Pathfindering in a Pandemic

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] so [Music] so a pleasant good afternoon to each and every one of you and welcome to asi this afternoon with our topic path findering in the pandemic my name is joanisa nust and i am alex antoine and we have a lot in store for you this afternoon including a panel discussion yes but before we go any further let's all bow our heads for prayer dear god as we come to empire this time we ask your blessings upon us their father lord as we enjoyed this afternoon's proceeding reacts that we're able to learn a lot lord when it comes to pathfindering and the pandemic lord pathfinder and through the pandemic and knowing how to be as we proceed lord as we know we're coming to the end of it lord we want to know how to do it effectively as part finders in our society be with us lord now and forever more in your name we pray amen [Music] so introducing the panel hi good afternoon and welcome back to our global part final day celebrations now before we go any further we want to have just a little interactive session with you our audience all day and so for you we have created a little kahoot that encapsulates the spirit of pathfindering so we want you to get on your phones get on your laptops and we're gonna play a look at who just a few questions to see how much you remember about part findering so if you're in part finders you're left five years ago you probably fell off in the pandemic don't it doesn't matter it's there for you to play so join in the uh you go to and the game pin is 5634782 all right so you go ahead we'll give you some time to come on in and we'll begin all right so that game pin again is five six three four seven four eight two five six three seven four eight two all right go ahead get your phone get your laptop and come on in all right i'm waiting for it to build we're waiting for it to build so as persons come in go ahead go to and type in your pin all right we have someone we have amanda all right come on come on in as we begin all right that game pin again is five six three seven four eight two five six three seven four eight two all right we have jonesia all right to give it k we have green hornet we have kbj all right we have hola we have cherise all right nice so we have a few more persons coming in we'll give it just a few more minutes few seconds and then we'll begin all right so get you remember get your thinking caps on get those thinking caps on how much do you remember about pathfindering all right we have ixin we have jp all right we have some more coming in nice nice all right so just give it a few more seconds and then we will begin all right we have toya nice jay from key nice all right you just give it a few more we have arden coming in good good good right we have loyander nice all right we give a 10 second countdown and we will begin so we go in 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 two one let's begin all right so go ahead and start up for us all right we didn't get in so close all right let's go so let's see how much you know all right question one coming up all right the pathfinder pledge begins with these words is it by the mercy of god by the power of god by the grace of god or i solemnly pledge which of these is it all right and we see the answers coming in hot and heavy all right and the time is up all right and the answer is by the grace of god and we know it goes by the grace of god i will be pure kind and true i will keep the path find the law i'll be a servant of god and a friend to man all right let's go to the next question all right this one is a true and false the general age of the friends class is 10 is that true yes or is it false no who knows well we see the answers coming in all right the answer there is nine seconds and counting down let's see let's see let's see all right four three two one the answer is true all right the general age of the friends class is 10 and we have two persons that didn't get it all right let's continue let's see the leaderboards as we go along all right we have j from k leading right now but let's see that person can hold on to the top spot all right to the next question let's see this book is read by many part finders and expands on the part finder law and pledge is it the part of truth is it the happy part is it the part of hope or is it messages for young people all right let's see let's see we have answers coming in and the time is counting down we're going and the answer is the happy part all right let's move it along let's see who's on top all right jfmk hitting that top spot still all right let's move on to the next question the third part find the low state to is it to care for your body to be courteous and obedient to go on god's errands or to do your honest part think about that law in your head recite it quickly and put your answer down all right time four three two one all right it's to care for your body all right nice we have ooh jay gundam and somebody has risen to the top all right do you have another one for us coming up the pathfinder song ends with the following lyrics jesus says savior is coming back with a crown for you and me is that true or is that false all right be careful read it carefully all right jesus is coming oh jesus king jesus says he's coming back with a crown and everybody says false there is no crown in that lyric all right so we have somebody keeping the top mark still nice let's continue let's see all right we're on question six the part the fourth part find the class is it voyager is it ranger is it companion or is it guide all right think think back if you have to let's see the answers are coming in fast all right all right let's see two one all right nice and the answer is ranger alright we have 11 persons getting that right and somebody holds on to their top spot all right let's move on to question seven the pathfinder song was written by the following person is it marjorie padmore is it henry burch is it patrick castaney or is it ellen white think about it can you remember who it is all right we have the answers coming in rapidly and the time counts down and the answer is henry budge nice all right and somebody continues on the top spot good so let's move on to question eight the pathfinder triangle is inverted because of this is it because of a design perspective does it encompass the three dimensions spiritual physical social is it that we are is because we have to put the needs of others before ourselves or is it representing home school and church which of these all right most persons thought of it of of it because of the three but in the inversion it's because we are to put others first and to do what is against the world so that is the reason why the triangle is inverted all right the blue and the sword represents purity is that true or is that false all right the blue represents purity all right we have six seconds counting down get those answers in two one all right the answer is four so we have our good split there the blue represents loyalty all right white in the shield represents purity all right and somebody keeps the top spot all right psalms 46 i'll come and take that part finder learn begin with this these words is it god is my light and my salvation god is my refuge and strength god is my shield and my sword or god is my shelter and my comfort which of these the psalm 46 begin with and we see the majority that's got it right god is my refuge and strength a very present help in trouble all right let's move on to the next question all right question 11. this was the previous name of the master guide program some of you i'll go way back when to think about this one is it master comrade master orienta master ranger or master mountaineer all right you can't go to google not enough time so think about it all right and 16 persons got this one correct it is master comrade that was the official name before master guide was adopted and somebody stays on top we have adam grimshaw and toyah all right you have to put these in order you just drag them in put these in order is it guide first voyager friend companion which is it put these classes in order you are you should just drag them up into the different spots and you get true all right is it friend is it voyager which is first which is second which is third which is fourth all right so let's see let's see let's see let's see which are in the correct positions all right the answers are coming in all right we have the answers friend companion voyager and then guide all right let's move on to the next question let's see right somebody stays on the top and amanda comes up then we have green hornet all right let's move ahead all right on to question 13. this was the predecessor of the pathfinder club was it the boy scouts was it cadets was it missionary volunteer or yisc youth in service for christ which of these were the pre was the predecessor to the part finder club think about your answers and the time counts down nine seven six five four three two one all right and the answer is mv missionary volunteer and the majority of you got that right so you know what you know all right and we have somebody sticking on top followed