Voyagers "Ninevah" Sabbath 11th Sept 2021 "Nothing to Fear

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] good morning and happy sabbath to all the privilege is mine to welcome each of you to our live stream sabot service this morning the book of luke chapter 6 and verse 92 tells us no one who puts a hand to the blow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of god this declaration of the lord may seem harsh and extreme to some of us why take such a drastic position to someone looking back from a spiritual perspective looking back means that something or someone is occupying the first place in our hearts and consequently impedes us from developing a deeper relationship with the lord therefore hindering our path to heaven today as we delve into our program kingdom children continues to explore voyages we will go this would be followed by our adult and young adult lesson studies and our divine fits here which would be presented to us by elder lawrence hislop i do hope that today's program would help us understand that our only assurance is to keep our eyes on jesus and to encourage us to never look back let us pray our father what in heaven hallowed be thy name father we thank you for this your holy sabbath whereby we can come together to worship you we ask that you continue to guide and protect us from all harm and dangers we ask that you continue to strengthen us please continue to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness father lord we thank you for your grace and your mercy we thank you for the peace and the joy that you have given to us we ask that as we go through today's sabbath proceedings may whatever is presented here today may we be able to live it out in our daily lives these another mercies we ask in your most holy and precious name amen what time is this [Music] happy sabbath boys and girls are you ready for kingdom children preparing for eternity i sure hope you are last week our kingdom children taught us about endurance the power to last while doing something that is difficult or uncomfortable until the very end let me confess to you i was not given our travel plan so i am not so sure where we are going today but i suspect you will get clues until all is revealed our first clue is we must have entered boys and girls when we go out to be a witness to tell others about god it is not always easy but god is there with us and so we must endure until the very end do not feel discouraged or scared when the time comes for you to share god's love and grace with someone say it to yourself i will go let me hear you say to me i will go i will go and since we are all here to help each other we can all shout we will go let us say three times we will go we will go yes we will go okay so i have packed a few things i think i may need when going on a trip let's see my personal toiletries like toothpaste and a bath soap a flashlight my cellphone earphones and a battery to make sure i always have my phone ready [Music] sunscreen the sun is very hot these days water that is a must and yes my bible maybe you can share in the comment section some other items i should pack too the meantime i am going to investigate and look for clues for our trip i want you to warm up your vocal cords as you sing praises to god [Music] is [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] god cares for me [Music] where is is [Music] every day with jesus i love him more and more [Music] is than the day before every day with jesus i am walking on the king's highway [Music] as a man if you only follow me [Music] for there is no [Music] oh [Music] hr is [Music] i am a c-h-i-s-t-i-n i-i-i-s-c-h-i-s-t-n-i-h-g-a-r-t-i [Music] i'm so happy [Music] down [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] amen [Music] man wonderful singing well done now look at where i am what do you see boys and girls do you think this is another clue to where we are going today or maybe how we will go well i think we may end up taking a voyage today that's so exciting some of you have been in fishing boats the fast ferry between trinidad and tobago and even stair boats or cruise ships i wonder if i can find anyone who can chat with us about being on a sea vessel [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi everyone i'm sub lieutenant dave elliot i'm a naval officer in the trinidad and tobago cadet force i am attached to the roxborough secondary school where i am the officer in charge of all the boys and girls in the neighborhood unit there i have been an officer in the trinidad to be work at that force for the past 26 years and it has been a pleasure saving during my time there i've learned a lot of different things hiking swimming and sailing as a naval officer quite a bit of stuff that we do is in the sea but more particularly i am also a rescue diver so some of my duties require me to be under the water i love being underwater while the tea i've never yet encountered a serious storm but at many times the water is very rough but once you have a good boat and good engines you'll be very safe when i was young i always had an attraction to the military marching shooting teamwork hiking running jumping flipping and i think the military also gave you that kind of environment for that to happen so while there i was able to hone my skills on the range shooting i was able to do lots of hiking camping and it's lots of fun trust me one of the things that help you in life is learning to swim learning how to be safe around water while at the beach a lot of people don't like to venture out too far because they are afraid of deep water but as a naval officer you learn that the water could be your friend the important thing is to stay calm and be cool and relax and use the seat your benefit well folks it was nice being here with you see you again sometime have a great day [Music] bye [Music] thank you sub lieutenant dave elliott of the nevada unit of the chennai and tobago cadet course fifth gem i'm on a voyage for my king i'm on a voice hear me sing songs of prayers as i travel along i wouldn't let anything keep me dumb i'm on a voyage for my king i'm a voyager here missing on a mission for my king come on boys and girls do help me sing what does the bible say about voyages a lot actually many people went through went on voyages they did these by foot or by sea only two people took a voyage by air do you know who those persons are i'll help you out the first one went up in a fiery chariot and the second one well he didn't need no chariot or plain or hot air balloon he just went up have you figured out who they were if you said elijah you are correct if you said jesus you are absolutely correct my bible compares my christian work to a voyage voyages take us to different places at different times i am excited about being a voyager i want to go far and tell others about god's love don't you for your kids faith gem i am alyssa letting you know that i will go on a voyage for god any day happy sabbath boys and girls i just got a notification from whatsapp telling me to meet mr jonah he will be dressed in bright colored robe hauling a walking stick and wearing a head scarf he has dark curly hair and a pushy beard boys and girls aroma are you thinking this is the prophet jonah from the bible where am i what am i wearing is that the prophet jonah over there come on boys and girls let's follow him swallowed by a fish jonah was a hebrew prophet who lived in the land of israel a long time ago god used him to deliver important messages to the israelites now jonah was just like us he didn't always behave how god wanted him to during this time king jeroboam ii ruled the land of israel but he did not worship the true god in heaven one day god gave jonah a message for the king tell the king that israel will conquer its enemies and israel will become a mighty nation the thought of giving the king a message from god worried jonah what if it didn't come true the king might throw him in jail for the rest of his life or even worse kill him the next morning jonah threw on his finest robe and dashed through the busy streets to the royal palace he bowed before the king and said your majesty i have a message from god the king did not like prophets with messages from god because they usually told him things he didn't want to hear go and fight the assyrians jonah told him god will give you victory over your enemies and you'll become a powerful king king jeroboam smiled and puffed out his chest he liked the idea of becoming a great king later that week the king gathered all his horses chariots and soldiers and marched out to fight the powerful assyrians he captured the city of damascus and worn back the land that belonged to the people of israel god's message had come true and prophet jonah was relieved now god had another job planned for jonah god said to him jonah i want you to go to the city of nineveh in assyria he didn't like the sound of that idea at all no one liked the assyrians why would god send me there he thought wasn't there another prophet to go tell the ninevites that they are a wicked people god said why couldn't god just punish them for being wicked what if the ninevites repented jonah asked he knew that god was a god of both judgment and mercy jonah's thoughts and fears consumed him he came up with a silly plan you know what he decided he decided to ignore god's command and escape to a land far away so that night jonah grabbed his bag and fled to the city of joppa chopa's harbor was full of ships and jonah knew he could find one that would take him far away from nineveh at the end of the pair he spotted a ship bound for tashish boys and girls tashish was as far from nineveh as he could get do you have space for one more ask jonah the captain laughed greedily and nodded ten silver coins he shot out a fat hand and waited for jonah to count his money jonah paid for his ticket and boarded he knew god was not pleased with this plan but that didn't stop him as the ship crept across the mediterranean sea guess what happened next god sent a violent storm the boat will break into pieces and will drown cried the soldiers the captain stood in the middle of the ship his arms wrapped tightly around the mast throw some of the cargo overboard the ship will be easier to control he shouted but the boat still tossed about like a cork on waves meanwhile the captain opened the wooden latch and peered into the dark hole he couldn't believe his eyes jonah live fast asleep jonah how can you sleep yelled the captain get up and pray to your god maybe he'll feel sorry for us and save us up on the deck the sailors were ready to start pointing fingers they turned to jonah why is this storm tormenting us what are you doing here and where are you from i am a hebrew jonah answered i saved the god of heaven this horrible storm is my fault continued jonah he hung his head in shame if i had listened to god we wouldn't be in this mess what can we do to stop the storm the sailors asked jonah if you toss me into the sea the storm will disappear he said now the sailors didn't want to throw him overboard but as the seas grew rougher they grabbed jonah by the arms and legs and tossed them into the crashing waves the sea instantly became as still as glass the ship and its crew was saved god sent an enormous fish to swallow him up it opened its jaws as wide as possible sucking jonah into its enormous mouth jonah slid across its slimy pink tongue and nose dived into its dark empty belly what a scene it was steamy sticky and black as midnight jonah stood up and opened his eyes he couldn't see a single thing and he was so afraid that he fell to his knees and cried for three days and three nights jonah lived inside the enormous fish finally god told the fish to spit joan out and juno flew through the air like a spare and landed with a thump on the white sandy beach he was near enemy territory now but he couldn't care less he was now ready to obey jonah get up and go to the great city of nineveh god said and tell the people to repent jonah jumped to his feet this time and raced down to the water's edge he washed himself in the calm blue sea then he threw on his leather sandals and set off for nineveh as fast as his wobbly legs would carry him a few days later jonah arrived at the gates of nineveh he paused and stared at the thick brick walls that protected the city where do i start wondered jonah he took a deep breath he knew it was time to give the people god's message in 40 days nineveh will be overthrown shouted jonah repent and turn to god's ways much to jonah's dismay they believed god's message and wanted to stop their bad behavior and they repented when the king of nineveh heard jonah's message he leapt from his throne tore his fine ropes and put on sackcloth and made an announcement everyone must wear sackcloth pray to the god of the hebrews and give up their wicked behavior when god saw that the ninevites had given up their evil ways he decided not to punish them and the people of nineveh were relieved hi boys and girls today i'm going to tell you a story a story about jonah so jonah went on a voyage did he want to go no did he enjoy the voyage i don't really think so where did he go well stay with me i'll take you on to a voyage to north iraq in jonah's days that was a place called nineveh nineveh was the capital of assyria assyria is now north iraq and southern eastern let's find those a fact for you did you know that turkey is one of seven countries that is in two