Asian Snack Taste Test Challenge! Which Snack is Best? Andy vs Jane

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Honestly, this kind of tests the limits of what I'm willing to watch just because these guys are doing it.

I still watched, so they passed the test and all, but somebody else eating things I'm not likely to ever actually eat myself isn't exactly their best-ever hook. They're just so much fun to pseudo-hang out with that I guess it doesn't really matter.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cdskip πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I think I’m with the other commenters about how...anticlimactic this was. But even Andy and Jane sounded relieved about the Xbox reveal tomorrow.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/canadianD πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh god watching Andy and Jane gummy popping candy powder has me in tears

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/darkcorneroftheworld πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I haven't watched the video yet, but Jane's snack is deeply disturbing to me, because I know at least one definition of the word "kancho" in Japanese...ō

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/WhisperingOracle πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone it's working and we're here i can't believe we made it look at us that's real look at us here can you believe it andy how are you i still can't believe it i'm good jane i'm hope that we look good and we sound good please do let us know because boy have we had some technical problems this is a redo of a stream we tried to do last week which didn't go super well because um of technical problems but we think we fixed them yes full credit to producer john who is even now watching and listening and always caring and fixing and uh yeah so shout out to producer john in the chat i'm just gonna check the chat to see if it looks like yes we can actually hear them people say we can see them our faces are appearing as they appear in truth hooray hooray hooray okay well i'm excited andy what are you what are you wearing there is this one your very fine t-shirt that's a classic andy shirt this whole thing i cook i've been wearing it every day uh no it's the new pleasure it's the uh and everything i need your shirt every color you could want you can't name a color that's not on here so that's true i don't know many colors yeah your audio is totally off says superior stephen so well i mean it's probably that's probably on me that's probably my voice that's probably just the way i sound uh anyway your audio sounds fine to me on the actual stream so maybe it's the sync i don't know it's fine it's basically fine this is how it's going to be all right this is as good as it gets lucky g dang stars that we're here we're all here we're all together friends can you believe we are jaybird says you both look and sound phenomenal so wow wow i think i tried too hard in that case because i was going for just adequate um but i will take it so anyway thank you for coming and joining us here and trusting that we got this thing fixed actually producer john got this thing fixed because it is time at last for take two of the asian snack taste test challenge with jane that's me and andy that's him hello okay um so on this switch side of me this this side of me yeah uh yeah you're on the left of the screen i'm on the right on the screen great so um ellen i think has been playing some kind of naked samurai butt game because that's what people are saying she just won't leave the naked samurai butt alone we're like what do you want to stream today ellen and she's like the one with the butts again with the butts we get it okay because ellen has just finished streaming everyone outside extra she's been streaming ghost of sushma and um she told everyone to say naked samurai gutted us so i said some sort of for that naked samurai yes i'm going to make it samurai mission i don't know i don't know what ellen gets up to in her spare time hey ellen whatever you want to do on your channel is luke's on holiday this week so ellen has literally the money free reign of the second luke leaves is butt central over there dot com tina from bob's burgers type it's just butter just yeah that's obsession okay right gentleman drizzle in the chat says hey guys my pride shirt arrived today okay for the snack stream so far uh oh wait we scrolled off the top so far it was just fine you got it guys and team new pokemon says more donations for outside xbox snack fun snacks hashtag snacks for jane finally a hashtag i can get behind good okay right explain the concept of this stream to me jane because i am uh forgetful and a little bit stupid so please catch me up nothing would make me happier right i'm going to catch you up we are going to test we're going to taste test competitively review and sample 12 12 of your exclusive high quality superior asian snacks we've got one for each side of the chinese zodiac we've got okay if you will we've got uh snacks from taiwan korea japan i think indonesia um anyway we've got a whole bunch of them we are going to work through them one by one and we are going to competitively review them can you competitively review something please well i know i know you andy you're a real foodie so i think you've probably got great powers of like food description food persuasive powers of food advocacy so we're each going to select our favorite from those twelve and staff staff advocate yeah for the snack you stand and then the chat's gonna decide who who stand it hardest and choose the king of snacks for this stream and whoever whoever's snack is king or snacks is the winner i just i just have to make something competitive andy yeah no you know me i have to gamify everything i ask before the stream started if we both chose the same snack what would happen and you said that we would both lose rather than we would both work right now we're both losers if we choose the same snack okay so there's your answer wouldn't it be nice if we both won and then it would be if we'd both be winners no disagree all right fine you'd rather lose than see me win yeah destroy this trophy before i give it up and share it all right all right there's no trophy by the way just in my home so all right are we ready to go how uh how's the chat uh chat's doing well they're still mostly talking about butts so that's fine i mean it's good that's good too it's just about central right i haven't actually played any ghost of sushma yet but i expect it's from what i hear about the graphical quality and technical innovation it's going to have butts like no other yeah the high most finely rendered butts in video game history yeah the most polygons 4k butts yeah you need a lot of polygons to do a good butt because if you think it's very smooth and rounded what if you had a square butt though yeah but that's it if it's going to not be blocky you need to have so many polygons i think the nature of samurai training you do a lot of crouching and stuff you probably would have a very round butt yeah there you go elena smith says good luck with your snacks hopefully it goes better for you than my pre-stream easter gummies went for me chad assured me they never go off and as i finally found sale by date on the packet i hope that's true wow okay um i didn't check the sell by dates on these uh andy but i'm going to hope that since they are freshly purchased yeah they are all in dates well yeah okay we've taken out all the peanut ones so we've taken out all kinds of ones yes so we've got a table let's let's um should we show show the audience hang on here we go look at these gorgeous snack boxes look we have the same items yeah we've got the same deal so it'll be fair because it's very important that it's scrupulously rigorously fair it's like olympic committee yeah scrupulously fair all right what are we starting with what's the first snack let's go with snack the first is gimbas or gin biss dream animals seaweed flavor biscuits oh okay track that down this one this one there we go show the camera i think we should have a picture actually in the stream there it is oh andy that's confused your back that's very confused my green screen the green screen does not know what to do with that green box wow okay let me see if i can get it back it's fine don't worry about it maybe i can get it back choose whatever we do it's not breaking the stream it's all good okay okay right there we go so there we go i'm back okay what do i want to tell you about the uh dream animals seaweed flavor biscuits okay well i'm enjoying that they're shaped like fun animals they're a bit like um those uh animal crackers in america except they're like savory which i think american animal crackers are sweet right i have no idea but most importantly it says here on the box 45 different kinds of animal shapes did you know there are 45 kinds of animals there aren't 45 animals jane you're making that up well but look on the back look on the back uh that's not 45. i can't count but i'm gonna i assume this is at least 45 animals it's 15 15 animals on the back well maybe there's like there's uh three variants of each of the 15. so like baby baby horse grown up horses dead horse yeah it's got the animals in english german french and dutch um it's got horn owl it's got uh m duck what's an m duck oh mandarin it's like m bison okay right now you're right yeah mandarin that's what i meant to say all right so i i see you've already opened it up yeah there's a powerful smell coming off this i've got to say okay i haven't gotten into the foil yet it smells like have you ever been uh pinned to the bottom of the ocean by a big wave and like some of the the ocean floor has got into your mouth okay so it's gonna be like oh yeah it's it's like a day at the seaside but the seaside is in like seaside is aggressive and trying to kill you that's really aggressively like vinegary yeah yeah it makes me think of like like um like a seaside town but it's kind of rock a rocky beach yeah with like a fishing kind of fisherman dwarf thing now yeah i don't know what it says about the quality of the uh representation of the animals on it that they've also had to write they've had to write what animal this is no way look at this elephant can you see this yeah okay does it have a trunk you're holding it on the front look it's no okay in what universe is this an elephant that's a peanut with legs hang on there's probably some better looking animals in here the cow is a bit more cowish but i mean they've ripped it into a cow right they've written cow on it because i don't think they check out this polar bear though i mean oh yeah that's unmistakable definitely a polar bear not a bear bear andy it's your favorite golf mammal look oh that's pretty cool oh jane it's your favorite what show me oh yeah you're this sick wolf that is howling okay i'm getting seaweed bits everywhere yeah and so are we gonna try this thing what did you get this little guy i got a little penguin oh okay that's a big pink opinion a tingling okay now okay i'm gonna chow down on this penguin what what what animal do you think this is and andy it's a pig no it's a rhinoceros oh okay dude that's a rhinoceros where's the horn where's the horn coming out of the top of his head right there