ASI Tobago Chapter Sabbath 1st May 2021"Locked Down But Not Locked Out"

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foreign [Music] [Music] so so so so so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] you've come from the east and west you come from tobago toronto piaco and even from mexico you've come from the north and south watching from london and king's son and joshua and even from edmonton we invite you to join with jesus and us and sing to his holy name on this happy sabbath morning please join me as we invite the lord's presence let us pray dear god i thank you for helping us to be able to share the message of god our father lord i ask for you to bless the online viewers lord help them to grasp what is happening and what is being said lord help them to understand the word of god in your precious and holy name we pray amen amen to you through you today we are happy to be your host for today's worship session i am anja niro and i am joao jofe today our worship will be centered on our hero the true hero our father god online viewers do you have a hero what about you anya do you have a hearing of course and we will be talking about him today god or father who is your evil jewel my bible hero is god or father amen today our kingdom children will continue to share about children heroes in the bible and the importance of compassion we may even see some of them displaying their bible here that should be exciting anya and following them there will be an engaging discussion from our young adults as they keep us glued to the screen with the topic warzone of the confidence wow that sounds intense jules adults you two are included in all lineup today your lesson discussion will explode the question why did the law refer to himself as abraham shield your topic is children of the promise i am i am sure in between all of these discussions or viewers will be doubly blessed with heavenly music most definitely and it won't be church if we don't receive the main course or sermon and that will be presented by pastor newsom her topic is locked down but not locked out don't change this channel stay tuned in because your blessing is guaranteed what time is it so six days we have for work and play the savant is for jesus we rest upon his holy day because it is for jesus one two three four five six for us one two three four five six for us two three four five six for us but the servant is for jesus welcome boys and girls to kingdom children prepared for eternity oh look at how many of you in our tv land or internet learn yes yes it's good to be here with you boys and girls and remember this month we are looking at what yes heroes of the bible or herons yes and today we continue with another bible character who are the two we looked at so far yes good memory boys and girls josiah and the little boy with the fishes and loaves yes now stay tuned and be blessed by the kingdom children prepare for trinity and we'll come back to discuss the lesson we learned from the life of this little girl oh boy bye for now hi good morning boys and girls and happy servers i need you to shout happy sabbath can't hear you awesome it's me auntie schumer and i know you are asking auntie shomo where is the naya denya is going to be with us here next time all right but for now i am going to be singing with you we have been talking about bible heroes for the past few weeks and today i have something to tell you we cannot cover all the heroes in the bible in just a few weeks so today we are going to sing a few songs for some of the stories we have not yet covered all right we're gonna sing about jonah david we're going to talk about thing about around the world of jericho we're going to sing about samson and yes today we are talking about showing compassion we are going to sing about neyman that little maid that showed compassion neiman are you ready stand and let's clap let's sing all right jonah went down to nineveh you have to smile [Music] to warn the people there he warned them and he told them that the coming of the lord is come on he warned them and he told them that the coming of the lord is he [Music] [Music] and [Music] round and round only a boy named david and he can't play the absolute reaction only a boy named david only a letter broke only a boy let me see your fingers and five little he took and one little sword went into the sling and the sling went around and around one little sword went into the sling and the swing went around and round and round let's sing about jericho all right so you have to get up we have to march and then we say seven yep we put up seven fingers okay let's go around the walls of jericho around the world of jericho around the world of jericho [Music] into jericho atlanta into jericho let's sing about some sun samson was the strongest man who ever walked on earth samson was strong very strong from bird the ancestors parents not to cut theirs here no give them wine to drink no whiskey or beer sing some was the strongest man who ever walked on earth samson was strong very strong from birth angel told his parents not to cut his hair no give him wine to drink no to see your bear sing some there was a man i know he was a leopard white as snow he went to the river to wash his spots away and his name was named and he dipped one tip and he dipped come on boys and girls and he'd did three dips and he did he dipped he dipped he dipped one two three four five six seven he came up clean clean clean let's do that he went to the river to wash his spots away and his name was and he dipped one dip and he dipped two dips and he dipped three dips and he dipped he did he dipped dipped one two three four five six seven he came up clean clean sleep he came up give yourselves a please boys and girls very good see you next time enjoy the rest of the program [Music] happy sabbath everyone boys uncles i want to share some exciting texts with you mark chapter 9 verse 36 says when jesus saw the crowds he was moved with compassion matthew chapter 20 30-34 says jesus asked the blind man what do you want me to do for you the blind man said they wanted to see jesus had compassion on them touch their eyes and give them sight to see luke chapter 7 verse 12-15 says that jesus saw a crowd of people at a funeral when he saw the hurt the mother was experiencing he had compassion on him and raised her son from the dead second corinthians chapter 1 verse 3 to 4 says be kind and compassionate to one another when was the last time you felt so sorry for someone that you did something special for them maybe your brother or sister was crying for your toy and you gave it to them maybe your mum or dad was crying and you went and comfort them when was the last time you showed compassion to anyone jesus is the most compassionate person i know i also know that you want to be like him let us remember as we try to be like jesus we must try to be compassionate to others around us i want to challenge you boys and girls so open your bibles and find all the texts that talk about the compassion of jesus and ask jesus to help you be as compassionate as he is this has been your kid's faith germ today brought to you by me calcium webster enjoy the rest of your summit bye everyone good morning and happy summer to everyone it is story time and today we have a beautiful story for you it's an exciting story about a bible hero would you like to guess who this hero is no it's not david no it's not moses no it's not joseph it is about a little girl you're wondering could a little girl be a hero you just pay attention to my story and you will recognize that this little girl is a real bible hero no in bad times god's people were called the children of israel and the neighboring nations would always come across and cause trouble and fight with them so one day the syrians made a cruel raid and they took some of the people along with this little girl now she screamed and cried let me go let me go do not take me from my mother she even cried out to god and asked god why why why did you let this happen to me but they ignored her cries and the screams of the others and bundled them up and carried them down to damascus at damascus she was sold as to she was sold to neymar the captain of the army and she went home to nayman's house and she was neyman's wife maid so if neymar's wife wanted anything she would call her and she would come running to do whatever neymar's wife wanted now of course she felt homesick lonely with no friends and then she's amongst strange people but one thing she did not do one thing she did is that she did not forget to pray she missed her mother especially at night but she did not forget the things that mother taught her things like to be kind to be caring and to pray in all circumstances to love god and to trust him now after a few days she made up her mind that she should stop crying she will trust god and see what happens now fortunately for her mrs layman was kind to her and they talked a lot eventually they start to talk like mother and daughter now what would a little girl be talking about of course she will be sharing the stories that her mom taught her stories about what god did for her people one story especially is the miracle at the red sea when moses put down his rod and the water parted and all these multitude of people were able to cross on the red sea and the mistress became very interested in her stories but the little maid noticed that she looked sad and she wondered should i ask her is it my place to ask her why she is looking so sad eventually she built up the courage to act and she told her the mystery stole eliza made the master of the host neyman has this dreaded disease leprosy and i am thinking that probably he was in quarantine now the little maid said leprosy that is a terrible illness and you would wonder what do you think that she would do now she remembered one thing elisha's god's prophet used to do a lot of healing and miracles but what are you thinking normally you would think in tobago language god or sleep pay back time but this little maid she didn't think that at all she's remembered the words of her mother that you must show compassion now you're wondering compassion what is the meaning of compassion become too big compassionate is to be sympathetic to show pity and concern for the suffering or misfortune of others for instance there could be this little girl who is oh this little boy one knowing you at school and one day they were running and they fell down and all the books scattered out and then they bruised their day to show compassion you would run to them and said please are you all right can i help you now the little maid she when she spoke to the mysteries the mystery said we tried all things and nothing seems to work but the little man remembered back home and the god that he knew she knew used his servant elisha and elijah to heal people now the madam the mistress was very interested now and the little maid got a chance to tell the stories she told her stories about how elijah raised this dead boy when elisha stretched himself over the dead boy's body and the boy came