continents if you don't know what is a continent ask your mom dad or even a teacher the country of turkey is in both europe and asia isn't that awesome well never is right there in north of iraq what is north iraq like today well while while people may think of war when they think of iraq the place is also well known for its oil it's painters sculptures architects rocks carpets and handicaps while many children in iraq are trained to be soldiers some dream of having normal regular lives of finishing school and following their dreams sadly many children do not have access to clean water [Music] the dominant world in iraqis islam a small number of population is christian the people speak two official languages kurdish and arabic boys and girls there are many ways we can greet people in iraq but if you ever meet a little boy or girl saying allan will be quite fine jonah was afraid to go to nineveh because the assyrians were very warlike today people are still afraid to go to nineveh north era because of all the war but just as god expected jonah to go to teach the people about his love and forgiveness for them if the same way he wants us to reach the children of iraq to remind them that as the true god he still cares about them what can you expect to eat in modern nineveh well not krill as people believe junaid in nineveh the assyrian people eat kidney lamo or pita bread and yogurt and lots of fruits and nuts if you go on a missionary trip to mother nineveh you will eat cookie rice bread stew and yes fresh water fish where in the world is none about today like everywhere in the world is just a prayer away so say a prayer for all the boys and girls living in modern nineveh that god's love will be made known to them happy sabbath boys and girls and bye bye [Music] our bible power for today is voya a voyager is someone with a mission on a journey are you a voyager for jesus [Music] i covered [Music] when the oceans rise [Music] over the flood i will be [Music] is [Music] above [Music] i will [Music] i will be still and know you are god i will be to you guys boys and girls it is so important to obey god jonah got a second chance to do what was right but we will not always have that opportunity jonah also did not think the people of nineveh deserved god's forgiveness he passed his own judgment on them can you imagine telling the class bully that god loves him or her or sharing one of your sabbath school fortunately with a child so mean you may think they are bad it is best to leave them alone so god wants to save everyone each boy and girl and to do that they must hear about him so they can have a chance to choose to be on his side god's grace is for everyone the bible tells us in mark chapter 16 verses 15 and 16 king james vision and he said unto them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned the command god gave us is go and we have to do just that you are not too young to tell someone about his love and if you think you are too shy to talk that is very okay you can write bible texts on paper decorate it and share with friends or neighbors you may do an act of kindness at home surprise your parents by doing a chore without being told to do so i challenge you to think of the many ways you can follow god's command to go and share his gospel whatever you decide to do remember to get the permission from your parents and let them know what you wish god and heavenly father as i come before you i pray that you bless all the gods and boys and girls who are watching on so that they will be blessed from your word of god that we are singing and praying for i pray that everyone in the world who's watching on will be safe in country country they are in i pray that they will be blessed in jesus name i be amen our travels today took us on a trip by foot and by sea i did not enjoy that sea voyage so much but i indeed learned a lot from jonah's experience we cannot run away from god or from doing his work what's a trip are you exhausted as i am we really need god for these trips and remember he does not expect us to do the work all by ourselves he is ever present to guide us and to give us endurance and may we never forget that his grace is all that we need to answer the call well it seems some of my items i packed were useless for this trip i do hope i fought but next time bye-bye boys and girls [Music] good morning and happy sabbath welcome back to another cq and inverse lesson discussion we are on lesson 11 and last week's lesson would have looked at premarital sexuality but i've looked touched a little bit on shacking up and for this week's lesson we are going to look at when things go wrong in your marriage all right so before i begin my name is khalissa joseph and with me i have brother lawrence hislip and our guest for this morning is brother iki jack right and i will ask him to open us in prayer muscular and follow i think the lord for life health and strength i thank you for bringing us here today to be able to discuss a topic such as this and i hope that all knowledge can be imparted on to someone else for them to gain knowledge as well just name women amen right so you know before we go into the scripture um i just want to jump out with this first question right how have divorces and messy marriages impacting impacted the generation the current generation or the next generation's view of marriage well well the lesson said something that that struck me the lesson said divorce has come to be viewed by many as a viable solution to marital stress right and so um the generation and i don't want to target the young generation a lot of people go into marriage now whether it's young old middle aged people going to marriage having at the back of their mind if this doesn't work out they have a way out so so there are a lot of people who go into marriages within without with uh with an escape escape clause with an emergency exit right um hence you have the the this with pre-knops and all of these things so people say if this doesn't work out this is how we exit right and so it but it also affects younger people from the standpoint that i don't want to get married yes because if this is what marriage is about then i'm good i'm comfortable single factual yeah so it it it it goes both ways some people go in seeing it seeing that they have a way out and others don't want to go in going because of what they are seeing as an example from people who have gone before yeah definitely marriage marriage has well not marriage but divorce has actually become unknown as well as it may seem it has actually become unknown it's a normal thing the younger generation not picking on them i am one of them as well should be told we weren't able to to have proper ways we're looking for way more role models before us to look up to see what is what it is to be married life after the wedding yeah yeah big and i really you know what lauren's about that question right yeah have we ever heard anyone teach about life after marriage but what was in the word indeed after they were indeed have you ever been have ever heard it taught teach as a whole in the church but that's what that's what i i think the church and and and let's be let's be fair to the church i think the church has created a lot of avenues to help um they may there's still a room there's still a lot of room for improvement sure but through your that's why you have that's why the church has set aside an entire department for that so you have a family life department that speaks to the entire life of the family so you so it treats with young and singles and married and and seniors and so on and and that's why you're that's why counseling is is necessary and it's important because your counseling sessions before you get married and the consultant sessions ought not to happen or not to happen when you've already set the date very true yeah your counseling session should actually start before you have set it did so once you once you become a committed couple i think couples need to start counseling as long as you are in a committed relationship this is my this is my significant other you need to start counseling so that so that the counselor or to open your eyes to whether you should even settle it but i like i love the ending of what you just said whereas you are supposed to start counseling from the time you have been will become committed whenever you are consciously because i said it frank i don't think that that counseling before marriage is enough by itself it is not enough yeah for example i'm not sure if you like much but one of these no no yeah all right go ahead when you're doing simultaneous equations right right how long did it take you in order for you to get really good at it yeah it's it's over a period of time yeah that's what i'm saying right so that this short period of time before marriage you get into six classes it does be six and how much of the amount is to me it's not enough to make the couple aware of what is to come and are ready for what is to come now so i believe that the children are who needs to try to do more in teaching what happens after marriage okay to make also the younger generation more wanting of it and more knowledgeable and ready to face yeah what is coming after okay and especially if you didn't have a a role model in your maybe in your your personal your family yeah your mother your mommy and daddy really you know because we know you have a lot of broken homes so if you didn't have that sort of um role model within your family itself it could be a challenge so it will definitely be needed for in situations where persons don't have that wrong weather so i i could agree with that suggestion is that they constantly not to be ongoing for a period of time um after you've got married and that's that's that's good because because it's good to have follow-ups because because sometimes sometimes i'm not not knocking marriage officers but sometimes they you have the counseling they marry you off and then there is no so how things going no because you you you've told me what to look for but after i have seen what you told me to look for you you have no you haven't you're not you haven't asked me so now that you have seen it what do you think right and how is it going knowledge you think that is definitely expanding what colossal just said right to show i don't know how important this is right imagine a young man grew up in an abusive home yeah he see he's seen his father abuse his mother and so on and so on and obviously you know how things usually work he would grow up with that same mentality yeah yeah yeah right so no because he rightfully said he has no rule to look up to to see something different he would follow that you know how important it is yeah yeah where that is concerned significant there we go right so we want to go into the scripture which is matthew 19 3-11 and it says the pharisees also came unto him tempting him and saying unto him is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause and he answered and answer unto them have he not read that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female and said for this cause shall a man leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife and their twin shall be one flesh wherefore they are no more twin but one flesh what therefore god hath joined together let no man put asunder they say unto him why did moses then command to give a writing of divorcement and to put her away and he saith unto them moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives but from the beginning it was not so and i say unto you whosoever shall put away his wife except it before fornication and shall marry another committed adultery and who so marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery and his his disciples say unto him if the case of the man be so with his wife it is not good to marry and verse 11 but he said unto them all men cannot receive the saying save their to whom it is given right so this is a powerful text and you know nowadays people seem to get married sorry get divorced for the most trivial things so you know you might yeah we fall out of love with each other divorce right must suppose messy can't handle that divorce and not happy in the relationship anymore divorce so what are the biblical guns for divorce and could i you know could i get divorced because i'm not happy in the relationship let me allow the young the young the young married man to take a shot at it well truth be told it should be told there is no wrongs for divorce in the bible should be told but god gave leeway to adultery right so there is no grounds but because of the hardness of man's heart in situations such as adultery he gives he gave leeway to it so the question is that is there is there any biblical biblical grounds yeah jesus gave up jesus said that it is permitted right for sexual immorality the king james version says fornication according to the lesson the word immorality is trans translated from the greek word ponia i didn't study greek but my little little research into the language and the word adultery is translated um from another greek word i'm not even going to try to pronounce it right um so the scholars are they will be able to tell me the pronunciation so it says to me that there are there's two different definitions for the sexual immorality and the one that jesus the one that the king james was unquoted is ponier which is fornication newer versions of the bible has expanded ponier