ASI Tobago Chapter Sabbath 17th April 2021 "Our Unique Calling To Stewarding Discipleship"

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[Music] so so [Music] here started here good morning and happy sabbath to all the privilege is mine to welcome each of you to our live streamed sabbath service this morning reading the bible is a necessary part of our day because it is of high priority in our life george muller after having read the bible through 100 times with increasing delight made this statement i look upon it as a lost day when i have not had a good time over the word of god today we will delve into this fascinating book for our children segments on bible heroes our adult and young adult lesson studies and our divine feature on stewardship and you will hear the variety of information coming out in each segment showing how versatile this book can be remember we are all in this together so as i am about to pray to open the service this morning let us continue to lift up in prayer persons living in st vinson and environs who have been affected by the recent volcanic activities further details on how you can help during this time will be provided during our announcement segment please bow your heads for prayer our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name father we thank you for this your holy sabbath day whereby we can come together to worship and praise your name we ask that you continue to be with us we ask that you continue to bless us as we go through today's proceedings father lord we thank you for everything that you have given to us and done for us so far we ask that you give us the strength that we need in these times that we are living in we send forward a special prayer for our friends our members in st vinson for the law that are faced with this volcanic activity destroying their island we ask that you help them to keep the faith and trust in you hello these times that we are living in we need to look to you to get the strength that we need in order to move on to tomorrow we ask that you continue to be with us strengthen us forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness please visit us here at asi to continue to do the work that you have set forth for us to do these another mercies reacting your muslim precious name amen what time is this welcome boys and girls auntie anya here again and i am so happy you decided to spend time with me and kingdom children preparing for eternity remember our theme for today and for the next couple of starbucks yes heroes but not just heroes children heroes like you and how you can be heroes just like them so get ready to have some fun and learn more about being a hero andy and you know what you can share this youtube link with your friends so they can be a part of kingdom children too wouldn't you just love that are you ready boys and girls i can't hear you are you ready for kingdom children boys and girls awesome i know that you will be blessed [Music] today oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] it was good for [Music] [Music] is [Music] give me that [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is he was doing good [Music] oh he was doing it [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Music] dance is because he lives on is [Music] is oh [Music] what's a fellowship what's a joy divine leaning on his arms is [Music] [Music] is he's my friend and he's my [Music] what a fellowship what a joy divine leaning on his arms what a blessing what a piece is mine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is he is what time [Music] is he's my friend i need my god jesus is my friend on jesus he will provide happy sub up boys and girls how are you doing today isn't it sad how so many things are interrupting our lives there is the volcano eruption in sin vincent and of course corona that doesn't seem to want to go away but sabat is not a day to focus on sad things it is the day to focus on the joy of heaven that we will one day enjoy soon let me ask you a question when the day is bright and sunshiny what color is the sky and when you draw or paint the sea what color do you normally use for it i can hear you all shouting blue do you know what the color blue represents in the bible if you said loyalty you are very correct the bible says in numbers 23 19 that god is not a man that he should lie neither the son of man that he should repent hath he said and shall he not do it or hath he spoken and shall he not make it good we believe that god is very loyal for this reason we try to be loyal too because god wants us to be like him are you a loyal person can people trust you when you say things are you true to what you believe boys and girls god is loyal let us try to be loyal too as sure as the skies will be blue again after the volcanic ash and the sea will be blue after the storm passes we must be loyal to who and what we believe we believe that loyalty is a sure sign of your christian royalty i am janae roberts and this has been your kids faith gem for today good morning boys and girls i'm uncle sonny and i'm here to tell you a story do you like stories hey listen to this story now how many of you like politics oh i knew that but my story is not about local politics it's about a little boy who was asked to run a country there we go when i say little boy i mean he was eight years old how old was he yes eight years old now when you're eight years old you're not thinking about running a country are you no no no at eight years old you're thinking about playing right you're thinking about riding the bicycle out the yard and down the street right but josiah had to run a country at eight years old wants to give me a headache just thinking about it how could josiah run a country at eight and why does josiah have to run a country at 80 years old well josiah had a bad daddy some children have good daddies some have bad daddies josiah had a bad daddy and when he died josiah had to take over no at eight years old he had helpers they were royal assistants and they were priests but the problem with the country or he was running was judah judah had turned away from god and now they had all these statues in the place they had false gods they were worshiping strange idols and imagine a 18 year old had to put up with all this well josiah depended on god and as the years went by by the time josiah turned 16 years old yes sweet 16 he was a teenager josiah began to cheer down all the false gods he grunged them into powder he threw them away he even dropped the bones of the wicked priest and he grunged them into powder and he threw them he buried them in other places he just wanted to clean up the place he wanted to clean up the mess that his daddy left behind well things began to go better once you put jesus in front things will go better well as time went along he thought it best to fix up the temple of god now most of us go to a church somewhere yeah most of us go to a church somewhere and would you like to see your church all dirty and and things out of place now when people don't love jesus and they don't follow god they don't care much about their church anyway josiah called he called um his assistant he called the priest and he said listen they were collecting monies all the time for the church building for the temple building now temple is like a church you know all right you're collecting money for the temple bring all that money in here and let's start to do this work and fix up the place where we come together to worship god isn't that nice well they got a lot of money and they needed something else you can't build a church with money what else do you need yes building material and yes you need workers so they got all the masons what are the workers you need to build up that church you the temple you need masons who else do you need carpenters that's right yes you need people to do nice curtains yes you need join us to build chairs and benches that's beautiful we're going good musicians why do you need musicians to build a church yes josiah wanted musicians also musicians and music go beautifully with church and worship and temple and worship so there you go and they brought them together and they began to work a one day when his assistant was was digging out stuff and clearing the place he found a scroll and a scroll was a nice way of keeping important information nowadays we don't have scrolls anymore we have bibles but back in that time in judah the books of the bible were in scrolls and his assistant took it out and he took it to the priest and he said look at what i found and the priest said take it to the king and when he took it to the king and the king looked at it it was the laws and the direction that god wanted his church to go josiah was blown away he immediately held his clothes and he tore it down the middle he rent his toes and when he looked at everything in the book it gave him a direction of where god wanted him to go and so they began the passover feast again and they began to do all the beautiful things that people do when they love god and they worship him all the time he even sent for advice from a lady who was a prophetess and a prophetess is one who gets directions and messages from god prophets prophetess male female here we go and so she was able to give him a sense of direction and because he loved the lord she told him he will not suffer once he was the king over judah isn't that special from an eight-year-old he became a powerful teenager and then he became the one to restore worship true worship in judah i think that's beautiful no the the nice thing about josiah i remember also is that jose reminds me that the person you want to be is in you already as a child so if you want to be a success you need to be thinking as a success and successful children are obedient to their parents uh-huh they're obedient to god oh my god here we go successful children learn to listen and they learn to follow the direction that god is giving them and if you do it as a child because god says remember your creator in the days of your youth and if you are eight years old or younger remember your god if you are 16 years old or younger or older remember your god and josiah reigned for 31 years over judah and it was one of the best 31 years in the life of judah israel had many kings and there were bad kings they were good kings i'm happy to tell you josiah was one of the good ones you will grow up one day to be either a good leader or a bad leader which one do you want to be i know you want to be a good leader the only way you could do that is to depend on god and be obedient to him all the time thank you very much whoa imagine being a king at eight years old how many of you are eight how would you feel if you were told you are going to be prime minister or president of our country yes at 8 years old josiah lived his life so that others were able to see jesus through him that reminds me of all bible treasure first corinthians chapter 11 verse 1. do you remember we began learning it last week can you repeat it without looking in your bible no yet okay let's all read it together first corinthians chapter 11 verse 1 be ye followers of me even as i also are of christ let's repeat it now that means no reading from your bible first corinthians chapter 11 verse 1 be ye followers of me even as i also are of christ remember the apostle paul was encouraging the people to follow him since he allowed jesus to shine through him in our story josiah promised to obey and follow jesus he was an example to all those who lived in judah and if josiah was alive today i am sure he will remind us that being a hero means being a good example king josiah also taught us that we are never too young to be used by jesus last week a few of you did not believe that you can be a hero you thought that you were too young or weak but josiah was only eight years old and allowed jesus to use him to do great things will you allow jesus to use you for a great thing king josiah was truly a hero so you know what his superpower was in fact let me switch that up do you know what his bible power was loyalty loyalty is the power to do what you say you will do so others can trust and depend on you josiah did just that josiah said he wanted to be better than his father who was a bad king josiah said that he would obey jesus and teach his people to obey jesus too and he did that boys and girls of course he did he showed loyalty to jesus as he led his people of judah back to being obedient to god remember being a hero is more than wearing a cape and having superpowers it is recognizing that you need to follow jesus and allow him to give you the power to be a hero hi boys and girls do you remember the story of elisha and the floating act that was a very cool stunt wasn't it actually it was a super awesome bible-powered event today we will demonstrate a similar experience you see these two portugals here one is peeled and the other is not which one do you think will be able to float in the jar of water and which one will sink let us see [Music] you see how the peeled portugal is sinking and the on p portugal is floating science explains that the holes in the particle's skin helps it suppose by the unpeeled put the girls does not have them buoyancy i will think boys and girls do you have the buoyancy of jesus are you covered by jesus and his holy spirit when adam and eve since they tried to cover themselves with fig leaves when god showed them their sin he recovered them himself when god covers us up we are able to stay afloat and life's troubles just like the portugal in the skin god gave it point to note boys and girls god is waiting to cover you in his robe of righteousness how will he do it just pray and ask him to in a world where everyone wants to be a superhero and have a superpower break our girls we want you to remember that you have all the power you need in jesus be a bible hero by letting god cover you in his rules of righteousness read your bible to get your bible power today this week's bible power is loyalty [Music] loyalty the power to do what you say you will do so all of us can trust you