back alive and the poor widow who had a little bit of flour and a little bit of oil and she used it to make a nice little cake for elijah and every morning after that for a long time there was always flour and oil that was a miracle and the mistress became interested she also shared the story on monk carmel when fire came down and licked up the sacrifice that was wet and she said really those miracles happened elisha could do that and the mystery started to question her a little more no the little maid she didn't get annoyed at all and said forget it you cause it i'm a little girl you're trying to doubt me she said no and she continued to talk with the mysteries the bible says in second kings chapter 5 that the maid said thus and thus meaning that she continued to talk and talk and talk because she had to convince the mistress that she had a genuine concern and that she was really compassionate about helping neymar now when her little brain could not remember anymore she finally concluded she said oh yes my lady she addressed the mysteries as my lady there's a god in heaven and he's a wonderful god elijah is his prophet and i am sure that he will he's your husband let him go please no the mistress made up her mind and she went and she shared the stories with neyman now neyman was desperate for a kill so immediately he loaded up his servants and and the chariots and they take off to go to elisha's house now somewhere along the road they went to the wrong house until they finally ended up at elijah's house no naman sent his servant to call so the servant went to the house and called good morning good morning is elijah living here he said yes he said well tell him captain naaman is out there to see him so the servant says how can i help you well captain neyman has leprosy and he heard that elisha served a god who could work miracles so he has come down here for healing the servant went in and spoke to elijah elijah sent out a message and said to him and the message was tell naaman to go and dip in the river jordan seven times he laid a message to the servant and the servant came to captain neyman when captain neyman heard the message he was angry he doesn't know who i am why is he sending me sending the servant out he should come out and speak to me and he was angry but the servant had a little more sense than neymar and said captain at least right you will lose anything so finally they started and they went down to the river jordan the river jordan was really a dirty river and he went in dipped one time nothing happened two times nothing happened the third time nothing happened the fourth time he said i am midway through at least i should see something where these things are disappearing from my skin the servant said no he said seven times so eventually neymar went down the seventh time and when he came up the seventh time boys and girls what do you think happened the yes the leprosy disappeared now he was so happy to see his skin perfect again he load up his chariot and first of all he headed to elijah's house to say thank you whom do you think he wanted to see after he spoke to elijah oh yes boys and girls he wanted to see that little maid now while neyman was gone the little maid what you think she was doing she was home praying she was saying lord i know you are faithful god and i want you to heal the captain neyman do it please in jesus name now while she was praying she was there looking by the window and when she was looking by the window now the roads long ago were dusty roads she saw a cloud of dust come in and she run to the mystery for the house and she said neyman is coming back neyman is coming back and he's here the mystery said how are you sure she said i know my god has healed me man and so said so then the chariots and all the servants came into the house and the name and asked for the little maid and there was a big celebration now our bible hero the little maid showed compassion because she knew that the god in heaven he was a wonderful god and not because she was down there in in and sold as a slave that she said you know what these people treat me badly i am not going to share the knowledge i knew i am not going to share that desert prophet elijah who could heal because she was a compassionate girl our bible hero she shared information and you too boys and girls could be a bible hero show compassion always even in difficult situations trust god all the time and he will help you wasn't that a wonderful story about that little girl yes yes boys and girls but before we continue let's recite the scripture verse for the month 1st corinthians chapter 11 verse 1 let's go be ye followers of me even as i also am of christ very good now boys and girls what would you have done if you would visit a girl imagine being taken from your home to live far away with strangers once you feel homesick missing mommy's good home cooking now this little girl had compassion for her master why because she loved god and wanted to please him boys and girls you may not be happy where you are yes granny doesn't know your situation but think about how you can allow jesus to love someone through you just like this little girl do you know what will make it easy well let's think about all the blessings that god has given us yes now like naaman this person that you may know needs to know the love of god ask god to help you think of someone who may need some compassion boys and girls we are still in corporate times who knows maybe you have a friend whose parents were laid off from work and they may need help with food what about the people in its inventions have you been able to give evils a little give something to help them or if you cannot give at this point in time boys and girls do you know how you could show compassion yes you can pray for them yes and ask god to send them the help and to give them strength to this time so boys and girls that's an important lesson we learned today compassion remember everywhere jesus went he did good he kind she cared for people so we too ought to care so we see you again little later bye for now today we have a bag some water some cute colored sharp pencil crayons the pencil crayons will represent the things that others do to hooters we are the bags versus guess what god's holy spirit on the inside no let's just fill this [Music] box what's up now that we have filled this bag with water we will insert the pencils through the bag i surely would not want to be this bag right now boys and girls look at how the water stays on the inside and the bag is so upright no don't do it boys and girls look at how the water stays on the inside and the bag is still upright do you want to be like this even jesus when he was taken off of the cross still had to kneel wounds in his hands when people hurt us we may still have the wounds from the hood but we can still stay strong as long as we do not let them take god's word out of us point to note boys and girls god's holy spirit is our protection on the inside of us once we continue to make our bodies temples for him to dwell in we do not have to worry about people destroying us [Music] in a world where everyone wants to be a superhero and have a superpower boys and girls we want you to remember that you have all the power you need in jesus be a bible hero by asking god to live in your heart so you can stand up strong even when us try to hurt you the bible power for today is [Music] to compassion them out do yourself [Music] is [Music] say [Music] way to go [Music] is [Music] when the enemies surround you and the walls are closing and the tide is wickly rising now you wonder where he [Music] your god is moving [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] in his time let god [Music] kingdom children are you ready to meet this week's bible heroes six-year-old jasper whose favorite bible hero is danielle and jabari who is eight years old can you guess his favorite bible hero yes it's samsung boys thank you for sharing with us [Music] well boys and girls that's it for this week let's be a hero or hearing this week let's be like jesus and show compassion to the people around us yes jesus loves everybody so in your own way or in the way that god shows you how to show compassion let's be obedient okay so see you next sabbat bye for now dear jesus please help the boys and girls to remember something from this lesson and please help them to use it in their life please bless them and keep them safe in jesus name amen [Music] jesus loves me this i know good morning and happy sabbath welcome back to another cq and inverse lesson discussion we are on lesson five the war zone of the covenants my name is kalisa joseph and with me i have the lawrence islam and a special guest brother stephen thomas who is joining us all right so before we get into the the meat of things we'll ask for the stephen to say that would have prayed for us as i invite us to boards father in heaven your grace is sufficient to save us to the utmost and for that we are thankful as we go into this study may our hearts and our minds be opened up it's your holy spirit's promptings so that we can speak things and say the things that will please you and that will be well with our viewers and those who will you know i just been invited to watch so lead us to this and we pray in jesus name amen amen so before we begin we like to read in romans chapter 8 verses 1 to 10 and it says there is therefore known no condemnation to them which are in christ jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit for the law of the spirit of life in jesus christ hath made me free from the law of sin and death for what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh god sending his own son in the likeness of sin for flesh and for sin condemned sin in the flesh that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit for they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh but they that are after the spirit the things of the spirit for to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace because the carnal mind is enmity against god for it is not subject to the law of god neither indeed can be so then they that are in the flesh cannot please god but ye are not in the flesh but in the spirit if so be that the spirit of god dwell in you now if any man have not the spirit of christ he is none of his and if christ be in you the body is dead because of sin but the spirit is life because of righteousness so this entire chapter was was powerful so i want to know what stood out for you when you read this passage well um what i what i notice in in especially in the verses that you read you will see a clear juxtapose between life and death and and chapter eight begins beautifully where chapter seven leaves off and coming on to the end of chapter seven paul is in this paul is in a as to he says the things that i should do i do not and the things that i should not do that i do and he goes on to speak about him being a wretched man and who will deliver me from this body of death will deliver me from this sin and verse 1 of chapter 8 paul is making a declaration over