A͏s͏mongold Reacts To The "Most Delusional WoW Player" | By PILAV (ft. Mcconnell)

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most delusional Wow player and it's McConnell what do you want look I was I was wrong about classic but here's a okay no no no classic it's not the savior of Wow okay classic isn't great oh oh excuse I'm sorry honestly I am officially insane this Karuna lockdown in my country for past two months you can't go in the bed if you sit well you literally go to jail you're playing this yeah I see them right to jail right away you undercook fish believe it or not jail I was in the toilet of the night and I told myself damn imported yeah and then I realized I actually do have a YouTube channel that gets four hundred thirty thousand views in every video you know that's kind of fun this video has no purpose whatsoever I'm just going to open up my folder and everything I recorded the past five months I'm going to scramble into this whatever thing I make people are mad I make people mad of course you do yeah why you talk [ __ ] about classic you sort of being trash how about your third fix your economy so now I have to explain people and I don't hate classic meant Nate slob after looking through this folder full of recordings a lot of clips of from classing Wow I don't hate that last clown guys sometimes you just sit on your alt he's vapor bgq and then there's this random guy behind you're doing this weird Wow I'm going to show you the story of me and my guilt and our adventures in classic the bombing of Yugoslavia what the work is that the bombing of you so why the [ __ ] are you talking about that McConnell what do you mean the yuccas all like how does that have anything to do with like I'm just wondering how that comes up in a conversation what are you talking about we were talking about topics outside of America it's not good to just stay in your own little [ __ ] bubble dude you got to learn about other countries and you know how they're living what kind of people are there you know [ __ ] step out your goddamn bubble there'll be a piece of [ __ ] yeah okay all right I'm the piece of [ __ ] all right I got it but as it is it was a peacekeeping mission in your eyes looking mission it's a piece okay that's what I thought it was but it was a peacekeeping mission it's a peacekeeping mission in your eyes reading Wikipedia bravas there are seven years of age kid who was about to go to school off never mind this might sound crazy right I need you guys to draw a dick Gilbert vent man do I get to make a dick and order yeah it does say here the bombing killed about 489 and 528 civilians that's just from the [ __ ] impact of the bomb but the bomb was uranium he was like a chemical weapon this embassy steps on out a dick with pissed it was [ __ ] I see that so is this unlike his stream or something no it's just like we were just joined up in this square and we talked about okay it's closed if not be just the Obama guy to close the Kabul but what what what okay Julie look in hell you guys [ __ ] doing a skit that's not a dick get close the decal Kitty close the [ __ ] oh my god left testicle is trolling you had a bad egg Zack super making optimal use of DMF buff do you really have the high quality classic content this guy's world buffed for trying to lay down in the shape of a dick in organ okay that's not true classic ma bro I didn't have time for the haircut I grow a genetics a gross [ __ ] oh it's gone I'm black no once you go black I need to calm down to go alright now I need the mobis maybe to leave for a healer oh wow so let me get this straight McAuley you just got a discord randomly with two oven argued him argued with them about bombings well I mean it wasn't just me and him it was a couple other people too there's like 10 people in there I was kidding I was getting a little you know education man yeah and what'd you learn well look dude I love America mm-hmm but I do too at the same time you got to come to grips with all the bad [ __ ] we've done you know what we do you can't you can't just look at all the good well what specifically do you mean that we did that was bad listen dude it's not my job to educate you okay go read a book okay all right I see how it is [ __ ] my [ __ ] mouth working oh nice for example the Middle East before Americans came over they were a happy place man yeah we're keeping the peace dude what would these countries be without America you know I mean nothing okay we need to open this [ __ ] I guess okay yo tell this [ __ ] for me please yo relax tips out you want proof of why America is the greatest yeah okay what language you speaking right now dude what BG's classic Wow battlegrounds are released this isn't ten oh this guy want a drink yeah I just kill the sergeant wait was that the same shirt no it wasn't like you guys can't just say the meme if it's not true was it no it wasn't the same shirt it was a difference okay go go back to it I want to see I wanna make double sure okay you can and look at the