Sabbath Service || Sandy Bay Seventh Day Adventist

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are you going to be running how long do you want to be running for no is not the time for us to be running remember it says if you can speak if you can't speak like angel we can't speak like paul or preach like paul but guess what he says you can tell the love of jesus you can simply say to someone god loves you you can also just share a passage with someone or just talk just say something persons are going through a lot sometimes you don't have to say i remember there's this story of a little girl who went to the prison to visit a relative and while he was there he saw this man and this man was very sad because this man has been locked up for many years because he had murdered someone and he thought there was no hope for him all is lost but when this little girl came and he stood at the door of the cell all that little girl did was to smile at this gentleman and that changed his entire life that gave him hope that helped him to understand that somebody cares and somebody out there loves us um sister tracy you know that when god called you he equip you with what to do and what to say yes my sister because he's always god and once he called it he must have something for you to say right sister riley yes and then again you know with technology no some person you don't have to speak you know you can't text you can voice note you know so if you're activity you know because of the phone you're not cleaning it again because you're not before anybody especially so you can use what god placed in your hand you just use it to the best of your ability right so brethren do what you can do for the lord we all are not gifted with the same thing but whatever he asks of you to do do it with all your art at this time we'll have brother facey [Music] um [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] let me [Music] you the lord [Music] baby rocky [Music] so [Music] this [Music] and myself [Music] i shall restore [Music] amen amen amen i shall rest in the eye of the storm what a fitting song yes so pity yes for this time so fitting also for our lesson review and um as we are about to start your lesson we are at lesson 13. the days are running so fast lesson 12 sorry we are lesson 12 and the topic is the restless profit the restless prophet but before we begin to study the word let us bow our heads for prayer righteous heavenly father we thank you for waking us up this morning including us in a rightful mind and helping us to be here safely at in this place of worship we're asking you to be with each worshiper even those online lord as we study your words your word may comfort with clarity and we may put them in practice and leave them out in our daily lives for christ's sake amen amen our last memory texts um for this morning um says that and shall i not pity anyway that great city in which are more than 120 000 persons who cannot discern between their right hand and their left and much livestock these people don't know what right from wrong didn't have a clue who god is they were living in a life of sin they were an evil set of family for a while yes when you look back on the history of um those set of people that is what they used to do they were very hostile set of people um you see that was not the first time that god has called joan this was not his first call this was the second time that god called jonah and jonah still decided to run away but in the first call did he not take up the task yes he did yes would we say that jonah lost his sight of jesus probably not his sight but fear took over self started taking over i started to think a lot of things why would god send me to these set of people these these were a set of people that they were really wicked set of people yes when they are ready to crucify they will do it in the most gruesome way so i think what happened now jonah started thinking not me lord not those set of people somewhere else but not there not only no you know it's strange you know straight but true sometimes we look at the story of jonah you know we criticize jonah but then we are volatile error in our society today and sometimes when you hear persons and they have been like cruising and i said let's go and evangelize and i said all right and i'm going over there so and i'm going down there because i can't manage those people over there i don't want anybody to kill me because they are so barbaric but you know while i was studying this week one of the texts that came to my mind for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son so in jonah man maybe jonah was thinking that god was only god of the hebrew or the israelite and god did not care about anybody else so how could god save this set of people and it's the same thing with us today because i remember um when i first started going to do missionary work and when we were going out with this gentleman and you know it would take us to some places and you know you always hear this missionary saying but dog don't bite christians and now you said you are wrong you can stay there about dog don't buy christians well you go first and i will go behind you but listen brethren i could understand him and i learned to understand him while going out with him because i could see his faith and i started walking in his footsteps because i realized it doesn't matter how bad the dog is as soon as he reaches a certain distance you would see the dog them running away or they would run around some houses barking and so and i and then that showed me that when we were by faith and not by sight then we will see god's hand leading us and you must take god at his word you know sister because while we were on the dark souls topic yesterday when i was coming down the lane you know some dogs are always in the lane and that really came to my mind when time i see a dog walking beside me he said they said dog dog bite israelites you know so you know i started to be a lot more confident then to say that no this dog is not going to bite me this morning so when you trust god and take him at his word and let that world level tino's bridge it will do wonders right so when god called jonah what did jonah do he started running away he turned a different direction and he went away so jonah became fearful right and instead of going where god had commissioned him or had asked him to go jonah decided okay do you think we can hide from god no we cannot hide from god and it's amazing you know god sent him and you know what he took a ship that you have to pay you have to pay his fear you know that when god said that he prepared the way why did he have to pay his fear so that is telling us that when we take things in our own and it comes with a cost yes right so so jonah was told to go to nineveh and jonah decided no no he's going elsewhere so jonah had to pay his way but something happened something happened while jonah went on a ship jonah was going where in selecton universe where he was going to tarshish he was going to tarshish right and but something happened while jonah was on his way you think he could add in tarshish do we believe that we can add from god because why i ask this question is that obviously god sent jonathan and evie so obviously jonah is believing that okay god is looking for me in nineveh right so if i go to tarshish god can't find me so i am going to head in the opposite direction do we think that we can hide from god and go in in the um the wrong the other direction knowing that god is not going to see us no the psalmist said that wherever we spread our bed if he sees hell the lord is there the lord will find us there right you'll notice when jonah went into this ship he didn't just go and sit adjusted or do something drastic that you will see yourself yes and and you you realize what happened when jonah went into the boat as sister riley said he he knew deep within that he was doing something wrong and we to know when we are doing things wrong even though we try to defend ourselves and try to find a lot of excuses what jonah did jonah went into the bottom of the ship away from everybody so nobody even realized that jonah was on this this big boat and when he went into the boat something started happening there was a storm soon not any ordinary storm it was one that seems as if everything was turning upside down have you ever been up in have you ever been in a button on the sea when it's it's not even as rough but this the tide is a little bit high have you ever been anybody i've ever been i know i have been i can recall going going to falmouth with um monique white had an unclan we went there to spend the weekend and on the sunday decided to take us to the beach it's unclear canoe and we were going across the the um there's a beach over when you go to falmouth you on the old road there's a um an island out in the sea so we decided to the candle to go over there and while we were going what happened because it was so many of us and some couldn't swim the boat was turning over because it was bumping up and down and to balance the boat some persons had to jump out we couldn't jump out money couldn't jump out and some other person is going to jump up because they were not able to swim so you realize that we have to be careful when god gives us direction when god tell us to do something we need to do what he asks us of others of us to do because as sister alin said jonah decide um after he went into the ship then there was a terrible terrible storm on the sea these people were even fearful afraid thinking that they were going to die because they were going to to be killed because of this terrible and dreadful storm that was happening i guess they didn't have that experience before on their journey no because they were so fearful that they start to examine themselves to see what was really happening if there was something that they did or someone was on the boat that were not supposed to be there at the bottom of the ship but it's strange though because imagine you are somewhere and something is happening what do you have to do with natural disaster why somebody's gonna come and say you are the cause of something i mean it can just be something that happens naturally but it was there was something special about god god led those persons for them to realize that no it's no ordinary storm someone is causing this storm on the sea and then they realize as we said because jonah was by himself they discovered that it was jonah and what they when they went to jonah and jonah accepted yes yes i am the one that is causing this storm on the sea but my husband was saying to me this week i'm sister riley and sister allen said why did jonah ask the people him to throw him off why didn't just jump off instead of instead of asking them asks you can imagine you causing it and then you're asking me to throw you over don't want to kill himself he'd rather you kill him because he's