Animal Crossing Abandoned Island! Ellen Dives Back into ACNH - LIVESTREAM

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[Music] foreign [Music] hello everyone how are you all today welcome to denial um a bit of a different thing this week uh luke luke's away um taking a break after having completed bloodborne so i have been away from this game for a while and i thought i'd pop back into it look at my little dealy boppers look how cute they are but my fashion is a little bit strange at the moment um and oh my goodness look i look i'm gonna have so much stuff in here because i never tried oh look at how generous my friends have been and i've got intended look we're just gonna have to ignore that because that's just stuff that i've like basically i uh dropped off of animal crossing a little bit um it was mainly when uh the last of us two came out and i really really wanted to play that then go some sushima came out and i put a load of hours into that and it just kind of ate into my time and it meant that this didn't become part like this fell out of my routine because this was my routine hang on i'm gonna i'm gonna move away from that because that's annoying me look at my ducks enjoy my ducks there we go um hello hello oh thank you for the people saying that my house is cute i like it very muchly um but please enjoy my ducks um but it's i basically haven't played it for a month and i've got some fun clips to show you if this works um basically when you haven't been here for a while in your little island if you've left your island and not done anything for a bit this is what happens okay so this is how i woke look at my hair it's a mess i'm so tired and that's better and then i get my hair back in order and that that was i just i really really really enjoyed that let's have another little look at that wake up and that's this is basically me in the morning my hair is everywhere um and then she's done it only what did it twere so simple um but that's really fun but that's not the only thing that's not the only thing ladies and gentlemen sorry my mic is a little bit peaky there there we go i'm gonna turn you down let me know if that's a little bit too low um in your house you get some unwanted visitors some very unwanted visitors um basically wandering around my house cockroaches but you step on them and that little ghost cockroach and it's gone it's gone let's let you guys see that one more time so run in ah cockroach run over it stamp it there's a little crunch little crunch tiny crunch for tiny cockroach and that's it but uh you have three of those so i got i've got capture of the that was the second one i do have catcher of the first one i couldn't find it before today but i do have the final one so here i am going to my house cockroach uh and then i stomped on it i think the little ghosty appears behind my desk chair um and they're gone and now my house is cockridge free so you're all welcome to come back in um i think first up we'll do a little bit of a tour because like you have sort of seen if you've watched luke's streams um you will have seen my house a little bit um have i got have i got my wand on me yeah let's let's let's change my outfit into something a little bit more how do i how do i use anything again um no no no no here we go here we go right let's there we go look at my jelly shoes i love my jelly shoes i had some gold sparkly jelly shoes when i was a kid that i got at bognorregious when uh my family went to butlins and it was amazing kids of the 90s i saw tim vincent on stage at butlins hell yeah this this uh i well i i wasn't a blue peter badge holder yet all the people outside of the uk being like what what are you talking about but uh right let's have a little let's have a little look around the house i'll show you around my house living room i'm not happy with basically i've got three rooms that i'm kind of happy with i i keep getting like i've got my little sections i've watched all of the the clips online of people saying well you need to like section out your room with rugs and then you build a little sections around there look at my two hamsters i did all the museum stamps um let's have a little look around here i've got some things over here look i've got my nice desk workspace with my little diploma look i did things it matters um there's my switch my little game i'm really pleased with this little corner here like this little side of the room i think i've used the utilize the space there well this side i'm not sure on um i think color scheme i absolutely love having a little stove here it's great um here are just like some nice things that i've got i don't really know where to put i got like the little swedish horse thing which just makes me think of my swedish friends which is nice and uh of course uh i'll show you well i'll show you my my room first my bedroom first now my room has kind of uh goth me basically so here we go this is uh my room this is my pattern my very own pattern that i created i've not uploaded it anywhere i don't think yet so i should do that so that other people can do designs i've never that's all the stuff that i completely missed i kind of like just did things rather than make loads of stuff but um yeah i do i like roses so i made that pattern i've got scary doll up there but also down here bear is hiding uh papa papa bear is hiding my music so it's like the very beautiful calming music i've got my fake mona lisa um with the excellent eyebrows got a little terrarium which i love terrariums i think they're great got my succulents um and then this is just where people can come and watch me sleep [Music] don't do that don't do that to people don't do that it's not cool in twilight it's not cool anywhere else unless they're like yeah it's okay before they go to sleep or like you share it share a room with them because then you can't help it you're just like oh there they are but don't just like sit intently no here's my kitchen a little bit a little bit better i've got uh make some smoothies um i'm kind of pleased with how this is all going on look at this look at this swordfish up here okay the model for the swordfish is one of the like this isn't the flick model this is just a cool model i was really upset when i realized that you couldn't put flicks models up um on a i've just seen someone call a let watching someone sleep is a let's sleep inside of a let's play go watch my let's sleep um i dread to think what i do in my sleep um but uh yeah i'm really sad that flix models i haven't found a way to mount them on the wall because that would be brilliant because then i could add to my amazing bathroom if you haven't seen the bathroom in my house in animal crossing hold on to your butts cause this is outstanding whenever anyone has visited they have been worried about me so please enjoy my bathroom here we go so i have some models but they only go down there but this is this is my bathroom with all the fish got a nice little wreath up there i've really gone in with the water theme um and got a few fossils around here's my little oh no that's not what i want that's not what i want i want just just just what shall i hold in here uh okay look i just wanna i just wanna interrupt no no no don't see me here okay here we go wear this film then i'll be your grungy yeah um okay okay well i wanted to interact with you but i can't remember how to see the reaction in chat here yeah that's that's my room uh it's well my bathroom this is where i clean let's uh have a little shower there we go wash away my shame um that's a lot of fish it is it is it is a lot of fish uh but i i love it i love it so much um i might have to have a little uh switch around i want like all the most ridiculously colorful fish um so like i've got a marlin and i've got a football fish but they're not like particularly well i might keep the football fish because they have a lot of light but anyway uh right so upstairs i'll show you quickly is um it's like they look like prisoners yeah so this is like my crafting room this is i've still not fully done this but this is like if anyone in the uk or anyone who's visited the uk has ever been to a national trust house that's the vibe i'm going for in this room but i want it to be local crafty so like this is like the room where they're doing all the renovations and stuff um but also i don't i don't know whether to change that completely but i just thought the wallpaper was cute and it reminded me of going to great old houses um with my like on family trips like with friends and family and doing little quizzes as you go around but yeah so like i've got a little loom look at it yeah making that plaid the best kind um here we go let's go downstairs a little bit a little bit of nostalgia for everyone remember when we were first all locked away and luke and i couldn't go to the studio and we uh fortunately heard of this little game called animal crossing um here's the studio