by amanda pathfindering was started in this year if you have been paying attention for the whole day you should get this one right it's on the logo we've seen it we know it all right so the answers are coming in coming in hot and heavy all right let's see let's see let's see and the time is up it was 1950 all right making this 71 years and somebody's holding on to the spot tight all right let's see question 15. which of these is not an advanced pathfinder class is it frontier guide wilderness ranger frontier voyager or wilderness companion which of these is not a advanced pathfinder class all right so think think think all right and the answers are coming in and it's willingness companion it's actually trail companion that's the advance all right we move ahead is somebody somebody hot on the trail all right that somebody knows their stuff man on to the next question all right question 16. this is a little church history this person will get was given similar visions to ellen white prior to his was it john harvey kellogg was it william miller was it william foy or was it james white right and our answers are coming in our answers are coming in all right it was william foy and there's another guy but we'll probably talk about him at another time and somebody is holding on to their top spot i wish i knew who that somebody was all right and we continue with the next question question 17 the great disappointment took place on this day was it october 18 1844 was it october 22nd 1844 was it october 22nd 1944 or was it october 22nd 2012. put your answers in and we see the answers coming in and the answer is october 22nd 1844. let's move ahead if somebody's still on top and they're holding that position all right this person was known for his translation of the bible into english is it john gutenberg is it john husk is it martin luther or john wickliffe which of these guys were responsible is known for his translation of the bible into english and our time is counting down and the answer is john wickliffe all right we move ahead let's see is somebody holding on yes they are amanda right behind all right approximately how many honors are they is it over 1 000 over 6 000 over over 600 over 400 or over 700 think about it perhaps you may not know but give it a guess all right nice and the answer is over 400 all right let's see somebody continues to hold it up all right i wish i knew who that somebody was all right yeah i wish i could change your name and tell us all right probably put it in the uh in the chat who that someone is all right next question question 20 this honor is the which is it is it the hiking honor is it the orienteering honor is it the matching and drilling honor or is it the track and trail or not think about it you have probably gotten this one you should know this one this one is easy all right and our time is up and it's the marching and drilling honor nice somebody who's on to the top spot followed by amanda then j from key coming up behind good let's see we on question one four more to go the picture below shows the steps to tie which knot is it the ball line is it the reef nut is it the hangman or is it the figure of it which of these nuts does this diagram show all right i've been coming in hot and heavy and the answer is the bull line all right that's not used for saving people and we have somebody amanda j from key holding on to our top spots all right let's move on to the next set of questions right question 22 true or false the sheep shank is used for shortening rope is it true is it false you decide the sheep shank is used for shortening rope all right and our answers or time counts down and that is true all right coming quickly to an end two more to go all right this letter in summer 4 is the other thing hard for this one is it b is it r is it j or is it k all right this one requires some taut and ah let's see if you can get it right which letter in summer 4 is this do you remember all right the majority got it right but it's kinda even this letter is r all right and the same persons hold on to their top spots alright question 24 is this known as a tp fire is it true or is it false you decide is this a tp fire all right and our time counts down we have one second and that's false all right that's a log cabin fire all right so we have somebody still holding on to the top spot j from k coming up to second and amanda and our last question this honor is the is it the jewish history honor is it the sanctuary honor is it the old testament studies honor or the holy spirit studies anna we should know this by heart so let's put those answers in and our time comes down so make sure you have your answer in and it is the sanctuary honor all right so let's see who our top spots are we know i wish i knew the name we have in third place amanda in second place jfmk and in first place somebody who we don't know could somebody tell me who somebody is all right so thank you for participating this evening i hope that you have learned something and continue to keep the spirit of pathfindering alive thank you [Music] the spirit of god is glowing cold and [Music] i am i'll take my stand i choose to live my days on earth [Music] of god i answer the goal [Music] i understand that no man or his own [Music] [Music] a man [Music] i am [Music] oh foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Music] a man oh [Music] grace of god i answer the call [Music] i answer the calls [Music] [Music] good afternoon again welcome this afternoon to our panel discussion all right so again my name is alex antwine and i'm going to start from my far left over there we have ainsley waldron good afternoon ainsley good afternoon everybody all right then we're going to move over to miss michelle beckles how are you i'm fine thanks alex are you i'm quite fine and remote we have onnessa mitchell good afternoon vanessa all right wonderful and these will be the members of our panel discussion today [Music] we have been called to follow christ we are to preach we have to teach we have to fight [Music] i will go [Music] i will go [Music] [Music] [Music] i will go away [Music] i will go i will go so people think that pathfindering is just about camping what is it all about pathfindering is about camping but it is not all about camping there are multiple aspects of pathfinding ranging from the spiritual from the physical from the social from the mental all areas of development we have pathfinder and catering for what is me yes so uh for me pathfinder and one of the main things about pathfindering is helping them to deliver a love for god so that's the first thing for me with pathfindering and in addition to developing love for god we tend to develop leaders as well and as sister michelle mentioned all the things that go with pathfindering hiking social events and as we learnt in the cahoots about service that's an important aspect of part training as well service interesting interesting and my question for a remote guest you go ahead and share as well what is part fourier all about for you it's a holistic experience it as i mentioned before is it's spiritual it's social it's um mental and i would even say emotional because you you expose so much other persons and it really it's a development program it's spiritual because it helps you connect with god connect with the church um it also helps you understand life pathfinder is a holistic experience interesting interesting i must say that i'm quite i don't feel as comfortable around persons of your stature you recognize i only have about seven honors here and i see that y'all are well equipped some of you requesting another sash right and it makes me wonder why are there so many honors in pathfinder and why are there so many others to attend right for me um i would say that um there are so much on us because we are all um different persons we are diverse and who our personalities are who god has created us to be and pathfinder allows us um to achieve who we are as individuals um some of the honors that you can earn as well from your academic pursuits so i i got a few when i did um hsb um in school so a lot of the health and bio aspects i i was able to um achieve so it it blends with what you learn in school because if you did this before and then you go in school you have the foundation already so it um really allows you um as individuals to do honors that you would like interesting interesting and um michelle i have a question there for you so in your field of work seeing that you are one of the most decorated here everywhere on your sasha's field has pathfindering and the honors been able to assist you or aid you in your daily living yes because i work in a forestry i'm a forest i go into the um wild in the jungles and before i got into forestry i learned about birds i learned about animals i learned about the environment i learned about trees so getting into the um forestry aspect of it was that's a natural succession we did a lot of hiking a lot of camping and so being a forest was just um progression from what i would have done in part finding so a lot of the honors i would have um acquired was simply put towards um developed further when i went to school to study