asking for you to kill yourself yes right so joe and i think jonah was thinking along that line and he said throw me off throw me off then because john of faith i believe that jonah said tell me about jonah believe that god was going to save him so much that's my belief that's my opinion and so when when they threw him over you see god prepared that big fish to swallow him but before you get your caesar really you know what amazed me most is the sailors that were unable they were so fearful of throwing jonah overboard that they began to pray to god i don't know if they believe in the true and living god but they began to pray and say they don't want this blood to be on their shoulder yes and that amazed me to see that these people were no ordinary people still because they believe in something because they know that it is a sin to just show somebody over there that person died because the bible said oh shall not kill and if i troll somebody overboard it means i'm gonna be killing them that's right but there was something god god know exactly what he was doing and god's ways and and our ways are different and sometimes though we view things it's not oh god see things because you see god asks asks them john asks them to throw him overboard um and god know have these people committing sin do you believe that god have these people committing a sin by throwing jonah overboard no no i think the people they were just fearful and i think at that point in time they believed that was the best thing that they could they could do i don't think that they consider it has been outbreak in the the law okay correct me first and incorrect but after jonah identified himself as a hebrew then the sailors that anishi knew that he served the true and living god he served the church and living god so they no believe that jonah god could have done i will be doing something for them because as soon as their true drone are off what happened this storm this storm things went calm things had changed as soon as the storm they threw him overboard then that was it but i can imagine when a trim of a boy they probably might have been looking and even wondering wonder what happened to this man but jonah no when he when he was thrown overboard immediately god send something to save him what almighty god even in the depths of the sea he is with us even in the depths of the sea he can rescue us so it doesn't matter how far gone we are in sin stop telling ourselves that god doesn't have anything to do with us i am too far gone in sin to turn back no because jonah was way out in the deep out where no one could save him but god's grace and mercy followed him all the way and while he went overboard into that raging water god send a fish immediately to save him just to say to our viewers that god is a god of the impossible god is a god of and sometimes when you read the stories in the bible we may think that is just fables or anything this story that about jonah is a true story it's a true true story scientists can even testify to they say that a fish or a whale or a shark out there is big enough to hold a man inside inside his gut so therefore when we hear this story virgin just let us not take it lightly and say just they are saying this to maybe to convince us these stories are true story and let us apply them to our lives right so um jonah went um into um the belly of this big fish we everybody keeps saying a whale but it's it's a big fish so probably because you said that big fish everybody i think the only big fish in the sea is a whale and it's the reason why growing up you hear that it was a wheel but we know it was a big fish we don't know there are so many creatures in the sea some are beyond our imagination so we know that there was a big fish that swallowed jonah and jonah you can imagine a big fish swallow jonah i think if a fish swallow me i am dying because i would suffocate in the belly of that fish but could i breathe but you know what sisters do not find rest in the belly of the fish yes find rest in the belly of the fish so he could stay in the feet in the belly of the fish and start to contemplate start to you know start to say to himself lord look what i've done i know god of course you're really sending me god and you know you come to terms with himself and then the lord realized owner maybe i repented and then his the big fish just put him out and you know that jonah at this point jonah has to depend he became dependent on god and not on himself right because he was forced now his back was placed against the wall and so he was forced not to depend on god to save him just as when peter was when his storm came upon the sea and the disciples were in the boat and and peter said lord can i walk on the water and jesus said come to me any moment um peter took his eyes off of jesus he started to think and what did jesus did he helped him to go back into the boat and so when we are in our crisis our storm we have to be dependent on god to take us through because if we don't depend on god we can't take ourselves because once we take our eye after christ what happened to peter will happen to us we started to sing yes so so um in john 2 verse 1 to 9 it says join a prayer in the belly of the fish and jonah started to pray you can imagine in the belly of the fish swallowed up yet for me i would think i'm dying or i'm dead because you know man can tell us some things the fact that if you swallow me i think that's it but some person will fight fight for their life right and that maybe that's what jonah did you others say oh i'm not dead yes i'm going to fight for my life and so there are some things that we can learn out of this you know yes that when we are in trouble god hear us yes amen when we are in trouble god answer us when we pray yes when we are in trouble we must remember you are to quote a scripture so if you don't memorize the scripture from no the scripture will not come to you clear my bible promise yes and then when we are in trouble we are supposed to see god don't hide from god because what did in um exodus 25 it said let them make a sanctuary that i may dwell among them so when we're in trouble we need to see god when we're in trouble god always delivers yes when we're in trouble never forget who god is when we're in trouble we have to practice to be grateful when we are in trouble god is in control and if we realize that then we have nothing to fear that is so true my dear son is so so true i guess jonah understand what god graced he understood what god grace really is because he could have died when he was in the belly of the fish or he maybe the fish would not have swallowed him and when he realized oh god grace god has extended his grace to him and you have experienced it then he prayed and asked god to help him and you notice after jonah jonah did the the first part of jonah what did jonah do how long did it take jonah to reach an enemy i think it's a day okay he took jonah day and after jonah went there and jonah preached the people mercy when he preached oh lord and then because god doesn't want to get done don't go so fast don't go so far yes sister really don't go so far yet yes because um john as you're saying that jonah no decided after he um he came out of the fish right he decided that okay lord i have heard you because he had prayed and jonah decided because that was the time my sister alin said jonah recognized god's grace firsthand in his life and he realized that okay lord if you have done this for me then i will go and preach your word but what i want you to hold on i want to give them an idea of what the people were like why jonah did not want to go to tonight to preach because it was saying that um when when history and archaeological records um document the cruelty of neo-syrian these the syrian dominated ancient northeast during the 18th century bc and time that jonah ministered in israel so these were the assyrians and these assyrians were very cruel people and because of that jonah didn't want to go to nineveh but then he realized that listen i am going to go oh lord where you sent me but not of my own will but your will oh lord i will go and then guess what you know that after jonah preached i don't think jonah believed that everybody would have repented no so when he preached and and the king the king took off his robe yes and went down into circles and ashes that just was a great statement to everyone yes and he made that decree because if you see the king the king always heard and he he repented everybody will say what if the king repent i should and then for him to take off circulating ashes and succulents in those days with a rough short is a sign to say that you are truly repented and it's a sad to say you are you are remorseful of things that you do you're right you are very sorry there is a reminder of death so when they went on to do success and they first stayed and prayed for three days i don't know how the animals fasted i don't know but they said the animals and people pass it for three days and after that three days god hear them so it doesn't matter how far a person is yes as long as you have true repentance where you acknowledge your sin you listen to the holy spirit acknowledge that you go wrong and then decide to turn away then god will hear you right and and we we are going to look on on on this instead jonah god call him he said yes lord i will go but then he doubted and he went his other way while he was there on the boat there was a storm they threw him off john i didn't know what was going to happen when he went overboard but god sent a big fish no god while he was in the fish in the in the belly of the fish he decided to pray and you realize who god was firsthand you can you see where i'm going you see god's hand in in jonah's life right and yet no when god sent him and he has reached an enemy and drona preach and i know jonah must have preached with all his heart jonah still went again ed and self again take over you see how much sometimes self can come in pop up into our life every time that god do something for us and we realize yes lord i'm going to surrender everything now into you and it doesn't matter what may come my way right viewers are lying right members i am going to truly surrender everything but then something different come up again and you start doubting god because see again jonah started doing what jonah started doubting god he preached he did what god had asked him to do but even though he preached he doubted god in saving the people i guess jonah forgot forget these texts and you can to our viewers online you can look it up in your bible second chronicles 7 verse 14 and god people is everywhere he said that if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face i'll turn from their wicked ways then i will hear from heaven will forgive their sin and will heal their land amen amen clear that is so clear right so if we can turn and they turn but while people turn