his life and over the life of the believer when he says there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in christ who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the spirit so paul is saying is that life has been made available through to us through jesus and he says that the law will seek to do one thing which is to point out the flaws but christ makes us when i when i preparing for this when i when i wrote it i smile because i it sounds interesting it says christ makes us a living dead because the body is death right the body will die the body is decaying the body is sin but if i have christ i have life you see that is the beauty of of of the salvation the whole salvation concept because the same spirit that was alive in christ is available to give us life because of jesus righteousness and so that's the that's the beauty of of chapter eight and and the first and few verses i think we would be dealt with one to seventeen in the lesson and so it speaks to to that that juxtaposing between death and life and what is available to the to the believer yeah many things well one of the things that really stood out to me is the fact that these two spirits there are no similarities in the both of them beside how one is in charge of you there is no middle ground between these two and it's something that it's you should never mistake it that's one of the things that would have stood out to me in this little passage here okay one second you know the lesson spoke about well the title before he left it was the war zone of the covenants and i remember my generation in high school let's go with that you know our generation right in in high school we had something called kalianigaza right so that based on it was based on a likeness for a particular artist because of artists you used to say that you were either gully or gaza yes beautiful and when you look at what the girls gaza actually is it's like it's a war strip i think in pakistan so it took me back there now in that we are in the middle of our war zone we are in the gaza right so when what what is this war zone or what is it gaza where can we find it is it a place in pakistan what is the lesson speaking about here when it talks about um this war zone the war zone of the covenant what is that well from what i would have realized is not exactly a place where you can go to it's something that exists in all of us right spirits we're talking about here and um being born and born in sin and shaped in iniquity is not something that you could escape there's no running from this wall zone like the like like the reference you made but um in pakistan where the guys are strippers that's not the kind of war that you're fighting against when we're talking about this war here right you know you can't run from it and you may affect that you can't run for it and you can't hide from it it is going to impact and affect your life regardless of where you are who you are in society because we are all in this war zone and it's something we fight with every day so you know that's that's that's my contribution today you know i like how the how the lesson puts it and there has there has always been a perceived war between the old covenant and the new covenant and and the war or the perceived war is a creation of and i may not apologize to say it it's a creation of the enemy it's a creation of the devil because it is it is spoken of in various denominations as if we are fighting between the new covenant and the old covenant where some people say you're only holding on to old covenant and what it says is that there's a misunderstanding of what the war is about because because even if i am living under quote unquote what is said as the new covenant the way how you behave under the new covenant could also say that you're under you have an old covenant mentality right and the lesson made it the lesson made it clear when the lesson said that there is no war between god's historical covenants rather god's historical covenants wage war as allies against the enemy of souls to the common offer of salvation through the gospel of christ in to a world in crisis and threatened with total loss through the pandemic of sin that's how the lesson puts it because the old covenant which is what is called the old covenant pointed towards jesus christ who is quote unquote the new covenant or what he has brought to be so so there couldn't there could never be a war between all covenant and new covenant when the old covenant made made the way for the new government right so there is no battle they are friends as the lesson says they are allies because it is one enemy that that the two covenants are fighting yeah and and and the old covenant fought the enemy from from the time adam and eve had to sacrifice the time god sacrificed the lamb the old covenant was fighting against the enemy that caused adam and eve to fall and so it's the same enemy that even when christ came he fought and he won and it's the same enemy that we are fighting today so there is no there is no war between old covenant and new covenant they're both friends fighting one common enemy yeah but another thing they're with them in in talking about the enemy he's the reason why you would have the the division and the separation yeah the confusion and all of this so the more people you could confuse and to make them feel well no this one means that and i mean you would have already won yes as you read god's word you would understand and you would ask him to clear any preconceived ideas yeah that you may have about this and allow him to teach you what you need to know from his word yeah and that's that's just another thing because the voice between the war that is actually being fought is between flesh and spirit right and as you rightly said at the beginning the war is is within me i am fighting between flesh and spirit and the and whichever one that i feel is the one that will be dominant the one that we win yeah and i like how you know the lesson put it the lesson said that the devil knows that he cannot change the law he cannot change that jesus came and jesus died he can't change the gospel but what he can change or what he can influence is your circumstances yes and based on based on that your circumstances no you will decide no whether i will keep keep walking away from god or if i will come to him so that's what as he said really the war zone as well so you mentioned the battle is between the flesh and the spirit so what does it mean now to live a life of the flesh because you know that's a term that we we love to use life you know live a life of the flesh you know what what what is that i grew up in gsa in that probably all my life and i've come to realize it as you see as human beings we have a tendency to easily do the wrong things yeah you know you're just inclined to do the wrong things and any little good that exuberates from you that's really god put it there but outside of that you're just you're inclined to you see however you feel say i could just you know i that's the flesh the flesh just wants to gratify itself it doesn't have any consideration for morals or right and wrong it just wants to gratify itself and if left unchecked well god knows how much job they can be that's how i see you yeah yeah and it's it's it's it's really clear because the flesh is selfish entity because as paul says in and and if i back up to chapter seven yes um paul says in verse 18 of chapter seven for i know that in me and in brackets it says that is in my flesh nothing good dwells for to will is present with me but know but how to perform what is good i do not find so it means as stephen rightly said that it is my nature to do foolish things yes yes because paul said paul says for i know that in me that is in my flesh nothing good dwells so i am born with a disadvantage because i am born in the flesh so paul says in my flesh there's nothing good i can find nothing good in me and so when we when we when we feed ourselves what we feed in is flesh in the flesh yes that's why it is selfish that's why it is self gratifying because it's all about how i feel what i want to do it's not about what is required of me what does jesus want me to do so when i feed what i want to do i am feeding and feeding into the flesh you know the you know the flesh scenario that stephen described is the one that most people will would go to that's the one that i thought about and then they listen to me another one the lesson said that the second there are two types of flesh so yes the first flush is that irreligious person person who doesn't do anything right who doesn't do seek anything spiritual and then the second person who after the flesh is one that is hold on let me get it the other is a religious source that's right or externally religious person that's right right so they ultimately they avoid doing quote unquote bad things right but with an unspiritual heart inwardly they do not hunger and thirst for more of god and his righteousness is not alert opportunities to encourage and bless those within their circle of influence so that one hit me because that is just it yeah it's hard to say but yeah i like i like the fact that you said it are not me because i'm always yeah you know do some introspection to really check myself and find out am i this person you know and and you know that's why we have to be so careful when we judge people's external actions and think back you know they they living in the spirits because it could very well be in the flesh and neither we have to leave that part of the judgment to god for god exactly because i remember i remember some time ago i read a small book um that's entitled the old covenant and it speaks to the persons within within the church who for tree are religious demeanor they are put to right matter of fact holier than dull and tied up in the neck but you you you put your this outward religious look but yet your heart is selfish because you you you do not you you believe that you have arrived you believe that you are at a place i'm so much sincere you believe that you're at a place of um of righteousness not understanding that the man who sees that as paul right he says there's nothing good in me nothing the man who sees that is the man who recognizes his need for jesus and is brought closer to the cross so so when it speaks to to to that when we when we feed in the flesh it is not only as you rightly pointed out and i saw things like it just slipped me yeah yeah it is not only those fleshy sins that we like to talk about the the adultery and the and the fornication and the idolatry and these kind of things that we beat up once but it also speaks to a kind of religious you kind of better than better than these all kind of believers in addition to what you said that every the text came to mind or righteousness is a spiritual that's right myself if ever at all you think that you're rich think again think again yeah i think i did so you know why we touched on the flesh already what does it mean now to be born of the spirits well it it it speaks to a rebirth um because if if we establish