and depend on you are you loyal hey boys and girls i need a little help with something i want you yes you to dress up and pretend you are a superhero but instead of super powers you will have bible powers like the one we learned about today loyalty let an adult take a clear photo of you and send it to asi tobago that email address again is asi tobago include your first name age and tell us your favorite child hero in the bible i can't wait to see your photos and share it right here on kingdom children [Music] all the children of the world black and white they are precious in this site jesus loves the little children of the world jesus died for the truth [Music] jesus the little children of the world love the lesser children the world can you believe we have come to the end of our program today yes we have but it doesn't mean you will stop being kingdom children you will continue to be good boys and girls and the lessons you learn here every week you will make it a part of your life i know you want to be prepared for when jesus come me too a very special thank you to all the boys and girls who were bold and brave enough to share jesus with us and kingdom children you are my heroes uncle sonny thanks for the bible story about josiah boys and girls you are never too young to be a hero remember jesus gives you the power to do what is right and you can ask him to help you develop your bible powers so make sure you develop and use your bible power loyalty just like josiah did oh remember to send in your photos of you dressed up as a superhero by thursday at 6 pm and keep learning our bible treasure from first corinthians chapter 11 this one bye hi boys and girls thank you for viewing kingdom children preparing for eternity and we want you to be a part of kingdom children as well so can you sing recite a poem share bible text play an instrument whatever your gift is for jesus christ we want you to share it with others so ask mommy daddy granny auntie uncle any adult and tell them to contact me at 382-9451 that's 382-9451 send a what's up with their contact information and what is your talent for jesus so remember ask them to send that right away and continue to share the good news of jesus christ as you share this asi media link to others and you tell your friends and other family members about kingdom children and remember we want to see you right here [Music] jesus slash me dish i know welcome and happy sabbath everyone it is always a pleasure to study the inverse lesson study with you all but before we go into our lesson study this morning i want to introduce you all to our guest we have brother dania reid and he graduated from the university of the southern caribbean in 2018 and he is currently con pursuing his master's degree in counseling psychology he has made married to his beautiful wife sister vanessa currently reed and we are happy to have you here with us this morning and of course we have the pastor of the whanau district pastor bevon benjamin who also happens to be my husband welcome pastor thank you and i am your host sister ronda benjamin this quarter the team is decoding the covenant and this week our lesson was entitled two eras one message amen this week our scripture focus comes from deuteronomy chapter six from verse four to nine but before we go into our scripture reading brother daniel could you please offer a word of prayer sure definitely father we thank you for this opportunity whereby we can study your world together our lord i pray indeed as we try to open your word that you may open our minds as well and help us a lot to focus on the text and to focus on you a lot and as we study i pray that we not just study just for knowledge but that we can implement it in our life so that they're coming closer drawn to your lord and also be a means of helping others to understand your word so that they could have a clear understanding of what you have or what you intend for them to do in their life concerning your lord so that they can be closer drawn to you peace do your prayer in jesus name amen amen thank you so very much and as i said before the scripture reading this week came from deuteronomy chapter six from verse four to nine it says her o israel the lord our god is one god and thou shalt love the lord thy god with all thine hearts and with all thy soul and with all thy might and these words which i command thee this day shall be in thine heart and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children and shall talk of them when thou sitters in thine house and when the walketh by the way and when thou liest down and when they'll rise it up and those shall bind them for a sign upon thine hand and they shall be at frontlets between thine eyes and thou shall write them upon the posts of thy house and on thy gates amen amen so before we dwell delve into our questions pastor could you please tell us what's happening here no this passage of scripture is called shima all right you know the hebrews and the jews but you know they will repeat this this is one thing one of those um passages that they will often repeat um you know this says there's a saying that says um repetition deepens conviction i think that this is true in their case they will often repeat it however it's not worthy to pay close attention to the fact that in deuteronomy chapter 5 the bible here um brings the brings to mind that moses reactivated the ten commandments so deuteronomy chapter five verse two the twenty two he repeated the ten commandments you know most fans only view the commandments review it as a list of do's and don'ts but last week we discussed that it's much more than just do's and don'ts it's a promise um because i did this for you you will not yeah you will not it's not thou shalt not i know we read and when you read you see but the real intent of the commandments it's much more than just you ain't gonna do this all right or else i got a smitey or strike it up you know the core of god's commandments and the call for all that that god even in this in this section of the covenant is highlighting this word love love love love so hearing uh moses is laini foundation yes these are the commandments but this is what's going to happen love the lord your god with all your heart all your mind all your soul you know and put it you know write it in your hearts yeah you know sometimes we think that the um the the whole issue of writing in your hearts and so on so that we think it's a new testament concept where um god want to be in us all right but as we declare delve um into the whole topic of the covenants we are realizing that it's what the um god wanted to do our work in our hearts from quite in the old testament correct all right so as i read those um verses that's what came to my mind okay excellent start pastor thank you you know um there are some persons that see the god of the old testament as different as a different god from the new testament is there different in his characteristic did he change brother reed well the bible itself would be plain in that he says i'm a god and i change it not praise god so god has not changed from the old to the new even now right his character is consistent as a matter of fact the very same commandment is a testimony of his character right and his character kind of changed you know sometimes nowadays you might be hearing all sorts of things as it relates to the commandments and what should not be kept and so forth but it is a binding testimony of his character and in order to be in his presence in order to come to know him in order to show that you obey what you love him you need to keep his commandments so god does not change and he's not there's nothing new from his character or the way he he treats people right from the all and in you some persons tend to believe that god is more merciful now yeah and in the old testament not necessarily so god always gave persons fair warning and he gives them time to change over before he even acts and as a matter of fact the old testimony the old testament is actually a message for us is an example for us right and we need to obey god because it's not necessarily that god wants to destroy us but his commandment is to preserve us and to save us hence the covenant and support i guess we'll get into that we don't really jump ahead so no god does not change he's basically the same there's not a different god anymore to the new testament excellent i i agree with you daniel for those of you who don't know daniel was my colleague he's my friend so i feel excited talking with danielle here today you know um i agree what daniel said god doesn't change he's the same yesterday today and foreign for i am the lord i change not therefore you sons of jacob are not consumed all right now this is so this is this is such an interesting passage of scripture because it tells us that um god is also a god of mercy in fact in the old testament sunday when we see mercy for example in the 10 comments um we see the word mercy but the hebrew there and that was an interesting part of this week's lesson the word there has said it actually means loving kindness and that that was like wow even when god is given the commandments he's busy showering us with love all right um as he rightfully said danny daniel no one is people say that you know we're living on the dispensation of greece so god is more kind no and god is more merciful and loving no but ever since god has been loving you know sometimes it's difficult to see it when you read passages like um with you know the story korra yeah when these people rose up against moses and god oh probably the times follow all these different things you know and then so god is still love he hasn't changed he doesn't change all right um what is interesting is that as relates to the covenant you made a very important point the covenant is to preserve us the wages of sin is death and sin is breaking the law right all right when we keep god's law when we walk within his covenant when we keep our enemy bargaining as we said last week we are preserved from the consequence of sin with jesus that's correct you know so god is just so loving towards us and he doesn't want the best for us and that could be seen in the old testament as well as in the new testament amen amen so as before um get into it i think that's good i could talk about it all right so as it relates to the oh okay i'll wait for you i'll wait for that okay now i agree with both of y'all you know some people see god of the old testament as a task master and you know jesus comes on the scene you know when we see him as gentle jesus meek and mind but jesus said if you have seen me you have seen the father right he is saying the characteristics that i have right is the same with my father you know and even in first john 1 1 it says in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god and the word is jesus christ so god does not change amen and last week we learned that the old covenant was given at sinai with the law and the new covenant involves sanctification reconciliation god given us our mission and justifying us now how do many persons view the old covenant as opposed to the new covenant and why okay you could go ahead now yeah so thank you very much um in terms of the old covenant and the new covenant there are some differences that we could highlight but before we get to that point what does it mean to have this new covenant because as they stood there um the lord said make a new covenant with you because before this previous group of israelites or hebrew nation um the father should have been unfaithful right so god has previously made a covenant with them that if he keep if they keep his commandments and so forth and the obedience to him that he will preserve their life right and he'll grant them grace and they'll be ambitious and to be reckoned with and even here on the other side but god is beyond this though right but he just wanted to show that this is his chosen people correct and if you abide with this group of persons he will preserve your life and you'll be fruitful right so basically he made that covenant with them explain you know he made his promises and it was an act of love and god expected that this covenant that he has with his people to be known throughout the world right however as time went by or i don't know quickly how fast i was slow they became disobedient to god and they become they became unfaithful until our whole generation would have passed away so no god had to renew this covenant with them here in the old testament the old testament this is right not the new testament yet right so it's not necessarily a new covenant but he renewed his covenants with them this is a new bunch of persons so it's nothing really new it's just a new group of people right you know when you're quiet well well the um brother was there talking right they just you know what um we did the same commandment there's a part that says visiting the iniquity onto the truth but what is interesting yes there for the forefathers would have messed up right yes they would have broken the covenant all right goku has simply said okay this is the contract yeah these are the rules of engagement i kept my end of the bargain you didn't keep your energy bargain fireborn right and i gladly mentioned what he gave he be but in love right this new covenant is giving us a as you said grace another chance yes yeah all right because remember even the jews he came to he came to his own people and his own people basically cried crucify him crucify him but god is so loving and he's so kind so that even while they will shout and crucify him crucify him if the following day or whenever they say you know we boy i was really wrong you know and they they accepted their wrong and they they confessed their sin he was still faithful just to forgive them and who knows some of them will probably baptize only three thousand people baptized and then they happen um for the day of pentecost right all right so to me the new covenant is really a new covenant of grace where god gave another chance yes right so i'm glad that he mentioned that because that's