ASI Media Tobago "I Will Go" Pathfinder Day

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] good morning happy sabbath and welcome to an extra special day do you know what it is sister annette tell us today is global power find the day that's right today is global pathfinder day and we're happy that you are here with us but tell us how long have has finally been going on around the world tell us you know part funneling has been going on for 71 years 71 years of cultures 71 years of colors 71 years of community wow can you imagine pathfindering around the world for 71 years yes 1950 to 2020 that is so amazing and it's global so that means there are pathfinders in java yes there are pathfinders in africa of course indonesia yes america china middle east can you imagine it everywhere you know they are there today celebrating global pathfinder day but you know what we are here in tobago and we are taking the opportunity to be a part of something so grand 71 years and we here in tobago are keeping that spirit of bad partnering strong and alive so we want you to sit up all right sit straight good path finder sit straight so reward them slouching today sit up sit straight and you know you can relax a bit do i have to be too stiff and enjoy the program that we have in store for you but you know what we didn't tell them what the topic is the topic is i will go so you ready to go i'm ready to go well i know i'm ready to go and we hope that you out there are ready to go that you're ready to go to roxboro you're ready to go to scarborough to canaan to charlotteville to crumble all day you are ready to go and to share the good news of god with a dying and desperate will so we encourage you to go today and make it your mantra that you will go wherever god sends you so once again we bid you welcome to global pathfinder day 2021. [Music] when the trumpet of the lord shall sung and time shall be no [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] and the glory of this resurrection shame when it shows [Music] [Music] [Music] the dawn to setting sun let us talk about its wondrous love and care then when all of life is over and our work on earth is done and our role is [Music] [Music] [Music] lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what a mighty god we serve what a mighty god we serve the angels fall before him have bananas i am delivered praise the lord i am delivered glory to his name i was lost in sin in the valley of that i am delivered praise the lord o day of rest and gladness oh day of joy [Music] holy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] a day of sweet reflection the [Music] [Applause] [Music] above your grass [Music] [Music] every thought of [Music] once again with friends to be [Music] with a song with a song [Applause] [Music] [Music] still the old old story precious [Music] i [Music] is [Music] upon us holy spirit [Music] [Music] [Music] amen amen [Music] amen amen [Music] amen [Music] today's scripture reading is taken from isaiah 6 6 to 8. then then flew one of the seraphims unto me having a live call in his hand which he had taken from the tongues from the altar and he laid it upon my mouth and said lo this had touched thy lips and thine iniquity is taken away thy sin purge also i heard the voice of the lord saying whom shall i send and whom will go for us then said then said i here am i send me pay attention everywhere and every new father thank you for bringing us here today thank you for your time thank you for streaming we'd like you to bless all the pathfinders here today and thank you for this sabbath thank you for helping us to see another week and spring us another day of life thank you for all that you have given to us still and help us to work in your footsteps like isaiah in jesus name amen onward christian soldiers marching us to war with the cross of jesus going on before christ the royal master leads against the four forward into battle see his banner go welcome to you my fellow comrades to this or pathfinder day may your hearts be blessed on this holy day of rest as we spend this time together welcome welcome welcome smile jesus loves you [Music] my [Music] hello everyone my name is lorena scotland and i am attached to the better pathfinder club in tobago the name of my mission story is when a heart stopped this story comes all the way from my friend lisa in romania 13 year old lisa was going to her church school one day in short a church school is a private school supported by a church she thought that she was so late that she missed worship already so she headed to her classroom when she saw that her classroom was empty she assumed that worship was still going on so she hurried back upstairs on her way back upstairs she heard someone talking and thought that that was the preacher while running to the door she felt exhausted and tired when she reached by the door she looked for a seat when she found a seat she stepped inside to sit down approaching her seat she saw blurry and everything was spinning she fainted right after one of her classmates caught her before she fell to the ground 20 minutes after she woke up in the school's medical room she woke up and her vision was partly blurry she got up from the bed and tried to escape back to class nil said no lisa you can't get up from the bed now you have to wait until the paramedics come she obeyed the nurse and went back to the bed five minutes later her heart stopped soon after the paramedics came and chucked her seventh time with a defliberator and had cpr on her after one hour of cpr her heart started to beat faintly it was enough to escort her to the hospital she reached the hospital in approximately 15 minutes i went into emergency surgery a nurse informed her parents who had just now arrived that she was in surgery they also told her that she would not remember anything at all her parents james and tasha cried loudly after five hours of surgery she was sent to the recovery room fifteen minutes later the anesthetic were off a nurse questioned her and asked her what's your name lisa what's your parent's name james and tasha what's today's did september 3 2018 the nurse looked at her in amazement she called other nurses to witness what had happened she informed her parents and her mother was the first one to be excited she rushed to see her daughter she exclaimed oh lord thank you for what you have done five weeks after she returned to school as soon as she entered the school's compound everyone looked at her in awe her friends questioned and questioned and questioned her she replied to all of them saying god is able to do miracles i never really knew what it meant for america to be done in my life but now i know the moral of this story is that god will bring closer to him by working miracles it may not be a challenging moment in your life but it may be a happy occasion this is the end of my mission story [Music] six [Music] [Music] coming hey [Music] [Music] everybody is like i was waiting for so long i fed up now i'm just ready for it like literally once months with weird i i wonder if carolina remember boy i feel like hero if you please everyday go to mexico [Music] you remember to tell those boys about heart father's day tomorrow oh yeah i don't tell them boys already yeah yeah just know me andre was the only feeling ah okay okay okay well don't forget to come for 9 15 shop in the morning yeah like 15 right right right yeah we're gonna be definitely 15 shot don't worry all right all right and make sure to bring the boys to her you know how that could be don't worry later [Applause] we have been called to follow [Music] [Music] i will go [Music] i will go [Music] i will go [Music] i will go [Music] or even a link is not enough so here now i want you to go out into the village i want you to quote an individual household and distribute these priorities and examples and give our world of inspiration and motivation to the people i want you all to pray with them and be like modern day evangelists keep a level eye and walk softly in the sanctuary and most importantly i want you all to go on god's error please stop as we have our word of god [Music] about someone what's to what what what who oh come here today anyway what's that what's now oh you're so coming what is someone donald is it makes sense we could when we going up everywhere we could get out by telling you something disappointment [Applause] is coming on hey [Music] [Applause] just for this one time oh should i just see if all these tracks [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so why you had to go with those boys last week oh gosh i have our story to tell you hey go ahead girl well for those who know me knows i have real bad motion sickness so girl we're going up the road now i reached kodu i feel really sick i said no way i said you know what i'll just continue because yeah just i just continue kill when you see i hit rock spray i started vomit all over the car and then boys kicked me all the kind of rocks brandon said nah you got to buy clothes for this year something cause i'm looking for girls and i hold them thing to them end up kicking me out in rocks bro and me end up in even daily party so out to know me and even hear nothing from them wait talking about them do they have no coming there hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] y'all need to be quiet because y'all didn't need to come in the first place is this how you want to get about arguing and getting yourself into trouble is this how you want to deal with the situation i want to ask honest which one of you all would want to come with me and carol to give out our checks and go on god's mission well you know what i regret why though to the max i shall no adult i will go and i will go on god's errors and i will come to you am i coming to you because i'm not and i'm coming i'm not going on going all the circuit don't is yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] 8.3 [Music] [Music] you guys ready to go on board [Applause] [Music] [Music] god will make our way when it seems to be knowing he works in ways we cannot see he will make our way from me he will be my guy hold me closely to his side with love and strength [Music] [Applause] oh god we'll make our way when it seems to be no way he works in ways we cannot see he will make a way for me