okay do you want to eat some of these all right what's gonna have the best flavor um i've got a tiger here i'm gonna go yeah eat it to gain his courage i'm getting its courage okay i'm gonna eat this penguin and gain the courage of a penguin it's so delicious you've gone out of focus right now all right ready to get my face back in okay make your face sharper and more focused be sharper be focused ready ready yes all right okay go okay hmm it's crunchy and i love the crunch you know it's crunchy there's definitely a weird it doesn't taste as strongly of the ocean as it smells strongly of the ocean which i don't mind i usually i usually find it a bit disappointing when things don't taste as strong as they smell but this really does smell very strongly of yeah being pinned to the bottom of the ocean floor i don't mind it it's tasty i could definitely eat a whole bunch of these they're they're crunchy and kind of salty which is the main thing you want from a snack yeah that's the the main thing a snack needs to be is crunchy and salty i feel they would be better if they were just crunchy and salty i feel like it's like if you dropped a packet of like ritz crackers into like a pot that someone had been eating muscles out of and then you hurriedly scoop them out of it it's got certain muscles like sea sea weedy like someone's had a big part of marinara and you accidentally tripped and all your ritz crackers went in but you scooped them out before they got too soggy with a hairdryer yeah you put them on the radiator overnight and then you shape them into little animals and then stamp the name of various little animals on them i do like that they've identified yeah that's um they've really gone the distance gone the extra mile to name these animals got a horn you're so blurry am i you're a little blurry i think i think i'm as sharp as i'm gonna get sharp as you get okay fine i made it blurry in real life if you ever mean okay what the right way up is for this panda it looks like a cat if you ask me that is a cat friend yeah looking out there as a cat friend i think some of these shapes are pulling double duty if i'm honest they've only got like eight stamps yeah like like eight stencils but then if you rotate them they become other animals if you guys most most animals are just another animal upside down yeah exactly like this rooster that's a rooster that's a bat that's a rooster that's a bat okay you're gonna have to explain this to me because i have no show me how this shape is a squirrel yeah like like what way up are we talking here well i mean i assume the writing is the right way up so i think that's the right way up and its tail is like behind it you're looking front on a squirrel there's okay there's levels of perspective and abstraction in that that i don't think the crap the cracker medium really supports that level of detail i don't think but okay right fine um if you had to rate them out 10 what would you give them it's difficult because it's the first snack so we haven't really calibrated with all with all the other snacks yeah it's hard to say um six how hungry are you right now i think that's also important we need to calibrate medium hungry i left room for snacks but i had lunch yeah same same time i feel like that's good because if you're really hungry then all snacks are fabulous yes i like the crispness i like the saltiness not a big fan of the menace of the ocean flavor all right moving on from menace of the ocean flavor dream animal biscuits do you have any supporting info about gin biss oh yeah i do actually okay gin bist is a uh well it's these are apparently are popular in japan i don't know for sure it's a japanese firm actually i didn't look that up but they are popular in japan and uh jinbis or gimbas has been going since 1930 so they are an historic and established snack brand they're doing all right with these weird ocean crackers yeah yeah exactly okay um right so question question today question two snack number two is the want want qq gummies green apple flavor oh okay we've got an image for that green apple flavored gummies no i want one that's me once one is such an adorable brand name uh want one is a taiwanese brand by the way so these come fresh out of taiwan okay uh green apple is a nice flavor actually i do enjoy yeah oh man i'm getting a real strong green apple scent right out of the right oven i want they contain fruit juice and vitamin c so this is basically this is like healthy you know one of those like vitamin gummies that you can just take a multivitamin but in like gummy form basically that oh they're quite small they're smaller than i thought they would be there's a cute little little dude okay i don't know if you can see this but they are a tiny apple oh apple okay little teeny teeny vitamin filled apples okay that's a really good strong sense okay let me get into this let me rip this open oh wow um no that's too strong that smells like that's too much no no no if i'm getting an artificial flavor in something i want a lot of it i don't know it smells like caustic like really acidic like a like a beauty product but like a bad beauty product gotta say green apples scented beauty products all right i'm gonna take a couple of these to get the full flavor tiny little green apples look at that flavor burst all right i'm gonna do the same as you then let's take a couple of these so these are the qq want want green apple flavor gummies hmm okay so subtler than i expected yeah that is a lot better than i was expecting from the from the smell i thought that was going to blow my mouth off but actually that's quite subtle and pleasant yeah but i'm not a big fan of gummies unless they've got like a fizzy coating on them yeah i know what you mean actually like what's the point what is the point of a gummy unless it's covered in like a fizzy coating mike uh mike likes to eat sweets while we play video games um for let's plays and stuff and he always buys like haribo star mix and he's like oh dig in everyone and i'm like why didn't you get tang fastics well that's why andy what a waste of time you're not going to eat yeah that's true and then haribo starmix because he knows you don't like her face yeah so if these were if these were fizzy green apples yeah hell yeah yeah yeah yeah what you need to do with these is like dunk them in a bunch of like sherbets just roll them around in some yeah and some popping candy and gundam can't get over how that smell is it's very synthetic very sharp very much like a beauty product rather than like an edible snack there's definitely like a weird edge to it but the more you smell it the more chemically it becomes yeah right um but the good news is it's fresh and in date it hasn't like expired that's not why it smells weird this is how it's meant to smell so don't you worry arasina blue says fizzy coated gummies must be a british thing um well i don't know if you're not if you're not if you don't have fizzy coated gummies you're missing out what did you eat your entire childhood yeah that's good stuff you need fizzy cola bottles they're like shaped like cola bottles and they're covered in like a sherbet basically so they kind of fizz and pop and they they make in america they have sour patch kids which i think yeah it's like busy it's a very close kind of approximation of like a fizzy cola bottle or something so i suspect that they do have those things austin knight says qq is the chinese slang for things with a chewy mouth feel but no real texture no apparently that is such phenomenal knowledge if true amazing if true yeah maybe it sounds like a chinese word well i actually had a trivia question here for you andy yes and it is actually unrelated to the true meaning of qq if that is correct and it is what is the emoji qq what does it mean oh you never see anyone type qq okay is it is it the emoji for cyclops from the x-men oh like lazy laser beams coming out of his eyes no it's not it's um when you when you're you know you talk a lot about cyclops from the x-men and it takes ages to write out cyclops right okay like hey man check out what you was up to in the latest yeah when you were on the x-men reddit talking about man i couldn't believe what scott did in the latest issue of qq no i bet the chat knows qq is um oh hang on let me go and have a look at the chat in fact i'm going to ask you to mostly keep an eye on the chat because i've got a whole bunch of other stuff to look at steve cavanaugh says qq equals crying yes lemon wings yes steve there you go so let's get like two eyes who says dog's that's what i think of as soon as i think of qq is less qq more pp which is a warcraft hangover for me it's like if someone is like being you know upset or unhappy or emotional you're like less qq more pew pew which means yeah go do more damage you're crying baby baby i forgot you used to be an emotionless world of warcraft troll yeah right exactly from my emotionless world of warcraft troll days okay yeah no of course all right moving on you ready we got a rank we gotta rank it oh shoot okay um i prefer the seaweed dream animals really because i prefer these what i prefer the ocean terra dream animals whatever the ocean yeah the terror of the deep the terror uh okay andy prefers the qq gummies which is good i'm giving this a seven and i gave the seaweed crackers a six uh okay for me the seaweed crackers are definitely like a seven and a half because i love it's got a bit of crunch i just love a bit of crunch and gummy is like the opposite of crunch the opposite mouth feel okay right okay that's good so all right so that's two of our twelve snacks yeah and also you've had some of your vitamin c for the day now because that's true right i thought my teeth were feeling more secure in the gums you're gonna cleanse your palate now i'm just gonna cleanse my palate all right hang on let me cleanse my palate with a nice you know like scientific palette with fizzy cola yeah like the like you know like the wine guys do yeah yeah yeah yeah they take away like a swig of unbranded brown sugar mouthful of fizzy pop and then they get back together just to reset then they get back to this year's beaujolais nouveau yeah okay good right ready who's ready who's ready for more snacks yes what are we doing next snack number three is tf garlic green peas which which it's an expression of surprise garlic green peas pf garlic green peas which is a product of taiwan okay okay i'm gonna hang on i'll go find them here we go here we go find the green peas andy find the green peas garlic green peas i've got them in here somewhere hang on let me show you let me show you as i hunt in the snack box it should be called wtf garlic green peas okay so this is going to be like a wasabi pea experience okay oh i'm into experience with garlic okay yeah let me oh why am i showing you the packaging when you can see the packaging on the street it's fine there is a warning on the thing that says uh it may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children so oh that's pretty good so these are taiwanese as you say i don't know if my attention is up to that but it does say children so yeah stupid children are they're gonna get affected by anything okay right let's um crack into these taiwanese garlic green peas oh that's a that's a spicy peanut it's a bowl it's a bowl of bold smell very savory