to any form of sexual immorality so pornography um child abuse homosexuality any form of sexual immorality the newer versions have expanded ponier to include um but the king james version settled on fornication um i remember listening to uh to a preacher and doing a little research into it and it he said that when jesus spoke jesus was speaking to a jewish a jewish audience okay and so the context of jesus speaking to a jewish audience was to eat jewish culture and in the jewish culture you have a period of betrothal or what you may call an engagement period and the only time that divorce was a law was allowed is during that virtual period and so he even brought the example of of mary and joseph right and hence the reason joseph had the right to to privately put away mary to privately divorce mary because mary's now carrying a child and he's not the father and they're not married right so in the jewish culture the the the sexual immorality or the the the divorce was allowed during that period after you after you got married it was not allowed and so christ said speaking to a jewish audience he says this is permitted because of you yes this is not the design the design is never divorced this is this is a load because of you yes and so if the child of god understands jesus talking here this is not any any apostle this is christ himself speaking and christ is saying from the beginning now the reality for the child of god is that everybody is seeking perfection in christ as it was in the beginning so if i'm seeking if if i'm seeking perfection in christ and i might be a little longer than long-winded because i want to take my time in it if we are seeking perfection in christ or we are returning to its original design man we talking and so we just talk about the original diet so we're talking about a healthy diet but we're talking about a healthy diet but we seem to want to leave out everything else that was from from from the beginning so jesus is saying in the beginning it wasn't so so jesus is saying when we when my father and i designed the marriage in the garden there was no grounds no nothing permissible for you to say i'm walking away from this and if we if we if we talk about the twin institutions in the garden of eden the twin institutions in the garden of eden is the sabbath and marriage i do not hear anybody saying let's stop respecting and honoring god's holy day so we want to keep the sabbath but it is okay for us the divorce so so so to answer the question the bible jesus says it is permissible but as the lesson says not because something is permitted means that it is acceptable right right and so god god permits or he has said okay for this is permitted because of you not because of me and because i not because i permitted means that i am happy with it and so and so god is is never happy in a divorce situation i want to um i agree with saying right i really do agree with you same because there's really no there shouldn't be any guns for divorce then but i think we should be a little logical and think how deep this said topic about guangzhou divorce is truly is right for example can i can i give an example sure yo if your daughter right got married and god forbid you know she came home to you one night one of her eyes swollen car open yeah someone should keep missing and there still both in half hours over the case it's because of altercation that she had with her husband right now what would your initial response to that be would you send her back home to cliff to husband and try to to repent on the situation or or would you you know whatever what would your initial response my initial responsibility yes my initial response would be to go on to go and give him what he did uh that would be my initial response all right if we've been if we've been we've been honest any father who's who sees his child being abused will want to remedy the situation and when i see when when i'm i'm talking i'm not talking from the standpoint that i sit on all of the place you clearly do this you know clearly not clearly right the question we speak indirectly to a question and if there is a biblical if there's if there's biblical grounds and if you want to go that route the bible is even it didn't even permit divorce for abuse i know that now i ask because it is it is it's very touchy yeah it is very touchy because i saying straight i would not i myself can't lay my hands on a lady right right i myself cannot do that i can't just sit there and allow someone to do that to my daughter and it would take a lot to advice to go back home and try to look at what i was doing because it is not a groundswell divorce it would take a lot no but you see it the thing has to be taken in stages so so it's not to say she comes abused and you say go back and meet you well yeah we know that we know that we know we know that we know that the thing has to be dealt with from the standpoint that you are seeking restoration and you're seeking recommitment between the two of them so so even if it means that she has to she has to stay by you for a period of time for her own safety then you do that and you walk through the situation with both of them but it's not to say that you're sending back a female into an abusive relationship and say go back and take your licks that's that i'm not sitting here promoting that but based on what based on what the bible says based on what the bible says there isn't even wrong so divorce based on based on on on on abuse yeah i mean and nothing that i that came out in lesson as well another mutable um reason is abandonment yeah so paul was speaking specifically from the point that if two unbelievers are married and one believer after a marriage decides to be converted and it's not a believer correct then the unbelieving spouse if they decide no to walk away from the marriage then you can't do anything about it right but if they decide and say that okay we could work through this that you are not divorced you know the individual yeah so that was the other um permittable reason that that came out in a lesson as well you know god permits sexual immorality as the only reason for divorce right so what does that reveal about the value that god places on marriages i'm going back to the garden of eden right um because that's that's the perfect original design and based on the lesson that we did this quarter sexuality is perfect in the sight of god even from from eden because this is this is something god created and so jesus speaking in matthew said that from the beginning it wasn't so and as i said before if we take jesus at his word speaking to a jewish audience and saying when we created and i'm and i'm and i'm just breaking it down into into local context when we created this thing called marriage it was serious business and so there wasn't any there wasn't any room for you to say i'm tired of the situation i'm walking out right and as and as we studied later on in the lesson we'll understand if okay if i'm to use jose's example yeah come to use who's here as an example people say well that that was a a unique situation with josiah right but the truth is jesus is teaching a lesson to the children of israel and he's all and he's using marriage to teach that lesson because because the union of her husband and wife is the closest humanity could get to the way god feels about us yes the oneness that god wants to experience with us and so even after gomer left and went and got children by other men god said to josiah go for your wife go for your wife and you have to you have to take care of the children of the other man as if the children are yours yeah go for your wife and so if i say if if there's anything that should that should explain to us how serious god views marriage is jesus saying from the beginning it wasn't so it wasn't so but because of you because because you so stiff naked yeah and you you you want this god says okay i'll permit it the same thing right as it meet i'm not afraid to serve as eat meat but it's the same thing that god said god says i'll allow you to eat meat oh it's not it's not the ideal thing it's not the best thing but god says i'll permit it yeah i really like that um that analogy because from getting to understand from reading the lesson you understand that your marriage is not it's bigger than between you and your sisters right it is supposed to represent to the world as you said the love that god has for us for the church and so when when divorce comes into the picture now it comes like you're defaming the character of god that's right because it's showing that you know um it is from human relations is that people get to understand god's character right so when divorce comes in now it might be hard for someone else to see or understand god or they might they might start to see god sorry now as a cheats a cheetah a liar you know all these sorts of things so when so that's why you know marriage is is so important to god because when you when you um when you when you are dishonest in your marriage or whatever it it defames the character of god it does can i can i modernize it a little bit go ahead to show important margin is the god well from before he could clearly say the only thing he gave reason to leave is adultery that alone said how important it is there are many other reasons humanly that we just find that way that's fine to leave yes but lawrence you have a business in how much effort did you put into your business enough right oddly enough it's very important yeah that is a bread that is everything right the same thing with good you know our marriage is piece of care business everything that you put into our business [Laughter] business everything that you put into our business because when our business isn't profitable as we just close you don't get getting there all right everything that we put into our business he does deal with profits with our marriage yeah it amount is all about the effort that you put in and you will really bliss and the happiness from the marriage go ahead now right the thing is where the adriatic comes in right is the same way you could i just want to use that but because you could use different ways to get around the loss of profit loss of profit happens because of multiple reasons half of them must be the owner's fault same in the marriage if they want to speak about about the one spouse that went out and committed adultery there must be a reason for that at some point sorry another day just as a business what you're putting is what you're putting is where you get out right and that's how important marriage really is no way yeah definitely you know jesus said in in matthew 19 8 that it is because of our hardness of hearts that divorce was permitted so why is the harness of her the hardness of her sorry the root of all the failed marriages and how does the principle of 70 times seven fit into this whole marriage thing well i get touched on what you put in is what you get old and when we when we look at the lesson from the standpoint of forgiveness yeah no no i want to say something that that that is that struck me the two becoming one yes that's what marriage is about when a husband or wife does wrong the the the spouse that is wronged or to see the person who committed the wrong as themselves if i see my spouse who wronged me as myself i'll forgive them well very true because because the truth is i will forgive myself no matter how many times i do stupidness yeah and so if in a marriage i see my wife as myself because we are no one i i ought not to look at my wife as she or my wife i ought to look at my wife as me or myself because i'm seeing a reflection of myself in my wife and if i do that then it is easier for me to forgive i remember i was saying that one of the things that struck me as well with this whole discussion is if a marriage fails it is the husband's fault and some i may the men out there may knock me for this but if a marriage fails you know marriage goes into divorce it is the husband's fault so when we talk about ameri marine because now i'm the innocent party if you're the husband you're not the innocent party you're guilty just as your wife if she committed adultery because when eve sinned in the garden of eden god didn't come asking eve or come looking for eve came looking for adam because it is the responsibility of the of the of the man of the of the father of the husband of the priest to keep the thing together if the thing falls apart if the country falls apart who do you go to good god yeah no the country for okay if the country falls apart who do you blame who's responsible the prime minister the leadership yeah you don't look to the people on the ground you look to the leadership very true and so if the family falls apart if the family ends the divorce you look to the man so if i see if i see my spouse as myself if i'm wronged then i'll forgive my spouse yeah yeah definitely um you know what he touched me in this part as well when the pharisees said um not his pharmacy story the disciples said if such is the case of the man with his wife it is better not to marry yeah stay away from him so if you don't if you if you're if your heart is hard if you don't have a tender heart you can't forgive yes it's better you don't um leave the people's thing alone that is literally how the generation of today is thinking that that that is literally yeah i speak to some of them on a daily basis that is how they are thinking some of these fellows