that there are two entities or two elements at war within us the flesh and the spirit then me then then being born of the spirit means that you are being reborn into something different something new because if i if my physical birth was being born in the flesh then it has to be another another birth you know a friend of mine says that the same way you have no control over over being born in the flesh same way you have no control over being born in the spirit because because when conversion comes sometimes you don't you you don't you cannot even explain how you were considered because because all you know is that you've given your life to christ but how you've given your life to christ it's something that has not that cannot really be answered because because i'm born in the flesh i have no no nothing to do with being born in the flesh i don't know how i was all i knew is that i was born they tell me they told me i was born on a particular date when you are when you are converted because being baptized doesn't mean that you're convicted you know so when you are truly when an individual is converted an individual cannot put his finger on when his conversion took place the series of events that would have happened before you can yeah because because because because because you can't put you you really can't put your finger because when you start to see well this is when i know i change it goes back to your righteousness is as feel direct so the process of conversion is still a mystery because sometimes you you hear people say in in evangelistic series they come to the altar they don't know how they come to the altar they were just moved yeah you moved you're moved by the spirit it is not in you it is not in your flesh to come to the altar it is not in your flesh to see i'm no longer interested in the world i want jesus that is not you because the human being is born when when the text says we're born in sin and shaped in iniquity my my entire dna my entire makeup my entire mental construct is sin and so to be to be reborn that's why nicodemus couldn't fathom fatherly when jesus says you've got to be born nicodemus says do i have to go back in and jesus said do you you don't know where the wind comes from that's that's what that's what that's what jesus said to him you don't know where the wind comes from what people are saying you know where he's gonna blow there is faulty you don't know you you stand outside you don't know where the bruise comes from you feel the breeze and you may know the direction but do you know where does it come from where does it be where did the breeze come and that is that is conversion that is being born in the spirit so to be born in the spirit means a a a total transformation of an individual from flesh which is death to spirit which is life yeah yeah um but made a very strong point so i will just um touch on feeding the good to allow that conversion to take place because if you if you feed the bird what is what you're feeding the body what what is what is the spirit converting but i'm asking but i can ask you a question i could ask you that they have been bad men who have not felt the good and have been converted hmm no no no no the transformation of the individual is dealing right so that's why we get into sanctification yes sanctification is a daily process but conversion conversion is an immediate thing but sanctification is the work of a lifetime okay so when i accept jesus i accept jesus right right but where but the the process of sanctification daily that's when the feeding of the good the feeling of the comes that's where the feeling of the spirit comes in so you so you constantly have to be in the world for your for your for your flesh to die because the thing about it is that even after you reborn in the spirit the human being still has the potential to revert to his flesh in it yeah another question do you think the war starts when you accept christ or is it always wanting the flesh i believe that the war is there from conscious from your from from the minute you become conscious to right and wrong from the minute you can make a decision an informed decision that this is right that is wrong that's why that's why morality is not a religious thing because i could be a person with high moral integrity i'm not a really just person yeah true so so from the minute you have you can you can consciously make a decision that's where the war takes place because because for you to be converted it's a the war is still going on that's why the enemy keeps attacking somebody when the person you're going to evangelistic series or you're hearing on esi on a week and the spirit is saying to you what what where you are you need to move but you are pushing back that that's that's where the world is that's the wall yeah actually it is yeah it's full it is full so jesus is also in this war zone right that we are currently experiencing so what does it mean that jesus was in the war zone or in the likeness of sinful flesh that's another tip well jesus was born well divine he was divine right and divinity and he laid that aside and he picked up humanity and that he was born just like any one of us in the flesh and he had the same struggles that we are facing today with the flesh yeah but the difference with jesus and us who we should aspire to be like is that he relied on his father every step of the way and that's the example we ought to follow in all of this he as he has actually showed us a i've laid aside all the power that i have i've come down to your level and i'm sure you know how to live a life that's pleasing to the father that would you know subdue the the flesh and when i live that life in you i'll actually give you credit for it yes that's powerful i'll give you credit for it but you now have to will yourself to want to follow me and by well as we rightfully established before the enduring in his word the bible is that one book for sure we know for sure about that book that god has left with us to actually give us a guideline as to how we can acquire the um the the spirit of god and allowed to dwell in us so that it can even shine all from us so that others can see and you know they'll ask the question what is going on yeah and that in itself is up in the same tool so yeah yeah jesus jesus jesus was the covenant son jesus was the pathway for us to regain what we lost um god made our covenant with abraham and the covenant came through isaac all the way down coming down he came to jesus because i always i'm always amazed at matthew matthew chapter 1 i think when it speaks about the genealogy of jesus christ and the genealogy of jesus starts with abraham we got isaac and isaac we got jacob you know sometimes we look at the genealogies and we don't pay attention to the genealogies the genealogies are significant in the bible and especially when you get to matthew 1 and i i'm just sharing with the audience this morning when you when you get a chance look at matthew the start of matthew chapter 1 from verse 1 all the way down to verse 17. verse 16 and 17 says and jacob we got joseph the husband of mary of whom was born jesus who is called the christ so all the generations from abraham to david are 14 generations from david until the captivity in babylon are 14 generations and from the captivity in babylon until christ are 14 generations significant so because jesus was the covenant son jesus was the son when all other covenant sons failed when isaac phil and david failed when all other covenant sons failed jesus himself had to come to be the covenant son for man and so in order for him to do it he had to live in the war zone yeah because he could not be the covenant son and live outside of the realities of war you cannot if you if if we take into account history and we look at how the kings of let's say old england and and and these guys how the kings fought the kings did not stay in the palace when the war was taking place the kings were involved in the war so the king's bled fought and died with their subjects and jesus did the same thing jesus came in the likeness of sinful flesh he lived in the likeness of sinful flesh was tempted in all manner not just for as the lesson put it for an intellectual not just intellectually jesus had an experience jesus experienced what it is to be lawrence when i heard jesus understands why i am hurting because he lived it yeah and there's a bigger picture to that too because if he has to be a mediator before god yes the genuinely know that you have to know what it's like yeah so that when he cries father that's right because the lesson says he knows our frame because he's been there because because when i say i said and you see you don't have time for this message whereas i said that he will not that he wouldn't stand out and i'm paraphrasing that when you see him you can't tell the difference by the way he looks jesus was jesus looked like an ordinary guy hence the reason judas had to kiss him because if judas didn't kiss him the soldiers would know who to arrest because he didn't stand out in the crowd by how he looked jesus was an ordinary blonde here they blew us but jesus looked like like the regular guys he felt the pain of the regular guys he feels our pain even today so he understood what it is to be in the war he fought with us he bled with us the beauty about it is that he died for us so friends we are we are out of time when we don't have time to go into the last question but i'll just try to summarize it really quickly um romans 8 14 and 15 speaks about um we are those who are led by the spirit we are children of god and you know moving on the line it says by him we cry the father so i was thinking now that when you are a slave right you don't have an intimate relationship with your your employer or the person hiring you it's you're completely tasked sometimes you're beaten sometimes a staff but god jesus will come in here he bought us back right and now he use the term abba the same term abba was used when when he was in the garden of gethsemane and he said uh it you know take this cup for me right it was the same situation and that term abba is used as a term of endearment or intimacy or affectionate term between a father and a child right and it's so it's so um it stood out to me or important to note that when jesus died and he when he sent his spirit he's now inviting us to call god abba father so he's telling us i want you to have the same intimate relationship i did with the father so friends this is um we are living in a war zone but god has made the way for us to come out of the war zones successfully he's inviting you he's inviting me he's inviting everyone on this panel to accept jesus as your savior and have that abba-type relationship with the father and he will see you through so for the rest of this week that's my encouragement and i would just like to ask for the lawrence to say this would afraid as we close his prayer now father god we thank you once again for who you are to us we thank you that you are still in the business of saving souls and we as we learned this morning as much as there's