i already had a foundation so the things i learned were not new in terms of the first time i'm hearing about it right i would have had a foundation before from part findering wonderful wonderful and um how can pathfinder and be repackaged how can it be rekindled and repackaged therefore the new generation that we live in the modern the new normal how do you think uh ainsley how do you think part findering can be repackaged to spice things up right so part rendering to be repackaged well we see in our society now where everything is on line that we can't do part rendering as we would normally do um where we will be out in the field and so on so for my church which is signal hill seventh-day adventist church what we did we first started online pathfinder club where we allowed the children to do um honors so from let's say from september to december they would have done a lot of honors online and then when we switched to the new year we joined with the sun river seventh-day adventist club where we called ourselves sandy hill and at sandy hill we were doing the honors as well as a class work so we covered all four classes from pathfinder up to ranger class sorry friend up to ranger class and we also did all the classes in the adventure group as well we used google classroom we used zoom for meetings every sabbah we used uh not cahoots the other one took our hoots right near pod we need their pot to teach some of the lessons we even did uh had a virtual camp as well where people would have camped in their backyards some didn't have camp yes so what they did they in their house they covered their table and they camped under the table some people erected the camp inside they turned inside the house so we could still have an aspect of pathfindering although we couldn't do it uh the normal way that is quite interesting so for me it is sandy hill sandy hill is where the vibe is at right guys so speak to them afterwards you can message in the comment get your details and be sure to check out sandy hill and include it in your district include it in your church your community and let us get accustomed to the new normal from a pathfindering point of view all right so in the chaos of par of the pandemic youth and juniors face the risk of being ignored as adults just fight to come to terms with the ever-changing circumstances all things being equal what measures must you ministers put in place to ensure that youth are ministered and guided at this time this one i will send to michelle okay as is he was talking um i think about my own self i am not very computer literate i could use the computer but when it comes to online google classroom dr zoo my nephew shows me how to use zoom i'm now kind of like getting comfortable with it so no more than before because it would have been relevant for before but no more than before we need to ensure that the personnel that you put in place to be the pathfinder leader has the ability and the time to effectively perform his duties and what happens is that we believe we have to stay within our own church our own congregation but because we are not virtual you can source personnel from anywhere right alexander but they joined with signal hill we can source personnel from overseas because persons who may not have had the time before to come and teach pathfinder not because they don't have to leave from where they are they could now come and be a part of your club so they could help the leader you know a lot of times we put a leader who doesn't have the time you might say well this person is good with the young people so they put that person as a leader but the person does not have the time to um be the leader and in my case i always consider myself an okay pathfinder leader but i cannot utilize the technology so i would be willing to teach but somebody else needs to be with me to help me utilize the technology so you can't just say well sister michelle is a good leader so let her continue being the leader and i have no clue as to what to do with the technology you will realize club will crash because as much as i have the knowledge with the work i don't have knowledge of technology also as i mentioned before we need to pair up with other societies we are very clannish set of people so because i belong to marysel i would not go to blackrock i would not go to scarborough i am mary's hill and i stick with mary sale and i don't have the resource personnel but i would not go outside to source people and and we need to get out of that attitude we need to pair up the churches the societies all right pairing up these societies also will allow the young people to meet other young persons right just say um okay so your club has five persons another club has five and put them together you have ten also you may have a club with one teenager if you join with our next club you realize that that teenager now has company right instead of being alone right so we can't say this is how we were going before and the young person or one teenager they might come it's me alone they are lonely but when we pair up no they are interested in coming because this company to deal with right um also i think we need to make adjustments it i think the time has come where we kind of say you were elected to serve for the entire year so you stayed it the three months has gone nothing happened six months has gone nothing happened nine months and you keep the person there it's time we say look we need to take care of our young persons this person was elected as leader they are not able to perform their responsibilities because something else came up they probably got married they have to go do their masters they got a job that they cannot no longer take care of the young person we need to move them or bring assistance for them so the world could continue so there are a lot of things we could do but at the end of the day we have to ensure that the needs of the youth summit in our churches make sense all right for us as signal hill well we know that young people have varied talents they'll have varied interests so what we did as well is that about a month after the pandemic we started uh online sabbath school for them on afternoon so all the ages are covered from zero up to the cornerstone class and we try to make it as interesting as possible so they had talent night they had movie night they had social media and actually right now what the junior class is doing they cut they have something called cook with the juniors so the teachers came up with every other friday every other saturday night where the junior sunday class will teach the other students their favorite recipe so they did pizza last night did last time they did hot cross buns so it was fun in that which still although they can't be together physically we still try to make it interesting where they could form some social interaction together so for us as as ministers or us as leaders it's to find uh something were interesting that could keep them interested and coming back but at the same time we're teaching them principles about gold very very very important points there and unessa i have a question there for you all right so is pathfindering addressing or catering to the needs of the children and the youth as they attempt to adjust to the new normal in your area okay well if i have to speak for me i have to be honest that um there isn't a pathfinder club at my um church i fellowship at a group there is a club at the mother church but i'm at a group that i fellowship in and we are going to launch next year and today was one of the big highlights for all our um group in which i i wear my uniform and i shared that you know we're going to launch the club i'm next year but in terms of reaching the youths and the changes that we definitely would have to address how we are going to go um how we're going to launch it it can be the new normal we're going not going to be able to congregate well hopefully we would be able to but if not we have to put things in place what i think is important when you're the pathfinder leader or any leader within youtube requires planning and not just planning on the the point in which you're going to start it requires a a long-term plan and that's what i am planning to do and look at so while you're there i'm going to keep you in the hot seat to you yeah i want to keep you in the hot seat all right i love where you're going with this and everything and i've seen you decked out again i said i must say i love how heavily honored you are you look like you have taken pathfinder in serious and my question to you is what does a modern pathfinder program look like to you well as ng said it requires us going virtually um having things on on zoom using google classroom what i like about um having virtual um merged with uh having a hybrid experience it requires it it allows us to get videos from youtube so we can just share we can share and they can also merge with other churches they can even merge it apart from a club let's say in africa or in europe or in the united states get get the experiences it allows us to do much more than what we were doing normally because pathfinderness are global ministries not just written trinidad or