don't even care about marriage yeah woman in a whole saying there's no there is nothing a man can do for me why get married literally yeah i have some of them are school workers and it go on it reads so yeah we have to try to put it back somewhere that's true so you know quickly before we we run out of time you know the lesson would have likened jesus unto a divorcee so when i saw this i was like jesus a divorcee i was like what what does this mean so how how is jesus painted as a divorcee what what what does that mean well to me [Laughter] the one thing we want to say it but he actually has all guns all all girls didn't even divorce me yeah yeah correct i speak about nobody something i speak about me he had multiple have actually multiple reasons that one that i can count to divorce me first of all he died for me everyone from the same time was a five six he'd be forgiving me for one thing i've been doing over and over and over and he's still doing it to this day he has all girls all girls so i also think i i should go extra to even see i am not supposed to be where i am today because of his mercies and he's still showing love and he's still forgiving me as i go forward trying to better myself he has organs god is a jealous god and his jealousy is good jealousy because he's done everything for us and we are the ones who we we have we have abandoned jesus so many of them we we there's a there's a we are unfaithful to god all the time we are adulterous in order in our relationship because we always run into an abusive man who is satan because satan don't like us not like us he wants to kill us but we are always leaving the arms of our lover and going into the arms of an abusive and abusive being and we keep going back going by going back and and this jesus is the classic example of what happens or how marriage is supposed to be seen no matter what no matter what you what we do yeah jesus is always there jesus is always the one coming after us trying to win us back to him and so yeah he's a divorcee because we've divorced him this is is as i said before raw word it is but that i said before with us horny yeah we literally leave jesus and our wife or supposed to develop whatever we want to put it for five minutes of pleasure that has turned to something that you wouldn't insert sweets in the group five minutes let's have five minutes four minutes about five minutes yes of pleasure yeah right and it doesn't really be worth it though let's become more in one separate right does it really be watercolor we literally live for a short period of pleasure and bliss for nothing for her they can pain as as the minority said god is that jealous god i would just feel it after for a while yeah so yeah yeah so friends um we have come to the end of our discussion multiple times dear boys yes not so much i just want to leave us with this quote from the lesson it says every marriage engagement should be carefully considered for marriage is a step taken for life both the man and the woman should carefully consider whether they can cleave to each other through the turmoil of life as long as they both shall live so you know my encouragement for us all you know is for those of us who might already be married um you know i just want this lesson was our encouragement that um we should all have a a tender heart and be willing to forgive because you know that is that is in in our marriage you will always find where one person would wrong you and um you have to be able to navigate your way through that and move past certain things you know and um for those of us who might be considering marriage then this lesson as well is a big a big um yeah this lesson is a big one to swallow that you have to be careful and you have to consider things you know i'll take your time take your time exactly and make sure that you know this that this is the right person for what who you want to tie your future with for the rest of your life because as we said there is no out divorce is permitted in certain situations but in most cases legally you might be divorced but in god's eyes you're still married to the individual so but allowance i just invite you to pray for you know marriages at this time and or those who might be considering marriage that they you know let's pray yeah father in heaven we want to thank you for the discussion that we had this morning we thank you god for for you being who you are for setting the example to us as to how we ought to live in marriage and so father we pray for for the marriages today couples we pray god that your holy spirit will rekindle and revive the fire that these that these couples had once upon a time remind them of how they love each other and oh god help them to look to you who's the source as long as each individual jurors closer to you they're going to draw closer to each other we pray especially as well for the the young people and even adult singles who are considering marriage we pray god that they will seek your guidance they will seek your faith in this because as we have re-emphasized the lesson today marriage is for keeps marriage is for life and oh god we pray that that each and every one will recognize the beauty and the bliss of it as long as you are in the center of it so give us the strength give us the knowledge and give us the humility to depend upon you completely reaper in jesus name amen [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] welcome friends and happy sabbath wherever you are joining us from around the world we're so happy that you've joined us and we trust that you will really have a wonderful sabbath day as you continue to celebrate this beautiful day with us yes here at asi media tobego so god bless you and thank you for joining us this is the adult lesson study time and we are on lesson 11 longing for more and interestingly i looked at the date and it's 11th of september which is the anniversary of 9 11. oh yes yep and so we just want to say to those of you who are still experiencing trauma from that experience that you can rest in christ know that he's got you so cast all your cares upon him because he cares for you and today is that day where you can put everything aside because it's the sabbath day and just allow god to take control so we are cruising to the end of the quarter already we just have about two more lessons to go and we trust that you have your bibles and your writing material with you so you can follow along with us and remember you can download the copy of the lesson at that's and remember you can email your questions for the current lesson to biblical treasures that sst we'd love to hear from you send us your questions right by wednesday 12 noon it's on the screen biblical treasures dot ssd at let me welcome my fellow team members in the middle we have with us pastor richard frederick who we always happy to have pastor of the northwest district pastor welcome back and it's a pleasure to be here again thank you very much excellent and on my far right elder milton eastmond hills from the canby and king of glory as their churches we are happy to have him as part of the team it's been a while welcome back hello it's a pleasure to be here as well amen well viewers join us as elder eastman praise for us before we begin let us pray heavenly father we are so thankful for this esi platform where you could bring many persons together so that we could study your word we are thankful for your word and we are thankful for the holy spirit the author of your word we ask for your guidance at this time and teach us as we sit at your footstool in jesus name amen amen amen thank you very much well this week's lesson longing for more highlights earthly models as representations of something more something grander bigger deeper yeah even more than that something heavenly the introduction refers to the queen's museum of art in new york united states which houses the world's largest architectural model of a society depicting all of the buildings in new york i'm wondering if any of the viewers have ever been there to see it if you have type it in the chat okay let us know if you've seen this um architectural model there in the queen's museum and i understand that it's an amazingly intricate and delicate and detailed miniature copy of the original right but as grand as it is it's just a copy a model a type which helps us to grasp and understand better what they are trying to teach us about the original so that's just a platform of where this lesson is taking us this week okay telling us that the copy no matter how good it is can't replace the original so let's start with first corinthians 10 1 through 11. now we won't read all of it but we encourage you to read it at home our memory text is verse 6 so we'll end that verse 6 so let's go moreover brethren i would not that you should be ignorant how that all our fathers were under the cloud and all passed through the sea and were all baptized unto them unto moses in the cloud and in the sea and it all eats the same spiritual meat and did all drink the same spiritual drink for the drunk of that spiritual rock that followed them and that rock was christ but with many of them god was not well pleased for they were overthrown in the wilderness now these things were our examples to the intent we should not lust after evil things as they also lost it well no viewers if you study this week i'm sure you have a lot of points that you brought out of this of these verses so let me start with what types are coming out and these verses and in particular what does it mean in verse two when it says that we were all baptized onto moses pastor all right so thank you natasha and let's get straight into it because this is a very exciting lesson yes that we have and you started by talking about the copy and the model so we have what the bible calls type and antitypes or symbols and figures yes that the bible talks about yeah and so we want to talk firstly about the importance of symbols in the bible right symbols are like the concrete to the abstract right there is what we know as the tangibles and the intangibles the tangibles are those things that you could see you could put your hand on while the intangibles are those things that you you do not see but you indeed experience right and god wants us to experience the intangibles the abstract that is the living out of our salvific experience but he has also given unto us the concrete or the symbols so that we could visualize the abstract we could get a better idea of what it is so there is much lessons to be learned through these symbols and we must study the symbol and there are still symbols yes there were symbols in the sanctuary service long ago actually pointing out the way of salvation basically in the ceremonial services and we know that the bible has stated that the ceremonial services are done away with but even though they have done away with they are still important because we can still learn from them and guess what we still have symbols in today's um religious experience so that's one we'll talk a little later about the examples of today or symbols today in the religious experience but we have here the type of passing through the sea and under the cloud right and they will baptize into onto moses so we have this symbolism here of baptism unto moses and and that is symbolizing baptism onto christ because even moses here is a type he is a type of christ yes he is a symbol of christ and the baptism there is this symbol of the baptism that christians experience now as well we have the symbol of the spiritual meat that spiritual meat is better understood as spiritual food and that was the manner that they ate in the wilderness and it is symbolic of jesus christ the bread of life all right we have in verse four they drunk you know from that same spiritual drink that came out of the rock yes and that is or was symbolic of jesus christ the living water yes so all that we have here so far is actually symbolic of jesus christ and i have something that i i would like to read yes can i read it as quickly it's from the seventh-day adventist bible commentary volume six page seven four um talking about the baptism in particular it says the experience of the children of israel was figurative of baptism with a cloud above them and the sea on both sides so they won't actually dip into water like we were but they passed in between you know water right and so it went on the israelites were enveloped by water when they passed through the sea and in the sense will baptize their experience may be thought of as representing cleansing from their past allegiance to sin in the darkness of egyptian bondage and a pledge of loyalty to god through his appointed representative moses and when an individual is baptized now it is represented of their cleansing from the bondage of sins and their pledging of their allegiance to jesus christ amen i think i could stop here so that we could get other comments in sister okay good so that's nice thank you so much i think that gives us a good setup but um elder eastman i'm not leaving you out here verse six which is our memory text says that no these things took place as examples for us that we might not desire evil as they did and then if you read the other verses of the 11 it had some uh some interesting experiences there talk to that for a moment in terms of what types we can pull out from their experience and learn from right so um it speaks about those things being examples