one of the reasons for renewing or having a new covenant right because as the rightful he said he's visiting the inequities onto the third and fourth generation but god wanted to stop that he said you know what let me scrap this thing here let's have a new covenant yes right and then before fast forward some couple years later when christ is on the scene and it seems to be a new covenant again right but it's not necessarily the new covenant it's a continuation of the promise of the messiah and all of that and jesus would have fulfilled a particular scripture right and there was the because this the covenant sort of comes under the ceremonial laws and we're not necessarily dealing with that but those are some of the differences that you will see so jesus became the sacrificial lamb yes so there there's no no longer that nature of the past over the alarm and the sacrifice in the lab and the priests have to pray upon the sprinkler right so those are the things that would have been done are we with someone away with right correct and crisis is not that new that new lamb and he's all high priests as well so we go directly there's no necessity there's no need for the the priests and so forth and it's terminal law so in terms of that that's the only difference between the world covenant and the new covenant as it relates to the old and the new testament and also the introduction of the communion service as we know it today right the last supper when things was a little bit changed upon the wine and they breaking up the bread and so forth right so i'll summarize a phenomenon we yes and you know i think sometimes people see the old covenant in a negative way because you know you hear of so many curses you know if you do this this will happen to you if you don't follow my laws this will this can happen to you but in the new testament we still see curses jesus became a curse for us the bible says that and even in revelation we see that there would be consequences for holding on to sin and not running to jesus and giving total surrender so that's something that we have to come to terms with it's not that there's there are no more consequences but i guess you know jesus paid at all right and not we have an opportunity to accept him as our lord and savior amen amen amen now we spoke a little bit about this but i'll still give you all the opportunity to respond but how are the old and new testament one message from two eras now many times within the new covenant era it is e well it is believed that sanctification was based upon out or okay within a new era or the new covenant we look back and we think that sanctification according to the covenant was based on outward stuff outward performances yeah oh it's what acts all right however however from the old testament to know it has always been a matter of the heart right all right sanctification is a matter of the heart you know proverbs 23 number seven says put it this way for as a man thinks in his heart so is he correct all right so if god's law and remember that same um the same the passage we read in deuteronomy we spoke about um having it written in your heart right all right if god's law is thy word have i hid in my heart that i would not sin against thee all right so it's more than doing it out of our outward formality yeah as long as god has your heart he will have your behavior yeah all right um another text that's hello to me same um i'm gonna quote again from deuteronomy um here o israel the lord o god the lord is one you shall love the lord your god with all your heart with all your soul and with all your strength and these words which i command you today shall be where in your heart yeah all right another passage that said to me isaiah 51 7 put it this week listen to me and i'm reading from the new living translation listen to me you who know right from wrong you who cherish my lawyer in your hearts do not be afraid of people's corn for fear no sorry no fear their insults so from the onset way back in the old covenant it has always been a matter of the heart yeah you know as there is a sanctification sanctification is a heart issue yeah all right well we know i know in the new testament investment era but back then there was a kind of confusion that they had all right so both old covenant new covenant it's always a matter of the heart and sometimes a mind imagination and mind thinking is not necessarily that excuse me long ago they weren't aware of it it's just that sometimes we fail to understand the relationship that god has had with his people it's just that god's people are so we well sometimes we know they right but we decide to go go away sometimes for example in our days we grew up in a christian home but we want to have our own different lifestyle we want to have all different experiences so we go there we become a part of the world and so forth and it's and sometimes in the church itself some persons believe that they have to have this outward show right there this formality they come to church so we believe that because they are going to church we are doing the right thing but god expects us to be a christian throughout the week right amen and when we might look at the old testament and think that uh like for example the pharisees back in those days and it seems as if you have to you have to do this you have to do this as before was mentioned earlier the law is something that is a matter of the heart but persons are believing that there is something that i can do of myself and that is something that we need to know because even when you come to obey the law of god it have to be done in love yeah right because god doesn't want us to respect him out of fear or anything like that and it can't work fear is only a temporary thing but if you if you're in love with that person if you're in love with someone you'll want to really show your appreciation you really want to do what that person requires of you because you want to build that relationship with you in the video yeah so love is really the key factor in this in this whole thing and if you have to break down the whole the scriptures of no from the until now it's it's a matter of the heart yeah as you said yes it's a love it's a love thing and once we start there i think we'll begin to get it a little bit it'll become a little bit easier for us yeah rather than trying to hold on to this and hold on to that yeah and earlier we were speaking and you would have mentioned it before they cannot start rolling with with saul who became paul right in his experience he was he believed he was doing the right thing until he was struck down the muscles and had himself about sin and then he began to know who is god and we know this story quite well some of us know the story quite well where paul moved from becoming a persecutor of the sins to becoming a preacher for the sins of the sins right so god is and that's the kind of god that we serve right regardless of how much you go against him he's still trying to reach out to you because his media is loved yes he isn't here to destroy us and that's why he constantly renews his covenant with us because he wants to save us amen right so that's about um as it comes to the love of god and his commandments it's a love thing amen amen and the new covenant also talks about justification hebrews chapter 8 this from verse 12 says for i will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and their iniquities will i remember no more and the first instance where we see god forgiving sins was our sign sinai right when god gave moses the ten commandments he introduces himself as forgiving iniquity and transgression and i think worst kind of seller the worst kind of says right and we know that we can measure sin but god is emphasizing here that it doesn't matter what you do i will forgive you amen right thank you lord thank you so there's a parallel there with the new and the old covenant yeah yeah so let me ask you all this question why does it matter whether the old covenant and the new covenant are different or share the same characteristics i think that it matters it matters because it proves the immutability of god's character his covenant and his will for humanity he still desires the best that is for humans but for his creation yeah all right he still desires the best and that's i that that's that's a lot to me because if that okay if it didn't matter you know people said you remember you were talking speaking right you were saying that um if it didn't matter people would start you know point the fingers at the character what see god he's some dimensional yeah one time he loved him the next time he ain't here you understand but when but because it matters it proves that god does not change or his character remains resolute yeah right and even even when god he's so cholera he's been unleashed is still done in an act of love yes right and some of us don't recognize that some of us think that you know as devon mentioned he could know then he bad this time but it's not necessarily that sin sin have to exist in this world until jesus comes again to take his will but why sin exists it affects us all whether we are good or bad similarly god loves affects us all as well and sometimes we come in contact with some persons and we don't want to deal with them but god died for that person as well and sometimes he's putting us in that situation so that we can be a witness to that person right and even though they don't come along to be saved or whatever god is still putting us in the position so that we can be a testimony for him and we instead of assuming the character of the individual we need to show that love of christ still because it's so easy for us because we have we have a sinful nature right but god and it's so it's so funny right we are quick to address god's character but we ourselves sometimes could be a little bit flight in our own character and our own resolution and just looking at ourselves sometimes we can get to appreciate and understand the love of god because sometimes somebody does something just a little bad and we ready to fly off the handle but we have been doing god so much run consistently back to back to back but yet studies keep coming back again and again and again and that testifies that he's more quick to love and administer mercy than to administer his rat he's very long suffering that's like a last resort and we're not real coming it's not necessarily god throwing it throwing it upon us we're begging it on ourselves and he's falling back he's falling back so whenever the gods will come upon us it's because we ourselves are not willing to be restrained by his love right he's he's hearing us but we are breaking out of his shield so that's when we experience his wrath when we break out of his shield of love it's not necessarily god pouring his wrath on us so we have to be careful of that right excellent excellent amen well sir you know and since we already established what is the old and the new covenant right and we already established that they are one message from two different areas one message from two different areas what is the difference between now the old testament experience and the new testament experience that's a very good question what are you doing to start you know i'm going to the summer school lesson according to this according to the lesson um the author would have quoted all right which is a a a greek philosopher some somebody some smart person follow this one this is what it doesn't say what a person says right um first the um the first common notion right yeah in book one of his fourth century elements and i quote things which are equal to the same thing are also equal to each other all right brought covenants are equal to each other so to me based on my understanding there is no difference really and truly with the covenants all right it's a building remember when we started at the last recording for the previous week we spoke about um the everlasting covenant and we spoke about different wrongs you know all right but all make up the everlasting covenant old covenant new covenant they build on in onto each other the problem is how the hue how how the um people interpreted it all right not the covenant itself yeah build the you know the last thing i didn't each area had its different person that god constantly renews his covenant but is the same so it's like a big umbrella and he had his conversation with abraham at this covenant with abraham noah and so forth and so forth but it's the same covenant which is a saving grace to humanity for mankind and one of the noted differences i saw in terms of his covenant he made a covenant with the the hebrew nation in particular but in the new testament the testament i realized something that he can never open it up because somewhat is the israelite hebrew was that that sort of body of people so if you were to be saved able to have that covenant with god you would have had to join that body of heat of the hebrew nation but in the new testament we've seen that kind of a dismantle to some extent and it's open it's like a free fall whosoever will may come so we survive whosoever is willing to obey to love and obey his commands will fall under that covenant banner and they don't necessarily have to join a tribe or a clan one nation right so that's one of the things i see with the difference in the terms of the covenant there yes and and and we have to remember as well that in the old covenants the persons responded you know god he gave us his commandments lord whatever you say that is what we will do and they did just that they did it by themselves trusted in themselves and that is an example of the old covenant experience but in a new covenant experience we depend solely on god everything that is mentioned in the new covenant god is saying i will do this yeah i will sanctify you i would justify you right so it's total dependence on god that's the new covenant experience so since we are talking about the experience of the old and new covenants it is quite possible that somebody in the old testament had a new covenant experience and somebody in the in