tobago it's not just written or church and i think that is what helps youth son and young person see that i'm not just part of something that is within my teacher i'm not just wearing this uniform and it's only me when it is um let me just say i went to us oshkosh and when you go there and you see all those youths you say i want to always be in part finders i want to go back the next next five years i don't want to miss out on this experience and i just want to put a plug in there oshkosh is on and i encourage all pathfinders parents this is an opportunity for your child to witness something that is grand and i will share in my church today that you know having 50 000 persons there that's all the adventists in trinidad all active and active present at one location that changed your perspective on life it changed your perspective on your church it changed your perspective that all these questions are not just here for being here sick it cost it cost a lot and they they're here to serve god they get to have this experience and you are part of it so that's what i i would say the ministry allows and even individual hybrid experience it allows that so you could connect as well all right so i have one more question here before we go to a special feature and i want this one to be answered by each of you i'm going to put each of you on this one so we start with michelle we're going to go over to ainsley and last we're going to have vanessa again all right if you had to introduce an honor we already have over 400 honors if you had to introduce an honor what will it be i don't have an answer to that no um i think um i i have at least 50 owners on my search right and there are over 400 on us and there are a lot of honors um a lot of empty sashes i mean use what we have i i talked about it i did not come up with anything no is he look like he has one right there waiting for us so go ahead and share it maybe one already existing but what is one that you have never seen locally that you want to either create or bring into circulation here right so i would love to see something from the caribbean or from tobago that an honor developed by the caribbean union of tobago mission so in actual fact as the pathfin adventurer club before part of adventure club we submitted an honor for pa adventurer called the total honor because we saw nowhere else we took honor we have leatherback totals in tobago nesting every year so we decided we will come up so we came up with an honor it's actually been submitted waiting for approval i hope that doesn't take too long so we actually have an honor from tobago in the adventure club nice and i wanted to think that we can do a similar thing a total honor for the pathfinder club oh that sounds very nice i look forward to completing that adventurer and pat finder honor i'm not afraid of turtles so i i hope that i will be able to complete it um for me i would i would like to see more honors from the caribbean as well um so if i have to create an honor or suggest i would probably do it a long history i like history so um caribbean history adventist related i would like to see honor in that light yes but there is an honor that so cuban conference produced the steel band honor so i hope that persons can join in completing that the more person's completed the more recognition it will get as well all right wonderful so i'm going to get ready i'm going to get my book ready and i have some some some spacer filled so i'm going to be taking one from each of you and then i'm waiting for that turtle honor and that special one that you indicated there all right now we're going to break over to a special feature one of our special musics for this afternoon [Music] i tried to reach out for you but i fall sometimes you seem so close and yet so far oh i need another chance i need to know your mercy just gave me the strength to change i know that i'm not all that i can be my weakness seems to get the best of me but as long as you are here i know that i will make it every step along the way please hear my prayer a heart like yours is my desire a heart like yours is what i'm searching for full of compassion nothing wrong within please tell me lord give me a heart like yours so much faith so much kindness so much grace forever true strong as the wind soft as the shadows if just the ones i could [Music] is [Applause] [Music] and nothing wrong within please tell me lord give me a heart like yours please give me a heart like yours please and be lord give me a heart like yours a heart like yours [Music] [Music] every year [Music] and this year during the fundamentals you know there are more needy families than before so this year we chose to give our hampers to the families right and so they were against they were truly grateful and happy for the helpers that we have given today so let us continue to do good to everyone and we are fulfilling the mission of jesus when we give to others wonderful all right so officer onnessa she did give us before her experience from oskosh and i think it's only right i think i got the name right there but it's only right that we asked for memorable experiences from our other two panelists so michelle tell me about oh sorry officer michelle tell me about your memorable experience well there are many memorable experiences but this afternoon i'll share two two lights light ones with you i remember we went to mexico and we decided to go to i think it's seven flags is in him is the amusement park and um to get there we had to take the train right right now the first time like 95 of us traveled on a train so we got to the train station we go through the um the tow we go to the gates and we're on the platform waiting for the train to arrive now there are two doors that will open when the train arrives so some of us on one side some of us on the other side there's a whole group of us going right and um the train stops and the train stops person starts coming out of the train so we like waiting for our team to get onto the train but if you know anything about trains which we didn't know anything about as the persons were coming out we were supposed to be squeezing in because about four of us were still outside of the train and the doors started closing so we were on the platform and the doors started closing now about four persons jammed the train doors and brother dan diving below our next one jumped to a corner natalie nut was there myself and other officers um passed um utley was the person there and um one of our guys they jumped that door we just dive in however we able and that was funny i was like get away by the skin of your teeth and um another light-hearted one is always part of the master guide club when we go to independence parade we used we went on a lime after so everybody who went on the parade we would go on a big lime after and we called the lime hot sauce i can't remember where that name came from um originated but we had sauce so we had persons like butch and moses persons like maurice alexander um vernee frederick and a host of us we would go on live so one particular event we went to the argyle waterfall so when everyone was made in below that's when our waterfall was again waterfall everyone would be low baited so a group of us about four fellas and myself we decided let's go to the top of the waterfall see what is on top there and see how far the river goes so we decided we're going up the waterfall we went quite our way up we saw two beautiful well not beautiful they were dirty some large ponds further up so we climbed and we went up and up and we went and we decided to turn back because the river started getting broken down while we were coming back down we saw some fellas swimming across the pond below us so we said they have to be a short cut to get across the pond instead of walking all the way down through the bushes so we got to the corner of the um the mountain that we were on and it was almost vertically straight down and um we decided that there was a small edge that we could have inch ourselves down to get to the new water below so um while going down remember it's almost vertically done we are wet and started slipping once he started slipping so i would have called the name of one of the fellas he decided to dive into the pool and when he dived he was going straight down but remember i said the pool was wrong you couldn't see the bottom you don't know if bamboo inside the pool or not so made where truly dive he changed his mind and straightened up so he hit the water like that no it was all fun he got a very big swell and a red spot on his um stomach because of it the rest of us had to get um started sleeping and um getting the water how are we able to thank god um apart from his stomach swollen and red everything was okay no one was injured um we went on other hot sauce um activities after that but it was really nice that we had a crew that we were always moving together there were about 30 40 of us and we were always moving together um persons have gone their separate ways now but those days those really really good days wonderful officer michelle i think those um master guides of the world they do for different clubs what is event uh also took