so therefore they are examples for us to follow in in this whole experience of the the children of israel coming out of egypt now the the verses went on to talk about they engaged in lust after evil things they engaged in idolatry they drank and rose up to play that reminds me of fellas who just lived to go by the bar who just lifted gamble and and so on and frolic right they were fornicators they were presumptuous you know sinning you know and just sinning because they know that there's a provision to be um forgiven and they they also said hearing but not abiding so you know uh it reminds me of how some of us as christians may be at that time um sending presumptuously hearing but not abiding we know this scripture but still not abiding by it they murmured wow and these are all examples for our admission the admonition the the bible says so we have to take key that this children of israel were on a journey out of slavery from egypt which typifies slavery in sin and they were on the way to the promised land which typifies rest in christ but while they were on that journey they were going back to egypt spiritually so they were going in their minds yes so they were going back to idolatry because they learned that in egypt they didn't learn that in the wilderness they were going back to fornication they were going back to all these kinds of things that came out of the egyptian bondage selfish lines yes and we as christians when we are journeying from our sinful life to the rest in christ salvation we go back for these things and we have to make sure that you know we trust christ and we follow christ we keep on our journey to the promised land and forsake all of these egyptian or bondage or sinful things that we have come out of so i think that that's the example for us in modern times so in other words their lives uh were a type and we must strive not to be the anti-type to that to that type all right yes because those are things that we shouldn't follow yes yes and but i like the fact that um they followed moses yes they followed moses and in fallen moses they followed god yes so we too can't at least we could take that little path away from them as a good example that we can follow when our leaders are leading right we can follow them because we know that they are being led by god yes amen good so let's go over now um to liberty cause four and we just read a few verses there 32 to 34. there are a lot of texts in this arm in this particular lesson let's see if we can get to these verses and if he bring a lamb for his sin offering he shall bring it a female without blemish for city three and he shall lay his hand upon the head of the sin of rin renance slade for a sin offering in the place where they killed the burned offering verse 34 and the priest shall take of the blood of the sin of friend with his finger and put it upon the horns of the altar of blood of rinan pull out all the blood thereof at the bottom of the altar and you can read the rest of it because there's a lot more where this came from this is just um to introduce my questions you know back then there was so much rituals and sacrifices and i'm glad we don't have to do these things today but even though we don't have to do them past you would have mentioned it in your earlier response how does how does it help us better understand our rest in christ even though we don't have to do it but knowing that they were done before all right so i i like what is written in the lesson study on the monday concerning such it says a ritual is an excellent communicator of important values and information and it needs to be understood in its context it usually requires a specific time a particular location and a predetermined sequence of actions to be efficacious in order for it to achieve its intended goal or objective yes indeed when we read through the biblical injunctions in the old testament regarding sacrifice it becomes clear that god gave very specific details about what could be sacrificed and about when where and what ritual and procedure to follow and guess what he's the same god yesterday today and forever more so that's the importance and when we look at this particular sacrifice right it is typifying the forgiveness that we have in christ jesus yes and that forgiveness is seen even in the new testament promise of first john 1 and verse 9 if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us amen and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness and we see through the ritual that when the offender brought the lamb the offender would place his hand on the lamb and he would confess his sins on the head of that lamb transferring his sin from himself to the lamb and we know that the lamb is typical of jesus jesus christ yes it's a type of christ jesus and so it shows how jesus christ takes our sin and then the the the offender would have to take the knife and cut the truth of the lamb he would have to sacrifice that lamb and that is saying that he agrees that his sin is worthy of death right because the wages of sin indeed is that yes and then there is the blood that is now sprinkled on the altar and horn of the altar etc and then we we went on to talk about the fat and the fat burnt upon the um on the altar symbolizing because in the fat right any animal the fat in that animal contains the toxins most of the toxin toxins are contained in the blood and it's also contained in the fat and so when you when you drain the blood is i think you could symbolize as well the removal of the toxins right but in this case it is symbolizing the cleansing blood of jesus christ right yes but the burning now is symbolizing the cleansing of the toxins from our lab from our lives by the efficacious blood of jesus christ yes amen and they want to add anything there well um pastas covered it quite succinctly and i would just you know connect first peter chapter 1 verse 8 to 21 which goes over from the symbol that pastor was talking about to the real thing that the symbol represented when he says that we were not redeemed with corruptable things but with the precious blood for ordained and and that that was for ordained before the foundation of the world right and um you know when i think of it um slaves buy their freedom with money you know sometimes our influential or wealthy person may purchase the freedom for somebody but they use corruptable money and so on but jesus has brought us back from a life of sin and from bondage under the enemy with his precious blood so those rituals of killing the lamb and so on represented jesus who would have redeemed us with his precious blood now blood is uh gives a very detestable scent you know i have work taxi and you know it's the worst thing when somebody bring some kind of meat or other things you know and it's run out in your taxi and you know in some corners man it's so that blood that you know was extracted from the animal and that to be placed on the horn of the altar and throne and the restroom at the base of the altar i could imagine how the stench that the priest and these sinners have to face when they go to that bloody place yes so i guess that was to remind them of the detestable nature well i can't even imagine having to take out fat and sun from the lamb and the blood and you know that's a detestable kind of um so we have to know as christians in these modern days that um sin is detestable and we have to try to you know show our gratitude for what christ has done for us by trying as best as possible to submit to his will so that we don't commit sin of commission breaking god's commandment and sin of omission um neglecting to do that which we know amen amen very good thank you so much i want to run over now to hebrews 4 as we look at some other interesting things in this lesson i'll just read verses 9 through 11 but i encourage you to read all one through 11 at home okay but for the sake of time you just read 9 11. the remainder therefore a rest to the people of god 4. he that is entered into his rest he also had seeds from his own works as god did from his let us labor therefore to enter into that rest lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief good now let's look at the application of these verses and what rest here means both in a symbolic and a real sense pasta all right now this is one of the toughest passages of scripture or section of pericopy of scripture yes i say this and i'm gonna encourage the viewers at home you know to read it we don't have time yes and you you need to begin at hebrews chapter three yes verses 12 to 19 in particular because it's talking about the rest in christ right and it is showing in hebrews chapter 4 the rest in christ from creation it is also speaking about the rest in christ that the children of israel was to experience yes um brought the rest as in the giving of the sabbath and well that was from creation and then there was a re-instituting i'm using that word at this point in time because slavery had caused them to forget yes and they had failed to practice the sabbath rest of god while in slavery right yes and so god had to revitalize it for them and that's why he used the word remember but even other than the sabbath race there is also the rest as they journey to the promised land where they were to rest in christ in the promised land as well yes and and and that wasn't achieved you know but the text is actually saying that that rest this sabbath day of creation yes that rests through the promised land that god gave them even the land of canaan is actually typifying a rest that they should have in christ if it is that they had rest in christ then they could actually experience the sabbath rest and then the geographical rest or the rest by locations in christ jesus but it first must come through the text is actually stating that the rest in christ is paramount resting in christ through faith yes from works yes yes but that is now seen in a celebration through the sabbath race yes no elder eastman pastor would have mentioned that the train of israel did not enter into or experience this physical and spiritual rest that they were supposed to experience in canaan why so right so now god intended that the children of israel would have enjoyed this restless physical risk from their years of slavery and even war while they were on their way to the promised land you know joshua led them in a series of wars right and um they were also to experience these threats spiritually in christ in the land of canaan but neither moses nor any from the generation um that left egypt was able to to experience that you know joshua led the next generation into canaan but they still did not enjoy the spiritual race because of their disobedience right so the children of israel they were disobedient and as i said before they were going back spiritually to egypt all the time right and they did not trust god in giving them this rest they sought it by works not by faith they didn't rest from their works now let me use an illustration when you become chief secretary not that i have any as such aspiration but when you become chief secretary of the tobacco house of assembly you have to leave not even if you're driving a a um a ranger discovery you know actually it's calling some names or some or some a bmw or whatever you have to know go and sit in the back seat of the car that they provide for you and allow a shuffle to drive you now that would be uncomfortable for me a big driver like me you know i i know all over tobago driving working taxi different thing for all these years and you can immediately in the back seat right i mean you can't even sit on the front seat to tell the driver but look up at all you know so it means now that you have to put when you're in this executive position you know because god calls us into our executive position of salvation and like he's saying no sit down in the back seat not even in the front seat to tell me look up what all or whatever worry right yes so that is why they just navigate the course for you yes that is why they didn't enter into this rest because they didn't even just want the front seat they wanted to drive and go their own way right they didn't even want to stay on god's course but they wanted to drive yes and they wanted to go their own way and this is why many of us will not enter into the rest of um the lord god forbids if we want to do our one thing we want to go one way or some of us who are christians we might play we don't want to do all wanting our own way but like um no offense to the ladies but when they get a license and so on and they're driving with us pastor they're always telling you look that look listen to me all of a sudden now they could have been driving instructors right no offense but as christians we have to know to sit in the back seat right in some of these executive vehicles they have a partition so you can't even see the road pastor total trust in the driver and that is what that is what we have to do as christian to experience god's rest and the israelites refused to do that so i'm seeing the elder eastman faith coming out that complete fear that we need to have in god and that's why um i think it's hebrews 11 6 right that says that without fate it is impossible to please god you heard that word right yes without faith it is what it's impossible it's impossible to please god so that is such an important aspect in our christian experience yes faith faith so hebrews 4 7 is another verse we will go to and it's it's