Asmongolds MIND EXPLODES By World Record Mario Speed Run

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i gotta lay down it's absolutely [ __ ] insane i don't even know what to say yes they have to use milliseconds for super mario world so watch this i'm not gonna lie okay i'm gonna make sure except for world four four one specifically it's really being a pain in the ass right okay here we go all right let's see it everything's good except for that i'm gonna move it up a little bit so you guys can see the timer okay thanks for good luck guessing this yeah there you go so basically every single jump that they have to do has to land where like mario's feet are inside of this block so it shaves off like a like one frame rule of a second which allows them to go down the pole and activate the animation for the next level even faster [Music] like yeah 15k resets yep that's right that's how many times it takes to do looks like a nice indie game when does it come out on a few years maybe so he jumped right inside there obviously had to jump right to that exact location to like hit the trigger for the fourth level something about that this is totally normal totally normal gameplay the game the first time i played it too yeah it's still in early access apparently yeah there's games still got a bunch late so he's able to jump inside of the piranha plants a lot of people already know this but the piranha plant's hitbox is actually smaller than the piranha plants literally as soon as i watch this wait a second okay so i want to show you guys this real quick i'm going to go back literally okay and if you look inside of here let's go ahead and just move all the way back here you'll see how mario's feet are actually inside of the block give me one second almost there see this is how you have to do it frame by frame see that see how they're inside of the block this requires pixel perfect precision like actual pixel perfect precision in order to get this right literally as soon as i write release late it works wow what a coincidence okay [Music] what a crazy pixel exactly how that works oh yeah yeah i remember seeing that yeah yeah there are sub pixels not actually pixels yeah totally normal it's just every day and then right there that's another jump comparatively that's as far as i know one of the easier ones it saves it saves it should [Music] so this is so we can get to a different warp and get over to level eight as you can see right there yep it's that simple also again using a keyboard and mount uh keyboard uh instead of a uh controller just a little fun fact there just wanted to mention that see that see he can actually jump on top of those and not get hit gets the extra 100 points just to flex on them just to let them know you know what i mean just to let them know that was like eight three that's r014 [Music] and watch this jump right here watch this jump that was actually jay in the war zone i think watch how he does watch out watch watch watch one get get ready get ready get ready for the jump [Music] watch this watch this watch this real quick inside of the block and again this has to be frame perfect pixel perfect sub pixel perfect jumps inside of this block which allows him to save milliseconds inside of transitioning from one level to another let's go nice what does gaining the block do it lowers the time spent on the flag animation let's do it basically yeah this is totally normal yeah it skips the fireworks um well the fireworks only play at certain second uh modifiers right there's certain if the the time is at the end of a certain second or not i think that's what it was and then right there watch this so you think he's stopping right watch how he handles the bullet bill this is i think probably the hardest technique to pull off okay watch this get ready get ready i'm going to go each each each frame so he jumps down here so he gets on top of this he hits the bullet bill the bullet bill knocks him inside of the block so he can actually get a slightly faster i'm talking about milliseconds faster uh speed into this [Music] and he's walking into it and that way he saves himself the animation look at this here he saves himself the animation of walking inside of this little castle yep [Music] again totally normal this is totally normal average gaming okay now we're in world three this is the hard level i've died on this level before goes over this way jumps right over there no big deal again just hanging out doing what he needs to do like i i get killed by these guys like i get killed by these guys sometimes they've got me before this guy just jumps right over i'm like it's no big deal whatever he's just hanging out she's having fun displays just playing the game just a minute guys give me five minutes i gotta beat mario jumps right over them look at those hops again frame [ __ ] perfect inside of the sub pixel inside of the block you see that frame [ __ ] perfect again no way and doing each one of these takes like i don't know thousands of hours to master so doing all of them in a row is really what's hard because somebody could probably do one of these right if they had like a thousand tries to do it like maybe they could do it right but doing all of these in a row that's what's ridiculous what's a sub pixel i can play a video for it if people are interested look at this he does the high does the hop [Music] look at this right there see that and see how he moved right there and see how this thing despawns because he gets to a certain location fast enough look at that see piranha plant was there then it not there it there then it not there [Music] watch that and see again right there go back let's watch this one again look at this hop he pulls some ninja [ __ ] right here actual ninja [ __ ] so he gets right up here and he's able to clip into this uh this pipe and then jump on top of that around