Asmongold Deals With Even More Ninja Looting Drama Inside Olympus 4 (Classic WoW)

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you said that Cleve was lying no I never said he's lying I said he's dumb because moderation and Olympus poor dear Zack oh my oh no oh my god guys someone good oh my god Olympus poor again I was wondering if there's any way you could speak to one of the moderators of Olympus for every time I want to speak with the guild members people are either arguing or complaining about something completely unrelated to the game it's gotten to the point where I can't even look at the guild chat because it's just people fighting all the time I was wondering if there was a way that you could send a message to one of the GM's to fix this issue Kermit I'm telling you like Olympus for its like that's that's the containment you know like you know how certain websites have certain places for people to go to as like a containment area yeah that's a lymph is for sure it's sure [ __ ] is let me read this Draya TV I don't need that anymore thank you I'm gonna return that reporting lump us three members for conduct unbecoming of an Olympian [Music] I wore of Olympus for ran SM armory with Benxi and Gouda of Olympus three Ravager dropped wait somebody's messaging me saying these [ __ ] line they're already saying he's [ __ ] lying okay okay all right just give it us just give me a second okay Ravager dropped and good I claimed that we had we had all agreed to give it to Ben chief this was a bald-faced flat-out lied he refused us to admit it was a lie Ben she admitted what good acclaimed wasn't accurate but he tried to make excuses for gooda I have the screenshots it's a toxic two assassinated guildmates character because he got the drop he wanted the integrity of each guild member reflects upon the guild alright these guys on the line wait so the guy that sent me the letter told me that it is true and the other guy said that it's not true all right all right he says what's up okay I'm moving this to a window all right I heard there was a dispute regarding a Ravager okay well the suit he says the guy was a Heuer and dipped out [Music] it's not good poisoning it was already only message the other guy first let me see what the other guy said okay so alright cleave wait wait a second where's cleave so he has he has the screenshots okay I was a tank wait a second go to claim to listen accurate try to make excuses for good I have the screenshots okay good a is all right just a minute I was a tank gooda is a liar [Music] that guy is a warrior though like what do you mean like how is he I'm away yeah he's a warrior tank just tonight we gotta figure this out okay we're gonna bring him in we're gonna talk about this right here I give it a second I'm about to bring him into scored and we're gonna figure out what happened with this ravager cringing I'm actually cringing Ozzy whispering he goes if found guilty daddy should take them outside to the gates of the iron and publicly execute them in the know he went in the you went in the wrong discord believe you went in the wrong discord dude you're in the wrong [ __ ] discord okay Tom can you hear me one on men as I explained in my letter the these guys that called me at her either you know and and it was false so I wanted to just report that they were trying to claim that we had agreed and that was just completely false what about it was false we we all agreed at the beginning but then all three as was needed I gravida thank you so much and so in a drop I needed I what do you think you think me and then when I got it they tried to claim that I wasn't supposed to do so you so you have a problem but you got the ax yeah I got the ax and that's great my problem is that these guys were calling me a liar it's not true that's all since we're you know since we're guildmates you know I was just thinking I shouldn't happen between guildmates that is stupid that is really stupid okay so who was calling you a liar Buddha was calling me a liar well Judah was claiming that we had agreed that it would all go to this his friend banshee so but that wasn't true that was completely false he was lying through his teeth okay I can put him up on this boy okay put them up on this square or send them to me directly on discord you giving them any ghosts I've got somebody I've got I've got Gouda coming in okay Oh God good - come on all right now we'll see we'll see what's going on here okay guys walls why would you agree to give him the ax I never agree we never agreed on anything we agree all three of us agreed that we were going to be meeting on the act then when the time came they tried to claim it was supposed to all go to bed that's what supposed to good adventure so then I called them out and said no that's absolutely false they you know they wouldn't admit it okay I'll sue all right now presenting to you Gouda okay so Gouda like basically what what you're saying is that so you said that Cleve was lying no I never said he's lying I've said he's dumb because we he used a tank and we don't need him having the ravager when we had already a warrior DPS that needed the Ravinder over him so we could clear the dungeon faster four more to drop that's what my argument was but you wouldn't understand like that [ __ ] like he wasn't understanding so okay see what I'm saying if our other DPS had the ravager we'd be clearing the dungeon twice as fast how many runs I did like probably a hundred runs yesterday not with leave because no cleave we did one with him and then we got mad at him and we made a new party after he got the axe and March tanking right yeah shield yeah he had a mason shield he didn't need that Ravinder we had a warrior that could have used the Ravinder as we were doing the same why you need on the axe of your time I was a tank for that run on that you know I'm a ward we were speed to beat the tank we never agree you he lie through his teeth when he said that we agreed that the ravisher would go to Vinci that's a bald-faced flat-out lie we agreed at the beginning that we all were going to need on the road that's what we agreed ya know me and Ben have ran uh armory like a hundred maybe 200 times yesterday and we had one