quoting here from psalm 95 8-11 it says um again he limited a certain day saying to david saying in david today after so long a time as it is said today if you will hear his boy's head and not your heart so this is from a little earlier on from where we just read now pastor this text was written yes yes years ago right how important is this text in our society no in comparison with when it was written so many years ago in biblical times it is just as important or i can probably say even more important my society that is filled with so much restlessness and and we have to analyze and evaluate and look for evidence today before we act but jesus christ is saying to us today not tomorrow not in the next few moments right i i probably should leave the next few moments since it's part of today so forgive me for that today if you hear my voice do not even don't seek to analyze place complete trust that's the same faith we're talking about yes because that trust is symbolic of your resting in christ resting in the fact that you are created by him you are liberated from sin by him you are recreated in his image as a result of your liberation from sin in him and that you will be glorified by him in his glorious um resurrection when he comes again or his translation if it is that you do not die before he um before he comes again yeah but you know as preachers we love that text huh yeah today today if you hear his boy's heart and not your heart when we are preaching we use this text because it speaks to urgency yes you know it speaks to um this spiritual emergency god calls us and whenever god calls us the call is urgent because we never know about tomorrow we only know about this moment right only god knows tomorrow so let's i want to just speak to somebody who's listening today god have been speaking to you you know what has been speaking to you for a long time now and you have been lowering the volume on god's voice in your mind and soon one day if you don't pay attention it will totally go you won't hear god's voice again so while you are hearing it today he says to you how do not your hearts come to me and experience my rest and if i'm speaking to you right now reach out to somebody even in the chat write it i want to be saved i want to be ready and somebody will reach out to you put your number in the chat and even our pastor frederick who is here with us might reach out to you but we have so many pastors here and around who will reach out to you okay because today is your day of salvation tomorrow is not promised let's go to galatians 3 26 to 29 which was brought on in thursday's lesson and i want to just read these verses for a moment and then ask um how do these verses fit into the topic because i'm sure when you read it if you want you were wondering how these verses fit into this topic of longing for more let's read it galatians 3 26-29 for he are the children of god by faith in christ jesus already we've seen a clue how it fits into the lesson because we've seen that wonderful faith word coming up there for as many of you as have been baptized into christ have put on christ there's neither jew nor greek there's neither burn nor free there's neither male nor female for we are all one in christ jesus and if he be crisis dania abraham see that is according to this promise now how does it fit in right firstly let me just look at firstly abraham when he heard the voice of god he acted today ah i love it right that is first note okay and so we become is abraham's seed because he put on christ he rested in christ he was actually saying christ you have done all the work before and you will do all the work even after right and so i can rest in your work because your works are complete i do not have to do any work you will just give me of your work and that is what salvation is christ has done all the work and he has given it all to us and then because of that the the the barriers that separate us comes down right because we see each other just as christ sees us because we are all children of god we are all children of christ and sister natasha allow me to allow me to contextualize it to today make a modern application it say neither bond nor free neither male nor female for you are all one in christ in today's context uh i know with the challenges that we have it is actually saying there isn't vax or anti-vaxx all um conspiracy theory and um and and trusted sources no you say no stop seeing each other in the videos as conspiracy theories so or anti-vaxx or or vaccinated yes stop seeing individuals like that see everyone simply as a child of god a child of christ i thought i should share that yeah all right thank you very much pastor elder let me get you a closing thought there might be somebody out there who has been longing to find rest in christ but they have been somehow constrained because they think that their sins probably are too grievous that their hearts perhaps have gone beyond the point of being changed and their case is probably truly hopeless what word of encouragement or admonition would you leave with them so the work is in our submission we can't do anything to be seen and that is why the weekly sabbath rest reminds us of the the the the rest in christ that salvation in christ that god calls us not to do any work of our own one day a week so we could understand that god does the work in our salvation are not us so our work is to submit and all of us could submit every one of us could kneel i remember in that pity i watched the 300s patterns leonidas said he has a problem with kneeling today to the persian king some of us as christians we have a problem with kneeling to the king of king and lord of lord we want jesus as a savior but we don't want him as a lord to tell us what to do so many of us pick and choose what we want to do you know in the bible so therefore the work is for us to submit and all of us can submit so i'm saying that you'll not be unreached you would not have done anything that jesus can't forgive you for once you submit to him and trust him and sit back and see the salvation of the lord amen amen thank you for that and i just want to read this little thing here from the lesson whatever challenges we face on this earth the rest that christ offers is not temporary sabbath rest foreshadows the eternal rest that jesus desires for us in heaven's promised land then and only then our hearts will be impermanent peace our rest in christ today is preliminary to the glorious day in which we will be at rest with him throughout eternity i look forward to that day and i hope that we all will be part of that number join us next time for lesson 12 the restless prophet let's close with prayer pastor heavenly father when we are resting in you we long for more we long for more for ourselves even to be forgiven of our sins and to be recreated into your image and into your likeness we long for more for our neighbors even to see them as you see them and to relate to them even as you relate to all of your creatures we long for more even for a better city a place where there isn't sin or sickness or disease or hood even your heavenly city and the earth may knew i pray indeed o lord that you will place that longing within each heart listening i pray indeed almighty father that you would intensify that longing in the hearts of those who are already yearning for more in thee and i pray indeed oh lord that you would seal that longing so that when time shall be no more we all shall be found in your eternal kingdom because we desire your righteousness and your peace this reacts in order name but jesus precious name amen amen amen amen so thank you viewers thank you allah eastman thank you pastor frederick and stay safe stay blessed stay positive stay prayerful we see you next time [Music] so um [Music] hmm [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] um [Music] hmm [Music] me [Music] [Music] so [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] no [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] anniversary and birthday greetings for sabbath september 11th 2021 happy 61st birthday to sister emery's prince she celebrated her birthday on the 9th of september birthday greetings goes out to sister thalia batis may god continue to richly bless her god's richest blessings to all our viewers who celebrated their anniversaries and or birthdays in september 2021 anniversary and birthday wishes can be sent to asi tobago at by or before 7 pm on thursdays hammond school of sda evening school presents their c-sec classes in subjects such as epom english human and social biology mathematics principles of accounts principles of business and social studies for more information you can call 639-2592 between the hours of 9 00 a.m and 12 p.m from mondays to thursdays or email harman eveningschool these classes are small they have affordable fees and they have experienced teachers all teaching will be done online the eldership of the sandy river sda church presents their week of prayer from the 18th to the 25th of september 2021 their presenter is pastor cyril horel and their theme is the third angel's message in verity exalting christ alone asi media tobago presents what women want do you know do they know this will be brought to us this afternoon at 3 30 p.m presenters are tuska francis scott shabiki vaiphias lelene moritol and charles smith our prayer hearts line continues they can be contacted at 868 774-7729 all right so feel free to call our prayer hotline at 868-774-7729 as you enjoy the upcoming week you can tune in at the following times at 6 00 pm this sunday afternoon we are heading to charlotteville join us as our very own brother alex brong sets the tone for the week ahead on tuesday at 6 pm its asi kitchen with their awesomely scrumptious and innovative meal ideas on wednesday evening at 6 pm we answer questions from god's holy word as well as join with you in petition in heaven on your behalf welcome the sabbath with us at 6 30 p.m on friday with our sundown worship next sabbath we start the wheel turning once again at 9 15 am with kingdom children do enjoy the rest of your celebrity [Music] on jesus a rock of ages so shall we abide the fair shark when love the tempest rage [Music] on the solid rock on christ the mighty rock some build on the sinking sun of life on visions of earthly treasure some build on the waves of sin and strike of fame and worldly pleasure [Music] rock on christ the mighty rock o build on the road forever sure the firm and the true [Music] salvation [Music] [Music] on the solid rock on christ the mighty rock the lord is my life then why should i fare by day and by night is presence is my salvation from sorrow and sin this blessed persuasion the spirit brings in the lord is my light my joy and my song by day and by night he leads me along the lord is my light my joy and my song by day and by night he leads me along the lord is my light though clouds may arise face stronger than sight looks up to the sky where jesus forever the lord is my light my joy and my song by day and by night he leads me along the lord is my light my joy and my soul by day and by night he leads me along the lord is my life the lord is my strength i know in his fights i'll conquer at length my weakness and mercy he caught us with poor and walking by faith he upholds me char the lord is my light my joy and my song by day and by night he leads me along the lord is my light my joy and my song by day and by night he leads me along the lord is my light my heart and in all there is in his sight no darkness at all but is my redeemer my savior and king with saints and within jesus christ as i sing the lord is my light my joy and my song by day and by night he leaves me alone the lord is my light my joy and my song by day and by night he leads me along with a song of joy and grandness even bring your no blessing [Applause] [Music] once again with friends to beat and whose loving voice has taught us of the way to jesus peace [Music] the song of [Music] [Music] we will chant our savior's glory while our thoughts we rise above [Music] with [Music] [Music] for redemption [Music] [Music] [Music] the [Applause] amen our preacher today is no stranger to many of us we see and hear him on the inverse lesson study panel right here at esi media and when he ministers to us in song we are blessed elder lawrence islam grew up in mason hall tobago he is a lay evangelist and elder at the betel esther church and the passionate leader of the tobago pathfinder marching band he is married and the father of two young adult children elder hislop loves the lord and today he has a message to share with us i invite you to prepare your heart to receive a blessing as he brings the word to us today let's pray father lord we come before you giving you praise and thanks for yet another sovereignty we ask that as we delve into the study of your word may you open our hearts and minds and give us the understanding to accept what the message has for us today please be with brother hislop in a special way please touch the hearts and lives of many that are out there searching for you we ask that you continue to be with us as your message is being brought forward may you give us the directive that we need to go forward in this life these another mercies we ask in your name amen [Music] his heart was broken mine was mended [Music] he became sin now i am clean [Music] the cross he carried by my murders the nails that held him setting me free [Music] could