Asmongold's Most Tragic Elden Ring Disasters

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i didn't see those before i didn't know how they connected over okay good smithing stone wow oh oh no i tried to tell you yeah [Laughter] jesus christ okay all right all right all right i'm through here good we're past that what's this it's just one guy how hard can one guy be very hard what what what what no what what what [Laughter] holy [ __ ] you got perry yesterday we did very well we got very far there was not a single challenge that we could not overcome many of the bosses we beat in just a handful attempts with many of them we actually one shot today will be no different it will be another bloodbath filthy slug just stomping on his head wait a second shouldn't i go talk to that girl did i i went to deliver the letter to her her dad yeah i'm gonna go talk to her then i'm gonna go kill her dad for the for the polearm yeah that seems like a good idea let's do that simp no i'm not stepping okay yeah yeah here she is wait what she's dead did she drop anything where's the loot that's horrible where did she drop now i could just go kill her dad and i don't have any guilt about it this is awesome this is where the guy that we're gonna kill is there he is read message i can't take this good sword ahead i'm in your debt for keeping the sword from those fallen creatures all right guys do we kill her do we kill him or not do we kill him i really want to kill him guys can mods do a poll if i i will let you guys vote if we kill him or not yeah i will let you let you vote this is going to be we're going to do this old school roman coliseum style if enough of you guys vote i will kill them moz they're playing the game yes all right 69 the people have spoken i'm sorry i will stand for it no longer there it is oh my god oh my god all right all right all right let me look at this one 183 holy [ __ ] [ __ ] look at that dude what the [ __ ] why am i not able to just like kill this guy in one hit i'm going to take care of this guy real quick what what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that fight without a horse they actually got mad at me for using the horse to beat one of the bosses a minute ago and i had to get off the horse because they were getting so upset yeah so you actually did what chat wanted to do i did i did i i gave them you know every once in a while you've got to throw the uh throw the viewers a bone right you got to let them let them know that you know sometimes it's okay to you know it's okay to change things up and make the people happy i don't know how you've changed man what the hell no the old aspen would never do something like that i've always been nice to chat every once in a while right but you have to you can't the thing is is that you can't be nice to him all the time right because if you're nice to them all time then that then the chat will get the big ego they'll get they'll get bigger egos and the streamers do and when we can't have that i don't know if that's possible that's true actually okay guys um what do y'all think the chances are that i one shot this boss uh 62 okay that's pretty good i'll go with that i have to get rid of the anal beats it'll be fine it'll be fine guys [ __ ] it doesn't matter doesn't matter i can survive okay good holy [ __ ] all right all right problem solved guys problem solved took care of them ratagon's uh scar-souza cool okay okay okay apparently i have to go to the chest is this game supposed to be hard yeah it's supposed to be hard it's a hard game okay let's go ensnared in a transporter trap guys what the [ __ ] did you do that for wait what the [ __ ] is can i pull this oh oh oh my god oh my god horse i can't watch i'll try to use it he says no horse says no no message run okay i'll read the messages could this be a tree oh thank thank you guys thank you so much you know i was so lost and now could this be a dog like i mean guys i feel like i have to jump down what do you think i think i'm gonna jump down [ __ ] no i can't do that okay yeah i can't do that jump to the wall oh man you guys really want me to do this huh all right what if i try one more attempt i'll try one more attempt and we'll see if we can make it jump in the middle of the pit you mean you guys want me to just literally jump down here you want me to go down and jump into the bottomless pit yeah okay sure all right gentlemen let us inspect this lever let us look within ourselves and inspect this lever and see for ourselves what it truly has to offer as you can see this is a lever now what what should you have me do what should i do pull it i can't what else should i do burn it bop it okay i'll hit it twist it to be fair hitting it is not that bad of an idea i'm gonna try yeah yeah i'm not supposed to be there this guy here is this guy strong oh i didn't dude i'm so s i'm so sorry like i thought you were a bad guy like no i didn't mean to do that like oh my god i'm ruining my [ __ ] play through man yep it's over you might as well just killed the fire keeper you know what i'm gonna go over here there's this there's a sight of grace i'm gonna go over here we're gonna reset it i'm gonna talk to him again okay it's gonna be totally fine uh i don't need to worry at all this is totally okay it's okay guys it's not worst ending okay i wanna make sure that what if he sells me the greatsword or something like that hopefully he's not still aggressive if he is and it is what it is right okay all right that's a cool sword he has though holy [ __ ] maybe he'll drop that you think so i mean maybe i just feel like i feel like this is the wrong thing to do like should i really kill this guy i mean you have no choice i just i feel like such a piece of [ __ ] guys like i really do this is actually [ __ ] up twin you know what guys i mean the truth is that i mean he really shouldn't have been there right i mean like did he really have to be there i don't think so he really didn't have to so is it really my fault that he just happened to be in the area that i was at i mean