Elden Ring Any% Unrestricted Speedrun in 6:59 (WORLDS FIRST SUB 7 MINUTES)

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foreign foreign s are you still doing runs of this category Gins are you focusing on the ruin level one stuff now hey Max thank you for the four months foreign you're done with it you want to get sub 10 but now you do other categories gotcha understandable this category is getting pretty uh sufferable insufferable sorry if I get like a 7 30 or something I'm I'm probably gonna call it quits unless there's a new zip that saves more time sub 7 is so insanely difficult guys I don't think you realize I mean I think if I grind it hard enough I could maybe do it but foreign not really sure how we would optimize lower belt Breeze though thank you foreign destined I will not have it stolen from me again foreign thank you foreign foreign oh my God oh my [ __ ] god dude this [ __ ] run dude wants to go oh holy [ __ ] I don't think it's sub seven but holy [ __ ] hell this is a run wow holy [ __ ] dude it's gonna round down it's some seven dude are you [ __ ] kidding me it's gonna round down I'm pretty sure it's gonna be 6 59. 6 might be nine holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] dude are you [ __ ] kidding me what the [ __ ] all right hold on I'm checking the IGT holy [ __ ] oh my okay God that was insane that run was [ __ ] insane yes oh my God what the [ __ ] whoa that was nuts I can't believe that [ __ ] that was [ __ ] cracked man wow oh [ __ ] I can't believe that that's so crazy yo Anonymous with the hundred gifted Subs yo thank you for all the subs guys I I it's too many to read but oh thank you guys any primers in the chat for this [ __ ] god tier run oh my God I can't believe I just did that was [ __ ] insane oh dude time to quit streaming time to retire foreign oh that was so crazy dude oh my God that was that was the most cracked run I've ever had in my life that was insane that was so insane oh Jesus Christ yeah I I'm I'm literally I just killed the category I'm not even kidding oh my God
Channel: Distortion2
Views: 3,192,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XuUEk6e1LOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 12 2022
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