yeah he's also speed running his life expectancy that's true oh my god oh my god oh my god this is not fury that's true two games at the same time look at these jumps if he touches the floor it's over if he goes too high it's over if he goes too low it's odd i think i don't know and he can tell based off of other uh indicators inside of the level and the time and everything like that what pattern bowser is going to throw with his hammers so he preemptively knows what pattern it will be [Music] yes yes yes four fifty four nine eight eight one four fifty four nine eight eight one no way oh my god oh my god get both quests get both quests get both class yep oh my god okay don't black out don't black out i i oh my gosh i am so clutch there's actually no way okay yeah i'm actually going to puke get both quests i don't know what he's doing right now i have no idea what this can't be real yeah like that is insane bro yeah he skipped the 113. exactly four five oh my god don't black out dude 185 like that's uh that is actually ridiculous that's pretty that's a lot that that's that's a whole lot no one can be i don't know how to react i don't know how to react i don't know how to react i i don't know how to react oh i doubt how about not be freaking real life it actually feels like a dream literally just surprised you about mario listen the thing is like what you guys need to understand is that i i think that people like don't really respect and understand how intense this really is like people think like oh oh oh okay oh cool so he just ran through mario really fast like i could do that you just do the jumps bro like you just you just do the jumps it's easy just jump around but like nah bro like this is actually like super framed pixel perfect it's absolutely insane there's no stepson classic got [ __ ] pluto how can you be how the [ __ ] can you be look i'll get put on um just a second because like yeah you can't yeah i don't know how the [ __ ] uh twitch staff don't already already have mod but yeah there we go uh then you can link it again and uh power of a woman uh super mario in the s run is even crazier okay so if you guys thought that you thought that distortions run was cheesy right everybody thought to themselves wow what if cheesy run um what's it called again uh credit uh credit warp yep so if you guys think that it was a cheesy run let's go ahead and let's look at this one welcome back sethling here okay this is the video yes this is the video and so let's make sure i know exactly where it is okay we're gonna watch it to about right here that i need into the game so obviously he's just playing i'm gonna go i'm gonna destroy some things along the way she's walking around i'm gonna load yoshi but i'm gonna make sure that yoshi's shell breaking animation isn't on screen if it was it would overwrite the data that i wrote by the block fragments so he's literally writing data onto the cartridge of the game into the code of the game and the data is supposed to play the credit scene for the game itself okay that's obviously damaged there intentionally that's actually i need to be small mario in order for this glitch to work of course um i do a little thing with the shells that looks kind of cool so he has to rearrange each individual shell in pixel perfect orders for the coding in the game save file to uh to to do a certain thing i'll be right back here i'm replacing seven different shells in precise coordinates this is really important that they're in this exact example it's also important how far they are off the ground of course it is the first five shells that i break it's not so important uh the next two shells that i break the last two shells that i break it's very important that they're close to the ground or at least that one of them is close to the ground and um but otherwise i'm just trying to get these into the correct x coordinate these guys i'm just trying to break them far off the ground actually they have to be in the exact pixel to break them close to the exact pixel perfect area when they're close to the ground they have a high velocity down like he's not like imagine if you watch this guy playing the game you're like okay he's just goofing around playing mario for the first time he's just goofing and having fun it's kind of tough so then kill these guys i have to make sure that coop is dead then get these in expositions and i want to try and break them close to the ground although you'll notice i don't do a very good job of it they're actually these two shells are both kind of at the pinnacle of their path and you can see me shaking my head on camera there because i thought that ruined the run that it wasn't going to be possible so for the next uh 20 seconds or so and he has to be thinking he has to keep these fireballs on frame which is called that i'm not going to explain because we take too long and oh here we go here we go get ready that i wrote and you can see i was very surprised that it worked uh this is the credits and this is never been done on console before on the actual super nintendo yeah like i said jeff didn't see he's just down 66 did a run yeah on emulator got about five minutes my time was about six minutes that's right yep how did they think i do plan on working with some of the new strats that i think i have and that i came up with um it shouldn't be too hard to beat his time but uh but i really want to thank jeff w356 that the glitch is really technical it involved him disassembling the code and figuring out exactly yeah look how excited i am on the camera and it figured it involved in figuring out exactly how to manipulate the memory in just the right way to run the code that would play the credits so he's he's literally writing code inside of the game by moving different shells into certain locations and then that causes the credits to roll so it's cheating no how is