yeah i'm gonna show you mommy at me is it is this a mommy experience yet i i'm not really sure what a mommy it's a full um these are very dark green these are way darker green hang on let me show i'll show the old camera can you oh wait we've got green screen on you this is probably going to look weird on the green now i can see i can see that there's an element of they're not green enough there's an element of brown in there that's distressing well it's probably been the way they've been like dried and roasted and and such and such yeah are you thinking right you're going to have regular wasabi peas mfas yeah i love myself peas okay you can try these all right let's get in okay oh a bit crumbly it's got the crunch again all snacks gotta have the crunch i'm more a fan of savory snacks and sweet snacks therefore crunches my like yeah it's my high water mark of snack quality i think i'm missing the the burn of a wasabi pea yeah i agree i think wasabi p is more satisfying it's a little bit more punishing i think a good snack has got to have an element where you feel a little bit punished for snacking yes otherwise you would just snack all the time it's like a karmic balancing rebalancing where it's like i enjoy this i am also eating between meals so i ought to be punished just a tiny tiny tiny bit with a little bit of a burn i don't like the fizz i do like the taste of garlic yeah you know that's pretty good i can imagine that with like a cold beer would be would be pretty good but i don't know like wasabi peas are just like it's lacking something yeah i feel there's no like burning aftertaste you've already got wasabi peas you don't really need the garlic garlic garlic wasabi peas then you want to talk to the people who invented them and just say you should have stopped while you're ahead you know so what you're saying is you want to say to them wtf girl like these tf garlic peas you already you already perfected the pea snack with um with wasabi i'm giving these peas a five oh daryl i don't care what anyone says you sure yeah what if they're powerful like garlic what are they gonna do yankov garlic pea advertising sponsorship do you want to sacrifice our garlic sponsorship lucrative garlic sponsorship all right fine five it is i agree with you i concur not my favorite okay ready ready up it's good crunch good crunch yep then crack the crunch okay for number four snack number four is another jelly snack it is orion jelly my gummy okay okay peach flavor okay and it's from orion which is a south korean brand cool all right this is this is good because i do i do enjoy a gummy and peach is a nice flavor that's quite subtle so this is going to have to be bold i think otherwise it's going to be like what's the point i'm already i'm already noting now that it can't possibly have a fizzy exterior i don't think that is a commonplace uh finish wow on a gummy snack that is even more potent than the green apple really that's like uh i'm getting the right snoot full of peach here i'm just gonna examine the packaging um okay because i don't speak korean i don't know what is 50 what what 50 is going on here 50 of something yeah uh let me see if google translate yeah go on do it use your phone all right well okay fill time for me okay basically we've got a we've got a beautiful bit of packaging here we've got a lovely deep rich blue and pink for the peaches got some real juicy looking peaches there's like condensation a little bit of dewy moisture on them and then it says 50 here and i'm not sure what that 50 refers to and i bet you that google lens isn't going to translate it for you because it's not very good at like non-standard fonts and packaging and graphics that kind of thing right right we're going from korean yeah to english and what does it say translate for me please translate please what else can i tell you about this packaging well 50. it's got the 50 well that's in india well it's it's in just numbers andy so uh the middle class 50 product standards that can't be right junior 50 standards [Music] i assume concerned that it's only only uh it only complies with 50 of some sort of standard can anyone read korean and tell them if so what does that mean and also read this there you go this one it's not much more in focus no not very much more right well let's just assume it doesn't mean we'll remove 50 of your chance of death yeah yeah it contains corn syrup sugar peach juice concentrate gelatin acidity regulator artificial flavor peach pectin black carrot concentrate whoa black carrot collagen and processed oil so there we go 50 more peaches in your peach oh okay yeah yeah that makes sense is that a comment are you reading comments i'm just imagining what it is right look at these delicious um fruits look at these little butter fruits lovingly rendered little butt fruits it's like a samurai ellen loves i would love this naked samurai but they're just touching butts look at these peachy mutts i challenge you to a samurai butt duel where we have to touch butts they look really beautifully like hearts they look like really beautiful peachy we're going to get this this stream is going to get yanked off yeah for lewd content lewd butt content oh um that's what i mean about the powerful strong concentrated powerful peach fragrance it's like there's if you no peach in nature could smell as strong as that nowhere does the peach naturally occurring peach smell smell that strongly shadow theory 45 says pretty sure it says 50 juice concentrate oh okay so it's 50 juices okay so if i eat a bunch of these that's like one of my five a day yeah like one of your peaches a day all right are we ready to do this all right let's go okay hmm i don't hate it i like that i like that quite a lot actually it could be more gummy for my money there's nothing it's literally all gummy no no there's not enough resistance to the chew the mouth feel it doesn't have enough springiness come on don't look at me like i'm crazy there's different colors it's what do you how is this is a little bit more cooked pasta right it doesn't have the same springiness you want a bit more bites to it yeah i want something that gives my tea something to fight for you know okay well i quite like that i could see myself eating more of those um i like it more than the garlic peas six i like it more than the the green apple gummy so i'm going to have to give it a seven if i'm going to be there for being conscientious yeah in your gotta give it another evaluating capacity gotta give it an eight it's just the way it is i think i think i'm less predisposed to like it because the actual concentrated smell from the pack is not that pleasant you know what i mean on their own individually they're okay but like when you get a big snoop full don't love it okay um austin knight says orion is also a local okinawan um beer company winston cigarettes ran an orion crossover event with beer flavored cigarettes back in 2016 and it was unexpectedly popular beer flavored cigarettes i mean if you're going if you're trying to damage your body combine your vices why not go all out yeah but they're being flavored rather i assume they're not alcoholic cigarettes you know so you can yeah and uh julian mitchell has dropped us a super chat to say cyclops doesn't shoot lasers out of his eyes he shoots a concussive blast from a portal that opens in his eyes to a dimension of pure kinetic energy and you knew that how did you let yourself down so badly i didn't want it i didn't want to say oh the emoji is cyclops opening his eyes to a dimension of pure kinetic energy you can't talk your way out of this one andy i'm embarrassed for you what am i gonna i'm not gonna be able to show my face at cyclops con how are you gonna go on the x-men reddit and admit that you thought psychologists could shoot lasers out of his eyes like a baby like an x-man baby who doesn't know that cyclops opens little portals in his eyes and lasers just spill forth yeah probably you probably think wolverine's got knives that come out of his hands cause actually they're adamantium coated bone claws okay yeah okay well i'm glad we learned something about um famous x-men james marsden today so famous x-men john master right ready for item number five which is um okay so we're at third we're a third of the way through just before we do yeah uh connor watson says uh thanks for streaming my birthday can i get a shout out to my beagle zillion cat phoebe we've enjoyed your concept years now thanks for the fun so shout out to zilli and phoebe and your phoebe and your beagle and yeah happy birthday amazing congratulations have a wonderful day what is our fifth snack snack number five is the non-shim potato snack please acquire it from your snack box your snack testing crate okay apparently it's just potato flavor so it's all i can describe from the packaging is that it is flavored like potato potato snack well they're i mean they're up front it's made from potato and it's just flavored as potato and as you can see here we have a happy potato and then a smaller potato just loving on him they're friends just loving on each other nongshim is a korean south korean brand okay um also they make my favorite pot noodle which is the shin cup which is a very spicy coffee which is nice where you might recognize them from because shin cups are actually relatively easy to get hold of in like you know british supermarkets maybe just supermarket cleanse my palate of this peach flavor yeah do it get get that peach flavor out of your mouth okay let's see if google translate can figure out any of this you know it can't in fact i think i tried i tried to do that when i took the photo for this stream i think i tried to translate it with google translate and it was not having any of it come on okay i'm reading i'm going to read the chat while you try and google lens this this nonsense star system says that is disgustingly cute packaging how dare you they seem to imply uh katie douglas says boiler mashem stick them in a snack which is i think that's your favorite lord of the rings quote andy is it i mean there's so many great lord of the rings coins to choose from how could you make me i was very surprised when we played d d the other day and you quoted several aragorn quotes and this is from someone who does not care one wit for lord of the rings yeah i opened a wiki quote on my computer no what i'm i'm flabbergasted and outraged i'm so mad right now yeah i was really i was impressed with like insinuating myself with all you nerds i tabbed over from my american football stats page yeah i tapped over from my fantasy football standpoint to wiki quotes i'm gonna tell i'm gonna tell luke quinn don't tell them he's gonna be so mad at you so disappointed you want to make luke cry you want to see that that'll be on you i was so impressed that you knew all these like aragorn quotes so now look what you've done okay you're gonna open the wait did the google translate translate for you yeah it translates to potato snack okay fine all right let's get this thing open i gotta say this is one of the ones i'm the most excited for because i love a crisp i love a potato crisp it's hard to open all right got it ingredients not potato first but wheat flour first so it's actually like a oh yeah you've got to get there it's a wheat potato flavor i'm going to open it away from the mic