everyone look at it now i don't know whether you've seen the tea and coffee making facilities in the corner uh this this i ah yes play some tunes playing some tunes and no no no no no no no there we go there we go thank you this is the pos like the problem with it like being on the same button anyway so it's the archaeopteryx for luke um look at it everyone's ever i ever someone dally daydream r.i.p egram that room was there for too long that's now the kitchen um but that that room was was there for far too long um now see it here i can actually like sit on the on the cushion because like there's there's five positions that you can sit on the side so i think you can sit right in the middle come on sort of okay no well there's like there's maybe six then um three on each pillow but you have to go right to the edge to be able to get two people to sit down on it for anyone who's not played or anyone who has played and hasn't worked out on the sofa with another person it's it's possible just it's fiddly um but yeah but that's my house that's my house um i want to i want to redo this room a little bit i kind of like i like the little sections and stuff and the terrifying gas mask up there or mask even i don't know why i said mask then that's not even in my accent it's correct to say mask but i'm southern so you'd say mask just fun fact there for anyone who wants to know about british accents right here we go now earlier literally like 10 minutes before the stream it was raining very heavily peeing it down as i would like to say cash um and oh no i don't mean to pick the roses dang it oh well oh well um this is my little like ant trap i've got some purple roses here i've still not got any gold roses or blue roses yet um i was like in the middle of like doing all that and then but there's some things to dig up but um as you can see there are a lot i don't think i actually have a grasshopper yet yes first new bug migratory locust things just went south of this guy oh oh yay we could go to blathers is bae um oh my goodness amazing oh there's one over there as well no you're the you're the other one aren't you yeah long locust they've got a locust because it's long locust hilarious but yeah this place was absolutely covered in weeds so i cut back most of them there's a dandelion ah dang it i hope that wasn't like an interesting bug that i haven't got yet it made a cool noise though whatever it was dang it was the those those blooming dragonflies go a long way um anyone who follows me on twitter might have seen me have a slight scream a bug i've got you i think though yes earth boring dung beetle it's not boring at all come here come here boaty boaty boat boat bug bug boat bug boat boat bug come on come on booty boaty bug bug come here i know i have one of you already he's a beetle isn't it it's not a bug slightly different come here come here come here this way this way i'm not gonna let yes yes no yeah i'll leave you i'll leave you let's have a tour of my island yay always a fish gosh i'm gonna get distracted oh no am i gonna be able to get past my stupid no okay okay i've got to be really really oh no that's my fault because i got a thing i want to guess does that look like a cicada because i've seen them in real life they're they're chunky little things and they are loud and they make that noise here's my duck here's another duck hey hi it's miranda um yeah they could get a little bit salty um amanda it's not you it's me it's honestly it's honestly and i'm not just saying that it's me yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we're good we're good we're good have i got anything nice i can give you i'll give you a rose i'll give you a rose do you want this look i picked this especially for you yeah ah there we go a little grunge animal crossing person giving out black roses very on brand love it um so here is my statue that marshall got me it was a fake but it is beautiful there's a little dining area here i want to like add to this table and have some like flowers in the middle perhaps or like i've got like a little uh spice set that i could put there um and let's go around hit tower of pisa i have a tower of pisa that's from gulliver and i really need it there we go i was gonna sneeze but i just thought i'd just hold my nose and that sort of works look i'll be right one second there we go i say there we go and then it's all gonna go but this is originally where my house was before i moved it up onto the hill um so this is like my little barbecue area with a little campfire got some little sun beds right here come on and then can i yes that's my favorite bit just roll about when you're on holiday and you pay for two sun beds just because you can and so you can roll between them yay um i need to remove this trash though i did pick that up to like be like ah if you're sensible then you put your trash away but is that a shark it's a shock it's a shock that's a shark that's a shark everyone oh come on come on come on come on come on come on i thought we had something i thought we had everyone everyone sorry i see you back in time being excited that i have a shark it's not it's not we were deep we were duped everyone i'm really sorry um come on fishy fish fish but yeah it's been like just slowly re re-learning how to do everything um and i think i dropped off because i do have one of those but i've only got one i believe yeah this is my little arch a little castle because it's cute got my old infinity pool here um this is kind of like the residential area we're around like the museum here i've got a couple of uh things around and about here oh damn it cicada i could have had you um but yeah i've been like a few more black flowers here great great this is kind of like where roses have started ah my favorite come on yes skye hi hi she calls me air mail for some reason let's chat how aren't you superstar um um i don't have anything planned later do you want to hang out we can hang out got plucky well becky no she's not becky she's plucky yeah i got rid of becky well she left and i was like no don't go oh yeah she calls me beep i i made her call me so sometimes they choose names for you and sometimes you choose names um yeah it's been a month i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry everyone no it's not you it's me again it's guys you're just you're just blaming yourselves for my tardiness me not showing up oh look look look i got my purple purple purple flowers there lots of purple flowers let's have a look what is in the shop today maybe we can clear out some stuff out of our inventory everyone's like becky thank you it wasn't i promise you it wasn't like a slip of the tongue where i'm like actually saying something what i mean i i i genuine look at them there's an organ there's an organ there's an organ and i need this and look at that look at that jacuzzi okay how much are they getting one of those yep thank you now i believe i have one of those plants already so i can get it from somewhere how much is this jacuzzi imagine this in the bathroom okay i can i can do that i'll pass the moment because i don't have the funds on me we will we're going to get we're going to get jacuzzi whirlpool bath can i buy anything in here what's any any new cool things second camo wall um oh a stately wall that looks nice actually [Music] gonna get that i think that would be good uh yeah that yes that right so let's go to the bank and get us some uh like i'm doing a tub i'm just getting distracted this is what animal crossing does to me everyone's like yep that's expensive that that that's expensive but that like i've got a kitchen counter that i don't even use anymore but it was the only thing that i had that was a kitchen counter to work in my kitchen at the time and that was like 125 000 bells but fortunately i did really well a couple of weeks on the turnips um and also i've got some other things that i will reveal to you of how i make how i made a lot of money like fairly not quickly but like without too much of a pain um like to build up those funds so that you can put that initial investment into turnips and oh my goodness that sounds far too businessy okay yep see i've i jumped on on friday and i jumped on on sunday afternoon didn't buy any turnips this week but uh let's take some see i've got i can pay off my loan but i've just not got round to it i just i just got things to do let's well actually i like for some reason i like taking things out in multiples of three there we go i think i just i just like nines and threes they're very satisfying to me it's just good the number nine nine is my uh lucky well i would say lucky number but it's my favorite number because the nine times table is good because it's got that trick where you're like oh two times nine so you go like that and then it's 18 this is one and eight and i didn't learn that until after i left school it would have been so easy but then once you get past 100 like once