a war in us you have given us passivity to victory and so god we claim your promises this morning we ask for strength that we will continue to feed the spirit so that the flesh would die recognizing you as lord and savior of our lives so father into your hands we commit ourselves this morning and even our viewers we pray god that your spirit will speak speak to hearts and minds transform and convert we pray in jesus name amen amen [Music] through every pain every [Music] when my strength was all gone when my heart had no soul still he's proved faithful to me [Music] every word he's promised is true what i thought was impossible i see my good [Music] dudes be faithful faithful to me looking back his love and mercy [Music] fears to believe yet he's been faithful faithful to me [Music] when my heart looks away so many times i could not pray even hearing god was faithful to [Music] leaves me even though god was faithful to me every [Music] he is waiting with open news [Music] faithful faithful to me looking for his love and mercy [Music] [Music] yet he's been faithful [Music] faithful [Music] yet he's been safe [Music] [Music] to be it's his been faithful faithful to me [Music] for [Music] me hello friends welcome and happy sabbath we really trust that you had a great week and we thank you so much for joining us we want you to know that we really appreciate all of you our precious viewers and we encourage you to tune in weekly as we go through this quarter's theme the promise god's everlasting covenant this is the adult lesson study time where we share the goodness and enduring power of god's word we are on lesson five children of the promise and this week we'll be looking at why the lord referred himself as abraham's shield how all the families of the earth were to be blessed through abraham the greatest of all the covenant promises and more so we encourage you to have your bibles your lesson guides any right of material available that you can jot down notes from the study today we also encourage you to go online at to download a soft copy of the lesson guide if you do not have a hard copy well let me welcome my team who are no strangers to the adult lesson study panel we have pastors evangelists roger allen my husband and my good friend laurel atlee welcome both to you thank you yes great being here and i'm yours truly natasha brown allen before we get started today join us wherever you are as we have a word of prayer i'll ask my husband to do that prayer let's power ahead father we thank you dear god for life precious life yes as you continue to sustain us as you continue to give us life we ask their god for the blessing of your holy spirit to understand your word as we about to review the lesson may those persons who are viewing and even us who are discussing the lesson may we be drawn closer to you may we have a closer walk across a relationship uh a better way to testify of you there god and at the end may we all be saved this is our prayer in jesus name amen amen thank you so much let's go straight to our memory text taken from matthew 28 20. reading from the king james version it says teaching them to observe all things whatsoever have commanded you and know i am with you always even until the end of the world and the lesson started with a story but some of us may have heard before but which is still an interesting and beautiful story about a father and his ten-year-old daughter who was spending a holiday at the seashore and one day they went out to enjoy a swim in the ocean and although they were both good swimmers some distance all from the shore they became separated the father realized that they were in some difficulty and being carried by the sea carried out to see by the tide rather called out to his child mary i'm going to the show for help if you get tired turn it on your back you can float all the way that way i'll come back for you before long many searches and boats were scurrying over the face of the water hunting for this little ten-year-old girl hundreds of people on the shore had heard the news and were waiting anxiously it was four hours before they found her far from land but she was calmly floating on her back and not at all afraid tears and tears of joy and relief greeted the rescuers when they came back to land with their precious burden but the child took it all calmly she seemed to think it was strange that they were active you know in such a frenzy she said very calmly father said i could float all day on my back and that he would come for me so i just swam and floated because i knew he'd come now personally as a parent and a pastor now what did you make of this story and even our memory text and do children today express this kind of trust and obedience in their earthly parents and is it easy for other adults to um express such trust and confidence in god even as this little child did very good question you know the text it says in matthew chapter 20 and verse 20 it says lord with you always even unto the end of the earth and they always it it speaks of being present but it also speaks being the present in terms of promise and you can see that idea coming out in the story because there it is the father he was there with the daughter they were swimming and having a nice time but then they were separated and he promised her that i will be back and she was able to rest comfortably on that promise so even though he was not present he was present by the promise and she was able to hold on to that that presence so that was so that the at the end of the day when everybody thought things were so bleak she was just saying relaxing and having a nice calm push on her back because daddy said he was coming and you know um that is even when situations get bleak in our lives we need to also remind ourselves that even if god is not there we don't feel his presence we still could have his presence by his promise and the promises of his word you know um intensity children expressing trust and obedience early parents you know you could only trust someone if they are trustworthy i guess some children would have a challenge with that because not all parents always line up the way how god wants us to line up and that could end up causing challenges in terms of a child being able to trust the parent but then on the flip side we as a child childlike fate that we ought to have is necessary because you have to believe a promise as if it is a fact a fact is something that we have after we prove it and it's tested i say it's a fact but then we have to take a promise from god or as a promise from the father to his daughter as if it's a fact i will come back for you and even god's word he says you know i'm with you always even under the end of the world no matter what our situation may be we could hold on to that promise like a fact things maybe you see me before you know all around us it's a fact he's with me whether in promise or in presence but he's with me and i will make it with the help of god and today we have to have that type of relation even to god as god's people trusting in him and holding on to his promises as facts and being able to have that faith that goes beyond what we see to what god what we know about god and who he is amen thank you so much because unless we have that kind of child like the bible talks about except we come up with the children we can't enter the kingdom of heaven so we have to have that same faith in our god um i know some people like to follow the lesson day by day but this week we won't be doing the day by day per se but we will cover the study so just follow with us okay the quote will take today is to progress through the different chapters um given in the quarterly and so we start with chapter genesis chapter 12 then we'll go on to genesis 15 on the sunday section and then genesis 28 um so we will cover all the lessons so just follow with us okay so go with us to genesis 12 1 and 2 that's where we begin and i'm reading from the king james version now the lord had said unto abram get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father's house until land that i will show thee i will make up their great nation and i will bless thee and make thy name great and thou shalt be a blessing well as i dissect this text a bit guys um and let's look firstly at why did god want to make a great and mighty nation out of abraham's seed and what was the purpose of this great and mighty nation that's to you roger and then surpass thirdly what is the significance of the part of the covenant where god says i will make thy name great so let's start with people will first uh glorify the question yes why did god want to make a great and mighty nation out of abraham see and what was the purpose of this great and mighty nation the purpose was to magnifies me and that's that's the bottom line to magnifies me and as as i'm gonna blending every blending the answers with what what both you and pastor said you give the story of your child a pastor talks about pastor spoke about the presence all right so god said um come out from where you are and i'm gonna carry you into certain places and i'm gonna make your name great um if if you watch through through history and even if when you come down even in the um especially in john you would hear the jews saying i am abraham's seed and they gave they gave a loof and when they talk about abraham and god decided that he's gonna bless him yeah he was not the brightest he was not the smartest he was not the strongest but the thing is that when god called and he pronounced a blessing upon somebody or a group of people they could move as we normally say in local language they could move mountains so god called him and he said that listen i will make a great nation out of you and i will bless you and the same thing is going for us today when god called us individually he could make a great nation out of us and he could also bless us and he could also make our name great and the only way that could happen is when the abiding presence of the holy spirit rests upon us and we're going to discuss more as we go okay faster well making your name great um you know it it's always an awesome thing when god is the one doing it and not we ourselves you know because it can be likened to the whole and the concept was highlighted in the lesson it will question of salvation by works as opposed to salvation by faith you know and you know whether there are many great persons and we normally consider someone great because of their association their network the amount of likes they have on social media material possessions and even some persons in the you know entertainment industry who would have sold their soul to the devil they are great because of that you know and they come out and so on yeah yeah you know and we know a person's like mr honda and mr ford and musk and gates and bezos and zuckerberg and buffets and all these great men wealthy men but then when it comes to god greatness is a little different because it speaks to character faith it speaks obedience humility and even love for others so when god said i'll make you great he