that's the way it goes guys i mean listen it's the way of the road you just find this loop bro oh i didn't want as lou it's just what happens right it's just what happens look i it is what it is what it is minor urgery okay let's see if i can sneak around this guy and catch him off guard yeah he's so stupid he doesn't okay all right um [ __ ] he's got a lot of help what what the [ __ ] was that oh my god i just got instantly killed look at his damage oh my god what the [ __ ] that guy doesn't [ __ ] around what in the [ __ ] rip souls it is what it is man you win some you lose some god [ __ ] damn god [ __ ] damn [ __ ] that boss man good job man good [ __ ] that boss hey boys let's see some twitch props jesus christ man let's go sub it up what a c what a [ __ ] of a boss i feel like that one was legitimately [ __ ] challenging like straight up like no [ __ ] that one was oh no bro you know what i hope there is what i hope there's things like in in ds1 where if you get cursed you get your your playthroughs ruined that's just funny really was that funny for you whenever that happened to me was that yeah yeah that's funny yeah yeah [ __ ] you all right let's go let's see what this is i just um they just they get me they get you into the [ __ ] corner oh my god i'm like stuck in a i'm stuck in this like little [ __ ] like this little constrained space man oh my god it's just so it it's so uh uh dude apparently he was stuck on this for four hours why i don't know making it up to make you feel better okay let's go try this [Music] i hate this [ __ ] boss man i just want to get this out of the way like i just i just wanted this to be over so i can [ __ ] go on god this is so and i hate this boss dude you are progressing now i i don't i'm going to beat it like i'm gonna beat the boss i just hate it i hate the boss i i'm course i'm going to beat it why would i not beat it but like i just don't like it hey don't take the [ __ ] out on me all right chill out i have a big weakness against things like this because i actually do get i do feel claustrophobic and it makes me make panic decisions i'm making panic decisions now i i just i'm making uh [ __ ] oh my god oh my god can do it i know i know i know like i just it's these two boss mechanics that are just really hard it just put i feel pressure i'm getting stressed man i'm getting [ __ ] stressed okay let's go again let's [ __ ] go again [ __ ] you let's go over here let's [ __ ] go baby holy [ __ ] thank god dude why is everything here huge bro what the [ __ ] is this these things are [ __ ] hard jesus christ okay let's move away my boy boy dude imagine there's a catacombs with three of them stop dude i don't even think about that i don't even want to [ __ ] think about that and one is ranged it's a caster oh god okay oh [ __ ] yo is that it yeah yes all right put it on yes dude what does it look like okay let me show you it's like that holy [ __ ] dude dude i can actually i lunge at him oh my god bro this [ __ ] is insane well there it is wow there it is [ __ ] yes dude oh my god oh my god oh my god dear maiden where are you please take my grapes the [ __ ] is this wow [ __ ] wow holy [ __ ] you're tarnished don't you yeah yeah for a small donation i'd be happy to share my knowledge 10 runes is only 10 souls right yeah that's nothing okay well bless you bless you you are a true saint i know my name is tobes presuming you're interested i can teach you sorceries as promised oh you're going to kill this guy too i just wasted 10 souls man just wasted 10 souls on some sorcery [ __ ] some magic [ __ ] what the [ __ ] dude why the [ __ ] you trying to get me to cast spells wait what the hell is this oh my god you think i think i can make the jump over there [Music] maybe if i double jump right yeah maybe if i maybe if i double jump oh let's go down there let's go down there i see i think i'm getting an idea where we need to be now dude this place is [ __ ] insane it's huge yeah it really is [Laughter] i mean listen i have died more to fall damage than anything else in this game i feel like fall damage is the hardest boss that i've encountered so far whoa what the [ __ ] was that okay there we go i don't know why i started one-handing it for some reason uh stripe of white flesh wait i didn't even get anything special out of that this is just like an average day i mean what do you want a [ __ ] medal it's a lobster yeah it's a big lobster though that's that's like a that's a that's an elite lobster okay this horse has a mind of its own alright sometimes it goes where i want it to sometimes it doesn't to be fair that was pretty good timing on having that uh that thing there isn't it you need a controller i don't know okay i'm gonna get my heel out oh my god big [ __ ] damage on this boss massive [ __ ] damage on this boss right now okay he's gonna do one of these again there it is there it is right there got him [ __ ] you jesus jesus god [ __ ] great enemy film very true wait and that's the enemy yeah that was a great enemy boys yeah wait what the [ __ ] cathedral of dragon communism yes that's true uh this is a new world okay it's 2022. nah what the [ __ ] no yep that it's gotten all the way over to japan now that's where we're at there's gotta be something back here yep magic grease why why are they why do they keep giving me grease [Music] they pull that off your hair or something no no no no no okay this thing these are easy to kill guys these are easy to kill ah [ __ ] damn got greedy no it was i was not getting greedy i just didn't i didn't know i all right all right all right here's my logic he's over he's doing the yellow thing so if he's doing the yellow thing that means that i'm on the other side of it and if i'm on the other side of the yellow thing it probably won't hit me that's what i was thinking well it didn't work out no it didn't all right um okay okay all right okay all right that was that was me trying to get my souls i was just trying to get my souls and because i tried to get my souls my brain was not like i one track one track one track