A͏s͏mongold Plays MINECRAFT For The FIRST TIME: Hardcore Mode

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[Music] gentlemen boys and girls it's time a literal god has decided that it's time for me to take my skills and my abilities to other games i understand some people might not know how good i am at these kinds of games [Music] well you know what [Music] you're about to learn okay world name literally one shot this entire game i don't even oh okay okay all right i'm in i'm in the game okay wait so the graphics are actually this bad this is normal so this is my wife this is what i have to do new recipes unlocked check your recipe book how do i do that let me see okay so i want to get wood somebody told me to get wood so do i just go around and destroy bricks i don't know how this works okay so i'll go e okay so i i i put these in here right and then i okay is it like shift okay there it is yeah shift and then i can put these in here a spruce baton the [ __ ] is a spruce baton okay oh yeah it's like this somebody told me how to do this okay i've made this right here so i have my crafting table and i have to put down my crafting table and four there we go crafting table is okay never mind all right i press four oh it's right click okay i see um all right oh i see so you have to hit the button and then you right click with it okay i got it so now i want to make a uh what's my recipes what can i do what do i make here spruce planks spruce wood spruce presser plate no i'm not gonna why are you guys everybody's no i'm not like why does everybody make fun of me well i don't know how to play this game i'm doing my best um make sticks how do i make a stick bro guys i i've never played this game before like this is a complicated game give me a break okay um make a stick okay can i make a stick yes i can make a stick okay i want to make a stick right now so let's make a stick yo oh my god i feel like i'm the primitive technology youtube guy now this is perfect okay go for axe where's the music in the game okay so oh i see now wooden axe so do i want to go with an axe or a shovel i think i want to go with an axe right okay yeah let me make the axe wait yo what did i just make a what what the [ __ ] what is that what is this is this a kraken oh god oh god okay i gotta all right all right i got him i got him i got i'm moving out of that come on come on i got him there we go there we go oh i killed him it's it's cthulhu man come on come on get out of the way get out of the way get away come on please get out of the way how does he get away from me like this okay all right now he's dead he's dead he's dead i don't think i'm supposed to be in front of him isn't it like at night you die or something there's no way that'll happen to me though right yo it cuts wood the axe cuts wood really fast holy [ __ ] so you have to use a different weapon for each area is that right the tools are break quicker if used to mine okay so all right so i want to make another axe and then can i also make oh i can't make it anymore can i make a pickaxe okay let me make a stick all right the sticks have been made and now i go back and i make my pickaxe right so i'm gonna make my pickaxe right here there we go so we have the pickaxe and now i have to equip it right i put these right here there we go and there we go good all right so now oh i see so okay so if this is like age of empires where like you start in the stone age and then you get over to like the uh you make our calculators in this game or something right a shovel wait you need a shovel how do you make a shovel okay let me make more sticks okay um oh you do need a shovel that makes sense holy [ __ ] wait oh my god wow wait what's this oh oh i'm fine i'm fine okay all right so do i want to use this axe right here this is like ore isn't it damn okay okay got him boys dude i'm farming man holy [ __ ] dude this is a joke he's already dead why would i be dead why would i be dead i'm confused why would i be dead yeah y'all better better not mess me up okay it's gonna be just fine ass monger has made an advancement to the stone age oh [ __ ] yeah it is just like age empires oh my god okay so i i've gotten down there i was able to mine out some stuff this is really good i should build a house right okay all right i'm gonna build a house right now okay good all right all right this is good start okay um okay wait i'm out of blocks now uh okay okay it's fine everything's good we're good we're good i'll just use these instead okay i've got oh no i didn't mean to do that okay it is what it is uh let me get rid of this one real quick okay good that one's gone now i'm gonna make two more of these and okay i didn't mean to do that it's fine though alrighty and so we're building the house right here so i'll close it in [ __ ] no no we're good we're good boys we're good okay and now so we just wait right all right boys there it is use the torch why would i need a torch okay looks like we got it boys perfect perfect voice all right so we're in here we're in our little house uh maybe i can dig a little bit in the in the ground here oh this is good dude this is good what was that sound like i don't know where he is i'm not trying to make another crafting bench in here okay all right i'm gonna do one of those let me go down over here oh wait wait a second let me take it right over there put this over here okay so i go down i use this right here okay all right i'll make a torch i can't make a torch that's a lever that's a lever that's on a torch oh god oh god okay okay