Elden Ring - Asmongold Reacts to "Why Margit is so good at killing you"

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why margaret is so good at killing you i actually you know what let's watch this one right now i want to watch this one first especially based off of like you know what happened yesterday and uh you know the whole situation right margaret maggie maggie maggie eldon rings premier gatekeep girl boss is giving people a hard time i hate this i'm talking [ __ ] and souls freaks like me i hate this piece of [ __ ] boss man oh i tried dudes dude i'm gonna get destroyed this crusty old goat is such a problem that he was even trending on twitter i hate this [ __ ] so what's the deal is margaret actually harder than fromsoft's other early skill check bosses yes in my opinion i think he is vastly harder he is he is vastly harder like it's not even remotely close this isn't a guide to beating him but maybe my hands-on research will help you understand why margaret is so good at putting your foolish ambitions to rest god i hate that piece of [ __ ] what a what a dick sucker i started my experiment by rolling a new character i went prisoner and dallied just enough to put one point each into vigor intelligence and dexterity level eleven horsey and i gallops to the boss arena yeah he's gonna have a bad time ignore this guy for now let's just look at the arena the fight takes place on a strip of land that slopes upwards away from the entrance it's longer than it is wide and the sides terminate in deadly drops the shape of the arena matters a whole lot space is a precious resource and in this layout you don't get it for free whether you're a beginner or a veteran there are going to be times where you want to put distance between you and margaret to heal cast spells or just catch your breath in a round arena you could more easily return away from the boss but here once margaret gets close the only way to get this space you have to run through to pass through the danger zone yeah software has done similar things with previous beginner bosses the cleric beast jumps you on a bridge and the torch i think there's also a lot of um the other reason why it's hard is there's a lot of debris everywhere and it like it stops you from moving uh freely and like that's usually not the case there's just tons of debris everywhere like there's like destructible zones or areas stuff like that it's a lot then shows up on a castle battlemen that's just a few meters wide but this time they took away the bumpers and that makes a big difference [Music] okay after i got the lay of the land i switched into market observation mode rather than trying to do any damage i just focused on his attacks and jotting down their properties one of the first things i noticed is that he loves to punish your instinct to run away especially in a straight line to new players this might be frustrating when confronted with something this dangerous and nasty looking running away is a totally natural response yeah margaret is designed to beat that instinct out of you but lovingly if you're a new player and you believe you can always roll away i think that like the biggest reason why margaret is hard there's like a lot of reasons but i think one of the biggest reasons is purely be f because of the fact that he holds his attacks like the holds in eldon ring in my opinion are like 70 of the difficulty of the bosses for me like yeah it's like 70 of the difficulty just the holds that's it spend all of your time retreating from bosses and never land a hit let's talk about how dodge rolls work in souls games you hit the dodge button and after a very short wind up you leap through the air and you have a few milliseconds or frames of animation where you're totally invincible even if an enemy's sword or axe or gigantic golden hammer appears to be intersecting with your corporeal form the game says no i'm okay yep there you go precise nanosecond those iframes expire if you're still touching the ouchy thing it's a powerful tool with clear limits and target intends to expose those limits he's got a big old cane with big range so if you're trying to use your dodge roll to get beyond his reach he'll still catch you his cane back head will bop you from a few meters away but it's not just range it's timing too take a look at the double golden dagger swipe i roll dodging the first attack in the combo but the second he gets you with the second one well this is one that they do like gail has this two in his last phase where he has his sword that's imbued with like the uh the firepower like this is like after like well it's like that i think it's like actually at the third phase right because you fight him at the beginning and then he does like the thing and then like goes with the fire ship right and so it means to where like you have to have like more precise rolls because you effectively have less iframes reframes for my first dodge roll this is trash but wait if i suppress my fearful instincts and roll to margaret's side instead of away from him i exit the effective area of his swipes before my iframes expire and he doesn't turn to track me in time and when i get back up on my feet i'm already in range to attack so all i need to do is oh okay i jumped away dodging into attacks is an old soul strategy but it's rare that you meet an early boss this eager to teach you that yeah agree with that after rolling around in the dirt for a few hours i've gotten pretty good at evading margaret's phase one attacks so it was time to start hitting him back and it's hard margot inverts the traditional loop of a 1v1 souls fight normally the safest time to go in on an enemy is right after they've attacked yeah but not margaret this is specifically designed to punish you for relying on the old souls rolling poke i hate this son of a [ __ ] like honestly i probably had a harder time with margate than i had with pretty much any other boss in the game minus maybe the bird like whenever you actually count like all the deaths that i had on like the beta and everything like i had a harder time with him than any other boss boy and people say that boss is really hard and we'll get to that but i still think that i'll probably have more deaths overall on margate than i had on any other boss of course because the hal bar no i used another weapon whenever i progressed on them initially these golden daggers don't come out every time but you can bet they