place by the water at the end of the year we went to the pot finders and uh something fun to do so we went to the beach and so i was swimming mine merry way and i kind of went out a little deeper end but i was fine so this pathfinder comes up to comes up grabs my hand and pulls me back so when we got to this shallow i said why did you pull me back from that end so you were in too deep i was saving you i said well you know you can't swim yeah yeah yeah but so um if you die then we have no more pathfinders so that was my event and it just reminds us that we as officers are examples yes yes young young ones who are with us right and uh we should try our best to be role models so that they could be good young men young men and women for jesus wonderful so i have a nice question uh moving on from right where we are and the question goes really like um what do you think competes most with uniform ministry and i'll go over to officer michel what do you think competes most with uniform ministry this is a serious um very serious challenge that we are facing um i would say life self sustenance self development we are now at an era where we don't seem to need each other as we used to so whatever we do it's all about my development and if it does not fit into my development then it stays undone so we have challenges source and personnel to spend time with the young persons because at the end of the day they don't get a salary for doing it and it does not quote and unquote add to their personal development right because they have school to go to they have gym to go to they have their family to see about they have football to watch they have um everything else to do so they don't have time to spare to give to some young persons so i think time and life i think life is our biggest challenge or self sustainance we no longer need each other and we no longer see that we have the responsibility for each other all right officer michelle touched and i guess how uh leadership or lack of people to role model or teach the pathfinder club i think one of the things i would touch on is the pathfinders themselves my wife would always tell me she was in club because i'm a recent aden is that back in her day there wasn't social media youtube everybody didn't have a cell phone so therefore club was this social engagement this club was the fun time club was when everybody will meet up and join up together and so now when you don't necessarily need club for that yes so many other avenues i think that's a challenge for us as club leaders and in addition um most of we want our children to be educated we want our children to do well in school and if in completing club work um sometimes we as parents think it's taken away too much from the academic time we will say um hold upon club book there for now make sure your school work is is completed completed right and so um if we could so sometimes challenging getting them to come back to club even to complete the club with because there are so many other things out there that could take away the distraction or distract them all right all right all right and officer ones i have a question here for you how do you deal with conflict in the club in your club how do you deal with conflict okay if i could have added um based on the question that was just mentioned and before i answer your question sorry alex um i've seen ey complete with um complete with club and i think it's lack of understanding by the leaders of the church in not understanding youth ministries on a whole because pathfinder in an adventure club is part of the youth ministries is ajy so i've seen where dad has competed with club and most times club leaders would lose the battle where the church may decide that they want all children to be in ui so i've seen where club and youth ministries ay battle um if i could get a question again that you just mentioned sorry so there's the conflicting situation but how do you deal with conflict in the club like two persons having an issue squaring off well i've i've seen where children compete um have conflict with um amongst themselves of course you have to talk to the children and let them know that that is not tolerated in club um it is a discipline um tool uniform ministries bring forth discipline in children so of course as club leaders you have to i'm disciplined children even if it is you have to inform their parents that you know this child is posing a problem or causing disruption in club and so forth so involving the parents is one thing i think in all instances when you're going to discipline a child when you notice a bad behavior you do speak with the children because you don't want children to go and give the wrong story um and then you know parents we all volunteers here and parents could come across as if you are in school where they come in to discipline the teacher so no you have to involve the parents you speak with the children and try to settle that even if both parents have to become involved yes i think that is the way i've dealt with conflict and i think that is um what i would say okay all right good so um what is the role of the family in faith development of the youth i'm going to ask this one to officer ainsley right for faith development what's the role of the family yeah but the club is supposed to be uh assistance to the family right both family and club are partnering together just as you would have women's school association where the home and the school worked together for for the children but in part finding we only have them for an hour and a half or so a week or every other week so the family is important in developing the foundation for them if if it's not happening at home sometimes when it comes to club there's homework that's not completed you ask them to go memorize a text and you come back the text isn't memorized at all you have to do it in club whereas if it has a foundation at home that can help with those aspects then it will be better for the children children will look at us as club leaders as role models but the first role model the first example is the family and it will be good if the family has a strong faith that could pass on to the children but we know at times that's not there so that's where we as club members or we as club officers can become surrogates to assist where we can in that good good good good good all right so i have one question here for officer michelle and then i'm gonna drop a question on each of you for your response all right so officer michelle what advice can you give to parents in these times [Laughter] keeping it directly for club or general what's are we however you feel the swing um you would need people we are now in a society where the tablet and the computer takes over the mind of the child but i have seen that when they are not on the tablet or the computer and they are with their friends they really come out of themselves they need exercise they need um to vent and um with the pandemic everything is stay indoors stay um don't don't mix don't you know don't be with people so you just give them the tablet to just give them the phone and they just stay there all the time there's no real connection with their friends and i think we should strive in whatever way we could to have the children keep the connection they had with their friends that they would have been in school with so for instance they could um get a number or two from the parents of these friends so that the children could keep communication with the friends outside of the school hours and there are some instances where you may be able to invite one or two personnel over to the home that the children could have some play time together or we have this zoom and everything you could set up these things that they could still have communication connect this entire situation that we know facing in is taking away that personal touch and connect and we we need to realize that we are still our brother's keeper we still need to care for each other and if you just becomes somebody that is out there just a face that i see and there's no shed then we cannot know emotions we cannot feel what you feel and we don't know how to reach out to you when you need um and you it's the children they they need it they need it just as we need it and we need to um be mindful of it and give them opportunities where they can really still be there connecting with their friends okay all right wonderful nice and my last question and each of the panelists will have the opportunity to do it or to respond to it we're going to start off with our dear officer oneessa then we're going to come back to officer ainslie and lastly we'll finish things off with officer michelle all right so the mantra of uniform ministry is salvation and the service how have you seen this imitated during the pandemic okay okay um good question how has um i can talk for myself i can i can say um for me salvation and service has always been my mantra with pathfinder and for me i i can see even with my church helping persons in the community reaching out and um reaching those persons in the community touching their lives providing food providing um support so i think with part rendering salvation