he cheating is he cheating or is he winning yeah this is it like listen what's this one uh this is a what what is this i'll look and see what this is real quick he's cheating he's not cheating how's it cheating listen the any percentage category is this simple the entity's percentage category is whatever you can do without hacking that will cause you to roll the credits that's it anything counts anything goes whatever you can do that will cause you to roll the credits without changing the programming of the game through outside means right so obviously this one is different because he's doing it inside of the game but this is uh this is totally different yes anything counts and that's it never seen him as trackmania content critter virtual there's amazing videos the track mania speed runs yeah this is normal he's rolling the credits but is he beating the game though gotta think about it uh yes you're beating the game yes if you roll the credits you beat the game i i've never seen this before watch for rolling rocks in this video i'll be explaining exactly what i do to collect watch for rolling rocks in 0.5 a presses but first we need to clear something up because every time i post a half a press video i get the same comments over and over asking what it means even though i always have a whole paragraph in the description explaining it which even starts with if you're wondering what a half a person i've never i've never seen you're commenting to ask but maybe what you guys need isn't a paragraph maybe you guys need an example so consider wing mario over the rainbow okay not even the whole star just consider getting to that cannon platform which is a necessary part of getting the star so how many a presses does it take to get there well if you say zero that's wrong because then mario can't go far enough right if you say one well it's true that mario can get there with one but we can do a little better we can do it in half an a press to do that we start the level already holding a and then we use that a press to reach the platform now hold on i know what you're thinking an a press is an a press you can't say it's only a half but he didn't impress tj henry yoshi hear me out and a press actually has three parts to it when a is pressed right when a is held and when a is released and together this forms one complete a press now usually it's the pressing that's useful because that's the only part is jump however sometimes it's about imagine making that comment and then the guy takes your comment and makes a video about your comment and it gets four million views like he will forever be known as like oh oh henry oh yeah that guy that made that stupid fit yeah yeah they made the video about that dumb thing he said that's right true swim in water to fall slowly while twirling and fall slowly with the wing cap and as for the release well there's currently no cases where that's useful or important so don't worry about that part now if we map out the required a presses for wing mario over the rainbow it would look like this we merely need to hold a to reach the cannon platform we need to press a to launch from the first cannon and we need to press a again to launch from the second cannon so how many a presses is that total well it appears to be three right if we were doing this star in isolation then yeah it would be three of course but in a full game eight button challenge run there are other a presses that occur earlier in the run such as this a press needed to get into the course yeah yeah if we take that a press into consideration as well then how many a presses would it take four before one to enter the course and the three within the course that we established earlier however we can do better i got wrong i got it wrong within three by simply holding out the first a press to be used for the half a press because the half a press only required a to be held not actually pressed so in this fashion wing mario bro i feel like there's so many a's i feel like i'm back in [ __ ] algebra i feel like i'm back at [ __ ] algebra over the rainbow only adds on an additional two calculations since the first a press just leeches off of a previous a press so to capture this phenomenon we call it 2.5 a presses on a single star basis you'd round that up to three but in a full game run you'd round it down to two so in conclusion since that first a press counts in some contexts but adds no additional a presses in other contexts we refer to it as a half a press so going back to the video you can see that i start the level with the a button already held as indicated in the bottom left corner right right so in the full game run this a press will just leach off of a previous one and so it won't encourage that where you guys can see it yes okay glad that's explained okay what am i doing in the video so it's a half a using a trick called scuttlebug transportation you see like most enemies scuttlebugs have a home which is just a point in 3d space and they'll patrol a certain radius around that point that makes sense so if mario enters that radius they'll attack at him to attack right but unlike most other enemies a scuttlebug's home can change positions because if a scuttlebug bumps into mario the scuttlebug's home will update to where the scuttlebug was when the collision occurred so by strategically lowering the scuttlebug to the edge of its radar this game the average this game came out it was for kids by the way this was a game for kids this is not a game for uh adults it's a game for kids so kids can understand and you know play the game yes and bumping into it we can effectively transport the scuttlebug and it's home so that's what i'm doing here yeah he's getting relocated can't actually transport a scuttlebug to outside of its native room they actually get stuck at the door so if your dream was to bring all the scuttlebugs together