from their wicked ways even the king so brethren guess what happened how i look at it viewers and members it doesn't matter who you are don't see yourself as someone small you're small in the sight of man you're big in the eyes of god amen but then you know jonah preached to those persons 120 persons and they repented and it is in the same way god when god saw that man on earth here we sinner we needed a savior he sent his only begotten son to come and die for our sins and so we are not to be the judge of persons because some of the times we tend to judge persons a person might come to church and the person will you know because the person may have been smoking with some smoke or alcohol with on them we tend to be judging to be the judge you say oh you know i don't think that person is ready to serve the lord and give him some time to to see if he's really if he truly repents but we cannot be the person who judge a person's ass because jonah after preaching that sermon everybody repented and maybe because they were so wicked maybe we would judge and say i don't believe that none of them repent or all repented but god is the one who judge us and god is the one who sees the intent of our hearts right and enthuses at the bottom it says what is repentance such a crucial part of the christian experience why do we need to repent because we need to see ourselves we need to see our our faults and confess it one to another and we need holy spirit most of all because the holy spirit is the one who convicts us to see what when we are going wrong so when we have the holy spirit when we listen to that like voice and we acknowledge what we have done wrong that is already um repentance is crucial to the christian experience because if we don't listen to the holy spirit and we we do our own thing because sometimes people might have this form of godliness that is when we do things on our own but if we allow the holy spirit to change us and to acknowledge our sins and confess our faults one two from another and as the second corinth chronicler said if we humble ourselves and turn from our wickedness and we pray god will hear us and heal our land and so we are called even though we are going to cope with 19 no it's like a storm for us you know because we have never experienced this turbulence you know in our lives and we are looking and we see like it's like we can't see why or how it comes about but then the bible says we are not to fear we are still to we are still to proclaim the gospel because god is there and his word will not come back void so we should be giving the gospel to protest and we must not be the judge let god be the judge of us all right amen but is it that we just repent and once we repent and we confess our sins don't turn away normally we have to foster that's all you have to say turn away because i want to know because i want to know that if i repent i want to know that apart from repenting that means you remove yourself from this sin don't tell ourselves because there are a lot of times too and many christians adventists i don't like to say christians i like to say adventist because we are peculiar we are special and many of us have this thing to say that we are sinners and god don't come for any any say they came they come he's coming for sinners but even though he's coming for sinners he's expecting us to turn away from all wicked ways chronicles say that so when we do something or when we are doing things that are wrong it means that we should remove ourselves totally from that sin don't tell ourselves okay i am weak and god understand and we find many excuses if we want to remove our self from our sinful life we have to take ourselves totally away look at moses when moses was 12 he went to the palace as moses grew up in the palace moses realized that he wasn't an egyptian right yes and when he discovered what did moses do did moses said okay i am going to stay in this palace because look the fourth in life and everything is there why should i give up all of this what is the reason why do i need to do that no moses didn't stop to think about the comfort immediately it says it didn't say moses waited couple hours a few days he said immediately when moses discovered that he wasn't an egyptian and he was an israelite he ran away he ran away into the hills brethren and friends it is easy to talk and i know it is hard to do but it is something that i am encouraging you and us to practice when we realize that we are working a path that is not right let us not point fingers at another church sister let us not point fingers at anybody let us look into our life let us not say that you have lived this life sister parent so why are you coming to tell me no let us look into ourself and change our life and live the life that christ wants us to live right your time is winding up but um even though the mission seem to be accomplished you know you realize that in chapter four that jonah became an angry person oh yes very angry but why would you want to be angry after you you were sent to do you do a special mission and you accomplished a mission why would should you be angry because he was very selfish i think he was very selfish and thinking about only israel and not of other nations i think he believed because the assyrians were so cruel that god should not spare them he think that god should have punished them and probably ends the reason why even though he had preached and they accepted he believed that probably he should have just preached the word and they should not have accepted it so that god could destroy them that was in the that was what i was running away in the beginning that's right in the book prophet and kings it says when jonah learned of god's purpose to spare this city not withstanding its wickedness had been led to repent in sacred ashes he should have been first rejoiced because of god's amazing grace but instead he allows men to dwell upon the possibility of is being regarded as a false prophet jealousy jealous of his repetition he lost sight of the infinitely greater value of the souls in that wretched city so jonah forgot that there are souls to be saved he was just as we would say he was just selfish i think he's a selfish man i think he should be very happy our happy person to know that god chose him because there may be other prophet in israel at that time but god chose him and if god chose you amongst all the prophets in israel at that time it means that god in favor of you god our special task for you for him to do so i believe that jonah should be overwhelmed with joy when even to uh to preach to the people and the mission accomplished and the people were saved you should be very happy for that and happy to know that we serve a mighty big god for god so loved the world and then you know jonah was angry again because his repetition his repetition above god's desire he care about his repetition about what god desires for the people and jonah was more concerned about the plan the pure the place than the people very sad that is so sad because there are times in our life till we trample on other church members because of our own gain we know and we we know in our hearts that whatever the person might come to us and say that sometimes the person do mean us good but because of our selfish gain we take it personal and sometimes when we take it and share it with others it makes it seems as if our sister is heartless why did he or she comes to me and say such a thing but brethren we are living in a world i tell myself i don't care who come and tell me that i'm doing something wrong because that is not about who come it's about taking the message that come so for for the people of nineveh they didn't look at who came right even though um jonah was selfish in the end because he became angry the people look at what the message that came and turn from their ways and there's also messaging there too um that we are to show mercy for those who are wavering in the church you might find sometimes that when a person starts to wave and they believe and they they might come and they have a different belief from us and they will pull aside you know we we we tend to say oh and they've joined self away from god we don't really pray for them but we should be sorry for them we should pray for them and encourage them to come back into the fall of safety i think jonah did have a sin problem too you know when i look into it because when he he did not want this a syrian to be saved is that that there was some a trigger in his heart for these people yes because he believed that god didn't love them yes because if you are a child of god you would love to see everybody to be saved in his kingdom and once you have in that kind of thing in your heart like you don't want that person to be something is wrong with you also you need to see god earnestly you need to ask god to just show you the things that is in your life that you need to repent of also so god maybe was using that experience to teach journalists and say look you are not all together perfect you two have a shot coming about so i remember saying that he believed that god should not love these people because of their cruel ways that mean to say that it means to say that you do not understand the extent of god mercy and god love for people that's right that's true even amidst all the experience that he went through so a lot of times i tell myself we we we see these stories and um we know they are real and we tell ourselves if it was me if it was me i wouldn't do that and i wouldn't do this and why john and we we we would tear it apart and tear jonah apart but have we ever stopped to look in our own personal life and think that listen jonah didn't have any experience to learn from we have jonas experience we have the children of israel experience we have job experience and we can go on with all the experiences that are in the bible are we trying to live above those experiences that we have learned from or that we have seen and heard about are we trying to be better or god is coming for us a set of stubborn israelites or even though he showed himself still heart was hardened so so we need to realize that heaven starts here so it's not when we go that we're just gonna change or when christ come immediately we're going to change we have to start changing no because if we can't change our ways now why why do you think when we go to heaven we are going to change when we see jesus it's not going to make a difference he was he was seen by many and still after that remember peter what did peter do peter was walking with jesus but in the end what did peter do he denied him so it's gonna be it's the same thing with us we see the story of jonah jonah is angry but remember that god loves us all and he died to save all of us from our sins it doesn't matter how far gone we are remember jesus cares for us amen and we as we await the coming of christ we look on to jesus and finish off