because it's going to be quite loud oh that's a sturdy bag yeah i can't get into this i'm gonna have to tear it i'm gonna have to rip it do you want to go and fetch some scissors yeah can you can you send some scissors can you fedex me some scissors this is not happening andy i'm gonna have to open it upside down there we go you got it i got it there was better tear a better tearing notch oh you've torn it okay i can re-clip these for later they're like little things like little corrugated worms they look like um rope like little ropes like little bits okay okay they've got sort of ridges like you would find in that say the human colon oh come on you gotta eat no it's like a braided a braided braid braided rope or something that uses peristel what's this i don't know why you would say that when you've got to eat because there's going to be potato snack i've got a good feeling about this one i love i love it like a beauty youtuber like hey look at this look at this people at home look at this potato snack also you're gonna be able to do walrus yes brilliant love it or a little pencil mustache okay there's a little preview taste there get to a fancy event later and you want her are we gonna eat these things or what yeah yeah yes now that's what i'm talking about you know what i'm not even sad i'm not even mad about it that there is no flavor other than potato and salt i assume salt and potato it's not even much salt no the texture is so good it's light it's crispy yeah just the right size and shape and yeah really good strong potato flavor yeah which i like it's fascinating but it's actually a wheat snack that is flavored like potato i never thought of potato as a flavor i thought a potato was a medium that accepts a flavor it is so potato which uh is good i mean you used to be able to get um those uh crisps that came with a little bag of salt and you could add the amount of salt that you wanted and then shake it all up and check it all out and if you ate them plain yeah sometimes i would do that just because i just like the taste of the potato and that's kind of what this is weird just like weird flex what i'm just saying it's a nice flavor you don't always need tons of salt on a snack to make it tasty it's a revelation to me that potato in and of itself can be a flavor so that's some that's some wild far-out snack technology they've got going on over here really good crisp texture light and airy in the middle and nice potato flavor that is a very solid snack good work yeah i'd give that eight i think that's my favorite so far really delicious and also what i appreciate is that it comes in a very big bag so there's lots of them because i think one of the most important qualities of snacks is how much snacks i'm giving you an eight as well that's very solid solid okay good great it's like yeah it's kind of like the animal crackers if they didn't uh reek of the despair of the ocean oh yeah the spare of the ocean despair of the um forlorn sailor lost at sea general quickly says can it run crisis which i'm not sure if that's a reference but it is a very funny question in and of itself yes it counts says jane you're deeply offending ireland i'm not doing damn potatoes i love potatoes i just always thought of them as like the main the you know the main thing that accepts a flavor that has a flavor coated on it rather than being the flavor you mash it up with butter and yeah salt and pepper like salt and vinegar flavor crisps are potato with salt and vinegar on them you know you can make a battery out of them they're great smash them for a minute there you go potatoes potatoes you say potatoes yeah i say potato because i'm a normal person yeah exactly okay are you ready for snack six snack sick here we go francisco oyola says andy looking up lord of the ring quotes is incredibly in character it's the same kind of thing corazon would do to look cool yes yes there's no way looking up lord of the rings quotes makes you look cool no no no no but like karazhan would be like i am an expert pirate let me just yeah i know all the pirate trivia and then he's secretly looking up an almanac behind his like you know behind exactly i was i was being like that i'm doing it in character prudence would be like corazon when is high tide do you know do you you're supposed to be a pirate when is high tide and you're like looking at a moon oh i know when high tide is yes prunes let me just turn around and think about it look into my mind's eye yeah yeah exactly okay all right what's our next snack of the afternoon i'm excited to eat it okay it's the bigfoot doramon rainbow lollipop tutti frutti flavor that's the most words of any snack in today's snack challenge great hey so uh let's get that picture on the go there he is oh there he is okay so let me dig it out of this rapidly diminishing snack box here we go yeah so first of all i ask you andy do you know what a director ramon is i know that he's um a cat what else what else manga yeah um he's kind of magic i think and also uh he was in there was a video game um and he is like a robot maybe yes correct and there is one more property of doraemon that is important to know okay he loves cashews just absolutely crazy he's just mad not mad that may or may not be true i couldn't tell you but the other important property of jeremiah it's right there on the packaging andy i look at it oh he kills children he abducts and murders children look right on his face there it's being dark just stop trying to be edgy edgelord and tell me about this he's got a wi-fi router in his eye is that it no he's got no ears canonically he's got no is he's got no ears what do you mean when you say it's right there on the packaging it literally isn't there on the packaging his no ears aren't on the packaging no i no i refute that it is his no is literally are on the packaging the absence of his is visible on the packaging he's no he okay yeah he's no ears i'm not going to get into an estimated epistemological argument with you all right about the lack of ears on dorado well did you know there are 63 go raymond video games what yeah how is that possible i don't know there are japan only oh doraemon tetris durham on um pac-man oh man he's in taiko no tatsujin taiko drumming game really yeah okay well i looked him up uh him or it or they or or whatever whatever this robot cat is and uh yeah the other important thing to know about this robotic cat is that um it has no ears okay so this death robot cat is that what this lollipop is flavored like it's tutti fruity flavor it's a product of malaysia it's tutti frut flavor actually it's it's a fruit oh okay oh and again it's enriched with vitamin c so a healthy food okay from when i was healthy oh it's pretty there's some there's some colors going on here it looks it looks like the the platonic idea of a lollipop like but mini pink and pink and yellow and yellow like a miniature lollipop how would you describe the smell kind of creamy kind of like a dairy vanilla sweet obviously very very sweet very very sweet smells like the flora of a cinema does it i mean you used to work at cinema so you have to tell me i'm not smells like the flora it smells more like the floor around the baskin robbins concession oh okay so it's syrupy definitely like melted vanilla ice cream right like melted vanilla yeah all right so it's hard it's uh yep you can listen to that at home maybe i don't know if that's coming through all right one of those lollipops that could shatter i think if you like really gave it if you threw it at the wall you threw it into a fireplace like a glass of brandy when you found out your inheritance has been squandered okay it's very cute though it looks like something an animal crossing character would just be like walking around my village holding you know like eight o'clock in the morning like that's a thing to do i'm gonna taste it oh it's a bit like um do you know those uh penny sweets fruit salads yes another uh another british confection if you if you're from the uk you probably know what a fruit salad penny sweet tastes like those are both chewy and this is extremely solid really hard like i feel like if i were to try and crunch this it would wreck my teeth i'm not mad at it i quite like it but i don't the thing is the odds are stacked against this confection because i don't really like lollipops is the thing yeah i mean it is yeah people are saying the sound of me biting it came through which i did oh no andy knows the only thing a lollipop is good for is being provocative so yeah yeah you don't have to tell me jane that's all i used that's all andy's into um yeah i don't hate it but it's not you know like it's if i was gonna have a candy it wouldn't be a lollipop in the first place is the thing no i think you're right it does look kind of cool it's like it's a nice accessory like yeah lollipops but if it were chewy i would crunch i would crunch it down but yeah no ironically if it were chewy you wouldn't crunch it down you would chop it down yeah yeah yeah if you crunch this down you will be sorry unfortunately i can't hmm i don't think it's worse i think it's better than the garlic peas i don't think it's worse than the seaweed because it had a decent flavor i'm gonna give it i still like the seaweed so uh but i i'm with you in that i think it is no i think it's worse than the garlic peas i would much much much rather have the garlic piece so i'm going to give this lowest score ever it's seven thumbs up seven thumbs up no it's a it's like a four it's like a four and and to be honest it's not the lollipop's fault that it's a lollipop it's it's on me that i'm not a fan of lollipops and this didn't turn my you know opinion around on lollipops okay yeah if it were a bag of hard candies that were like that yeah maybe maybe but even then it's if it was hot hardened i don't know um also i think it doesn't help that i i don't know this manga i don't engage with this fandom if it was rilakkuma if it was a lollipop instantly extra five points this would be a nine out of ten also this packaging makes me feel like it should have a trading card in here or something yeah what the of like raymond abducting children in his van or whatever why it's what he does he's doing it right there on the packet you've got to stop saying that we'll never get the deroman sponsor money they're big they're going to pull out their raven sponsorship so i'd like to direct your attention to the maker of this lollipop it's called bigfoot and it is a big foot okay um like he's done well to set up a candy company though yeah right okay it's just a big foot it's just a big foot all right well good job yeah it's a problem that that's not my fandom it's not my particular fandom so yeah okay how are the comments doing while i look up the next snack uh they're doing good um i think john is saying there's an actual song about freddo's costing 10p so john is uh probably confusing our american audience there with the reference to freddo frogs what is it what is a freddo let's do it it's a little it's a taste a little chocolate frog that used to be able to buy for like 10 pence in shops yeah and um they're good it's made by cadburys which is yeah but that was in the 80s and prices have moved on but people can't believe that you still can't buy a fredo frog for ten pence what's gone what's happened to this