Asmongold is just MINDBLOWN By Elder Scrolls Skyblivion

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Oblivion remastered road to release is that the main city welcome to the road to Sky Oblivion now that we have a goal set in place we'd like to break down where we are at and where we need to they started this [ __ ] in 2012 oh my God able to get there we are here in this video we aim to show you exactly what has been completed and what Still Remains I wonder if this game is going to come out before um uh before Elder Scrolls 6 in order to make our release goal of 2025 should you feel you have the skills needed to help us achieve that goal we are always looking for new volunteers the world spaces are landscaping and level design serves for players to paint their own stories so we strive to cry it's really cool for me to see this because I did play Oblivion and back then my mind thought the graphics looked like this attractive a world space is possible though significant strides have been made on various regions you know what I inquire more attention like the grassy West wield snowy Bayless and general mountains and nibbonese lakes and forests by doing so we aim to make the world more captivating to explore and enhance the visual storytelling aspects for which the Elder Scrolls series is so beloved the land of cyrodiil is divided into nine different regions we start off with the Gold Coast which recently had all 526 cells landscaped wow the colovian highlands has all 422 cells landscaped oh my God the full forest and hearts this is like making an actual game 805 cells look at this a great forest with its 460 cells has been fully landscaped in record time the Gerald and valus mountains with 517 cells has also been fully landscaped and the swamps of Blackwood have all 803 cells completed that's a lot currently the West wield is the least polished area sitting at 43 out of 284 cells so they're over halfway done with all of these being made or around 15 percent also needs work with 300 out of the 674 cells completed and the nearby nibene Valley similarly sits at around 50 completion with 155 out of 300 cells finished the sky Oblivion world map has a total of 4 391 cells of which we have completed 3632 wow 0.7 percent and even nern itself life 40 unique World spaces from hostile Oblivion Realms to Painted worlds dreams and Alternate realities ruled by Daedric princes wow so far we've completed 11 World spaces with most of the remaining 29 being Oblivion Realms which were saving for last our plan is to use all the Knowledge and Skills we've gained over the years a truly memorable part of the gaming experience once a region is complete the magic of nav meshing can begin this process involves adding a navigational mesh to the world map like where you creatures to Rome oh and follow you we're currently around a third of the way through this Mammoth task which means that NPCs and quests are fully functional in those completed parts of the map that is amazing this is a quicker process when tackled on a sell-by-cell basis compared to Landscaping if you have some spare time and are interested think about doing this for the entire game interested in lending a hand the navmesh team is always looking for new recruits to help speed things along oh my God [Music] now let's turn to our Interiors we have a whopping 600 Interiors with 260 completed or roughly 40 of the total they are divided into categories including castles unique structures stables shops sewers this one's not quite as far along mines Inns homes forts El Chapo caves oh Imperial watchtowers all right of these interior locations dungeons are by far the most time intensive and they're pretty close to being 120 of the total that's why our Focus has been on completing dungeons like caves Forts and mines first with 190 either finished or in progress wow the remaining 380 interior locations Like Houses shops and other smaller locations take a fraction of the time to complete so they're almost halfway down in larger batches whether you're interested in working on houses or dungeons we warmly welcome your volunteer application 3D from the threads that make up your character's garments to the Lush Forest Greenery and the birds that soar high above each 3D object and creature infuses life into cyrodiil while many object groups are well underway some areas create a bottleneck for other departments for instance if the architecture set for a city hasn't been remade the level design team can't advance in rebuilding that area in game this is amazing like this is like they're making an entirely new game and you know what's really funny about this is these guys are giving more updates to Sky Oblivion than many Kickstarter MMOs like this is already looking better than most Kickstarter MMOs furthermore creating all 258 of oblivion's 3D objects from the ground up we won't meet the required legal standard to release Sky Oblivion our plants and clothes are particularly underdeveloped and we need extra help in wrapping up this extensive list of assets we have some 615 objects yet to create although some could be borrowed from Skyrim many of them are not suitable for integration into Sky Oblivion so there remains a long list of assets to recreate from scratch our 3D team is chugging away but we always welcome new artists to lend a hand even in the final stages of development quests in Sky Oblivion players can create their own story and make a name for themselves by embarking on the 199 quests available I probably did like five of them and then the rest of the time I just ran around and killed people and took their stuff and then I had like a big pile of their stuff and it was in my area out of these quests 97 are currently playable 25 are in progress and 77 still need to be worked on these quests can be found in various quest lines main quests the Fighters Guild Mages Guild Thieves Guild Dark Brotherhood side quests I remember the Dark Brotherhood that's the only one that I do remember because I was like oh that's cool and edgy that's for me age requests Arena Quests and master training quests gameplay systems Oblivion is renowned for its Unique Mechanics many of which are currently operational and in game these include the class system spell crafting spells and Magic underwater combat wow Alchemy Weathers disposition and attributes additional mechanics may be added in the future time will tell this is incredible I wonder how many hours went into this I bet probably over a hundred thousand hours have gone into this collectively this is incredible even more you could be right Sarah Dil would never truly immerse the player without oblivion's iconic music we are proud to announce that all original tracks have been retained and supplemented with 17 new tracks each of the nine regions has a unique new track complemented by three new dungeon exploration themes cool additionally the atmospheric music for the Oblivion Realms has been updated for an even more absorbing experience holy [ __ ] in regards to DLC our focus is 100 on Sky Oblivion for now in order to release the base game at some point in 2025 once Sky Oblivion is in your hands we shall turn our attention to the Shivering Isles and other extra content we've come a long way since oh my God Ernest back in 2016. God damn project began in Earnest back in 2016. having a tangible release goal is amazing and terrifying all at once probably your help we are confident we will meet it if you feel you have the skills to help us Breathe new life into cyrodiil please consider applying at forward slash volunteer wow what started out as a simple side project has evolved into one of the biggest modding projects to date yeah it probably is the scope of this project we are finally seeing the end of the road there is still work to be done we hope this video has given you a better insight into the project and perhaps has shown how some of you might be able to contribute yourselves only with the Elder Scrolls modern community's talents and the support of this fantastic community that we have ever gotten as far as we have we hope you continue to support us as you have for years and we are excited to share much more this is incredible holy [ __ ] and this is a [ __ ] mod oh my God look at this wow I feel like this is the biggest mod that I've ever seen for a game [Music] incredible do you know what else is going to release 2025 Skyrim again probably be a new version of it [Music] [Music] man holy [ __ ] that is nuts holy [ __ ] [ __ ] boys fans fan base stuff is always good yeah because they care a lot about it being authentic I never really finished Oblivion so maybe whenever this comes out in like two years maybe I'll finally beat the game that I started in like 2005. did they add the horse armor that's that's a good question yeah I gotta find that out
Channel: Asmongold Clips
Views: 1,085,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold clips
Id: nreQhbSX_M0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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