and service really is equipping the children i'm not just with an understanding of who god is but service to others service daughters right um right for me how have i seen salvation and service or demonstrated i could give a couple examples examples when we started online sabbath school lesson for our our children our junior class we asked them how can they show jesus in these pandemic times so they came up with many examples so they developed bookmarks about jesus some developed did postcards to give out one child went so far as the developer zoom bible story time where he invited his family he had family well not in tobago but the united states and in guyana and for about a month for about a hour so he would show bible stories to his family and some of them were non-adventists so i thought that was a good demonstration on their part for sandy hill what we did our first sun river part of sandy hill the developers shoebox project where they asked members of the club to fill a shoebox to give up to children so they filled it with books toys food stuff crayon colored pencils whatever you want to fill it up nicely decorate it and i think was ruled adventure their world youth day they would have given it out into the community subsequently after that happening we had the earthquake in st vincent so sandy hill came together as a group and we well we would have given out food stuff which would have taken to this year asi would have would have carried to ghana but a member from saint vincent adventist church contacted a member here and said they were still in need and they actually needed some clothes and so on for the young people there so we did the same shoebox project to send some abroad and we also collected food stuff and uh clothing to distribute to this and vincent families and we had got a video from them seemed thankful for what sandy hill would have done and finally us for signal hill church every year we should do a community project or some community outreach and this year a church member had a had a wall to be painted and so the club members volunteered and so we painted that wall for that church member so those are some of the things that sandy hill did during our salvation and service time all right okay what i would have been seeing is the participation of youth on the um over the internet everybody platforms that are available sharing good um i must commend the monks in george youth society for the crusade that they would just have conducted and when i looked at the participation nightly the numbers trumped a lot of the programs that i was seeing the other programs that are online so um the young persons are stepping up and they are taking their rules and fitting into the um in terms of salvation carrying forward the message in spite of the fact that we are now in a different time they are stepping up to the plate and doing their part um in sending forward the message wonderful all right so um oh go ahead oh sorry i was looking into something else about um support of the club from the leadership i just wanted to mention that in terms of from the signal hill sd church point of view we are very thankful to our church members and to the leadership on the whole for their support of our club ministry we do have church members who donate directly to the club and we're thankful for that we do have the church board when we request um when we request our funds to do certain things they are willing and able to assist in fact they most of the time they will buy all the club books for for the children so they don't have to pay for that when we had to raise funds the church membership supported because we were supposed to go to well the adventure club was to go to barbados for the campari which was um eventually cancelled but they supported members gave to the fundraising that we were so able to raise funds that not a child had to pay for their own ticket right the church to the fundraiser through the support was able to pay for their own tickets we also i would also like to thank the parents because we would charge registration fees in order to help with the work of the club and parents have been faithful in returning or in paying those registration fees and even if they are unable to they will let us know and thankfully through donations of others we are able to meet the requirements of the club so if it's one thing i want to thank signature sd church since the church members for the support that they have given through youth ministry and in addition in august we had um youth month where the young people took up the services for the entire month and it went so well that only members want the eldest to sit down right one other thing and how they how the leadership has helped and that for the youth month each elder mentored a young person and we also had a preaching training for those young persons so the elders assisted them the youth wrote their own sermon the elders assisted them in writing their own summons and they did their presentations so secretly a church a heartfelt thank you for the support of youth ministry indeed a wonderful thing there and i have a question there for officer unessa all right so it was coming to me and i really want to find out uh as officer ainslie did mention how has your church been able to assist or how do you recommend your church or other churches in the area everyone looking in here everyone listening uh how do you recommend your church involve not only the youth of the church but involve the work of the pathfinder in avenues uh yeah how do you recommend that something like that be included in the church operations i i think one misconception or big misconception is that is involvement of ship of the church in the past the unifi form with the ship impact combining those cutes and going through this kind of uni i am all right so we're having a bit of a technical difficulty there so what we're going to do we're going to direct that same question straight over to officer michel officer misha how do you recommend the church include the pathfindering the pathfinder efforts into its operations all right well alex stop it uh the pathfinder the the i will shift the answer not directly to answer your question but to answer it at the same time we have to realize that the youths are quite equipped and capable of running the show when um back in the days when i was leadership in um master guide in tobago the youths below me were um in their teens early twenties and we were the ones i was not yet 30 taking 50 60 70 children to trinidad for fear coming second winning a lot of the activities and bringing back the people children to tobago that was the age we had myself and about two three others at my age in our late twenties um early twenties and everyone else were like early twenties late teens and that was a group who took and trained and carried these children to trinidad every year for fear provided meals provided transportation did all everything the youth are capable and um in my opinion there are times when i believe that the adults believe that they have to run the show as i said earlier my nephew he is nine years old and he is the one who i have to go to to show me how to use zoom right i could turn it on i could sign in and watch it full stop anything else i have to call him and he will do he he he runs single-handedly a friday night family zoom worship session he's the one who says who do they who does everything and he preaches and we have discussion and family meeting and he's the one who organizes it and he's quite good at it now he will be doing it at his age he's just nine and there are a lot of other youths out there who are quite capable and um it will seem to me at times that the service content is limited due to the fact that they are not personal to rendition but they are personal if we allow them to do the work right the elder doesn't have to be there every sub but the the um adults don't have to take the show every summer but they could sit back and um mentor and allow the youths to run the show and and i think the the kind of challenges we may be getting that burn out and this thing will be minimal if we just let the young persons run the show they are quite capable of doing it and officer ainslie i see you're nodding there while i am nodding so i'm going to direct it over to you do you think that us including the youths in the running of the show putting them in the forefront do you think that that will allow for the youths to have a reason to say yes i'm going to take out my clothes at night i have church tomorrow i might get called upon to do something so i need to be ready do you think that that inclusivity that bringing them in and giving them important roles in the order of the church service do you think that will keep our youths with us right yeah i think it goes back to uh salvation and service ah and i think as people serve and are involved they would more stay right in fact they've done some studies in the united states looking at people who are backbenchers who just sit and just observe as opposed to the others who got involved and i realized that once we got involved we're more likely to stay than those who are the backbenchers right