the new testament experience at all covenant all covenant experience okay okay so pastor can you mention anybody from the old testament that experienced a new covenant experience and brother reed somebody from the old testament that experience testimony that's experiencing jesus and new covenants all covenant experience you all understand okay okay yes i understand so in terms of relying on your own strengths somebody from the new system and you relied on their own strengths i don't have the name but one such person i could think about was a rich um young ruler right when he came to god i know he said lord he said lord i did everything the lord said lord what must i do to be saved and the lord said no keep my commandments and so forth and so forth i could imagine a man started feeling happy man you talking small thing man i do all that from man you talk but he still felt like he was missing something and the lord said you know what go and sell everything that you have and come and follow me and he went very sorrowful so he was believing in his his strength he had riches he didn't want to let go of what he had to grab hold of what the lord has to offer to offer him yeah and as a result of that you he he kind of missed out on the blessing that god have in store for you so i'm not sure if that necessarily fits with you know um one person that comes to mind is abraham all right although he was living way back in old covenant time this might have new covenant kind of faith wow so he was looking according to the bible he said he was looking for a city whose builder and maker yeah he's gone yeah you can imagine that you know his house you know that has to be some kind of some kind of faith yeah you know um and even if you go through hebrews chapter 11 you know as the as the author of hebrews list all the heroes the heroes or the the yeah the heroes of faith the fall of faith because you know abraham i think these people although they were living in old covenant times they had a kind of new covenant kind of thing you know so it was way more than you know it was way more than the outward stuff yeah these people truly believe these people truly held on to god's word amen amen amen amen so thank you all for your contribution so as we as we wrap up i want to ask how can we summarize this lesson using one line one line one line one line [Laughter] for me for me at the the last day of um this week's study there was one line there that really stood out to me and this is it and i quote obedience the service and allegiance of love is the true sign of discipleship okay i'm gonna go over again nice nice obedience the service and allegiance of love is a true sign of discipleship you know so for those of you who are looking on this morning oh boy just please obey now yeah you know if you believe let me over here you know if you be just coming again let me leave like you're coming again now please share they got spell tell somebody you know come in again believe me believe it you know let us obey because that is a true sign of discipleship no it's nice but once i said quite a lot since you're elaborated i'll go straight to see the covenants of god's saving grace is open to whosoever loves him and obeys his commandments amen amen and my closing line is christ god is the same yesterday today and forever so i want to thank each and every one of you for joining us this morning as we study the word of god we want to remind you that you can find these lessons at that's we are hoping to see you next week as we study once again so as we close pastor can you please pray for us father in heaven oh lord we are so grateful this sabbath morning yeah whether you could just come in your presence and spend time in your word we are learning we have been learning so much about the covenant the old covenant new covenant everlasting covenant but lord one thing is sure you don't change we change but lord we ask that you help us to stay in love with you oh yeah we open our hearts that you can write your law in our hearts teach us the love to love you above all and to love our neighbors as ourselves so go we surrender all to you take full control be the rest of today's um proceedings a lot may be drawn into an intimate more abiding relationship with you we thank you we praise you amen amen music plays a special part of our worship experience so now we'll be blessed with special music [Music] choices that we make in life may take us that we take tonight may lead us into darkened glaciers but at the end of godly choices are higher dreams but in the game a chance there's only a guilty way of streaming sometimes i don't know which road i should take [Music] sometimes i don't know which move i should make [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] down the right road only to [Music] endless journey carried me so far away from my home and family but i'm learning i was never meant to go alone for me to go on [Music] sometimes i don't know which move i should make yes i'll make my moves [Music] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] then i would do it and that's what i would do that's what i would do [Music] welcome friends and happy sabbath remember this quarter we are studying the theme the promised gods everlasting covenant thank you for joining us for the adult lesson study time where we share the goodness and enduring power of god's word friends we are happy to have you join us for today's discussion on the topic all future generations we trust that you have your bibles writing material and lesson guides ready and we remind you that you can download a digital copy of the lesson guide at we invite you to join us in prayer to begin our discussion faster our father and our god in the name of jesus we come before you this day we give you thanks lord for having called us to be co-laborers together with you as we stand before your people as we sit before your people we pray that your holy spirit will truly take control hide us and let nothing but you be seen and felt unheard increase our knowledge and understanding and as we expound your word lord hearts will be touched and be joined to call you blessed in jesus name we pray amen amen today we are with us today no stranger to the set pastor paul mackenzie pastor of the mid-note district and we have no stranger as well elder fernand simon from the good news sdh and then you have yours truly who is also no stranger here but a militant eastman elder at the candy 70 adventist church and the king of glory establishments so today we want to go right into the lesson and we are looking at the introduction what a lovely story what a lovely way in which to start this lesson and i would like to read the introduction and have pastor comment on the introducing story today bacteria plant organisms too small to see without microscope a single common round bacterium appears no longer than a pencil point even after being magnified 1000 times given favorable conditions for good sufficient warmth moisture and food bacteria multiply at an extremely rapid rate for example some bacteria reproduce by simple fission a mature cell simply splits into two daughter cells when fission takes place every hour one bacterium can produce over 16 million new bacteria in 24 hours at the end of 48 hours hundreds of billions of bacteria will have appeared this microscopic phenomenon is the natural world in the natural will illustrates the rapid growth of evil after the fall in recorded in genesis gifted with giant intellects robust health and longevity the viral race for so bored and prostituted their rare powers took the pursuit of inequity in all forms while bacteria may be exterminated by sunlight chemicals or high temperatures god chose to check this rampant rebellion by a universal flood plaster just as how we are sitting here and um we will not even see or recognize the spread of bacteria similarly sin when was not not kept in check continued to spread and it started from my new little incidents and then it grew big you know sometimes when you see people behaving in certain ways in negative ways or in evil ways they didn't wake up one morning and say okay i'm going to be an evil person today it started with these little my new things yes yes you know little by little and it began to grow and um you know you find somebody who's really uh a person in society that that of course should be uh but as you say locked away or excused from society but um unknowing to us or or sometimes it could be just as a simple days proceeding moving smoothly and this progression is taking place and if we look through scripture we will see it started with disobedience yes it started something disobedient then fear came in and hiding and then um before you know it murder it just began to graduate and grow and grow and it began to get worse and worse every time are wrong and um i mean bacteria between 24 hours you use 16 meters 60 million you know and in 48 hours we talking hundreds of billions i mean before you know it um this thing can spread to and and one thing i've learned about bacteria it it strives to survive and it spreads to survive okay just like the same problem yeah it spreads to survive yeah and has continued to spread even throughout so many generations but i love the fact that um christ's approach was not just eradicated with with heavy sunlight or chemicals he chose a different way yes and of course the blood of christ can wash away anything yeah and i really really love that aspect of it right so brother simon let me direct this question to you what was the divine opinion at the beginning of time and how did it change between them and the time of the universal floor as far as i just said you know it's amazing how bacteria spreads yes and i think that's how sin realistic because according to the to genesis chapter 1 and verse 51 we are told that when god had finished his his creative work he looked back and he said everything was very good yes nice right and when god seemed very good it had to be good that's right right that's right super good right but it's amazing that from genesis 1 61 to genesis 3 the changes that took place in such a rapid squeeze of time yeah you know we may not sometimes we read through this these these these chapters or this goes and we look and see well nothing about it but it start as you said the minutes of or whatever it is it it it it's kind of spread in a matter of minutes in a matter of days in a matter of months yes yes right and this is exactly what happened in creation you know we are told that adam and eve and god said they were very good in medium but by genesis chapter three as i said before we saw where eve got her first try who is this yeah right yeah you know and i would imagine that that that the devil was there looking and looking and waiting for the opportunity yeah the opportune moment to to pounce on honor yes right and there it was perhaps through in a bit she went to the po that position that god said you know what not to go right not to touch that not to pick not to eat of that food because they eat everybody's going to die yes but what happened my friends she started a conversation right she actually entertained that conversation number one right and that was mistake number one entertain a conversation with the devil yes and he's more cunning than any in fact he said his two points was more subtle yes that's right and there it was she started the conversation and it led from one point to another under the back before before she knew what was happening she was right into it yes right and what happened she picked eyes open things look different yeah she was she realized that she did not die and what happened my friend first thing she did was to went to her husband yeah genesis 3 6 says of course she she actually the step by step that that took place but what happened thereafter she went and husband when god came down i saw what was happening god you know asking what yeah where are you the normal thing was that he was supposed to to be communicating with god from day to day from moment to moment but yet they were they were hiding at this time yeah and what happened when god really caught up with them he said what adam well the woman you gave me yeah she gave me take it and i eat i am and then she went he went to the woman i said what have you done he said well the devil he beguiled me he tricked me right and that's where it started to progress rapidly before you before you before you realized what was happening it progressed and by the time we got to to genesis chapter four and verse five we are told here that adam you know king and abel yes one a farmer the other a shepherd yeah and what happened cain wrote with his brother yeah and before you realize it by by by by by verse eight in chapter four he slew his water right so that you know the progression started it seemed simple yeah right and then it went on where of course by by time we got to genesee chapter four and was 19 we talked about a guy called lamech right yeah and you know genesis 2 24 says a man shall leave his mother and father and cleave to his wife and into it they shall be one flesh but in in in genesis chapter 4 and verse 19 we are told lamech had two wives took himself two wives the first case of political polygamy right he took himself two wives and as if that was not enough my friend we are told that in in verse 23 of that team chapter four what happened he killed that one right yeah one for just one one guy for just actually insulting him another guy for just hurting him yeah he killed and he boasted to his wife yeah right and the key point you know it went on so by time we get to chapter six of genesis very imagination the very imagination and thought of man was just evil continuously and it it it repented god that he made man sin had spread so far and so so so rapid you know that it it actually to me like it took up the whole human race right and god repented yeah right so that this thing really went on yes from a very good world to a topsy-turvy kind of experience full-on rebellion full full full full shot full-blown rebellion yeah but the the narrative