for one big jamboree i'm sorry but it cannot happen also worth noting is that scuttlebugs will actually disappear if they walk into a wall while too far below their current home so i do have to be careful to avoid that it's pretty weird if you've never gotta get the wife but i'm pretty sure they did it so that if a scuttlebug jumps into a hole it wouldn't just walk around down there anyway i'm transferring so why is he doing a bug to the corner right below the watch for rolling rock star because next i do a trick called scuttlebug raising what and here's how it works on the left i show a bird's eye view of the scene and on the right i show a view from the sides okay now when mario leaves the rolling rocks room the scuttlebug deal yes you reset that's because the room and everything in it are only active when mario's in the room or standing in a small region right outside the door indicated here in yellow so if mario isn't in the rolling rocks room or in the yellow region then the room will be completely black and everything in the room will be invisible and won't move conveniently this allows us to raise the scuttlebug by performing the following steps first mario enters the scuttlebug's radius although the scuttlebug is invisible and can't move around yes it can still turn towards mario and activate a lunge then mario leaves the radius and the scuttlebug returns to facing but what about the lunch mario enters the yellow region to activate the scuttlebug the scuttlebug will perform the lunge that it started but cleverly we have mario exit the yellow region right when the scuttlebug is at the peak of its trajectory thereby deactivating it so it won't fall down and finally wait so it's up in the air past its home it turns around to face its home once more now we've gotten all the height we could out of the skull so they had to reposition them so that's no problem because we can just activate another lunge by repeating this procedure okay activate a lunge while the scuttlebug is deactivated reactivate the scuttlebug just for the upwards portion of his trajectory and then repeat as simple so he he's he's going like half and then half like half and then half and then half again but what i do here and i have a second screen to show it from the scuttlebug's perspective fortunately the scuttlebug's radius isn't a sphere but a cylinder that extends up and down infinitely so really no matter how high the scuttlebug gets we can continue to enter its area to activate its lunges and move it upwards there's no limit to how high we can raise it now it's worth noting that i only activate the scuttlebug while i'm not inside its radius so the scuttlebug will always lunge towards its home and not towards mario okay this causes the scuttlebug to effectively travel straight up above its home but alternatively i could have activated the scuttlebug while inside of its radius and in that case the scuttlebug would always lunge towards mario instead of towards its home right so it would actually make its way towards the door and then travel straight up from there that would make sense it's actually a little faster because we wouldn't have to wait for the scuttlebug to turn back towards his home before each activation however it wouldn't work for what we're doing because we need the scuttlebug to be right next to that corner in fact basically in the game's code there's a discrepancy between the way the game handles collision checking with floors versus walls oh this results in a one by one in an area where mario can get under the floor without being pushed away by the walls and if mario's less than 79 units under a floor of course snap right up onto it so that'll be important later for getting up there anyway now it's just gonna be on the test and i mean a lot of speed so to get that speed we're going to use a trick called hyper speed walking what and here's how it works there's another train you probably already know that there are some slopes in the game that are too steep to stand on right mario just slides off of them but did you know that you actually can stand on these slopes if they're submerged in shallow water in fact the underwater portion of these slopes has a special property if you try running uphill on them you'll end up running backwards at an increasing speed with no upper bound but in most circumstances this would cause us to end up in the water before building up any real speed we can get a little more speed by running nearly parallel to the slope but ever so slightly uphill but eventually the slope runs out or we move too fast around the corner yes but there are some ways to have mario walk while staying in place for example if there's a wall perpendicular to the slope then we can use that what that allows mario to build up quite a bit of speed before he breaks through however if that isn't perpendicular to the slope then we end up sliding down into the water yeah that's because walls are really just rectangles that push mario out perpendicularly yeah i know the game will calculate his intended next position then the wall will push that position out and then mario ends up having a net movement along the wall so ultimately he'll end up moving into the water so is all hope lost well no caney figured out that we could actually make use of the gate you see the bottom of the gate is a ceiling and the game doesn't like putting mario too close to the area right under a ceiling because it doesn't think he fits so if we have mario move backwards into the ceiling the game will choose not to move him so we're free to build up speed in place but not infinite speed because we'd end up breaking free if our speed moved past the gate so what do we do we turn to redirect our speed out of bounds notice that we now have enough speed so that our intended next position is past the wall and out of bounds and since the game doesn't