okay all right all right stay calm stay calm everybody [ __ ] did he hear that bro i'm digging in i'm gonna get farther down into the ground oh wow look at this it's it's a little cave oh my god look at that dude look at that dude all right let me go back over wait oh it's it's light outside oh my god oh oh [ __ ] wait where did i come from where's my house everything is completely fine what the [ __ ] dude i don't know how to make a torch guys everybody keeps telling me to make a torch but i can't make a torch all right i'm going to do another crafting table here i'll put a crafting table right here coal on top of stick uh how do i do it coal on top of stick it doesn't do anything okay put the coal on top oh god what is that but i'm not trolling like i've never played this game ever in my life okay so wait where'd my call go okay right click okay oh so it's a certain number of them there's only a there's a certain number okay i see now okay all right i got it i got it now what the [ __ ] is going on oh yo this [ __ ] is scary okay uh oh my god oh my god oh my god okay all right we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good bro bro we're set [ __ ] you can't get to me now what up [ __ ] i put some dirt in the way you can't get to the dirt look at that dude literal [ __ ] god okay wait how do i can i use a sweet berry it's right click to eat right there it is dude man they hear me down there though let me go try to make an axe okay i'm gonna do it anyway okay so crafting table let's make a crafting table oh i can use stone now holy [ __ ] stone pickaxe oh my god stones i i'll make a sword so i can fight those guys that's good and then i can use a stone axe too oh my god dude dude i'm making it right now this is crazy okay so i'm going up to the top now it's daytime i'm safe all right okay okay okay um i need to activate my sword right okay i'm ready i'm ready okay holy [ __ ] yo what yo what i killed his ass dude oh that's the bow all right so where's the where's this guy i hear him okay what he shot me through a wall that's so [ __ ] stupid i got it i got it i got i got all right all right food i'm fooding food fooding food including food fooding fooding okay we're good i lived i live man let me try to kill a chicken here okay oh okay okay so i just killed two chickens three chickens okay and then i'll eat my berries right there and then i'll get my health back wait what what am i what's happening wait is that my am i drowning oh the blue bubbles and wait oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what is that that's lava yeah there's no way i'm supposed to go in that i'll tell you that oh mushrooms wow okay so i'm clearing out this whole area this is from where i'm going to build my house wait what what happened to my thing oh it broke [ __ ] okay just give me a second let me go put down my crafting table again oh my god it's going dark again it's going dark again okay um there we go all right so i'm gonna put these down i'll put these down right here okay here we go we're building the house all right the house is being made okay good [ __ ] should i make it three uh uh three levels high i think i should right oh no okay okay [ __ ] moving out of here moving out of here everything's fine uh i just need to know why is it not let me do my thing it's not letting me do oh i ran out okay i'll make it i'll make a dirt house it's fine third house is fine okay there we go good and now i'll go through this way dirt works yeah it's all right it's a mud hut like we're playing horde okay we're good we're safe boys we're [ __ ] safe all right there we go all right i'll put a roof on my on me though all right let me do a roof okay that's pretty good i feel like i can beat this game today okay going around here perfect and one more all right there we go and so now i'll go ahead and i'll make torches perfect and then let's go ahead and activate torch and activate torch perfect okay so now what we need to do is we need to start digging we need to start digging deeper uh torches make it to our monsters don't spawn in that area well how would they spawn in my area this is like my house dude i don't know how the [ __ ] this works so monsters spawn in darkness okay all right this is getting too intense for me if i dig too deep i won't find like a balrog or some [ __ ] right like this isn't like lord of the rings dude i [ __ ] hear him okay okay i'm getting messed up on okay all right i need another one [Music] oh i just got a new recipe okay that's good take a bit and find iron am i finding iron is this iron right now wait oh i just found iron oh my god okay that's good right can i use this to craft let me go let me go back to my crafting station and see what i can just go make furnace okay i'll make oh wow okay wow so now i just drop a furnace put it down oh wow put coal in the bottom how do i do that all right i made coal and then iron ore am i crafting oh my god oh my god boys take the ingot i have it's right uh oh oh so i need to have the ingot in my inventory okay okay asthma has made the discovery acquire hardware so i'll make my iron pickaxe holy [ __ ] so now i can just craft and get more of these right okay make a shield all right you guys think i should make a shield sure oh i got one got it oh here's more iron right here okay okay there we go all right let me go back over all right we're gonna do we're gonna make more uh we're gonna make that shield okay you guys want me to make the shield let's make the [ __ ] shield all right there it is boys there it is we got it