changed a bit and a gentleman by the name of noah oh well yes the script so i'm going to look at how it is noah was so starkly different from the antediluvian people of his day so let me look at genesis chapter 6 verse 9. he says this is the genealogy of noah noah was a just man perfect in his generation noah walked with god and here before in in your comments um brother simon where we looked at genesis 6 5 that the the evil among the men was was so prevalent that god you know wanted to wipe out the entire race exactly right but there was the this is what the bible is saying about noah in the midst of this would i crave this kind of report on myself you know i'm sure many of us as christians should create this kind of report in the midst of an evil and perverse generation that god could see made this statement to us that noah was just a just man perfect in his generation noah walked with god no i was someone who had a saving relationship with god yes he was someone whom god could work with someone who would listen to him obey him and trust him that is why the lord was able to use noah to fulfill his purposes and why peter in the new testament called him a preacher of righteousness amen now pastor mckenzie i'd like to have you explain the use of the word grace in the text the memory text of genesis 6 8 says that noah but noah found grace i'm in the sight of the lord um the blood comes in there to say a midst of all the evil that was taking place and so on but noah at the midst of all of that he found grace in the eyes of the lord the hebrew word for it is pronounced as king spelt in transliteration c-h-e-n but really pronounced as king like the name king greece the connotation the meaning from that word is not just saying that he was favored by god it's it's a different because i could say man i'm looking for a good teacher and i look at you by the east when i say man he's clean cut he's very neat i like how he speaks he looks decent um where he operates amongst the children and so on he looks like a upright man i can use him as a teacher based upon me examining you yeah i found out i don't know you i'm examining you yeah i i you found favor i found you know you got you got favor from me yeah all right but the the word here in hebrew kane really means well favored yeah for you to be well favored it means i have to know you yeah so for me to welcome you we had to have some sort of relationship we had to be tight we had to be close exactly right so the bible said no walked with god so no one god had a relationship they were close right they were commune with god on a regular basis so they had this relationship hence the reason he found grace no this is not because no was special no one was better than anybody it's not because of that no because grace really just is and the same connotation is used in the new testament right so this this this entrance of grace is not the grace is not a new testament no no grace is really from the old testament because noah way in genesis in the first book of the bible from christ he fought grace in the eyes of the lord so noah was well favored by god because of the relationship that they had grace is still on merited favor yes because of the relationship that they had on merited faith was bestowed upon him all right and some people um have grace even even without um a close relationship with god some people have that grace is extended right but then that lifeline is like extended to you but when you grab hold of that lifeline because the life plan extended to you is favor yes yeah right but when you're well favored means that you grab hold of that lifeline are you hold on to jesus so you make best use of the grace that is extended to you yes yes beautiful can i also add a little bit of that to your show you know it's amazing and um we don't look at it sometimes that way but apart from noah there was a guy called inaudible yes the bible says enoch was 65 years old and he got methuselah yes and after he walked with god and was not and was not god took him yes so that one was taken and the other was left to go that way right but um no enoch was taken away but noah remains right and god used because of their connection with god yes yes the same thing could be said of us today yeah if we if we don't have to be as christians we don't have to do like the others in the world today correct right if we stand up for what we believe or what the bible teaches if we're obedient like enoch or like noah we can rest assure that we two will be well we will be wealthy praise the lord but genesis 6 18 says but i will establish my covenant with moving into this covenant um situation where i will establish my covenant covenant with you and you shall come into the ark you your sons your wife and your son's wife with you yes sir and we want to take apart this covenant situation and how obedience fits in there comments by saying god and humankind enter into an agreement very simple yet there are more elements than first meet the eye in this agreement that god and his people went into said god says to noah that he and his family shall go into the act they have their part to do and if they do if they did it then they cover if they didn't do their part then the covenant was broken correct if the covenant is broken they are the ultimate losers right because god doesn't have anything really on his path to lose probably maybe his um companionship with us for the end they are the beneficiaries of the covenant you know noah his general his he and his family they were the beneficiaries of the covenant so therefore they if they were disobedient they were the losers in the covenant after all if noah said no to god and did not want to abide by the covenant or said yes but then he changed his mind as we know in that parable that jesus gave what would have been the result for him and this family so i want to bring you in brother simon to explain a little more about explain the part of the covenant that refers to grace where god says that it is my covenant right what yeah right and just that we may see he may seem small but noah having stood up the way he stood up yeah right god was not ready to do business with him yeah right and you know but the text began by saying i will establish my covenant right yes it is god's covenant now a covenant really is an agreement between two people right right right not so two or more people as i come an agreement a contract but in this case god is saying my coverage and i would establish you see i will you know with with you and your family and yeah and and you know the rest is what you say so you know what god has extended grace to to noah because of his stance for god yeah because of what and because of this god is saying listen man because of what you did because of you standing up and and maintaining your walk with me maintaining your your being of being obedient to me this is what i'm going to do for you and god is the the goal he's saying to us today is that um god is the one who initiated everything right and the the grace is extended because as human we tend to we can fall we can break yeah you know a human being whatever god doesn't break but god says you want to establish noah yeah so what happened is that wherever the shortfall is my grace is sufficient yes man i'm going to prop you up in other words the gracias is like a pop-up of course yes ma'am and and this is what is this is what he is saying to you god wants to do what to do with you and i totally yeah you want it with all mankind every one of us and the same wise that noah was obedient and he walked with god we too can be obedient and we can walk with god and god would extend his grace to us yeah right merited favor amen which of course in the end will be eternal life amen yes exactly the attention that god gives to us i could imagine passed if god would have said i would establish our covenant mercy right um the covenant is not based at all on our promises but rather god's promise and [Music] so i'm glad that god's grace is not dependent on my doing god's promise of grace will never fail but our promise of obedience has always failed therefore our salvation is built on the solid grounds of god's promise and not the shaky and sandy foundation of our promises the israelites tried promising and we know what happened he said they said all that the lord said we will do but they feel miserably over and over no pastor mckenzie let me move on by asking you what did god use as the sign of the covenant that he made between him and noah and what did the lord see the rainbow would symbolize well in genesis 9 um 12 to 12 and 13 you know god bible says that and god said this is a token of my covenant which i made between me and you yes and every living creature that is with you for perpetual for perpetual generation i do set my bow in the cloud and it shall be for token of a covenant between me and the earth now first of all the covenant is that god is setting up this covenant which means that there's no negotiation right um your part to play in the covenant is obedience yes all right so um you could either choose uh the author or disobey uh but but god is saying no because you know if it's something we do not speak and want to negotiate god put this in there and put that into putting that clause yeah yeah section a or b or whatever but god is making this covenant not just with noah but every living creature he says that when you see the rainbow in the sky yeah the the worldwide the global flood that took all life and preserved and i and i preserved you a global flood like that will never happen again you know we have had tsunamis we have massive floods hurricanes whatnot but god is saying while you have massive floods in indonesia turn it down to bagel drain like chips yes yeah you understand but god is saying the worldwide global flood that was being before it will never happen again all right and a token of that is the rainbow that you see in this guys amen amen creatures see the rainbow um we are told that there are some animals who are colorblind don't see colors yeah even them you see the rainbow even if they're not seeing the colors they see what is up there oh amazing they see the rainbow right so god didn't just make that token with just humanity not just us human beings but all creatures and we're able to see um for ourselves and that awesome sign that is so beautiful and so pretty of course we know that um scientists say that is where light hits the water that is in the cloud and whatnot and that's what we get yeah yeah fair enough but um we must understand that before without god there would not have been any water in the clouds yes all right because before the flood there was no rain no a mix came up and moisturized the ground all right so there was no rain before god said rain is going to come yeah so if there's a rainbow that can be explained by science because of the water up there in the clouds and the light from the sun it is because of god you kind of escape god the limits of all of this yes so it's this covenant and it is clear for us to see by him we see it here today not by scientific not by man yes right so brother simon let's go deeper into this covenant issue how is the use of the word covenant different here in relation to the rainbow and the global flood mentioned in genesis from most of the other uses of the word covenant in the bible how is it different here it's different in the sense that um the the covenant here is really yes between god and not only just between god and and and and no but it is extended to all living creature yeah right to all generations yeah i think that's where the lesson actually is it was not only for that particular period as a matter of fact somewhere in that chapter nine which we talk about this disagreement here right which means of course that it holds its standard test of all times so that it it's different because god is saying to us here that you know his grace he's extended to all generations right yes his grace is extending not just to noah and his his his folks but to all other generations that that look on this they're born you see that rainbow you know what listen yeah no flooding yeah no tsunami no such global thing going to happen again again the rainbow and that experience also reminds us it gives us hope yes right i mean all that may happen to us it gives us hope to know that god is still in control when we look up and we see the rainbow we know that he is still in control and in control that's a lot of grace we're speaking about yes right but does that grace that god extend in there give us license to sin is it that god you know um god tried to save the antenouvian and they made us conscious decision to reject god's offer or his requirements but no any summary accepted the requirements is it that god powerful extension of grace tell us that you know the law is done away with um you know we could exercise just believe and everything will be okay pasta what can you say about that i believe that mankind we are quite coming cunning beans all right for example we have what we have today we call smartphone yeah i remember i was trying to put my phone in my pocket my smartphone yeah and it was not in my pocket and it fell on the ground and got a crack yeah and i was saying if this was such a smartphone while the phone didn't tell me i'm not in your pocket i'm not if i said i'm falling you know yeah so so i'm saying that to say that we we can be so clever and we can play we are so smart that we can seek to find loopholes in in everything all right and mankind knows that the grace of god is at such that it's unmerited favor it extends it reaches it so it's so um so so god is so loving all right and and we know that god grace extends to us that even if we're on our dying bed and we said lord forgive me forgiveness is offered the grace is still extended so there are persons who would abuse yeah because we smart yeah we would attempt to abuse the grace that god is giving given to us knowing that we could always turn back and say my god forgive me you know but really the the grace that god give to us is not a license for