like placing mario out of bounds it doesn't move him and instead just lets him stay in place just like the ceiling but unlike the ceiling out of bounds goes on forever so we can essentially build up as much speed as we want without having to worry about breaking free so now i do just that okay open the gate up the gate to build up some speed so he's building speed already angle out of bounds to build up the rest now you're probably wondering what i'm gonna need all this speed for after all i do build up speed for 12 hours but to answer that why we need to talk about parallel universes and if you thought my other tangents were complicated just you wait okay so mario's position is a bro this is what what a parallel universe where are we going oh my god oh my god bro it's a 12-hour trip what is this this is a kids game what the [ __ ] we're talking about physics clothing point number but it's converted to a short when the game uses it to test for collision with four triangles okay in other words mario's position can basically be any decimal number but it's converted to an integer between negative 32 768 and positive 32 767 inclusive so any fractional portion is truncated and numbers too big or too small are moved into this range using the modulo operator graphically that means that the position used for floor detection is always inside of this box so if mario's in that box then his actual position and the position used for floor detection are the same albeit maybe off by a single fraction due to the truncation but if mario leaves that box then his actual position and the position used for floor detection will separate since the position used for floor detection will just loop back around to remain in the original box so now i ask you this here's the course so if mario is standing way over here where there's no land but the position used for floor detection is on land can he stand over here yeah the answer is yes as far as the game sees it mario is in fact above land over here because the game actually checks for land over here so for all intents and purposes there is essentially land over here a copy of the original map and this is what we call a parallel universe or a pu and this applies to every one of these boxes there's actually a grid of nearly infinite pu's here is a to scale diagram of the pu grid as you can see are actually pretty far apart but i'll be taking some creative liberties and drawing them closer together for the sake of clear visuals now pu's aren't as glamorous as you might think the graphics are only found on the original map so the pu's are completely invisible so furthermore pu's have no objects like elevators or item blocks no enemies no items like coins or stars and not even any walls so really it's pretty barren furthermore the n64 console will actually crash if you go to a pu and let the camera follow you but luckily we can avoid that crash by fixing the camera in place on the original map before leaving it though that does make it even harder to tell what's going on in the pus so as you just saw you can travel to a pu if you have enough speed so he has to go to a parallel universe with his camera locked in place and this by just by memory speed run the parallel universe of the map what is this but it's not as simple yes it's inevitable if you have just enough speed to reach the pu one over it won't actually work that's because the game actually checks if mario is above land at each quarter step of his movement that means the simplest pu movement is moving over four pu's at once that way each quarter step is above land and therefore valid so we have for simplicity so he's walking over four four different i oh my call this quadruple pu distance 1qpu now up until this point i've been glossing over a very important detail what if i told you the distance mario moves isn't necessarily equal to his speed for example of course look how fast how can we forget about that speed on this flat slope and now compare it to how fast he moves at the same speed on this steeper slope in both cases he has about the same speed speed of 30 rarely he's moving at different rates that's because the distance mario moves is only a portion of his actual speed and this portion depends on the slope of the ground okay the steeper the slope the smaller this portion is that makes sense that it only depends on okay i understand all right all right all right all right now we're now i understand this graph okay guys like this graph makes sense i get it i i guys i think i'm understanding this whether mario's facing uphill downhill sideways on the hill in these visuals blue will represent mario's actual speed and green will represent the portion of it that he moves which we call mario's de facto speed so in these three pictures mario has the same speed but he has different de facto speeds since he's standing on slopes with different steepnesses so if we want to move one qpu it's not sufficient to have qpu speed we need qpu de facto speed which often means our actual speed will need to be greater than one qpu to compensate so to reiterate we need to increase our speed until our de facto speed syncs up with one qpu and the speed needed to do this is called the sinking speed so in this diagram the blue arrow represents the sinking speed when we have that speed the quarter steps of the de facto speed sync up with the pu's and we can move now what i'm showing here is just the lowest or first sinking speed aka the speed to move exactly one qpu if we increase our speed eventually our de facto speed would sync up again when it covers a distance of two qpu and so we'd be able to move at that speed which is two times as fast as before so in general any multiple of the lowest syncing speed is itself a sinking speed and will cover multiple qpu at once so remember multiple every slope has a different set of syncing speeds and