will if you try to attack immediately after dodging a cane yup those same extensions will also punish you for trying to block and counter with your shield nugget's attack strings are long and they don't always follow the same path check this out margaret throws a diagonal swipe with a cane follows up with a two-handed backhand then a horizontal forehand then a single golden dagger swipe directly into a retreating backup with a mid-air dagger throw yep he does the big hit how about this one double dagger swipe it's like this is the thing is like how can you say like big dumb boy with the big bonker is anywhere near as hard as margaret like this [ __ ] was a joke bro oh my god [Music] how about this one double dagger swipe into diagonal cane into single dagger uppercut into two-handed cane overhead what do you got jailer demon even for the strings that aren't long margat can mix things up based on what you're doing if you move in close when he's charging up like this he'll hit you with a massive overhead yup if you run away he'll do the double board with his two-hit spin there's a dubby one too he can even switch targets mid combo so if you summon a buddy and try to get a bunch of free backstabs no they holy [ __ ] the shits when they make god damn that's insane i think the most interesting artists not the asylum deal no you're right but like i think that margaret is harder than any other boss in dark souls 1. like besides maybe manus like i think margaret's harder than artorias like for where you are in the game yeah it's like he's yeah he's artorias is not that hard of a boss like i think that if like whenever i beat artorius and like i couldn't beat it i was just bad at the game like i was i was awful with the game like now that i understand the game my artorias is [ __ ] easy margaret's not about margaret's whole deal is how slowly he runs you over [Music] it seems like someone from was determined to dispel the myth that these games are about twitch reflexes and they're using margat to prove it we've talked about how long and complicated some of his strings are but most of them start with very very very slow openers this cane uppercut is a little hard to react to but everything is i hate that one that's the one attack that always gets me bro like i hate that and while this may lower the skill requirement to dodge his attacks it can also throw you off especially if you're used to a snappier rhythm and by a limited musical experience keeping time gets harder the slower you go how do you count along to this one margaret is the culmination of a decade of from soft boss design he's got a bigger moveset than all the other gatekeeper bosses combined yeah he's also the gatekeeper in a game where gates don't really function like they have in the past as an early boss marget is a teacher and his lesson here yeah and you can also just out level them that's the thing is like there's so many like you just go around and get more levels and then beat them at level 40 and it's not going to be a problem like whenever i came back and i beat the boss after i had uh you know my stuff i one shot him like on one shot because i i knew what to do right and then i just hit him with the stick and he died that you're not going to get far unless you're willing to do whatever it takes and adapt take it from bruce lee i think he's harder than smoking it's difficult to have a rehearsed routine to fit in with [Music] broken rhythm [Music] you see rehearse routines like the flexibility to adapt how do you adapt and survive literally any way you can go back to lim gray for the weeping peninsula and hunt for something that will give you an advantage you can buy but you can kill this guy exploring dungeons finding new weapons oh i want to go kill him learning new spells you can summon a jellyfish for him to split his attention you can practice your parries and cut him off before he even does his fancy knife tricks yup marget is the most overpowered starting boss i've ever seen in a from soft game thank you everybody it's not even remotely [ __ ] close like margaret is ridiculously [ __ ] hard man it is insane that's okay because you're the most overpowered you you'll improve adapt and overcome god help you if you get to phase two [Music] yeah yeah god damn all right that's actually that's actually a good video i thought that was informative i like that that's good yeah that's all there is to it yeah and that's the thing is all i'm saying is like for me personally that's a good view yeah i like that a lot um like the difficulty of the boss i look at it as like how long did it take for me to beat the boss and i think that like it took me more time to beat margaret than pretty much any other boss in any of the from software games like uh it was really really hard and like even inside of elden ring i had more struggles against margaret than basically any boss except for maybe the bird and i think that if you actually took the time invested i spent more time on margaret than even the bird name was king yeah but like i was playing the game stupid then right and so like i was even really playing the game the right way so like do you really want to count nameless king like i don't know if i would yeah i i don't think so it's only hard if you're running straight to him and then with a stick well there's a lot of people that disagree okay i know that there's a lot of people who uh who think about you know they're like oh it's not hard i'm so good at the game i was able to beat it fast because i'm good at the game it's not hard yeah it is like it's a it's a hard fight right it is it's a hard fight compared to most of the other fights in the game man mcconnell spent five hours on him yeah he did and um but that's not really that that's mcconnell though like i'm talking about like just like an average player right and like you think about like an average player probably spends like at least a few hours and then on top of that then they have to go and maybe like level up more or do some other stuff right [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 813,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr, asmongold margit, asmongold elden ring, elden ring, elden ring asmongold, margit the fell omen, asmongold elden ring challenge, asmongold elden ring boss, elden ring boss
Id: mskeAuDClls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2022
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