he will be my guide [Music] he will make our way he [Music] us please the desert will i see heaven and earth i never do something new today [Music] he will make a way for me he will be my guide [Music] he will make our way he [Music] he will make [Music] happy sabbath everyone my name is lynel loveless and this is jalani love list and today we will be going through the real-time fate lesson yes so usually at this time we'll have the inverse lesson but today we will be having the real-time faith the inverse lesson will continue next week so with that being said we hope that you all had a wonderful week and that the lord was continuously showing himself towards you so lena how was your week my week was a bit stressful because you know school recently started back and getting used to the fit for my life was it's kind of challenging but by god's grace you know i get you know get in tune with it yeah how was your week i also started first form um the two weeks so far has been good it was fairly okay but i'm just grateful to you know be promoted to form and have somewhere to sleep something to eat you know things along that line so we could get into the lesson now you know there's this song that we used to sing called make a joyful noise unto the lord and it's taken from sounds that is a title for today for real yep make a joyful noise but before we get into the lesson let's say a prayer boy heads and close your eyes as i pray the kind of loving father as we go through our review for this week lesson i ask that we learn something new and we run through smoothly oh lord in jesus name amen amen so today's memory verse was taken from psalms 100 1 and 2 and it reads make a joyful shout to the lord all you lands so the lord with gladness come before his presence with singing so from here in that text what do you think or what what comes what first comes to your mind when you think about this text what first comes to my mind is that when you're worshiping or you're praising god you should do it with gladness in your heart and without willingness you know what about you what comes to your mind for me i also think that and i also think that whatever way that we could possibly you know give praise to god whether it's singing preaching playing our instrument spoken word you know we should do it with joy and happiness so today's story was entitled blessed assurance one of the great christian hymns is the well-known blessed assurance the melody was written by joseph knapp by mrs joseph knapp her husband the president of the metropolitan life insurance company one day nap invited the prolific game writer fanny crosby to who knapp wanted her to listen to her new melody she composed knapp sat down at the piano and began playing the melody as she played she asked crosby what thoughts were coming to her mind what the melody suggested to her crosby responded mrs knapp your husband deals in their life insurance my heavenly father deals in assurance this melody suggests to me blessed assurance jesus is mine the word assurance means an inner confidence and inner confidence assurance is a sense of security it also speaks of the sense of belonging and acceptance in christ we are accepted as children of god in christ we have absolute confidence confidence that our guilt is gone and or sins forgiven in christ we complete we have complete assurance that the gift of eternal life is ours satan hates it when a child of god accept christ by faith and receive the blessed assurance of forgiveness pardon and freedom from guilt ellen g wright wrote satan is ready to steal away the blessed assurance of god he desires to take every glimmer of hope and every ray of light from the soul but you must not permit him to do this do not give your heir to tempter but say jesus has died that i might live he loves me and wills not that i should perish i have compassionate heavenly father and although i have abused his love though the blessings he has given me has been squandered i will arise and go to my father in the parable of the prodigal son the father accepts his boy back home with his father's signet ring placed on his finger the wayward son received the absolute assurance of his father's love like the prodigal son we too find love acceptance and forgiveness in the father's heart what confidence what security what hope what blessed assurance with with all god has done and is doing for you how do you plan to respond to him we owe so much to our heavenly father one way we can honor him is by guarding the avenues of our heart mind and soul and listening to music that lifts our spirits in praise to him the things we take into our minds and bodies should be things that help us grow closer to him so under the activity for monday they asked three questions and this was the first question how does the music you listen to affect you well music has a strong impact on us and if you for example if you was listening to a song that was sad in new year automatically kind of feels sad too if it was an entire song that was coming you started to get calm so that's how music could affect us what about you i also think that music affects the way you think the way you do things the things that you will see so for instance if you take for example the people that listen to dancehall if someone is to irritate them or get them upset the first thing that they would look to say is why i got killer boy like a so it affects your mindset and things that you do the second question was what principles do you think are important and should be applied when it comes to listening to music i think that the principle that you should take into consideration is ask a question ask yourself this question does this help me spiritually does this help me in any kind of way you know what positive outcome do i get out of this music so in all beliefs number 22 christian behavior it says for the spirit to recreate in us the character of our lord we involve ourselves only in those things that will produce christ like purity health and joy in our lives we are to engage in whatever brings our thoughts and bodies into the discipline of christ who desires all wholesomeness joy and goodness so time back to the question what are the principles you know we need to be christ like and we need to whatever we're taking should be pure and you know just like christ yes indeed and the third and final question was how does the music you listen to bring you into a closer relationship with gold no i feel like this is a personal question because everybody have different tastes in music so the fact that when it comes to gospel music the fact that you could fall over in love with god whether you're going through something or not it's just gives you a reminder that hey god doing this for me he taking me through this or he you know he taking me through this and showing me things that i never thought that i would have seen so i just find that it's good that it could fall over and over in love with god well for me gospel music can be comforting and it could encourage us and you know it could help us express ourselves you know because you could express yourself through music so that's my thoughts and how it could bring you closer to goat and under the reflection from tuesday it says if you like music you're not alone music can have a huge influence on our lives we can listen to music that lifts us up or brings us down music can set off an avalanche of opinions because tastes are so different you've probably had the experience of having someone say music is neutral as long as i like it and it's good for me that's all that matters but is it just a matter of taste or are there right and wrongs when it comes to music do you think they are right and wrongs when it comes to what's their rights of course there is and i will read this little paragraph that it has at the end as a christian you have a responsibility in choosing the music you listen to everything that influences you you must evaluate for good or evening the question will this help me grow spiritually has got to be at the top of your list even ahead of do you like do i like it or do my friends like it think about the songs you listen to what do they represent what do they center on are they drawing you closer to the lord if not then why are you listening to it it is your it is in your best interest to guide to be guided by the principles and the biblical values when choosing music for worship as well as for your enjoyment amen and in closing i'll read this little paragraph and it says music is important god blesses music and encourages us to use it use and enjoy it but we also need to be aware that there's a lot going on in today's popular music culture that isn't pleasing to god and can't be connected with a positive christian experience as a growing christian and an agent of god's kingdom you have serious choices to make about the music you listen to make sure it brings you closer to god rather than throwing up barriers between you and him so remember to ask yourself this question what do i gain from this music does it help me spiritually what positive impact does it have on my life so now we'll bowl heads and close our eyes for the closing prayer they're kind of developing for the lord we want to thank you for allowing us to see another sabbath day we ask that whatever they learned from this lesson that they will take into their day-to-day lives and to live more like you forgive us of our sins and help us to live a life that is pleasing unto you and your name i prayer amen amen [Music] every day they pass me by i can see it in their eyes [Music] know [Music] open [Music] [Music] [Laughter] people need [Music] if [Music] people need the lord [Music] we are called to [Music] good [Music] through his love [Music] hear the world of life only we only [Music] people need the lord [Music] is [Music] the lord [Music] that we must [Music] the lord [Music] is [Music] [Music] but we'll be [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] me [Music] alone [Music] welcome friends and happy sabbath i'm natasha brown allen and we're so happy that you've joined us today it's uniform day here on asi and we know that you will be blessed we know that we have a wonderful package in store for you so whether you're here for the first time or you're visiting thank you so much for joining