this is it it's a it's like infinity like multiple levels of it bro henry bro imagine how dumb henry feels right now bro imagine henry right now watching this [ __ ] video this makes her except you ready to do this yeah yeah yeah they brought like henry uh like i feel like he probably is never gonna make another comment on youtube again this can make rounding tricky for example in the video where i do pu movement to reach the secret aquarium i had to traverse several different slopes first this slope that i used for hyper speed walking then this slope at the edge of the water then the flat ground of the castle foyer then the castle stairs which is really a steep ramp and then the flat ground of the upstairs and note that the stairs you see there are actual stairs and not a ramp so they're just flat ground here is a graph showing the sinking speeds for each of these slopes and so these are the speeds i need in order to have pu movement while standing on each of these slopes naturally the steeper slopes have greater sinking speeds now keep in mind that i can only build up speed while i'm like this isn't like a troll right like this is not like some [ __ ] at like at the very end of it he says yeah i can't believe you believed all this is this is actually like that this is like real okay so all right it's just so this is real it's a okay all right it's a real thing got it a hyper speed walking slow i was worried once i leave it i can't generate any more speed so my speed will only decrease from there so to successfully perform this pu route i better have generated enough speed to meet each slope sinking speed in turn for example let's say i build up enough speed to reach the first possible sinking speed right and i use that to go to the next slope okay then i could let my speed drop until i reach this slope sinking speed go to the next slope let my speed drop again until i reach this slope sinking speed go to the next slope but then i have a bit of a problem i have less than the required syncing speed and no way to gain any more so is this route just impossible well no because these are just the slopes first syncing speeds but remember any multiple of these will work as well so now let's factor in each slope's second syncing speed as well these speeds allow mario to move two qpu at once instead of one so now if i instead build up enough speed to reach the second sinking speed of that first slope it goes down so we have enough speed to meet each speed and turn and complete the route and if that didn't work we could have considered each slope's third syncing speed and so on until we did get it to work however which syncing speed we need to reach initially is kind of a big deal because reaching that first syncing speed takes about 12 hours and reaching that second syncing speed takes about 25 hours so if there's a way to use a lower syncing speed initially then that's a 12-hour save so how much speed for the watch for rolling rockstar well keep in mind that even with access to unlimited horizontal speed we don't have any improved vertical mobility so to get to the top of the course we need to travel up slopes and ride up elevators right so this will be the basic route start on the hyper speed walking slope navigate along the path up from the lake right up this elevator ride up this other elevator make our way onto the amazing emergency exit platform right which is the highest point we can reach and then launch to the watch for rolling rocks platform by itself that still won't be enough height but the scuttle bugley positions will provide the extra bounce we need so this is the graph oh i forgot about him oh my god oh my god it's all it's all part of it is as i does like it all comes back to the scuttlebug boys you thought it was over it wasn't over like this is just it's only the beginning the sinking speeds of these slopes unfortunately we run into a bit of an issue with the path up from the lake that area is actually made up of dozens of floor triangles that each have different slopes but that didn't stop me after careful observation and scrutiny i isolated six triangles which i named t1 through t6 these triangles have strictly decreasing steepnesses so we can meet each of their sinking speeds in turn additionally their heights span the entire vertical distance we need to cover to go from bottom to top without leaving any gaps in between so by using the slopes of those six triangles we can complete the blueprint for our route allowing us to utilize the first syncing speed of that initial slope so building up speed only takes 12 hours instead of 25 now we're almost ready to go back to the video but there's just some final points i want to make for example you don't need to have exactly the syncing speed to traverse pus if you have slightly less than the syncing speed you'll move relatively forwards in the mat if you have slightly more than the sinking speed you'll move relatively backwards that makes sense and the further you deviate from the sinking speed the greater this relative movement will be additionally if you adjust your angle slightly away from the cardinal direction you can move relatively sideways but keep in mind that even the smallest possible angle deviation will be magnified over the qpu distance yeah yeah trajectory mario will be sent multiple feet to the side now based off what i've told you you might think you can only travel multiples of four pu's at a time right that's not actually true why not for example if one of your quarter steps is out of bounds or over a ceiling then that quarter step will be invalid and since mario moves up to but not include oh no so he's gonna have to find an amount of parallel universes that aligns with the quarter stepping including the first invalid quarter step he can in fact end up stopping prematurely at one of the quarter steps separately if you change