand years right he literally doubled it multiplied his viewers by ten right skull skull did not retain the viewership Josh retain the viewership Josh was the only person who retained viewership in the same way Josh was the main person that got all the most out of the these events right and Josh got banned hi you win some you lose some right that's the way it goes let me let me look at the rest of these here okay sorry I did miss a lot of this um okay shape your head bro thank your tips out there any $5 per tooth that I don't know what that actually is you tips of it is thank you I appreciate it if it's not thank you I appreciate it the issue with this is the endgame large corporations intervening and community events forces outs more independent event providers and forces and results in diminished event quality as game developers from her working with larger companies with deeper pockets I think it's actually more of a liability thing rather than them just working with the companies because they have more money personally we be reading some apps today live on stream I don't know but I'm not like I'm not explicitly planning on it do you no need for third-party why lizard do the method that every competitive do game does something like a battle pass partially community-funded even enhances in game where players get to do tons of stuff all the time they start adding a toy and shop yeah I know they need to do a better job for that I love your shipments help me get through so many years and struggling in a agoraphobia and panic attacks thanks for your passion and love for the game my land community us that's right because you don't look at a person you look at a wizard thanks for very I think so 20 hours appreciate that man so here's basic problem with it is events the participation of any guild sponsored by Red Bulls competitors um yeah no you're right about that you're definitely right let's see Channel sets of Josh go and method for the first race I can't I can't look at that now I'm talking about retention and not necessarily just viewership in the the event itself because obviously Josh did really really well with the crucible event but if you looked at like his viewership in the crucible event and you compared it to the overall viewership of the the world-first race for a bo Dean it was much lower even though Josh was doing amazing because everything was just consolidated around him so to the point that I'm making Josh's zero viewers well yeah because he can't stream because he's bad but the point is that a lot of these other guilds did not have the same level of a viewership that method did method had a mass amount of viewership anyway and I think there are a number of reasons for that you know it's an eSports organization you know like they were the world for skilled etc okay let me go back to the actual point here sorry guys we keep you railing okay methods in the early stages are communicating with other top guilds in a collective agreement that will have the race the world first remained in the hands of the community it's gonna be really hard to convince people not to take money let me say that an agreement that will provide exploitation of the guilds the agreement and broad strokes the a guild elect a commissioner to act wait are they seizing the means to create a world burst race no they better not okay ten thousand thank you but it I really appreciate the ten thousand gold guys yeah just keep trading me more gold okay just if you if you you know if you have some extra money might as well come over here and give it to me yeah seize the means of production and no I mean this is uh this is what you have to do right I don't know I mean well let's see what the rest of this is going to be the guilds elected Commissioner after their behalf the Commissioner will assume the role of executive director from world for race from world first events I'm sure I'm sure this is at least partially self-serving because method as I'm assuming going to beat the commissioner right I mean or at least like the de-facto person to do it because they're the top guild and they have the most experience right so this does very very no here's the thing meet the new boss same as the old boss okay like there's always going to be something like this happening okay divide and conquer 200 IQ no ears I'm saying what if they elect me that's right that's actually a good idea they should elect me Animal Farm well yeah I mean you could say Animal Farm or like basically you don't even need to go into like you know metaphors or anything I mean you've said the same thing happen right you have people that are you know they want to be part of a union and they have to pay union dues than the Union becomes draconian and then they basically run into the same problems or a different set of problems that they did whenever they were dealing directly with the company that they're working for right so which one is always better I just depends right the more the more overall the more democratic control that communities like this have usually the better off they are usually anyway let me go over here the commissioner and the Guild's choose a production company in a venue which will be engaged on a contractor basis the Commissioner on behalf of the Guild's will oversee the creation and execution of the race the world first broadcast to ensure the event reflects the competitive nature of the race and the passion of the rating gilts sponsorships would race the world first events were brought brought in by the guilds and by external agents all revenue will be distributed in a fair manner which will be agreed upon between the guilds Brit Blizzard as creator and IP owner of world of warcraft will hopefully continue to provide support to what has always made walnut Warcraft special its community we would be keen to work directly with wizard and with the above a per mentions points in mind the agreement ensures that the world to rate wit race to world first event will be the best it can be because it's in the hands of the guilds and the Raiders who have passion and dedication for the competition the guilds and Raiders are not taken advantage of by external for-profit companies they have no interest in the racing world first other than its commercial exploitation the long-term sustainability of the rating scene is secure what do you think of this McConnell basically they're like the Commissioner thing and then they're going to you know sponsorships are going to be distributed fair manner and then they want Boozer to work with them and they want to keep it in the hands of the Raiders and the Guild's and Raiders are not taking advantage of by external for-profit companies that have no interest in race the world-first other than its commercial exploitation yeah good [ __ ] luck with that whoa let's see this is good voices here this is only about money boy here's one thing that you have to understand is it every conflict every dispute every issue is about power and money is power the more money you have the more things that you can do so yeah you're right I mean ultimately everything is a power struggle everything in the entire world is always a power struggle money talks yeah exactly we're about boys 'red adding guild branded microtransactions i think the community would not like that and i don't think that's a good idea for Blizzard to do III hope they do not do that 100 gold yeah hopefully we get a more you know we get more like a million gold or you know five million gold ten million gold somewhere around there but you know that's the way it goes is that we killed the game everything for Raiders screw that I think that you're misinterpreting what's being said okay here so let's see what else this is here can money stop maulding alright did for Elon Musk but he's a billionaire so I don't really know if that's a good idea for me to use that as an analysis okay let's see your convoy swings more power than money ever could do it depends on what happens and who does who's there to pick up the pieces but here's basically what I think that they're trying to do right methods trying to position themselves to be red bull right I mean like they're effectively note but am I wrong here what they basically here's the thing right no at least a better Red Bull they're making a Raiders union they're making a Raiders Union in the pretense of them being the largest most powerful most progressed and most organized and guild with the biggest organization with the biggest resources possible how is the Commissioner and all this stuff right here how is the executive leadership for this supposed you know agreement here not going to be comprised primarily of people and method making the decisions they have the most power they have the most resources going into the agreement it would be de facto their leadership right I mean well here's the thing listen here's something that I used to always remember what I would say if I ever wanted to do something against people I would put it to a vote because people would always vote against their self-interest always be yeah always be very careful whenever you have people talking about things and they think that they are they're talking about giving the power back to the people giving the power back to the people well let's give the power back to the people who execute the power of the people [ __ ] methods role in the rais'd world first and this right here this right here is their resume for rationalizing themselves being in charge of this part here so let me read it I can already tell method was created 14 years ago in 2005 and we since then always been a competitor in the race the world first some of you might remember our first significant boss skills such as lady Vash world's second well in first legit and it killed Jayden world's second in the Burning Crusade if you look back to the last few expansions in particular going back to miss depend re in 2012 method has been world first on 12 of the 16 significant in-game bosses over time Methodists D increase its efforts to develop the race the world-first beyond competing in a form of 24/7 live report and a full rate history compilation in a goal to preserve the world first-rate achievements however methods most impactful action was live streaming of the world first progressional deer in 2018 that brought back excitement to the race to world first at a time where many were skeptical about the future of hardcore raiding yeah that's true given methods position in the rating community and our passion for race to world first we want to ensure in any way that we can in any way that we can the long-term sustainability of the race the world first so let's see what what these these links here are okay but boys hurt stream in the event that the blizzard doesn't want to banila onyxia Slayer molten core this skill does sin I think I talked about this before assent were the ones that cuffed us out of realm first in Wrath idea they were on thrall server this is actually really nice mic regardless of like what you think about method them doing this is really really great I like it a lot looks [ __ ] awesome do method a second it's on deck well no I'm just saying like this is really really nice I mean I'll always I'll always give credit where credit is due every single time because that's what matters it's really hard let's see here um okay just a second let me look at the rest of this all right Oh link it I'll link it in a minute okay just give me one second okay the website is the same shell as wow head well they might have had the same people develop it and why not I mean wow heads a great website and this is the same game why not make it the same I don't see that being a problem let's see here yeah I mean this is really really well done I mean McConnell you can agree on that right yeah I know I agree yeah this is well done this is great how I can lots amazing that being said what do you guys think about this do you think Gungans gonna play classic yeah I think so let's see what's the rest is what what do you guys think let's see shrug it's bad um weight tips out thinks that it's bad really tips why do you think it's bad man yeah well what is it yes uh let's see I'd love to talk about it let me bring them in [ __ ] it yeah bring them in yeah bring him in why not I think methods uh yeah well here's the thing right is I I feel like method like like I I do think that method does have good intentions in some ways but method also in the same way that Red Bull is a for-profit company so is method like methods trying to make money they're an organization to like these both exists in capitalistic systems right method is not a charity they're going to do its best for them and I think that's something that you always have to keep in mind whenever you're talking about giving the power back to the people and everything like that that also being said it they could also be very easy to sell the idea that it is in their best interest to continue to develop and nurture the hardcore rating community in seen because that's good for them like it's good for them it's the same reason why I try to develop other streamers and people in in the last section too because I think that's good and we look at these right here I mean they've obviously put a lot of work into this I mean method like the race to the world-first is probably methods flagship program right I mean let's be real link the post please yeah let me go ahead and link it right here yeah here's the post right here wouldn't they be paying themselves if they won no because that's only in assuming that there is a cash prize for winning so if the race itself is sponsored that doesn't necessarily mean that you have to have a what do you call it you have our prize pool for the winner I actually don't think they should have a prize pool for the winner I don't think that's a good idea it's our Palace world-first is gonna be awesome well this is great right because not only do you have guilds competing against each other but you also have companies like this is exciting alright adds a certain level of like drama in these events is always good for the numbers and that's really what matters at the end of the day are the numbers that's how you that's how you make sales that's everything like that the only the numbers are the only thing at the end of the whenever you turn off your computer the numbers are what matters that's what people make decisions on his [ __ ] numbers if anyone is sales enroll first in people's minds I think it's method personally I don't like method well that that's fine but yeah I think that you're right I mean method has developed they they they went out on a limb with this whole race to world first thing nobody knew how well is going to go it exceeded everyone's expectations it was incredible and I think that they absolutely do deserve a lot of respect for doing that easier okay hey what's up as vanadium no.2 McConnell right how about you good good so you thought it's bad I do I do actually and I'm actually involved in this particular issue so I guess I'll can you see how yeah so so so the reason why I think this is bad is especially companies like Red Bull and I I agree with you in the sense that method is a corporation and they're trying to secure their portion of the market share and they definitely don't wanna be forced out so you know endgame things might be a little different but the problem with bringing a third party entity like Red Bull is number one when you have a company like this that's this massive and this endemic to the scene what usually happens is companies like this try to push for exclusivity rides to run community tournaments and that is definitely the endgame with Red Bull the reason why I know this is that Red Bull contacted me about classic events and stuff like that after the previous tournament and it's great I don't know I don't know what I want to disclose on what I don't want to disclose about that but the bottom line is it seems pretty apparent at least from my perspective that the goal is to partner up with Red Bull and Blizzard to create exclusive events which means that all other community organizers and stuff like that would effectively be forced out which is not good for anybody monopoly I I believe so yes now that again this is alleged and stuff like that but but I think that's what's happening and you know and ultimately monopoly is obviously mean diminished quality and I'll give you an example of how it means diminished quality every ISP yeah exactly specific specific to this event Red Bull contacted me to come out to this to their world first event and I haven't played b.fa since August of last year I have no idea what's going on in the rating scene I've casted a couple events in the classic scene but by no means am I even remotely qualified to have any kind of like like I can't host a world-first race dude I don't know how to play the game you know yeah so it's and I told them that I said art like are you sure like like am I really you know I told them I'm like look I haven't played the game in like a year I mean I can come out and do it and they're like yeah don't worry about it you know everything's gonna be fine and um and and I was just completely shocked and the amount of money they were throwing at me to come up this event was absurd and and ultimately that's I think that's what it comes down to that's our private right I'm just assuming that's all private yeah yeah okay I I wanna I don't know what I was going to disclose I don't know one with any sense would ya Thank You Man um but at the end of the day again this is part of the diminished quality these corporations are reaching out to people who you know admittedly don't know very much about you know this particular game and this happens across a lot of other scenes because they just don't know what's going on whereas method and let's say this commission that they set up and full disclosure I just literally just signed with method I was gonna announce that like later on stream or whatever but I figured it's probably congratulations that's great well thank you and I appreciate it yes but no thank you man like part of it was was kind of hearing them out in their vision for like community based tournaments and stuff like that but that's the other discussion but but basically like you know you bring in these these third-party guys like Red Bull or these large conglomerates they push for exclusivity rights they take over this scene and then the scene completely dies out because obviously number one you have no parity you have no diversity and events number two you have tremendous amount of censorship like your term of the other day was amazing it was hilarious thank you 50% maybe more of what was said and done during that tournament would not happen so everything was I said basically basically it would not be allowed if like a major corporation like that took over even told you and so like so like with method they're setting up this commission I don't know the details or anything haven't spoken to them about this specific thing but from from what it sounds like at least there's representation and I'm sure these guilds will hire lawyers for themselves to kind of make sure this collective bargaining agreement at least is in their favor they're allowed to exit whenever they want to so there are always be some kind of diversity if the guilds don't like it hopefully they can pick up and leave host their own event that's fine it's great for the community to host as many of its events as it wants to but once you bring in the Giants the big boys that can just force everyone out with one paycheck that's when things become problem I think that's probably your strongest argument right is an argument for like basically the longevity of this and it's like anybody who wants to do and then let's see are we we having why here let me make sure uh sorry guys I think we might have been getting DDoS by Red Bull actually I can't say that we're not going to be buster at most a joke but ya know anyway like the point that I'm making right is it I think this is a matter of self-preservation and I think that the self-preservation argument that you're making is probably the strongest one in my mind right is that even if method might have