you get past nine times nine is like 99 no 89 even god i can't remember now off the top of my head that's brilliant nine times nine it's 81 81 what am i doing um is it 10 times 9 is 90 and then you just take away 9. but this is just just goes to show that all those things that you learn off by heart as a kid so that you can pass exams you don't need them really just do it fine use calculator i just use my phone all the time um right i'll do it no i don't want to go to the bank again i want to let's see what's let's see everyone everyone's going 81 yeah i got it they got i got it in the end don't worry don't worry um nook shopping what's in the catalog today i could look at this in my uh phone as well because i have unlocked that i don't have that but i've got like three wetsuits now they're so cute are there any um i wonder if there's any special ones in the shop now not the clothes shop but the nook nook shop um eric lovecastle have you got a dream code uh no not yet um but i should look it up and then you guys can all uh send have a like have a nose around at your own pace without getting completely uh off track talking about track i've forgotten to have a look at uh the chat um scott jacobs says i predict a lord-of-the-fly scenario someone is going to end up on a spit hey we don't know that although the two that i've talked to have been a duck and a chicken which are delicious things look it's robin robin was really nice to me would i use this right okay he's shocked he's sad but what's the latest [Music] right luke and andy both dislike robin robin was just like i'm so glad you're back i missed you he'd only been on my island for like two days before i disappeared for like a month okay and he's just like you're back you're great and you're finding gifts for people oh i love finding gifts to people he's adorable you thought i was you thought i was a raccoon oh buddy i'm gonna can i can i please give you the thing okay i might have to wait till he's outside the shop maybe okay okay well look i'm really sorry dude but i was trying to do a nice thing by buying you the plant yeah let's do it we'll pop it in and then we'll finish off our tour oh it's gonna go in the bathroom and it's gonna look so good um for those of you just joining prepare yourselves prepare oh actually it's got glasses i love it i love it look at her dear lord that is adorable my boy my favorite boy i was thinking what are you thinking about eric if you are thinking about leaving what are you trying to decide i mean oh he's happy he's happy eric eric i cannot lose you i cannot ever lose you cannot i i would i i just wouldn't actually i just wouldn't be able what i keep missing cicadas is that a that's a locus that's a long line oh there he is no that's just a knot on a tree i thought that was a cicada again right okay let's get this whirlpool in i'm sorry everyone's like ah nate skranoski it's bluebear all over again no he doesn't like he can go travel he just has to live where i am it's not moving away please right bathroom i'm gonna make this bathroom look really nice and then eric can come and we can be like look just go chill out in the fish room whenever you want it's fine right done okay okay okay okay let's look at all of these the street organ whirlpool bath oh look at it it's perfect and it works like i want to get in it though right it's like that it's very eldridge [Laughter] okay this is very prudent this is now now this is the room that she has just trapped all the fish in and they have to watch on as she gets on with her life and it's like look at this lovely whirlpool bath that i have i'm gonna sit here and i've have like a nice drink of uh some quality wine perhaps mead but i wouldn't say prudence is a mead drinker um but yeah yeah look look at it yes yes i love it so perfect perfect right i'm gonna put some things away though uh put that in storage right we'll take that street or can put you away how does the stately wall look in the main room i kind of like the one thing i do actually like in here is like the wallpaper i think it's quite cute um probably not what i would have in real life but i really like the wooden paneling along the bottom bit well how does this look i mean that looks kind of there's no windows i in this room you have to have windows um that would probably work well if i find the flooring of that that would probably work well in the bathroom actually for like a very extra bathroom which one is that one again aha it's the plant okay you are for you are for robin uh long bathtub put you in storage puff fish you can probably end up in the bathroom soon street lamp i've got a spare street lamp i'll put you down somewhere i've got a cute little fan uh coffee grinder i've already got a coffee grinder i get so many coffee grinders for some reason right keep you keep you and i'll get rid of all of these things in a sec oh that's the uh should we do some should do some fashion should we do some fashion because right now um like for those of you who weren't here at the beginning uh this is my current album so let's make uh a fun outfit uh have i got have i got well i won't have the wetsuit yet that will come tomorrow i won't have the pink wet suit because i just free niri says uh evil mimosa time an evil mimosa is a very uh specific thing yeah like it's very [Music] special i can't okay well what am i oh what am i wearing then that's why i'm wearing um my cute little dress that's what i'm wearing um okay so i've got my little diving mask no no no no no no no no no no no come on fashion yes ella dress up so we can change our ones we've got some little uh i really like the little botanical tees especially like i think they're so cute um i have like well i've got a couple less because i gave them to a canadian friend of mine genuinely but i've got a lot of flannel i enjoy flannel um that's usually my kind of goatee i've got so many because people keep gifting me the graduation gowns because they know [Music] i'm the gryffindor but not really wearing much harry potter stuff at the moment um there's a little raincoat for when i want to do some cosplay for it um i could do a little little sailor moon look should do a little sailor moon look where's my where's my all right i'm on that look at it look how cute oh fatty evil by moonlight winning love by daylight wearing dale a dearly boppers insects she is the one named sailor i need like a crown though she's not a bow green bow white bow there look how cute um i mean i mean i've got i've got little imp things um oh people in the chat uh where it where's the where's the fashion intro i'm sorry i'm not andy i don't have super special look wait wait wait yeah i'm selling mercury [Music] okay no no not those ones those will do right shoes shoes yeah i'll sail it back here so cute um but i think we should get knocked oh my god oh this is uh my uh bathrobe my purple bathrobe [Music] i mean i do have the bath wrap of course but this is just the upgrade you know darling um [Music] uh figure skating dress very specifically terrifying jester costume just just showing you some of the amazing clothes look at the mysterious dress it's got little roses on the arms love it hmm i'm a little tuna sushi uh oh sushi little sushi i really want a cat called sushi now that would be a really good cat name oh look at that oh my goodness we have to wear the little tropical dress oh my goodness because it's summer little those little strap-on sandals this is a look yes it is all coming together beautifully yep those ones or have i got what about those ones hmm i think the more strappy ones yeah those feel like kind of like the kind of walking style ones um and then hair so hat hat hat hello it's summer right i want a cool yep yellow bag yes yes yes but also look at that how cute is that how cute is that one but we're gonna go for that one look at it stunning stunning stunning stunning look look at that look yes just yes perfect perfect uh done sorted uh look this game man this is why i just get too emotional playing it because look how adorable that is no pineapples right let's show you the rest of this island girl naughton says it's the maid from del monte it's the dole whip fairy beach episode says clumsy by fact hell to the yes uh thank you to tyler torno for the donation thank you to jorg and ervik for the donation as well um uh i don't think i'll be streaming um goes to sushiba that much longer because there's another game begins with k and ends with kingdoms of amela i kind of want to play so might be switching to that when it comes out um tom tutherington speaking of butlins talked about about this earlier ellen do you ever get a sonic gold medal for dancing no was that a thing at butlins in the 90s i only went the once i only went the once and it was a treat it was a real treat let me tell you uh luke t simmons oh ellen oh wow bognorregious so many memories love the flumes and playing teenage mutant ninja