now how do i equip it is it e uh i assume i put it right there okay go oh my god yo it's time there's more iron right there okay here we go boys oh my god oh my god oh my god what was that what's that what's that bro i thought that was lava oh wow wow so that it's flooding it's okay it's not going to get any higher right i'm pretty sure it's just gonna be like this isn't it okay we'll just keep this here all right so cap it i don't know a water bucket i'm good all right let me go i've got to make another axe should i make these boots and stuff like i don't know if i should make like armor or not is it worth it or no all right let's do it it's crafted okay suit up [ __ ] yeah all right now i'll equip this on oh okay so it tells me what i have on now okay so should i make the uh oh i can't anymore because i need more iron oh i still need more iron oh my god okay all right let me go down this way okay there it is i know you can dig into lava which is bad that's one thing i do know about the game press f5 oh my god [Applause] bruh i look like a i look like a god oh dude oh dude oh it's dude it's over man it's over we're gonna take care of this dragon real quick okay oh my god is this wow so if i jump into lava i catch on fire right [ __ ] am i gonna die here do i get like radiation poisoning or something jump in yeah there's no way i'm gonna jump into lava what the [ __ ] was that sound what was that was that 5g no it wasn't 5g man i don't know if i should should i go back and make more torches i feel like i probably should huh let me go with this one too i forgot to go down there okay all right that's good yeah all right i'm gonna go back and make more torches press f3 okay look dude i've oh my god i've dug so deep holy [ __ ] okay so let's go down over this way we're gonna make more torches wait i can't make sticks oh no does that mean i have to go out i think it does right okay so how the hell do i even get over there okay i don't know what the hell i'm doing by the way so just uh just be patient with me okay good all right so do i want to dig what happens if i dig through this do does the do the mobs come out we should be safe okay all right gain trace gain tree is gingers all right good so let's go down over here we'll get this one too build a door okay all right i'll figure out how to make a door all right so how do i make a door let me go let me go down here okay all right a door okay got it ironed iron door okay i'm gonna make an iron door [ __ ] it like that's that's the only thing i can make and now i have to click on the door right there it is how do i open the door you need a button i know everybody is like wow asman doesn't know what he's doing you're right this is my first time playing the game man okay right clicking so now what oh wow that's crazy what the [ __ ] okay [Music] yes dude okay let's go down here all right let's go back we're gonna see how far we can we can go okay let's go down here so we have to go all the way back down here bed skips night time if you sleep in it well i don't know if that's a bad thing or a good thing i'm not sure all right let's go uh let's go build all this wait what the [ __ ] i should torture this right i i need to torchy torchy torchy and torchy holy [ __ ] this area is huge this area is [ __ ] massive man oh god oh god okay okay all right we're good we're good there's no way he's gonna come in through that way there should be no more monsters right that's a spider web does that mean that there's spiders here uh oh okay all right let me put one right here too it's a mine shaft okay so can i go down there then oh wow there's more iron oh [ __ ] okay dude oh what the [ __ ] is this dude i'm so scared right now like i'm actually so scared is this dude can i mine this oh oh is this gold i think this is gold right what the [ __ ] is [ __ ] is this dude i'm getting so scared man like i'm just getting so scared right now i've got to go back up here like this is too stressful for me okay let me get out of here good all right let's keep digging we'll dig through all these okay all right perfect and this is more iron as well okay so there we go that's good what is going on oh [ __ ] do i do i try to beat him should i try to beat him guys or what got it bro what what's my durability on my shield now oh it's still really high so i should be good all right let me eat my berries real quick i've got to get my health back okay skeleton killing god i know man okay there we go all right let me try it one more time plant berries outside by right click okay i didn't know that what the [ __ ] is that sound okay i probably should stop eating my berries this much right okay so i should be ready with my shield in case anything comes up to me okay everything's fine here yeah this is totally this is totally okay okay uh let me just drop another one right here [ __ ] okay all right here we go i'm gonna wait for him to come to me i'm gonna wait for him to come to me got it oh all right i'm learning i'm getting better guys uh you've just got to get the uh gotta get the speed violence and um and attacking the target down okay we're good so we're looking around we're exploring you're trying to come with me [ __ ] didn't even have a chance dude you mess with the literal god man you get [ __ ] destroyed get [ __ ] destroyed kid i don't have time for your [ __ ] i'll run this [ __ ] game okay diamonds wait where are they there's no diamonds there's no diamonds dude what do you mean unless i missed something did i i don't think i did yeah where the hell was it you guys