Ask Steve: I Need Visual Stimulation

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Christine is here she's got an issue with her art hi Christine hi Steve - Stella she's 53 and she is addicted to social media when she isn't working online she's on Facebook Twitter the gossip sites YouTube all day long okay she can't even put the phone down to bring in the groceries she hasn't had a date in three years she's in ten years and her social addiction is not helping can you tell her she doesn't have to be on social media 24/7 I don't think I'm addicted it's just that when I click on something it takes me to something else and I keep clicking and it's like four five oh you just nosey research on the gossip site she verifies if it's true or not posted I used to verify if the gossip is true wait a minute wait a minute you hear some gossip and you go to another site to verify if it's true well I do but so you delete it as keeping my publicist up at night well I've been in school so I've been nothing about your education what I said on stellar have you been on a date we had that but that's because how long has it been since you've been on a date it's been 10 years because I've been in school do you want to go on a date I do well that's why I started going online and watching you know following social media because all of the research they have to doing all the studying it's like an escape for me because I need like visual stimulation so that's I'm Stella dis a daytime show and we ain't got time to get into this visual stimulation and all this here now on stellar let me ask you something if you haven't been on a date and you're involved in Twitter Facebook gossip sites are you on any dating sites I'm not I'm confused you want to go on a date I feel funny going on a on a like I'm not trying to interact have a whole station oh you don't that kind of date you know what you just some visual stimulation [Applause] that's all you need just get the Playboy channel and lock it down you gotta do nothing I'm Stella come on now listen here's what can happen to people and I'm not saying that's happening me you but you can be so involved in other people's lives that you don't take the time to put into your own life other people can't be more interesting than you you can't want to know or care more about somebody else than you do yourself why don't you take that same time that you're putting in the following everybody else is looking at everybody else researching everybody and do you [Applause]
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 494,422
Rating: 4.9286218 out of 5
Keywords: harvey, Steve, steve harvey daytime, steve harvey, funny, humor, comedy, steve harvey show, steve, Harvey, ask steve, tv
Id: FfV_6bLHaqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 36sec (216 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2013
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