ulterior motives the idea is that siding with someone that doesn't necessarily edged you out later on in the future right with like you know like a potentially like exclusivity etc that could be really bad and I think that would also be bad for the community in general because generally what happens I feel like with monopolies like what also happens with monopolies is they get lazy so whenever you have the monopoly on basically the tournament rights for a game it doesn't matter if your tournaments very good or not because people we're gonna want and watch a tournament they have to watch you that's it get scraping to call who's escribe with method I'm not a hundred percent sure I'm familiar with the name I just don't know what the affiliation is and I just want to be clear real quick sir sorry good no good well yeah I was just wanted to say like again this is not like Red Bull if you look at you know their perspective they're not doing anything gonna quote wrong it's it's the correct business move they participated in an event they saw how Mendes that could be they have the capital to put on their own event like honestly if I was the head of Red Bull I would probably do the exact same thing but in terms of just like the community just like us gamers players Wow players stuff like that ultimately the viewing experience will be worse if you give such a large entity so much power in this scene over smaller community-based tournaments and I'm not gonna lie I've got a vested interest in this I hosted a couple of tournaments as Minh you're hosting tournaments rich wants to start leave one is your LDS thank you by the way and I wish you good luck for tomorrow's the first one was great thank you man I appreciate in the frickin amazing tournament you guys put on the production was insane but you know you know personally for us for example what if let's say red blow or anybody else I don't want to just vilify red bull what if anybody comes in and says you know to Blizzard okay we want to start hosting events here's a contract you know we'll host all your events we'll pay you this amount of money for a community license and we'll have exclusivity rights all of a sudden you me rich at s event stay safe none of us can host events anymore yeah exactly that's what I'm really kind of worried about this like as I said self-preservation by even like I do think that method is trying to position themselves to have like not necessarily like executive control but primary control over the way that the race to world first is being handled and whether that's something that's earned or not isn't really something I want to get into too much but the point is that obviously I do think this is self-serving for method as well because this is something to keep in mind like method is doing this because this is what will help them the most right in the short run and also I believe in the long run the long run argument I do think is more what's the word for it it's more altruistic yeah I'm still I agree hundred percent yeah but yes I just want to put my two cents in real quick thanks for for bringing me on and stuff like that I want to lay course yeah and congratulations on the partnership man that's [ __ ] amazing appreciate it man dude yeah so luck to go ahead I was gonna say good luck to you guys and everything you do and stuff like that yeah for sure man good luck tomorrow - thanks man All Right see you guys later dude please so I might actually have something really juicy what something really really juicy what did alright depends on if we can talk to the people from this organization or not what do you mean I'm trying to figure this out okay guys be very yeah okay so we can get Skype in here and have him explain if you want to do that yeah that's fine with me good morning let's see someone go no it's not about that I'm trying to see okay it's Wendy's you didn't get Wendy's did you no it has to do actually with one second I'm trying to figure this out okay all right so are there any people and limit who would be able to like give a their own perspective because obviously we've talked to somebody a you know s fund or something to ask fun uh tips technically representing method in a way right or at least part of method and yeah if there's somebody in limit we can maybe talk to them limit max I like maximum watt i think he's very competent and I yeah I'm not sure THD or whatever I mean masks is on vacation yeah I would be too okay all right okay so ironic on if you can III I'd love to but we just need to figure out who it is okay I do apologize for the you know the setup here guys we're just trying to make sure that we get the right answers and we get the right information that'd be great goes raining tips on it tips out on as a biased perspective yeah I mean obviously it is but being having having bias preheated streaming right now officer limit I I don't know really if he'd be wanting to talk then right oh I talked to Joe I don't know about that Skype yeah no we can talk to scribe to I have no problem talking to him like if he wants to come into the chat that'd be amazing I get the webpage off well I want to go ahead and show this a little bit more right and like just have this up so people know actually what what we're discussing I think that's kind of what like what makes sense at least in my mind I think you're going on who am i bringing Skype Skype watch the illegal memes players on YouTube I'm about chalk to Josh guys we're not talking a Josh man like you guys want to talk to Josh you're gonna be talking to me on YouTube okay you don't want to do that so where's the juicy bit how do I get in um you can McConnell can you say thank you man thank you yeah McConnell we'll set it up okay who's this ball dude let's give me one second pause music quiz yeah we're trying to set everything up okay as soon as crap gets in here we'll go ahead and we'll what we'll get his perspective on it but I would really like to get a shut the [ __ ] up s fourth we would really like to get obviously the perspective of somebody from from limit in here too because obviously like them and P I don't know any requests say what I'm message them Skype on Twitch okay yeah scribe you can respond to your twitch teams I thought it'd be ideal actually you know what while we while we wait for this because people are I don't know what happened guys but like nobody's trading me any [ __ ] money this is [ __ ] so I'm just gonna go over and invite me over and see what let's see if we can get a rust feather kill or two and we'll get that done shut the [ __ ] up Koren [ __ ] idiot okay give me one second can't see no it's fine I mean like I'm gonna be afk for the most of this so just give me one second we're trying to make sure that we get a fair and balanced perspective here and we get a we get everybody in here that should be in here that's the point okay let's go war stream idiot this is the war of the actual game like this is one of the people in the game right III think this is important to like obviously if something comes up I do that I'm not saying that we right okay here you go have a good talk hello hey what's up man hey did so what's up not much so there's a lot of [ __ ] going on huh yeah I didn't actually expect to then I open your stream I just wanted to look what you're doing and then suddenly you're talking about method yeah well obvious is go put out the announcement and you know some other people and method kind of echoed the sentiments and everything one thing that I want to ask right now what the [ __ ] did you guys go with Red Bull if they didn't pay you any money in all dere honestly like me personally I'm doing the reading and everything I'm managing the guild but company wise I don't really get to see much I don't even know what I would be able to say from the things that I do know okay because like you know there's privacy stuff and [ __ ] like that school was saying you could get him in if you want okay and he can explain his point of view like he had to even like talk to lawyers and stuff to make that tweet post you know really yeah it's it's not as simple so like I am scared what to say like I might say something and then I don't know it's not good wait I can I can link him to discord I guess yeah sure yeah sure why not I wonder what he will say here's well doctors I mean why the [ __ ] not let's do it they did man I was laying in bed yeah you guys to meet me get to my PC I'm surprised they win in bed I thought you had the farm a pit yeah slacking off and it's a ray later oh man did I was even outside today for like two hours yeah hold all the sun's is like 100 weeks man you guys are going casual after cos dude that sucks hands yeah well look man I I actually like the way that I look at this is that it really it seems disappointing least from my perspective right now we'll talk about this universe go gets in here but my perspective it's really disappointed this happens period right because it seems to me like the main the main contention here is having the event on rebels of on Red Bulls p.m. right outside of that I think that people you know this is absolutely something could there could be oh oh okay can you invite okay I told Skoda message you McConnell okay but yeah he did this message me and so yeah they're gonna be able to come on and talk about the event yeah he's gonna be coming absolutely we got right in two weeks raid in two days actually we're getting very her nor well no I mean like obviously there's a lot to do okay yeah I just talked to them and we're gonna see if we can sort this out okay um one second let me go ahead and double-check okay sorry I was reading something okay we're good you're the manager from Astra yes I'm the manager of asthma gold method Joe I don't know about that dude but here's the thing right is that the whole idea can by the way can somebody invite me to a group to where I can kill russ feather because I'm trying to get this mountain man and it's not really going too well right now play some classic yeah you want me to go f kin Ironforge over there instead of Ironforge over here it's not the same thing we're gonna strand your host I was gold well yeah I mean I can host I can host events i I did the the political podcast I was part of hosting that right I mean I'd say it would go pretty well in general there it is Mount God here we go go candy yeah I'm gonna get them out do you collect mounts or the people in method not care about that kind of stuff no not me there are some people that care actually I'm actually I'm surprised it seems like if you're if you're like I remember never I was like more serious migrating and everything like never like method level but I was just like you know raiding occasionally right or like more often I never gave a [ __ ] about balance but as soon as I stopped doing that regularly I was like man I want to collect all these mounds dude like I've been like so excited about this [ __ ] I haven't got a single one - it's annoying but not yeah I mean no we're just waiting on schoo to get in here Makana were you able to talk to him boys this is a momentous occasion right here I don't hide up to much more guys what's going on guys yeah a lot I guess I can see that yeah so it's a big night so basically all right all right well I asked I asked about this one [ __ ] did you guys go with redbull if they weren't gonna pay you for the old year event like because I'm assuming that like it was in a contract for them not to pay you right it's to be honest it's a really long story and a lot of it we can't really talk about publicly I'm not even sure I don't like to mention why that could also be an issue okay so there's a lot that we can't really say to be honest like that statement that you read on on Twitter I'm not even gonna lie - we probably up - we buy that thing like 20-plus times off yeah there's some stuff in there that had to be scrubbed or hot be rewarded um yeah it's been a bit of a it's it's been a very stressful past month to be honest but it feels it feels good to finally get out of there well what were we on aside the story because obviously a you know the the main question we're getting in our streams these days is or you guys going to vaudeville again to do the next baseball first and one lot which is obviously not the case well where what was the first time that you guys felt like you know the partnership might not be something you'd want to continue well they started with obviously that will do event right this is back in September of last year and basically I reached out to Red Bull at that point Red Bull UK that is and basically asked them to come on and support the event and also provide us with the venue for the vegetable first event because we obviously want to do this in a live venue right to make it a bit more special plus we also wanted to you know hype up the event make an event and actually provide the guild with some extra compensation because we needed to obviously this is the first time you've ever seen progress as a rating field after being available for 14 years we wanted to go a little bit of an extra mile in regards to compensating the guild for streaming the progress in the first place right well how how am i doing so that cleaning so basically by creator by paying a large event or enter based world first it was obviously easier for us to bring on but say external pawn is like we got on a few punters Levent like dis code for example that they provide monetary compensation of course for coming on it's okay so you had other sponsors on top of that yes okay trying to get to okay yes there was no there was no contract with with Red Bull though so it wasn't like exclusive because that's like that was the main thing that I was concerned about was like how are you gonna be able to compromise or sorry you know compensate people whenever you're not actually giving them money right there because Red Bull wasn't paying them so you had other sponsors on top of that yes and that's the obviously the first event that we did was for the numbers it was severely on the sold yeah like we obviously did not expect the first event to achieve anywhere close to the numbers that I did I don't think I remember for example I think I can remember for example courting discord some numbers for the event that we suspected it might get and then in the end that like actually collecting the stats and everything afterwards the event actually did 10 times the the predicted numbers they were expecting so you can imagine that these sponsorships we had for the rule do were not very significant and we always thought that we could vamp them up quite significantly for the second event which is we of course be would be because like I said the numbers really are impressive like we're talking for the will do event two times the the viewership hours of the entire overwatch League playoffs in 2018 like you know like yeah it was a lot semi-finals why didn't you guys do the crucible of storm zone like because what like that because of the deteriorating partnership with Red Bull or was there another reason for that - I thought you won Pakistan yeah beautiful strong extreme and like even you didn't stream it thus that's not true I was I was shooting for the first seven or eight days of quispel the storms the Falmouth crucible storms is that it is a true boss trade right so we as a guild actually expected this to boss fate who finish within the space of one to two days maybe three max our benchmark that is obviously prior rates like like for example hell yeah yeah she was she was actually defeated by Friday so we never expected this to boss fade to last very long and to be honest the the general hype around this raid was not significant that both electronic community perspective but also internally in the Guild's people were not motivated for this rate at all the general attitude in the raid was a bid was that they should want me to kind of get it over with as fast as possible I mean I'm sure scribe could be still on this call you can kind of act with that sentiment but it was not really taken as a super serious trade for us and we I did it indeed expected blasts so so short was that voice fatigue basically that was very bad for an event because now I let me just talk about the events affecting because it's not the important this is this provide some context yeah so obviously a big issue with the waste of all first events is that you don't know how long these events are gonna last right you don't know how long they're gonna go on for yeah now generally when it comes to a major rate here like beauty or rule D or for example the eternal powers it's coming up we have a rough idea that this event probably is going to last at least let's say eight days because if the events tuned properly generally what happens is you get the last boss then you get that extra clear for the of the reset for the extra gear and then you're finally able to you know overcome that last that is the last boss normally by that time as well person may have made some tuning well that's right exactly yeah exactly so so I could tell you right now that we expect you know the eternal palace to probably last let's say eight to nine days max right however when it comes to the two boss trades we all I said we really expected this to be something that was gonna be a thing a couple of days or so and because it was so difficult to predict going back to the events again to put on an event this on the scale of let's say the B or the event or the event we're doing the eternal palace this is this is no these these events are not cheap the upfront costs of flying everyone explication the the travel cost hotels the the production team everything like that you're probably talking about normal upfront costs for like when these events to be 25k right you've been talking about each day of the event to be minimum 10k and so you gonna make it will be back from beauty is colossal no so let's give you if you wanna jump back to B or D again only basically in this in the statement that I vote the biggest problem we have with Bo D was we had the numbers from rule d R so we had a tested case study however the biggest issue would be OD is we never asking you what the final product was for the event until two weeks before the mythic release this was one week before abort now you I mean you guys you can obviously imagine how that is trying to make sales against a products or an event that you have no idea what it actually is you're selling right yes because on red balls Channel I think is the weirdest thing right and so that was like a really big point of contention with Red Bulls they really wanted to have the event on their Channel yeah and that's the knots the reason this is the the red bull beveling on the channel was a main reason why the Seban was so delayed in getting finalized because yeah after rule D as I go again in the statement it became a discussion with red bull but they basically wanted to move the event on to their channel taking off the method channel of course and that was obviously like I bought the reasons some of the reasons am i standing that's why we can do that there's some other stuff as well but like I said that I can only say so much but basically yeah that was me that was the mean that was the main point of contention they want on the channel we obviously had very good reasons for not wanting that to happen and that's what caused the delay in terms of finalizing what the product was for Bo D and I can tell you that Christmas and that new year period of going back and forth in terms of you know trying to trying to finalize the VOD back via the event with Red Bull was extremely stressful like it kept feeling as if we were achieving ground then all of a sudden we weren't achieving ground but because there was like hope every now and then in terms of the way the conversation was developing and then we kind of find ourselves in a really difficult situation where we'd invested so much time energy into trying to work this solution I was Vetal because you know we really did want to work with that book we held Red Bull in you know as a brand it's like a brand that you aspired to work with you know it's I found that most of you guys probably hold in very high esteem it's like a brand you want to be