turtles or simpsons on the arcade there thanks for the inspire for reopening animal crossing new horizons yeah let me know in the chat if you are a fellow person who's kind of dropped off um and just i'm just interested to know donna donna wait wait wait uh i've gone i've i keep forgetting all the yeah where are you yeah you're up there you went over that way there you are oh i could have got an orchid sorry cut yeah do it right okay have i got that one have i not handed that one in i'm pretty sure i handed that one in i think it's just yeah it's just because it's so difficult to get and they're going to be quite pricey this one will have to go somewhere special okay so i'll show you next time i'm so sorry i cost you your orchid i'm so sorry yay she always sings i miss that oh this music man i've missed it i've missed it so much right we'll go to the clothes shop in a sec here's my little orchardy bit there you are sir hey how come dang it that was miles from him here's some seaweed and here this is my collection basically uh i had this thing and i think this is part of the reason why i kind of burnt out a little bit on it um because i i didn't really need to do this you've seen how much money i've got in my bank i don't need to do this i should just focus on the aesthetic of the game now um but you have uh two characters flick uh who's a chameleon and cj little beaver and they come along everyone's reacting and they they buy fish and bugs at like at least twice the price the reaction's in chat i'm just ellen dude what the heck those poor fish wt actual h wow collection indeed oh ellen omg uh ellen please release them but they're all going to be sold and they will be fine uh for cj and his live streams so i don't know how i don't have any insects here at the moment so usually it would go up here and there'd be some insects here as well um look at this big bad boy i've already got one in the uh look at him he's such a long boy but yeah and so when they appear on my island i come here i pick them all up and then i sell them but i think that was giving i was giving myself too much work so i'm just gonna i'm just gonna sell them and then if i have like i might raise the the level like the cost so it has to be like um someone has a hoarding problem i do um so yeah i'm going to raise basically if anything is like a thousand uh bells or higher i would put it here but um i'm gonna raise that i think to like if it's above five thousand because like yeah it's nice to get two thousand instead of one one thousand but i'm okay for bells in that i was able to buy a whirlpool bath for like without too much issue or some bubbles there and get some bubbles in a bit we can do some diving um message in a bottle message in a bottle yeah i've got a live i didn't sell that black base i should i should sell some stuff golden candlestick i already know that okay so that's going to go uh by the front but yeah so this is this is my my oh hello right let's do this there's one there now i sorry a bike went outside and it sounded like it was from my headphones and i was like what have they added because that is a growl and a half um there's one there there's one there there's one there there's one there there's one there and there's one there as well oh my gosh there's so many okay butterfly you stay out of the way yeah it's a book lost property evening cicada better than an oh because it's like even and flick flick is here okay okay i've already i don't why is it not cj but that's flick can you sell the bugs to right well let's let's uh find this lost item uh let's register yes i think i have one of these already yep source tag now i can't unsee it hahaha like cecil um got you oh there's one over there right now i'm just like all the bugs how much room have i got not a huge amount go yes oh god divest your riches ellen yes yes and also when we go to seaflick i can show you my cute little japanese garden that i have um right okay this is gonna take some oh they're all smelling the flowers see i've got a lot of flowers around here oh yeah uh missed it because we went round but this is like my little play park look at it look it is hey right uh get rid of those so many weeds so many oh oh i heard there you are hello see how much you're worth to flick yes guys big boy a robust cicada oh it's a different one okay okay okay okay okay well should we let's let's let's go to blabbers let's go to blubbers we're going all over the place today got a lost item which we will also chat to everyone seem to be in the middle there [Music] pardon me hi blabbers the denial museum makes me laugh every time i am i'm really funny um right enjoy my locust migratory locust what a wretched thing i'll try to i'll try and do luke's voice alas i'm obliged to ask would you like to learn more about the specimen yes please ah i see in that case oh yes the lone migratory locust it seems like such a harmless hopper as it bounces about in the grass but beware when these pests bang together and travel in swarms they leave devastation in their wake my greater elocus have gathered by the millions throughout history wiping out crops and causing famine that's why i always say never let a locust hang out with its friends that is precisely how a plague begins any hoot nice and serious thanks for your donation and though bugs are the bane of my existence rest assured that the wretched thing will get the best of care here right yes i would like to donate another thing i like to get the whole thing out like so that uh you get the whole reaction and he knows all this stuff an evening cicada what a wretched thing alas i'm obliged to ask would you like to learn more about the specimen yes ah i see in that case ahem the evening cicadas certainly knows how to ruin a quiet moment as the sun sets it strikes up a sad song so sonorous one can't hear one's own thoughts i'd feel sorry for its melancholy moods if it weren't so very vocal about how it feels oh please pipe down any hoot nice and serious thanks for your donation and though bucks have been in my existence rest assured the rich things will get the best of care here there we go and the final one um ellen brothers voice people enjoying it make a donation marvelous what would you like to donate eek a robust cicada what a wretched thing alas i'm obliged to ask would you like to learn more about this specimen yes please ah i see in that case the robust cicada got its name from the chirping sound it makes which is said to be quite well robust but robust hardly describes it abrasive bombastic sanchophonous kakafur no cacophonous wow ellen wow sanchophonus that's how i'm saying it it's cacophonous it's coffiny oh scuttlebutt 101 says auto captions changed blathers to glados for them amazing that's more like it cacophonous beside the horrid catawalling this bug is known for its long wings short body and green coloring but looking at a robust cicada is just as unpleasant as listening to one my eyes and my ears are offended nice and serious thanks to your donation and their bugs are the pain of my existence rest assured the wretched thing will get the best of k yeah uh everyone enjoying me i i was just like oh this is a word i don't know but i cacophany it's a cacophony a lot don't worry words are hard thank you scuttlebutt thank you el says i'm off to play my second phone that is that's wonderful uh 10 out of 10 effort ellen says ollie thank you very much uh right i think make a donation no don't have anything sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah sorry um i have a full fossil donation thingy i'll show you quickly my art before we go lost item searching to show you i've not been going very often uh to animal crossing uh but the two times that i've managed to get a look i've got a thing there and a thing there that seems to be it uh oh no wait i do have a van gogh that's good so i've got some stuff but like the few times that i've been here red has not been there so yeah and like i jokingly bought the other mona lisa so you get i got the mona lisa first so i knew that any other mona lisa he had would be fake and i was like look i want to buy a fake one it'll be funny he'll be back tomorrow because the first two days he was there and then he didn't come back for like a week and i was like no um so yeah that was that was a that was hard finding that out but i've i've got mona lisa in my room and that's that's all i wanted all i wanted um all right let's go find this lost item a home elvis press play red never shows up right never never ever ever he is super rare right okay right everyone is around here let's chat skye you might know did you drop this it's a book isn't yours plucky chicken right plucky was hey herb well sherb yay hi hi hi that was simple yeah no i've just got something that's yours let's see what sherp has to say to us now that oh what's this cool cool let's see what this kid's smock looks like i always get like no why do villagers