us when we when we experience this grace and hold on to this lifeline that god has given us it is for us to strive to be better to obey and to follow god because he does the transformation as we hold on to him he by beholding we become changed so as we hold on to him the transformation really begins all right so because of his grace yeah i am i'm motivated and even inspired to be obedient right and to love him more you know not to abuse um i want you to explain how god treated with living things as outlining genesis chapter 7 verse 22. what happened at the flooded that god he said he brought out everything right he brought out every living thing that was upon the face of the earth man animals and creeping things even the birds in the air yeah right everything was was blotted out yeah right but uh but noah alone was left yes you know and uh there's a lot behind this these are heavy this is a heavy statement i have a load statement there only noah was left which we would give the connotation of our remnant yeah yeah right yeah it give that that connotation of our remnant yeah right so we'll explain it yeah so that um it is seen to us here that i am thinking a good point here that although everything outside of the ark was destroyed a good at least everything inside the ark was sealed right yeah god seemed a remnant yes you know yeah and in that sense noah and his and his family yeah and god will always preserve our evidence praise the lord right yes and it's happening now watch time it will happen at the end of the day yeah always preserve and a remnant those who are obedient to him those who walk with him right pastor in your closing remarks please give us a little more on this word remnant well you know genesis 45 and verse 7 says you know and god um sent before um set me before you to preserve for you a remnant on the earth and to keep alive for your many survival right for you many survivors um god indeed always uh speak to it or direct us to the the fact that there is always a remnant or remaining all right in the midst of everything that is difficult that is trying that is struggling that is that is um even in sinful times in the worst of times they are those who would not bow down for the the prophet said lord it's just i alone remain he said no man i have more that never bowed down yeah you know the three hebrew boys we will not but there's always a remnant yes but simon said always a woman that god has preserved right and that remnant there is the people who are die hard obedient to god yeah right um revelation um 12 17 said that you know the devil was wrapped with it yeah when we went away make war with the remnants of our seed who was the seed who was the remnant of the seed those that were obedient yes yes yeah those who kept the commandment of god and have the testimony once you once you're obedient the devil will keep coming after you but god will preserve his remnant as he has always done have you seen throughout scripture from genesis even on to revelation oh yes god has preserved his remnant and he will do it even until the end of time yes so let me close by making a connection between the whole covenant how it fits in with the idea of the remnant so that the time of the flood the creator of the world became the judge of the world okay the nearing worldwide judgment raised the question whether all life on earth even human life would be destroyed if not who would be the survivors and based on the the the conversation god had with noah he made a covenant with him who would be the remnant in in this case it was noah and his family yet noah's salvation was linked to god's covenant with him in genesis chapter six verse eight so you see the relationship a covenant that originated and was executed by a god of mercy and grace they survived only because of what god did for them however important their cooperation was whatever noah's covenant obligation were and no matter how faithfully he executed them his only hope was in god's mercy friends our only hope in these last days amen will always be god's mercy no matter how we as christians we say we obey we go to church each weekend and so on so friends we are happy that you have joined us this this um for this lesson study our next week topic is an everlasting covenant members and pastor mckenzie i'm happy that you would have joined us today and and expanded so well to the listening audience as brother simon i'm also happy that you would have joined us as well so thanks team members and viewing audience we thank you for spending the time with us and look forward to seeing you next week as we continue with our adult lesson study amen amen shall be our heads almighty god and father we thank you so much for this time you have spent together in your word we're happy oh god that you have made a covenant with us nothing that we have done but because you love us and you have extended your grace to us so father today help us to grab hold of your grace so that we can in the end times be with you here on earth and in the earth made new so father keep us faithful keep us true but in a special way this morning we want to say a special prayer for those persons who are in sin vincent yes we pray that your anointing hand and your mighty hand will intervene on that island we pray in the name of jesus that you will move forward move upon the heart of your people and preserve your children i pray god we know that you are mightier than the volcano so we ask god that you will step in and do your stuff step in o jesus and stand up for your people i pray god that you will protect preserve and take care of your people as we place them now in your hand provide for them take care of them you said that your hand is not shortened or you're here heavy so we know that you can hear and deliver your children today bless your people we pray in jesus name amen amen amen so [Music] these are our birthday greetings for today sabbah the 17th 2021 happy birthday to sister silly and joseph she will celebrate her birthday tomorrow on the 18th of april greetings from your mom dad brothers and extended family may god continue to bless you birthday greetings also goes out to sister andrea joseph may god continue to richly bless you to see many many more greetings come in from your children sisters and extended family we celebrate with all our viewers who have anniversaries or birthdays in this month of april 2021. remember to send all greetings to asi tobago by or before 7 pm on thursdays many of you watched kingdom children this morning just a reminder from auntie anya that children had to send in photos of themselves dressed up as a bible hero along with their name and age to asi tobago join us right here for ay at 3 30 pm this afternoon as we discuss zero to hero the making of a hero at this time we want to remind persons to continue returning your tights offerings and gifts to your local church if you would like to partner with us here at asi tobago chapter as we continue to forward the cause of god you can send in your donations as follows rbc bank tobago account of the asi tobago chapter account number one zero zero zero zero that's four zeros three one one zero one zero four accounts asi tobago chapter wire transfer swift code rbtt px rbc royal bank blinnet street scarborough tobago accounts number one zero zero zero zero that's four zeros three one one zero one zero three three four eight we also have additional ways in which you can donate you can contact brother damian at 868 682-9245 or brother diamond at 868-70 you can also visit mr d's at the port mall from 8 a.m to 5 p.m our prayer hotel line continues their contact is 868-774-7729 you can contact our prayer hotline at 868-774-7729 streaming schedule for this week includes our nightly service continues on sunday and wednesday from 6 pm esi kitchen on tuesday at 6 pm sundown worship and friday evening talks from 6 30 p.m on friday and kingdom children from 9 15 a.m next sabbath see you for a y at 3 30 p.m this afternoon as we discuss zero to hero the making of a hero the sermon for today is entitled our unique calling to start stewarding discipleship stay tuned as we remind you of the relief efforts that are taking place locally for the affected residents in st vinson and the grenadines let us pray heavenly father great god of the universe the giver of good gifts we've come before you because we know that when we come we know that there is fullness of joy at our right time they are pleasures ever more lord we are thankful for all those who will who have logged on tonight who are joining us near and far tobago trinidad and beyond we know that those who are viewing tonight we have called them for purpose you have a plan and we are here not by chance so in a special way we ask that you bless every viewer who is viewing presently and will view afterwards we pray dear lord that you will bless the families you'll bless us health-wise and may your finances be enough so that we will take care of daily expenses but more so we are asking for spiritual revival and reformation because our greatest need is to have a closer work with thee so we pray the lord as enough walk the whole that we will take pattern in these last days to walk closely to your word thank you for hearing our prayers for reacting the precious name of jesus amen and amen so [Music] happy sabbath and welcome to everyone it's fun service time so get close to the television join with me as we sing lastly remember god has given us a lot and we should be thankful but he also wants us to be good stewards over what has been given to us so join me as we sing worthy worthy is [Music] glory hallelujah until glory hallelujah glory glory hallelujah [Music] give up your best to the master give off the strength of your youth so know that you are young and strong god wants us to give us our best and even if you're old nothing is wrong your best is good to the lord give of your best to the master live of the strength of your youth throw your souls fresh glowing [Music] young [Music] give him the best that you have give up give up foreign is give up your best to the master is is amen [Music] happy sabbath happy sabbath brother senator i know you had a very busy week but before we get into that viewers we all have been keeping watch of what's happening to our brothers and sisters in saint vincent and the grenadines you know it's just about a week last week friday life would have changed for if not all many of the citizens there with the eruption of lasso freya um damon i just want to let our viewers know that the tobago mission of seven-day adventists and of course the asi tobago chapter are in the process of collecting cash donations and more relief for brothers and sisters there to assist them we know that there are a lot of um needs to be met and of course we are working with the south caribbean conference of seven day adventists it's a very coordinated event we're doing what we can here i'm sending it out to our big sisters i like to call them and putting things together so i just want our viewers to know those who are here on the island of tobago that if you have items to drop off your drop off point is good news a seventh day adventist um sorry good news seventh adventist church and as you know that's located in scarborough if you have cash you can drop off the cash at the tobago mission or seventh-day adventist which is located in bad hill now a lot of collection has been happening and ongoing and demon you will tell us more about that but i want to let those who have been asking can we still come yes sunday is a major drop-off point at good news as we prepare to send another shipment out so i just want you to know that and a little bit later on i'll get into some of the items that are needed agently so brother damien you know um something happened last weekend as soon as we heard the news that's happening in saint vincent and things happened tell us a little about that so it was about let us see about just after 12 sunday afternoon and we have a special chat and one of the technicians in our asi technical team sent out a letter came from the regulation of sd and when we saw it i called the president literally calling i said brother diamond hear this the mission sent out a letter but we also need to do something additional we need to appeal to the business community and also the wider tobago public and you all know our president excited he said yes yeah brother these are movements and then i said you know what this is i am going to i'm going to append a letter and i'm going to fold it to the business committee but first i need to get your approval i need to get invented and that was done within a couple minutes after that was done we start calling and i told her diamond we need to link with george lucas right and also call the director of thieves mr allen stewart and brother diamond did that now why that was happening he was in tobago i'm in trainer and we talking on the telephone and uh monday morning brother diamond said hey i got a call from george luck we're going to draw a video interview and from that interview it was just exciting excitement just to see people who were willing and to be who has that compassion right whereby they're giving and i must say the business coming up to people really really came up and support and are still supporting and as you say business community just for the benefit of all our viewers around the world we're talking about seven day adventist and non-seven-day adventists and if you continue your attention to the screen you know you would see some of the activity taking place the trucks that were packed i mean we all know the price for water and the other items so damian you were there helping um in terms of the packing of the shipment the trucks etc and you were the person who escorted um how many trucks did we send to training i sent three trucks to trader but i must um go back a little bit you know george lee cook of the owner time and he was really really excited and he got on board and you know he keep linking with brother diamond but a diamond also coordinated with the actual director of tobago