Asmongold Reacts to The Immoral Design of Diablo Immоrtаl | by Josh Strife Hayes

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gentlemen i have subjected myself to torment to hell to punishment to nightmares to evil to diablo himself and it is finally time for me to watch the video of diablo immortal gentlemen let us begin in this video i'm going to show you a great game built on a terrible foundation i'll show you how you can spend 20 pounds that's not true it's a [ __ ] game to condense six months worth of free to play three minutes and house even if you do buy the 30-day item pack you might not actually get the 30-day item i'll show you the secret mathematical and psychological tricks the game uses to get you to spend money including abusive pricing structures multiple layers of rng and the 22 different in-game currencies i'll explain how the immortal has got around the legal definition of loot box by adding in a single gameplay step despite being functionally the same process i'll explain how diablo is a game and has hidden whale mechanics you can't even find i'll explain how diablo immortal has got around the legal definition of loot box by adding in a single gameplay step despite being functionally the same process i'll explain oh right yeah because like you have to run a rift yeah of course how diablo immortal is essentially a gacha game and has hidden whale mechanics you can't even find until you've invested enough money that they are sure they've got you and then i'll lament over how if you removed all of this it's actually a very good game let's start with the basics video i will disagree on that i think diablo immortal at its very core it's a [ __ ] seed that grew into a [ __ ] sapling that becomes a [ __ ] tree and it drops [ __ ] fruit it's all [ __ ] so critique especially internet can be a difficult thing to balance fans of any game want you to praise it and can become angered when you point out flaws yeah they always dislike the game love it when you point at flaws and hate it when you praise it this is because video game communities contain very passionate very tribalistic and against any game or company and both extreme sides are often reading reviews or watching videos looking for confirmation bias not actual critique of course people want to be told what they already strongly believe is correct before and against diablo immortal camps have already sprung up with some people focusing on the absurd cash shop and others saying you don't need to pay it's a free game just don't spend any money the cash shop critics point out the blatant pay for advantage systems and daily login rewards encouraging addictive gameplay patterns along with the loot box style gameplay so egregious it's already been preemptively banned in two countries for falling foul of the eu gambling laws yeah our game supporters reply with a well-rehearsed well i'm having fun it hasn't affected me i'll be which is true i think that there are some people and and this is the reality of a lot of these games is that a lot of these games come out and they actually are fun for a ton of people that's why what rating is it right now for those of you guys that are dumb enough to buy an iphone oh what's the rating on it on the apple play store right now i'm kind of curious yeah i'll check right now it's a it's a 0.5 i'll check on the on the play store okay and diablo immortal it's rated 3.7 it's a 4.5 it's at least 4.5 that's really good man there's a lot of people that just play the game and they don't give a [ __ ] discussing the damage just general attitude is doing to the gaming industry as a whole later the truth is diablo immortal is an excellent gameplay experience with solid moment-to-moment combat and super enjoyable hack and slash multiplayer moments absolutely overshadowed by a foundation level insidious monetization system designed to make every aspect of the game funnel the player towards spending an absolutely unacceptable amount of money oh this goes deeper than just one game so in this video i'll not only deeply critique diablo immortal but also the behaviors of an industry and how we as players can set the boundaries for what we will and will not accept in relation to monetization i'll show you that i i firmly believe that players cannot and will not set any boundaries i i i firmly believe this i i i don't think that players will ever do that because i think diablo mortal is a great example there are so many people that are completely outside of your reach of communication they're just going to play the game and not give a [ __ ] and that's that's who they count on deep psychological and mathematical tricks games companies are using to turn video games from products you people say like oh but streamers were using it as a source of content oh really well what about raid shadow legends what about like the other 100 [ __ ] gotcha games that nobody plays on twitch but still bring in revenue in the millions per month clearly streaming the game does not make it successful because most of these games are not popular on twitch or really on youtube but they're massively [ __ ] successful so if streaming it was the reason why then it would change it it's common sense just an enjoy because they're designed to be an audience into processes they want you to become stuck within and then keep paying for because they're designed to be inviting and then i'll also be contrasting the design decisions within diablo immortal to blizzard's own code of conduct and ethics on their own website well we all know how much blizzard cares about their own ethics we'll see if diablo immortal as a game lives up to blizzard's own self-imposed standards grab a drink because this is quite a long video ladies and gentlemen welcome i'm josh drives and today we're going to look at the diabolically immoral diablo immortal a big thank you to all the supporters on patreon and twitch who allow me to remain independent and make videos like this i'll be looking at the general gameplay plot and combat then into the absolute plethora of monetization tricks the game uses including gentle onboarding limited time offers causing fear of missing out of pricing structures multiple steps of conversion multiple stacking monthly subs cumulative login dates being required for paid for rewards multiple progression tracks and just straight up locking the main aspects diablo is known for dopamine spiking loot fountains are shooting out of a boss behind a pay wall now diablo as a franchise is no stranger to monetization controversy when diablo 3 released it had an actual money in-game marketplace players could sell their drops or buy drops from other players for actual cash this was removed relatively quickly after extreme community backlash as players pointed out it was against the spirit of diablo the end game gameplay of diablo revolves around repeatedly killing high-intensity bosses i feel like i've said before i think that the reason it got removed is because it was a secondary marketplace and it got regulated by the ftc or something yeah oh it opened up blizzard to liability i think that there were i mean you very clearly can say that there were a lot of people that didn't like the real money auction house but i don't think that it was as universally disliked as people might remember because there were tons of people that wanted to be able to farm gold and sell it and make money too and people thought that was cool at the same time increase in difficulty for the chance of a rare drop if you could just buy the rare drop you'd be defeating the main gameplay loop and removing the sense of pride and accomplishment which comes with having those red rocks diablo 3 released on pc and console in may of 2012 and six years later in 2018 at blizzcon players were excited to hear news about diablo 4. oh yeah what they got was diablo immortal a mobile here we go are there any plans to make this playable on pc or is this strictly mobile forever uh are there any uh yeah this the current plan is to be on mobile both android and ios uh we don't have any plans at moment to do uh [Music] pc come on say it did you guys not have phones yeah i love it well they changed that though and i responded i remember uh yeah they're like oh we're gonna make it on pc thank god for that i think that was a good decision for them to do realize blizzcon is attended by blizzard's biggest fans mostly pc gamers warcraft world of warcraft starcraft diablo and overwatch have massive pc player bases so very few of these people were actively excited about a mobile game the people in that room wanted a game which would push their hardcore gaming pcs to the max and exactly full of traditional mobile micro transactions and time gating mechanics in june of 2022 diablo immortal released on mobile and went into open beta