trolling me again man you guys [ __ ] with me i think y'all are just messing with me man this this is i'm getting bullied by my own chat again okay let me see if i can get over this way all right uh let me drop into the torch here what the [ __ ] okay destroying that one oh my god okay so [Music] all right let's go up this way then [ __ ] [ __ ] where is he okay all right i've got to heal i have to heal right here there we go i i joe i clutched that the [ __ ] up dude don't even tell me i didn't do not even think about telling me i did not clutch that the [ __ ] up okay let me just put this block over okay i didn't want to do that okay um there we go all right can i please [ __ ] close this hole holy [ __ ] oh there we go all right it's gone now good okay now this will despawn right yeah okay perfect okay and there should be one more there's a green boy this way i'm pretty sure there's a green boy i've gotta wait for him and make sure that i kill him okay all right okay there's they're trapped down there though so like i should be fine over here because they're not they're not anywhere [ __ ] near me so i should be to oh my god dude this is there's a little bit too many scary noises this time uh this is disturbing okay oh i haven't been over there okay let me go that way okay let's go down here wait is this wait oh is this the chest oh my god minecart with chess oh [ __ ] okay all right all right we're waiting we're waiting [ __ ] i'm dead i'm dead i'm [ __ ] dead man i'm [ __ ] dead like this is it's over man it's over for me like okay wait can i eat this bread though let me make sure there's nothing else over around me okay i should be good here let me see if i can eat this bread um shift cooking all the bread and then oh i get an iron pickaxe too and torchies okay all right let me eat the bread there we go perfect okay so all right we're staying we're staying focused and i probably should activate a torchy let me activate the torchy okay good all right you ready what what wait what oh [ __ ] how do i get rid of poison how do i get rid of poison how do i get rid of poison how do i get rid of poison how do i get rid of poison how do i get how do i get rid of milk no man wait it went away okay bro is that a snake never mind [ __ ] okay i've got to keep eating all right so we're gonna play it safe right now we're playing it very very safe okay i'm trying to stay i'm trying to stay as careful as i can right now all right all we do is we play it safe right now okay all right i'm panic eating wouldn't be the first time okay so took a round over this way oh that's a bear alright let me kill that okay i'll deal with the zombie in just a second guys dude they thought they were gonna get me man they thought they were gonna get me imagine that man imagine thinking they were gonna get me dude that wouldn't even close it was not even [ __ ] close dude okay i've gotta go back and get another sword because my sword's starting to break okay so how do i how do i get back dude i don't even remember where i came from [ __ ] dude um okay so let me look around here go up create it here should i just make a new one here i could but i don't know if is that the right call i just make a new one gold okay um yeah i guess i can do that yeah i'll just make a new home base all right yeah i will the gold as well might as well okay so here's what we're going to do we're going to this is going to be the new home base right here so this area is pretty clean and i'm going to activate the torchy right here there we go and so we move all the way out of the way dig up and make a base why would i oh [ __ ] i don't know if i should have been here okay let me actually just close this area all right so there we go perfect and i'll close this area up perfectly good and so now i can just make the pickaxe and i'll make a new furnace and it should be okay i just want to make a little bit of space here that way it's like this is going to be my new house and so i want to make sure that it's as nice and um and good as possible okay follow the torches you guys want me to try to run all the way back i can do it if you if you want i mean i don't know if this is the right play though like okay let me do it [ __ ] it let's do it okay so did i go this way i feel like i didn't i feel like there's no way i would have gone this way okay oh there's one right there god dude okay all right there it is what the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] is this what is that was he farting what the hell is he doing okay let's circle around we're gonna circle around and try to avoid him okay okay okay all right i'm gonna mine the siren on the way over good okay we're doing just what the [ __ ] [Music] okay i don't understand he teleports okay we're doing just what the [ __ ] look at that dude actually just lost in minecraft bro this is a kids game and i just got demolished [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 594,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold best, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, asmongold minecraft, minecraft, minecraft gameplay, minecraft first time, minecraft first, minecraft hardcore, minecraft funny, minecraft 2020, xqc minecraft, pewdiepie minecraft, asmongold pewdiepie, asmongold xqc, minecraft reaction, minecraft pewdiepie, minecraft xqc, dream minecraft, minecraft dream
Id: oZ3UdRrp9K0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 55sec (2635 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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