mission which is brother winfrey div and you know it was just excitement you're getting phone calls hey i have some cash where to drop it and the good thing about it is that the people of tobago are willing and they are still willing even up to this evening people have been calling for a diamond giving off cash donation and also dropping off their right and of course viewers those of you who are not in tobago you know there are many efforts all around the world so just find out from your local community your area or village what you can do and how you can do it we definitely need to help each other and i just want to look at some of the items they are asking for at this moment you know and again keep your eyes on the screen viewers you can see some of the activity while i just mention in your hearing what are some of the items urgently needed rice ground provisions fruit juices slippers underwear both male and female adults and the children water bottle just night we know a lot of their wells were affected and they definitely need water um five gallon buckets care packages with hygiene items paper towels toilet paper toothpaste toothbrushes just think of what you need to take care of yourself shampoo and conditioner deodorant mosquito repellent sanitary napkins panadol you know the over counter painkillers that will be safe um inhalers you just name it face mask and you know it's so interesting that we are in a pandemic so it was a good thing in a sense that many of the residents already had face masks that would have helped but they are using it so much more now damien um canned foods of course lotion so any list goes on but i just want to mention because you know we have to wrap up pretty soon um a call for nieces scrubs that's the latest um knee coming out of st vincent because of the water shortage by the damian they cannot of course keep up with his laundry demands so they have sent out that urgent request for scrubs for the medical practitioners and for those of you located in tobago if you're wondering where you can get nurses scrubs right now um you know you can check i know there's a place in port mall and there's another area i can't remember it at this moment i'm sure we'll ask around and we can get it i think that's dutch fort right so definitely those of you who are here they need a small medium large and extra large this is scrubs and damion there's another packing effort going on now so people who want to drop things off can they do it on sunday yes and what's happening on sunday sunday at the same good news yesterday church right opposite of this espionage it is in the heart of scarborough you can come there from 7 00 a.m in the morning right up to 6 p.m so after we pack and reload we are headed on the board and we are heading down to trainer to the same location and i must say we have to say thanks to ignac avenue hector joseph she's the one who has accommodated us in tobago whereby should have been able to link with the shippers and get these supplies off to synthesis and that's that's the um is they're not a cause for those of you who are not familiar with the acronym so just thank you again tobago thank you even to the others located outside of tobago who have contributed to this cause you know um we just want to say thank you and it's so important for us to take care of each other you know we call ourselves christians and in moments like these this is when we get to really shine for jesus father damian you know just before sister natalie finish i just want to make an appeal now this is our full face this is the food there's going to be a rebuilding process and they are going to be needing building supplies so we want you to bear in mind that there is also a part too and we want you to have your your donations you are good givers you continue to give well and you are going to see the money that you would have pledged and donated put to good use so bear in mind prepare yourself because we will need to send billion supplies to sinvision and i tell you you have never come up short and i know you're going to do a great job and again thank you and we look forward to your continued support thank you yes brethren when we give up our time our talent and our service god is well pleased so continue to be good stewards for the golden morning is fast approaching so get up off your seat and sing this song with me is passing through is oh morning [Music] the judge will come and we'll passing through this night who have long been those who are broken morning [Applause] i would be their savior holy vine [Music] let's go i would be this big is [Music] is is is is [Applause] is amen [Music] greetings in the precious name of jesus christ i know you are very excited i know that you are very interesting in what is happening in this holy convocation so i thank you for joining us i thank you for getting on the platform to enjoy the blessings of god and as you worship with us god will touch you at the point of your need god bless you love our message is our unique calling to steering discipleship here we give a perspective toward fulfilling our unique rule as christian stewards the bible tells us in psalm 23 and verse 6 surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i will dwell in the house of the lord forever in psalm 68 19 it says blessed be the lord that dearly lorded us with benefits even the god of our salvation and third john verse 2 says beloved i wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospers when we hear the word stewardship what comes to your mind if you're thinking about church stewardship probably makes you think of money management debt reduction or even an upcoming building project if you're thinking of politics or even business asset management or real estate investments stewardship probably calls to mind ideas like environmental protection energy conservation fiscal accountability corporate social responsibility shareholder capital management philanthropic responsibility or even property management stewardship is also frequently mentioned in the context of social responsibility and a christian's commitment toward those who are poor abused disabled neglected widowed or orphaned to be sure stewardship is a term with a wide variety of meanings but what exactly is biblical stewardship stewardship is a lifestyle of one who accepts the lordship of christ walking in a partnership with god and acting as his agent to manage his affairs on earth there must be indeed a source of biblical stewardship the first and most fundamental of biblical stewardship is god's suffering ownership of and dominion over all things seen and unseen this means that biblical stewardship at its core is always about managing someone else's property or possession so the critical question is for whom have we been appointed managers scripture tells us that we are god's managers we discover in genesis 1 1 in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth god is a sole founder and owner of the cosmic enterprise we call the universe and we have been commissioned as stewards and managers to fulfill god's purpose in creation and redemption in genesis chapter 1 26 27 we read then god said let us make man in our image in our likeness and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the earth over all the creatures that move along the ground so god created man in his own image in the image of god he created him male and female he created them this is a profound privilege and goes well beyond simply being a wise trustee of god's money or property while most if not all christians incorporate the term stewardship in their discussions about christian responsibility the definitions and understandings vary greatly across the nominational and even theological trans traditions some think tithing is the essential uh topic of stewardship others think embracing a lifestyle of simplicity and frugality is the basic tenants of a biblical seal some say biblical stewardship is synonymous with creating or caring for the marginal uh persons with giving or with the spread of the gospel each of these views are essential components of biblical seership but each on its own falls shy of capturing the full panama panoramic vision and landscape of the privilege and responsibility of stewardship illuminated and illustrated in the bible we understand that god is supremely owns creation at no time in scripture do we ever read about god relinquishing his ownership of anything he created psalm 24 1-2 reminds us the earth is the lord's and everything in the world and all who live in it for he founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters god's sovereign righteous creation is further reinforced in psalm 50 10-12 it says for every animal of the forest is mine and the cattle on a thousand hill i know every bird in the mountains and the creatures of the field are mine if i were hungry i would not tell you for the world is mine and all that is in it god reminds us of his continued ownership over everything he has created and set in motion in at least four ways god spoke all things seen and unseen into existence god maintains a position of authority over his creation god exercises discretionary control over creation god commissions stewards to enact his will god is the who of searship we are managing for the living god other people or organizations may benefit along the way as we become effective seers but our primary responsibility and calling as christians yours is to the one who entrusted all things into our care god's word is filled with examples of various kinds of stewards the effective and ineffective faithful and unfaithful wise and unwise it describes the rewards and consequences associated with the quality of their stewardship it conveys the mercy grace and justice of god as he deals with his yachts it points us to both the privilege and responsibility associated with steelship it deals specifically stewardship expectations and outlines broadly based in the bible principles stewardship is the central theme throughout the scripture like the fundamental christian themes of creation fall redemption and translation the subject of stewardship is woven into the fabric of the bible god has called you to be his chief you have been commissioned as a manager and trustee in the trust that god has given to you over his estate consider this our all-knowing and all-powerful god is infinitely capable of managing those things he created and set in motion since he has the power to create anything he most certainly has the ability to manage and sustain all that he has made god does not need people to manage his estate for him but he has appointed us as rulers of managers with him and that means that god has always entrusted resources to our management we have a calling to stewardship of our own salvation only one decision in this life affects eternity and the possible outcomes couldn't be more cut and dry or more opposite our options the one true god and the outcome life for the idols of this world and the outcome death the choices often boil down to an economic decision moses chose life considering disgrace for the sake of christ as of greater value than the treasures of egypt the rich young ruler of mark's gospel on the other hand opted for death by refusing to follow jesus's command to sell his possessions and give to the poor mark 10 17-22 ultimately all of us who choose life are called to deny ourselves pick up our courses and follow jesus with our world as well as other aspects of our lives and our lifestyle we are called to steward our own lives and ultimately to respond in faith to god's call romans 11 29 states this monumental truth for god's gifts and his call are irrevocable when god endows you with his gift and extends his call to your life he doesn't later change his mind and we track what he has given james 1 17 says every good and perfect gift is from above coming down from the father of the heavenly light who does not change light shifting shadows praise the lord the first and foremost of his gifts to us is the gift of physical life and second the gift of eternal life through his son jesus christ he chose to give us birth through his word of truth that we might be a kind of first fruits of all he created james 1 18 says our first calling then is a calling to salvation to believe and receive jesus as savior and lord by his holy spirit god calls us to himself and gives us the greatest gift from the heavenly treasures jesus christ the son when we respond in faith he then calls us to a life of christ-centered service to others we could examine god's call to abraham directing him to leave his homeland and journey by faith to an unnamed land we can explore the fascinating experience of gideon who struggled against doubt to follow god's directives we could study the extraordinary story of esther who was called by god to literally save her people from annihilation any of these individuals could teach us so much about the stewardship of one's calling but the person from whom we learn the greatest example of calling is none other than jesus christ philippians 2 16 says who being in very nature god did not consider equality with god to be something to be grasped but made himself nothing taken the very nature of a servant and been made in human likeness and been found in appearance as a man he humbled himself and became obedient to death even the death of the cross the narrative of jesus's life stealing the call of duty to sacrificially give his life a ransom for humanity should be emulated by every christian sealed the nature of god's call in the believer's life and the importance of obedient response is crucial to our own experience of salvation and that of others the call of god is like the call of the sea or of the mountains no one hears these calls but the one with knowledge of the sea or the mountains and no one hears the call of god who has not the presence of god in their life it cannot be definitely stated what the call of god is because it is a call into comradeship with god himself for his own purposes and the test of faith is to believe that god knows what he is after