and at our church we try that our youth do some service our youth preach our youth are on the platform um they may say we're using them too much but we've been using our youth to be part of it and we also have to go back to the founding of our church our church when it was founded ellen white was under 20 were 17 with the first vision most leaders of the seven-day adventist church that had founded were under the age of 35 right so we have young people who are capable and if they don't think they are capable give them the tools so they can become capable wonderful wonderful yes and i'm understanding here that officer onessa is ready she had everything ready to speak the internet was giving trouble but that has been resolved so officer anessa give us your remarks on the sad topic okay okay i was saying that what i think is only for you and i think what would help well what i've seen that conception allow you think when i reach a certain i'm done with pathfinder and i think that is wrong um if more info from part finder the uniform as well as swarm and when it when definers are going to be part of the camping experience even if it is you may not be involved i think these stones that you remember that you know hey my pastor was involved he he's not he's not so he's a funny person and he's not only signature is on sabbath but i can experience and i think that would help you know see if a comfort zone if it's in the church living in a social light and i think that has helped and it's for use mention that it also came to my mind and it dawned on me here um including the youths yes we want to include them but i understand there is a fear among us where we're not sure where their mind is at and we're not sure where they may lead the church and you know it it it it made sense to me to appoint and then i recognize how in a workplace when you have a new person come on board in a department what is done is most times the most senior person in that department is now left to shadow the new individual right ensuring that that individual knows the word they walk around and that person having so much experience if this new individual does happen to make a mistake they are well equipped in knowledge and they know how to basically try to save the circumstance so it makes me wonder that i'm going to ask you two of you all here while we figure out stuff there with our officer oneessa do you think that it is recommended i know that you said in your church officer ainsley you all have persons mentoring the youths for the month that went by do you think that that is a standard we should apply to all churches where possible where we have the senior members of the church you all are the graduates of the class you already doctorates in the church where we have them work closely with the youths whether they choose a youth between zero and a 10 and a year from 10 to 15 one from 15 to 20 one from 25 to 20 to 30. and have these persons under their wings because um you want to make sure when it is your time to depart this earth someone is there ready to take up the demand or what do you two recommend here in a case like this right um he said the party sometimes you end up being in the same role for 20 30 years because there is no one who can assume the mantra right and mentorship is important so how can i put it i could use my church we we have some young people or oh this young guy very shy right does not um want to do anything in front of the camera right so what um we did was give him kept giving him things to do the first time he went in front of the camera to him to another camera first time he went in front of church to see a memory verse he froze he could not complete the memory verse at all at all at all we gave him a break and said okay we'll bring you back closer to the divine service he could try again brought him back up to the divine service he froze again not a word came out so next time titan sabot came up that we didn't um tried to beat him up he said okay we give him another try his parents walked with him so the next time he came to do the memory verse very shy head down but he completed the memories uh we were like yeah the church was like yeah yeah yeah yeah right now four years later people say wow this child has come such a long way from when he now started and that's because he was given opportunity he was guided and with the parents involvement we were able to make a step with him and so in church it doesn't have to have to be an officially structured process doesn't have to be something official put in place for for for a person but you as an adult in church can see a young person men to them the bible talks about the young the older woman mentoring the younger females about him if we take that opportunity to mentor our young people to guide them that even though they are shy and they will make mistakes i can show off hands of anybody here who has never made a mistake right so i'm sure all of us have made mistakes the youth will make mistakes they are all learning but if we take the opportunity to guide them through then we will have strong young men and women for jesus wonderful yes i just want to touch on the point where you said spiritual and if they would lead the church all right um that's why we have pathfinder club and if you are not sure what the youth will do we need to to build on bible study church history and um in my experience i would have seen new believers come into church and given high leadership roles now the that new believer came not knowing the culture of the seventh-day adventist church they are committed to christ and they but there are things that they still need to learn and when you place them in the leadership position they would do to the best of their ability which um at some times is not what the church says yes this is so or no that is not so they may even tell you something abductional that is not correct not willfully but because they are young they would not be able to put it forward the correct way so bible study and church history church leadership church management these are important but as officers they would have said 13 sabots you day a y services all these are training sessions for youths um so when it's time for leadership being um deaconess song service being um summer school superintendents preaching these are the trading grounds what we have to be careful for is our doctrinal beliefs right and and to ensure that when they go to the platform to present to god's people that they they are spiritually led and um but as i said before they are quite capable of doing the job there are some areas where they will need a little more tutoring before we give them we go ahead on their own but i think we are in the correct direction when it comes to that that's wonderful that is indeed a really good experience there that you all would have both shared with us here and i would say for sure my church i go to lambeau sda uh we also ensure to include the youths in every aspect um from even as small as welcome so welcome tends to be the one where you could shy off you could laugh you could giggle if it is you're scared you can be timid someone will come and help you out and you graduate from the welcome you read you get the scripture reading or we know for sure we always have the youth doing the song service and things like that so we make sure that it is you are included not only for you day for 13 sabbath and stuff that but you also make sure that the youths know okay you come into church this week we have them in the rosters you have the roster for the whole month of august the whole month of september you see okay this youth will be doing this on this day and they now feel a sense of importance they no longer um coming to church and maybe someone will call me up i know that okay on sabbath this we know that i have to fulfill this duty in church so i am more energized and prepared and structured and i hope that everyone would have been able to learn a lot from this afternoon session with our panelists here i indeed know that i need to contact sandy hill i need to complete several honors i'm waiting for that total honor especially and i need to include the youth in our church a lot more bringing them the opportunity to lays with the seniors in the church the ones with the most experienced and let them impart knowledge upon our youth so that they could then step forward and make a better society among us all right so as we move forward and we end off this afternoon's panel discussion we need to remember that pathfindering during a pandemic is definitely possible thank you [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] a pleasant afternoon to all viewers i also say i will go the scripture reading isaiah 6 8 the year of king uzziah's death i saw the exalted and sublime lord sitting on the throne the or last of his cloak filled the temple the topic of this short discourse start well finish better let us pray devinifada please watch of us as we go to this sermon and help everyone out there to gather something from it and for it to bring new members to you just name i pray amen many things can die in all lives in a surprising way such as dreams friendships jobs