associated with right so we that maybe that was a hundred percent by the way I think that's definitely maybe some naivety on my part as well because I we have Sasha in this call as well Sasha is one of the other guys a method and he at that point actually was telling me that no we need to we need to move away to at this point we need to do something else and it was kind of my fault I think in that regard but I was like now I'm sure we can work something out with Red Bull because it was always this premise the whole way along thought there was gonna be this partnership with Red Bull like a method Red Bull partnership that was gonna you know lead to like the long-term future of these events and you know going out the vegetables first and in the way that we imagined what you imagined it what exactly that guys I can't even what my statement if the plan was to eventually grow the vegetable we ought to gas you what to do should be with you already to include other gilts and for at the waste world first and so a bigger concept farm is that we had no time again like you can't we can't do anything with only knowing you know two weeks before the event again but this is that's the situation like we definitely should have caught with cut ties after the world events shortly after the event and shortly after realizing what Red Bull was really wanted to do internally wherever we kept honestly believing in the hope that it was another way around this this this problem and we kind of just left it too late thought there was no other option for us either probably either Dhulia been online or taking absolute massive financial hit or do the event obviously or just trying to keep hoping that we were going to do the event with red book did they pay you guys for beauty no there was there's no there was no monetary compensation provided to method for beauty um was there any other compensation that individual members that were there at the studio got no the deal I said I don't know I don't know if I can talk if I can talk with you okay I talked about the deal Sascha on this one or not well there was no contract in place so I think it's fine if we have to be a little bit careful here when we say legally like Scott said but obviously rebel sponsored event meaning they help with the cost for the event right right what we're saying is it didn't directly compensate to the players wait one second by the way I actually see people in chat typing well that's that's that's the lawyer [Music] go ahead Sascha no I'm actually not a lawyer I'm just one of t so Scott and I we used to write together and I helped building up method as an organization so I'm just you could say co-owner of the organization method okay so what you're saying is that you probably won't say anything wrong that's the thing because that's why that's why I'm saying we're through us I said why not because I mean let's just put it this way I mean even on this because obviously that was such a big company if you on the smallest thing they can obviously yeah yeah I so to speak yes so that's why I was a little bit skeptical even if I should : was called in the first place but I do feel as it was when I was listening to you tell the audience what your thoughts were on this Damon I did kind of feel like you I didn't really agree with what L okay is saying yeah I I do wanna I don't want to see go ahead I will say it up the main disagreement I hope with you is that just to be clear we have no problem with third party core corporate sponsors coming in the only thing that we're rejecting in this whole in this whole statement is that the third party corporate and the ownership the entire competition yeah we're in agree I agree with you entirely there yeah I want to give you an example which might clarify the situation a little bit imagine something else imagine the NFL right we all know the NFL okay imagine it was called not the NFL what's called Rebholz football right my bull would own this entire competition let's just imagine first of all what that means to the NFL you could have basically for every ten minutes of play you could have an hour of red bull ads right I mean they have full control of it they can do whatever they want another problem is in terms of tomayto it makes the way that players and teams are compensated imagine the NFL for example would make ten billion a year right and right now let's say new NFL let's say eight billion of that goes to the teams of players now red bull owns the event all of a sudden they would say well why would 8 billion go to the teams of players and just two billion to us why do we change it up a little bit and nine billion goes to red bull and only 1 billion goes to the players and he was right they think that's fair the point that we're trying to make is this is the reality that we possibly looking at here with a race to vote first if Red Bull owns the entire event they can do whatever they want with it they can compensate anyone or not compensate anyone in whatever manner they want that is what we're trying to prevent because the reality is that we have in video game says there is one owner of the game which is Blizzard if Red Bull assumes ownership over the rest of all first blizzard could technically enable them and say yeah that's all fine and then we had all at the mercy of rebel entirely but that's that was my main concern and I think that was probably my strongest argument for what you guys were saying is and and that's purely an argument of self-preservation so we obviously did this like classic dueling tournament a couple of days ago and the idea that we wouldn't be able to distribute tournaments in dude community Ryan tournaments if Red Bull was basically the doh not even de facto like the established people that are you know doing these tournaments that that's obviously very bad for us everybody should be able to do communities sorry do tournaments in the community and not just have it all based around one company I mean I I think almost everyone would agree with that absolutely yeah and that's our main concern we we are absolutely open to rebel doing as much say bond erasable first as a sponsor as a supporter of the race but we reject the idea like Scott said that rebel has an ownership in this race there's no reason why they should well it I personally believe like you know somebody who streams on Twitch right I think that it's a bad decision right it's it's misguided marketing for them to focus so much I'm trying to develop their own channel because all of their views and everything aren't organic so they're not going to stick at all it's like hosting somebody and like thinking that those people were all going to watch the next day it's a very bad idea and there's plenty of other cases of it not working as well when you see it every single day so if somebody thinks that's actually going to work at red bulb I think that really should sit down and start talking to people that are you know creators on Twitch and streamers and see like what they say because it does seem like it's very very misguided that being said I do have a question do you think that if redbull did not insist on it being on their channel would you still be in partnership possible yes I think we would need it to clarify with rebel that their sponsor their support of this event but not the owner I think that needs to be clarified the ownership again what we propose is that there should be only two owners and that is blizzards and the girls are competing there right because we are the only ones really who have any kind of intrinsic value to this competition right what exact what exact connection does rep will have with what will a walk after a stable first there is no real connection right so as a for-profit company what what would rebels interest be well it is making money right yeah well you can also say the founder company to have absolutely we are for-profit company but the difference is we actually participate right we compete in the service optician so we do have another interest besides making money and we've also just a clarify we've done so for 14 years so it's not like method has been a for-profit company we've only been an organization actually a legal entity for the last four years so we have 10 years of history of us competing in a race - well first at no no making no compensation making no money at all just out of passion and pretty much dedication to the game yeah I think that's probably one of your best selling points is that obviously you've been doing this for a long time and your interest in this predates the profit from it and so obviously there is a certain level of as you said intrinsic interest in it and I think that really my main concern right is that whenever you're talking about this idea of the commissioner and everything like that I think that it kind of it felt like the last paragraph was basically a resume to rationalize yourselves being the commissioners or the governing body around the race to world first and I'm not even really saying that that's undeserved because obviously you've put the most work into it you put the most time into it etc but whenever you have something like that my concern is that how are people going to make sure that you don't basically do what redbull did yes to clarify the Commission of POD is perhaps up as poor wording on alibis the Commission are supposed to be neutral as and it's not supposed to eat the commissioners not supposed to be method imagine this as like a neutral party it could be even you right let's say the right the guild select as my goal to be the commissioner god yeah this is not supposed to be a commissioner that stats employed or that's even method of course there might need to be like a like a temporary solution like method has always done this race two times perhaps for next one method would need to do quite off the heavy lifting but long term we're talking about the next years ten years whatever yeah this is supposed to be a neutral party so the Commissioner is supposed to be a neutral person not directly affiliated with any of the gills okay I mean I think that my main concern is like how how are these the money how's the money going to be distributed and I think that you guys probably don't even have the answers so that yet because it's all very it's all hypothetical basically and so I understand that you probably don't have the answers to all of that but in general I could see a lot of concern being like how we're actually people going to be compensated on a real level right not just like kind of hypotheticals but you know what are people really going to get out of the event what what could this actually bring to the community yeah what's quite important here is to look at the viewership of the rest of world first right again we make comparisons to the overwatch League playoffs or to a Cisco major even the event is very big and if you have an event event of that scale that is a loss a possibility to create sponsorship revenue so what we think it is very possible that's similar to other eSports titles that a lot of the players could do this for full-time living if if we have our construct like a certain like Scott said in the statement as well you know what you have League of Legends players it is probably I made a tweet about this business probably over foul a thousand League of Legends players who play League of Legends for living so they make their living entirely from playing League of Legends professionally so if you see that number of over a thousand players were able to make a living from a game you know it's not such a fast track that maybe let's say a hundred well a walk of players in the rest of all-first could make a living and a hundred players that would equate to about five kills I don't know I mean I'm kind of skeptical about that because I mean with with League of Legends you're distributing a sponsorship and you're your I guess like spreading it out over like maybe I think like five or six or seven people but in WoW I mean if you have a whole rating team you've got twenty people you've got to spread that sponsorship money across like does every single person and method even do all I mean like you even said they're like many of them have jobs now which implies that obviously they're not full-time players to begin with so I don't really think that you're ever gonna get to a point where you can take a sponsorship and this is also independent of screaming I think the only way that somebody can you know for sure be okay with like being a you know professional while player exclusively is if they also stream because I just can't really see the amount of sponsorship money somebody could get through this event because also the thing with the race to world first is it's very inconsistent it's not like this is something that happens Monday through Friday it happens well you know I'm not stopping again just just just let me know how much do you think debase the world force is worth in terms of on ships that's a good question ah let's see you said ten million viewers number uh [ __ ] two million I'd say million I think he'd be very surprised as to how much ya sponsorship revenue should be coming in for these defendants if the event is properly planned and sales are properly made against the events magis FM you split with the Guild's should be pretty substantial actually in reality eSports is sometimes a little bit underestimated think about it think about on a scale of a small sport right let's say football in a small country let's say in Poland right I can tell you there's still probably 18 teams or so in Poland that have full-time professional players all of them right and a football team generally also has about like 20 players or so with substitutes right so if you think a small sport in a small country can have so many players to a full term living out of their profession if you don't look at the rest of us first six million unique devices tuned into the rest of world well first it's probably a lot more than most sports league get in terms of viewership in on a small country way more effect so if it's possible for them to have hundreds of players in the sport small sports league to do this full-time I you would be surprised how easy it would actually be for let's say at least three four maybe five gills to make a full-time living out of the rest of world first in a fairly short time span well what let's let's get one thing out of the way to is that the reason why obviously the world first race was doing so well the reason why your numbers were so high was because of method if you have another guild I don't want to go ahead and name any specific ill but let's just say you have another come in and they don't have the same name recognition his method they're going to be bringing in a draw that's maybe 5% of what method is going to bring in and we were actually just looking before this we're looking at the numbers that you know other guilds had brought in for cos and then also for battle desire war and both of them were substantially lower than methods so I think really the concern would be if those other guild would really see any sort of meaningful compensation and also how would you be able to determine the value that they add to the organization into the event because obviously it's not going to be a one-to-one ratio with the amount of value that method adds yes so I mean I can I can tell you that one idea we were floating around this is like we're still in the very early stages of just the content it's out about how this concept we can look like but one idea we're flowing around was there would be one 24 hour stream so basically there will be one venue let's say in any one venue in Europe those two feeds you go into one feet and there would be a 24-7 stream this stream would you know have all the talent all in if they would have like all the guilds on it and this same 24 hour feed we'd be broadcast across all the guilds twitch channel select which TV slash limit which TV /ik sources slash method and then obviously the fans can choose which stream they want to tune into and support how did you sponsorship money go like is that the event the event basically the guilds or the or the other parties involved in this could bring in sales against the event on the revenues solely sales would be displaced it wouldn't be like the sales would be for the entire event so for example let's just say like hypothetically I just say limit came to the table and said okay you guys we've got this peripheral Griffo upon or yeah though once the event everyone agrees to it the proof upon it comes aboard that money then goes into collective pot and not is that gonna get split between the guilds after the event itself right so the revenue sure right so the event will be sold so again separately so every guild and every team we have their own key sponsors but if the actual event itself would be a separate a separate entity so to speak that sales remain against an the revenue would be split between the guilds yeah to put this to make this simple as well as I mean absolutely creat like never would probably bring more to the table initially as in total size right but you have the same issue in every league I mean even let's say the LCS I mean everyone knows TSM rights and TSM is probably one of the biggest contributors to leakin LCS but this also seems like flight quest you know um who knows fly quest really and not to [ __ ] on them but it's not a brand as big as TSM obviously yeah so we're pretty sure that everyone will be fairly compensated once we pull the money and we find a fair solution of how its distributed the idea would obviously be that the top contenders would all be doing this on a professional basis so they can all afford to play at the same level as the other girls and that is you have to see it as well from our perspective with an effort that's very much now interest to we've want to have strong competitors our achievement of getting of what first is meaningless if we have no one who competes on the same level as those yeah it's it's absolute meaningless we're winning a one horse race yeah so it's absolutely in our interest that our competitors are playing on the same level as us otherwise the whole if the whole arrays the whole competition just become meaningless and therefore our motivation to win would be non-existent which is to be fair that's that's one of the big reasons in the first place why Meffert decided to stream in aldia you know I was the staff in the situation we're facing in all do the Queen in general is very skeptical about the future of hardcore raiding I don't I don't know if you remember back at I'm housing gold but generally whaling was not in a good place you know people would not be alleviating any work so it was no longer the place where you got the best year and everyone was focusing on like you know mythic-class pupae all that kind of stuff the waiting scene was in a pretty dire place there was barely any competition and by actually streaming the mold for spaces it's brought a lot of excitement nothing back to the venue scene okay yeah I mean I think that's definitely true I mean that's one of the main concerns that I really have is that what is long of the hardcore trading scene and you know one of the positives with having a company like redbull be involved is it obviously they have a lot of money and organizational skills to you know make sure that these things keep going on but I also kind of worry that you know do you how do you think that boys earth is going to respond to this whole this whole thing happening right just like the entire event with like Red Bull and then these guys and also actually you know what I have a question before I even want to get into that how'd you guys find out about the other guilds being involved with Red Bull I know I well it's it's a very small community right - huh Korean communities so keeping something secret is it's not very easy especially if later 24 people know this guy just saw something new [Music] this it's and it's always been the case in the vetting community husband called things team share with teens with being obviously a 2530 players there's unfortunately always oh yeah I know I get it trust me it's the same with everything even if you have like a