give me such bad clothes i really appreciate it but i didn't need it and it was it was the joy was in having the work done anyway right hey chub yeah i didn't chat to you the last literally i had a gap and then i came back and i had another gap so i've not talked so sorry people are fighting over you on the internet people want you i'm so sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry can i give you a present jonah bug um [Music] i'm sad now wait wait right let oh stag stag stag stag stag get stag okay okay and then i'll get some cherries you'll have some cherries right cherries are not from this island so oh all right put the snack machine back sorry sorry everyone sorry everyone off the path as well there we go look sherb sherb i've got some cherries snack buddy i've got you some snacks yeah yeah you get some uh cherries oh thanks let's see let's see let's see what clothes oh that's that's neat that's neat that's a cute lol that's a cute one i'm gonna i'm gonna wear my tropical dress i have like so many summer dresses that i have just not worn this year which is great makes me sad right let's go sell some bugs um first off actually i might have some spare bugs in my uh room well my storage in my home oh hang on i've got some nook miles to get oh i've got some enough sea creatures lovely lovely okay i've still got some nook miles to i've got so many miles it's ridiculous there we go so i've got my nook phone digital aged child that's me yeah there we go no wrong one wrong one there we go there we go there we go phone away enjoy the world enjoy the island look at all these ducks just got some balloons there i want to put like a nice little kind of seating area there um once i've got some nice like wooden outdoorsy chairs that would be great so creatures bugs bugs bugs which bug shall look i've got three of each of all of these bugs so i can sell them on uh like so that i can get them made basically into a uh model especially for a moth or the purple emperor or the paper i think i've got paper kite one though maybe i only got one wasp done a dragonfly should i get three donna dragonflies get a dragonfly done i think got a dragonfly model but i'm not sure whether i just saw that at someone else's island let's go for rosalia batesti the rosario dawson as i like to call it um okay earth boring done beetle i take an anne i don't need three oh my pockets are full right well i'll put you in storage put you in storage so much of this game is putting things into storage you offer the thing you need to be sold you can go in storage you can go oh i don't need to favorite you i want to storage there we go you can go in storage so many weeds i need to sell you clay you can go in storage you can go in storage you can go in storage okay so i have three of those to bug a sauce tag i might that might be a good uh model to have but we'll go and we'll get a model and we'll sell [Music] wait wait wait wait let's have a look at which ones i've got up here look at this lovely look at this lovely one ah shall i angel b can i go in storage yeah you can you know live your dreams go wherever you want pale chub lol um still still just like what's the what's the flavor text with that one it's like that's mean tiny little fishy wish right um so i've got three of those so big um okay okay so those are all these are all to be saved for models so i don't want to take any of these i've got the fourth spare ant and i've shoved some stag beetles in there great let's go get a rosario dawson beetle model i'll have one of those sent off um everyone's really concerned at how many animals i've imprisoned in this game look i'm sorry it's just how i play we've not even covered the whole island yet as well by the way so here we go there what is that beetle the hell yes i'd hate to hear it honk that schnoz beautiful that's good that's good flavor tex that's delicious flavor text all around here when i came back this was all weeds because no one had walked here because uh i think it's like determined by where villagers can walk because here you have to like do a little hop to get in there before you can go and sit in the little ah i love swing benches i just love benches in general just like sitting outside on a nice bench watching the world go by look get you gonna sell some things to flick but please oh and you on the day like just do this you're still making money and then save the more expensive one oh no no no no there we go there we go there we go what are you or you this is this is the problem with animal crossing i just get distracted we'll say that this game was great uh at the beginning of lockdown me i i i i messed up that was on me that was completely on me um these bamboos should we pick up should i dig up that stick up that fossil and then i can get it thing is i've got all the fossils i don't have a huge incentive to get all the fossils other than like more cash i suppose i should because it's like at least 2 000 bells for each one sort of i'm probably a bit wrong there but once you have it uh you have to take it to bladders first to get checked but then you can sell it on look at this look at my lovely zen bridge into my lovely garden flick what are you doing in my garden hello please enjoy oh take that i've got a whole bunch of stuff around here is my little spare rock there oh hello you will fetch a pretty penny nope there we go yes i'm kind of regretting not picking up the purple emperor but the blue bugs are lovely right flick no flick hi yeah yeah i remember you oh you're really weird about bugs yes let's commission a piece and then we'll sell the rest but i can't sell the one that i've not given to uh blabbers otherwise i'll cry yes i've got like a grasshopper head on my wall in my room i think everyone loves flick herman everyone he's the best i think like he and cj are like rubies they're in love and we're all happy about it right the horned hercules hello flick don't mean to disturb your lovely imaginary situation there right i've got like loads right so i do not want to sell you but i've got an ant i've got some locus i've got purple emperor okay there's little trousers i like the little kind of like horns that he's got as his ears yeah twelve thousand bells i'll take that vicki lee 247 and they were roommates oh my god they were roommates oh i still find myself regularly quoting vine often to myself like uh i still i still do the road work road works ahead yeah i sure hope it does um i found he has a youtube channel drew good and very very funny very just great just so good and then i found the sign like one of those road work signs in the last of us too and the first thing that came into my head was yeah i sure hope it does sweet fish delicious lovely um oh oh there's a thing there right let's go around i'm gonna go around though look at it look at my lovely garden um oh it's a leaf leaf bug walking leaf i've got one of those so that's my second one oh that will be a really cool model come on yellow butterfly cool right well we've got some things sold there it's got some people being salty about me not being around for a while um i'll show you up this end of uh the island as well and then we'll go in the shop and have a look this is like my flowery area this is where the girl from the ring lives um but yeah these i've got all of these colors i've got all the colors of these plants um i'm still working on the lilies i've got some pink lilies though i'm really pleased with um so a few more things here a little pond there let's see what what fishy is that what fishy is that get me outdoorsy fishing rod uh right come on ponds are always the worst ones to fish in there we go [Music] carp carpool yes very funny very funny uh this is my little circle of apples and pears i should put some stairs here somewhere just go all in on the cockney um got some is there anything here anything up here see so my secluded beach is just here i'll dig you up while i'm here let's do it yay red is never here bread is never here i go to my secluded beachbody yeah just never here pond skater got it brilliant brilliant um let's have a little read of what people have been saying in the comments because i'm not i've been keeping an eye on chat but uh not on the donations um scott jacobs adds the bathroom to the list of things about ellen that concerns us yes zanzibar white says hold on to your butts that's the usual sign that you're looking for the bathroom yes very true uh joe schmo brings back the memories of the tingle outfit in the studio yes oh my goodness um nazusho says hello i just want to say hi i've lost you i've lost you oh gosh it's gone all the way up there we go there we go there we go so i'll say hi not to due to being able to watch it very often uh it being 1am at all hopefully you're doing good uh during these times i am thank you very much um and josh moses don't want to run afoul of miranda devon briere says always feel so bad when i talk to my villagers