on pc the pc version is a port of the mobile game and still features such lines as tap to play the game doesn't he did not put in any effort to make the pc port a pc port at no point in time whenever you use the pc port of diablo immortal do you ever have the luxury of forgetting that it's a phone game across you will never play so mobile and pc players can adventure together provided they're on the same server because it does not have cross server play so why don't we looking stupid put the game on pc and gave it a go the first warning cry from everyone said the game can track your face through your phone app or your webcam yeah this rumor began when the installation files were opened up and people found face detector and face analyzer.dll some people said the game has face tracking capabilities because it's required for releasing china to conform to the strict gaming laws the lead dev adam fletcher explains they're actually leftover files from an early idea in diablo immortals development originally the game would let you recreate your own facial expression on your character by using your own camera this idea has been abandoned because it was terrible the intro i think that they should just get rid of that part of the code like why is it even there then like obviously like they could say like yeah oh we forgot to get rid of that we'll get rid of it right i mean like why not just get rid of it at that point you know what i mean base tyrial talks about the world stone some great you know when we get this absolute banger of a line if humanity is to survive they must stand together and face the rising this was really cool i find it beautifully ironic that diablo immortal opens with a call for players to rally together against a rising evil and the main thing it's inspired people to do is come together against its atrocious pricing mode better way get told to tap the screen because porting mobile games to pc is hard and then choose a class six classes i'm going with my edgy boy the demon hunter the customization is actually really nice we move some sliders actually these do not matter at all because you'll never look at your own face or any other character's face i agree with that worth them the game is fully voiced and it's not terribly acted i agree with that i actually i think this is probably the high point of the game i think the campaign as i said before the campaign reminded me a lot of a um it's like one of those 90s uh comedy movies that were really funny and then they decide like you know because it's 2018 and so like they're running out of ideas and so they just make uh that funny comedy movie too with like a lot of the same actors who are now like [ __ ] old and wrinkly and [ __ ] and the movie's terrible and like half of the jokes in the movie are references to the original movie that's what diablo immortals campaign reminded me of it was like a lot of yeah zoolander too that's that that's really what i'm thinking of gone through hell you say i'm in the right place then follow the road and be on your guard unfortunate things happen to travelers in that forest [Music] is wasd or left click primary attacking is also left click but your only attack when your cursor is over an enemy this can mean clicking to move especially in a crowd of enemies is a bad idea because she'll end up attacking instead of moving oh it also means you'll frequently lose your cursor in the chaos of battle and end up randomly running around or attacking off to the side while you try and find it again it also means once you've killed whatever it was you were attacking if you continue holding down left click you'll start running toward that location your other skills are bound to the two three and four keys we'll look at combat later because honestly it's great if you've never played a diablo game here's a basic rundown demons exist and you'd really rather they didn't you can realize your dream of a demon-free world through the power of friendship and incredible violence eventually angels get involved but the power of heaven is nothing compared to the power of one angry man with an axe or a moody guy with some crossbows one thing i do have to praise the game for is capturing the feeling of diablo while being made in a completely different engine diablo 3 was created in a customized version of the havoc engine while diablo immortal is made in netease's own messiah engine they've managed to capture the feeling of movement skill use and attack impact spot on kill enemies so so annoying you can't click on an item's nameplate i mean they've captured a lot of things from diablo 3. such as the entire game the item itself your inventory is the classic diablo style of a square grid with larger items taking up multiple grid slots as you fight on enemies will drop red health orbs or blue mana orbs sometimes power up orbs like increased speed or lightning damage along see you can tell that this isn't a whale group because it was a whale group all those mobs would be instantly dead with this you have three health potions which recharge when you kill enemies this game design lends itself to fast aggressive combat encountered because you are rewarded for being aggressive so the energy is always high we make our way to the town of wertham get followed through a portal by some demon and told trust me mate once i explain the monetization you definitely will we head into the chapel and meet our old friend deckard kane so we decide to stay a while and listen of course my name is deckard kane i'm a bit of a traveling scholar one might say basically hell's coming back and we're going to prevent it with the power of crosstalk i would have never seen it to the west and discover sometimes the left mouse button gets stuck down even if you're not clicking making your character follow the cursor and other times oh yeah it doesn't register that happens in two days of near constant play i didn't experience that many connection issues okay dragon thing and find a shard of the world stone magical mcguffins hell really wants and we need to destroy think of them like demonic batteries and like regular batteries you shouldn't throw them in the regular bin so we're on a question find a responsible way to dispose of them kane tells us the demon we're fighting is called scarn this means we're now at threat level midnight so we set off to destroy more of the shards of the world stone before hell can plug them into more demons quick intro video explains the map and we're sent off to help someone with something in the game asks hey you want to spend 89 people using a weapons every time the game gives me the opportunity to spend money this is the first and i'm going to do a deep dive into the currencies and the systems they relate to later on so the first time that you that they try to finesse you out of money you're at level six holy [ __ ] 800 value yeah you'd be stupid not to buy it in this video once you have a few quests you'll get the quest list on the left click on a quest to select it and you'll see a sparkling footstep path leading you to it if you're far enough into an area you'll unlock auto navigation within that area using auto navigate will either run or automatically teleport you to the nearest teleport point and then i like the rest because i'm always also discover the first kill of the day award so let's rip this band-aid off right now diablo immortal is a mobile game and is designed to build habits to create attachment and to encourage daily replays you have an oppressive number of tracked systems login rewards first kill awards advancement paths some free some paid some upgradeable you have achieved some advancements throughout every single zone and rewards for killing enough monsters and doing enough dungeons and each of these systems is tracked on a different screen with a different ui and it's made this way by design you're not meant to be able to remember everything you have to do so the game can give you these little red gem icons to the top right of buttons to remind you you have something to collect and you'll often find yourself spending more time in endless menus collecting rewards than you will in an actual rift we chase down some maybe i think that's probably true you do spend like yeah a lot of times whenever i was playing i was like actually just trying to be able to play the game and i hardly even had the opportunity to do that because i was just i had to click through this red menu and the next one and then oh i have to level up my battle pass and then oh there's another menu well i have to talk to this guy from my gyms i have to level up the other gym so i can put it in the gym uh yo dog like holy [ __ ] we watch her throw a dude off a bridge and then meet this guard who says this on a day certainly didn't expect to get choked by some