our faith and while we look for the coming of jesus christ we must always depend upon christ just to say that we cannot run away from god when lord when god call us let us all say here am i oh lord send me we cannot run away from god because we're running away from god we are running away from our from our self we are running away from the commission that we are called to do and god will not be pleased with us all right and and as we said um our our theme again i'm reminding us and i like i want to remind us even myself that when god calls you and that poses a lot of question in our mind when god called me where was i what was i doing what am i going to do no where will i go sometimes we have to forsake parents sometimes we have to forsake family our sister allen said when she decided to turn her life around she was thinking about her family member what will they say of her becoming an adventist he says god is calling you today to a life of quiet obedience and faithful trust in every situation and in every conversation god is calling you today to use the skills and talents he has blessed you with right where you are god's calling your life is in is freeing you for his call on your life is for you to be with him when he comes many times you know as if because we are depending on self and more and more we we need to be putting our self and more and more we need to see jesus and him crucified the closer we get to christ the further we are away from sin but the the further we are from christ that's how sinful we are so we must draw close to christ as he will draw close to us um we can see that the signs of the time are everywhere and now is the time that we must look up because the bible tells us when we see these things is happening around us we must look up because our redemption joy at night yes i'll carry my burden of sin for so long [Music] a prisoner satan and blinded by sin believing i'll never be free in my desperation i called on the lord [Music] the chains fell away like a darkness [Music] bow down [Music] so often with me [Music] and all of the money [Music] have made in this life could [Music] but it doesn't matter [Music] [Music] my dear savior's [Music] the same hands that lifted [Music] of course i cannot just [Music] is [Music] [Music] really [Music] lead me [Music] me [Music] brethren i know it's hard but i know i believe myself that god's hand will carry you through the storms of life whether it's grief whether it's lust of job whether it's financial problem whether it's your children whether it's housing it doesn't matter what it is i know that god hands will lead you onto heaven's door all right and then this is how we close out of sabbath school as we prepare for divine worship i will prepare for our present worship we we are saying tata from sabbath school see you next week same time same place and stay connected yes stay connected and don't turn off because we are still gonna continue our worship just be that evangelist and just click and tell a friend to tell a friend that we are here worshiping and i am blessed that i was able to share sabbath school with sister ali and sister riley this morning we are all blessed and i hope that those who are in house and those who are listening online you are also blessed with our sabbath school program this morning that we will lay down and leave it this whole body will go one day and so we have to lay down our lives and leave it we are going to go into our prison worship our right is avril we'll just transition into our praise and worship and we brother marilyn and sister glennis is going to be joining um while we transition into a praise and worship all right and we go from here so we are going to transition into a praise and worship at this time so feel free to sing along with us as we as we worship the lord in the beauty of holiness my numbers subscribe i know the lord has been put through us through another week and we're going to lift our voices and sing lustily to the lord hymn number 294 would you be free from your burden of sin there is power in the blood would you or victory would you or if the victory win there is wonderful power in the blood of the lamb [Music] would you be free from your burden of sin there's power in the blood power in the blood [Music] of the lamb there is power power wonder working power in the precious blood of the lamb would you be free from your passion and pride there is [Music] there is power power wonder working power in the blood [Music] [Music] service for jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no matter what others say thank god [Music] [Applause] [Music] matter what others say thank god the blood breathing when my burn of sin was i redeemed when my soul condemned to die redeemed for the price i could not pay redeem hallelujah [Music] when my burden of sin was high [Music] hallelujah [Music] there is [Music] there is power in [Music] there is [Music] would you be free from your passion and pride there is power in the blind [Music] there is [Music] there is [Music] amen i know we are happy to be in the presence of the lord because despite all that is happening around us we have not gone to bed one night hungry despite all that is happening around us we are still able to worship and to function in this fashion and it is a blessing because we know many are not here with us this morning many that started the year with us are not here this morning many that were looking forward to begin a new school year is not here with us but we want to give god thanks for his mercies that kept us alive [Music] sing came over again to me wonderful words [Music] words of love words of life wonderful words wonderful words beautiful words [Music] words of love [Music] wonderful words of love [Music] words wonderful words wonderful words of love wonderful words of love [Music] forever words wonderful words wonderful words of life [Music] of life [Music] we'll sing to our ed there'll be no dark valley when jesus comes [Music] [Music] there we go [Music] when jesus comes together is [Music] together is [Music] songs [Music] together together [Music] is [Music] let us praise the lord praise the lord let us praise the lord this morning we are here to worship the lord and at this time we are at our divine service segment and we said the lord bless and keep you the lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you the lord turned his face towards you and give you peace as you are here this morning let us allow the lord to turn his face upon us let us allow the lord to give peace in our hearts let us allow the lord to come into our hearts so that we can lift our thoughts and our minds as we worship the lord today in the beauty of holiness at this time we are here and we are going to stand and we are going to praise the lord but we are going to have our prayer time and at this time we are going to have one prayer session first we are going to pray because remember we still have people who are hurting we have some persons who are on the brink of losing their jobs because of the pandemic and the vaccine we have persons who are just struggling with our faith as christian and we just want the lord to come nigh so as we sing this prayer chorus we're gonna have our first prayer session and elder ort you tell them [Music] today [Music] on jesus [Music] we are leaning on [Music] than i ever dreams [Music] jesus [Music] our father our savior and redeemer [Music] thou art worthy of honor thou art worthy of dominion and power lord we are thankful this morning because it is only by your mercies why we are not consumed and so lord we pose to praise you we pause to exalt you because lord we recognize that had it not been for the lord who was by our side then lord we would not have been here and so this morning i petition your throne [Music] lord see the families who are hurting lord they are hurting because they have lost loved ones lord as a result of this pandemic lord you see the pain you see the anxiety you see the fear that many of us struggle with lord you know where it hurts most because you are touched with every feeling of or pain or suffering and or infirmities [Music] and we're happy to know that you're not absent from us lord we recognize lord that you have brought us to another week [Music] lord we escape only because of your mercies lord we continue to present before you those who are in the hospital beds lord who are sick lord who are struggling with the fear of the future because lord for them it seems dim it seems dark but lord we are reminded this morning that there will be no dark valley when you come to gather your children home [Music] and so lord i present lord those who are watching online lord i see that mother who is yearning to see her child be one back to jesus [Music] no you see that father who is struggling because he would have lost his job this week lord you see the anxiety and the fear that is going through his mind but lord if you if you can provide for the grass and the sparrow then how much will it provide for us gloria see so many are faced the decision of choosing between their jobs and being vaccinated [Music] you see lord many are have come under pressure because of this pandemic lord many lord are questioning why but lord i pray that you strengthen their faith [Music] lord is it those who would have not had dinner maybe yesterday but lord you you are still the provider you see those who are hailing those who are suffering those who are going to their distress lord help them to know that you still care lord even those who are hanging only by a thread lord help them to know that you give strength to the weak because his promises that we shall run and not be we we and we should walk and not faint because when we wait upon you you shall renew our strength lord i present all of us who are here lord we come for no other reason but to worship lord i see your burdens you see our cares may lord you lift our burdens that as we sing and as we worship our burdens will be rolled away hear and answer prayer as we humbly cast our cares at your feet to jesus your son we pray amen songs [Music] we our service is now called to order let us stand as we sing [Music] glory be to the father [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] eternal god and father this morning we thank you we praise you we ask lord that you may be with us now in our worship lord we invite you that you may shower us now with the presence of your holy spirit inside this house and those who are watching online lord may when we leave today all throughout today lord we may leave praising you and worshiping you as we ought to on your sabbath day lead out before us now take away ourselves and let you be seen and be exalted in jesus name i pray amen good morning church happy sabbath to everyone happy sabbath to those watching online it is a great privilege for us to be here this morning worshiping a lot of other people cannot make it to church but we are privileged to be here for opening him this morning is 590. 