us special thanks to our sisters jilani and lynnell loveless for share with us the real time faith lesson great job guys next week the inverse lesson will resume we are on lesson 12 in the adult lesson study time and we are looking at the restless prophets as we continue our theme rest in christ we trust that you have your bibles and your writing material with you and you are ready to study along with us and remember if you don't you can go to and download a copy of the lesson you can send us your questions as well at biblicaltreasures.sst we'd love to hear from you so that we can have your questions answered right here also happy birthday greetings to my niece bernice hagley and my sister-in-law suzette sharp cullens happy birthday guys let me welcome my pastors who have been hand-picked for today's lesson pastor tony ma president of the tobago mission of seven-day adventists and on my far right pastor paul mckenzie pastor of the midnight district or sri sabha school and personal ministries director welcome pastors thank you very much but before we go any further who's going to pray for us i'll pray for us all right our heads almighty god and father we give you praise and thanks for this wonderful sabbath day we thank you for your people we thank you oh god for your word and for the guidance of the holy spirit be with us now as we spend time in the review of this lesson may your holy spirit touch hearts and move through even those who are viewing us online listening to us wherever they might be i pray your anointing and your blessing upon them this morning even now in jesus name we pray amen amen amen amen i'm going to break traditional bathroom because i'm going to ask pastors a personal question how involved are you or were you if you aren't still but i see you all are very well dressed so that means you probably are still involved in uniform so tell me a little bit about that before we get into today's lesson well uh i'd leave the hard conversation for pastor but i have i got into youth work very early um having after joining the church and then i thought that it was wasting my time and i dropped out wow and then i began to consider coming back into youth work and as a pastor and who knows i became the youth director of the tobago mission yeah and when i became the director of the tobago mission i said well for sure you must be in everything pertaining to you that's right and therefore uh picked it up from then and um even though they've not been as consistent being on parades or being or anything like that um the love for youth work is always in me and i've decided i'm going all the way with it again not planning to be the director planning to enjoy myself in youtube pastor has been in youtube with longer than i am so i could tell you about it all right when i became a seventh day adventist the youth work and the clubs have been a form of a support group for me and the form of the staying power that kept me in the church and i'm working along with the young people i love young people and every time there's a new class young people coming in the church or they're graduating from one class to another to the next you're seeing the growth in the skills and the abilities and the talents of these young people is always amazing and refreshing every time so it's something really enjoyable for me and um the clubs the uniform work it keeps you on your toes keeps you looking young i know you can't guess my age or person absolutely that's right it keeps you looking young and also um we live we live on the island and you have so many things that your children learn to do you know there are a lot of people there's some adults living on this island that can't swim and there's a swimming honor yeah right so your children are they're so equipped with so many things first aid any little help around the house listen the youth work is an awesome and excellent thing to be a part of and i'm still pretty much a part of it today yes get your fork involved yes yes get your children involved indeed amen i like that plug me i get them involved and you know apart from all those things that you can learn from you to work which is so awesome because i myself have been part of the part finder club you could also find your spouse amen yeah [Music] [Laughter] i just played my truth on that so there's lots of reasons to get involved in club work so we trust that if you're not yet involved then get involved and if you have been and you know you probably dropped out a bit get back in right getting uniform out and let's start again so let's get into the lesson for today as we talk about jonah the restless prophet and you know when we think about jonah my mind went back pastors to genesis 6 5 where god saw that there was wickedness on the earth you know because noah i mean jonah starts off with nineveh being a wicked city but in noah's example noah readily made himself available to god but in jonah's example we see jonah being hesitant in so much so that verse 2 says when when god talks to him god tells him what arise go to nineveh that great city and cry again said for their what their wickedness is come up before me but jonah had no desire to go there so verse 3 tells us but jonah rose up to flee unto tashish from the presence of the lord and went down to japan and he found a ship going to tashish so he peered the fear thereof and went down into it to go with them unto tashas from the presence of the lord pass them up i want to ask you first off what made the city of nineveh so wicked that this man of god preferred to flee in the opposite direction to tashish which is probably um if you look at it now it's probably the top the classical tatissus in the southern coast of spain but rather than going to nineveh he went in the opposite direction why was universe so wicked and what made them so wicked yeah nineveh first of all is believed to have been funded by nimrod and if you were to say give a study on nimrod you begin to go into goddess and gods and and paganism and so forth um in fact the goddess of of that was primarily um worshiped in in in uh nineveh was the goddess um ishta and and and that goddess represented war and sex and if you take those two things and take them to the furthest extreme you also come across they they they it's also the goddess that was seen to be the protectors of prostitutes and therefore even in their their worship their temple worship they were prostitutes worshipping in the temple and there were prostitution services taking place in the temple so that so when you think about the the extent of the wickedness you begin to see a combination of both babylon and sodom you see both babylon as war and so forth but you also see sodom and imagine god seeing this and say i could destroy them but i want to send you jonah to talk to them a powerful message here for us amen right that's a good start so we'll take it up from there where we see now i want to go over to sunday's lesson because it brought out a very interesting question so if you have the lesson guide i'll just read a little portion it says jonah was an amazingly successful missionary at the same time he was also a very reluctant one at least at first whatever jonah was doing god's call interrupted his life in a big way and when i saw this word interrupted it jumped out at me and it raised these questions are we sometimes like jonah do we sometimes see god's call as an interruption rather than an intervention pastor mckenzie well at first when you look at it in your carnal vision you will see it as an interruption i i too saw my call as an interruption um i was on my way to go to college to study business okay and that was my that's what i wanted to do i love business and making money you know um but god there was a mistake and a mess up a mix-up happen and i end up in the theology discipline and i was told you stay there and do the general eds and you can easily transition after the first semester all right no problem but during the course of the semester i mean the holy spirit continued to work and i was compelled to stay where i was i mean god's plan was established um i mean for me i was thinking god can seriously call me to do theology i mean i'm poor i know paul what can i call that you know but the thing about it is it's really an intervention because god's calling had it not been faced calling i believe the possibility exists i might not even been alive in some of the things even with my temperament and some of the things that you know you encounter some of these situations and so on i believe that god really calls you and puts you his calling puts you on a path he really intervenes in your life to put you on a path to salvation right so um at first you look at it you say listen interrupted my progress you know lord let's talk it over but really and truly um now looking back at it i thank god for that that intervention exactly intervention as opposed to intervention as opposed to interruption yeah it's a good perspective yeah it's a good way to see it you know i took out my plans to go study um engineering um construction engineering and designs wow that's what i wanted to do to this day if i see guys mixing concrete like i want to stop to help them wow to this day i take pictures of buildings because architecture and beauty still amazes me and i think like an engineer problem solving oriented you know and so but what god's call is difficult to resist you know god's call is difficult to resist so i see i see with pastor as he shared just now you know but i i'm interested um in how you all said that you know pastor mckenzie's in specific talk about our canal mind seeing it as an interruption rather than an intervention because we are prone to go our own way as jonah did and only if only when god says here's what i want you to do go in this direction instead that you know things start you know to come together or come to light even though we may not see it at the beginning so i like that and i like that you both um even though you saw it as an interruption you accepted the intervention and you are using your business skills somehow in the church and i'm sure pastor your mind engineering for engineering it is problem solving and problem solving is being utilized in your ministry praise god amen so we see prophet jonah he paid the fear and he boarded