death mage when i left the stead this morning none of us wake up expecting to be choked by a death mage but sometimes you just get lucky and it happens to interact with another player hold alt and left click on them you can send messages friend requests and party invitations you cannot directly trade player to player because trading is done via the auction house wait what you can't trade in the game i never even tried to trade so i didn't even know this you cannot trade items in the game oh my god requires the premium currency of platinum to do quick pc issue this is the salvage menu where you turn your unwanted equipment into scrap the mouse wheel does not move this window you have to hold it click and drag if you're going to release on pc please let us use the scroll wheel also consider using right now because as it stands right click does absolutely nothing a free daily reward pack accessed via the shop menu if you're going to give the player something for free make sure to claim it they have to access a place where there is paid stuff because then it's right it's like a place oh what's this uh should i get this i mean this is a beginner's pack 800 percent value i mean oh i don't know it's right there oh it's right there i might accidentally click it it's crazy it was not even now yeah you lose the money by not buying it exactly man where there is paid stuff because then they will see the paid stuff every day and if they're returning to this screen for their free daily pack it's only a matter of time until someone gets tempted to spend money you're not putting this free pack here because it makes logistical sense you're putting it here because it's tempting does the same thing it's like you get the player what the goal is is you want to get them you want to build a habit of going to the store you want them to oh it's a new day let me check the store you're always getting them to check the store all the time get a free cosmetic set sent to me in the mail that's the goal it's to celebrate 30 million pre-registrations 30 million pre-registrations if you ever wonder why mobile games are so pushed it's because the horrible truth is the mobile gaming market is bigger than the pc and console gaming market combined as you watch background wait a second wait a second look at this graph 52 i showed y'all this before so you know about this 21 52 of 20 20 21's global game revenues came from mobile making it the largest gaming segment by far that's the world that we live in now guys okay like you thought you were the gamers uh uh it's the soccer moms now they're the ones that are running the show console gaming market combined as you progress through the main story you'll unlock bounties and open world hunting system hunt down certain enemies and get increased rewards for killing them you can claim eight bounties a day from the bounty board my current bounty target is philip so the plan is grab mom kill phil go to the winchester have a nice cold pint and wait for all this to blow over i'm picking up new equipment every few minutes and on this is such a good [ __ ] movie man it's actually such a good [ __ ] movie oh my god inventory screen there's a handy dandy green arrow showing you if a new piece is better than an old piece many people will tell you that diablo begins at 60 because until then you'll be finding upgrades so quickly you won't even read the name or look at the stats of any individual bit you'll just do as the green arrow commands but if you're a free player i would argue the real game begins around level 35 when the leveling suddenly slows to a crawl but we'll see more of that later i unlock the extremely awesome grapple skill letting me blast around the battlefield like a more violent spider-man and global chat has descended into an argument about pay to win versus free-to-play so while i'm madly grounded that's my favorite thing it's like there's people in the general chat that are like oh we're gonna be paid to win i play the game and i like it and i only paid 35 dollars that ain't nothing i didn't pay to win it's like i'm putting in thousands of bucks that's what it is being around let me make my stance on this game rather clear no one has said they expect this game to be 100 free no one expects any video game to have no way to make money whatsoever of course indeed with a cosmetic only cash shop i'd be recommending this to everyone no one has an issue with diablo immortal attempting to make money we know that development time and server hosting costs money the issue i have is the way it is making it and the position it is putting players into if they don't pay the game is not a product because a product is usually released finished and then sold costs the company think it is worth if that cost is fair people will pay it and then that process is complete diablo immortal is a process itself of downloading playing and advancing and it wants players to stay within that process as long as possible because unlike a product which is sold once a process can contain many moments it encourages the player to pay yeah and each individual payment may only be small but you're getting them multiple times greater than the cost of a one-time purchase yeah it's like you get somebody to spend a one dollar a hundred times that's better than if you get them to spend 50 bucks once i mean [ __ ] it's easy to understand i talk about the payment issues people respond with a well-rehearsed retort of well i'm having fun and i think it's vital if you do respond with while i'm having fun good we are all glad no one wants you to stop having fun what we want is the company to treat you better your attitude is i don't care about the money i'm just focusing on the game then please understand we're actually advocating for the company to have the same attitude as you focus on making the game as fun as it can be and people will buy it because it's fun no that's a really good point i feel like more people should talk about that is the fact that like a lot of the people that have problems with like uh practices like this they have problems with it and like they're advocating for the player it's almost like these people feel like they have to defend the game like oh i have to defend the game i have to make sure that the game is uh is okay i'm defending blizzard like no bro like we're trying to help you not because you've designed it to be as close to fun as possible so it keeps players around but not too much fun that they can enjoy it completely without paying off lizards first what we stand for is gameplay first which literally says to make our games as fun that's true you do play the game first and then five seconds after that then you go to the store as possible we're not saying diablo immortal shouldn't be monetized shouldn't be abusively monetized we push on and go and kill leoric see like i don't really give a [ __ ] if it's abusively monetized i just care if it has loot boxes take loot boxes out of the game and you will immediately see everybody quitting because the only reason why these games these pay to win [ __ ] fests are successful is because it convinces [ __ ] into thinking that they could be the one that wins and the moment that you take that out of it it's gone if somebody goes to the store and they see you need you buy this for 50 bucks and you need 50 of them in order to make an item they can easily do the math and think to themselves this is a waste of my [ __ ] time but if you put it in a little special box and sometimes it doesn't drop and it's only five dollars then somehow people convince themselves that it's different that's what it is it's not a real diablo game until you've killed leoric during this part of the battle pass and the boon of plenty in the shop and when i finish the lyric dungeon i'm presented with the exciting opportunity to spend more money to buy the mad king's breach bundle 500 one-time rewards specific to this dungeon your reward for finishing a dungeon is the opportunity to spend money this happens in every dungeon and you'll notice the costs of the pack slowly increase because it's only 18. not only do they increase but the the bonus percentage like now you're only getting 390 well over here you only get 2600 260 percent this is only 240 guys it's going down and about the values going down the prices are going up but you're still playing the game you're still addicted you can't stop now you're gonna get to 60. when you finish one dungeon that's fine but once you've spent 89p you're invested which means they can make things more and more expensive until they stop giving you any real discount for buying the dungeon packs but you're still doing it because by then not buying it would be wasting the money you've previously spent exactly effectively just imagine if finishing a dungeon for the first