5 90. [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] and [Music] god [Music] [Applause] [Music] and [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] we [Music] is [Music] in jesus name [Music] on [Music] [Music] in jesus [Music] and it oh [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] in jesus name [Music] so amen this all morning i just want to remind us that it is indeed the blood of jesus that still cleansed from sin it is the blood of jesus lord take me back to the place where i found you it's been so hard [Music] trying to make it on my own [Music] lord i need your direction just to make the right selection [Music] take my hands lift me up and let me stand his blood will carry me his blood will carry me [Applause] and his blood will carry me [Applause] [Music] i've tried so hard to make it all alone and i falter yes i fought her by the way [Music] but when you taught me how [Music] [Applause] [Music] and i'll never i shall never go astray for his blood will carry me [Music] its blood will carry me [Music] gate cross i will redeem my soul that was lost and his blood will carry me [Music] its blood will carry me [Music] is [Music] [Applause] cross i will treat him my soul that was lost and his blood will carry me [Music] [Applause] cross i will treat him my soul that was lost and his blood will carry me all the way [Music] when i surveyed the [Music] my soul that was lost its blood will carry me [Music] his blood will carry me brothers and sisters his blood will carry me [Music] the way [Music] his blood will carry us all the way let us pray for the offering that we have collected let us pray eternal god and father this afternoon lord we give you thanks for the offering that we have collected we know lord that your offering will go out to do your work and we pray that you may bless it and stretch it that it may reach others and others life may be touched and may be transformed thank you for the offering that we were able to give help us lord that we may continue to give with all our hearts all our mind and our soul as you have blessed us lead up before us now in the rest of our service in jesus name i pray amen at this time we're going to have our children's story after this children's story we'll have our next press session that will be done by brother facey and followed by that we'll have our scripture reading and the rest of the service continues thereon let us continue to worship and praise god [Music] people are acting very weakly this made god very unhappy we make him sad because people seem to be thinking more about themselves than about god noah however was a woman he loved and obeyed god and god loved our very much god actually love our people as much as we love is but god told noah that our grace god was coming now i tried to warn the people to change their way so that they could fear god god for wouldn't himself they just kept up with their selfish life noah god asked noah to collect two of all the creatures of the earth and bring them into arm he also told the animal to find out so it wasn't hard for the water gathered here tears of then it rained for 40 days and fought tonight so the earth was covered with water after it stopped raining there was a continent to rise [Music] [Music] the dog could not find a place to rest so it returned to the earth another week passed and then noah said the dog out again this time it come back with an early for a branch now i know now known that the water was low enough for three branches to show when noah sent out week later he didn't return the dog had fallen apart and driver although noah and his family and the animal lived under for one year one month and twenty 2070s it was a time for all creatures and our family to move off they are no one's family and animals need to start life all over again after everyone left off noah pray to god to thank him for keeping them seat suddenly a bright rainbow filled this time this was god's promise that he will never flood the earth again god make a promise to noah to never father earth again and to never write all humanity in the same way if god covenant christians feel they see this way sin will happen but god bless and continue i will always continue [Music] will prayerfully sing search me o god as we petition the throne once more and if you are here in church with us today and you need you're in need of special prayer just do so by indicating your hands let's do so by raising your hands because we why we all do need prayer we need the prayers of those we love most and for those of you who are online while we're singing you can post your requests in the chat and will indeed lift your prayer requests before the lord because we are happy this morning that god is not tired of us he's not what he's not weary by us coming to him as a matter of fact he asked that we we [Music] and [Music] i pray [Music] me from every [Music] be free [Music] gracious father one more time we do come before you acknowledging that we are helpless without you this morning in a special way lord as we come in your presence on this your holy sabbath day day of rest from care and toy but also a day of rest from sin and so lord even as we come in this rest lord we are struggling for some of us lord it is financially for some of us it is spiritual lord we recognize too that despite the chaos in this world [Music] that you are still in charge you are still in control lord today we present those who are spiritually sick before you lord many of us have wandered away in sin lord some of us are being driven away by various winds of doctrine lord we recognize that it's high time that your coming is even at the door and lord we see the disease the farming the wars and the rumors of wars [Music] lord we see the signs are fast fulfilling before our eyes lord i place before your us as a church as a people lord help us lord to be the few insiders who have not defiled their garments lord for those of us who would have fallen into a spiritual slumber lord help us to awake from the compromise of sin lord help us to awake and to realize lord that you're calling us lord to come into your presence you're calling us lord to come unto you all he who are labored and heavy laden and i will give you rest you said take my yoke upon me and learn of me because i am meek and lowly and i will give you rest and so lord you see your brothers and sisters who are struggling with sin but lord just has how you met the woman who was cut was brought before you who was caught in the act of adultery lord and you restore her you can restore those who are falling lord this morning we present the thompson's family before you in a special way lord you see the struggles but lord you're faithful lord represent the coninam's family before you this morning lord you know where it hurts most but i pray you'll continue to strengthen your faith knowing that one day lord we will ask the question whole grave where is thy sting oh lord lord represent the dailies family before you lord represent lord the families who are struggling [Music] glorious to the families who are struggling because they're they're they have to be isolated from each other [Music] you see the family members who are struggling because their relatives are in the hospital lord on the brink of death but lord the same god who caused lazarus to come from the dead you are still the same god today lord represent our dear sister online who asks her for her self and our family sister clark [Music] today lord we present her before you you know her needs i pray you supply according to which is in glory lord i say all the hands that went up because they are in need of prayer lord represent their request before you though it's unknown to me it's not unknown to you and so lord for spiritual strength i pray you provide lord i pray that you provide food on your table because god you said you'll provide all and supply all our needs according to your riches in glory but today lord we present your messenger before you today as we need a word from you lord because when your word comes we receive power because you spoke the word and the world came into orbit you spoke the word and the dead were made alive you spoke the words and dry bone became lively bones and so lord we commit your messenger before you today that lord your poor fresh all of anointing lord and may as we await your words may our hearts be made ready to receive lord over ours today touch us and quitting our martin's body today that as we would have leave this place leave this platform that our hearts would be revived [Music] and our soul be refreshed hear and answer so it is your son we pray amen [Music] and oh your eyes [Music] happy sabbath our food for talk come to us from titus 2 verse 11 to 14. please stand titus 2 verse 11 to 14 and it read us for the grace of god that brings salvation has appeared to all men teaching us that denying ungodliness and worthiness loss we should live soberly righteously and godly in the present age looking for the blessed hope and the glorious appear of our great god and savior jesus christ fourteen and last who gave himself for us that we might redeem us from every lost fullness deeds and purify for himself his own special word zeal for his good word thanks be to god we honor it by saying thanks be to god [Music] suspect [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] to those who are online we know we have had our second session of prayer this is our prayer that we normally do for this section of the service we know that prayer can't be too much so if you need prayer still sending your prayer request for those who are out there you can raise your hand if you know you're struggling whatever your circumstances is you can just raise your hand and as we pray that god still answers pray let us pray eternal god and father this morning we come before you we thank you lord for your strength for your love for your mercies and for your grace we thank you lord for dying on calvary's cross to save us from all our sins this morning as your children lord we humbly come before your throne of grace you are the potter we are the clay mould us lord make us break us fashion us into your likeness and after your will today dear lord as we come before you lord we see the cry and the pain of persons who are out there even of ourselves for our relatives and our friends lord each day we get up we hear the cry of someone crying out for losing our loved ones and even within our community lord we have many who have lost loved ones who have gone on and they are still grieving who are still losing loved ones and not sure what is going to happen tomorrow but lord remember you said you hold all our tomorrows into your hand and at this time every father we ask that you may come now and help your children to understand that you are god and you said you will not leave us and you will not