it is be that he would die god's son would die [Music] he gave his life for [Music] his scars of suffering brought me healing he shed his blood to fill my soul [Music] his crown-a-thons made me reality his sorrow gave me joy and his life for mine his life for mine how could it ever be that he would die but son would die to save our rich [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] that he will die but someone would die [Music] me [Music] he gave his eyes [Music] i am thine oh lord i have heard of thy voice and it told thy love to me but i long to rise in the arms of faith and be closer drawn to thee [Music] a blessed lord to the cross with [Music] blessed lord to thy precious consecrates me now to thy service lord by the power of grace [Music] and my will [Music] near a blessed lord [Music] a blessed lord to thy precious [Music] [Music] spare [Music] friend [Music] lord to the cross [Music] [Applause] [Music] near a blessed lord to thy precious [Music] [Music] happy sabbath sins of god it is indeed a privilege for me to be here with us this morning to share what the lord has laid on my heart for all of us we want to speak under the topic nothing to fear nothing to fear we want to look at second timothy or our text of consideration this morning is second timothy chapter one and verse seven and it says for god hath not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of his sound mind nothing to fear i invite you to to bow your heads with me as we ask god to talk to us this morning father in heaven we give you the praise we give you the honor we give you the glory we are truly thankful for this privilege that we can be here one more time proclaiming the good news of salvation we pray god that as we go into your word that you will speak through me this morning forgive me of my sins for i am a sinner cleanse me of god and may your word come to us in clear tones in jesus name we pray amen nothing to fear beloved fear the reality many of us face on a daily basis our affairs take many different shapes and sizes as our faces differ so do our affairs fear is an emotional reaction to something that seems dangerous we fear things or situation that make us feel unsafe or unsure but what do we fear you know google listed humans top 10 fears and i'm not going to to to call the scientific names of the fear because some of them will will turn my tongue upside down but just understand that all of them end with the word phobia and so we got the fear of snakes we got the fear of spiders and they say that it affects this fear well i could call this one this is arachnophobia the fear of spiders affects women more than men i wonder why you got number two the fear of snakes number three the fear of heights number four the fear of situations in which escape is difficult some people those kind of persons don't like crowds they don't like places where if something happens they are unable to get away we got the fear of dogs the fear of thunder and lightning the fear of injections the fear of social situations that's number eight some persons just have a challenge being in a social gathering where there are a lot of people this one is very popular the fear of flying that's number nine and you know if you really consider an aircraft going into into into the air i could understand persons who have a fear of flying and number 10 is the fear of germs or dirt the truth is millions of people on this globe suffer from at least one of these and kovy 19 has revealed to us that there are a lot of people suffering from number seven the fear of injections but today i'm not here in the role of a psychologist to speak to the previously mentioned fears or anxieties that some of us may be facing but the spirit of the living god beloved has sent me by to reassure you that whether it be medical or spiritual affairs that you are facing there's nothing to fear you know truth be told the world is in panic the world leaders all of them may be putting on a brave face with regards to all the challenge they're facing from pandemic to economic downturn to natural disasters on every hand to social unrest you know i remember looking at cnn this week and and they're saying that president biden is the first president in the history of the united states to have to deal with so much issues at one time i got news for him there's more coming because beloved we are in a time we are in a time in this world where the trouble is just going to keep rolling on top of each other so he has coffee 19 issues to deal with he has an economic slowdown in the united states to the job numbers to deal with and on top of that the storms are knocking america as if she's arab doll you know some may seem some of these leaders may seem to have a handle on the issues but i want to tell you this morning they are on short and in some cases some of our world leaders are downright guessing they're reactionary because they've never seen kovit before they've never seen all of these situations before and the struggle that they are facing is that they don't have something that happened to deal something that happened before to teach them how to deal with it so a lot of them are reacting to the issues that they're facing they are doing what is called crisis management and because of this citizens of these countries even right here in trinidad and tobago are fearful and the fear has even crept into the church fear fear is gripping the hearts and minds of men folks are fearful because of what they see as uncertain times on certain times that we are living in and i'm sure there's somebody this morning listening this sermon who is fearful of a situation that they're either in or fearful of a situation that may come about it is no longer job security but job insecurity because people are fearful that at any time we can have a surge in cases and we have another lockdown and then we're on the breadline again we no longer trust medicine we no longer trust leaders and for some of us we no longer trust god we are living in constant fear of the next day i want to submit to us this morning that we are at a turning point or we may be even we may even be at a junction and if we turn to the book of matthew matthew chapter 24 verses 6 to 8 this is jesus speaking and jesus says he shall hear of wars and rumors of wars see that he be not troubled for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet verse verse 7 says for nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there shall be famines and pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places all these are the beginning of sorrows mercy lord if what we are seeing today around the world is just the beginning of sorrows what is to come beloved what is really to come upon us i believe jesus is speaking to this time now more than any other time in its history wars and rumors of wars famines pestilences earthquakes in various places but jesus says beloved something he says something sobering in verse 8 because he says all these are the beginning of sorrows it says to me that something more significant is coming upon the world turning point this time in earth's history beloved is our turning point because there's worse to come what paul says to timothy and to the child of god today by extension he says god god has not given us a spirit affair so in spite of what we may be going through today in spite of what we may be thinking is coming upon us paul says to timothy listen don't be fearful man god hasn't given you this morning who's listening to this broadcast god has not given you a spirit affair no matter the challenge no matter the issue that you are going through child of god you are not given a spiritual fear if you call yourself a follower of christ you are not about fear a child of god has to be a bold individual the child of god has to be a confident individual because the child of god understands who's at his back who's at his side and who's in front of him in context paul is writing while he is a prisoner in rome and he's he's exhorting timothy to suffer for the gospel even though paul was abandoned by several people he's in prison and he's almost at the end of his life paul beloved is satisfied that what he has done as a preacher he's satisfied with it and he now appeals for perseverance in the gospel in spite of sorrows who talk to to to each and every individual the work of the gospel is not only for the preachers the work of the gospel is for every single individual who calls him or herself a child of god and so paul is inviting us as he writes to timothy he's inviting us to remain in the fight of that was not the time to be giving up that was not the time to be running away in fear beloved because trust me it's coming and we got to prepare for what is coming now you can't wait we can't wait until the trouble hits us because jesus says what we face is now is just the beginning of sorrows what we face sit down with just the smoke might might be less than the smoke because there's more to come i want to say to us this morning that fear is not in the dna of the christian because god never gave it to us so if we have it we got it somewhere else and if the child of god is fearful then fear comes from the enemy the truth truth beloved is that we have spent enough time this morning enough time we spent this morning on something god didn't give us so i want us to focus on what he did give us i want to re-emphasize that paul is reminding timothy what he should be about what his life should really be committed to the first thing paul says god gave us was power somebody ought to see him the first thing paul says god gave us his power and to put it another way god has given us authority in mark 1 and verse 22 the people saw jesus the people heard jesus and they questioned what authority mark 1 and verse 3 22 says and they were astonished at his doctrine for he taught them as one who had authority not as describes listen jesus stood up beloved stood up to teach in the synagogue and when he stood up to teach the people were astonished in other words the people were shocked the people couldn't believe what was coming out of his mouth because he taught them as one who had authority that's the gospel it gives you authority beloved god has made us authoritative and not authoritarian oh no in other words the gospel is not autocratic or dictatorial or tyrannical but it is reliable dependable trustworthy good sound authentic that's the gospel of jesus christ beloved and that is what god has given us when we stand and i'm talking to everybody this morning not the preachers only when we stand to talk about jesus when we live jesus beloved we got to live jesus with that jesus is dependable that jesus is trustworthy that jesus is good that he is sound that is authentic that's how the christian ought to live that's power that's what god has given us god has given us authority when we live in power when we live in authority beloved it shows a christianity you know we call mumsy palsy individual fear cripples you know man and so the child of god cannot be crippled the child of god cannot be weak the child of god can't be no mumsy palsy flimsy individual child of god gotta stand with his head held high his shoulders back and he proclaims jesus in how he walks how he talks how he lives man that's the power that god has given us not to be fearful or timid you know for those who know i have dogs i have a couple dogs i got some neighbors my dogs are what you call classy dogs i got some german shepherds and and my neighbors has some some what we call local terriers and i marvel because on mornings when i when i'm seen above my dogs one of the the shepherds are close to the fence to the fence line you should be there hanging out and and and the neighbor has about four or five of the local terriers and these guys will come up to the german shepherd and they'll be they'll be rushing the german shepherd now one alone ain't coming you because when you when you match the size of of one on one that's a that's a that's a lost battle so one is coming but when those local terriers come together and they come in a multitude at the german shepherd man they are forced to be reckoned with and i gotta tell somebody this morning we gotta start to act like some local terriers man you got you got buckets behind you you're not going into any battle you're not going into this battle the the this this this serious time that's ahead we're not going into this alone beloved the child of god got the angelic horse plus the trinity backing him so what more power do we need what more authority do we need the child of god ought to not be fearful or timid man we've got good backing the child of god has to be bold and confident in what he's carrying but i want to say something to us this morning that even with our boldness and confidence we should be bald in love because the second thing paul talks about is that god has given us love love the gospels authority the gospel's power hinges on this fallate word you can have all the authority in the world you can have all the power in the world if you have not love the wisdom sounding breath tinkling symbol you can stand and preach with the confidence that what you're saying is truth but if you've got no love with that brother and sister then that is a wisdom that is of non-effect because look at the text we know the text popular text for god so love the world man god so loved without this love there can be no authority without this love the