time in world of warcraft rewarding the best part about this was whenever this happened there were people in my chat that were like well actually i mean i i don't really like doing mythic plus so like if they want to do this i mean i mean i don't i mean look i mean it's not too bad i i yeah it's too bad yeah like really there are some people that were like this sounds good to me the opportunity to spend money to unlock extra rewards i'm going to come back fully explain the battle pass and boon a plenty because it is even worse than it seems the demon effect under the glass floor however that is awesome and the boss fight itself is great more story we kill that the boss fight was garbage i think all the boss fights are [ __ ] garbage best but not really who's lethas you ask no one cares doesn't matter the story in the diablo game is background she's really hard they should have made us many times you'll be introduced to a character go on a quest with them then watch them die in a heart-wrenching hero's death sacrifice themselves for a greater cause and you're expected to care and i'm thinking mate i've known you 10 minutes the only reason i remember your name is because it's above your head while you're dying we now unlock legendary gem crafting and this is the system we'll be pouring most of our wallet into it we now learn about sockets gems elder rifts and crests so this is probably the time to talk about the game's main system the elder riffs and how they're going to cost you an incredible amount of money to do efficiently in fact if you complete one rift every five minutes and want the best loot from them you'll be spending around 240 pounds an hour to grind this game oh that's actually not that bad i thought it was gonna be more oh it's pounds never mind so it's like six thousand dollars in the united states dollars never mind i think like realistically it's like 500 bucks let me break that down for you while diablo immortal doesn't 300 dude i thought pound was like two to one it's 300 oh [ __ ] okay i didn't know i thought it was like two to one no yeah it used to be yeah i i i'm not up to up to date my main campaign storyline and indeed you are required thanks for watching this to unlock the hell plus difficulty in riffs the majority of your gameplay both grinding and post story will be in an elder rift an elder rift is a procedurally generated dungeon you can enter solo or in a team of up to the procedure that they use to generate the dungeon is control c control v four there is a party finding mechanic but remember it's cross platform play not cross server as we discovered when callum observers of mine made a character currently there is no way to transfer your character from one server to another you just need to restart while in a rift you'll see a timer to the left the little hourglass symbol moves along the bar from left to right as you kill enemies the bar itself fills up when the bar is full the boss will spawn kill the boss before the timer runs out to get the loot leave and repeat this is the absolute core of the pve diablo experience grind enemies for better equipment to grind enemies better but before you start a riff you have to keep in mind you're getting the same equipments with different stats and you're fighting the same enemies with bigger numbers there's no transformation here there's never a point where you go from point a to point b no it's just you just do the same thing over and over and over again you can choose to add in crests either normal or legendary adding crests increases the chance higher rarity loot will drop from the boss kill you can see the potential loot increase as you add crests now as soon as the crest screen shows three empty slots on the right hand side and shows zero out of three you'd assume that each player can add up to three crests well no they can add way more but it's hidden and we'll come to that later i like how you whenever you get the opportunity after three it's like so you wanna do one two three all right bro we know you're a whale got scoot let's do seven more come on man you don't want to waste your time do you diablo immortal is personal no other player can steal your rare or legendary loot now adding in legendary crests as a player always guarantees you a legendary item but it does also give a slight boost to the other players in your party and increases their chance to receive runestones or fading embers both immediate upgrade currencies this has led to the rather toxic situation of parties kicking players who aren't using crests because they well why wouldn't they right i mean like if you can't afford to run twenty dollar rifts i mean it looks like you just can't afford to play the game feel those so is this actually true like i mean i don't really like i quit this game so like i don't even know but but is this true like you actually get kicked out if you're not spending real money in the game [ __ ] yes that is so awesome i love it wow the shamelessness of that is just absolutely [ __ ] disgusting holy [ __ ] i've been kicked before wow non-cresting players are not paying their way using crests always benefits imagine being a no press german party you cannot choose your drop potential but to truly understand the absolute insidious nature of how powerful these legendary crests are and why they are considered pay to win and know how much money you can end up spending on them we need to understand how the other currency systems work but it's gonna be hard to feed into almost everything else so we need to take a look at the very foundation of the monetization system for context now the game itself is a tangled web of interwoven systems which all relate to each other and it's designed that way to hide the actual monetary cost of any single system because of this that's right so you bought yeah you buy you you buy tokens you put them in the blizzard store and then you buy eternal orbs then you buy with eternal orbs you buy platinum and then with platinum you buy uh the items that you want so like whenever you buy the item that you want it's like well actually how much is this again i forgot and that's what it's supposed to do right yeah it it it's supposed to obfuscate the amount of money that you spend spider web design it's very difficult to find a starting point so hold on because this might get complicated while i break bet it i have so far experienced in diablo immortal 22 different currencies and raw materials used to feed into various shops and upgrade systems they are gold dropped from enemies used in upgrading equipment eternal orbs premium buyable currency used for buying things in the shop platinum used in the market board for posting and buying items player to player bought with eternal orbs battle points used to progress the battle pass and earn the battle pass rewards earned by completing riffs dungeons bought directly with eternal here we go scrap materials used to upgrade items earned from salvaging unneeded equipment at the blacks right spend the hilt merchant on limited monthly or weekly stock earned by progressing the battle pass normal gems combines to upgrade non-legendary gems bought from the hilt merchant found in rifts using normal crest and made by combining runes at the apprentice jewelers yes runes dropped in rifts when you are using crests or someone in your party is using a legendary crest oh so that's why you don't want to have any no crest leechers in your group because you're not going to get runes so if you're not giving blizzard money you're effectively stealing from your friends so far found 21 different runes garnet sapphire and beryl three gems which all combine to upgrade the legacy of the haradrim a system which you unlock once you're level 49 and have completed 10 challenge rifts crests improve rift drops slightly you get one free a day bought from the hilt merchants legendary crests improve rift drops by a lot and guarantee a legendary bought from the cash shop for orbs premium shop dungeon chest unlocked after you finish that dungeon you can also buy one a month from the hilt merchant using in-game currency on the battle pass the sigil of dog imagine that you have to wait once a month to get one of the basic legendary crests that you can buy once a [ __ ] month man meanwhile you've got [ __ ] whales dropping down 10 of them every 5 minutes dominance advances your immortal standing a higher level end game faction enchanted dust and upgrade material used on higher level item upgrades found by salvaging rare equipment reinforcing stones re-rolling attributes on equipment bought in the cash shop aspirant's keys unlock rare chests in dungeons earnable on the battle pass oh i didn't do that i didn't buy any reforged stones i didn't even know i could do that holy [ __ ] i forgot all about that goria found when fighting