country and you know i can't even buy a freddie yeah how much it costs these days 65 pounds per freddo it's outrageous okay yeah all right well get ready for another sweet snack another confection another candy sweet it is number seven the crown soft candy strawberry and it's a south korean brand is crown and that's all i can remember about this snack so see if you can locate it somewhere i've got it it's this stick here oh it's this alarming strawberry with human teeth oh got it you're right can we yeah there we go it's a strawberry with a human eyes and human teeth even eyes and human teeth but it's like it's sat next to a strawberry that's already been cut in half so it's real cut in half or bitten in half jane i think we have a hannibal crime scene tableau we have to assume that this strawberry has bitten his friend in half and is now coming for us and he won't stop or be stopped until it's bitten absolutely it's kill or be killed you've got to eat the crown strawberry candy or bitten in half is this gum or actual edible candy because the packaging to me says gum andy if you believe in yourself any gum can be anything can be gum or candy yeah if you're just willing to eat it all the way down then anything is technically you know a candy so it stays inside you for uh 800 years though that's true no that is true um it's really oh it's segmented it's segmented into pieces i was gonna say because this whole thing is like 29 grams which is quite heavy if this was a single gummy bar that would be an enormous it's like a chewy let me get oh okay i wonder if americans do americans have chewetts i don't think so okay how would you describe a choice like an opal fruit do they have they don't have april fruits do they starburst starburst okay like a starbucks like a starburst but advertised by godzilla what the shoe adverts had godzilla in them did they yeah are you talking about is this like is this freddo was 10p kind of era i don't know i'm gonna have to look up the godzilla ads i do not remember godzilla ads you might be making that up it still smells like it smells like um still okay well i think i don't know if this is gum i don't think it's gum okay you should probably just eat it just let go and let god and just eat eat the damn candy okay what are you thinking powerfully chewy okay good that's oh yeah i like a little bit of a fight from my chewy candy it's got the adhesion of gum hmm it's very much like a chew it you're banging on the money there you're staying in one piece but then you couldn't also which says to me not gum i don't think you could love other work no also in the box though that we aren't tasting on this stream with some of those high chew ones which are like edible bubble gum or chewing gum is that what hot chew is who knows what's going on what's a chew anymore who can say in these crazy mixed up modern times what's a gum what's it fully gone it's fully gone behind my teeth can't get it out i'm saying my teeth are having some problems with this like it is it's consuming my teeth it's like coating them all right i got it i got it you're gonna have to do it talking for me andy because this is causing me trouble all right it's a it's a powerfully artificial strawberry flavor whereas the the peach gummy and the apple gummy were more natural flavors this is like strongly artificial which isn't a bad thing like strawberry artificial strawberry flavor is pretty good i would say of the fruits um but it is it's just a bit sharp as a kid i would have loved this like it's very strong it's very strong very sweet and also you know when you get like starburst and you wish they were all strawberry and it was like every fifth one is strawberry and you only get two strawberries in a pack this is all strawberry and strawberry is the best flavor yeah i know what you mean that's that's too much too much too sharp it's too the aftertaste isn't going either i just drank some water it's still there yeah no that's too much what do you think i mean it's not for me right now but if i were if i were just 20 years younger i'd marry you crowned strawberry i'd marry you weird toothy strawberries strawberry face look at him look at look into his eyes that look actually it looks a lot like um do you know in science for the lambs where hannibal like to take that guy's face and puts it on his own face it looks like he's taking the face of another strawberry and put it on his strawberry now that's the story that's what's going on here this strawberry has had its face taken off and this strawberry is wearing it yeah there you go and there's a clarice styling strawberry he's like hello clarice i've i'm a serial killer strawberry you're really selling me on this now it's telling me the story it's going to take you on a journey all the best it's all best yeah it's about a character okay well i tell you what everything's mixing everything's mixing together in my mouth in andy's tummy and my tummy and mouth they're all mixing together oh boy i would give that like a oh six like i don't hate it i don't love it yeah i think a six is fair if um if little jane was here she'd like it goes right up but uh my palette has sophisticated and matured um and so now i'm much more of a potato i don't know what a palette is yeah exactly yeah right okay good six six yeah how's the chat doing let me know uh the shadow's doing it's doing good okay uh zanzibar white says snickers had a water ski in godzilla so yeah apparently you can't pick us getting in on the godzilla that has a godzilla mascot godzilla's like just selling to everyone like that's unscrupulous godzilla just he'll he's anyone for the right money yeah exactly well you know godzilla got to eat do you gotta eat that's true okay um what's next on the snack table get ready for oh i'm excited this one i've been looking forward to number eight which is uh lotty or lotta or possibly just lot cancho choco which is a kancho biscuit with vanilla and butter flavors this thing yeah okay so this is this is odd because do you know what uh cancho it can refer to no what okay so no i do i do i lift it up and it's bad so there's there's a game where you you make like a gun with your hand and then you jam it into someone's butt and you go okay when you do it yeah what that's what's that that called is assault andy that's yeah no i know what i'm saying is is that part of this of the marketing campaign it's this is a south korean brand it's a south korean branded candy in an adorable box and a conversation why have you got to play it blue and i'm not i'm just saying you got to play it so it's a weird coincidence if they're not involved with each other well as i understand it this is a korean brand south korean brand and i can't speak to the other kancho that you refer to here but this kancho is an adorable vanilla biscuits okay and it's chocolate flavour okay also what no i've just gone from samurai butts to kancho it's all you have you're coming together it's all synergy you have please tell me about the wholesome content of this okay the wholesome content of this box is it tells you what your future career is so okay it says cut out the paper doll at the back and play the job of your future oh okay cool so what job have you got well you might have seen it there i did not really it is a hairdresser some kind of hair stylist that's pretty cool um and she's got she's got a hairpin she's got a spray bottle she's got a hair dryer she's got some scissors oh yeah she's got a a glue bottle of blue or something i don't know what that is hair glue scissors okay now tell me what's your future career oh guess oh give me a clue give me a clue tell me what's on the back without giving away the obvious career and i will guess okay okay okay tell me one of the items a jug bartender doesn't say mixologist no no no sadly not this is that wouldn't be a i mean would you tell children to become a mixologist kids love make sure that you're fine um an egg a baker some sort of baker it's a patissier oh a fancy baker yeah it's like fancy baker i've got a rolling pin i've got milk and eggs and a whisk i look forward to my future career reserve participation i put it to you that no child will have the manual dexterity to cut out these little items you just have to give them a precise surgical scalpel and then they could do it just like a cutting board and then like a really sharp surgical scalpel yeah exactly good all right so what's the actual snack though because now that it's determined our future careers the actual snack is like look you can also see it on the box here it's like a little circular biscuit with chocolate inside oh that's they're like a bit like hello pandas or something yeah a little bit like those okay all right all right let me get in there let me crack this open oh and they've got little each biscuit has a little career on it it's like the dream animals all over again ah okay each little biscuit has a some sort of career thingy on it there we go what have you got hang on let me let me crack into these oh they're cute they look like little buns oh i've got like a there's just a face on this one oh weird might have got dice oh you're gonna be you're gonna become a gambler hey guys yeah snake eyes i'm gonna become a bad gambler a bad losing gambler okay and then grim profit i don't know you tell me what this is i don't know what that a car no is it is it planet earth is it a cancho biscuit drawn onto a kancho biscuit another little person i'm gonna get a job at cancho confectionery okay yeah i think this is a hand i'm gonna become some sort of palm reader yeah palm reader okay oh they smell good they smell wonderful freshly baked yeah pastry now i know these were these were probably manufactured like three years ago and then shipped over here slowly in a shipping crate on a container ship but they smell like they were baked just this morning they smell like wonderful fresh biscuity stuff this has got five on it so this person's gonna be a better gambler gonna have more luck yeah there you go um that's a higher damage roll yeah uh your rapier oh and there's a four there's a four on that one and a peace sign this person's going to become a peace activist great they're going to bring world peace yeah okay you've got to get on there after this yeah yeah yeah yeah all right should we taste i'm not gonna because they remind me so much of hello pandas and fun story i got very very very sick after eating a hello panda a long time ago and i'm sure these wouldn't make me sick but you know that thing where you just kind of connected that memory with that flavor in your head so i'm gonna let you review this one on our behalf because otherwise i think i i would feel all funny i'm sure it wasn't hello panda's fault i got sick either by the way i think it was just a bad episode and bad timing the chocolate filling is really nice it's um yeah sweet and kind of light and creamy um the outside is slightly less crisp than i like it's a bit crumbly um but the pastry yeah not quite it's still got a bit of bites it's just not quite i'd like more of a sort of crunch to it and it's a bit crumblier than i would like but the it's got like a good sort of sweet pastry flavor it's just yeah it's just a really nice little chocolate candy like solid probably the best smell biscuit of any any of these snacks i think it's probably got the most