the call of god my brothers and sisters only becomes clear as we obey never as we wear the circumstances the pros and cons and try to reason it out god is good looking back over the path of obedience do we realize what is the idea of god god sanctifies memory when we hear the call of god it is not for us to dispute with god and arrange to obey him if he would expound the meaning of his call to us as long as we insist on having the call expounded to us we will never obey but when we obey the call is expounded god does everything perfectly well before us there is nothing but ahead of us and over us there is god and we should learn to trust him when jesus says follow me he never says to where the consequences must be left entirely to him we come to him with our butts and supposings and babies and what will happen if we do we have nothing to do with what will happen if we obey we need to abandon to god's call in unconditional surrender and simply and smiley wash our hands of the cons consequences faith is not resignation to a power we do not know faith is commitment to one whose character we do know because because it has been revealed to us in jesus christ as we live in contact with god his order comes to us in revelation and we recognize every detail of our lives is engineered for us by our heavenly father praise the lord if we are going to live a life of faith we must rest nowhere until we see god and know him in spite of all apparent contradictions our calling to follow jesus in mark 2 13-17 the bible records the call of levi it was only a few words yet levi left the tax booth immediately mark recalls no conversation no preaching no confession of faith but the response is as abrupt as that of simon and andrew as they left their next mark 1 14-20 the cause behind the immediate following of a call by response is jesus christ himself it is jesus who calls and because it is jesus levi follows at once this encounter is a testimony to the absolute direct and unaccountable authority of jesus there is no need of any preliminaries no other consequence but obedience to the call of god because jesus is the christ he has the authority to call and to demand obedience to his word jesus summons us to follow him not as a teacher or a pattern of the good life but as a christ the son of god not a word of praise is given to the disciple for his decision to follow christ we are not expected to contemplate the disciples but only him who calls and his absolute authority there is no road to faith or discipleship no other road only obedience to the call of jesus levi began a new life in every sense of the world he simply left his own life and followed his master implicitly abandoning home work and security but moving toward a life of infinite possibilities and significance besides jesus nothing has any real significance he alone matters when we are called to follow jesus we are summoned to an exclusive attachment to his person the grace of his call breaks all bonds of legalism it is a gracious call a gracious commandment it transcends all reconciles of differences and misinterpretation between the law and the gospel christ calls the disciple follows that is grace and commandment in one i will walk about in freedom for i have sought out your precept psalm 119 verse 45 the vast grim course of discipleship is something we hear constantly emphasize however healing the call is incomparable to the cost of ignoring jesus's call to take up the cross and follow him to depart from righteousness and obedience is to choose a life of crushing burdens failures and disappointments a life caught in the toils of endless problems that are never reserved when the choice is posed in such terms what can one do but join with peter simon peter and say lord to whom shall we go you have the words of eternal life we believe and know that you are the holy one of god john 6 68 and 69 then we have a calling to count the course jesus does not offer an easy life to those who want to be his disciples luke 14 20 to 33 he questions them to consider fearfully what he is asking of them before they throw their lut in with him perhaps he is hoping to avoid the phenomenon of them becoming lukewarm christians according to revelation 3 15 and 16 as he beckons them to relinquish control of possessions and positions but perhaps he's asking us to estimate not only how many possessions we will give up the for him but also how much of ourselves we will give to him how much faith do we have how much vision how much will we give for costly grace cheap grace is preaching of the forgiveness without requiring repentance baptism without church discipline communion without confession absolution without personal contribution cheap grace my brothers and sisters is grace without discipleship grace without the cross grace without obedience to jesus christ costly grace is the treasure hidden in the field for the sake of it a man will gladly go and sell all that he has it is the pearl of great christ matthew 13 45 46 to buy which the merchant will sell all his goods it is the kingly rule of jesus christ for whose sake a man will prop out the eye which caused him to stumble it is the call of jesus at which the disciple leaves his necks and follow the christ costly grace is the gospel which must be so again and again the gift which must be asked for the door at which a man must knock such grace is costly because it caused us to follow jesus christ it is costly because it cost a man his life and it is grace because it gives a man the only true life it is costly because it condemns sin and costly grace because it justifies the sinner above all it is costly because it cost god the life of his son you were born with a price the precious blood of jesus christ and what has caused god much cannot be cheap for us above all it is grace because god did not reckon his son to jail a price to pay for our life but delivered him up for us all costly grace is the incarnation of god costly grace confronts us as a gracious call to follow jesus it comes as a word of forgiveness to the broken spirit and the contrite heart costly grace because it compels an individual to submit to the yoke of jesus christ and follow him he says my yoke is easy and my burden is light we also have a calling to be a royal priesthood a special nation when the prophet malachi spoke of christ's coming he said that jesus would purify the levites and refine them like gold and silver so that the lord would have men who would bring orphans in righteousness that would be acceptable to the lord malachi 3 2 4 inside 1 peter uh 2 9 it says until we see the realization of that prophecy jesus's followers are described as a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation a peculiar people belonging to god when the apostolic community made such descriptions of itself it appropriated for itself the status of the covenant people of god in which the messianic hope had been fulfilled far from being merely an association of people with similar interests it was the culmination of a divine plan the instrument by which god carries out his redeeming strategy to save humanity to be a priest is to be consecrated to serve god and fellow man and this is the calling of every christian steward the biblical truth more than any other should capture the interests of every christian steward and spur them to such activities that will allow them to practice faithful stewardship and an expression of their relentless service to god in the context of saving humanity the church should cease to be an institution chiefly concerned with maintaining its forms traditions doctrines and departments the life deaths and resurrection of jesus should inaugurate the promised new covenant where believers recognize their calling and matriculate themselves into a god-ordained christ-centered spirit empowered mission driven people-oriented church united in witnessing fellowship the love expressed on calvary should be revived strengthen and diffuse the more churches shall we not do all we can to give power to the principles which christ brought to this world shall we not strive to establish and give efficiency to the benevolent enterprise which are now called without a delay as you stand before the cross and see the prince of heaven dying for you can you seal your heart saying no i have nothing to give crisis believing people are to perpetuate his love this love is to draw them together around the cross it is to divest them of all salvages and bind them together to god and to one another we need to meet around the cross of calvary in self-sacrifice self-denial god will bless you as you do your best as you approach the throne of grace as you find yourself bound to this throne by the golden chain jesus christ let down from heaven to earth to draw men from the pit of sin your heart will go out in love for your brothers and sisters who are without god and without hope in this world testimonies 9 253 of 256 daily brothers and sisters human beings are called to be fruitful and faithful to bring forth good tidings from the earth to join with god in making provision for our temporal well-being and to enhance the beauty and fruitfulness of the rest of creation our call to fruitfulness and the faithfulness therefore is not contrary to be mutually complimentary with our call to stewards god's gifts this call implies a serious commitment to foster the intellectual moral spiritual and religious habits and practices needed for the building up of god's kingdom and the fortification of our souls to heaven the people of god are known in the world for the same things for which their god is known god's people should care about the same things that god cares for in the world our purpose and priorities are the same we are a people called to bear the very likeness of christ in our lives together and to reflect jesus christ to the world the question is what does it look like to to steal obedience god's call in your life is here any untapped interests in your life that you might use for god's glory why would our loving god give christians yours the ability to make meaningful choices instead of programming obedience my dear brothers and sisters we serve the true and living god he loves us with an everlasting love and he has called us into the experience of salvation but as we experience salvation we are to help our brothers and sisters to know jesus christ he stands ready to bless us the psalmist tells us that he has opened the windows of heaven and he has poured our blessings upon us this stewardship holy convocation will focus for the rest of this week on the theme connected to christ the pathway to prosperity as i close this message today i would like everyone to know that god has promised to bless his people but that blessing was will come as a result of us living connected with jesus because as 3rd john verse 2 says beloved i wish above all things that thou must prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospered there must be spiritual prosperity social prosperity material prosperity uh intellectual prosperity god wants to prosper us in every aspect of our lives i challenge you this week to open up your hearts i challenge you this week to let jesus christ in and i challenge you as you position yourself in obedience to christ be ready because on unimaginable immeasurable blessings are coming your way god bless you and let us continue to respond positively to the call of jesus just like levi just like simon just like andrew responded let us respond in obedience and i guarantee you that your life will be blessed praise the lord oh there'll be joy when the work is done let's sing [Music] there'll together joy when the work is done joy when the reapers gather home bringing the sheep to the new [Music] joy [Music] [Music] joy they'll be joy [Music] oh [Music] joy joy there'll be joy by and by joy joy never die george joy joy wherever brothers and sisters the good book says the person who gives priority to eternal things will enjoy temporal things however the person who neglects eternal things will set his or her affection on temporal things such person may gain the whole world but lose his own soul make it your first business to gain the kingdom of heaven and the righteousness of christ live for god and heaven and the eternal reward will be yours at the end of the race see you at 3 30 p.m this afternoon for oi service zero to hero the making of a hero do enjoy the rest of the sabbath let us pray father lord we thank you for this thing we thank you for the ability whereby we can worship and fellowship in your name we are grateful for the blessings that you have bestowed upon us and continue to be stood upon us especially those that we have received today during this program we ask that you strengthen us for these times that we are living in and help us to keep the faith and trust in you please help us to continue being disciples to tell others more about your word and please let this program continue being a success and reaching others that i need of your salvation to continue to beat us as we go through the rest of today's sabbat proceedings this is oprah in your name amen let's go i will enter his gaze with thanksgiving in my heart i will enter his course with praise i will thanksgiving in my heart i will enter [Music] i will rejoice [Music] he saw me believing and died [Music] [Music] in the name hi is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] this is [Music] history [Music] is jesus is always jesus is amen amen amen praise the lord praise the lord when you're standing on the solid rock only jesus could lift you up all right so let's give god all the praise [Music] [Music] my without you [Music] fire fire fire fire [Music] [Music] when you see me and i know that i am [Music] i am [Music] i am [Music] my the rest of my eyes again again [Music] again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Views: 4,057
Rating: 4.8048782 out of 5
Id: 2eBgJ-BM1FU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 194min 40sec (11680 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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