helique demons and refined into hellfire scoria at the blacksmith hellfire scoria upgrades the heliquery a repository of demonic power you add to by defeating demons and provides you passive buffs legendary gem fragments which combine into legendary gems found in rifts when crests are used and also sometimes on the battle pass enigmatic crystals upgrades your secondary slot items found in challenge riffs and bought from the materials vendors write this down guys monster essence upgrades the heradoric altar dropped by monsters in the overworld round fading embers earned from riffs and used by basic gems at the merchants i forgot about that echo crystals bought from the crystal merchant for 500 platinum and used to upgrade runes beyond level five wait is there a platinum just for currencies and upgrade materials most of them links directly to the progression of the battle pass which itself requires battle points which are farmed most efficiently by completing rifts so of course now we can go back and look at legendary crests and this is where it gets both psychologically and mathematically abusive and also like he um he made an addendum to this or like a correction to this is that he actually forgot a currency because there are legendary crests and then there are also eternal legendary crests and eternal legendary crests are only viable on the store and the difference is that eternal legendary crests you can uh the gems you get out of those you can sell on the auction house but for the regular losers that can only afford to get one one a month uh they can't sell their gyms legendary crests are sold in the shop for orbs orbs are bought from specific pack sizes that's right a legendary crashed costs 160 the shop sells orbs in packs of 60 or 315. there are high let's look at these for now 60 is too few and 315 is only five orbs shy of 320 which is how many we need to afford two legendary crests this is by design when of course opens the shop and they've already yeah they want to get you to the point where you're edging they want you to be edging so you just you buy it again you're like i just i just buy it again it's it's just four bucks it's four bucks i'll buy a bite again committed to buying something the game doesn't want you to consider how much you're buying but how much you need for the next efficient purchase because that's always going to be a much lower number so a player won't think i'm buying 315 orbs yeah they'll think i'm only five orbs short of two crests so they'll look into the larger 899 pack which has 630 orbs that may seem like a random number to add but it's remarkably specific because four legendary crests at 160 orbs each costs 640 orbs meaning even with that pack you're now 10 short but that's only 10 but you may as well bomb a bigger pack 22 pounds and get you 1 650 orbs a player isn't thinking just keep trying 1650 they're thinking i only need five and then i only need 10. and once you've bought the one thousands of getting quality wouldn't you know it there's actually a button on the legendary crest screen to buy 10 crests for 1 600 orbs super convenient it's almost like everything is designed to flow into buying that 22 pound orb pack and then spending that on 10 legendary crests well you should buy that one because it's you get 10 percent extra too you've got to keep that in mind so now you have 10 crests because you've been able to justify only needing five then only needing 10. this is abusive pricing now adding a crest to a rift increases the drops a little and adding a legendary guarantees a decent drop the shop even explains adding a legendary is guaranteed to reward a legendary gem that can be sold on the market now you need platinum for the market but don't worry about that right now you've got 10 years yeah don't worry about starting a rift and you see three crest slots this means you'll be able to run three riffs on max crests and have one left over right no because if you do put three legendary crests into those slots a new option appears an option you will never find until you do this it asks hey want to add an add another seven you're adding seven more it's not like oh we're just gonna go one more go four five six no it's one two three ten another seven yeah why would the maxed enhanced elder rift experience there is no way to even find out that you can add 10 legendary crests in game until you add the first three and isn't it convenient that 10 crests can be added in a single run pack size that's most convenient psychologically 10 was designed to make you buy 10 crests but what actually happens if you add 10 crests to a run calum well i've seen what happens many times nothing and myself spent two days playing this game as free players seeing how far we could progress without spending any money and at around level 35 the experience required to level up increases sharply in the first day i went from level 1 to 40. and in a second day of nothing but endless grinding i went from 40 to 49. during a stream after two hours of elder rift runs averaging about five minutes per run and only seeing a few rare items donated callum 20 pounds on the agreement callum would spend it on ten legendary clubs hell yeah and use them that viewer was bobby he's trying to just get somebody else hooked you know callum's maybe spent fifteen hundred dollars since then yeah it's a blizzard operative hey hey here you go hey yeah yeah the first one's free first one's on me man hey i'm your friend there's a compilation of boss drops without using any crests this is the average experience a free player will have when they finish a rift dude my video about this is like a million views this is the free-to-play player experience okay that's it oh we got a bow wow all right how about that yeah that's it yeah yeah it's a big one and here's what a boss kill looks like when you have 10 legendary big money all right nothing legendary yet but um what the [ __ ] how many two legendaries three what the f four and you can sell them too the average free player will be able to earn 10 crests in about five to six months worth of casual play buying one a month from the hilt merchant and earning one from the free battle pass layout so what you have just seen using ten legendary crests on a single run is essentially six months worth of free player legendary crest loot six months more like six minutes because they were going slow condensed into a single chest wow diablo is known for dopamine spiking loot fountains like that killing a boss and watching loot explode is quintessential diablo design oh yeah that exact experience will cost you 20 pounds a time that rips took us five minutes to complete meaning you can complete about 12 rifts an hour if you 10 crest every rift at 20 pounds each you are spending 240 pounds an hour and yeah yeah yeah and and if you want to play and you want to be efficient the thing is like if you're doing it and the other people in your party aren't doing it they're leeching off of you so they should feel socially obligated to also be tin cresting as well you don't want to have any no crestors in your group dragging everybody down because they're selfish and stingy and poor you know even if you were mad enough to do that you are not guaranteed the drop you actually want as this streamer discovered spending five thousand dollars and not writing a level five legendary gem quick update on that as writing the script and editing these videos takes a few days and that new story has since changed that streamer has now spent ten thousand dollars and still has no five-star legendary gem wait guys another update um we're up to eighteen thousand dollars and still no legendary gems what a surprise but it gets even more insidious because there are laws requiring loot boxes in games to show the odds of any item received in that loot box what rifts are is essentially just loot boxes with some gameplay before the loot yeah but that timer means that technically completing a rift does require a base level of skill and this skill requirement means it's not gambling per se and because i love how like they tried to pull that [ __ ] and belgium and netherlands were like yeah we know what you're doing no you can't sell it here boy it's not a loot box you have to no it is you know it we know it everybody knows it no it's not happening yeah it's that's how that's how it's supposed to work so this very important distinction diablo immortal does not have to list the drop percent chance of any individual item from a boss you could just put the legendary crests into a box they would have to tell you but if you put the crests into a rift attempt play the rift and then get the box that single step of intermediate gameplay means they can avoid the loot box labels and that's the difference between a government that doesn't care in