dozen people some somehow the information is it's going to get out so if you guys already approached method or limit or any of them on on this event like if you're I talk to them privately to limit till it in pieces yeah yeah so we we obviously find out the red bullet reached out to them behind our back and yeah we we want to talk to - lumen pieces and mainly the fall one part form here is that it we didn't really have too much time before this event was coming up like it felt as if that bullet already done quite good job in convincing limited pieces that this was the correct move for them before we really got a chance to speak to them there was also also we weren't quite prepared in terms of the concept like how we could actually execute let's say a concept that we'd benefit a lot of different guilds quick enough a point - that would be very difficult to implement so we'll do more towards the future I guess in terms of like 8.3 onwards but we did is obviously try and explain the situation to live in peace is how hand how you know being part of handing off the baseball first to a third-party corporation is not probably the right long-term play although it might be good arguably in our case that it might be more beneficial short-term yeah you know we did try to offer certain options and alternatives and I can tell you that again from my inside information thought that we'll have to increase their offer to limit in pieces I guess after they had those conversations with us so it's kind of unfortunately it's kind of gone into that situation where you have variable on one side now I was approaching a lot of the let's say guild or talent that we've used sin guilds of talent that we use in the previous event and you know having to offer heightened levels of compensation or you know certain angles to try and obviously get them to be involved in in the Red Bulls world first yeah III understand actually that does bring me is something rich Campbell you guys know him he wanted to come in here and give like his take on it because obviously he's been involved with like your race and then also you know he's been in the wild community for a long time you guys okay with him having him come in here and give his take yeah that's fine with me okay yeah okay but yeah I'm sure that's basically the case and so I you're saying that Red Bull and then basically talk to those guilds kind of behind your back well yeah I'm almost thinking now [ __ ] is coming in the call um hopefully he's not also using this as an opportunity to try and leverage us to paying more for this event yeah I mean wait we've got almost we've got almost 30,000 people in the stream like that there's no way that you'd do something like that right of course not I mean where's rich let's get another call well I think everybody wants to give their perspective and from an audience you know I mean that's like really the case is like everybody wants people to see where they're coming from same as you guys name is rich and Red Bull I mean obviously I think the chances of us having a Red Bull representative come in here and talk with us about this basically zero but I'd be really curious to hear what their perspective is I think mainly as I said honestly I've got to say I would if it was up to me I would honestly love to talk about this entire thing with a Red Bull representative in front of you know the audience do you have on the stream right now the problem is is that we even if there was a vet aware since if I hear it just would happen because of some like I said some agreements are in place like yeah yeah yeah before as it was do you know where to send the check yeah so I actually I just read I just read the the TWiT longer like woke up and read it I think I think like the first thing that I heard with you guys is kind of the license things a kind of a [ __ ] right like you like a Friday Friday night fortnight with keemstar and look at all this [ __ ] that happened with licensing right so that totally totally get right at the end of the day if you do anything with the game if the publisher decides to do something you get like totally [ __ ] I totally get that fear and I think that that's something like really important to talk about early because even if you know anybody in the community decides to put on their own tournament like keemstar like anybody in this call if you start giving I believe it's if you start giving prize money is typically or if you start selling ads against it is when you start running into licensing problems right so I definitely get that beer there's one big difference though I mean if Blizzard would say okay you can no longer do this because we Blizzard we're doing this now in the end puss it is a game developer they have the full right to do so right but this is not Blizzard this is this is an external third-party for-profit corporation we would we would respect it if it was Blizzard in the case of Friday fortnight it was epic games right yeah but it's not pleasant that is that is a big concern with Blizzard at least you can also make the argument that Blizzard has of course an interest in the game doing well and the game does well if let's say that the livestreams do Wells as well right so if you have a really popular race - well first it's viewed by many people that's amazing for blizzard for for Red Bull for example if they sure they can say if they want the stream to do well to represent a brand and to also you know make them as much money as possible but they will also the same time of course have the minimal cost because at the end of the day if they can have a stream that's watched by six million people for a million dollars in cost or for ten thousand dollars in cost they will always choose ten thousand dollar option right and that's where I think our perspective as the Gil's is very different well Asus has never been just about the money it's been also about the competition that we participated in save money well yeah the competition gets better payers players get paid out I think everybody agrees on that yeah like everybody everybody wants the players to do well and I also totally agree that's in the best interest of Blizzard like the the shows that have happened you just look at I think the world first race is probably the most success one of the most successful things in BFA right that's good for the rating community it's good for the game in general I think more people probably watch that rate than even bother to do LFR or renew their subs I think that's inevitably like a very good thing for the game and I think most of the community probably agrees with that I received I received kind of lists people like you didn't believe them at people who were telling me that they have reached up to the game I started playing the game again after watching for example the world first race a lot of people watching the race who have stopped playing wire for like five plus years at this point because obviously with over six million unique devices Union I mean I think we all know at this point that's substantially probably more than the overall subscriber count and world Warcraft right now yeah like well first obviously a really great tool right now that Blizzard doesn't really have to put too much work into in terms of developing for you know generating subs to the game of course yes marketing I mean like think about how much a company would pay to have their game have an extra hundred thousand viewers on Twitch I mean it's a huge amount of money I mean people reading paid ten thousand dollars an hour to play games and that's in front of like maybe only thousand or 15,000 viewers so a hundred thousand viewers that's huge amounts of money that obviously Blizzard is just kind of getting for free yeah my question is those like where does the falling out happen and it excuse me if this is like kind of coming from a place where you guys already talked about it cuz I'm just jumping in the call right now cuz like I I think it totally makes sense if you guys in a brand don't want to work together but I don't get why it's uh it's turned into what it's turned into right cuz they were they were a broadcast partner so like I feel like they delivered as a broadcast partner like III don't see where the break is cuz I think it's because it was on their channel like that little baby but the great break the break is that they are wanting to move the main waste world for stream on to the Red Bull twitch channel and move it away from basically the any kind of community channel yeah but but that's like that that's pretty common and then if it but if you don't want to do that you just don't do it right because the the initial thing that happened was they were and correct me if I'm wrong right when they were a broadcast partner and these happen all the time right like you see it with ESL and things like that when they're the broadcast partner they basically paid for production they paid for talent they paid for flights like they do all that [ __ ] and then they throw their logo on it which is worth probably less than having it on their channel in their minds right if you look at ESL or something like that when they white label in a bet all of those costs have to be paid for by the person who accepts the bid from them so I I feel like that that was the only thing where I was like wait this is a little bit weird cuz I kept seeing tweets like redbull never paid a dime it was like yeah cuz they were a broadcast partner they just paid for broadcast stuff in the past if they wanted to move it to their channel and you didn't want them to move to their channel I feel like that's an easy break right just find a different partner that works better for you guys well that's basically what they're gonna do right is I mean they because redbull wanted to do that I think that the main concern that I have right and that everybody else like we've been talking about has is that this could create a situation in the future where redbull could have some sort of like exclusive rights to making content or making tournaments that would kind of push out people in the community because they'd be working directly with wizard which is kind of scary the the fear is definitely exclusive ownership we are it's not about the stream so much in the grant aspect you know the stream is just what's happening right now but it's about redbull having exclusive ownership over the event if you have Rapids exclusive owners they can determine everything about the event how the event is done how much I one's getting paid you you don't have any say in it anymore that is the main issue yeah yeah I totally get that but I I mean just just starting with previous events right before we talk about future events I just don't think it's completely true to say that like I think that they were perfectly fine sponsor like I think I think what you guys did was incredible right and I think the world first race is incredible that they were a part of making that possible right I mean to say that they didn't pay a dime yeah sure they didn't pay a dime because it wasn't on their channel they didn't pay for that type of sponsorship but they paid for the entire broadcast so yeah it's a sponsor absolutely we never had an issue as with peple as a sponsor we would even bring on redbull as a sponsor for this new event it's never about having a problem with rebel as a sponsor we just again we reject ripple as an owner for example Scott mentioned it before we had discord as a sponsor come on four previous events right why why is this Court not trying to claim ownership over this event because with this court as was a repla we were always cleared it was sponsors they were not owning the event imagine imagine you would do an event you've mentioned ESL right imagine imagine ESL brings on the sponsor for one of the counter-strike events and ESL come then that sponsor comes to yourself an event later said like well thanks we're gonna do our own event now you've welcome to do this event for us but we own this event now it's no longer an ESL event yeah but then also imagine if ESL paid for an entire event and then the person that got to run the event and also profited off of it because it was monetized by them then said ESL didn't give us a dime when ESL just paid potentially a shitload of money hundreds of thousand of dollars to put on an event and then somebody tweeted out they didn't paste it like it's just not true that's not what the agreement was I I definitely understand where the break is that you might not want to work with a media company like that in the future but like I just think that that's kind of a bold-faced lie well I think it's also it depends right and so like it is it is partially untrue and it's partially true right where there was their direct monetary compensation that each individual player received no there was not but there's compensation there was compensation in the form of them paying for the advertising costs and the the venue right yeah yeah I mean like but that's what they were they were a broadcast partner and then there were other sponsorship partners that you had I mean I totally understand wanting to keep it in the community I think that that's really like I do also agree that like keeping in the community is good I totally understand that part but just make the split I like and I know that a lot of people are gonna say like sell out and things like that and that's totally fine go ahead and [ __ ] say it I won't give a [ __ ] I've done this for a really long time and I know usually what ends up happening for players to get paid the most money in the long run you have to actually have good relationships with people who are going to pay the players pay for flights pay for talent pay for the venue this [ __ ] isn't cheap and it's like the same when we ran our tournament Oh godoh gave s fan stuff that's like us going oh god Oh didn't pay us a dime no they sent us stuff to help us do the show that was the agreement it's like it's almost like in a sense being like just going back made we had gone by before right and that's why I'd asked earlier why method had decided to take that deal of not getting direct payment and if they thought the compensation for you know setting up the event was sufficient that that's fine right and that's why I was making it wasn't it wasn't just that obviously they the compensation for saying the event is called Elim well what we were always trying to work with the red bull from Goldia onwards was some kind of long-term partnership some kind of long-term agreement with red bull you know you know for some kind of contract we could do in the future as in some kind of equipment that we were gonna do you know these race to world first events together and develop them or you know some kind of long-term punish in general that was always like what we were trying to work towards and I guess you could say the rule the event giving off the view of the event obviously there was a lot of disagreements in terms of which which whether they should take ownership of the stream or not so do you say you say that did you understand all that you want to make the realize now that we on the solder it's that I would say we put too much good faith to from our side I would say like I said it was Sasha was already saying it earlier like after a couple months after we'll do that this probably isn't gonna work out we should probably look for other alternatives but like I said earlier in the call because I because it was the brand was grad pool and you know it's a brand that you would like to confiscate import within the future and you have all this hope from various different email conversations the conversations you're having with certain people at this company that it's almost like you get somewhat I guess blinded or you are yeah it's it's difficult like the the conversations were having it was like sometimes you were making progress then all of a sudden no it's you know anymore that kind of situation which dragged on for a long period of time and then at the end of the day we were kind of left with not too many choices with B OD coming up quickly on the horizon yeah I like I said for us the commitment the commitment to do B OD was a combination of one good faith that we were gonna work out a longer-term solution with Red Bull and and ii thought indeed that was gonna be probably some kind of partnership but you know guaranteed some kind of relationship on you know the future based well first because the big problem for us was number one rule do we massively on the sole because we thought the event was gonna be much small and as she was and secondly beauty again it was another event there was no time to prepare for we didn't get to develop our concepts and regards to involving at the guild and developing the banner and there not only that we also again didn't manage to actually properly you know monetize that event at all to properly you know to really grow it because the product was only knowing two weeks before in advance like that money they did that event was basically a tie off honestly in terms of in terms of the financial side of things like your snitch is saying for example the oh yeah Red Bull provided let's say a couple hundred thousand dollars to to produce the event or wherever like in terms of hiring a third party production partner from it wasn't you know was introduced by Abed for themselves but in regards to that it doesn't really matter because the fact that we only got confirmed two weeks before the event itself that meant that method wasn't able to monetize live and either really in a good manner because like you're saying with these kind of numbers she'd be expecting to be selling big sponsorships and in in in with two weeks notice before mythic release that's just not gonna happen but yeah we'd argue that if we that if we had actually broken away from Red Bull let's say I month after rule do actually find another partner or taking a different direction that we would've asked him you know financially made substantially more income than then obviously going with Red Bull like going is that going with Red Bull was actually a negative impact financially than the not yet and there was no exclusivity right in the contract with Red Bull that you couldn't take other sponsors no there's no there was no we had no there was no contract in place okay I just stood cuz I kind of want to clear some things up like if you guys if you guys have the viewership which I agree you guys draw the viewership right and that's like a really important thing look at look at the tournament that azan gold s van and I just did asmin gold through viewership if he didn't draw the viewership the tournament kind of been as a success that is I totally agree that you guys draw the viewership if the numbers are what you say they are and it's going which they are right and you're going to be able to draw additional partners I don't understand the the point of like flaming a partner online that potentially jeopardizes getting other partners like what's the actual point of coming out with all this stuff with with red bull that's kind of what I want to get down to because I want to see the event do well in the future but I feel like the tweet itself is just relatively petty after they were a broadcast partner and you decided to move away from I don't what else we did on the basis in between yeah no sir so tell me that that was pretty much what I was asking there well I mean I think he might need to be read at this point and I'm just seeing like I I mean I literally have it open in front of me right now I mean we we could have we could have said a lot of things right but we we tried to be as factual as possible in the tweet not not pursuant to anything right they obviously as with every event have a lot of problems with our event right even between method and report but we didn't get into that because it has no substance to the the overall problem we we've really just trying to point out how rebel owning the race well first is an issue and that's the course that they're taking it has nothing to do that we have a problem with rappelled personally I like I said before I would have no problem even praying ripple on as a sponsor in the future it's it's it's not that issue at