the ship to tashish you see he didn't have pasta map and party mckenzie there to encourage him to go any direction i'd go and let him to go so he went to tashish and while he was on his way there in the ship a great storm arose and the shipmaster attributed that storm to the anger of gods against someone on board and by casting lotte revealed that jonah was the culprit it took some remarkable courage from this seemingly coward prophet to propose to them to throw him overboard in order to abandon the storm and save the ship you know i'm wondering he asked me as his uniform day whether he had the um swimming on us so he said you know what i'll be able to swim so jonah was cast overboard and the bible says that god um prepared a great fish and it swallowed juna so let's stop here at verse 17 where in jonah 1 17 it says now the lord had prepared a great fish to swallow up jonah and jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights so let's pause there for a moment pass them up so far um we see a lot of things happening here tell us what what you took away up to this point well um very early i can take away that you really cannot run from god you can't run and you can't hide from god you know um david himself declared there is no place i can go and flee from your presence you know so really cannot run and hide from god um doesn't matter where you think you could go and hide he will find you um i also took away from this story that you they run away is putting other people's lives at danger yep wow you know when you are running from god and you associate with friends and you're going in line with certain place people um you're really putting other people's lives at danger not just your own because you are you are going where you're not supposed to go and you're supposed to know better and therefore you're putting other people's lives at danger because the enemy that wants to kill you while you're running from god is very happy to kill everybody else true you know so that you have to watch that i also take away from this that once you god is calling him to go up to nineveh but he's choosing to go down to tarshish and i begin to think about how many times god is calling us up but we're choosing to go down you know and then you go down to touch you still go down into the ship and then they go down into the bottom of the ship to sleep and then they end up dung in the sea and end up dung in the bottle with a wheel you understand a lot of dogs you know and so i yeah you just go all downhill from there in fact i often think about the people who like to beg to decline when i think about things like this because under the call of god again as an interruption or is it an intervention you see the call of god to you to serve do you see it as an interruption or as an intervention and to refuse that call is usually to deny yourself the opportunity to grow so that the people who took the call will go and do better interviews for jobs because they are accustomed to talking to people in summer school but you didn't take the opportunity of the call you can't talk you're still struggling to speak when you face the crowd you know um it is also possible to go so far from god that you get comfortable wow you know you get comfortable you sleeping downstairs yeah you understand you just you're sleeping and people are busy trying to serve god and do stuff while you're sleeping you know people facing some tough experiences in their life but you're sleeping um i also recognize that peace may not come to the place where you are you are hiding until you are surrendered to the will of god you know so that sometimes you are you are hiding in in your family and and with the family not having any peace and peace will not come to that place until you surrender to the will of god you know so that those things are important and different lessons and then i say to finally i got from this um we should hurry up hurry up and and and and and get thrown overboard what we should hurry up and get shown overboard because as soon as he was thrown overboard the calm came the deliverance came to the rest of people as soon as he got thrown overboard certain aspects of the deliverance began for him sure as he goes through overboard and also there was a glorifying of god's name when he was thrown overboard so i said hurry up and let's get thrown overboard if we're sleeping are we too comfortable um because there's a fish waiting for us i also think that if you don't want to go by by ship to nineveh god has a way to get you there by submarine i i don't know so why do we have so you have to make your choice how you want to go to universe wow faster map those are a lot of points that you brought out there and i'm sure there could be so much more i'm hearing a lot of messages and summons and just lessons lessons coming all day and i thank you so much for sharing it um i just want to make a connection with this verse in 1 jonah 1 17 to matthew 12 14 where it says for us jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth and as you know pastors there are some um some arguments going around right that one of which is that since jesus was crucified on a friday evening and arose on a sunday morning he couldn't spend three days and three nights in the heart of the earth right so that's one argument and then the other argument that jesus didn't die because jonah didn't die have you ever heard this argument and what would your response be to these arguments well i've heard it from time to time i've heard it um you know sometimes we we stop and focus on things that um a little minor you know how long christ stayed in the tomb for me personally is not an issue okay the fact that he died from my sins that's the issue and he rose again that's that's the main point there however um the counting of the days um part thereof is still accounted as one one of the whole um jesus said he was going to raise he was going to raise and be arisen on the um the third day on the third day he rose likewise if you go to uh a hotel are you taking a flight okay um and you book for three days the day that you check in is one day even if you're checking in at 12 o'clock 11 o'clock nine in the night that accounts for a day if your flight is at ten o'clock in the night that is one of your days if you're taking out a two weeks on vacation all right and if you're coming back uh four o'clock in the morning it's still accounted for as one of the as an entire day as one of your days all right and that is exactly how it was counted even when jesus spoke that's the language he was speaking that's exactly how it was it was counted and um just to just so further emphasize a part thereof let's say let me get a little bit graphic because you know watch out one movie recently uh actually a historical presentation um if by chance i'm a man of valor or whatever and i happen to throw myself on a grenade to save my friend my soldier buddies and so on and you know i explode my arm pitched through the window my foot pitched to another door whatever and you find these body parts is the leg not poor is the arm not poor because it's a part of me you will say it's not me likewise a part of the day is attributed as today all right all right you understand what i'm saying so whether it's in the morning or so it is the day all right so if you're if you're saying that jesus is counting the full 24 hours that he's going to be that's not what he's referring to right he's making a reference exactly to the fact that um no um jonah was in the belly of the fish for three days and three nights so will i be in the earth for three days oh that's similarly i i want to yeah i want to agree with pastor in terms of the the way the jews the the hebrews reckon time that's right a part of the day which we consider the day and um but also i want to say jesus said that as jonah was in the belly of where three days until the night saw the son of man being in place of the earth we should not take jonah to interpret jesus we should take jesus to interpret jesus if you're taking jonah to interpret jesus then you're going to be trying your best to find tilly days until the nights but when jesus stays in the tomb from friday to sat to sunday then we have to take jesus to interpret jesus what jesus meant when he spoke has to be what came to pass here because this is a god who speaks the truth that's right if you were to take jonah to interpret jesus we're going to give ourselves some ulcers and some heartache you know jesus says this is it and that's it now some people now in order to try to solve that problem end up crucifying jesus on a wednesday mm-hmm you know i mean so they could arrive at the three days and three nights okay but you see that too is troublesome because if the woman the woman who came and saw the body of jesus how his body was laid saw his body laid and they went back and prepared spices and kept the sabbath and so that they will come after the sabbath anointed his body even if as some have argued that they because there was a special kind of a sabbath that the wednesday and thursday were special day sabbath as in the as found in leviticus chapter 23 even if that was the case why didn't they come friday morning and anoint the body the fact that they didn't come friday to anoint the body and it waited until sunday morning tells the story that it had to be that he'd been crucified on friday and and then sunday was the day when he rose and therefore if we take it in the way it needs to be taken we won't have this confusion at all concerning um the tv days and today nights and for the special sabbaths there were no preparation days that's right they only had preparation day for the weekly summer okay yeah which was friday so it kind of cancels out and which way you look at it that's right that's right thank you so much i'm sure you would have cleared that up um some of those questions in somebody's mind who is listening so thank you both very much when we go over to jonah two we find jonah in the belly of the wheel and jonah's prayer is recorded you should read the entire of jonah's prayer we won't have time to read it but we encourage you to read it i found it like a psalm you know it had those kind of some like words you know and praising but what was interesting to me is that jonah didn't pray or it is not recorded