fragrant uh top note it's a very vanilla wood yeah very vanilla forward note in in that bouquet yeah that's that's nice i'm going to give it a what am i going to give it what are you going to get it i'm going gonna give it a seven whoo strong strong and solid solid and strong oh hang on here has got some information for you hot in with the local knowledge austin knight says kancho and cancun are two different things in two different languages there you go it ain't the goosing thing you're safe to eat i told you one of them is korean and i guess the other one is japanese so you should awfully convenient isn't it safe you should consider yourself fully convenient yes right good just saying so that was a six i'm gonna go with you i'm gonna uh seven seven oh sorry i'm gonna say seven seven okay yeah but it's it's behind peach gummy and potato snack okay all right so yeah but ahead of seaweed and garlic peas and lollipop i'm coming around you know what i'm coming around to the dream animals the waft of the waft of the ocean is combustive just gently lose dark promises yeah because you lose dark promises are just quietly turning me around to the idea of a rooster that looks like a bat but upside down in the sullen swell ten fathoms deep on the road baton rouge that rooster no no no no no no no no no all right so good we're like we haven't got loads left now we're getting through we've got we've got a few more left and we've got half an hour so we've got some time to deliberate on the best snack okay okay so snack number nine yes is the want want you'll remember one two three one so okay back to one touch brand won't want shelly send me or send by rice cracker okay so it's sembai and seaweed again um yes so the shelly rice crackers i've got a little blurb for you here if you'd like to hear it yes crackers are one of the most popular japanese style senbai or senbei snacks made by the taiwanese brand want one so it's popular in japan it's a taiwanese brand shelly snacks are strikingly crunchy strikingly crunchy good okay good jimmy featuring a lightly sweet and salty flavor it is a very healthy product for many reasons especially being low caloric and gluten free oh great okay that's what i look for in my snacks hello caloric low caloric value okay let me dig it out of here so it's the shelly send me wait is it this one i think so yeah oh okay so the packaging is very light on this one it you can see what you're getting there you go see what you're getting in there so it doesn't look like much it's very modest but you you are more of a um savory snacker yourself yes yes yes yes yes great yeah very very light actually it's got sea salt and sugar on it and i do like that salt and sugar flavor you know that kind of yeah to bring out the saltiness let me get this pizza put salt on fruit no you mania mango and pineapple a lot of people they say it makes it sweeter it doesn't it makes it salty but i've had like a popular thing in asian countries i've had mango with chili but i don't think i've ever had like sour mango yeah salt on pineapple and stuff it's very common this smells amazing yeah it does actually great like get a w get a snoot full of that yeah that's a good bake kind of yeah kind of buttery a little bit it's like a soy flavor like a soy sauce or yeasty i don't know there's a japanese flavor that you get in crisps and stuff which is like butter soy sauce which is one of the most delicious savory flavors does this remind you of that butter soy sauce a little bit yeah well let's taste it butter or soy sauce in it but it does have flavor enhancers oh good it's all right well that's something it's extremely light and crispy and i'm gonna eat it now okay let's see the crunch oh yeah that's a good crunch yeah it's got it's got just a little bit of salt a little bit of sweet just an edge of like sugary sweetness the sugar is genius idea bravo hats off to want want the taiwanese rice cracker brand for making this very humble looking but very delicious rice cracker yeah oh that's delicious mmm big fan of that that's amazing yeah great texture it's very simple just salt and it's low calorie candy so you can eat them for me a thousand of them um okay delicious i've had obviously rice crackers a fairly common place but i've never had one that's got like salt and sugar on it that's delicious is that your favorite so far it might be it might be i'm a little bit ashamed because it's like the least exciting it's not like it's not got like an adorable hairdresser on it it's just a rice cracker yeah it just doesn't predict your future career no i know it doesn't have a robot cat without ears on it it doesn't have a terrifying strawberry with a human's face on it yeah i i am i'm torn between this because it is just pure and delicious and simple and humble and i bet like i bet like ghost of sushi my man who's like who i assume his name is as he air dries his buttocks he crunches into one of these yeah it would be his austere simple but indulgent snack as he drinks yeah i don't know it's a sarcastic spread yeah yeah yeah it is it's like salty sweet lemon spread but then i'm also in love with the adorable um terror of the ocean flavor animal crackers with seaweed on them you still got your drowning flavoured crackers yeah the drowned man crackers taste like drowning they start drowning okay um i'm torn between those two okay okay interesting okay product number ten something a little bit different for you here andy oh okay interesting please open your snack box and extract the coffee joy italian moment that's right friends it's the coffee joy italian moment which is a product of indonesia so we're going to indonesia so this one the authentic italian taste of indonesia of indonesian coffee um the company is recognized as the world's largest coffee candy manufacturer oh okay this brand is called mayora and it produces the kopiko brand and also the coffee joy italian moment is it coffee flavoured or to be enjoyed with coffee no i think it's coffee flavored so where are we looking here oh this one okay here we go right oh it's really in there they're only getting at it so it's like a bunch of biscuits is it like uh yeah i think they're like little wafers or something little coffee wafers there's like a gondola wow that is a that's powerful coffee there's a one of a venetian bridge there's a gondola with a couple of people having a nice gondola time yeah there's some coffee beans and then there's a big old cup of coffee so you get the idea that it is an italian coffee joy moment okay getting that real it smells like you know that's um that coffee place uh in piccadilly that you take me to sometimes that does the uh the turkish coffee in the before times in the before time andy i will never remember the name of the four times coffee place in piccadilly that does turkish coffee yeah but it smells like that place okay it smells like turkish coffee yeah even though it's very very strong indonesian coffee yeah hang on i'm going to open it down here because it's going to be very loud and i don't want the microphone to explode okay the actual thing is a sort of little thin wafer how did you even get into this thing it's like industrially sealed it's like glassproof chainsaw oh yeah you can't see but it's got little sugary crystals or maybe you can see i can't see a little sugary crystals on there or something and it's got air holes in it for uh aerodynamic speed it's so you can breathe through it if you if you swallow it whole yeah it keeps you from choking if you swallow the whole thing it's so if you have an accident on your scooter as you're driving around rome and you get into a loud argument with a passerby you can throw it at them and they'll fly aerodynamically towards them and then oh okay wow you get a lot you get a lot of italian coffee joy moments for your money yeah yeah there's so many coffee joy moments and then when you've eaten them all you can saw business cards in there they'll smell of coffee there's so many i didn't think there'd be this many and that they'd be so skinny so now how do you feel about um fake coffee flavor like synthetic coffee um not great i love coffee like i drink so much coffee yeah i'm trying to think is there anything coffee flavored that you really enjoy i don't even like coffee ice cream that much yeah like tiramisu not a fan no so this is gonna be a hard sell on you and me i think yeah even though i drink tons of coffee and have an espresso machine yeah you should be the world's biggest coffee snack fan right you think wouldn't you cover coffee beans oh yeah but that's basic i mean that is a coffee bean so that's kind of nice all right well let's try it okay good texture extremely crispy very skinny it's not a strong coffee flavor right very very like a whisper like a coffee whisper it's like um it's like a wafer almost it's so crumb like crunchy and crumbly when you get into it do you think you could dip in coffee and it would be tasty dipped in coffee i think it probably would actually yeah maybe that's how it's meant to be enjoyed yeah i think dunking in coffee would improve that it's not it's not bad like yeah it's fine i think if you served a couple of those on the side of a cup of coffee i think that would be the way you wouldn't be mad if you've got a couple of those with your coffee but you would want a coffee with it which sort of defeats the purpose of it being coffee flavoured am i wrong yeah it could just be a sort of plain flavor and then you would get the coffee flavor from the coffee that you're dunking in it's i mean it's it's fine it doesn't it doesn't bother me i think i like it a little bit i think it would also be nice in a cup of tea yeah quite dry i think that would confuse things it is um it's a very pleasant texture very very pleasant and yeah i mean i like the crispness and um yeah the crunch to it is good and it's very very light you can eat tons of these you really could and that's good because there's quite a lot of them in a single pack so you like shuffle them together like a deck of cards like yeah okay all right interesting interesting that's not what i expected i thought they would be much like thicker and crunchier like a big biscuit like a big like almost a digestive biscuit or something yeah something to soak up coffee you in fact you'd have to be very careful if you were dunking this in coffee because you would go if you held it for a split second and nanosecond too long might not go out gone gone forever all right okay what are you giving um oh what am i giving it um let's see i enjoyed it more than a lot of the candies but now i can't remember what number i gave the candies oh okay i've been writing them down oh no i haven't been writing down i'm just going with my gut oh okay i like it more than i like it more than the strawberry thing i like it more than the rainbow robot cat thing like more than the rope yeah that didn't have a sticker in it somehow yeah um i think i like it about equal to the peach gummies even though it's very different okay but you yeah you'd like the peach gummies less than i did and i gave the peach gummies nate so you probably gave them a seven oh yeah yeah yeah yeah so i'm looking at like six and a half on that i think yeah okay six and a half i'm gonna give it a six it's fine it's basically it's fine it's basically basically fine not your