shirt that was not a v-neck this is a v-neck shirt there are two different shirts looks the same to me dude it's not the same there are two different sure this city still it's different lighting you've got it's just different lighting it's the same shirt different lighting hands on phase mouth wide open oh my [ __ ] god dude I just it's this it's not the same it's two different shirts okay I have a lot of grey shirts B's on that I just killed a sergeant [Music] in the morning close your eyes and think of serbia and what is the first thing you see open fields with leave all towns maybe like some some open cans of flame you mean man up you have to [ __ ] know what do you wanna make this kid didn't know how to screenshot oh my god how the [ __ ] does he not know how to screen shot dude Jesus Christ like what is going along with this the actual hammer here's what I'm looking at okay with the with Serbia here ok let me see let me message you're here sitting in front the throw that disrespect you have to stand up your even turn your back it's troll bro dude Luke that church is older than whole America it's not bad in breast ratings allowed after a few days ago we're just gonna skip ahead a little bit okay I'm not gonna take any more risks [Music] ix boston mythic today Oh what [ __ ] do man wake me up when you kill Elgin off anything you have anything you can't see him anymore easy game is gonna be okay together with pillow from Nashville's click and shredder special care now wanna draw that's a big no obtain Japan that's a country that's okay he has to describe how is that in Japan you stupid okay see guys classic vowel is not about skills and competition game about community and means of course this as time went on we defeated every villain of ass in your eyes service to the country right yes yes it's like you're dragging us down basically it's so likely money for you like how do you pick money for me cuz we're European Union mob we are not part of European Union the why the [ __ ] are you not in there we kind of want to be part but patrasche i said no no no no but they said if you wanna be part of European Union Li you have to accept independence of Kosovo [ __ ] you listen I have no [ __ ] idea anything about Eastern European pop I don't know either dude I don't know what what the [ __ ] is you isn't over there it was they've got some really strong opinions about it over there yeah yeah it goes back hundreds of years and I don't know what the [ __ ] is going on Kosovo is over I don't know dude no clue oh my god is this them killing it oh this is it right here right here right here yeah is this them killing the boss man like listen to the keypresses man holy [ __ ] just spamming whole goddamn [ __ ] booth okay on the ball on the ball my god that was close holy [ __ ] pill Wahb has wait up pilaf has hand of rag and bre and he was he was showing us on discourse I definitely oh dude literally all he was doing was just [ __ ] running around a major city he was not playing this game and he has the shoulders I want I don't have those shoulders and yet has those yep Jesus man see gameplay there is nothing to feel like I'm locked for the Maltin Gordon mean lel that's it I'm done for this week and there's a lot of content there's things that will entertain you for months and months and months oh man that's crawling through this folder I even found clips of our guilt of doing PvP before the PGS came out [ __ ] refunds what [ __ ] jeez game out hundred goal to respec each week if you want a PvP can't do it without FAP slips laps and AIDS sappers long queue times premades versus randoms most people afk anyways if you play too much they call you a piece of [ __ ] and that's bracket breaking most cured players are usually the worst once so you're just standing there with them see you're getting smashed by this random rake 14 weapon because some other guy didn't sleep at all for the last three months and using one ability with his gear deletes you yes that's classy hey dude that's what I want [ __ ] grief bones [Laughter] [Music] conquered every a livestream killed your lions leave it all roadstead it feels like I'm flying so what's happening sailed oceans to reach their masses and slaughtered Iran they're doing this yep yep my board broke I'm such a monster oh my glasses pvp we've been through this Oh guess they're gonna stop my shaman and maids get a g5 just kidding my phantom out cutthroat cheap shot this man why the mage night wait dancing : simple see plenty more us better change our strategy completely just got the db2 Drake told us we can't bash fly trade give a song it's under you vanished satvatas vanish dancing thing is he's dead to God a peekaboo I think it's probably the best the best person for doing play arena like it's just like I think I think Zico is really good at breaking it down like like post match analysis he's like a god at doing that but like in terms of like just calling it out as it happens like it's really it's really good to watch him yeah Pico