slopes during a quarter step your de facto speed will change and you'll alter the distance of the next quarter step and so most likely it will no longer sync up with a pu and you'll end up stopping on the new slope finally for simplicity the set of pu's that are multiples of four away we call the qpu grid if mario's on the qpu grid then we say he's qpu aligned remember moving a multiple of four pu's is easy but moving a different amount requires special conditions like added bounds or changing slopes so if your qpu aligns it's easy to stay that way and if your qpu misaligned it's easy to stay that way as well now if you become qpu misaligned you'll need to correct that in order to return to the main map but yeah that can be difficult if you're not near out of bounds and your sequence of slope changes is predetermined right so managing your qpu alignment is one of the many challenges of planning a pu route okay so now we're finally ready to resume the main okay and watch okay movement okay just kidding first i need to explain what these screens are these extra screens will help you follow along during the pu movement a standard view is just a view that the game shows but since i fixed the camera on the main map to prevent the game from crashing this screen won't tell you very much right the relative view shows where i am in each pu this is what it would look like so what did the camera follow mario and if pus weren't invisible the relative map also shows where i am in each view but from an overhead perspective and finally the eu map shows where i am in the pu grid okay so now let's really start okay so as i explained earlier i navigate up the path from the lake using the six triangles i isolated and i've marked them in the relative map so you can follow along so basically i get onto a triangle let my speed drop until i'm around the sinking speed for that triangle slope then navigate uphill on the triangle and then move to the next triangle using what i taught you you should be able to follow along with my movement for example i'm able to move relatively backwards because i have slightly more than the sinking speed whenever i move sideways it's because i'm slightly angled away from the cardinal direction and every time i move from triangle to triangle my qpu alignment changes but cleverly i planned it in such a way that i would cancel out by the end and i'd end up qpu aligned so right now i'm on the sixth triangle so i do a little zigzag to bring me back towards as you can see on the pu map screen remember i need to return to the main map in order to access the elevator since there are no objects in pu's as you may have noticed right there the elevator didn't register me until i started kicking that's actually the reason why i've been holding a this entire time why holding a oh my b i forgot oh my god i forgot all about a oh my god i forgot all about i forgot i forgot about a holy [ __ ] hey jesus bro why to do these little kicks without these kicks i go through the elevator but with the kicks i can ride it up to gain precious height okay bro henry feeling really stupid right now and i do will be a kick onto the amazing emergency exit platform then turn and launch myself towards the scuttlebug that movement will bring me 10 pu to the right and 3pu down but since i want to end up on the main map i reverse that displacement and so position myself 3pu up and 10pu left while doing that i simultaneously position myself in the correct relative part of the map to make the movement work ok now don't blink and there we go by bouncing on the scuttlebug and ground pounding in the misalignment i achieved just enough height to get onto the rolling rocks platform here i show an abridged version of the scuttlebug and their movement while doing that i simultaneously position myself in the correct relative part of the map to make the movement work okay now don't blink and there we go by bouncing on the scuttlebug and ground pounding in the misalignment i achieved just enough height to get onto the rolling rocks platform here i show an abridged version of the scuttlebug raising in case earlier's viewing was too choppy to follow as you can see the scuttlebug moves back and forth above its home at the end you can see i do two special raisins purely to move him sideways and closer to the corner since he ended up being too far away for the bounce to work and here i show an alternate angle of the final pu movement the scuttlebug actually became active once i entered the pu version of this room so i really only had a handful of frames to get over here before he fell too far and there you have it watch for rolling rocks done in 0.5 a presses man i did not expect this video to become 25 minutes long when i started commentating but i guess there was just that much to explain hopefully you were able to follow along with my explanations and visuals learned something new and had an enjoyable experience so thanks for watching i gotta lay down guys i gotta i gotta i gotta wait i gotta lay down like i gotta lay down i gotta do something like i i just like what the [ __ ] well how does this even happen like how does anybody figure this [ __ ] out how does anybody even know this like what the [ __ ] this is insane man this is absolutely [ __ ] insane i don't even know what to say this is crazy bro henry like has anybody ever been owned as much as henry did in this video like has it ever even happened like i i don't even know an a press like i i don't even know if this is possible to happen i have no idea if this is even possible for it to happen how could a person like this ever get owned like nobody can ever be owned this way ever again there's too much where like whenever i was confused i said select world music and i would play i legitimate i believe is one of the greatest videos on youtube tj henry has been awfully quiet ever since this