studies courtships marriages among others these often die without warning and without us being prepared for those debts immediately generating deep crisis than can threaten our peace of mind and our emotional state however pathfinders we all wish to say i will go i will triumph but the question is how will we do it let us study two characters isaiah and isaiah who gives us tremendous example one of them negative and the other positive of course the negative example is one we should never imitate king uzziah's life is recounted in 2nd chronicles 26 3-5 in summary it states uziah was 16 years old when he became king and he reigned in jerusalem 52 years he did what was right in the eyes of the lord he sought god during the days of zechariah who instructed him in the fear of god as long as he sought the lord god gave him success the entire nation enjoyed the benefit of king's success living years of peace and material prosperity his fame spread far and wide for he was greatly helped until he became powerful king uzziah's resume is impressive pathfinders he did the writing before the eyes of god he sought god with all his heart he fought with the philistines and defeated them his fame and power spread to many places he built tours in the desert he had an army of extraordinary warriors he prepared weaponry for his en entire army usaid reigned for 52 years and his government had economic stability peace and jobs for all children adolescents youths and adults say peacefully and possibly some of them forgot the blessings they receive did not come from usia but from god yet we are never to forget that everything we had currently have and will have come from god's grace and mercy fourteen-year-old todd a young and devoted christian had many dreams and goals he loved hiking mountaineering and water sports todd loved his family and the church he knew that the blessings of his life came from god just like king uzziah did but suddenly todd suffered an accident while water skiing and lost one of his legs pathfinders we can't possibly imagine what this was like unless we have experienced something similar there is nothing more devastating than when misfortune comes into your life and robs all hopes and dreams todd had to make one of two decisions for the rest of his life he would continue to trust and recognize god as control he loves us and that although we do not understand we trust that he will fight or battles for us or go crazy and abandon his trust and close close-knit with god let us go back to usia what happened to this king his tragic end appears in ii chronicles 16 21 but after azaya became powerful his pride led to his downfall he was unfaithful to the lord his god and entered the temple of the lord to burn incense on the altar of incense isaiah azariah the priest with 80 other courageous priests of the lord followed him in they confronted king uzziah and said it is not right for you uzziah to burn incense to the lord that is for the priest the descendants of aaron who have been consecrated to burn incense leave the sanctuary for you have been unfaithful and you will be honored not be honored by the lord uzia who had censor in his hand ready to burn incense became angry while he was raging at the priest in their presence before the incense utter in the lord's temple leprosy broke out on his forehead when azariah the chief priest and all the other priests looked at him they saw that he had leprosy on his forehead so they hurried him out indeed he himself was eager to leave because the lord had affected him king uzziah had leprosy until the day he died his downfall can be summoned up in a single sentence he rebelled against the lord pathfinders success is impossible if the lord is not with us the saddest thing of all is that he showed no remorse for what he did none of the inhabitants of judah under 55 knew a life without king uzziah but these happy days these happy years of normalcy would over king uzziah sinned was punished with leprosy and then died his death was the beginning of a period of uncertainty and fair what would happen now who would lead the nation who would the enemies invade these are some possible questions that would come out of the lips of the inhabitants of judah this was a year of national crisis and this year of crisis usia died the lord god decided to call cleanse and send the prophet isaiah on a great mission like judah all normal days were affected in december 2019 in the city of wuhan in this repub in this papers republic of china were cases of a group of sick people with an unknown type of pneumonia that the world health organization recognized it as a pandemic on march 11 2020 after these events we have seen global crisis that has brought pain despair anguish panic anxiety depression and death are the questions of the people of judah ask not similar to us in the midst of this pandemic what will happen to the pandemic will the vaccine be the solution what will happen to my family many questions and few human answers it is one thing for us to experience a crisis that arise in our lives and quiet another for us to generate it as isaiah did when he entered the temple of god let us look at isaiah's example the contrast between isaiah and the prophet isaiah is tremendous what was done what does isaiah do amid the crisis isaiah could have arranged a delay just to visit neighboring countries to sign peace agreements this could have been ongoing conversation with the men of military powers he could have tried to create his own political or religious party in the first verse we do not find isaiah in the palace nor in the chamber we find isaiah in the temple in times of crisis he sought the lord the lord is glad to see him there and rewards him with a very important vision god knew exactly what isaiah needed their pathfinders isaiah needed an encounter with god in terms of crisis we need to seat the lord as isaiah did before crisis sits we say with joy that our future is in god's hands but when crisis hits us when our savings are stolen when we lose our jobs when our health fails our future does not look so secure maybe it is easier to trust the lord when we feel strong secure and in control of things for the lord it was important for isaiah to feel his own smallness and god showed him his greatness it was important to the lord that isaiah felt his sin for which god showed him his holiness the crisis we got through is also an invitation to georgia the lord before we go out for the lord like isaiah we must meet him and receive his powers then we can say i will go even if the heavens fall i will go because i love you lord the lord never asks isaiah what do you want to do the lord gave him instructions to go what was the difference between usia and isaiah the results of the entrance to the temple in both cases were very different isaiah entered and left with leprosy isaiah instead entered the temple and came out purified let me finish the story of todd yes an accident of such magnitude would have killed anyone's aspiration but not todd several years after the accident he graduated as a psychotherapist and became the clinical director of a support center for people with physical limitations god never gave up on the mountaineering despite his disability to demonstrate that god's trust to trusting god will power can over can overcome the greatest challenges he climbed the highest peaks in each of the 50 states in usa in less than a hundred days as a matter of fact he did it in 66 days with only one leg the previous record was 101 days in his book on the edge of the impossible todd houston becomes the greatest challenge he faced as he ascended mckinley peak in alaska seven thousand feet high when others gave up because of snowstorm and reached a peak though faith in god through faith in god and in the capacity he has given us we can overcome any challenges that life presents or switch states stone take no pathfinders that in a crisis can be what god will use to motivate a serious change in your life third houston's life changed isaiah's life changed they were never the same person again they triumphed because they sought the lord only god can give us the victory forever tell him today their pathfinders lord i will go how many wish to have a real encounter with god and be prepared to say as isaiah here i am send me we will now pray the heavenly father i hope that everyone gathered pieces of information that they needed from this short sermon today go god please bless everyone and help everyone to be as isaiah and not as i am thank you for everything you have done for us in just name i pray amen as we close this afternoon's program we would like to thank asi for hosting us and you for giving us a listening ear and thank you to the youth director sister annette of tobago mission s of sda and to the pad final coordinator and i urge you this day to go with god i may go continue to bless you each and every day thank you 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Views: 1,266
Rating: 4.6666665 out of 5
Id: KDptDW_Q7-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 50sec (7250 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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