preferred snack but you wouldn't turn it down i would have a couple of those on the side of a nice strong italian espresso um sitting at a pavement cafe in florence before going to an art gallery oh man you just listed everything i miss i miss coffee i miss travelling i miss art galleries art galleries i miss being in venice or whatever yeah the outdoors all right before we press on i feel like we haven't like said hi to the chat for a little while so let's go and check in there okay we have only got two snacks left we have only got two snacks left uh ian sava says pocky is the best snack in asia fight me ian i don't know if i will fight you over that hockey i i do love a pocky i enjoy that i don't want to fight you also there are good there are a lot of good flavors um yeah you know pocky lucky flavors yeah you can get a ton they have like the seasonal ones they swap in really it's so it's something for everyone you're not gonna not find a flavor of pocky you don't enjoy okay um a lot of people talking about puppets kill demand one of three twosters not seen puppets in years i've seen non-branded chocolate raisins in picking mixes though puppets were like aren't they just like stuff coated in chocolate yeah you get a bite and it's like like toffee covered in chocolate yeah it's like raisins paper clips um popcorn i don't know i can't remember what was in puppets but you know different things coated in chocolate it's not like uh rebels which were the ones i might be confusing yeah rebels were the ones that had all different flavors inside and one of them was peanut and so occasionally yeah because i'm allergic to peanuts occasionally i'd be like so hungry i'd be like just go deer hunter on it and just yeah just pretty sure this is the orange one sure but the orange one was pretty bad as well like yeah in revels i died the cheese one the malteser one was good and you could just buy a bag of maltesers you know so yeah exactly what's the point what is the point uh okay mike allison if you want some science right it says sodium ions help suppress bitter flavor compounds and our tongues have receptors which only detect sweetness in the presence of salt so there you go there's science there's really backed with real science does that explain why i like salt sweet things so much is that what we're getting at because yeah because you need to have the saltiness there for the tongue to detect the sweetness that sounds like science is that why salted caramel is so delicious and why we why we only have salty caramel and not regular caramel anymore yeah exactly because we cracked that technology and there's no going back it's like we spent so many years eating unsalted caramel like what was the point it's like what just wasting our time what were we even tasting before caramel was salted if our dogs couldn't even perceive caramel anyway caveman idiots we were we were yeah it was like shadows on the wall of the cave it was right uh number 11 the lollipony lolly bonnie lollibony i'm going to say lolly boney lolly boney the 11th snack is the lolly boney volcano popping candy green apple flavour wait i said that all i order volcano popping candy green apple flavor okay right yes apparently i looked this up and this is actually a turkish brand so it's not technically asian oh okay it came in it turned up in the box yeah yeah yeah so and it's and it's who doesn't love popping candy so volcano popping green there we go all right it's a little sachet like you might be handed surreptitiously at a nightclub oh my god andy i'm just saying it's a very small serving it is a very small serving but that's all you need it's so intense it seems to say this is going to be such an intense experience yeah that we dare to give you more than this any more than this would be irresponsible to feed you yes it's got like fire it's got rainbow it's got every dang thing on here so okay all right i'm opening it up i'm gonna smell it okay smell it it's tutti frutti flavor oh no wait it's not green apple green apple flavor i even said green apple turkey is mostly in asia the chat is saying so technically turkey is i mean if you're talking about like continental land masses i guess okay okay okay i'm saying green crystals it smells like sugar it's green in color as you might expect um i'm sure the camera won't be able to see there you go green in color green crystals okay are we just gonna like do this like a shot are we just going to pour it yeah are we just going to eat this these crystals serve and mail to you we're just going to put this in our bodies and that's yeah i mean i mean it would be a pretty elaborate ruse if someone was trying to poison us with crystals also if someone was trying to poison us with crystals we got pretty lucky in that we ate all of this other stuff first first before we got to the poison chris we got most of a stream out of it before we ate the poison crystals i don't know why now is the point where i'm looking at the thing and going yeah i decided now reaction to not ingesting crystals i don't know what it is all right why don't we go like just rub it on rub it on your gums okay oh it's pure gums no it's popping ah i mean can you hear this i don't know if the camera can hear it i mean it's popping candy i don't know i don't know what we expected yeah i can hear it i can hear it nice one oh my god wow that's a strong popping candy wow okay i i respect and admire the intensity of the experience it's not something i would seek out um naturally on my own yeah it's more of a subtle well my mouth is still popping what's that popping candy andy what if you can only pop for now for the rest of your life yeah that'd be fine it's like just uh static yeah okay so andy whenever you open your mouth it's just like that white noise yeah that's that's fine that's fine um yeah it's less of a powerful apple flavor it's a bit more subtle way more subtle than you expect popping candy yeah like why would you it almost counts against it that you would make a popping candy and then you would flavor it subtly just go all out i mean no one's coming to this for the subtle interplay of flavors yeah the michelin starred popping candy although yeah i'm thinking of like experimental molecular gastronomy now that you now that you say it's actually the only place i've eaten popping candy in recent memory has been in like fancy michelin-starred restaurants really really maybe this was it maybe they just take they get rid of that blooming towel yeah yeah yeah heston just pours this onto her i don't know onto some sort of gel or frost or mist or what's he do now um gives you a cd of your dinner you just listen to it yeah it gives you a photograph of that you forgot from your childhood see a photograph of your great grandfather eating the dinner that he prepared and he stood in the background of the picture and then you i'll do it that's a bargain all right time for the final the final snack of the hour i'll snack down and this is the aforementioned kapiko coffee brand again another indonesian product okay cappuccino candy somehow different to coffee candy yes um so this brand does a coffee candy and a cappuccino candy the cappuccino one i look this up is less caffeinated so there's like less coffee in it it's a little bit milder all right well that's good i have no time for coffee today already yeah there you go so these are like they're so individually wrapped and tiny yeah and hard to get into i feel like you would have one served on the side of a coffee or possibly in a bowl like at the desk somewhere okay okay all right so here we go it's a two-tone oh cute like a cappuccino it's got like layers yeah so it's got like the coffee and then i assume the milk yeah the sort of frosted milk layer oh it's kind of pretty like a word is original but like in two layers it's a bit like a shiny like if you've got checkers from either side of the board and then put them on top of each other yeah it is hard and sticky and very sticky yeah all right oh it's got it's like a word is original if it was coffee instead of like butterscotch yeah it's exactly that texture of a weather's original it's a bit powdered milk isn't it yeah yeah in that sort of way that yeah stimulated coffee does taste like that [Music] it's not bad it's quite sweet i appreciate the appearance i think it's a very cute looking candy i'm gonna open the second one so i can show it off again it's quite creamy um which is nice i think people would enjoy this like it's not maybe my favorite but i think it's so cute yeah and it's very sweet it's like it's like if you find if you find coffee flavors like offensive i don't think you'd mind it because it's not very strong it's not a very strong coffee flavor yeah no i i i mean i like the taste of coffee i drink a lot of coffee and if i wasn't anywhere near coffee i would accept one of these again no i mean slightly unremarkable i can't give it less than the coffee biscuit but i'm going to give it a six i think you like it more than the coffee biscuit and the little i like it about the same i think about the same mm-hmm okay all right rate the popping candy i think give it a numerical number rate it um i would give it bonus points are just being fun i mean i know they didn't invent the popping candy but like you say the apple was um was too subtle too discreet i like it more than the rainbow lollipop okay so where does that put your top your top list so what andy's looking at his spreadsheet because he's organized and has planned this and he's looking at his life let me just um update my pivot table here okay and he's updating his pivot table whereas i'm having to look in my mind palace for how i rated all these snacks you can't see them but they're it's a complete mess on my desk right now oh god yeah my desk is disgusting it's just a disaster zone here just uh am i ever going to become a patio with a desk like this disgusting is what it is okay um so we've come to the end of our of our competitive tasting and now we have to select our champion our champion snack your champion snack to take into the arena yeah okay right um my contenders my top contenders are the ocean despair dream animals because oh that's really fun look it's keyed out the green the box is actually green because it's it's heated out and hold it in front of my no that's not gonna work this has got a lot of stuff going for it because it's adorable yeah it has different animal shapes it's exciting it's interesting it's fun it's funny tastes so mysterious it tastes so mysterious that's what that's that's the best part it's like a gift from cthulhu um yeah it's like licking cthulu it's like licking cthulhu in the best possible way and you learn how to say the place um you learn how to say macaw in dutch which is ara so yeah okay i can say sanj which is uh french for monkey yeah that's correct did you know that panda in german is panda panda in french is panda and panda dutch in dutch is panda oh thank you that's the language of dream animals okay this is this is one of my front runners because it has all the things i want from asian snack which is it's adorable it's fun it's entertaining it's mystique serious it like smells like regret and the ocean um but also these at the other end of the spectrum these humble simple chilis and mayo rice crackers yeah just have the pure essence of flavor oh