the government that does is that belgium and the netherlands just said [ __ ] you we know what you're doing you can't sell it that's it everybody [ __ ] knew what you're doing like no it doesn't matter like oh but your rules say yeah well you're different that's all there is to it we are just trying to get around the rules yeah 100 yeah and over here in other places the government just doesn't care they don't care about the people they care about their default rift while the crests are active those crests are returned to you you don't lose them meaning one crest will always ultimately open the effective loot box of a boss kill now it might seem a little bit strange to be able to put one two three or ten crests in it seems normal but the temple is a common trope in gacha games being able to draw one or draw ten from a random gotcha chance game is a classic i don't know this it can actually help to think of diablo immortal as a gacha game they've just replaced the animation of the opening of the box with five minutes worth of gameplay to really enhance the tension of that drop legendary crests are effectively keys to loot boxes the rift itself is the process of getting to the loot box and this process means it doesn't have to show you the drop rates but we're not even close to the final level of monetization and it's hidden in the awful fine print finishing a rift gets you battle points and these unlock the battle pass system this is a linear track with rewards unlocked as you advance through it there are two layers to this track advancing simultaneously the free and the empowered both run at the same time so whenever you unlock a free reward you're reminded of what's waiting for you if you were empowered unlockable exactly yeah because like they want to have it like right there next to you so it's like hey man i know you did really well but you are kind of a loser because you're only spending as much imagine only one pulling you know imagine only doing one pull at a time that's just loser behavior empowered track costs 499 and comes with some cosmetics or you can go for the collector's empowered unlock and get not only cosmetics but instantly boost 10 ranks ahead of where you are now the developers have repeatedly said you can not buy power or items in india you have like words like collectors like isn't that just farming people that have like ocd and [ __ ] i don't know am i the only person it's like what do you mean collectors the game just came out it's a collector's edition battle pass yeah you're farming ocd andes oh my god there it is and then use the orbs to buy crests and then run to get the drops there are steps between money and item and this is how they justify it however buying the empowered collector's battle pass costs 13 pounds and boosts you 10 ranks along now the rank reward is a legendary offhand weapon so how is this not paying for equipment well because the legendary offhand weapon is the free track reward you can pay to boost to get it instantly but they will argue that's not what you're paying for oh so it's for free but if you pay you get it immediately oh that's so cute now i know why this took four years to put together that's the free player reward too but you still have to play the game to gain the battery orbs from rifts and dungeons to level up the battle pass right if you click rank up you can just spend orbs to instantly boost your battle pass to maximum that's literally the first thing that i did i remember the first thing that i did is i just took that slider all the way to the right i [ __ ] boosted my battle pass all the way to max and i had the full set of armor and i looked awesome at the very beginning and then some guy was like oh there's a whale oh there's a whale you know what that guy is doing right now he's getting farmed by mega shields and rich campbell in [ __ ] battlegrounds he's writing another [ __ ] reddit post about how quinn should stop playing the game he's already banned in my chat blocking all the rewards instantly i've managed to grind the battle pass rank 13 for free with 27 ranks left to go boosting to maximum would cost me 4050 orbs meaning i still need to spend over 65 pounds on orbs to skip the grind the smart thing to do is you just buy the smartest thing to do is you always just buy them a hundred dollars at a time because that way you get the most value for your money see you get 120 value versus 100 value but the problem is that 120 and 100 both of them multiplied by zero is still zero it's not worth [ __ ] and remember all of this is battle pass season one so if you aren't able to finish the battle pass legitimately before season two releases you might be tempted to pay real money to boost to get the final rewards when the second season comes out get ready to unlock and pay and buy again but the battle pass isn't the only paid for progression system there is a worse one this is the boon of plenty this advertises itself as a 30-day membership with daily login rewards and some mechanical boosts such as more inventory slots and being able to access the market board from anywhere it costs 8.99 but what i'm interested in is the way the login rewards are distributed the boon of plenty says that you get these total rewards over 30 days right let's read the fine print and see how it actually works plenty can be purchased multiple times stacking up to 90 days i have 90 days on my account i do i'm never gonna play the game again you know what actually there we go all right ease of daily gifts daily gifts can only be claimed while the boon of plenty is active otherwise they will be lost so if you have a boon of plenty active and you log in every day for seven days you'll get one regular crest a day for a total of seven but if you fail to log in for those days and you only log in on the seventh day you won't have a stack of crests waiting for you you'll just of course none for that day the missed days are effectively lost so paying so you're you're basically paying you this is like paying for like bdsm like it's nuts man good job mr sherman no guys like i mean the game sucks i don't want to play it it's a bad game i would play diablo immortal if it was a good game i play lost ark it has a lot of this [ __ ] in it too but the difference is lost ark is actually good diablo immortal is not it's not a good game you take away all the monetization and it's still a bad game i'm never going to do pvp what do you think i want to spend my own [ __ ] time i have such little self-respect i want to get farmed out by a whale or i want to spend 20 000 to be one myself that sounds like the worst thing ever why would i ever want to do that it's awful no [ __ ] way i want to do that and so yeah of course required i spend a second of my life playing a game like that 899 doesn't get you all of this stuff it gets you the chance to get all of this stuff provided you keep you paid them to make you super scummy extra gifts can be claimed every five cumulative login dates cumulative login days carry over to the next boon of plenty period and then it gives you a list of which gifts are handed out on cumulative days a single legendary crest at 5 10 and 50. keep in mind that these are not eternal legendary crests okay like don't get greedy guys you thought you were gonna get eternal legendary crests uh-uh not unless you open up your [ __ ] wallet not gonna happen i mean a legendary and a legendary gem at 20 and 25 and then two legendary crests at 30 so things aren't evenly spaced being given two crests on thirty cumulative login days matters because if you miss a login day you effectively miss that reward and you will lose it until you buy more boons of plenty think of it that's really special isn't that cute isn't that so [ __ ] cute it's like paying a gem to remind you to go to the gym yeah exactly like this if you have a boon of plenty active and you log in every day for 30 days on the 30th day you'll get two legendary crests but if you miss a single day in that 30-day period when you log in and the boon isn't active your two legendary crests from the first boon are held until you log in for one more day it's not consecutive it's cumulative meaning in total so if you miss a single day in the 30 day period you now need to buy another 30 days to make the boon active again and continue logging in to add days to the cumulative tracker don't think of the boon of plenty as the rewards it shows you think of it as you are paying for the privilege for your days to count toward cumulative rewards you are effectively paying to be involved in a fear of missing out process when i say diablo immortal is not a product to be sold it is a pr it that is in my opinion the fact that you have to pay for your daily login rewards process this is exactly what i mean this is one like whenever chris wilson