that jonah prayed before he decided to go down to tashish in opposite direction but here he is in the belly of the whale immediately fish with his back against a wall or the belly of the fish whichever way you want to see it but he is constrained now and he prays now i'm just going to ask the pastors to share with us because they would have read the prayer and we encourage you to read it some of the lessons you pulled out from jonah's pray that we can prevent making certain mistakes as we go through our christian experience and i'd like to say that um i am very glad that jonah prayed yes to start with okay because when you're in trouble pray free that's right you know he could have said don't make sense god ain't gonna listen to me because i'm running from him and many of you they might be saying it don't make sense i've gone too far for god to hear me but jonah's lesson is telling us doesn't matter call him still pray and that's why the first thing i i gotta from jonah he's not afraid to call on god he knows he's in trouble and he calls on god i also find that jonah is not afraid to return god scripted to him in prayer god is he he's telling god you know and that's what we ought to do tell him you know you said that when we go through the waters you will be right and the river say whatever flowers you know you said you know that you'll be in the time of trouble you said you know they prayed his prayer it prayed his scripture back to him and what is also interesting though and a warning for us is that we shouldn't wait until we're in trouble to pray that's right it's amazing too that you mentioned about jonah's first prayer samson's first prayer that we read from him comes after his lost his eyes and sometimes asks what we do we have to lose before we pray you know what is it that we have to lose first before we pray but i just want to thank god that even for these two men that they found that it made sense still to call on god amen amen i love the fact that jonah took accountability for what he would have done okay and in in in that taken accountability even in the prayer he says man i will now turn my attention back to the temple yeah yeah i'll look back to my god where i get my salvation yeah you know i think that was that was amazing because he i in an attempt in prayer probably attempt to rebuild the fractured relationship between him and his god yeah you know and i think that was more important to him and that comes out in the prayer because sometimes we look at the situation and sometimes we still angry with god because we run from god we end up in trouble and we think that it's god's fault but he came and you know be upset about it and he came to this place and he's now saying man you know what what before me is because of my my decision my choices and i'm accepting that but i long to to rectify it i long to get back to where i need to be and i need to to get back to focus keep my focus upon the temple of god yeah yeah and i think that is awesome and there's something to just bear in mind um throughout this experience amen amen there is also thanksgiving in the spirit of god and also the idea of looking to what the temple i hear i hear solomon solomon say whenever they go wherever they fall from you if they should look to this place [Music] and so again we have that hope you know we could look to god he says come boldly look to me amen amen and so we know that when we pray god hears and god answers and god always honors the prayer of repentance because he said if we confess our sins he's faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness so when jonah prayed god honored his prayer god honored it and the fish deposited jonah on dry land i'm sure jonah probably breathed a great sigh of relief and in jonah 3 1 we read that god came to jonah a second time what i liked about this is that god is a god of second chances he gave jonah another opportunity and he said to jonah in verse 2 arise and gorton and ivan preach unto it the message that i will give you or the preaching it says that i bid you this time jonah got up and he went in an evil as he should have done in the first place and as he entered the city he preached the sermon god gave him yet 40 days and nineveh shall be overthrown shortest summons and jonah preached this short sermon over and over and over and over again in next few verses we read that these people who were considered wicked they turned and they believed in god they proclaimed the fast they put on sacraments from the king to the smallest child even the animals um in repentance guys uh pastor tell me what what lessons can we take away from this especially as it relates to our witnessing to others you know who like jonah we may write off as being unreachable all right three quick things one nobody should be written off true nobody should be written off that should be our position okay all right um because we don't want to be written off regardless of what we would have done so no one should be written off um the second thing is um we can reach the unreachable or the presumed unreachable maybe we just need to change our tactics our methods we just you know change the wrong a little bit get some some new in um insightful and innovative ideas so to reach the unreachable as we call it and um the third one is we should preach the sermon that god gave us to preach yeah not what we think may work true because the bible says that the lord gave him gave jonah a sermon and he preached what the lord gave him to preach therefore if we want to reach anybody are they presumed unreachable we need to preach what the lord gave us to preach and that's what we think not what we think might some buddha might work even if even if it's it's as harsh as yet 40 days and shall be overthrown what the lord gave us to preach wow yes pastor i i have two questions i want to ask you a lot i don't see time running away already you know when we look at jonah's story many of us should be told we are like tuna you know so um in verse in chapter 3 verse 10 it says and god saw their works and they turned from their evil way and god repented of the evil that he had said that he would do unto them and he did it not verse chapter 4 verse 1 says but it displeased jonah exceedingly and he was very angry not just angrier he was very angry and when you go dog food it says and he prayed unto the lord and said i pray the lord was not this my saying that i was yet in my country therefore i fled before unto tashas because i knew that you are a gracious god and merciful and slow to anger and of great kindness and repentance thee of the evil therefore no oh lord take i beseech thee my life for me and he was so vexed for it is better for me to die than to live then said the lord to us though well to be angry so firstly i have two questions come out of this firstly as i said many of us we i like jonah we want to see bad people get what they deserve you know or what we think they deserve so how do we balance those feelings with the call by jesus to love our enemies and their past uh map you know in an earlier lesson we looked at the prophet elijah who on the heels of death threat also prayed a similar prayer for god to take his life and these were both men of god prophets and in this climate of the pandemic uncertainty there are many people who are at their breaking point for whatever reason and they might under the the the pain want to succumb to the spirit of unrest and suicide that the devil is sending to the land what would you say to them well um firstly um i understand jonah's position and like many of us even i think how we are programmed to you watching a movie somebody did something bad at the end the good guy get the revenge and you know justice is sir okay you know i think we we think that people who are wicked deserve what what would come to them you know and jonah himself said you know lord i know you're full of mercy and compassion and if i go and carry the message of jesus they will carry the message of the lord there you can show mercy what these people deserve when they get in you know so he was he was at that place and he was hurt when um mercy and compassion um was shown to them and i think that's that's that's something we should look at in our own personal lives um we want mercy we want compassion extended to us and we should be happy for it to extend to others all right and come to a place where god is easy to love people who love you unkind to you but the challenge is you challenge yourself your christian growth your spirituality when you to extend love and compassion to the person that despises you and god is saying listen i am going to give you that strength to do that you call upon me because in me you can do all things yeah if you call upon me we can do this thing together and i will show you how you can love your enemies all right and of course um relying on god will be able to to love our enemies because reflecting on the fact that we every time we commit sin we become an enemy of god every time we fall into sin if we get tangled up with the devil any time we we hang out with the enemy we become we become enemy of god and um god still shows that compassion and so on so i think in the same same breath we should try to be and do the same thing amen so faster you have the clothing with um it is easy it is easy to to to come to that place where you want to um pray some of the david prayers you know we call it implicatory prayers the prayers in which you're calling for justice you know to them lord do them you know you know um but that does not reflect jesus um let leave that to jesus jesus said vengeance belong to him that's right your role is to see who he is for what for for who he is turning your eyes to the source turning eyes to jesus you know usually we behave according to how we see and if you if you see god a certain way as loving and kind and reaching out to all kinds of people and that incidentally that is part of the the story of jonah what it is for in the old testament is even to tell the jews that god is interested in the gentiles god is interested in gentiles and so that is the message for us um as we see god in action while you may want to see people pay for the things remember your own self and by your own self paul said deal with one another according to grace in other words you have