i do one thing i avoid and that's it let's get the souls back again and then we're gonna be okay there it is jesus christ i can't no wait what okay going back on it go i i don't know what just happened there okay uh give me a minute give me a minute give me a minute give me a minute we're coming back we're coming back god why am i why am i such a bad decision maker i'm under pressure now [ __ ] god damn it why am i making bad decisions again okay all right all right here we go here we go here we go it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine okay good i'm fine yep it was not even close was not even close guys not even close we got him cerulean crystal tear raptured crystal tear it's just that easy boys it is just that [ __ ] easy first try that was crazy how i [ __ ] that up the first time man that really was crazy i was surprised by that jesus jesus [Music] okay good there it is i can't target them okay that's my that's my level up right there that's my level up for my [ __ ] weapon as soon as i get in here i'm gonna use there it is boys let's [ __ ] go use it right now we are getting our level up right [ __ ] now this is gonna be so [ __ ] big you guys have no idea it takes the strength scaling from d to c that's good that's good [ __ ] god that's good that is big good holy [ __ ] that is the item right there guys that's what we've been waiting for wait what the a double dick what the [ __ ] book book book i'm just gonna play it safe okay bro this game is giving me chill what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] damn oh my god okay all right this is this is a dick sucker room yeah this is a 100 dick sucker room it is why because you died one time yeah [ __ ] this room i hate this [ __ ] room okay these guys are dead this year complete [ __ ] what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] damn i be probably just i beat his little [ __ ] oh my god okay wait what where'd he come from okay just give me a second jesus christ oh what god damn it man when do they run out of mana [ __ ] [Music] jesus dude this is it's so annoying i [ __ ] hate these mobs okay there we go it's like i don't even know what the counter play to that is they just never stop casting and there's like three of them like what do you do you just wait for them to stop well you just did it that's the counterpart you just go kill them it's just [ __ ] annoying it's like i have no problem with one like i can handle one but it's whenever like three of them are attacking me it gets to it's a bit much man i'm never going to burger king ever again after this you went to burger king before this yes burger king is [ __ ] delicious i love burgers what do you mean oh now we're too good for burger king no we're not i'm not oh i'm not either i would have burger king if i could get it all right here we go oh boss time let's do it all right chad here we go here we go chat jack get your subs ready wow is this dude that's the [ __ ] sif the siffy i know that that's true i think this is the direction i need to go in i'm not sure but we'll see [ __ ] [ __ ] where no no no no no no no no no well sometimes you get it sometimes you get god that's right sometimes things are just unfair i will never eat another whopper again in my entire life oh no god putting on the burger king hell makes them stop attacking you guys that sounds like complete [ __ ] like that actually sounds like total [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm gonna do it though you know what i'm desperate i'm gonna do it why not equipment helmet which one guys i think that's the one they're using the twin oh it's a twin stage one okay all right guys look you're not lying to me are you there's no way chat would lie to me or deceive me yes they would they lie all the time dude let's see what happens clueless i don't want to fight these guys anymore where do i go to just get out of this area uh this sucks okay i get it understood i was i didn't see those before i didn't know how they connected over okay good smithing stone wow oh oh no i tried to tell you yeah didn't i say that jesus christ okay all right all right all right i'm through here good we're past that what's this it's just one guy how hard can one guy be very hard what what what what no what what what [Laughter] holy [ __ ] you got perry [Laughter] oh my god okay all right there's perry in this game yes yes there's [ __ ] perry in this game did you guys not see that okay my beloved [ __ ] have no fear i will hold thee stomp her stomp he will be countless born oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] this is weird mother's rich shall not be disturbed by thee foul trespasser [ __ ] send word far and wide of the last queen of karya granala of the full moon holy [ __ ] what the f that's badass under my mind ah what i thought it was like a beam and i'd be able to like run to the side and i could avoid the cast i mean that was you know that's what was going on in my head i was like okay yeah that's what i'll do [Music] [Music] [Music] leave thy night into being there it is all right yeah i just i wasn't sure like there it is we got our ass that's it good [ __ ] man there's there's not phase three right why real quick there's not phase three i'm gonna get upset if there is okay there she is now where did he flee my sweetings let me get the chest first yeah phase four no there's not a phase [ __ ] four chill out the great lift of of the lift of decas what the hell is this jump okay sure all right yeah why not leap of faith
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 2,340,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold lost ark, elden ring, asmongold elden ring, asmongold plays elden ring, asmongold elden ring playthrough, elden ring gameplay, elden ring playthrough, elden ring review, elden ring boss, dark souls, souls, elden ring is an easy game
Id: ZHjIljtpzeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 33sec (2013 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 26 2022
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