gospel can't be trustworthy or good or authentic and that's what we got to understand we cannot stand from a position of power of authority without love that becomes authoritarian that's what that is god is not a big stick god you see because the gospel speaks to the heart of the man not a gospel that judges and condemns but one that loves perfectly embraces the sin about not the sin sees the sinner all sinners in spite of the sin beloved this is the gospel perfect love casteth out all fear and so there's nothing to fear when we when we are in jesus beloved nothing all of this beloved all of this authority and love is done under the umbrella of a sound mind see we won't be able to fulfill the other two if we are not in a sound mind if god is not with us if we don't allow god to take control of us there is no law and we have no authority and we gotta embrace it beloved we're gonna embrace these three things this is what paul is saying to timothy that god gave to us not a spirit of fear but of power of love and of a sound mind you see he goes on to share with timothy don't be ashamed of the testimony of the lord that's verse 9 of ii timothy 1 he says don't be ashamed beloved who had saved us and called us with a holy calling not according to our works but according to his own purpose and grace which was given us in christ jesus before the world began so it is not what we are and what we are called to embrace is not because we've done anything beloved but this is all god this is all god paul is saying don't be embarrassed of what our lord has done for us have no fear beloved but boasts about what god has done for you and i'm not talking about material things you wanna you you see what's happening in the world doesn't matter right now material things don't matter because the virus is taking rich poor in between everybody is on the same playing field where this virus is concerned so we're not talking about hogs and land and car and all your accomplishments all your degrees that's not what we are to boast about bossed about him saving us and calling us to a holy calling man come on somebody and he did this because we didn't do anything man this was done before time began just because of his own grace and his own purpose you see he did this before time began so no man can have claimed it because trust me if salvation was conjured up after man was created then man would have an argument that i have done something together but if you were not in existence before it was done you have no claim to it beloved and so that's what you got you got to boast about the the magnificence of god you got to boast about the fact that while we were in sin christ died for us we got to boast about the fact that that he loved us so much that he sent his own begotten son that whosoever he didn't did he didn't differentiate there's no partiality with god god says whoever believes in me shall not parry but have everlasting life this beloved is the boss the child of god should have nothing to fear in this life or the next because you've got this boost the devil can't never may touch you and when i say he can't touch you he can't touch your spirit because you're in jesus he may be able to touch your body you may get sick you may get weak you may die beloved but listen man god is coming for you and if you are if you can boast that he has given you power and love and a sound mind when he comes the second time the devil could say what you want he's yours and yours alone jesus is yours man there's nothing in this life to be fearful of not covet 19 not vaccines not heights not snakes not flying not spiders not even death itself nothing beloved as a child of god you ought to be able to stand as i said with your shoulders back and your head lifted high i am a child of god sales job man you can you can do what you want with me i am not turning my back on jesus come on it's time beloved to get up with power it's time to get up with authority it's time to get up with love there's nothing even if this is the beginning of soros man there is nothing for the christian to fear now is the time for us to get up with power get up with authority man it's time to get up with love love for people love that sees the need before it happens love that loves me as i am that's the kind of love don't try to change me before you love me love me in my mess and when you love me in my mess the love will change me too often times we want to fix people before we love them love me man that's how jesus loves me jesus loves me in my mess you you we know about the the story of the prodigal son the father didn't wash him before he hugged him you know the boy was still smelling of pigs the boy was still smelling off his sin and the father still took off his roadman and covered up the boy covered up listen man cover up the smell that's love that's the kind of love that we ought to have for people man love that loves me as i am it is time to get get up with a sound mind and boss about jesus man get up from our sleeping places and boast about jesus the powers of this world will do what they have to do but what are we as children of god doing too many of us are our pope watching too many of us are sunday lord watching too many of us are like these watching we know everything that's happening in the prophecies but there is no power in us there is no loving us there is no sound mind in us because our focus is messed up man fix your eyes on jesus the united states will do what it has to do you know the government will do what it has to do everybody is running about mandates scared about mandates listen the government will do what it has to do what are we doing are we covering in fear recovering fear of vaccine mandates are we covering in fear of people movements are we covering in fear of the lamb like these movements because trust me if you know all of this and your faith is still not grounded in jesus sadly we'll all be lost you and we'll be lost with the knowledge that we have mercy are we so fixated on timelines and calendars that we have lost the zeal to boast about jesus are we bogged down with life that we can't boast of him and his saving power i'm closing up you know i'm not much more to say because the bible is clear we know all these things and trust me the people who don't know all of these prophetic things can still be saved and that's the beauty about jesus because he doesn't require you to know who's the lamb like this doesn't require you to know the 2300 day prophecy that's not the requirement the only requirement for salvation is belief and it's not a head belief it's an active belief i believe in jesus if i believe in jesus and jesus says to me a's a and b is b i believe in jesus so i accept that a is a and b is b because i believe it is an active belief and so knowledge of all of these things as good as they are without jesus it's just knowledge are we looking for things so much that was missing jesus we're so focused you know i shared with some i shared with some folks recently that the children of israel were so caught up in their forms and function were so caught up in their duty duty of going to the temple morning and evening and giving sacrifice that when the sacrifice himself came they didn't see him we are so are we so locked in to our ritual are we so locked in to our duty and to our form and function that we miss jesus that's a question we all even myself that's a question i have to ask myself is the messiah coming and i'm missing him is the messiah here and i'm missing him beloved paul says is because of god's own purpose and his own grace that we are saved no fear here the child of god's sign every day should be this is a no fear zone it's a no fear zone this is a zone full of power this is a zone full of love and this is a zone with a sound mind beloved the world is in panic mode but the child of god has power love and a sound mind the world is fearful but the child of god has power love and a sound mind it it just might be the beginning of sorrows but the child of god has power love and a sound mind make these words mean something to you going forward beloved stop being fearful because god has given you authority he has given you love and he has given you a sound mind no matter what you go through for the gospel paul says be not ashamed for i know whom i have believed yeah and i'm persuaded that he is able to keep what i have committed to him until that day i invite you this morning to have no fear child of god there's nothing to fear whatever you're concerned whatever your challenge god has given you authority over it god has given you love in that situation and god has given you a sound mind to deal with whatever is to come my prayer for all of us today is at the end of this at the end of this age that we live in all of us can say lo this is my god i have waited for him and he will save me i want to pray for somebody this morning i want you to to give your heart to jesus this morning to give your situation to jesus this morning to give your problem to jesus this morning because he has he has it he's done it he's walked it he's lived it he's died yet come on no fear nothing to fear this morning i'm going to invite you to boy once we pray just say just say to jesus this morning father i give you all father i surrender my all to you that's all he wants you but he's going to come in to your heart today just bow your head wherever you are even if you're unable to bow your heads just lift your heart lift your mind to heaven and trust that jesus is going to see you let's pray father in heaven we give you the praise we give you the honor we give you the glory you've done this for us and you've done this for us because you love us unconditionally matter or condition no matter our state god your love is the one thing that is constant and so we thank you this morning for your word that came that you've not given us a spirit of fear but of of power of love and of a sound mind we pray god for every listener every viewer today whatever the situation whatever the challenge god we lay it at your feet father take control do what you have to do in the lives of these individuals even in the life of the preacher strengthen us oh god empower us oh god to come after you and to be right there when you come give us give us the power give us the strength we need in jesus name we pray amen god bless you may the peace of god remain with you now and foreign amen righteousness peace joy in the holy ghost righteousness peace and joy and the holy ghost that's the kingdom of god righteousness peace joy and the holy ghost righteousness peace and joy and the holy ghost that's the kingdom of god don't you want to be a part of the panda don't you want to be a part of the kingdom don't you want to be a part of the kingdom come on come on everybody don't you wanna be a part of the kingdom don't you wanna be a part of a kingdom don't you wanna be a part of the kingdom come on come on everybody righteousness peace joy and the holy ghost righteousness peace and joy and the holy ghost that's the kingdom of god righteousness peace joy in the holy ghost righteousness peace and joy and the holy ghost that's the kingdom of god don't you wanna be a part of the kingdom don't you wanna be a part of the kingdom don't you wanna be a part of the kingdom come on come on everybody don't you wanna be a part of the kingdom don't you wanna be a part of the kingdom don't you wanna be a part of the kingdom come on come on everybody don't you wanna be a part of the kingdom don't you wanna be a part of the kingdom don't you wanna be a part of the kingdom come on come on everybody don't you wanna be a past don't you wanna be a part don't you wanna be a part come on come on everybody [Music] brothers and sisters today we were blessed with a word nothing to fear and with god in our hearts and our minds we really have nothing to be afraid about this morning we were cautioned against looking back as it prevents us from renewing our lives since we won't be giving the holy spirit the opportunity to remove all the impurities from our hearts as we head into this new week let us turn our eyes upon jesus and keep our focus on him thank you for being a part of our virtual congregation today we are indeed grateful for your view we hope that everyone stays safe adheres to the corvid 19 protocols as we all continue to put our trust in god to keep our families safe see you at 3 30 p.m this afternoon for our ay service to enjoy the rest of the sabbathy let's pray our father what in heaven hallowed be thy name father we thank you for your eternal sabbath day whereby we can come together to fellowship with you we ask that you will help us in whatever we may be facing please bring clarity to the information that we would have received today may be knowledgeable for all of us father lord please continue to strengthen us help us as we go through our christian journey help us during this pandemic phase that we are living in we are faced with trials and temptations and we ask that you give us the fate and the courage to be strong to deal with whatever comes our way please be with us as we go through the rest of your sabbath day this is oprah in your name amen [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Views: 2,783
Rating: 4.5789475 out of 5
Id: JccPNTI1v8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 193min 35sec (11615 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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