said it wasn't a game whenever i first heard that i'm like man that's a bit harsh never mind they sell them in sets of three stacking up to 90 days because they know people will miss a day and they won't realize hang on i've got rewards being held back until that 90 days is up this is why they lock two legendary crests on the 30th log index if you spend a a single day you're now in a position of buy another 30-day boon you'll lose out on a valuable reward you've been working towards so yeah like if you're at 27 days you might as well buy 30 more days because that will allow you to get to the next uh the next two crests and then 30 days after that let's say you're at 23 days well i mean [ __ ] i might as well buy another one i'm still playing the game i might as well buy another boon because that's going to keep me it's like they're keeping you on the carousel this is quite simply one of the most abusively designed systems i've ever seen in a game it is stunningly anti-player it looks like you pay 8.99 to get these things when you're actually paying 8.99 for the opportunity to have your login days count toward earning these things but we are still not done nothing says prodigy like paying somebody money for you to get more bonus items oh wow i'm a prodigy i'm so smart i'm so smart i like to give blizzard [ __ ] hundreds of dollars to it with the prodigies system you gain rewards every five levels then when you hit the max level of 60 you'll gain rewards every five paragon levels up to 85 but just as with the battle pass there is a free path and then the adjacent paid and it costs 18 pounds to unlock the paid prodigies path reward side but we're still not done oh but wait there's one more final revelation by now you've probably seen the number one hundred and ten thousand dollars thrown around this is the figure the gaming news wants you to believe that youtuber belyala arrived at when he tried to work out how much it worked i love how like belliour just took this from this other guy greg who just took this from the sky on reddit and now every gaming news website is repeating yeah it's 110 000 is it yup that's right ted it's 110 000. absolutely meanwhile [ __ ] this just got masked out by some random guy on reddit and it's obviously not true it's way more fast to max a diablo immortal character despite the fact he never actually arrived at that figure specifically he was discussing how much it could potentially cost to max out a character and the total cost of one hundred thousand dollars was mentioned as well oh my god i never even reviewed that kotaku article talking about how um he's mad that other people don't like the game shut up and let me enjoy the game potential himself out we talked about a claim a redditor made eugeno's picked that up claimed we said it and then spread it across the internet whatever the final thing is very disappointing that so many people that write news articles are not interested in finding out what's true it is very disappointing is that they're like it it's so annoying leveling all six of your legendary gems up because you can only equip one of each type of gem will take a hell of a lot of reagents of course remember you need equal level gems to funnel into a single gem to level it up meaning that that's why that's why you shouldn't be expensive to do always the absolute worst design choice the most anti-player design possible in this monetization madness is that everything the battle pass your enhanced membership of it your progress along it's your legendary gems your prodigies path your membership season the haradric alter the monstrous essence stash your platinum for the market board and your collected gold the regular crests and legendary season remember cost 20 pounds a time to 10 crest a rift in fact every single thing except the abusively priced eternal orbs all of it is per character not per account if no way so you can't trade legendary gyms to different accounts to different characters on your account i i've got to reinstall it so i can uninstall it again like i i i really i have to like somebody's got to stop these people what is this [ __ ] you want to have multiple characters you will be paying for all of this several all of them and wow includes cosmetics so you spend 20 pounds to unlock a cosmetic out no way you only get it on the character you buy it for wow this has caused players to review bomb the game and drop critic score down to 0.5 maybe it's the lowest rated game of all time despite this it has so far made six million dollars in the first few days i think it's probably made way more than that to be honest with you i think that six million is just a projection and i think that it's way more because you've got to keep in mind this is what a lot of people don't understand is they're probably doing mathematics of scale but the real mathematics are like the 0.1 that are just like [ __ ] whatever it costs you know put it on my card i'm gonna be number one i'm a winner and i'm gonna pay for it so now i've played for a few days and i've looked into the systems behind it watch the actual version the truth is that two seemingly contradictory things can both be equally valid diablo immortal is an extremely fun game to play the com i will as i've said before strongly disagree with that i think that diablo immortal is a [ __ ] game the content is garbage the progression path is on rails and trash the amount of character customization is minimal the pvp is pay to win there's nothing good about the game i'm sorry like there's no there's nothing good about the game that's great the bosses are flashy i enjoyed my time playing the battle system is great the synergy between the classes is nice and the set and legendary items affecting your skills makes for a wide selection of viable builds running solo is fun running in a group is super enjoyable but if i didn't stream i probably would have played the game for two days i would have played the game the first day and then i would have been like okay i would have logged on woken up the next day gotten online played it again and then that day is probably whenever i would have quit why play at all oh for content i played for content on stream right i thought viewers would want to see the new game i wanted to play it for content i did content's [ __ ] over i'm done i'll watch videos about the game and stuff like this sure i'm not playing that piece of [ __ ] again i am someone with a great deal of self-control when it comes to money it is indeed fun but it is also insidiously developed from the ground up to funnel every player action toward the cash shop someone said to me just turn your brain i know that i i mean on being like addicted to video games and stuff like this oh man i've got to spend more money on this micro transaction that's a joke i don't really think like this i this not it's not fun for me like i'm just putting on a show i don't do this off screen i i don't i don't i never do this off screen delete the character i don't want somebody to take my name i don't want to delete the character because like if they add new content that i want to look at like in six months or something i don't i want to have a 60. like if there's something new while i understand the sentiment of enjoy the flashing lights and loud noises i am someone who enjoys engaging their brain and solving the puzzle of the game the puzzle of min maxing the puzzle of build variety and team composition i enjoy having to engage my brain to beat a game but if you do that with diablo immortal you will ask yourself lots of questions and the answer to every question is money the credit card and if you're still thinking having fun great so have i your fun is not invalid no one wants you to stop having fun we want the game industry to treat you better we want the game industry to put a little more focus i love how like yeah that this is actually a much better because like for me i'd be an [ __ ] and i would be like yeah i don't want you to have fun because your idea of fun is being a [ __ ] loser who can't win on their own you know i would be an [ __ ] but honestly josh is way more diplomatic than i am he's way more divine because he's right though he's completely [ __ ] right we do want to yeah just have the games treat players like real players and that's it not treat him like [ __ ] garbage man it's awful now i don't think that sounds better when he says it i know it's way better there's not a million hate threads about him yeah exactly and yeah i'm not nice about this at all holy [ __ ] to making the game fun and a little less into making it predatory i feel it's our responsibility as youtubers to hold these companies to account and maybe focus on making the game fun i disagree with that i don't think we can hold them to account and that's why we're gonna talk