been recipients of grace and even though you want to see justice for others remember grace as a critical part of the puzzle amen amen and even if you are at that point where you feel those sad suicidal thoughts come into mind turn to god turn to jesus turn to him because he is the source of life he's the source of strength and he will never leave you no forsake you and just as he was gracious to nineveh he was gracious to jonah he will also be gracious to you he is the god of second chances so you can turn to him at any time he's not only interested in saving the unsaved but he's also interested in keeping us in a saving relationship with him amen go where god sends you don't run away he will equip you for the journey and he will keep you in the journey so let me say thanks to pastor mark and pastor mackenzie for a wonderful lesson too short the time but i tell you we've come to the end of our time to say something else but no it's the time has gone on us father you can say that 30 seconds and then pray okay thank you so much you know the idea of the two-way street in the lesson i just wanted to emphasize that don't you dare feel that the message that god has given you to preach to others is not for you amen you know god is interested in saving you and when god calls you it is to hold you it is to save you and when he asks you to serve is that you might be kept in a saved relationship with him and so do what god is asking to come and serve amen amen pray for us let us pray father we thank you so much for your blessing we thank you for what you have done even as you have led us through this lesson today we pray god for your children everywhere uh on this day in which part finders master guides are celebrating across the world we pray that your children will watch to the master who will guide and every one of us will find the path god take full control and we say thank you in jesus name amen amen amen thank you viewers and thank you pastors god bless you until next time join us for our last lesson in this series next week the ultimate rest see you then stay positive and prayerful amen pray attention everywhere right over left forehead dear jesus i thank you for today i thank you for everything that you have been doing i pray for i thank you for everything that i'll be doing i pray that the message today will bless someone's heart in jesus name i pray amen hold our arms so [Music] sing them over again to me wonderful words of life let me more of their beauty see wonderful words of life words of life and beauty teach me faith and duty beautiful worst wonderful words wonderful words of life beautiful words wonderful words wonderful words of life christ the blessed one gives to allah [Music] wonderful words wonderful words of life beautiful words wonderful words wonderful words of life [Music] [Music] wonderful [Music] [Music] beautiful words wonderful words [Music] wonderful words of our next scene life be hymn number 499 what a friend we have in jesus together what a friend we have in jesus all our sins and grace [Music] oh what peace we often forfeits won't need less than we bear all because we do not everything to god in prayer half we trials and temptations is there trouble anywhere we should never be [Music] oh [Music] [Music] take it to the [Music] take it to the lord in prayer any time you'll [Music] take the name of jesus with you together [Music] give you take it [Music] precious name [Music] in the name of jesus ever [Music] [Music] precious [Music] who the precious name of jesus oh which was also true [Music] precious [Music] oh [Music] king [Music] precious [Music] of [Music] the colors [Music] [Music] of hope and prayer with boundlessness in our destiny we solemnly side by side we stand islands of the blue carabian sea this ornate [Music] and may god bless our nation hear every creed and race and may god bless all nations [Music] oh we are the pathfinder strong the servant of god are we faithful as we moot your lord in kindness truth and purity a message to tell to the world a truth that was set us free king jesus the savior is coming back for you and me present arms perfect in the pledge by the grace of god i'll be pure and kind and true the love of christ this compels us the aim the advent message to all the world in my generation apart from the law is for me to keep the morning watch do my other spot care for my body keep our level i be courteous and obedient walk softly in god's sanctuary keep a song in my heart go on god's errand party right tune a pleasant good morning to everyone on the sound of my voice 3 i take this moment to welcome those of you who are here for the first time wherever you may be in the world and also to all those who are here from the very beginning it is a great honor of welcoming all the past finals adventurers missionaries and master guides to this service although some of you may not be we all are mindful and appreciate your presence with us today so i encourage you to stay and let us all be blessed happy sabbath everyone it is that time in our program where we want to recognize those special days and moments in our lives and in the lives of our families and friends today at our anniversary and birthday greetings we have today starting off happy birthday brother diamond andrews who celebrated his birthday on september the 16th all right we have birthday greetings going out to sister gracelynn eli and she's extra special because she was born today so happy birthday sister eli happy birthday to junior archer whose birthday is on september 22nd that is to come all right sister hannah douglas she was born on september 11th so birthday greetings going out to you birthday greetings to sister brendan nichols oh sister brenda nichols one of my great friends september the 17th all right sister carlita stewart happy birthday going out to you as well to brother irwin stewart happy birthday to you looking very smart and dapper ah brother homeward brother nestor and homewood boot their greetings to you as well happy birthday to malina dakotobaro hi melina all right so god's blessings and greatest wishes to those that will have celebrated their body or build this to come we do wish that god will continue to shower you and to bless you and that you may continue to walk in his path so god's richest blessings to all our viewers who would have celebrated and are going to celebrate their anniversaries and buddies in the month of september anniversary and birthday wishes can be sent to asi tobago by or before 7pm on thursdays now for our announcements harman school of sda evening school c-sec classes in epdm english human and social biology mathematics principles of accounts principles of business social studies for more information call 639-2592 between the hours of 9 a.m and 12 p.m mondays to thursdays this this flyer comes from the sandy river church and it reminds us of their week of prayer starting actually saturday the 18th to the 25th and it's entitled the third angels message in verity exalting christ alone and it is with by with pastor cereal horror so we're inviting you on sabbats from 9 30 and nightly from 6 30 p.m and on saturday 25th they will also have an evening program starting at 3 30 p.m our prayer hotline 868 774-7729 that's 774-7729 if you have a prayer request you would like someone to pray with you like someone to speak to call our hotline 774-7729 and you will sure to get an answer all right so we are back here this evening is not only a morning program alone we want you to come right back here this evening as we continue our global pathfinder day and our topic for this evening are one of the things that we want to really discuss and ask persons about is youth ministry still relevant do you think it's irrelevant of course it's still relevant but we also want to discuss is pathfindering more specifically is part finder ministry relevant right so we want you to be back here is pathfindering relevant you know we have so many things happening today that engage our youth so ah is pathfindering still relevant to you today so you want you to come out and be a part of our program this evening as you enjoy the upcoming week you can tune in at the following times at 6 00 pm this sunday afternoon join us in the village of mason hall as the young and energetic pastor lowell otley takes us into god's holy word on tuesday at 6 00 pm our asi kitchen continues to bring you healthy meal ideas on wednesday evening at 6 pm we answer question from god's holy word as well as join with you in petition in heaven on your behalf welcome the sabbath with us at 6 30 pm on friday with our sundown worship and yes on october the 1st it's war room right here on asi media next sabbath we meet once again at 9 15 am for kingdom children and much more [Music] at this time we're going to take special greetings from pastor anthony hall the youth director of the caribbean union conference followed by a special greeting from pastor ted wilson president of the general conference [Music] today september 18th 2021 represents 71 years of pathfindering in the world church and on this sabbath we also celebrate throughout all of the islands and countries and regions of the caribbean union this important focus on path in the day i often say to people that i was blessed as a child to have been a part of the pathfinder ministry it saved my life it provided me not only with salvation and a closer walk with jesus christ but it also provided me with life skills that i use to this very day my ability to speak my ability to preach my ability to lecture my ability to understand to analyze and comprehend these skills were honed in the path like the club at the ebenezer center of the venice church in barbados i want to recommend to every pathfinder that this program is not just about the insignia and the pins the scar from the owners and so on it's about knowing jesus christ and pathfightering allows you together with the spiritual component of growing in grace also to find abilities to expand your hobbies whether it be an art or craft or camping or outdoor activities some sporting event whatever you can conceptualize there's something in the pathway in the club for everybody for those who have not yet joined i encourage you to get involved and as you do so i promise you your knowledge will increase your academic capacity