Ravinder to drop and it was with cleave so Ben and me were so fed up with like not having the Ravinder drop I agreed to give it to Ben but I guess I didn't I might have not set it to cleave when we were in the party so so cleave was not aware that you wanted Ben to get the Ravager and probably was not aware that you wanted Ben to get the Ravager we've need rolled on the ravager now was cleave tank SPECT or was cleave using a shield he was I don't know he agreed to be the tank for ours I can just look at your screenshots okay it looks like you don't have any tank abilities oh wait you're not 40 yet so what were you tenth where you arms or a fury or the Brawn for those who's using shield so you were you alarms is what you're saying I have some talents and honest but also some talented Rob okay number one that's a bad idea number two okay that that makes it more complicated all right so III do think that you should probably respect to just be either arms or prod I think probably just go arms because you should be able to DPS tank the dungeons anyway it's not a big deal and then you can use ravager and it won't even be a waste and that way you know everybody kind of comes out ahead so you get this item you're able to use this item and also on top of that you're playing a better spec so that's a win-win situation for you now in terms of him winning the ravager I think that if he goes in and he offers to tank because do you usually quest with a two-hander or with the shield I do both well usually questions with two hundred okay so you're basically playing differently and like so you're playing differently for this group specifically to be a tank for them yeah I don't think it would really be fair for gouta I don't think it'd be fair if you'd expect cleave to not roll on the ravager if he's playing tank specifically to help her but that's not necessarily his actual spec you see how that would be kind of unfair yeah yeah I mean good when we were doing the dungeon you see I'm saying like I'd rather have a DPS for our spam group to have the ravager over our tank that does not respect all the way for DPS you see I'm saying well yeah the problem with that though is that it's not necessarily always gonna be like that he's not necessarily always going to be in your group and just because you've done a lot of runs with bin she doesn't necessarily mean that the context of those runs should be applied to new people because even if you guys have done hundred runs to get him the axe and he hasn't gotten the ax unless the other person knows that this is a looot rule beforehand it doesn't seem fair for another person to come in and not be able to roll on an item especially if they don't know that in the first place you said yeah yeah and so like I I get the Prai I mean the frustration again like this is thing is that a lot of these lute things that I've had to deal with are basically just people that are [ __ ] pissed off that their [ __ ] hasn't dropped and I get it as I said I get it like I don't know how many [ __ ] runs I've done for this carapace if I go if I do the carapace and somebody else needles on it I'm gonna be upset too I'm gonna be really upset so I I totally get where you're coming from but and the thing with cleave I honestly like what you guys should have done is just had him two hander had him two hander tanked because if he's gonna be able to generate all this damage and aggro he should be able to two-hand tank the dungeon and then it wouldn't even be an issue to begin with right Oh after what was willing to keep tanking you know I was willing to keep tanking for them till they got the ravager but I wanted them to take back their claim that we totally false claim that we had agreed at the beginning that it would go to them me only agreement like that and I told him I wanted him to take back that claim okay so is that is that something that you're you're willing to like say maybe good you didn't you might not remembered if he said that before that guy was in a group or not yeah that's what I said to him I if you read the screenshots I said I might have not said it too you okay so then everything's sorted on yeah everything's fine yeah okay now you guys say that you guys are cool with each other yeah I'm cool all right yeah same here just keep running that [ __ ] dude bye and just like literally like leave [ __ ] respect man respec in arms spec in axe specialization cue up with them again now you're gonna have to Ravagers if it drops again and you're gonna queer the dungeon so much [ __ ] faster like there's no reason for you to tank with a sword and shield 90 percent of the time trust me sure all right thanks all for coming in here guys hopefully this sorts everything else yep priest 1 hardened squid ok there we go alright so that's sorted out everything's good yeah there we go I got him for sure well no we sorted it out that's no big deal it is you have a wives no it's not a big deal uh faith trauma no it's dude everything's fake man everything's fake think yeah that's actually McConnell and s fun with voice changers listen every once in a while some dumb [ __ ] actually just happens if I know this might be a big surprise to you guys but every once in a while some dumb [ __ ] sometimes just happens it just comes up it happens and that's all there is to it and there's nothing you can do about it nothing you can say about it and that's all there is to it ok looking for the wrong acts so what yeah yeah big true and listen I can sort out these problem I've done this forever ok [Music] you
Channel: Daily Dose of Asmongold
Views: 167,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold wow, asmongold daily, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold youtube, asmongold classic wow, asmongold classic, asmongold ninja, asmongold ninja looting, asmongold olympus, classic wow ninja, classic wow loot, wow looting, wow ninja, olympus classic wow, classic wow, classic, classic world of warcraft, classic wow ninja looting, asmongold guild, asmongold olympus guild, asmongold faerlina, asmongold drama, classic wow drama, wow drama
Id: _1x0lAuWnu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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