all okay I I just don't I I don't understand why people are like tweeting out that they never paid a dime and things like that moving forward when you are trying to do in your show like I I think that you you guys expect that your show is going to do the best right you guys expect that your show is gonna get the viewership so if you are going to be able to do all that why does it really matter what they do is it because you're scared Blizzard is going to give them support or is it something else no the question the tweet would the tweet wasn't really about that the tree is answering the question of people are asking us repeatedly all the time it now as to why we're not working with Red Bull that is legit the question that we will we get and our chat you know on all off kill streams for the past few weeks so obviously we have to provide the community with some kind of answer as to why we're not working with Red Bull right and like Sasha said the answer we provided was as you could say it was as tame as we could possibly give I'm just making sure I'm reading all the right to eats here cuz I feel like maybe I'm reading when I've only made I've only made one tweet I see the twit longer all we're doing with that tweet and the first the first part of that tweet is answering a question that the community wants to know and deserves to know I guess after method is obviously used Red Bull for the last two ways to world first events and now they're basically wondering why is that the case for the third event so basically the first part of the three is answering that question as to why and the reasons given I think are pretty clear if you read the tweet and then the second part of the tweet is basically talking about the future of the waste world first and how we see that being the best angle for the the community long term so ultimately you look you look back at Red Bull they they were a production partner they they paid for everything in the past few now you just don't want them to have control you guys want to maintain control and you guys want to have new sponsors moving for a referred world first race right like that's like the the TLDR and now you guys are gonna look for new sponsors moving forward and you want to remain the IP of the product that you've created we don't want method to be the owner of course we did in the past we did methods facebooked vegetable first right because it was only one Top Gear streaming it which was method right but now other girls have decided they want to do as well and we always wanted to make this a full global competition so we don't want Mefford to be the owner of this event we want the community to be the owner of this event meaning community meaning all the top gilts the idea all the alternative that we see is a pleasure to be the owner of the event that's the only two scenarios that we from our aunt accept but also Blizzard most likely isn't going to sponsor an event that's put on by one guild right they're probably gonna want it to be a multi guild event because I think it'd be a kind of bias right so run one guilds event is a multi yield event is something that we've been wanting to do ever since the very first race 12 first ever since all do we want to do this for VOD even but like I said time constraints not knowing where the product was until two weeks for the event was a massive factor in that and in terms of our in terms of Keisha plans that's what's kind of laid out in the second half that statement is that we don't want this to be a what our one guild event we want this to be a wider community event where all the guilds that partaking in actually benefit and benefit properly unfairly from it like that is that is our a goal to make it fair though would you guys give up ownership over it and let somebody like blizzard on the event well Joseph blizzard we would have no choice right if blizzard decide say they want ownership over it they they can take it at stake game so we would accept that of course there's there's no choice that we have anyways but interlocking of ownership with the community yes again method would not be the owner of the event if it's a community event of course we would be part owner as well as the other girls but we wouldn't be the executive director or owner of the event so you would be willing to give up ownership if we never owned T the race well first to begin with it was never owned by us so we yeah so why why in particular dude I don't understand the point then like if you're trying to hold on to ownership that's fine like I'm really trying to understand here and I know that like the race again it's in the statement as well the waste of all-first is a product of the community it's owned by the community it's been something that the community has won unmaintained for 14 years there is no race the world first of the day that the community is not there it is you know supporting the Guild's and actually making an event out of it like if there was no satisfaction or you know hype that received from any of the girls partaking in the baseball first from the community then what would be even the point right the community drives the baseball's first right now that is how it's always been to last 14 years like sastras saying earlier in the call method itself has only been an entity organization wise like the last four years for the first ten years of the baseball first we were this was purely a passion project for us and it remains a passion a remains passionate for us as well like the baseball forces like our absolute core it is what method method is basically I think the idea with having method or having Red Bull like own the event and like the implications that could be bad that's definitely true but I also think that yeah I mean if they were if they were paying production costs for it and there wasn't any sort of like and you know and understood like that they were going to pay you guys money or whatever I I don't really know if it's like entirely fair to say they didn't pay anybody any money if that wasn't part of the agreement to begin ie I am NOT the I the month I'm not saying that Red Bull should have paid us money or the sheen of paid us money that's irrelevant in my goals no but whenever you state that they didn't pay you any money that creates a an implication doesn't it I don't know I mean to me it creates a very strong implication you Frank at you must be referring to Diaries three then I guess yeah well yeah sure you know what let me go ahead and make sure that I'm certain on that yeah I think it is there is tweet yeah the method paid no money for yeah I also was reacting to Derry Street as well who's like I mean both of those I don't know how much of that is and that's like completely true though right like all of that is true right there Davi is obviously Bobby's tweet like that I have nothing I personally have nothing to do with what a diary is 3d don't her on her like in regards to what she's tweeting yeah she's obviously referring to the fact that guess that the players themselves of not being compensated the guilt itself is not being compensated directly by Red Bull okay but like [ __ ] thanks oh yeah that's that's correct yeah I mean that seems reasonable I mean like I just want to make sure that was true because I guess if they were just like a if they were basically just producing the event then that's one thing but if there was some sort of you know like bad blood or something not going the way that it was supposed to go then I'd say that's something else but yeah I don't know I mean to me I think the idea of having a community run world first race the only problem that I have with that is like basically the same problem that I'd have with the Red Bull thing is that like how do you guarantee that there's not going to be any sort of like weird collusion or unfairness occurring and it's hard to say I mean I I don't really know anybody from limited or any of these other guilds who can come in and kind of give their take but it seems like if there was a governing body body for this that would come with its own set of positives and negatives - I just think - when you say method itself had no partnership nor received any direct compensation from read or husband and then when somebody under your brand tweets out method never received any compensation it's slightly misleading in a few ways it basically makes it sound like you were rotten yeah that you can say that that's you could say oh that's what that is misleading but then I also explained to you earlier and was called the way that the events have transpired it was actually a negative financial impact to to method by doing the view at the event with Red Bull because of who he knows like I said and like you said earlier in this call if you think about the sponsorship revenue these events she'd be doing if we had actually said this have been up for VoD let's say three months in advance knowing the numbers from rule D or with a different partner and actually having a define product I can guarantee you innovate a lot of sponsorship sales a lot of revenue that we could have then obviously then why didn't you do it with another partner then because I explained to you already the reason for that is because we did have a lot of good faced in terms of working with Red Bull which is obviously a mistake on our side I completely everybody I made a list twice on the call that it was a mistake from my part for bringing too much good face that we were gonna you know continue our relationship with Red Bull everything was gonna be great that is obviously a less hard lesson learned in this situation for me you can't see you gotta see the context of the situation right after all dear happened it was like a surprise to everyone not just in in world of warcraft but outside of World of Warcraft - we had a lot of big brands come to us and all of a sudden we got all the attention in the world because it's not like you know you know that League of Legends was is coming every year right but all of a sudden there was this one big event that no one expected perhaps maybe some few people so we had a lot of big brands made a lot of big companies willing to support us invest in us but we were committed to rebel right we said ok we gonna keep doing this event at rebel as the main sponsor and we were waiting for rebel to basically put together the next event and we only had the confirmation of what the next event would be two weeks prior and when the two weeks notice it's impossible to get any big sponsorships no company would give you a lot of money if you give them a concept only two weeks before they're supposed to give you a paycheck so there was a loss of a lot of potential income resulting in that which to be fair again we internally it's gotten I disagreed about this I don't blame Scott for this redbull was always the dream partner force to work with as a sponsor so we took the risk we said okay we think redbull will come through redbull will support this event going into the future and yeah I mean end of tape we were wrong you know we made the wrong decision so an oh dear that was a problem but then you guys decided to work with him again moving into the next race it wasn't a problem all dear it was a problem for the preparation of UD so there was no there was no problem with all dere per se you know and it was clearly defined it was very clearly defined what the relationship was it was only after the success of all do the Red Bull obviously realized how commercially successful this event actually was that they started one ownership themselves that's that's what I haven't [ __ ] on their channel i think is probably like the biggest element of contention I always think if I'm understanding right it is the only element of contention but like I said it's it's because it's a huge element of contention not just for method but for the entire rating community going forward that's that pretty much the single point of contention and it's about the implication because once you have the stream once you control everything about the event it that basically having the stream on your channel means you're the owner of it technically you know and it was for us it was clear obviously as long as the watch's method streaming there perspectively reasonable first obviously method should be the owner of that stream now again the same example if there's multiple gills participating in this event it should be those gills for the owners there in the end that's the gameplay that you see it's a gameplay of those gills it's not not anything that ripple does really so just to clarify because ownership keeps coming out right so so if it's on your stream you're saying that you have ownership of it and you're basically saying that you want to see every single guild maintain their own piece of ownership for the event that they put on that's absolutely up to discussion how exactly the live stream is gonna be it could be on a neutral Channel with the rights for the gills to show their own perspective on their own channels that's an example which would be the red bowl channel let's see that that's like the the break that I don't understand you talk about a neutral Channel if Red Bulls potentially that neutral Channel and they're paying out players because it's on their channel then it makes sense when they were broadcast partner and they were paying for players to fly out when they're paying for talent to fly out when they're paying for the staff that has to run the entire event when they were paying for all of that they were a broadcast partner if there's a neutral stream and then all the players get paid out I don't see the problems that's the issue the repple stream is on neutral rod and it's also not des there's no ownership at all from the gills in the channel we that this channel solely belongs to ripple is so neutral it's it's not a guild it's it's somebody outside of it you could literally say anybody is the commissioner if it's not a portion of the guild you're giving up control to another party that's gonna pay for the entire event and pay to all the people who they are using that content from it becomes a Content hub and then all of the creators get paid out that's how media works that's how it's worked in eSports for years and that's like things like League of Legends they give the ownership goes in one place teams make their money the way that teams make money and all of those players are making good money and and that's what we want to see happen but do you in League of Legends is known by rebels buddy game developer look if it would be on the Warcraft channel or the Blizzard sure what I want which we have no problem with that whatsoever that's that's not the issue rebel I think you see that they're not really neutral okay but also when you look at riot does on their product look at DotA's I P valve puts on some shows but also people bid for contracts a lot of those people that bid for contracts are taking the same role their RTO read full has even run dota events in the past I mean that's anybody that you're going to go to it doesn't matter what the name is you can completely blank out their name there because the organizer in there neutral they're inherently neutral that's how it works the cop devolve concept with counter-strike and so on that works as well right but the issue here as well doesn't just work with let's say ESL there there might be a construct major by ESL there might be one by pgl there might be one but I face it we're talking about replicating exclusive ownership exclusive there is there is no other party coming in there is no there is no reality where for example monster would come and say oh we would like to pay 1 million for sponsors remote erasable first monster cannot sponsor the event but I rep will having exclusive ownership over the event they can decide if they want so to not have any sponsor board it sits at their sole discretion yeah I'm sorry I didn't mean to cut you off any tournament organizer takes that right to choose the sponsors that's what you give up for having a tournament organizer like that that's like saying like call of duty world league they have a portion of their show is sponsored by Mountain Dew right because a portion of their show sponsored by Mountain Dew yeah of course they're not going to take a sponsor from another energy drink yeah but you does we absolutely created a sponsor right but not a owner mountain to up doesn't only that right no a neutral party does but that neutral party can be a sponsor at times that happens constantly well I'm not aware of any big sportswear company like ripples the owner of the event you know I mean in you mentioned counter-strike for example I'm not I'm not aware of that at least it's usually the major said construct majors are hosted by neutral tournament organizers like ESL phaser and so on other leagues like the LCS and League of Legends is organized by Riot tee game developer again we we have no problem working with neutral tournament organizers like yourself we have no problem working with game developers it's the it's red ball is an energy drink company they did not an esports company they're not a neutral party so so you guys want to find a partner like an ESL or something like that like GCD TV kind of right it's a possibility yeah absolutely like something like that yeah I mean that that would be great I think that really might the only real concern that I had right going into this is that you know it does seem convenient right whenever you're going to want to you know move away from having let's say red pool be part of something and then potentially just replace Red Bull with yourselves right and then instead of Red Bull being the governing body method hypothetically would be the governing body and I think that's really the main concern that a lot of people have is that you know it's I think I use the the phrase meet the new boss same as the old boss right it's like what really prevents this from just reoccurring under a different name yeah also the other thing is - I mean you keep talking about shows and and who they're run by and who tournament organizers truly are that would be like like you guys having full ownership in a not being neutral would be the same as the NFL being ran by the Miami Dolphins right like that obviously lamps we just make a clear gun we would never we don't want to ownership over the wrists well first we want the community to have ownership which is the same as the NFL the NFL is a construct of the teams that are in it is the NFL as a governing body elected and accepted by the teams yeah and and actually having a having that governing body would have to be an external entity and I feel like it's getting hung up on the idea that it is a brand that would potentially be that neutral party is that the biggest problem for you because it's a brand you wouldn't want them to be the governing body if you again Scott statement pretty pretty clearly says that we would like on the gills should elect a commissioner a neutral Commissioner that basically acts on the half of the gills and that commissioner you could kind of compare to the NFL the NFL is basically you know as an organization a commissioner that acts on behalf of the teams usually in most eSports that Commissioner is usually the game developer like you said in League of Legends it is Riot who acts on the team's behalf where the teams want to or not and yet because Riot owns a game which again is something we would accept as well if that was the case if Blizzard says okay we elect to be the owner of this event that's that's how it is I I just think that there are some things that there are like slight contradictions and I'm just trying to hammer them out to fully understand because you're talking about ownership belonging to the community and and now you're saying that you would be fine if it goes to one of these neutral organizers if it was Blizzard and it just seems like Red Bulls the problem which is totally fine if it is right I'm just trying to figure out why differences there there it's not a contradiction per se it's like I said the Commissioner so could be ESL for example the Guild's could say that we choose ESL to basically be the Commissioner to be a PCB this neutral party to do this on our