it's good just the simple light essence of flavor it is good okay now tell me your front runners andy uh also the the cracker that you just described because it's basically a crispy cracker covered in salt and sugar and you know there's absolutely nothing wrong with that you can't hate it yeah the tree i can't in good conscience recommend the dream animals because they taste so much like the ocean trying to kill you but they're so intriguing it's so intriguing and mysterious but i don't know if that's the quality i look for in a in a snack the way you know the human human nature is to be attracted to danger and mystery danger and season yeah just to seek out dangerous seaweed um it really speaks to the essence of being a human the human experience i think i think i think i'm gonna i'm gonna champion the the humble potato snack because back to the potato snack big boy i've been eating them the whole this whole time what they're crispy they're like they've been sneaking the potato snacks they look a bit like some rope reminds me of ropes don't forget there's a lot of them it wins by volume the bag is adorable you've got this this big potato he's like hello yeah don't forget about me the little potato a little potato i'm just loving how to bake potatoes potatoes so you've got like the whole story there of the potato family okay it tells a story and yeah they've called them potato snack they haven't called them like uh spud blasters or anything like that they have that only because they don't need to give them a okay with a product like that it's like yeah they're just like what we've done yeah we've taken a potato yeah made a snack out of it here it is the good people at longshin they had a conference and they're like well we've got to name this new snack but it's already perfect yeah it's the potato snack so just yeah any anything else is vanity um i yeah i'm a big fan of the unpretentious great taste of the potato snack okay well i am gonna add potatoes today i'm gonna advocate for the delicious dream animals nightmare sea urchin flavor that's the dream andy the dream of dream animals is a dream of the sea and a memory half forgotten it's your childhood it's learning to swim and almost being murdered by the ocean herself but surviving that's the heart of the central human experience in a snack with animal names on it um so yeah that thank hp lovecraft hp lovecraft quote which is like cthulhu for tagging whatever yeah that one that's the one that's like in his house dead cthulhu uh wait streaming but it's got dream in it right it's like weight streaming this is the dreams cthulhu streaming of animals yeah that which slave sleeps does oh i can't remember how the quote goes yeah yeah in the dreaming city of impossible geometry that's where cthulhu rests i mean i mean that's probably why i enjoy it so much you know that's fantastic i mean i would ask the people to you know vote with your hearts but how can a humble potato snack just made by a little family from their own potatoes so they grew by hand i guess there's no way that they can compete with an eldritch how are you going to eldritch abomination how are you going to vote against seaweed bats tell me that look at this seaweed bat and tell me look at the at him are you gonna say no to this face you're gonna just wait who's gonna put food on the table for little potato [Laughter] hang on where are the rest of my animals bring me my animal army hang on there's to be a winning animal in here something that'll bring you people around what about a sparrow look at the seaweed sparrow arrow rubbish rubbish cthulhu can't eat a sparrow what have we got here come on oh it's another bat no not you bat rabbit no what the hell is a pea fowl a pea fell you know a pea fowl it's a it's a bird it's a pea it's a hybrid i'm sorry all right elephant there it is there's the elephant this is a real crappy horse [Laughter] but like are you gonna vote for something with this crappy of a horse we've had so much entertainment value out of the the hilarious shapes of dream animals yeah and the half remembered dream the scent of the ocean that's uh it's just something about them potatoes i'm just a humble potato man i sure do i see you looking down the lens trying to hypnotize the audience with your potato snacks okay it may not be your fancy big city crackers there's just something honest about a potato isn't there honestly potato snack there's not many true things in this world anymore that's not much real one thing you can always count on is the potato potato snack remembers potato snack a simpler time potatoes and potatoes potatoes with snacks snacks with snacks and none of this snacks eldritch abomination clawing its way down your throat uh luke t simmons says so stuck between seaweed bat versus little potato all right let me get my seaweed bat my mascot look it's becoming it's going to come down to a battle of the mascots yeah it's a battle of mascots it's a little black covered in seaweed speckles who doesn't have seaweed bat i've got another seaweed butt hang on there's at least two seaweed bats in here somewhere that's a lynx the links no boiler smash us put us in the stew all right we're gonna have to we're gonna have to collect the votes no i think there's only one bat smash potato potato in a stew and a mash potato all right well all right this is such a good live stream so everyone vote now in the chat and let us know if you want potato horrible crackers some people have been voting already so i think what we should do is like scroll back and try and take an average in fact producer john producer john is watching along yeah and he's um yeah producer john producer john is seeing more potatoes potatoes potato snack yeah is the right i just noticed there's a there's a rude word does that not convince any of you there's a rude word on my things yeah this i can't we can't see it jane you're rude your attempted swears have no place here on this live stream i'm going to cover tiny potatoes ears to hear your filth okay it looks like andy's won this week's yeah challenge the snap taste test the simple wholesome flavor of potato oh okay i'm hearing in my in my egg piece on talkback producer john says there's definitely more potato snack votes but people do like the bat so his feelings are not hurt my fat friend all right sorry jane potato potato has won the day potatoes and i think we can all agree that these dang rice crackers are delicious yeah they're really the mvp although team potato snack may have won the mvp is still the shelby senbei potato no rice rice cracker yeah well thanks everyone for joining us for this uh snack tasting live stream i hope you enjoyed it just trying something a bit different yeah um what else are we doing this week jane what else we got well do you know how this stream had basically nothing to do with video games or xbox or what's a video game wait i mentioned the 62 raymond video games so technically we fulfilled the remit can't complain about that build our remit but tomorrow are you ready for even more video games hell yeah that don't even have doramon doraemon okay yeah so tomorrow at four o'clock uk time basically the same time this stream started wherever you are the same time this stream started tomorrow is the xbox games showcase so they're going to have xbox series x gameplay out the wazoo reveal styles with jeff keeley he's going to be there matpat's going to be there you know matpat's going to be jacksepticeye is going to be there and he's going to be there but he's going to be there in a different stream that we're doing yeah it's not it's 9 a.m pacific time okay 4 p.m uk time uh we're gonna we're gonna uh play bingo we're gonna play xbox reveal bingo on the live stream so if you would care to join us tomorrow we'll be talking about all the xbox whatever the heck gamepl going to have is it definitely for uk time and not five it starts at five but there's a pre-show that starts at four right so the actual show's on at five but jeff keeley's pre-show fandango begins at four is it gonna be a whole fandango jeffy's got a fandango happening so we have got to watch out we're going to watch and you can watch along with us it's like it's like you were here with us in our front room watching netflix and we're all going to just like sass we're going to stop we're going to enjoy the great reveals jane yeah and fill in our bingo card yeah we're going to fill it up so if that sounds like a good time yeah you can join us for that yeah and then um yeah we might be doing more streams soon but we're going to keep them secret oh yeah yeah we've got a cool idea for a thing yeah okay so first of all first of all xbox stream tomorrow we're going to see master chief probably master chief is going to be there you know you know master's going to be there he's going to be there for now though all that remains is to celebrate and hail snack challenge champion andy farrent and his potato snacks i'm a potato if you can boil me a match me or put me in the steam there you go oh yes he's he doesn't know how to cope with the accolades because he's just humility has won the day humble tater just a symbol thanks for watching everyone enjoy the rest of your day hope you're uh having a good time staying safe yeah oh i'm gonna check the chat you you thank producer john while i check the chat andy john thanks tell him thank you he acknowledged it okay good producer john says yes good nice nice nice okay don't start nova says my birthday tomorrow i shall tune in at four mildly gypsy lucky you sweet me too okay good yeah all right so uh in phoenix or asks four or five tomorrow i believe i will i will check and i'll put it on all last social media i believe it's four o'clock start and then five o'clock to the actual proper stream but there's gonna be like a pre-show that starts before anyway we'll be here at four we'll be here yeah we'll be here yeah can we get a potato in the chat for the potatoes is there a potato emoji you know there's a potato it's a potato emoji oh yeah hang on i'm gonna look for it do we have time to look for potato emojis yeah i can search emojis i'm doing it right now oh okay hang on potato i'm looking in the food both potato and sweet potatoes oh my god i found it i found the potato oh there we go okay fine good perfect oh wait i could also put a meatloaf that's fine potato amigos yeah okay oh yeah you can bone loaf boneload that's what they're called okay right and with that it's good good night for me jane and my good night nightmare animals my seaweed nightmare and it's good night from big and little potato the real stars of the show okay thanks everybody remember friends you can bore them you can mash them and you can put them in the stew [Laughter] [Music] bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 98,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, streaming, challenge, challenge of the week, snack, asian snack, japanese snack, candy, japanese candy, asian candy, weird snack, weird candy, rice crackers, want want, QQ gummies, kancho, dream animals, korean, taiwan, indonesia, best snacks, best japanese snacks, best japanese candy, snacks, japan, doraemon
Id: 6vbge7wwCUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 28sec (6148 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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