doesn't just mean about material things where he spoke more about his character the immaterial the things that are important and you know yesterday bible commentary it says on in volume 1 page 293 that true greatness was to result from compliance with god's commands and cooperation with his divine purpose and that is very critical even today as we understand the idea of true greatness so even as we go forward the greatness that god was calling him to was not just something that men could have observed from looking at what he has but the quality of his life quality of his personality and even beyond all of this it speaks even further to the fact that god was going to do something great through him and through his lean age and even today you know we are reflecting upon the goodness so salvation by works we could do things to try to make ourselves great but it may not be long-lasting but when we allow god to be the one to take us and to do something great in us it's significant for abraham he god imputed his righteousness upon him and that caused him to be the best candidate for divine greatness and that's what god did he made him to be the great person that he called him to be amen amen so it doesn't really matter what family what your family needs your genealogy what really matters is what god the father god can take a little and make something significantly great out of that and most times um from reading the bible uh for wanting for us to understand god don't call great men okay right go on call the lowest end where we say the lowest end and um and bringing them great i know some people might say well they call matthew tax collector we understand that but when you're like summertime yeah you have exceptions you know but god called and um abraham was a rich man as well but god call and god call um sometimes the persons are void of this and void of that but once he called he would have quit and many persons who are looking at me now and looking at the entire panel you know that god has placed you in a position in your work and you will not qualify for it but now that he has blessed you and you are now qualified so you place her in the position and then qualify do you know what exactly what i'm talking about to make you great in that specific scenario you know last week we looked at genesis 15 1-7 in particular verse 7 and we look at the significance of the name yawi right where god says i am the lord today we look particularly at verses one through four and i'm reading from the king james lujan let's go to genesis 15 1-4 it says after these things the word of the lord came onto abraham in a vision saying fear not abram i am thy shield and thy exceeding great reward and abram said lord god what does thou give me see and i go childless and the steward of my house is this elias of damascus and abram said behold to me thou has given no seed and no one born in my house is my heir verse 4 and behold one of the lord came unto him saying this shall not be thine a but he that shall come from comfort out of thine own bowels shall be signed a now whenever you read after these things if you go back to verse one um it is always a good question to ask yourself as preachers or as readers of the word after what things can this help you to clarify the perspective on what is happening immediately now let's look at why was abraham abraham at that time afraid that god had to greet him with fear not abraham and what hope does this give us today why do we fear even today despite the numerous biblical promises perhaps certainly and okay you want to go first and then i'll ask god yeah i could go um you see fear fear as we know is really um something that comes to us whether to physical challenges or psychological perceptions and there it is god had to relate to him with the words feared or not because imagine when you were 75 you got god cut and contacted you and he told you you're going to bring forth a scene you know 99. many years would have passed you had to fight all kind of different things you had to i mean have experiences hiding your wife and knocking your ass like a sister and all sorts of drama you have to go through and now the same god is coming to tell you again he's trying to recon i mean we can film the covenant that's what i'm looking at right so you have to say fear not because there it is in the almost a hundred years and he's still wondering what is going on because perhaps physically things were not working the way it could have worked as you said you might have six eh yeah it could have been half past six so you know psychologically imagine when you know what's going on and you know your wife and you you can't be quick borrowing on despondency and even the pressure and so then when when god come together at all not so in other words keep your head up yeah and um and trusting god and you know god's promise then and the recon film the reaffirmation of the covenant was critical because even for us today is a good thing because things may not be working at 100 in our lives and confidence may be waning i might be losing hope that this marriage or this situation this situation with a child or the parent might get better but when god says fear not you have to realize that it's okay to trust in god to put aside the fear and ani and you have to remember the promises of god for he promises in in john chapter 16 verse 33 i have spoken unto you that in me might have peace so god promises peace so yes leave me see things that may cause you to fear and be of a concern but just remember hey he says in his word i promise you peace and i will be there to help you to empower you as you go forward you know you know as as you said the bible said after these things and if you could go back to verse one um he said after these things the lord appeared to abraham in a dream so before they had a um let's say a war all right and abraham took his soldiers and went forward and delivered a lot from all the other places that they were fighting so the lord appeared to him and said fear not you know i have already delivered you and i'm i'm your shield any dots that come i'm but here we see the human meteor of abraham now god talking as as we look at the scripture god is speaking about i am your shield i'm talking about protection different spectrum you know so he's saying um i'm childless i have no sin you remember the promise you no but god is saying i'm your shield you just came out of what i'm your shield but he's saying hey i'm childless it reminds me of um nicodemus and jesus uh when the bible is in in in uh john chapter 3 there was a man of nicodemus rule of the jews the same came to jesus by night and say rabbi we don't know what a teacher um for no man can do these miracles except god be with him jesus off the butt you must be born again you see the difference now one one spectrum is he's looking for some next one is presenting something and the same thing we're seeing here but abraham is so concerned about you make a promise to me oh yeah i delivered the people from the year i understand that you are my shield because you carried you with all the different kings you pulled me through and i brought out a lot but you're still with any problem i'm still waiting on the child and it took me language my weight penny picked me it didn't come yet what the air just pastor was saying certain things are not functioning the way that it ought to but god said listen i am with you i promise that you're going to get something and you're going to get it brothers and sisters there are times that promises are made in the bible but it doesn't mean that it will fulfill in the time that we expect it to fulfill sometimes we have to wait yeah yeah and patience as the bible says in the patience he possesses you also we have we need to to have some patience and wait upon the lord because even later we know what happened all right run out of patience and put things in place and helping uh help myself every day you know but god has promised you that certain promises are going to fulfill it this does not mean that tomorrow and some of the promises that god made to us would actually be fulfilled when uh he comes again so now we have to have the patience to hold on and walk by faith and not my sight amen and on this some particular verses i like these words from the essay by the commencement it says that these reassuring words fear no not i am thy shield and an extremely great reward they were designed to set abram's mind at the mesopotamian kings might return to avenge their defeat or the heathen canaanites already jealous of his growing power might attack but god promised to be shield the symbol of protection in ancient warfare and his reward abram and xp had experience during the preceding military expedition for god had protected him in battle and rewarded him with victory he must believe that god will continue to do for him what he had done in the past you know i love the fact that god didn't say i will send you a shield god said i am i am your chief good health man yes i'm very pregnant in time of trouble so no matter what trials we might face god is saying i am your defense i am your defense whatever it is have to come through me first so take heart let's go back to genesis 28 14 and it reads and thy stage shall be at the dust of the earth and thou shall spread abroad to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed now what does this text mean especially the last part where it says in thy seat shall all the families of the earth be blessed and why is this covenant of particular importance amen amen well that's a very good um text a very good text because it points to in thy seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed and you know i'm happy today that abraham's seed was not cast but it multiplied i just didn't multiply in terms of descent but it also multiplied into the definition and overall inclusion wow like that yeah because you see in the midst of it you know galatians chapter 3 verse 29 it says that if ye be christ then yeah abraham according to the promise and you know it points to the reality that it's not just about the physical descent of abraham but to all of us who live even up to today that could accept jesus as our lord and savior you see the ground originally the um the word when the bible talks about all families of the earth yeah the word earth is come from the hebrew word adama which means ground or soil i remember when adam and eve sinned the soil of the earth was cursed but then the good thing is that because of faith and because of obedience the same soil the same earth from which we all are emanating from can be blessed and god cannot reclassify humanity so even though we may not be a direct genealogical descent from abraham in jesus we can now feel and be a part of that experience with all rights and privileges as children by the grace of god and you know we can all be seen as abraham's seed christ is the one who you know is when the bible said that in the should i see shall all the families of the lord be blessed jesus was the promised seed since genesis chapter three was fifteen this