behalf right the Commissioner doesn't have to be one person it can be an entity that we elect obviously it can't be the gills running the show because they're direct compared us in in anything but we however we should give our expertise and we also should make sure that we are being fairly treated as the Guild's right and we can only do so if we're in some way involved in the competition for example by electing who is right a competition that's the same place yeah that's something that the guilts would need to be agree agreeing on right yeah that's obviously not set in stone it could be something like a majority of the girls have to agree that this is the commissioner right for example the process of that is fairly simple but it would be the participating girls yeah I mean I think that the idea of having the Guild's work together to make the world first race an actual event like fundamentally regardless of if it's like red but working through working with each other through Red Bull or just working with each other you know directly like what you're saying I think that's gonna be good for the community I mean I think really the shame and all of this is the fact that it happened to begin with I mean the truth is that there's a lot of people obviously who you know do want to be part of this and you know this event as you guys have mentioned multiple times which is very true was one of the most popular events and also one of the biggest surprises to come out of twitch in general in the past year so with the old deer race being so popular and then also the Bo diva is being able to meet that same standard so really the concern that I have is to you know making sure that we take things and we keep moving that standard forward and like whatever is really going to be able to do that I think is going to be the best thing and the only concern that I would have with like a player run thing is that the interaction and the relationship with Blizzard I do what I'd really love to see boys would be more involved with the world first race and I think that they should be it's just very difficult to incentivize that in a way that's meaningful yeah go ahead sorry absolutely and this could have continued with rebel and still can do what we say is that we don't want rebel as someone who controls the competition if rebel would kept being a sponsor that that would have been absolutely fine right think about it why does rebel as a as a company that says energy drinks why do they want control in the competition well thank you I was saying before is that I really think that this is a misguided marketing plan because that controlled they're not going to retain anything out of that having it on there versus just having it on you know somebody else's channel with Red Bull branding I mean what's really the difference their differential maybe like 10% gram value like I don't know I can't see it brands are pretty easy to understand right I think that's another thing that we can all agree on what does a brand want to do they want to make money right I think everybody knows that into it like that that's what a brand wants to do they're trying to make money they made an investment into the product initially and how they made their money off of it was to have their logo on the event right they they paid for whatever they paid for they get their logo on the event moving forward there they obviously see the value in the product so they are trying to own meteorites right which is usually where a lot of they're trying to be a part of the meteorites and you look at the NBA you look at the NFL meteorites are obviously what everybody moves towards and that's where everybody including the players make all of their money I mean we're getting really complicated here but in general I would say for sponsorships and any other rights you know it should be an auction system right the highest bidder should also be on if for example monster comes and they say be willing to give two kills five million dollars it shouldn't be the case that rebeled and as the owner can say no sorry the $10,000 that we're paying is gonna be what the girls gets sorry red bull it's false no that's how every single tournament organizer works like literally look at csgo pornhub wanted to be a sponsor for a long time you had companies like weed maps that wanted to be sponsors for a long time and all the tournament organizers said no like a tournament organizer will always get to decide which ad runs like obviously porn and weed maps there it's a little bit different I totally do agree there but you already have an energy drink sponsor if your tournament organizer is an energy drink sponsor I totally understand that that doesn't mean that other ads can't be sold against it I there's just again if Red Bull has control over the event you know they can choose whatever they want to do the again and the only reason we fear us why does represent to have control right I mean they already get the sponsorship it's because then they can choose the prize for their sponsorship essentially they can choose that their sponsorship cost him ten thousand dollars or it could cause someone million why would a company have that right yeah I mean cuz the company is paying for stuff I and like I think that that's where the break is in me if they choose to if they have the ownership of the event they can elect to choose whatever they want to spend it's a test sole discretion yeah and and then like so the thing is is III at no point do I think anything malicious happened I think that that's the most important thing that I wanted to do to clear the air when I I look at everything it just seems like the entire point of the TWiT longer is to kind of say and you can say whatever you want about what the actual words are but the way that it all comes together it tries to make it out to be like Red Bull is the bad guy when I really don't see any bad guys in this I totally respect what you guys are doing for the community and I want to see you guys continue to do it for the community I do think that this is one of the biggest things that's happened in World of Warcraft but Red Bull was a part of it they paid for those first events they paid for production costs you guys got your own sponsors and it went really well if now you guys want to have ownership I I can understand why you guys would want to have ownership that would make the organization again we don't want your money episode and that's fine so if you want to give up ownership and you want to do a multi guild event you give it up to a neutral party if Red Bull isn't that neutral party because I think this guy's awesome I think all the skepticism and everything is going to be alleviated once the idea of this like neutral third party and this commissioner thing and everything are more defined because right now a lot of the people that were concerned about it including myself right don't really understand it's like obviously method has a vested interest in being a leader in this indistinct and so once there's actually a rubric or a framework in mind as to whether how this actually how this thing is actually supposed to work you know with like this neutral third party or whatever with creating the event then I think that people are going to be there's like that concern will no longer exist yeah and that's what we hope I mean we are hoping that we were the Guild's we can agree on something that is fair to everyone and it doesn't matter to us who's involved in is in the end of its rep or another company or whatever we just want to make sure that under conditions that are fair for the gills and there are not conditions that you could say that it gives a taken advantage of and you guys that you were taking advantage of with red ball not for the two events no we never claimed that we obviously Rex got pointed out we were not happy about the bell of dazzle or event happening only with two weeks notice and so we only knew two weeks before we were not happy about it but we we're not saying that rebel took advantage of us for these two events however what we're saying is that rebel has always tried to push the ownership of this event and be feeling taken advantage of now and is trying to you feel taken advantage of now that red bull went to the other guilds to create an event behind your backs now that rebel is trying to take ownership over the rest of world first it's not so much about them going behind our back to the other girls it's about the intention of taking ownership over the race the world first I just like did you just say you don't want ownership I said I want the community to have ownership oh please it's basically I don't think that they want a private for-profit company to have ownership because they think that's a conflict of interest is that basically what you're saying correct in terms of red bull because the energy trade company did not determine organize the focus of like ESL it is technically possible to have someone like yourself being the owner but again I think this should be elected at least partially by the guilt the guilt should have a direct decision-making power in this competition which right now they don't under the construct of red bull being an owner well I mean they do and they don't right obviously they had the decision-making power to decide if they're going to work with red bull but yes you know good I just have I just have one question because if you guys don't want ownership and you guys basically are kind of saying that you don't want redbull to be that neutral party that has ownership essentially and I understand the things that you're voicing what if all of the other guilds pieces limit all of these other guilds are comfortable with it then what's the problem with them because they have just as much of a right to decide where ownership could potentially go isn't that what we're kind of saying if we're having a neutral party where everybody can govern together every guilds interest is is valued and every guild has a voice why can't the other guilds potentially wanting to go to red bull be the right move absolutely it's a free world if that's the decision of the other girls then that's the decision for us we we think this is gonna be really bad for race well first so we reject the idea of red bull being that party that's how hosting it for the reasons that Scott mentioned the statements and what we said here if the other girls decide otherwise I mean it's their prerogative really so in the long term just to wrap everything up right and in the long term we're deep what do you see being the negative effects of red bull being involved in the way that you're explaining them being involved right having it being on their channel etc you know where do you where do you see things being a problem again the problem is that the channel is basically the symbol for ownership right now days there's nothing nothing else right you cannot just give someone the crown and to the owner having this dream on your channel makes you per se Dione right now yeah that's what we see the problem being and repple being the owner again because rebel is all over this race right well if you look at the bell of dazzle or race with method you saw ripple everywhere the logo was everywhere we're drinking repple 24/7 if rebel is the owner they can decide the price for this they can decide this is worth $5,000 is worth a million dollars and effectively they can cut out any other potential partner that's willing to pay more to them and that in the end would mean that the gills don't get the compensation that they could because redbull is setting the price for this rebel is making all the decisions on there and rebel also by the way that's that's another point of it rebel is controlling how the show is gonna look like it could be for example we are we interrupting the race - well first right now for to our advertisement for ripple this is a force that's big yeah I mean that's obviously being it but any tournament organizer does run the show right I mean that that's how it's gone with MLG that's how it's going with everything that's even how it goes with Blizzard right I mean I can give a little bit of perspective working for Blizzard I like if they told me to run in if they told me to plug an ad I plugged an ad right because that was my job it won't let me interrupt you there for saying don't you see a difference between MLG Blizzard and ripple don't you see that major difference you're quoting you're saying a game developer Blizzard you're saying an eSports tournament organizer MLG and then you talk about an energy drink company ripple it is obviously a very big distinction here I I mean I I've worked many events that were put on by sponsors as well right I I mean the whole argument that I was making there and then I go ahead I at the home argument I was getting there is that even if it is not a brand the tournament organizer still has that control I I think when you talk about a game developer they have the same right if they are that neutral third party you see where I'm coming from with that yeah I see where you're coming from but let me ask you the following question so rebel I know that do you folks up the fighting in tournaments called a fing rebel background song let me ask you the following question how many other sponsors are on these events but for all well I I would have to look it up and I'm assuming the reason you brought it up is because they're they're the only sponsor right exactly zero and that's the point if you look at repla and eSports and other events that they host they are absolutely no other sponsors involved and if the the if the teams though are willing to do it for that price then that's why they do it I think that that the problem though sorry I didn't mean to interrupt there that he's getting into is the fact that if they establish a monopoly right through a blizzard then it doesn't matter if what the players want or not it's like saying well you can either have internet or not whenever you're like well you know I don't like calm Cass well too bad if you don't like Comcast you know you can just not have internet and I think that's basically what it is and so like what he's saying is that because Red Bull has like basically Sol like exclusive ownership of the event then that gives them a certain amount of power that makes it toward they don't have to spend as much money in the same way and they don't have to compete in a free marketplace because they already have ownership like it is that is is that a good analysis of what you're saying yeah perfect Oklahoma but if the other guilds are all willing and this was something I already brought up if Red Bull is willing to compensate all of the other guilds on a term that is favorable for them and they want to do a show with red Bull that's not selling your soul away forever it's basically saying that you want to do a show with red bull if other companies support it like potentially even Blizzard because of red bull is gonna be doing it they would probably need to have a license if they are compensating players to be involved like a license needs to exist for any other IP the thing is is when we talk about valve and all of these shows these are examples they're brought up if people do a major if people do a minor they have to bid they have to bid on it and then that that brand that tournament organizer gets access to it they pay for that license if we get in a situation where all the other guilds do want to go for Red Bull instant best interests of them why would why would we stop them why would that not be the best option well I mean I can't explain to a modern Aspen just set up before really you can also see it like this if if a Red Bull makes a good offer let's say to the gills even to method for for eternal pals which is coming up now fine but if the exclusive owner of the event in perpetuity what stops them then for from you know offering a fraction of that for a next to it you know it's oh yeah the the reason that I bring it up is because there's like a level of permanence there that is pretty much being floated when this is essentially agreeing to take a bid right like this is a bit of the show and it happens to be a bid that he is coming in from a single rich your your your argument is that that methods assertion here is done with the presumption that all of the other guilds would prefer to work independently without redbull and you think that the guild should have the right to decide do we want to work with red bull or not and if that is what they want to do then that if that is if the goal is to execute the will of the community and the will of the community is to work with red bull then logically working with red bull would be the will of the community yeah I just I I don't see how and that's what you're saying though right yeah yeah okay yeah you pretty much III think that honestly the main thing that we need to do now is just wait for more information yep like that that's really what it comes down to I want to see what Red Bull is gonna try to bring to the table I want to see what you guys are gonna try to bring to the table in terms of what does a tournament like this look like you what does a governing body like this look like I don't know we'll have to find out and I think that's really the main thing that I'm concerned about and I'm curious about that's basically yeah well what a discussion what a interesting discussion yeah it's unfortunate we weren't able to get people from the other guilds in to see like their perspective but also I mean it's a good point there is that a lot of them probably can't even talk about it to begin with for whatever reason so I guess that's the way it goes but I just I hope that I hope that whatever happens is going to be good for the community and I think that's what people's concerns are with red bull being involved and I think that's what people's concerns are with anybody like that being involved making sure that these things are actually good for the community they're done for the community by the community but yeah I mean do you guys have any other any other thoughts cuz we're closing thoughts oh yeah my closing thoughts I mean just to say repeat what you should set I think the main objective should be that the race well first is in the best interest of the community in my opinion there is no reason why rebel needs have control over the race well first in order to do so I see no reason why rebel could not sponsor the race well first leaving the control with the community there is no reason for me for that okay that make sense right yeah I think my closing thoughts are just when I do look at how everything was conveyed it seems like it is presenting the information in such a way that makes it seem like Red Bull essentially didn't pay for anything and that makes it seem like they didn't pay for all the production cost of the previous events and I think that also is not necessarily being fully true about where control should lie because I don't think it actually takes the other guilds into account and I think that the way that it's handled might be toxic for the future of the community and actually hurt other guilds in the future I don't that that's my problem with it I think that's actually bad for the future of the world of warcraft' community okay Scott you have anything else add or we get prescribed yeah all right I guess I'm still here thanks for having us on the team to talk about this a little bit further it's obviously a very serious issue yeah and it's it's like like I said at the start of this call it's been extremely stressful over the last month kind of talking this back and forth and to finally get something out in the public domain like in being able to actually answer those questions that's why we're not doing this event about the list Iran definitely both feel like are a bit of a relief above the weight lifted from the shoulders obviously we're full steam ahead now with preparing for the the event that we're putting on and in terms of that we should have been nice man died if not tomorrow than Monday absolute latest yeah I mean I think that everybody's looking forward to seeing what's gonna happen in the next event especially now that it's gonna be independently run and also to see