will increase i believe your schooling and your experience at school but also be blessed so on this 71st pathfinder celebration 71 years since we began may god bless you may you continue to be a servant of god and a friend to man wherever you go whatever you do take the gospel of jesus christ with you and say in this 71st year lord here i am send me i will go i would like to congratulate all of you directors of the caribbean union as well as all the leaders and directors who lead these children in whatever way you've contributed we appreciate you from the caribbean union level and we thank you for your service continue to serve the lord and to win children for the kingdom of jesus christ happy pathfinder everybody be blessed [Music] greetings members of the global pathfinder family what a wonderful privilege it is to join you virtually as you gather together to worship serve and celebrate 71 years of pathfinder ministry i want to thank you for your dedication and faithfulness to god as you grow in real world practical life skills develop a strong christian character and seek to serve jesus by helping your neighbors and friends be ready for his soon return now the theme your leaders have chosen for world pathfinder day 2021 is i will go cultures colors and communities this is especially appropriate as we consider the pathfinder aim the advent message to all the world in our generation now your motto the love of christ compels me is also rich in meaning this phrase is based on second corinthians chapter 5 verses 14 and 15. for the love of christ compels us because we judge thus that if one died for all then all died and he died for all that those who live should live no longer for themselves but for him who died for them and rose again you see paul is teaching that when we fully understand and appreciate the incredible gift of salvation given through the life death and resurrection of jesus we no longer want to live for ourselves but for him our love for him and for others compels or pushes us to prepare others to meet him when he returns as young people you have a wonderful supply of strength energy and creativity i encourage you to use these wonderful gifts in living for jesus and reaching out to others for him keeping in mind that you have a circle of influence that only you can reach god has a very important role for you to play in these last days of earth's history so as you sing the pathfinder theme song today take the words to heart you are pathfinders strong servants of god faithfully following your leader jesus christ in kindness truth and purity you have a message to tell to the world a truth that will set us free king jesus the savior is coming back for you and me with the promise of his power and continued presence let's go and make a difference for him let me pray with you right now father in heaven we just thank you for what jesus has done for us in his life on the cross in his resurrection and what he's doing for us in the most holy place right now interceding for us and lord i just ask that you will help every pathfinder to recognize that truly you are the one who can guide them and give them a clear understanding of the path they are to follow so lord bless in this very special celebration of pathfinder day around the world and 71 years of witnessing for others lord come close to every young person and help them to be a wonderful witness for you as we look forward to jesus soon coming thank you for hearing us in jesus precious name we ask it amen god bless every one of you maranatha [Music] oh scripta is taken from first samuels chapter 17 verse 32 and it reads and david said to saul let no man's heart fail because of him thy servant will go and fight with this philistine all right it is my pleasure to introduce our speaker for this morning brother josh leshem kwashi is 12 years old and hears from the beautiful village of mason hall he is the second of three children born to loy squashy and is a baptized member of the sandy river sda church joash has recently completed the sce and was successfully placed at the alma mater of all his aunts and uncles the harmon school of sda which was his first choice he is an active member of the sandy river sda eagles pathfinder club which he attends faithfully and enjoys immensely josh loves animals and finds joy caring for his pet dog max and jewels the turtles one of his hobbies is cooking and he's aspiring to become a veterinarian he is also cared for by his grandparents who ensure that the daily spiritual and moral values are reinforced and his uncashed kathleen who renders continuous love and support above all josh loves the lord and willingly participates in all church activities may god continue to use him as he grows to love and work in his vineyard heavenly father we thank you lord for blessing us on this your holy sabbath day we thank you there lord for what you have done and what you continue to do for us today their lord is global pathfinder day today we recognize the young people in this special ministry who work tirelessly who work to serve your community your members and i pray their lord a special blessing upon each and every one of them be with their families in a mighty way also that they can continue to support the young people as they go about doing your work lord i ask that you will continue to guide our words our actions our footsteps i ask their lord that you will forgive us where we fall short and help us there lord that we can continue on this pathway to heaven dear lord and keeping you close by our side thank you once again for your love your mercy towards us be with each and every one of us at this time as we are about to receive a special message from you i pray in jesus name amen [Music] we have been called to follow christ we are to preach we are to teach we are to fight so when you leave me i will go touch my lips by your strength i will go i will go where you lead me i will go where you need me who will go for us i will go [Music] [Music] i must tell all the world worship him in all the nations another world where he sends me yes i will go i will go where he leads me i will [Music] who am i send me lord i will go [Music] send me lord i will go mine send me lord i will go [Music] [Music] sing them over again to me wonderful words of life let me more of their beauty see wonderful words of life words of life and beauty teach me faith and duty beautiful words wonderful words wonderful words of life beautiful words wonderful words wonderful words of life christ the blessed one gives to allah [Music] wonderful words of life beautiful words wonderful words wonderful words of life sweetly echoed a gospel called [Music] jesus only save your sanctify forever words [Music] wonderful words of life [Music] words of life or next thing will be hymn number 499 what a friend we have in jesus together what a friend [Music] to every in prayer oh what peace we offer them for our faith won't need less than we bear all because [Music] is anywhere we should never be discovered [Music] take it to the lord in prayer can we [Music] take it [Music] [Music] take it to the lord in prayer any time you'll take a shield oh we'll find us our next name will be him number 474 take the name of jesus with you together in the name of jesus with you child of sorrow and it's well joy and comfort gave you take it nowhere you go precious [Music] if temptation strong you god [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] that is me [Music] precious [Music] oh [Music] have had [Music] today is indeed a high day in israel and i greet you in the name that is above all names that name is jesus the title of today's presentation is i will go yes part finders i will go to set the tone for this presentation please turn your attention to the bible in the book of first samuel 17 32 and it reads david said to saul let no one lose heart on account of this philistine your servant will go and fight him let us pray father god i thank you for bringing us here today be with me as i speak to your people amen pathfinders brothers and sisters who are joining us today i would like for you to imagine for a moment that you are at the staples center home of the los angeles lakers a professional basketball team from the united states based in los angeles california you're sitting in the front row when suddenly someone announces that their best player lebron raymond james wants to play a one-on-one with a fan and no one dares to come forward so you who've never played basketball raise your hand and say i'll go have mercy jesus everyone is amazed and immediately thinks to themselves the great defeat and humiliation you are going to experience i want to give a second example imagine that you are now at the allianz stadium a football stadium located in the italian city of turin capital of piedmont its honor is the juventus club being the first italian team to own a stadium world renowned soccer player cristiano ronaldo who has scored about 760 goals in his professional career is a wrecker with his legs and moves the ball with a unique agility plays for this team you are still sitting in the front row when it's announced that he wants to play with the first available fun to see who can execute a goal first nobody raises their hand and once again never having played football you see you say i will go have mercy jesus everyone in the stadium thinks you are going to be humiliated now come with me to the battlefield and let's analyze the dimensions of a warrior who is challenging god's people his name is goliath and he has two surnames the terrible giant and the broken bones his personal record up to that point is that he has not lost a single match and the men who have fought with him never fought again mercy lord let's look at the general information goliath was extraordinarily tall even by today's standard the bible tells us his height is six cubits and a spun his coat of skill armor of bronze weighing 5 000 shekels and the iron blade of his sphere 600 shekels he was from rapha and may have been a mercenary soldier of the philistine army we move now to the battlefield when the question is asked who wants to fight goliath who wants to fight goliath hey no one wants to die young and leave their family childless incidentally in the previous two competitions mentioned in my introduction