after i've been away for a while even after a week they aren't happy with me right tilapia i hope it makes me happier tiny bug tiny bug tiny tiny bug yes rice grasshopper i've been looking for a gluten-free alternative brilliant right emperor emperor i saw you i saw you huh no yes oh i did get you good um carson russell says i'm happy to see a return to animal crossing also i'm proud to say and finally learning to cook and the ham and cheese omelet went well nice one i think we've all kind of like learned outer yes another race no big one my greater locust okay i've already got a u good um oh dally dream daydream says heads up as a snooty villager robin is a she oh i completely i think i i miss misjudged that from [Music] like robin is more of a dude's name in the uk but from characters like robin scherbatsky in uh how i met your mother i know that it's also it's a very much any gender name which i think is fantastic oh hello hello two seconds i'm just gonna get this bug yay thank you um so yeah uh ben sadler luke like luke i tried going back to breath of the wild after playing animal crossing horizons kept attacking the stuff i was trying to pick up yeah yeah right hello you said hi to me okay i'm gonna back away from you because you're being a bit keen today right um austin ramsay okay everyone prepare yourselves opens door he's got glasses on ellen was not prepared no yeah a little miranda she's she just looks so cute in the glasses um chris manson haven't watched an ellen stream in a while and exactly the kind of happy giggly positive niceness and even rainy day the chill and cozy i'm glad um yesterday it wasn't as chill ah but was still hopefully fun and fairly giggly at points because frogs just gonna say that frogs right fishies right are you anything new and exciting no i've got you let's take these i'm gonna go sell a load of stuff in the shop and then we'll go into the uh clothing shop we can go get some more bugs to blothers just just fairly chill really today um jeff l uh says ellen has an affinity for the bathroom good i enjoyed that i enjoyed that joke uh marie lee says it's really wholesome how excited you are about seeing all of this again it like it just oh my goodness like i realized why i like spent hours in this game um part of it as well is cause it's it's just uh such a good game to walk around um and play i'm just gonna sell all of these i could wait for i'm gonna sell those two because i'll get some cash um where is robin because i need to give her i can sell this stone should i sell those stones or not i saw that sweet fish maybe the thing that annoys me in the shop is it doesn't tell you how much each thing individually sells for whereas if you use the drop box outside you get an idea of how much it's worth so you can sell a whole bunch of stuff you don't know what you're actually getting the meat of that cash for like the biggest chunk um okay so i've not sold any bugs i want to keep all those bugs because i could make a a bunch here so six no nothing there was particularly but there could be like one thing that was i don't know i don't know i try and get i try and min max things too much it's my video game brain you know i think it happens to all us all um oh norsen said i once had a villager that wanted to move and i declined they said it was all right but half an hour later they taught me the reaction of sadness [Music] um chance q says greetings from alaska sweet some animal crossing hell yeah hello in alaska how are you all doing over there um let's where are we off to now we're off to the clothes shop is where we're going next isn't it gonna do a little fashion thing [Music] i am very pleased with my outfit today though that was completely off the cuff or should i say off the hanger got the little tiara oh my goodness those glasses look like eggs i need them no oh those are cute though okay look no no i don't i don't want that color what i want are the hexagon specs yes yes the look is complete i love it so much oh this game this game right um uh andrew andrea martinez says hi ellen hope you had a great time i thought for sure you would have a purple rose bed uh see i would get lost though it'd like i just like disappear if my hair ever went across my face uh by the way be sure to check the seasonal items actually i checked the other day and they didn't seem to be anything but i will check i would check some of those out see if there's anything there um inquisitor dragon bear adar says he's gonna have to leave early but have fun and hopefully marshall doesn't want to leave too i hope no it's usually like one a week wants to leave is usually the thing and then it randomly chooses which one so it's not it's all just algorithmic they don't actually dislike you and want to move they're just like that one and it's usually the one that you like um thank you to new member jason mcdowell steve cross white says my wife amy and i are huge fans of your streams would you or luke be willing to visit dream addresses of oxford viewers it would be so cool if you'd visit amy's island with a special surprise for it that might be fun to stream of like visiting people's islands i'll keep that in mind and uh maybe keep an eye on the channel we'll we'll let you know uh if we do something like that because it'd be cool to do the dream stuff i've not done the dream stuff i think luke did some dream stuff on a stream i think i'm not sure um hello to new member chaos dakoba donates this 12 more days very happy oh my goodness i have stepped into 2002 2001 especially i think we were trying to be so cool back then look at those camo pants so great look at the noble dre i've got the noble dresses i've got this one look at the tiara that's so cute do i want a tiara do i want to do i want to i don't know whether i have a tiara already that's the problem shall i get a tiara i'll i'll purchase a tiara and then i want some the ribbons oh look at that i i will always like the yellow ones are cute and they sort of go with the outfit but they're a different yellow i have a pair of white sandals and they go with everything and they're because they're like the leathery like leatherette kind um they don't go all grubby and they forever work oh my goodness look at those yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna purchase those but i'm gonna stay in my yellow sandals so i want to buy those but i don't wanna wear it so i've got that there we go i just want to wear like i'm late i'm the i'm on holiday at the beach um and i just i just want to go and enjoy myself okay let's have a chat let's have a chat to my friend do you have any new patterns for us sable oh i like that short sleeves it's good it's good i enjoy that enjoy that thanks people thanks well got some cute sandals uh gracie and said i was about to sleep but now yes tiara hell yeah always chiara's forever um all right we've got a bit of time oh hello hello hello hello you're a little thing yep yep [Music] come on i can't see you where are you yes little peach butts are in the way there we go there we go right let's go sell some things okay so i've got three walking leaves now so that'll be i can get with those next time flicks over um so i want to just sell those things i won't sell them right now let's go and check in our stag beetle our horned beetle um and maybe have a wander around the museum [Music] what do you guys fancy doing what does everyone fancy doing right hello i'm here darling do have a look around no rush take your time ah but first how may i assist you i'd like to make donation marvelous what would you like to donate i've got oh i've got the rice one as well let's go for the dynasty or denasted eek sounds like dynasty so that's why i like it saying like that what a wretched thing alas i'm obliged to ask would you like to learn more about this specimen yes i see in that case the horned dentist dynasty's head even is shamed like a samurai warrior's helmet it would be a most impressive fact if their large size wasn't so horrifying adult males use their huge horned heads for fighting and digging while the females have no such need as for their larvae and pupae they are too they too are quite large and feed on rotting wood at a tremendous pace a foul feast indeed any hoot some serious thanks for your donation and those bugs are they've been my existence breasts throughout the rest get the best of care i like the idea that that's like like he says that every time and it's like this rehearsed lines like don't worry i'm not going to crush it i promise you um it's the thing that go they all go through the training like the spiel that they have to reel off might i help you with anything else make a donation i've got a little race grasshopper eek a rice grasshopper what a wretched thing my last time obliged to ask would you like to learn more about this lesson then yes uh please tell me i see in that case in point of fact rice grasshoppers are an awful pest