dropped show your friends this whenever they're high a revolution with a virtual multiverse because you don't want to let go of a button henry just want to have an opinion and that's what you get that's what you [ __ ] get if you want to have an opinion that's what you [ __ ] get yeah henry just got henry got oh obliterated in every single parallel parallel universe that mario has ever had okay you understand that like every single parallel universe henry is owned in there is no parallel universe that henry is not owned in like that's it he's done he's finished he's completed like it's over like he's obliterated in all universes owned and yes owned throughout the entire multiverse somebody please check on henry i i'll link you guys this video if you need to watch it again and um you know make sure that you you didn't miss anything okay i know it you know there's a lot to go through with this so it might have been easy for you to miss a part of this but um yeah it's yeah the the the qpu uh uh yes yes exactly look at henry's comment henry didn't make a comment did he there he is oh my god this video showcasing my comment about a half second a press or a half a press has caused my channel to be attacked by fans of your videos asking why i thought what i did it's actually pretty hilarious i had not considered that you were doing a full game run i was wrong and i didn't understand what that meant sorry for my and thank you for showcasing just how much super mario 64 can be exploited to create one of the most entertaining speed runs of all time imagine if he said instead of that oh lying ted oh there he goes again making up the [ __ ] uh-huh yeah just like nope nope that's not yeah right i didn't i'm not gonna watch this whole thing dude yeah just out of the whole thing man yeah a lot why is it oh my god we all make mistakes but we can do better oh my god you need to talk about parallel universes i oh my god i was wrong thank you for the information yes it's like you know what's so funny is like you can't even pretend like you were right in this situation you can't even pretend like there was a um look at the editors uh you can't even pretend like there is a possibility that there is even a universe in which you could be right there is literally no parallel universe and it has been explained thoroughly in the video in which you are right oh my god oh my [ __ ] god uh this is unbelievable man like i i love videos like that i think they're so [ __ ] cool they are amazing man he said yeah i should have said you're such a nerd dude yeah you're just a nerd man i bet you don't even have a girlfriend and that was it bro like that's all it needed to be i i honestly don't even know there's a two minute long point q5 no no no this is just this is not like this is a two minute video i will get a two minute video then after that i want to watch something else okay i i i i my brain is going to explode into a parallel universe in this video i'll be explaining exactly what i do to collect rolling rock on the rolling rock and 0.25 a presses but first we need to talk about parallel universes but first we need to clear something up i know what you're thinking an a press is an a press you can't say it's only a quarter well tj bro did they really did he really oh my god henry yoshi oh no an a press actually has one part to it when a is pressed and together this forms one complete eight so how is it point five sorry point two five now it's time to build up some speed and i mean okay okay now you're probably wondering what i'm gonna need all this speed for after all i do build up speed for 32 767 hours but to answer that we need to talk about tick-tock clock okay so a short while ago kaiman showed me a video on twitch which caught my attention i'll play you the video now okay all right i haven't seen this one before i'm a scat man as you can see this twitch player though the teabag was very high for seemingly no reason so proceeding under the assumption that this is a new glitch this would be the ideal plan first we reproduce the glitch second then finally we exploit the glitch true i myself have tried to reproduce the glitch but i've had no success which is why i decided to put a bounty on this glitch of one dollar that's right oh first person to reproduce watch and send it to me that's a yeah wow okay okay okay all right we're getting seriously ready to resume the main video and watch the pu movement just kidding first i need to explain the pedro spot and it's pretty powerful you see once upon a time a guy named pedro showed the abc crew a magical spot in cool cool mountain where mario seemed to get stuck and there you have it rolling rock on rolling rock done in 0.25 a presses man i did not expect this video to become two minutes long when i started commentating but i guess there was oh my god bro bro this is just uh it's just like it's edited it is at like it i look god i i mean look um okay you know what i mean like you see what i'm saying guys like uh that that's basically where we're at yeah this is just so it's fake uh oh okay henry all right henry i see how it is yeah sure nice try okay yeah you think we're not gonna catch on to that uh this game has more mechanics than lost ark yeah exactly like this is nuts [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,441,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr, asmongold speedrun, asmongold speed run, asmongold mario, asmongold mario reaction, asmongold mario speedrun, mario speed run, sm64 speedrun, super mario bros speedrun, speedrun, asmongold speedrun reaction, asmongold world record, world record speed run, speed run world record, asmongold reacts to a speed run
Id: d45VMvi93tQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 36sec (3156 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 13 2022
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