they promised me that you know one of these days the head of the slipper would be crushed and even abraham it was renewed through his covenant that hey something special is coming and then jesus came as that seed they delivered the messiah and through him by the grace of god he died the debt that we deserve so we can have the life that is his and even today once we accept him in baptism we can now be joined heirs with christ in that blessing and in that covenant of abraham and even today being a much better place so jesus became flesh and he made it possible for us to have the full rights and privileges of just like the ring of that yes and privileges as a son of abraham and as a son or daughter of god and even today as we replicate the fate and commitment of abraham we too will be able to enter that city whose builder maker is the lord amen you know in summary we can say that god offered up his only begotten son you see well emotionally and mentally he made the decision yeah he made the decision and god helped him because you know what god already knew who had to die that death not your son but the son yes jesus the son of god right and and then on top of that jesus was the seed of the covenant and then the children of the promise we inherit the promise and then jesus is also the guarantor of the covenant sealed with his blood if you're pleased amen and because of that today we can celebrate as children of the promise with all rights and privileges because of what jesus did and because of the example of faith set by abraham or abram our father i think we need to add anything to that no thank you very much let's go and now it's a quotation and we found in the lesson on the tuesday section written in 1950s by augustine and i'd like both of you to comment after i read it you know it says this life of ours if a life so full of such great ills can properly be called a life bears witness to the fact that from its very start the race of mortal men has been erased condemned thankful to the dreadful abyss of ignorance from which all error flows and so engulfs the sons of adam in a dark some pool that no one can escape without a tot the toll of toys and tears and fears then take our very love for all those things that prove so vain and poisonous and breathe so many heartaches troubles griefs and fears such insane joys in discord strife and wars such fraud and theft and robbery continue continue such pussity and pride envy and ambition homicide and murder cruelty and savagery lawlessness and lust all the shameless passions of the imperial fornication adultery and cessna natural sins rape and countless other uncleanness too nasty to be mentioned the sins against religion sacrilege and heresy blasphemy and perjury the iniquities against our neighbors columnies and cheating lies and false weakness violence the persons and property the injustices of the courts and the innumerable innumerable other misery misery sorry and maladies that fill the world yet escape attention now this is a mouthful but this is written as i said um in the 1950s and we are now in 2021 now share your thoughts about this quotation our present situation how we can escape if possible our present situation and i'm sure you viewers when you hear this you have some thoughts of your own you can feel free to write it in the chat okay let me hear your comment well well certainly augustine was is you could say president living here now you want to get in much more school but 19. probably somewhere inside principles right in a principle but um these things are it's it's what is happening now um the these these these if i bring it out it it it it takes away from what christ wants us to be um when you when when he asks he mentioned all the different crimes and all these things he way back in 1958 we are in 2021 and sometimes god impressed upon these men and women you know to write things that are timely and timeless as they would normally say and when you see these things and you see they are happening now the individuals should ask themselves how can i escape these things how can i be better how can i how can i live a life that could give me salvation and still why all these things are going on um the bible says for the grace of god appeared unto all men to bring salvation the same grace that appear is the same grace i could strengthen to give him and even when you and even as we're discussing um abraham it takes faith to live amid all these things it takes faith to live uh with with all these different iniquities and and and live out of the system because sometimes and we say this is you use the word the system loosely but the time will come where where christians and a whole would have to exercise faith like abraham and move just as abraham said god said to move abraham you need to get up and move no god will you know instruct us as christians you need to get up and move individually move so that you could get to a better land and that better land is really heaven we are talking about you know so all the all the ills that he that augustine has mentioned you know we have to ask god to give us the strength give us the faith and we have to just when we read about the it's not just our next bible story there are principles inside there for us to learn so that we can have salvation abraham was you know father of faith and both let us be the child of faith yeah let us be the father in our home of faith let us be the father in our workplace as faith or the mother in the workplace or the daughter in the workplace or the daughter in home of faith so that we can have uh salvation and have it from god amen i know when i look at that um quotation the saying that pops into my mind is the more things change and that could be perhaps because there is one source of mastermind behind everything today you know and um but but even today things are a bit intensified because with the advent of travel you know and the internet internet men we as the bible's prophecy that we would try run two and two and knowledge shall increase and you know we run into and throw literally well pre-covered of course we're not traveling as much now and you know and figuratively online because now it's zooming and youtube movies and videos and all sorts of stuff we're doing you know but and and these are all pointing and establishing signs of the end but you know what i like is even though it seems like if augustine would have shown this thoughts like foreign and gotten a little glimpse of what life is today which is similar to how it was then we could shine the torch light forward also in god's word and when you look at revelation 21 and revelation 22 gives us a snapshot of heaven of the restored world of what god is actually doing through the play and conquer play of human events to ensure that we get home because this earth is not our home you know and in contrast to the reward of salvation of by works which is all those things that were mentioned in the quotation salvation by faith leads to blessings that are outside of this world and and because just imagine a thousand-year holiday in a perfect place with no social distance and no hiccups and problems that is something awesome and in faith it can be hours for taking america i'll give you all about 30 seconds each to contemplate on this um question what effect should god's promise as pastor would have just mentioned about a new heaven and a new earth have on us as we seek to navigate through these terrible times in which we live what effect should it have on us you know there's a i'm not a singer but there's something this is not my own some people can pay and the debts of loved ones and they if we don't have that hope and there's a text that says oh our hope keeps us he hope is the anchor for ourselves in hebrews there's somewhere around there he says um if we don't have the hope if we don't have something to project our mind yeah to something further than what is taking place yeah but because we have that hope and we see in that streets of gold and we're seeing that that tree of life and we see in that thousand years and you know but most of all we want to see that man call christ jesus we want to see i can't wait that man say i can't wait to see you know i can't wait to see the holy ghost because you see now prayer will turn into priests and faithful into sight so now we are seeing everything this i could touch him so the intention will become tangible yes so travel from one country to the next one what they call aliens they may probably watch us and call aliens as well but we're traveling you know we see we're eating we're living all those persons who don't like to nasty their hands and plant garden faster yeah we're planting that's right yeah yeah you know you know they won't take away yourself you know but we our eyes are fixed on something that is crazy or something that is holy something that is that is that is everlasting and we invite you to do the same thing keep your eyes fixed on jesus all right all right keep your eyes just this keep your eyes fixed look forward keep look full into his wonderful face and the things of this world will go strange living in the light of his glory and grace which reminds us that we are a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation a peculiar people and we should show for the praise of him who has called us out of darkness into his marvelous light what has gone through fair plays for us his promises show let us be faithful that we can reap that promise special thanks to my husband evangelist roger allen and pastor lobel oatley for the discussion today and thank you viewers for tuning in we appreciate you so much but a shout out to my big sister who will be celebrating her birthday on may 3rd happy birthday sis god bless you next week's lesson lesson 6 abraham's seed join us then but before we go let's close with prayer pastor that's free fathering helper help thank you for the lesson that we were able to delve in today help us to trust in you and in your promises there lord so that one of these days we'll be able to celebrate the victory and the reward for our faith help us to trust in you there god so that in the midst of life we would be able to trust in your leading and the fact that you would always work things out at the best time possible so that your name and your work would be advanced there god and magnify and most of all help us to be grateful always for the sacrifice of jesus through whom we can be all be reclassified as abraham's seed and with full rights and privileges there god in the name of jesus christ we pray bless us in jesus name amen amen amen god bless you viewers stay safe until we see again take care it's birthday and anniversary time wherever there's a diamond there's always joy but the diamond increased his joy when he ancestor joy married on april 29 1979 happy 42nd anniversary from your four children two daughters-in-law one son-in-law five grandchildren extended family members and millions have a friend may your joy continue to be a twinkling star of love for generations to come celebrating with brother astor and sister evelyn