there is no offer to play with lebron and cristiano but whoever faces the giant goliath king's soul will give him one of his daughters per wife hey hey this is drama even with this offer nobody is interested and no 40 days have passed but a young man i say a young man who had never put on a military uniform who hadn't been on a battlefield who knew nothing about giants said i will go and fight hallelujah you remember the examples i gave at the beginning well this was worse everyone who was at the battlefield said i showed it here today this is sure that here today have mercy to make a decision of that magnitude we have to review david's record before the battle that is where the key lies before you go you have to meet god the warrior that god desires to send what is he or she doing point number one before reaching the button he makes sure that god has been with him and he has been with god first samuel 17 37 the lord who rescued me from the poor of the lion and the power of the being will rescue me from the hand of this philistine psalm 23 1 the lord is my shepherd i lack nothing psalm 5 3 in the morning lord you hear my voice in the morning i lay my requests before you and wait expectantly david's preparations did not begin with that great battle it began alone with god and those small spiritual and physical victories prepared him for greater challenges he later faced point number two the warrior called by god is humble and obedient first samuel 17 34 and 35 but david said to saul your servant has been keeping his father's sheep when the when a lion rbi came and carried off a sheep from the flock i went after it struck it and rescued the sheep from its mouth when it turned on me i seized it by its hair struck it and killed it david's assignment was to care for the sheep while his brothers shun in the king's army but david made a good decision as long as the sheep were in his hands he would fight with god's help not to lose a single one of them many times we want to reach lofty goals with little to no with little to no effort and that is not in god's plan part finders the formula is god plus effort plus perseverance equals success permit to permit me to reiterate this fact the formula is god plus effort plus perseverance equals success amen first samuel 17 17 and 18. now justice said to his son david take this ifa of roasted grain and these 10 loaves of bread for your brothers and hurry to their camp take along these 10 cheeses to the commander of their unit see how your brothers are and bring back some assurance from them david is as a shepherd boy an errand boy but that doesn't limit his efforts to do his best oh thank you jesus point number three the warrior must bring god to the camp david said in first samuel 1726 who is this uncircumcised philistine that he should cut that he should defy the armies of the living god now israel's army had 40 days talking about the giant david immediately begins talking about god amen point number four the warrior is not afraid if god is at their side 1st samuel 17 26 david asks the man standing near him what will be done for the man who kills this philistine and removes this disgrace from israel who is this uncircumcised philistine that he should defy the armies of the living god in verse 32 david said to saul let no one lose heart on account of this philistine your servant will go and fight him psalm 125 says those who trust in the lord are like mount zion which cannot be shaken but endures forever point number five the warrior when he goes in the name of the lord does not hear the negative voices verse 33 saul replied you are not able to go out against this philistine and fight and fight him you are only a young man and he has been a warrior from his youth verse 37 the lord who rescued me from the poor of the lion and the power of the bear will rescue me from the hands of this philistine saul said to david go and the lord be with you david doesn't say i think he'll deliver me he says he will deliver me david is sure that he will be victorious dear part finders brothers and sisters i want to tell you the story of a great person who fought like a true warrior jackie robinson his hidden style his speed the security of his glove everything seemed to indicate that he was the player who would make his team win he had only one problem the color of his skin since 1892 african americans were prohibited from playing in the united states professional baseball league but branch ricky wanted jackie to play with the dodgers as a christian ricky was willing to do his part to break down the racial barriers that divided the nations ricky knew that hiring an african-american carried many risks for the player because throughout the season he would receive insults that treats balls from pitchers attacks from his own teammates the issue wasn't just whether the dodgers would have the courage to hire the player but whether the player would would have the metal to pay the price of breaking the rules of associates eaten up by racism when ricky presented him with the risks the player asked do you want a black man who doesn't respond to attacks rick it out for a moment and replied i want a player who has enough guts not to react not to react to attacks the player that was needed was one that would demonstrate a virtue that seemed to be on the way to extinction humility jackie agreed and on april 15 1947 he became the first african-american to play in the major leagues robinson knew how to handle attacks and during his career he showed that wisdom and honor accompany the humble in his first season he was awarded the rookie of the year award two years later he won the title of most valuable player in addition he participated in the world series six times as was inducted in the cooperstown hall of fame solomon was not wrong when he said to receive honor one must first be humble declared we come nearest to the great when we are great in humility if we really want to go far on this earth and in the coming one let us try to put into practice the following council from paul be humble and kind bear patience and soothe one another with love point number six the warrior fills his mouth with god and his word let's look at what david says about god in his conversation with goliath but i came against you in the name of the almighty the god of the armies of israel whom you have defied this day the lord will deliver you into my hands and i'll strike you down and cut off your head this very day i will give the carcasses of the philistine army to the birds and the wild animals and the whole world will know that there is a god in israel all those gathered here will know that it is not not by sword or spirit that the lord saves for the butter is the lord's and he will give all of you into our hands david's mouth is full of god god is mentioned six times in their conversation and finally point number seven the warrior does not play with evil he cuts off its head verse 51 david ran and stood over him he took all of the philistine sword and drew it from the shed after he killed him he cut off his head with the sword my fellow pathfinders anything that is preventing you from answering the call to go to to go on god's errands cut it off is it your cell phone facebook instagram video games netflix god is saying to you today cut it off i am not excluded because i have my own struggles with spending hours playing games on my device but with the help of god and the holy spirit i will cut it out because i want to be always ready to go on god's errands how about you if you are willing to respond to the call to the calling and say i will go what should you do one if you're going to go make sure you have had an encounter with god two if you're going to go stay humble and obedient to his word three if you are going to go be sure to keep his commandments four if you are going to go put all your trust in god five if you are going to go fill your mouth with his promises six if you are going to go leave the fight to him and hide behind him seven if you are going to go follow his instructions to the team eight if you are going to go learn to hear his voice nine if you are going to go cut ties with sin and evil 10 if you are going to go recognize that victory comes from god 11 if you are going to go do not waste time and get up now and leave it all to in his hands and now my dear pathfinders as i bring this sermon to its clothes let me refresh your memory there are three groups first are the soldiers secondly there is the king both of those groups in 40 days decided not to get up and they did not put god first and the giant defeated them and then there is the group that represents david this group rises up in the name of god and claims the victory i pray that we are all found in david's group god wants us to get up and go out to fulfill his mission but first what he must desire is for us to have an encounter with him i want that encounter today and i m and i am also determined to live for jesus remember before you go you have to come to meet god how many wish to have a real encounter with god that will prepare us to say as david said your servant will go if you feel to the desire please raise your hand wherever you are so i may pray for you father god you have used me today to turn the hearts of your people back to you you have seen the hands that are raised as their purpose to have an encounter and live for you thank you in advance for the work you will do through us amen tell him today their part find us lord i will go wow what an inspiring sermon i trust that you were really blessed by what was delivered to you today yes we want to thank joe ash koshi for being such a willing servant and prepared to present a special message to us today all right we want you to remember to join us back here at what time 3 2 t all right don't be late get on up and come on down right here at 3 30 as we continue with our ay service and our celebration of global pathfinder d are you ready to go yes i'm ready to go are you ready to go i think they are so let's go let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you
Views: 3,319
Rating: 4.6065574 out of 5
Id: EVUixAfRjuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 173min 34sec (10414 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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