forsake us but lord you'll take us underneath your wings lord jesus and you'll comfort us and you'll give us strength that we may be able to stand and to fight again father we pray for those who are going through financial challenges we know it is difficult because when they get up there i'm certain about how the bills are going to be paid but remember lord that the woman with the issue of blood for 12 years and you still blood healer remember lord that the woman who had nothing to eat and when elisha came her house was full with flour and oil and lord today we know you're the still miracle working god work and miracle in the lives of your children now we pray we all saw that they will trust you because you said when we walk with you you will lighten our path and you will deliver and you will provide for us father we pray lord for the aching hearts we pray for those who are sick a man of spiritually physically and mentally lord we ask lord that you may come now lord jesus and for your children wherever they are you know the cry of your children at this time visit them at this time give them strength lord hold them up with your right and dear jesus we pray oh god that you will anoint your children from the crown of their head to the soul of their feet lord tell them to understand lord amidst all that is happening you did not leave the children of israel and you will not leave us lord you are there with job and you are here with us you are there with john the lord and you'll be with us you are there we know our lord and you will be with us today help us to use their examples as our example that you will never ever leave us nor forsake us but lord help us to remember that we may trust you we may be faithful lord we may come to you because you said when we seek when we ask and when we knock you will deliver oh god you are such a wonderful god you have given us so many promises and you are the only one in our life that who have always kept the promises and today lord may we reach out to you as you have reached out to us and in return lord jesus for those who are here at sandy base of the adventist church help us lord at this time that we wake up out of our sleep and live a life that others in the community lord may see christ in us without even us open up our hearts and he must open up our mouth to say that we are adventists and that we should live help us teach others how to live by the way we live dear jesus afternoon where lord in our lives help us to stop talk and to do things more in action lead up before us be with our service be with the man who will break the bread of life unto us lord we pray that you may wash him and cleanse him lord jesus that does he speak his words may not be his words but it may be your words his plan may not be his plans but these plans may be your plans lead up before him lord anointing their jesus as we go through the rest of the service in jesus precious name i pray amen [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] amen we stand to hear a word from the lord coming to breathe the word of god to us is our first elder elder albert morris and as he comes to breathe the word of god to us may we open our hearts and receive the word of god before he comes we'll be favored with a special song of meditation then the next voice you'll hear is that of our elder ella morris i spent my time [Music] searching for you [Music] knowing your will wasn't easy to do and i knew it was you oh [Music] it was you in every mind [Music] lead me and guide me and take all those memories [Music] holds me so close lord till i feel your heartbeat and don't let [Music] [Applause] lead me and guide me along the way for there was no music until i heard [Music] then your song fill my heart and lord you replace those broken gods [Music] lord beside me lead me and guide me and take all those memories [Music] your heartbeat and don't let me wander away lord beside me lead me and guide me and take all those memories [Music] hold me so close lord till i in your heart meat and don't let me wander [Music] till i feel your heartbeat and don't let me wander away and don't let me wander [Music] [Laughter] [Music] in your virtual space and for those who are here based on the protocol um if you see i'm looking inside and i like to look directly at the lens and i'm speaking to those who are online so forgive me for shifting my head a little bit but if you notice in worship today we did more than one prayer session and one of the reasons for this is that the 70 adventist church located here in sandy bay is very purposeful about praying we are very serious about praying let me see if i can just adjust myself here good we're serious about praying because pray prayer is power just want to inform the church those who are on virtuous peace life no one will watch after because i want us as the members of the son of a church so share it with all the members you know so even if they don't watch the service life i encourage you to share with them because sometimes we want to pass on information to them and this is one information we want to pass on this morning to let you know that the leadership of this church in san diego has come up with a prior program what is this program all about is that every week we plan to meet once there is a request or there is another request every week on our virtual space we'll meet and pray for the church whatever is happening not just that for the next three months we'll be having fasting and prayer as a leadership team for ourselves and the church asking god to give us instruction and direction and lifting up the members before god and so it is a serious business sister marks that we are on prayer all the way sister tracy and so i'm going to ask the the technical team to put up my number that's the prior line we're working with that number thus far and brother fans you have it if the others don't have it you can share it during this service and so wherever you are whoever you are wherever you live whatever time you may watch the different service any time of the day any time of the week put your prayer requests you don't have to go into detail the prayer group will be meeting the leadership will be praying and so we know that god is able today i want to share with you as a reminder that we are more than conquerors we are more than conquerors i look at my own life and realize that each moment of this pandemic each moment of this these challenges god is teaching me a lesson and i also realized that as he teaches me this lesson i have to learn them so that i can get stronger and i came up with a understanding through god's word that he is we are more than conquerors why is it that we are more than conquerors not just conquerors we are more than conquerors because we serve a living god we serve a god who cares for us on the background of this i'm going to use two texts passage of scripture as our key text and the first one was read for our scripture reading and that is titus chapter 2 verse 11 to 14 and the next one is romans 8 verse 35 to 39 we are more than conquerors and on this background we will share comforting words words of reminder as we are blessed today let us pray heavenly father wash me cleanse me one more time humble me in your presence use me as an instrument allow all of us o lord to be filled with your power even now and as your words go forward it will find enlargement in all of us hearts and we will be comforted that even this time you are there for us with us as your promise in jesus name we pray amen titus chapter 2 verse 11 to verse 14. just before hebrews it reads for the grace of god that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts we should live soberly righteously and godly in this present world looking for that blessed hope and that glorious appearing of the great god and our savior jesus christ who gave him self for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purify unto himself a peculiar people zealous of good works romans 8 verse 35 to 39 who shall separate us from the love of god who shall separate us from the love of christ shall tribulation or distress our persecution are forming our nakedness our peril our sword as it is written for thy sake we are killed all day long we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter nay in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us for i am persuaded that neither debt nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of god which is in christ jesus our lord using these texts as written here in god's word is that we see some things popping out at us we see here that god would make some provision for humanity even when sin would have entered this world and as we go back and compare and contrast and look at these things realize that it leaves some hope and assurance with us that even in a time that we are living we can be conquerors not just ordinary conquerors but more than conquerors and conquerors mean to overcome to get by or to pass through or to to to at our tolerate situation but we are not just tolerating as normal we are more than overcomers we are more than tolerators we are victories victory people we are a people who believe then that as we look at titles we see here that titus in the world says that by grace because of that unmerited favor that god bring it to us offering a salvation which is free offering a moment a timeline helped when we are weak appearing to all men what does this mean appearing to all men men can realize that god is saying to us salvation is sure by his grace not just that his words are teaching us that we are to deny ungodliness and worldly things we should live soberly we should live godly in this present world and even though this book titus was written several years ago it is still relevant it is still necessary for us today it is still important it is still possible that all mankind can live above sin but that's now we're resuming we're zooming in today and the fact that he says that why we should deny ungodliness while we should deny worldliness when we do this we are to look for that blessed hope that glorious appearing what is this is about jesus second coming who will come in the close who gave himself for us who die and calvary for us so that we might be redeemed i pause here a little bit if he redeem us he sets us free redeeming not from some things but all things i want to bring somebody a message today from god that he can redeem us from prophet 19. he can reveal redeem us from all sickness he might not redeem us physically as we want to but he will redeem us spiritually because he will allow us to go through this situation and be more than conquerors god is able he's able because as i ponder on it and i looked at the cross i realized that as he was on the cross hanging there blood was stripping and in pain and agony and when he thirsts they gave him vinegar to drink as i looked at the scenario and picture about the the story i realized that it's