to [ __ ] politicians and we're gonna get legislation passed one way or another or at least we're gonna [ __ ] try to get the [ __ ] out of games because it is gambling it is marketed towards kids it is deceptive it is manipulative and it is bad and you know what if you get taken advantage of i don't feel sorry for you for a second but the only thing that i i detest more than people with low [ __ ] uh low self-control are people these little parasites that prey on it i don't really respect people that don't have self-control do not buy microtransactions i think they're [ __ ] stupid but the only things that i don't like more than them are the people that are making money off of it i've had enough of it uh politicians get paid to stay quiet about it same as gun policy yeah that's probably true but we'll [ __ ] try yeah we'll [ __ ] try it doesn't mean we can't try right not spending time working out how you can get around the definition of loot box and if you think diablo isn't gambling remember it's already been banned in belgium and the netherlands while i'm foul of the eu gambling laws sure but has diablo immortal lived up to the expectations that blizzard have set for themselves on blizzard's website on the about section you can find eight what we stand for sections the two that i think stand out the most are gameplay first and lead responsibly in the gameplay first section it says it is our job to make our games as fun as possible for as many people as we can reach i do not believe diablo immortal is designed to be as fun as possible i think that's not true i think that it's supposed to be as fun as possible but it's supposed to cut you off from the fun at the very second that they can get you to spend money you know what i mean like that's what it is like because a lot of these free-to-play games they forgot the most important thing if you want people to spend money on your game it has to be a good game that's why people make excuses for oh wow's not pay to win oh no it's not paid to win what do you mean you could buy a wow token and then buy gold and buy gear and use it in pvp to increase your rating well that's not really pay to win because what if you lose the game you know like yeah they're gonna oh what do you mean lost ark's not pay to win well yeah you could buy gold you could buy honing stone so you can hone your gear to make your gear better but you can still fall off the edge on vault and so it's not really pay to win is it right i mean you can still lose if it's pay to win but you can lose it's not pay to win right yeah it's okay yeah right and they're making excuses for it because they like wow or they like lost ark but it's [ __ ] pay to win you know it i know it everybody knows it i believe it's been designed to be as fun as it needs to be to keep people playing and then monetized the next self-imposed standard is lead responsibly which at the bottom says we are committed to making ethical decisions always keeping our players in mind and setting a strong example of professionalism and excellence at all times that is true i mean i think that they have set a completely new standard for monetization with diablo immortal and i can't wait to see what innovations they come up with next maybe what they can do is they can take a picture they can have like an identifier that um like it will identify if you somehow get your dick on camera and it will take a snapshot of it and you'll have to pay 3 500 eternal orbs for them to remove the snapshot from the blizzard database of your dick and if you don't do that they post it to your twitter account yeah i mean you never know guys i mean the the possibilities are endless i cannot believe that decisions were made immortal with the players in mind i believe they were made with the payers in mind of course of forbes writes diablo immortal is ten times worse than gentian impact in the article he says even compared to other mobile titles diablo immortal is going above and beyond with its micro transactions in a way that's far far worse than most other games in this genre diablo immortal is quite yeah but did he say to play it or not did he say that it was a good game because like as i said what i really want to fight against here is the idea that it's a good game it is literal trash it is literal regurgitated [ __ ] human centipede two girls one cup [ __ ] regurgitated garbage that we have seen 10 years ago and i'm sick of it one man simply an excellent gameplay experience destroyed by being completely infested with predatory systems designed to make you spend more money than is acceptable it is the rotten corpse of diablo covered in good-looking clothes it deserves to make money but not like this it deserves prayers for the good parts but you cannot ignore its anti-player design so i do actually agree with diablo immortals opening cut scene we as players do need to stand together against the rising evil that rising evil diablo is you thank you very much for watching another massive thank you to all the supporters on patreon and twitch you can get that live you can support from only one pound a month check the video description for links to the patreon twitch twitter and our discord true as always have a great day holy [ __ ] man like what a video i was expecting this to be good and it was good holy [ __ ] man let me let me link this for you guys uh so everybody can give it some support josh has made great videos for a long time i've watched them for a little bit less than that and i think that they're [ __ ] great uh they are amazing watch the amendment i already did i watched it the day that it came out i just didn't watch the whole video then yeah i already saw part two guys there's the video please watch it please give it a like please give them some support man uh this video is absolutely necessary like i will the thing is like i was thinking about playing all the way through diablo immortal but i don't want to because i don't like it yeah i don't really like it that much yeah that that's about it um i i think that obviously it would be a um yeah we get it yeah you guys get it you pretty much get the idea of it might do an all craft this week about diablo immortal maybe bring on some of the guys and figure it out a recent update yeah i saw that already really rush predatory games didn't make so much money well they wouldn't be predatory if they didn't make a lot of money what kind of a predator does it [ __ ] get its prey well it's not really a predator in that case is it of course [ __ ] not man uh rich likes yeah i think there's a saying this game is worse monetization is stupid it's pretty bad man watch this two's video about last video about lost ark i will watch it at some point no i i will stu this video yeah i'll get to that you old saying the moment that you find the game unenjoyable just quit yeah exactly what what's the utility and labeling games pay to win whenever it catches literally every game with with trading because it's outside of this of the scope of the tos i think that if the scope of the tos does not allow something it doesn't really count in my mind here's the way that i see it is i look at a game like diablo immortal and it is fundamentally built completely around around these systems that's all it is is it's just these systems there's nothing else besides that it's just one way it's like basically um it's like you're going to a carnival and each carnival takes money that's it uh you should really cover bdo it's the only game that really shits uh shifts your money out and breaks your gear if you [ __ ] it up you think that's more toxic than any other [ __ ] uh i know about bdo i played it many times i've i've at one time i hit two phones together and i said that you know there's a 50 chance it'll turn into a samsung s8 or it's a 50 chance they'll both break i think that's what i did the first time and uh it's just annoying man it's a ponzi scheme designed as a game it's not really a ponzi scheme it's just a manipulative [ __ ] game like that's all there is to it it's a manipulative [ __ ] game that blizzard has unfortunately attached the ip of one of their only like like games that people have any degree of nostalgia for behind it man it's literal [ __ ] trash it's disappointing and that's all there is to it really like i think it [ __ ] sucks i was hoping diablo immortal would be better i was hoping that like i was hoping that it would be like lost ark where lost ark is pay to win trash but at least it's fun at least it's a good game [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,148,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: 7f8LZw73fDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 56sec (4616 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 15 2022
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