the other competing events and I don't know I think this is going to be very very interesting just for the sake of the whole event and how this is like all turning out so I just really hope that at the end of the day kind of like going back to what rich was saying that it ends up just being good for the community in one way or another so I think that's basically what we all want and it's good for you guys in a way I mean there are people who are skeptical I mean it's not good for method if the wild community is not in a good in a good shape I mean listen I think you know Maya what happens after this it's it's good that this this has been like obviously prior into the community and it's a talking point I as to how we're going to move this this waste of all first spends forward because they were obviously these events obviously hugely to good one by somewhat of a surprise so I think it's important at least it's being it's actually a conversation we're having as to how this is going to develop into the future you just need to make sure it's obviously healthy for for the entire world or deaf community that's that's all yeah I mean that's really what matters and also I mean thanks a lot for coming on guys it really means a lot because obviously you know why talking about it and you know having like our takes on to this one thing but then actually hearing from you guys really what you're thinking is that everything really does help out a lot so I really do appreciate it thank you for having us sure yeah thanks all right well thanks for thanks for trying to break our balls [ __ ] all right thank you guys for a donor good night well there is it yeah there it is good yeah I'm can now we'll just let the YouTube comments inside that space well I'm sure that YouTube you know you know I assure you tube comments I mean they always know exactly what to say and what's done right I mean that's all it comes down to to see second okay we see how might turn that off real quick professionally how some well no I think that everything did go pretty pretty well I mean there was no overall like nobody get really got mad you know and this is I mean not really I mean like not really overall I mean this is usually how people handle things I know everybody wants to see a giant argument and people screaming but generally whenever people have a disagreement they just talk about it and that's about it right what a fast fan hey what did I miss everything okay yeah that's a coke right oh [ __ ] what that's a coke right it's going on yeah that's not a what are you drinking there dude wait why what's the big deal as fan what do you drink it dude oh it's a sugar free really free what dude all must be water water sugar free yeah that could be yeah right that's good yeah I mean I I hope you guys understand like whenever we talk about stuff like this it's not a big deal right it's not a big deal we just thought Chad had a real problem with opposing viewpoints they they were real I was getting upset yeah yes they do no they did not it was so bad that I do they did not why you arguing with me on this okay dude no no it's see yeah people can't really understand are you like it or do it rich basis to me yeah I mean like there's no real arguments usually people just say that somebody's stupid i mean i don't know i mean we could bring in i like bringing in people from chat and actually talking with them about like what their concerns are or opinions are i'm not saying we're gonna do that today or anything like that but overall i I do like doing that so rich got trolled I don't think rich got told or anything I mean Richards coming at it from one perspective you know Sasha and scho or coming at it from another perspective I mean that's really all it comes down to and you know both of them like I think at the end of the day they want to make sure that the wild community is good is in as good of a place as possible and and like you can say like method also wants to make sure a method is doing well which is also true but I mean it's not good for method if the wild communities in a bad place and also it does it does diminish some of the excitement that people have about like the world first whenever people already know who's going to win right and so it's in their best interest to have it be you know much more of a of an event you know I mean method brings 90% of the viewers I'd be surprised if it wasn't more honestly and that's what we had looked at before is the fact that method is a you know the amount of viewership that they bring to the tournaments and I'm sorry to the events and everything it's much higher than anybody else rich made a lot of good argument so a few points involve players need to earn enough money to live well yeah I mean that's definitely true I mean the thing is that like players it's that is being a professional Wow Raider is that a valid or a is that something that you should expect to be able to do you know like professionally III don't really know I in like my purse all I was gonna ask him if they were gonna if Josh was gonna rave with them [ __ ] yeah I was gonna I thought of that and I like saw dad asking I wouldn't ask anything about so I would ask right at the end dude Mike I mean just see like I yeah we don't know okay that's fine you know it's not a big deal I I forgot to ask I was thinking at exactly Red Bull wasn't a typical event organizers dumb well I mean here's the thing right it's like obviously like my concern is I really wish that I could sit down and talk to somebody from Red Bull and you know I could help them develop a better media strategy than try to put everything on their own channel I don't think that's a good idea and I also think they should probably do it through other different organizers and then just be a secondary sponsor an endemic sponsor it seems a lot cleaner that way and unless wet Red Bull actually wants to create a whole new studio and everything and be and move into that and actually be a production company then I don't think it's a really good use of their time or of other people's time either Sofia may just soon don't want monopoly well of course they want a monopoly everybody always wants a monopoly monopolies are good for the people that have the monopoly because they make a lot of money that's just the truth yeah but generally monopolies are bad I mean look at look at well it depends right it's like if you are it yeah but if you're if you're somebody whose last name is Walton I think Walmart having a monopoly is [ __ ] great for you and that's when I'm really trying to say is monopolies are really good for the people that are involved with them but not necessarily for like the greater community or the greater amount of people as the whole red bull recognized brand bring new people no I don't think that's the case I don't think Red Bull has any sort of endemic draw to different events that other people don't have in other ways as well am I gonna die here no I'm not okay I healed myself there for a second yeah I really don't think that like nobody is going to watch an event right and the people that are going to watch the event it's me very minimal nobody's gonna be like oh wow I'm gonna watch this because Red Bull was doing it it doesn't really seem like it makes sense and I don't think that's a good idea and also if it was like wicked Invidia for example we're razor right whenever basically people razor would pay people to stream on their stream right whenever swifty would stream on their etc it's like turkey was doing that randomly invidia same thing those those web sites and those channels weren't getting a huge amount of viewership or anything or they're just getting their base viewership maybe like a couple hundred viewers so I don't think there's any sort of like a you know intrinsic draw to having you know it be on a Red Bull Channel versus just on somebody else's channel they can advertise it to more people how can Red Bull possibly have an OP away what would obstruct other brands from sponsoring guilds well I think that it's really the difference between like having a brand sponsor guilds and then also having a brand be the governing body of an event that guilds are part of and I think that's really the difference and the concern that a lot of people have and that method had and I can see where rich is coming from too because obviously like you know basically basically redbull helped them set up the event and if Red Bull was helping them set up the event that's basically what Red Bull is bringing to the table right I mean they're helping them do the event and that's what matters but I think that also the players do need to be compensated in my opinion I think that I think that method made a mistake by not doing the event remotely for the first one I think they should have done it remotely and independently and if they had done that I think it would be in a completely different spot and we wouldn't have the situation that we have now that's personally the way that I look Red Bull was the sponsor not an owner well yeah but once they have everything on their channel and they have a relationship with blizzard they're not necessarily the owner but it is their channel that they own and so it's not direct ownership of the entire event but it's direct ownership of basically the outcome of the event if that makes sense and to distribute the distribution of the event richer arguments got countered well no I don't know about that I mean I think that Richard she's probably talking about something else I mean that's really all it comes down to riches all to go no no it's like I mean come on I think I hope that you guys see where I'm coming from to the organizer is gonna be compensating the players why would the players still get the stream revenue well it depends right I mean why would they still get the stream revenue because it's better for the event because it has more perspectives it makes the event more holistic and I think that it also gives players more players it makes it more accessible for players because obviously wow it's very complex game and people are gonna want to see different perspectives in different classes etc and also like I don't think that you should ever look at somebody's compensation and say that's enough like you don't need any more than that like who why I don't think that the brand should be in the business of telling people how much money they should be getting right they should just try to make a deal with them and do whatever is equitable for both people rather than trying to lock people in like school civilly that's my opinion on it once the war I'm trying to figure that out right now okay I mean this was kind of a yeah we really [ __ ] up well I mean not really I mean this was a he was supposed to be the lor day man yeah but what are we what are we supposed to do just like ignore something really big that happens in the community because we made a plan on Twitter yesterday I mean that seems silly of course I'm upset dude well I'm sure there's other people that are upset too but like the point is still the same like I mean of course I'm gonna continue doing thing I'm gonna change what I'm doing based off of some sort of like big news that comes out that I feel is important right I mean it just that's that's what I do we got to rely for it yeah it's basically real life war exactly I took my dogs I'll read those in a minute okay okay let's get this down kill this guy real quick I get this mount I'm hopefully gonna get them out dude let's see if it's gonna happen here we [ __ ] go when I read don't knows real quick okay tournament organizers creates artificial forest places or tournaments you cannot own a world first raise the guild could cook everyone by not streaming world first race that's true um let's see how would you keep the r18 competitive or be more specific how would you ensure smaller guilds are able to conquer despot in the world first events don't I don't think that they should like III don't think that it's important I think it should be completely community organized yeah I don't just just let it be what it is and if people don't compete in it that's fine I don't think that there's any intrinsic need for a world first race it's something that's it's a created need just a second where the rest is um I'm always big fish once see to smaller one method cities absorb of red Red Bull takes over it will limit its profit that's true we were getting upset because rich is extremely aggressive for no reason what was it comprehending well explain points I think that he just had a different he had a different perspective and if anybody's ever becoming hostile we're upset in chat I think that's very easy just to not not express yourself in a negative or toxic way as always that people are being rude or whatever just because somebody upsets you doesn't rationalize acting like a jackass in chat and you will be timed out and or banned depending on how you say things right that's just the truth like I don't like the whole idea of what you're making them mad so they're going to do this like what do you mean I just don't do it that that's the truth dare a deleted between well good I mean I that's good that she deleted the tweet it's not what they were trying to say and it was like probably not what she said it's not a big deal but it's good that she deleted it yeah alright one second review dress is this like the NFL shined on everyone calling at the big game and at the Super Bowl imaginary Papa John's own control of the phrase Super Bowl jeez its core that method wants to create an ESL style organization well uh where does the other guys hold up I don't know yet I'm not sure and and also because they're not explicitly stating that if they're saying oh subscribe to me I didn't even see that thanks go if you're still around the [ __ ] is saying red balls desired to be finebros on reaction but I don't know about that man quasi things if I appreciate that so many delicious tears to drink Thank You Vera more salt for the for I appreciate that two men why is rich purposely refusing to understand don't want three pretty Esther no interest in again propping up a single event and being able to dictate the events yeah I mean that's basically what it was you're right okay let's get this done made an email called wall head-on final on FFC which is basically your face and large I hope you'll check it out and that's okay I'll look at it probably in a bit man okay here we go I hate the skin good I actually hate this game if you hate something that still MIT that means you still care about it so it's good that you hate it why I don't understand how I can never get them out why I keep trying to get them out and I'm not getting them out this is absolute [ __ ] [ __ ] you should interview where several viewers in a row look I would love to interview viewers and I've been thinking about doing that and I just don't really know how to actually how to bring people in in a way that would be healthy and healthy for my channel in a way that my channel does not get immediately banned after they come into the channel right and that's also something that I am kind of worried about what's your bastard yeah you try your best or don't succeed well I just do it again tomorrow I mean that's all there is to it I just keep doing it don't do this yeah I don't interview viewers viewers we're done then just bring in subs I feel like if I bring in subs oh it creates kind of like usually people that are subbed agree with me more often than people that are not right if you take like the amount of people that are like unsub versus sub there's a higher percentage of subs that agree with me and so it's not really as as interesting of a conversation but the problem with that is then you invite people that aren't subbed and it's actually just some twelve-year-old that wants to say the N word and then I get in trouble so I think it's like really kind of a delicate balancing process and I'm not sure exactly how I really want to handle it yeah yeah I mean that's basically what it is and also why people disagree like I see this in shout like people are very contrarian you know like if I say things are up they're like no they're not they're down skies blue no it's not you idiot it's [ __ ] red you know and you know I I don't really like that meta but overall I mean it's not really that big of a deal don't you think this will Bobby Kotick will smell the money then someone's gonna take full control of the event anyway ah it's really hard for me to say I don't I don't know I mean like maybe they'll try to take control but I'm not really going to assume that that's going to happen for sure right welcome House of Oz was given Warchief yeah I need to look at that and I the other war stuff - is that an army shirt because you're part of the Alliance yeah I never was in the army it's just like a shirt I got the thrift store now I think Richard a great job and he brought together and don't feel well I think having people disagree is really important and also like I understand that people like don't really understand this and it's not as common but you guys need to realize that two people can disagree on something and it's okay you know they don't have to hate each other or become mortal enemies or anything like that they just disagree on something and that's really all there is to it and I hope more people can pick that up and and understand that because often times it feels like that's not necessarily very very translatable goes why depends on what the disagreement is about well not really I mean like it depends right if like you're disagreeing should you eat babies or not yeah I mean obviously that's pretty pretty intense but overall I mean you should be able to disagree with people on on 99% of issues without turning into a [ __ ] sperg right like I I don't know really what it is like and where people got this idea that because somebody disagrees with me on something that I consider very important that rationalizes me acting like a complete twelve-year-old whenever I'm talking to them and resorting to you know personal insults and just starting being a complete obnoxious piece of [ __ ] you know you can you should be able to disagree with people and not turn into a sperg at the same time that's why I think let's see absolutely we need you arguing with Brittany Vinny again I don't I don't want to do that like I really don't want to do that at all and she's banned on Twitch so I get doesn't matter anymore so yeah we're not gonna do that those like methods just burned some wooden bridge in a future yeah I feel like obviously it's kind of something that method can't undo you know saying this was probably something that they had thought about for a long time and I'm not I'm actually surprised that they they made the post I'll say that for sure it seems like kind of a it is kind of like burning a bridge in a lot of ways so I hope that they are making the right decision because that's something that's important for the entire game it's a matters a lot tolerating imbalance is part of being an adult well that's why so many people can't understand it let's say 25 because I'm Finn part 2 look at the classic subreddit oh [ __ ] what happened what happened what what happened what are they saying are they mad no like it's just nothing them saying that the numbers aren't the same like that that's basically it no but that's important I I do I think the numbers are important too they should make the numbers exactly the way they used to be I don't know I mean like obviously the higher-fidelity numbers are nice but as I said I think that they should make exactly the same as the game used to be men reach out to TOS organizers come on discuss it people actually know about eSports well rich knows a lot about eSports and so does Sasha and and scho I mean both of them know a lot about it I mean these are like eSports come organization owners and rich has been part of eSports for years he used to work for MLG so I don't know I think it's as simple as saying like oh well you know they don't really understand or whatever of course of course they do rich demonstrated doesn't know anything I can guarantee you rich probably knows more than you do I mean rich has been involved in eSports for