they devour rice plants and wipe out the crucial crop but revenge is sweet these bugs are edible you see and so some folks eat them as a way to get rid of them when boiled in soy sauce rice grasshoppers are quite tasty it's said you know what i wouldn't say no i would try that i would try the heck out of that i'd have to not look at it like pull the legs off maybe but i eat like muscles and prawns and stuff i should get over that then why anyone would put an insect in their mouth is beyond me their thought gives me the gags the gags any hoot mines is here is thanks to your nation and though bugs are the bane of my existence rest assured the richest thing will get the best of care here anything else i'm fine oh wait i should uh get my uh fossils checked while i'm here ellen really rolling those ares yes i enjoy it would you like me to assess eyeball a flutter get these these two there you go oh more than one i see let us take a closer look shall we yes indeed quite splendid unless our museum already has fossils i am indeed tempted to purchase these from my personal collection but no i must exercise restraint and return to now might i help you with anything else thanks bye so what did we get triceratops i've already got those i've even got doubles of those already but um should go have a look at some bugs herman wong says said the owl who eats rats i know cicadas i love i love cicada noises it does remind me a lot of anime that i watch yeah look at all the bugs so many and then there's some uh fun bugs here ah oh no they usually there were some having a fight here the other day spider don't jump down okay well maybe they've just all moved over here then okay the the stag beetles i will say make me double take a little bit because they've got six legs and then the horns and then i'm like that's eight and then the like the arachnophobe part of my brain is like ah um but i need it just just need to calm down that side of my brain thanks hey ah irish blathers says emmanuel to look at that no we're rolling with ours is more scottish i would say i could make blathers scottish hello i've come here to start a museum don't you know um look at all these butterflies look at that little frog i'm having the best time i'm enjoying it enjoying it right i'm gonna we're gonna head back out robin carlisle says yes seems the stags have a fight club at night that's it so if you go to that tree at night there's a stag beetle fight club and the first rule about staff beetle fight club is that you have to be a stag beer shy violet i love the butterfly area i do as well i'm i'm like a sucker for like any sort of water feature as well so like i hear running water like a stream or anything like that and i'm just like relaxed just chill like i said and like the same like i get sort of the same with the the sound of the ocean but very like trickling water lovely stream bubbling brook babbling brook bubbling brook however you would uh like to describe it there's both ways um but yeah john joe waters scottish ellen is best ellen i would check with scott's people on that uh but thank you it's very kind of you to say uh right so where should we what should we do we've got a little bit of time left got 25 minutes left i might dig up this let's dig this up come on while we're here oh we're here there we go dug up a fossil lovely just that noise just waterfalls i like the best noise don't go chasing waterfalls please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you used to that's just some hiking guidance uh i saw an extremely cool waterfall in new zealand when i went um just outside of uh auckland and it was gorgeous come on oh would could you not come come on yes notice it notice it come on notice it too near the edge there no yes that one yes bug oh you're not very exciting but i'll get you anyway drone beetle should you have propellers lol so close let's just let's go let's just get some bugs everyone's like c plus should we do some fishing do you want me to do some fishing we'll do some fishing because i've got the black bass which was exciting um well let let's have a look anymore fine so mad hey lovely arowana so i've got three of those i enjoy it because it sounds a lot like moana is great here's the fishy collection for anyone who missed that don't mind that oh mosquito hello get you before you bite me always pick up the mosquitoes because then you'll forget that they're there and they say sometimes they don't always like despawn even oh itchy nose excuse me um and then you come back later and they bite you because mosquitoes suck literally i didn't even make that joke on purpose would you believe me if i said that because that is true it's true starfall one more for the collection literally though like that's that's just what that's how i do um yeah get you pick up all of these oh there's a big big big big fish well that's probably gonna be a c plus in it [Music] there you go chat that's for you that is that is dedicated to all of you that one will not be in the collection not be added here's the mum's my field of mums um oh there you go sell these to flick it's like oh my god mosquito how did you know yep chat's good chat yep c plus there you go there you go everyone c plus oh come on why don't you run through around you please no crayfish okay crawfish i'd say crayfish i don't know why just wait the ways that you kind of like pick things up and it's just like how you say it it's like in in the uk we have a uh a chain called pretomogee and it's it's uh it's just like they sell sandwiches they've got they've got some really like hashtag not spawn but i i really enjoy their food personally um sweet fish how much room would i go okay i've got enough room for one more and then i'll sell some things and then go to flick and sell something okay um any bugs bugsy bugs wait you've got to flee on you you've got to flee on you flee oh my goodness plucky this has been your plucky day [Music] right let's let's sell some stuff look in here so you can kind of see how much things are worth so look at that rubbish not bad see these i'm not getting a lot 104 for a mosquito crayfish this is just like if you want to double check arowana that's that's the big that's the big bells um but that's that's a quick way of checking prices other than looking up guides online of which there are many uh i personally use vg247s uh they're part of our network and they're a lovely bunch um and their fish pricing lists is like how i did my system so yeah um although i'm not as bad as luke who has an app just saying oh i've got a fossil that i didn't get checked oh wow okay i'll get rid of the fishies and these things i've already got so many of those you you yes that's everything 13 000 bells yes uh vicki lee says the dropbox only shows you like 70 of the price they give you inside yeah i think it's like 80 you say you get a mark down but it it because you're you're like the price is paying the the privilege of not having to go inside the shop or using it when the shop is shut um so yeah roman pagan i have an app yep luke has an app i'm thinking of getting an app um rather than having my terrifying beach as well i'm gonna try and not i'm gonna reduce the fish that i need to like buy um that i choose to sell i'm gonna like raise the price and have a new level cap for that sweet fish and then yeah just make my life a little bit easier because the beach just gets taken over as you've all seen um hello wait let me go come on i'm gonna get that there's flick but i want to get that butterfly come on yeah there's a fish there oh there's a mosquito come on no no no yep right i cannot stand here because i will get ah this is the worst i don't have my net need to buy that because they can come up to you and then you come out of the cutscene and then you get immediately bitten and the other night i saw blooming scorpion scorpions back hadn't seen scorpions in ages right let's get a net cheez-it [Music] colorful net i'll buy it that's a really hideously weird looking thing oh i like uh i'm gonna get that i like the flower printed stuff i'm a sucker for anything with flowers on it just any kind of like pattern that's like a repeated design especially if it's flowers just i mean like i've got i've just got like bambi all over me today and it's just a little pretty pretty pattern uh right okay cool oh that is like hypnotizing wait you know the snake in jungle book or um oh there you are hello you followed me all the way over here i see hmm quality wealthy wealthy that's my new compression relationality wility there's the mosquito is mesquite caught yep yep there we go seventh time's a charm right let's sell these got a few minutes left this has been so chill this has just been good other than the having to run away from a mosquito um okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i've got bugs out i'm gonna sell you all these bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs but save the