not easy to take some nails in your hands nails in your feet not place thorns or muck as we understand the language today around your head there will be a spear pierced in your sight i am saying to us today because of his love for us and all of us he died on calvary to redeem us and he's saying to us we are at a place where we should not give up my god our god is able he's saying to us that listen we can make it above this sinful world we can live above sin he's saying that he's a tell us god but not just that in verse 14 he says that he will purify us purify means to do it make clean clean from our sinful nature clean forever things that are affecting us he will not just make us clean and leave us there he says that we are a peculiar people peculiar means that we are special we are important i said to somebody out there who's watching and feel like you want to give up you are a peculiar human being even though you might be smoking even though you might have a little drink that is not right even though you might tell some lies sometimes i'm saying to you that you're peculiar because god is still in the saving business and he has died on calvary to redeem all of us you are important if you are not baptized because he's calling you to come to his full you are important because he died for all of us but when we look at it and we follow him and we live for him because he says in titus 2 verse 11 and 12 that we ought to deny ungodliness live godly how are we going to do this but he's available to help us sometimes we face with challenges sometimes we face with hardship sometimes we are tested tested very much that we feel as if we want to give up but here is a question with some answers in romans chapter 8. it starts in verse 35 who shall separate us from the love of christ you see separation is a serious thing it means disconnection it means going to exile who shall disconnect us from god's love god's love even when we did not love him and we don't love him even when we sin he still loves us god's love which is constant this always and it's it's the finite it's infinite and it comes with not any condition because it comes as just love pure love and diluted love god's love in spite of when we fail him still reaches out to all of us who shall disconnect us sister tracy from such a love who yes we are tested we are trying the the statement is made after with also question says then shall tribulation shall distress our persecution our forming our nakedness our peril are sword i don't have to go into any details of these because they're straightforward shall any problem allow us to get distracted from god no no not at all if i don't have any food should i be disconnected from god no if i don't have enough clothes should i be disconnected from god not at all if persecution should come upon me or any of us should be to get disconnected from god not at all because of his love for us you see he died and calvary so that all of us may be saved but it continues in verse 36 as it is written for thy sake we are killed all day long we are accounted as she for the slaughter i'm seeing something here not my sound a little bit funny what do i mean by funny why is it that the bible is saying that we we are counted as sheep for the slaughter watch this when we give our lives to god when we accept god there's an enemy who is pointing at us he uses different energy and agents this enemy is the devil satan only one third host wicked evil angel once we come to god he and his house is pounding at our minds trying to get us to be disconnected from god what is happening here is that god is saying listen i love you so much and because of your love for me that is we as human we are going to be considered in the enemy's eyes as he those he wants to kill but god is saying even though we know that we shouldn't worry we should not fret we should not give up because guess what if we know that we are on the winning side we don't have to worry about those who hate us i'm talking about the devil no and he's one-third i'm saying to us that right here that as christians we are tested on our side and the devil does not like us he'll try to kill us that's why he says we are counted as sheep or a slaughter but this is where it gets interesting verse 37 nay in all these things what are these things those i read in titus chapter 2 in all the worldly things that come upon us and all the things here mentioned in verse 35 of romans chapter 8 we who accept god's love we are more than conquerors what a god reserve i'm talking to somebody online i'm talking to somebody who watched the service after you we are more than conquerors because we accept christ's love and nothing will disconnect us nay in all these things we are more than conquerors not more than conquerors not on our own not in our own strength not in our own humanity but we can do this in true christ jesus is saying to hear that i was saying if i want to put it that even simple way jesus is saying i got you i got your back i have you i have your pathway i have your life in my hand when you come to me even when you don't come to me i'm interested in you so come to me let me take care of your business everybody love to hear that kind of statement we have a god who is interested in us but he says it continues to say that for i paul know here in his writing and inspiration in romans chapter eight is not testifying we can testify we can do it too through christ who straighten us romans philippians 4 13 and going back to romans 8 verse 38 for i am persuaded neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers not things present not things to come here it is talking about the present and the future of each of us life while we are alive it is saying to us that nothing should separate us nothing should disconnect us from the love of god is our soul saying to us that we need to make a pledge make a covenant we ought to talk with him speak with him relate to him allow him to lead us make a covenant purpose in our heart that hey i'm not going to allow any little thing any little trouble i mean i'm gonna i'm not gonna allow any disease any sickness to disconnect me from god it's not easy veteran it's not easy it's not easy but we can do it it's not easy when we when we when flesh gets better of us when pain is rocking our body when death is in our form it's not easy but we have a god we can place our trust in so i hasten to say that trust him trust him some more he says no height nor depth nor any creature shall be able to separate us from the love of god which is in christ jesus our lord notice here that when we look at the text it names a name rather and gives different background of things so in other words it encapsulates all aspects of life all aspects of life not farming persecution heights depths so either if we get rich he'll never get poor even if we have problems even if we are sick even if loved one died that should not allow us to be disconnected from god i share some texts because the but just before that because of the love of god that is in us and the love that we have for god we can still hold on second corinthians 5 14 said if any man is in christ jesus is our new creature so we have hope next take psalm 119 verse 10 it says it is by that just paraphrasing it is by the word of god that we are able to live above sin so it means then that the more i'm in christ the more i'll be reading his word i say 40 verse 30 once a day that wait upon allah shall what renew their strength so it's indication that for us not to be disconnected from god and the challenges that we're facing for staying put with god we are to realize that we have to wait on him allow him to talk with us allow him in first corinthians 10 verse 12 it says that we ought to be what still and know that god is god understand who is in isaiah 43 verse 1 to 3 remind us that when we go through the water when we go through the fire he'll be dear with us i want to say to somebody online i want to say to somebody in worship today that sometimes he will not take us out he will take us through but he's still with us sometimes he will allow us to feel a little pain but he's still there with us because he promised that he'll never leave us nor forsake us we have a god according to romans 5 and verse 8 he commanded his love commanded his love to us lord when we were yet sinners he died and calvary brother christie what a god so we have hope we have hope in the stand we must not be despondent we must not give up yes the test is heavy yes the challenges are great but we have a armed of power and that is prior to cryo to god in the times of our distress i encourage us to examine ourselves examine ourselves among the background whether we are like the five virgins wise virgins are the five foolish examine ourselves to see if we can stand like three hebrew boys examine ourselves to see if we can stand like daniel because in isaiah 59 verse one and two it says his hands are not too short his ears are not hard let me read it for you because i want to point on something here go with me to isaiah 59 isaiah 59 verse 1 and 2 behold the lord's hand is not short that it cannot save neither is air heavy that it cannot hear but your iniquities are separated between you and your god and your sins have hid his face from you that he will not hear you now this is a reminder to the prophet isaiah written in god's holy word book that we have a god who listen we have a god who reaches to us we have a god who care but we are to examine ourselves if we are living in sin and to ensure that we return and surrender before it is too late we can surrender because in first john 1 verse 9 it says if we confess all sins is what faithful and just to forgive us of all our sin we are more than conquerors when we trust and obey it says that he's willing to hear us but if we are living in sin that's going to be a challenge examine ourselves against the background that he outsend his comforter the holy spirit when he was leaving earth he said that it's jesus leaving his earthly ministry he said to his disciples that he will leave and he's going to come again but he said he'll send a comforter in john 15 14 he says if he loved me keep my commandment this is important if you love me keep my commandments in verse 5 21 he says he that hurt my commandments and keep at them he it is that love with me and he that loveth me shall be loved of my father and i will love him and will manifest myself to him you see love here is the operative word in this relationship god loving us we loving him that will help us to be more than conquerors more than conquerors because we have the spirit of truth the holy spirit will guide us into all truth all truth which is from the word of god john 17 verse 17 says sanctify them through thy truth thy word is true examine ourselves against the background that there is some fruits that we have to yield when we are following god's way even when we make mistake and we