years you're on twitch chat right I mean like rich has been paid thousands of dollars to cast eSports and be involved with them he's been hired by MLG now I'm pretty sure rich has a very good understanding of eSports and how they're supposed to work just because there's a disagreement doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't know what he's talking about if I don't get this [ __ ] item I'm gonna be pissed I'm actually you know what I'm gonna get it I'm not even mad yeah I'm getting uh people act like it's forcing a patent for a flying car well no of course not yeah people firing rate remains stupid oh no I mean like obviously like there's a certain point where like people might have like a different perspective and also like there's a certain amount like for me personally I'm very paranoid okay I'm gonna be honest like if I see something that I think it's like okay this can turn into a problem in the future in this way I see that and I'm like okay this is how how I feel about the situation right and that's it I don't really ever let anybody tell me I'm wrong or whatever like if I feel like something is going to be bad I always think that but you know I think there's also like some common sense that gets and it gets in the way too this guy's been talking to eSports for five years doesn't mean he didn't misunderstand the whole point well it means that he has the he has the under he has the capability to understand the point right so if you're saying that he doesn't understand it period I don't think that's fully accurate they're fully fair because he's been involved in the industry for so long I don't see how somebody who couldn't be involved that long not at least have some degree of knowledge okay that should finish it so holy [ __ ] they made this so easy now dude I literally just beat Hellfire assault with two grenades yeah I know I literally hate this game like this is like why is this game so that's good because if you hate something that means you still care about it you understand I did the first time you said it and I still do the second time now that you said it again like I this is such [ __ ] man just a second let me get the rest of this gift good shrimp Thank You Man I disagree with you op that's part of the fun I shot why that's fine right I mean I disagree people all the time like I will say things in chat and sometimes I feel like literally no one agrees with me and it's crazy to me that like how can this many people disagree how much how can that many people be wrong all at the same time right right because obviously I'm right and it's crazy to me that that can even happen but it's actually Jerry it what you just described ready well yeah exactly no that's true um let's see no I I'm a hundred percent real the interrupted four mythic - you're optimistic about the level squish well yeah of course I'm optimistic about it I mean like I hope that it goes well I mean you're right about that chats never wrong that is usually I'd say like chat is usually right but whenever it comes to anything like if it's like is this yes or no right then chad is usually right but if there's ever an element of what-if or but only win or any element of nuance in anything that chad is supposed to know they won't know right so they only understand base concepts that's basically like my that's my read on on twitch jet they can only understand very very base concepts it's good you guys what you're saying is chat doesn't understand it once no they have no idea and I think there's a lot of reasons for that that aren't even condescending a lot of people in chat aren't native English speakers so they're not going to understand the nuance of something because it's in another language they don't fully understand like and that's not like a dig I can only speak one language so how am i talking [ __ ] here I I just think that's true absolutely yeah it's definitely true attract lacks tact I mean like yeah I'd say that's true too but I mean like in general I it's very common okay kill that guy good and that'll kill this guy get the [ __ ] achievement there we go I have better get this [ __ ] item what am I trying to get here oh great an off end that I'm never gonna use okay I better [ __ ] get it guys let's cross our fingers yeah just because Americans are stupid I don't think that anybody's you know any I don't think any sort of like country of people was like really dumb or at least like any any country in like the first world countries at least right I mean like obviously there are countries with no uh no education systems and then I you know I'm not really sure how they're doing but overall I think that's okay yeah I don't know I feel like I feel like one of the things is really interesting is that Americans never always say a bunch of bad stuff about Europeans but Europeans [ __ ] hate and they always talk [ __ ] about Americans right it's I I can only imagine like on 4th of July Europeans must have been sitting over there you know wherever the [ __ ] they're sitting just so mad like fuming over their thinking about you know all the great inventions America has come up with and you know like the greatest I guess Europe did have one really you did have one really good invention ene yeah I mean that's so there is one redeeming quality about the EU is it made DNA I mean that's the truth boys hey hey there it is we're gonna ship out 4th of July to be honest I mean most people most people in here don't actually to be honest yeah most people don't give a [ __ ] they just go around then it's just like a reason like basically every every holiday in America is a it's like a socially acceptable holiday or socially acceptable day to begin drinking before the Sun Goes Down right that's really what it comes down to is don't go to work drink all day and blow [ __ ] up celebrate America by blowing part of it up I mean that's I mean hey that it's [ __ ] perfect okay used to before skin hurt yeah exactly and then pin it from the crown still a slave yeah right dude let's say our greatest musicians everything that's every Sunday I don't know about that man let me go ahead and read the rest is any chance of a horde mob competition not today no but I do plan on doing that at some point yeah absolutely Omega 3 ownership 50 yards didn't play well vanilla but I've always been interested in the concept of being a nobody in the massive world being a hero all the time that's quite tiring August 27th can't come any faster love this dream your neighbor from Bastrop thank you very much for Nagar Taylor thank you very you thank you thank you dude I appreciate that man thank you very much to the 50 I didn't play while in Panola but I've always been sorry I've been playing well for the first time now I owe it to you watch your vids every day thank you Jackson goes to $20 I appreciate that man see the YouTube uploaders see they're getting me views there it is man I was still in Canada don't you guys own Canada does that you actually own Canada France does I think sort of the Queen does I'm like 90% sure France owns most of Canada yeah I don't know that's actually a good question I have no [ __ ] idea I was just thinking about that's part of the Commonwealth yeah I have no [ __ ] idea about that man of course word and makig on today a scrap Forge mecca strider yeah I probably should go get that what the [ __ ] is this okay there we go we're good Canada is a British colony yeah well so is America okay let's go kill these guys have to kill this guy and I'll go over to - what's his name uh yeah there you go so I'm making us look dumb no it's okay man don't worry okay there we go [ __ ] yeah all right you have independence yeah I know I know we do trust me like we just celebrated a couple of days ago it was great well what are your thoughts on the new cheeto oh the cheeto sandwich from KFC oh jeez okay okay you want to start I've had three of them there a mate dude the cheeto like sauce or whatever the [ __ ] it is that they put on dude I you think it sounds like [ __ ] stupid and yeah like a such a gimme yeah sure like that but once you get it into your mouth uh-huh and you start chewing it you start tasting it yeah I get that a little bit of crunch from the Cheetos and the chicken uh-huh just the cheese Oh God platoon I mean like it's just come on man it's not even that doesn't refute anything I just said that's not it that's literally nothing okay all right here's the rough rotation here's a refutation is that if I'm going to get chicken if I'm going to get chicken that doesn't make me want to go to KFC they don't leave idiot then you're then you're an idiot that is turned off by interesting gimmicks okay yes it's a gimmick but it's interesting and it tasted awesome and I have you know if KFC were to approach me and wanted to sponsor me and run community events and take over I would absolutely let them maybe you should join a limit then my god I don't know what is lemon chat yeah I mean this is limiters I mean this this is the thing man is that like they just need to make better chicken like I'm sick of seeing these gimmicks like just make your core food like McDonald's make these weird [ __ ] chicken things they add eight different types of salads nobody [ __ ] goes to McDonald's first salad they want a burger make a good burger it's like why do these why do these food company keep trying to do all these different weird-ass [ __ ] things while their core concept their core content is just mediocre come on you that's why that's why chick-fil-a is doing better than KFC is because they focused on their core content their core customer base they're not trying to find 14-year olds that want to eat Cheetos and chicken at the same time they want to have people that love Jesus and love chicken and that's it and it's much more accessible well I mean I mean that's all there is to it man John lizard I don't know about Blizzard man or feral doing war for some it's Blizzard or fast food all of them yes okay let's get this off hand here we go boys literal offhand God let's go come on come on spawn spawn I'm ready buddy today just ain't your day today just ain't my day enjoy doing all those bosses again hey thank God I had that happen now I've got content for next week like I just annoying though real ultimate power well where the [ __ ] is the quest to get the mount where's the mount Quest my chickens are not for eating I don't want chicken over here wait what the [ __ ] is this stuff they already have it a real ultimate power is that it I don't even know let's see what about this one here making the Mount track your progress oh man I've got to do all these son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] just a second let me look what I have here go operate the Frog chop parts test drive prototypes for inspiration redistribution emission fee I don't even think I've done these so I haven't been keeping up with these quests so I think I'm just kind of [ __ ] this is so stupid man that new mount smell is that one of them and though its golden clogged pace I get these every day each quest is a daily thing oh ok so it just takes an amount of time okay I guess I've done it every single I haven't done it every single day because I'm a piece of [ __ ] it's a daily quest yeah yeah um skip wor stream equals cursed well I mean we had something really important come up I mean I really do feel like it's important the fact that like all that should happen with like you know the method and all it means a lot and I understand that you know some people might disagree with that etc but to me I think that it's very important and that's why I wanted to talk about it rido knows wait I read all the donuts didn't I okay just saying a new new tool album classic me on the same week how pumped are you what's your favorite tool song probably vicarious think crunch the $20 sheriff I appreciate that very much man there's global IQ chart and map go look it up I don't want to look that up right now thank you Plus want to go with my trans money don't have to I do not quick links right would man I'm sorry to say thank you very much though man I appreciate it thank you thank you what the [ __ ] is this oh wow okay here's what watch watch what I do I'm gonna steal all of his stuff oh [ __ ] them dude welcome dude I love doing that I love stealing all people's [ __ ] man is so fun man no shame well no no it's like the way that I look at is that like I go in there and I get it and that's the only thing I think about is getting it well I don't think about like who else is getting it I don't think about anybody else I think about me getting it right there's like basically there's two realities me and then there's getting it and that's it it's not stealing it shared wait what yeah yeah it's sure no I don't even feel good about it anymore that sucks I feel like a loser I'm not stealing anything yeah I'm not even stealing anything it's a waste of time but you're getting it who cares it's not about getting it it's about making sure that you get it instead of somebody else man now that's what it's always been about okay where the [ __ ] is the other ones here okay there's one right there okay turn to go yeah yeah yeah okay uh let's see we're calling you don't even play bf8 now makalah does play PFA he just hasn't really played as much i've been much more positive about 8.2 than most other people have I don't even really know why I like it and other people don't I think it's probably just because I do completion ISM stuff like if I didn't do that maybe I'd think it was shitty the [ __ ] do I get these I don't even [ __ ] know I used two different mouths than this dog ass want listen dude this mountain is [ __ ] amazing you got with I mean trying yeah I know you got to spend effort and you didn't that's actually very true I just I am guys on my I've started Safra got call today I I do I've been I've like you guys remember like at the beginning of my stream whenever I was like talking weird cuz I just taking a painkiller I've been having like a toothache for like on and off for like two weeks almost maybe a little bit maybe a little not quite that long it feels like that long and I'm starting to tap painting it and I need to stop go to the dentist I'm going to but I've been kind of putting it off so yeah I feel getting going down yeah I know so I'm gonna go ahead and do that yeah we didn't do the war stream as much as I wanted to today we had something else come up that I thought was more important but we will do a war stream probably next time that I get on especially I'm probably not gonna be on tomorrow but on Monday I want to get back do the war stream get ready for the new raid and the new raid comes out on Tuesday that's basically what my plan is right now and that's basically what is going to this we're gonna I came out we're not gonna look at the IQ map um thank you all so guys please go ahead nerve and twitch knows a night and day I call out rich I am what a coincidence bear Blood Bones let's look at your logs real quick uh let's see okay just one second ah I mean like it's really kind of it yeah I mean you're being really rude and obnoxious like we'll get you're saying rich ruler he has no idea and he's trying to get exposure and it's so extremely [ __ ] sad like but you say [ __ ] Red Bull III it's just like I don't know man like it seems like it's another like angry twitch viewer usually whenever I see this happen I just I you should just keep him perma banned man yeah welcome he's a [ __ ] sperg man the reason you probably weren't banned in other people's chats is because they weren't reading what you were saying okay thanks for the two bucks though I appreciate that man do you get more subscribers your prescription button link on your twitch info on iOS and Android you can subscribe to the twitch app really okay I probably actually should do that please go ahead and follow my stream no please go in for my stream everybody please go and follow my stream and also slash asthma and gold thank you guys very much for the for the stream today I think that we had a pretty good time I'm actually really glad that we had that come up because it gave me a chance just to kind of rest and not have to talk quite as much so I do really appreciate you guys coming out and and hanging out and being part of that voice next time around we probably are gonna do the what do you call it the war stream and get all that done and then get ready for the raid that's gonna be on the next day I'm really excited to do the new raid now like I'll be honest like reading all the war stuff made me much more excited than than I was before so until next time boys I'm gonna run some ads and call it a day until next time boys peace what a stream I was disappointed we didn't get anybody from a limited like I was I was really hoping that was gonna happen I think that would have been really bad really why do tensions were high I like you might not have noticed it because you were playing the game I was I was afk playing I'm not really paying attention to what I was doing I mean III was there for the whole time it was getting real real bad you think people are really oh yeah oh yeah I don't know I mean I think that's just probably just like Chad overreacting though I mean it seems like yeah obviously like I'm sure they were defensive about like their you know their company or whatever but I don't think I tensions were really high rich had an agenda do you think the people from method don't I mean of course they have an agenda come on everybody has an agenda going into something like that I mean they have an agenda like going on and they want to get their side of the story out I mean everybody did you're not participate why I participated I mean more than enough I I think also like you know letting other people talk and everything is you know that's fine with me too okay a second piece you can warm still be online yeah I know yeah there's a lot of a lot of spam in the normal stream it's pretty insane song in let's see in the shadows as the Lord part over we didn't really get to do as much of it as I have wanted to today because we have other things come up that I thought were more important but we are gonna try and do the worst dream next time around not really planning on being online tomorrow but the day after I want to do it and then also do the booty call look at the all the new bosses and everything like that it's gonna go through everything I check except the whole time they're saying you didn't participate yeah I mean whenever you have discussions like that you usually like I usually have to put it on sub mode because people are so rude it's just like it's really childish but I you know it's like people can't really they can't really have discussions in like a normal way so yeah that's all I had to put on sub mode well when's your meeting green I don't know about a meet-and-greet dude I'm not a big fan of meeting groups I carry my donation before you leave I read all of them I'm pretty sure there could have been a bad one that I didn't read on purpose but uh better than that I don't think the Oh new car what we do it with retail until classic comes out oh thank you man sorry I forgot that um I'll probably play classic a lot whenever it comes out and then after the excitement for classic is kind of waning I'll probably go back and forth between retail and classic depending on what I have time to do and what I want to do as customer 30 dozen people wasn't easy well yeah but I mean like there's a certain amount of like just common sense that you should expect from every single human being that oftentimes people don't really exhibit even yourself is trashing rich well trashing is different than like disagreeing I'm okay with people disagreeing but anyway boys until next time call today see you see ya peace
Channel: Assertonsin [Asmongold Stream Reactions]
Views: 14,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, BFA, WoW, asmongold reacts, reaction, asmongold highlights, best of asmongold, twitch chat, asmongold watches, world of warcraft, battle for azeroth, sco, mcconnell, method
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 189min 39sec (11379 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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