leafs they're gonna go in my storage with the others okay okay sell sell uh veranda says didn't know you could angle bridges yeah you can do you can do 45 degree angles that's the most exciting that they'll do you can't angle stairs as far as i've found um which is a shame because there are some i had an idea and then it didn't work and i'm sad but bridges uh they're kind of just it's the rivers are a little bit more flexible than the walls i think um but yeah look at this look at this but yeah should we go one last time past all my fishies so this is this is where i make a lot of money in this because i have an orange island and so when you plant any for anyone who hasn't played animal crossing when you plant fruits that are not your native island species they're worth more there's a beetle love it love it i'm still i'm just not over this outfit look how freaking cute she is oh there's a bug there and i can't get to it run away uh got my shark here one turn you around there you go okay good look at everyone hey say hi to everyone sharkey um oh oh that's gonna be a c-plus anyway it's that's what i'll tell myself it's fine it wasn't going to be a big new fish or anything that would be one of the cool fish that i've missed out on um oh hello go yes perfect hell to the yes another arowana hey what what a day oh my goodness oh excuse me for my itchy nose um ah paper kite butterfly you're a thousand bells i'll take you thank you very much might sell you later on though because we're running out of time um this is this has been delightful though everyone i hope people enjoyed uh visiting my island and seeing just you know how covered in weeds it is here and there um great great great catch fish before you can it hilarious hilarious um oh that's a stink bug that's fine that's fine it's fine so i've still i've got someone moved out before i left and i can't even remember who it is they might have no they wouldn't have left while i was here well i wasn't here even they would they saw stag okay so i've got two of those got two of those street lamp okay i want to show you this tiny little corner up here my goodness so many bugs so many bugs that's the other thing is i oh no how oh my goodness all this time i'm not swimming all this time i'm not gone swimming let's do one quick dive okay okay okay everyone yes yes okay look look look just go away there we go here we go right oh my goodness and it's something new no way a flat worm guess it forgot it's spare worm like a tire oh my goodness wow i i cannot believe that that's amazing all right let's come up let's come up everyone i think that was a fun noise but oh no oh muscle oh gosh i could really go for some light muscles in a white wine source uh that would be absolutely amazing right now i think the last time i ate mussels it was my birthday last year went to a french restaurant french cuisine some of my favorite in the sea urchin hello governor don't mind me i'm just as full sea urchin blah blah blah it's fun doing that it's just enjoyable oh here we go here we go oh look at the sun though like off of the top of the water that's ridiculous oh it's the another see it oh it's me oh hello mate i know you look at that look at that not lovely sorry i just really the surf water like oh the surface of the sea and of street just that that like shimmer but like it's like or an almost matte finish how do you do that water i once went like when i went uh to new zealand again going back to new zealand do things yay is that required blue crab they are in a lot of sushi i believe um i might actually eaten some of that the other week i managed to order in sushi and it was the greatest turns out i have a pretty damn good sushi place near me and i'm very happy about that um but yeah i lost my train of thought thought for something else okay let's have a swimmy swim oh there's some bubbles this is this has just been just a lovely thursday afternoon with you all the jellyfish got so many jellyfish i'm sad that i didn't get any sharks today but it's fine it's fine i could have done lots of digging up for but actually i've got a lot of bait i could have done that um but i was having fun enjoying you know showing you around new zealand thank you to kunggund uh i went on a whale watching tour without luke i know um and there was a bit where we were going across like we were in the bay and we'd kind of reached a wider past yes scallop yes yes i'd say it's the octagon look look he's an otter in a beanie with a mustache yes yes let's go oh he's gotta be french-canadian without beanie amen to a french accent uh but the school up of yours can i have it thanks for your generosity man were you supposed to be like yeah no yeah he's like it'll be like more of a canadian accent like rather than the french canadian which is slight different because they mostly speak french but with the name pascal that's what threw me off i left you something you'll dig while i'm at it let me lay some truth on you the deep kind feel this let's go please sorry lower the tone blueberries are blue and blackberries of black saharakam i can't buy rasp colored shorts man you can buy raspberry colored things though that like they will call it raspberry it's like the red trousers they'll probably like call them raspberry trousers to be and consider yourself truth oh i mean truth is uh yeah today is a good day yay oh you ought to be out here so good so good um holly bostic muscles birthday dinner yeah that was it i had muscles on my birthday and that was the last time i've eaten muscles and it makes me sad that i've not had muscle since that bell was telling me that it is uh six o'clock okay let's get out let's get out of this wetsuit look at that flatworm oh there um i will go and hand that into blabbers um actually you know what we're not gonna be bumping into any other streams so let's uh let's let's go hand that into bladders um there's also a fish here let's see what this fish is it'd be cool if this was something new come on animal crossing well you delivered z plus like spike for the c plus in chat uh it's sadly not a shark diane justin governor says it's only 12 p.m ah for you perhaps um ah you know what that's too perfect we have to finish it there got to finish it on a c-plus um and i will go and hand in the flatworm to blabbers later on but thank you so much to everyone for joining uh i hope you enjoyed uh me showing you what happened when i first came back here um if you're interested right back at the beginning of the stream when you watch this vod uh it's uh it's something quite cute and roachy um but uh thank you for joining me on my island um and for also hearing all the saltiness from my fellow villagers and for nearly oh goodness we nearly lost eric i would um i wouldn't i wouldn't have been able i wouldn't have been able to there but anyway thank you so much for joining oh there's miranda over there with her little eyeshadow shadow so cute um thank you for joining tomorrow uh i believe from 1pm there will be some fall guys and i will be joined by some of the oxbox team um and then also from 4pm on outside xbox uh you might see me dress up as an elf with some people that might be fun uh so be sure to check in uh tomorrow if you go to either of our channels and put live you'll see the next stream that is upcoming um i've yet to make the event for the fall guys one but it will be happening tomorrow 1pm uh but make sure you get that outside xbox d d also just in case you haven't heard yet oxventure has a podcast now we we are releasing old episodes um of the oxventure from youtube transferring them into wonderful audio files for you to plug straightly into your ears as you listen that's that was really badly worded did you just see the look on my face of ellen that's bad but you can plug us straight into your ears and listen to the podcast wherever you go so maybe you have someone who would be interested but doesn't have time to watch youtube that's fine we've got podcast uh if you search oxventure they should be available there but there's some tweets on our twitters go check those out uh with the links to everything um and we're both outside xbox outside extra all in one on twitter if you want to find us on there but tomorrow back 1pm here four guys and four p.m over on outside xbox for some more d d it'll be exciting uh and thank you so much for joining i shall see you next time wait hang on hang on let's do a nice cute little get out the way the venus comb um and bye it's so happy bye [Music] foreign [Music] me [Music] do
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 50,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animal crossing, acnh, animal crossing swimming, acnh swimming, diving, animal crossing new horizons swimming, how to swim, wetsuit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 52sec (7492 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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