run back to him examine ourselves to see where we stand because we want to ensure that we are standing on a solid rock a solid rock christ jesus he said against this rock jesus i build my church and the gates of hell shall never prevail we have all because we are more than conquerors the devil cannot prevail against god's people he might be allowed to test us like job but he cannot prevail he might be allowed to cause some sickness but he cannot prevail he might be allowed to cause some pandemic but jesus is still the conquered lion and the tribe of judah stand holding us together in his palms of his hand we have as god who love us examine ourselves against galatians 5 verses 22 and 23 because it just want to remind us that when we stay with him when we allow him to be in our life and abide with him and he abides with us it says the fruit of the spirit will obtain love joy peace long suffering gentleness goodness faith meekness temperance against such there is no law with all these there will be no law or saying to us must walk in the spirit and not after the flesh allow god to take over our life against this also we examine ourselves in proverbs 3 verse 5 to 6 trust in the lord with all thy heart and lean that under an own understanding in all that ways acknowledge him and he shall direct our powers i say to us brothers and sisters i say to us friends out there we have a god who still cares to us but we have to trust him it's just like doing a higher purchase if we have a cash to pay down there's a payment plan with the payment plan comes some condition and terms and agreement with god extending his love to us he's saying we are to return that love while he did not force in us he says that he wish that none of us will prosper in sin or dying sin but all will come to repentance and love him i will come to repentance and follow him god is saying to us we are more than conquerors in the lifestyle of sin because we have a help which is christ jesus i share my two lost texts as i encourage somebody today that we are more than conquerors when we look at the holy spirit working in our life we are more than conquerors through this we are not to give up we ought to hold on turn with me to ii peter 3 verse 9 to 10 and encouraging us as conquerors as overcomers are those who are making it into victim through jesus christ i'm encouraging us on the background that is a great event that is before us a great event that none of us should miss a great event that was promised to us a great event that tells us that things will be better things are going to be better things are going to get better things are going to be different things are going to be perfect things are going to be happy moments where death will be no more moments where sickness will be no more why i know this because he gives us a promise second peter 3 verse 9 says the lord is not slack concerning the his promises as some men come slackness but is long suffering to us we're not willing that any should perish but all should come to repent as i said that but this is key verse 10 but the day of the lord will come as a thief in the night in which the heaven shall pass away with a great noise and the elements shall melt with fervent heat the earth also the works that are therein shall be burnt up a great event is coming that is going to be a happy moment that is going to be a great moment you see john saw it the revelator while he was in pain and agony he got a glimpse through the holy spirit in verse 1 of chapter 21 of revelation 9 john saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away and there was no more seat it's getting more interesting verse two and i john saw the holy city new jerusalem coming down from god out of heaven appeared as a bride of dawn for her husband and i heard a great voice out of heaven saying behold the tabernacle of god is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people this is entrusted and god himself shall wipe shall be with them and be there god things are going to get better in verse 4 it gives me hope it should give you hope in verse 4 it gives me assurance it should give you assurance and then god shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more debt need a sorrow not crying neither shall there be any more pain for the former things are passed away i say to somebody today god is going to give us a better life and that's eternal life and while we are living in this world let us give him our all because we can be more than conqueror oh i know this also that there will be new heaven and new earth he promised it in saint john 14 verse 1 to 3. he says while he was talking to the disciples relevant to us today let not your heart be troubled he believed in god believe also in me in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so i would have told you i go to prepare a place for you and if i go and prepare a place for you i will come again and receive you unto myself that where i am there he may be also and whether i go i go ye no and the way he know in other words scotland is saying that do we not know when i'm coming but i'm coming back i'm going back from my early ministry to where i belong to prepare a place for all of us when he says all he did not specify in terms of race color our nation but he was saying all who will believe all will accept him there is hope in this life somebody might feel as if they want to give up today there is hope in king jesus he mentioned in our key texts that we receive unmerited favor that we receive grace we receive salvation but but by receiving it we have to accept it it is offered to us for us to become more than conquerors in the things that are happening in life we have to allow god to lead our lives by saying to us brethren those watching online if you feel like you want to give up it's too late to give up because jesus is still interested in you if you feel like this pandemic is getting the better of your mental state i'm saying to you there is a god in heaven who still cares lift your burdens to jesus if you feel as if the mood is running out and you don't know where to turn i'm saying to you there's a god who is rich in rubies and diamonds because he is a king of this world i said to you if you feel as if something is happening and you feel like you don't want to be a part of god's church anymore i said to you making the wrong decision making the wrong decision because god is still calling us he's still calling us out of sin ungodliness he still cares for us it's too late to give up it's too late to turn back because god is fighting the battle for us we are in the early time of trouble we are in the feet of iron and clay in daniel chapter 2 god is just waiting holding by the winds of strength according to revelation 7 verse 1 to 4 until his people is sealed until their seal and the truth or the word of god god is giving us an opportunity while probation lingers make our calling an election sure have to appeal the first one for those of us who are serving him who have been baptized don't give up don't give up hold on because soon and very soon he that will come will come and not delay hold on because he's able to take us through i said to those who have not yet given their hearts to god look at revelation 14 6-12 first warning me to fear god and give him glory second is to come out of babylon and third is to mention ensure that we don't receive the deadly mark of the beast which is false worship according to revelation chapter 13 read them for yourself no time let's want to encourage somebody we are more than conquerors what are we facing today as i close what are we going through what are we experiencing what are we worrying about when we have a god who is alive what are we concerned about when we have a god who have the answers when we cry out to him what are our troubles give them to jesus because we are more than conquerors god bless you [Music] we want to use this opportunity to say thanks to lmrs for reminding that us that we are more than conquerors and from morning until now you have been hearing that you need to hold on these messages that we're getting are just reminding us that we are home close to home don't give up just continue to hold on let us stand as we sing praises as we sing number 593 in number 593 [Music] in times [Music] be very sure [Music] this rock is jesus yes he's the one [Music] this rock is the jesus one be very sure [Music] be very sure [Music] these [Music] [Applause] be very sure be very sure [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] this rock is jesus be very sure be [Music] it turns like this [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm very sure [Music] this rock is jesus yes he's the one [Music] this rock is jesus [Music] my [Music] praise the lord wherever you are we can praise him or anchor holes just want to say to us that the times are living in don't look left or right keep looking to jesus don't live in sin repentance is available forgiveness is available keep loving jesus because he loves us let us pray heavenly father through jesus our intercessor from morning we have been crying out to you you have given us words of encouragement to different mediums and even now lord you have given us a sermon from several scriptures lord as we examine ourself wherever we are weak and guilty forgive us as we examine ourselves lord help us to draw closer to you to submit not available and stand for truth the time is drawing closer probation is soon to close not knowing the day not the time lord but the signs are clear help us to make or call in an election sure loving lord we place ourselves in your care wash us cleanse us have your own sweet way in our lives we pray o lord that we will never give up knowing that we have help but we are more than conquerors cover us under your blood are tired o lord of the things around us this pandemic is affecting us in different areas of our life but lord we know that we can conquer through christ jesus we cry out to you one more time for help help us to clean the promise o lord that you'll never leave us not forsake us thank you for hearing us thank you for answering us in jesus name we pray amen amen [Music] oh lord [Music] [Music] let me hope that viewers that you were blessed today join us next week as we continue to worship the lord on his holy and blessed day have yourselves a blessed and holy sabbath day [Music] what a wonderful change in my life has been brought since jesus came into my heart [Music] since jesus came into my house since jesus came into my heart floods [Music] jesus came into my heart since jesus came into my heart of joy oh my soul i can see my heart [Music]
Channel: Sandy Bay Seventhday Adventist
Views: 149
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: PrAfkCE7BeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 167min 26sec (10046 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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