Zack peak is actually really really [ __ ] good I remember there's one time we went up against pika and like his team like it was like a yeah it was like him he's a rogue and a healer and then he had somebody who wasn't The Shadow Priests and we beat them and then they got on their actual team The Shadow Priests team and they farmed us for like two hours I was so [ __ ] pissed man and I just kept trying and we just kept losing every sometime we beat him once and I was like all right dude this is it man maybe I'm gonna go to Blizzcon then he gets on his actual Blizzcon team and we keep losing revamping any members [Applause] warrior number one warrior number one do this do you guys see that Sony digital got banned he said on his discord that him and his brother were account sharing their work out so they could farm honor you want to see well yeah course I mean yet duh like why the [ __ ] would you not do that like if I thought that I could pay my mom to afk that's wait actually mm-hmm whoa hold on no no no no no if honestly all right that's probably one of the biggest reasons why I'd want to have a kid is because I could get the kid to farm honor for me and it would actually not be against the TOS you know it would not be against it I'd have to keep at listen listen jr. if you want a happy meal if you want me to feed you today a hundred and twenty K on her that's right it's better get to work now you're not going to school today yeah that that [ __ ] can wait man I gotta get high [ __ ] award this month man rich [ __ ] this is rich it this is people with gates okay look this guy doesn't want to be seen on [ __ ] Google Maps original this was fun there's a couple million what da [ __ ] a wine cellar Jesus wait no you should have seen some today some of these places holy [ __ ] wow what take a picture of where you're starting grind gonna see the most expensive Serbian houses yep 7.2 million rows that room wait go back this one yeah it's a room [Laughter] it's like you have the view it's just another [ __ ] apartment building on the other side hands down my favorite classic content is gambling whoever rolls one wins this time okay if you don't one you win this time come here in the shadows of the door at all every 100 goals you're mad no I'm just like how everybody's classic content has just turned into death rolling like that that's basically at everybody's content is now just death wrong and that's it I'm blink I'm down I'm down somebody's in please do in I'm in I'm in ok ok [ __ ] yeah hundred gold to the dealer it's me like I'm dealing I take the gold like that's how it goes there you never gambled you shouldn't by the way pretty humbling you so bad I gambled online like on Facebook app right why are you saying no you're gonna mate little maze now that full American dude feels good to be an American look a million yeah if I don't see a flask you lose extra dqp smart this is so much better than any other [ __ ] plate look at this this is on set look at the villa Wow the pool because looting a kill very listen yeah there's a few there's a few things is wrong yeah there's a few there's a few things just a couple of things man couple things but you see this house at like would you want your kids to grow up in this house honestly I wouldn't because if my kid grew up in this house he would be an obnoxious rich kid piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] no like can you imagine how I'm not like imagine no actually those kids are really cool they probably watched twitch a lot you know what I mean they brought honestly those those kids are probably some of the most doubt down-to-earth people on earth then they're probably watching your stream in our stream right now my scream - I think they're pretty cool I don't know man I mean don't they have like soccer games they have to go to and like you know private jets need to fly so they can hang out with their friends from other countries like I don't know it's you jealous no [ __ ] no I'm not jealous go no jealous you can't play soccer I am very jealous that I can't play soccer you're right oh we're trying to ask Osman Gold the player than you next does pill wad play on us service can I actually even play with pull off if you want to I'm sure you would play on us if you wanted to oh okay I didn't even know like because I don't know what server is on and classic or like even retail like I guess he is I'm probably EU servers [ __ ] dude [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 732,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, asmongold classic wow, asmongold wow classic, classic wow, wow classic, pilav, pilav wow, pilav classic wow, pilav wow classic, mcconnell, asmongold mcconnell, mcconnell wow, mcconnell classic, mcconnell pilav, asmongold pilav reaction, asmongold classic, pilav most delusional, mcconnell delusional, pilav and mcconnell, mcconnell classic wow
Id: 0W2heaDbtTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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