kwashi on the occasion of their 57th wedding anniversary hitler to heart the lord lead them their 10 children 19 grandchildren one great grand sons and daughters-in-laws plus hundreds of extended family and friends rejoice with them for god's mighty power and goodness in their lives we thank them for upholding god's garden of eden initiating institution of marriage happy birthday sister jamila balbosa who celebrated her brilliant april 25th greetings from your son jamai daughter jordan and mom sister yulin happy birthday to dr kerry and dylan who celebrated her birthday on april the 26th greetings coming from your loving parents brother and sister roy dillon your siblings kimberly chiron kevlon cariel your nieces and nephew milan micah malia and your sister-in-law rosemary happy birthday sister mother jacques dylan who celebrates with her birthday on april 29th greetings coming from your loving husband brother roy dylan your children kimberly dr secarian kyron cavallon and carrier from your daughter no rosemary and from your three grandchildren milan micah and malia happy birthday sister sylvia wilson murray who will be celebrating her birthday on may 2nd from your loving husband brother floyd murray daughter jediah murray dad brother hamilton wilson your siblings denise donna nigel lisha and sonia your extended family your friends from the original youth group lesker to the let's go to sda church posse happy birthday sister nicole brown parrots who will be celebrating her birthday on may 3rd as a big sister you always show love and care giving yourself so sincerely you bring so much happiness to our lives from your sister natasha brown allen and by extension the rest of your family happy birthday greetings i are being extended to sister claudia benjamin as she celebrates 70 years on sunday may the 2nd lots of love from her husband brother irwin her children and their spouses patrice and andrew queston andean chanel and sheila roniska and her grandchildren happy birthday greetings this is the lucille forbes who celebrated her 95th birthday on april the 28th greetings coming from your loving daughter veronica of north carolina and the rest of your family also from her daughter sharon and his son ainsley and all her extended family and friends we celebrate with all our viewers who have anniversaries or birthdays in may 2021 remember to send all greetings to asi tobago at by or before 7 pm on tuesdays it's announcement time you may have seen the videos on channel 6 or on social media via facebook or youtube of what has and continues to transpire in st vinson first it was the after effects of the volcano now it's flooding and landslides you might be asking what can i do to help well in tobago we have four persons you can contact for additional details on how you can lend a hand at the tobago mission of sda we have brother wilfred devines adra director you can contact him at pass a 868-759-3386 english newsam of the good news sda church 868 702 2524 and running the race for the esi tobago chapter with a diamond andrews or known as mr d president of esi tobago chapter you can contact him at 868 721 640 that is 868-721-6409 brother damien mighty glasso edwards pro of asi tobago chapter you can contact him at 868-62682-949245 join us right here for ay at 3 30 pm this afternoon as the tobago mission of sda brings to you speak fake spoken a one-of-a-kind ey with various participants from across tobago who have been linguistically connected to publish good tidings next week saba the asia y team brings to you a mother's love from 3 30 p.m right here on asi media tv and guess what we are waiting to hear from you we are inviting you to send an early bird greetings to your mom as follows voice notes and written greetings via what's up to 868 seven zero zero two zero pictures and videos via email to asi tobago greetings close off at 9 00 pm on friday the 7th may 2021 at this time we want to remind persons to continue returning your tights offering and gifts to our local churches if if you would like to partner with us here at asi tobago chapter as we continue to forward the cause of gold you can send in your donations as follows donation via direct deposits rbc bank tobago account of the asi tobago chapter account number is one zero zero zero zero three one one zero one zero three three four eight account asi tobago chapter wire transfer swift code rbtt ttpx rbc royal bank burnett street scaboo tobago peer to account name esi tobago chapter account number one zero zero zero zero three one one zero one zero three three four eight we also have additional ways in which you can donate you can contact brother damian at four 1-868-682-9245 or but a diamond at one eight six eight seven two one six four zero nine you can also visit mr d's at the port mall from 8 00 a.m to 5 pm our prayer heart line is 868-774-7729 our streaming schedule for this week includes or nightly services continue on sunday and wednesday from 6 pm aside kitchen from 6 pm on tuesday sundown worship and friday evening talks from 6 30 pm on friday and kingdom children from 9 15 am next sabbath see you for ay at 3 30 pm this afternoon for speak speak spoken the sermon for today is entitled locked down but not locked out as we continue our worship this morning we will sing the hymn number 229 all hail the power of jesus name shrimp oh [Music] all [Music] i'm [Music] oh [Music] is oh [Music] this [Music] [Music] oh praise to the lord to the lord the almighty the king of creation o my soul praise [Music] praise to the lord [Music] [Laughter] is [Music] granted [Music] he if with his love he'd be friends amen a wonderful savior is jesus my lord a wonderful savior to me a wonderful savior is jesus my lord a wonderful savior to me he hides my soul in the [Music] he hides by [Music] jesus my lord he takes [Music] he [Music] [Music] is [Music] divine i sing in my rapture o glory to god for such a reason [Music] the shadows the dry dusty last [Music] is [Music] is [Music] his perfect salvation is wonderful [Applause] [Music] of [Music] is [Music] [Music] me there with his hands [Music] as we prepare our minds and our hearts for prayer we're gonna lift this song lord so our souls cry out for you you alone our strength and our shield you alone can save can heal further within [Music] you are [Music] [Music] may my spirit you all alone are my heart desire and i belong to [Music] you're my friend and you are my brother even i love you more than [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thee and i long to worship good morning everyone it is a privilege that we have to come before you but especially before our god and maker this is the moment for prayer we have with us to join in this prayer experience our young lady kianda oh and she will be praying for young people we also have this is jamilah nichols who'll be praying for persons in this situation of kovid and then yours truly pastor tony matt who will be praying for other situations in our world that it has been situations that have been challenging all of god's people it is no secret that all of us are experiencing some kind of challenge or the other but it is also no secret what god can do oh yeah for what he has done for others he will definitely do for you may you join us bowing your heads closing your eyes as we lift our hearts and minds to the god our maker let us pray dear father lord we bring to you this morning our youth here those who are struggling we are civil free of guidance and protection yes we also thank you for your everlasting mercies and blessings yes you're holding on to us your everlasting presence around us yes for sending your holy spirit for us the lord we ask that our youths not forget these things react for that young woman that young man who have to provide for their family who are the bread winners for their sibling household we act that they are not forgets you remember that they have encouraged their lord because they have been left some of them have been left off and of their jobs reacts to law that did not forget you that their faith be strengthened that you will provide for them and we know that you will provide for them we ask their lord for those youths they're all who are practicing to minister to you rexella that you give them a strong mind your lord wisdom will be given to them from your holy spirit yes and we know that you will guide them and you will keep them there so that when they go and minister and witness to others their lord that your word will be in their hearts yes and they will just sex will be flowing out and they will remember your promises and share it to others your love their lord and your son will be shared to others jesus so that they will know and that they will have the courage and they will build up their strength to come to you and let off their burdens that's a lot for the youth their lord who are struggling with spiritual wickedness for temptations dear lord we are we all have weaknesses and we need your promises in our hearts jesus yes in our private time that we as youths come together and study your words so that it would be in our hearts so that even if we are not outspoken we will be able to stop teach to our friends their lord who come into our spaces so that they will know your promises thereof and they will make that decision we actually lord that even in this time where we have decisions to make that we will be like danielle who purposed in his heart that he will not defile himself we actually lord that we have the psalms there lord in our hearts because we have david and daniel and esthan all those young people from in the bible ages to have us example their lord yes jesus for our current situation there were four blessings and your honor and your grace that will be in our hearts you actually lord for deliverance from evil from deliverance from shackles and demons reacts to the lord that you help those who are struggling so be their parents that they will realize their lord that with obedience comes life yes and with making the right decision comes fervent blessings and you will bless us with eternal life dear lord yes we want to be in heaven with you today lord we need to be there we need to prepare the lord we accept that we all be brave and have the courage that we will meet you there there are with our friends and our families between jesus amen amen dear lord we continue to speak to you because you are the only one who can understand our hearts we are naked before you yes and we want to give you praise honor and glory for the prayers that were ascended for the youth jesus you are our lover your friend your shield your protector and even now we are experiencing some hardships we are experiencing some hard times oh god and i want to come before you bringing the entire trinidad and tobago community before you asking forgiveness for sin oh god you said if your people who are called by your name shall humble themselves and pray and seek your faith and turn from their wicked ways then will you hear from heaven and you will forgive us forgiveness important before healing and we want to thank you that you are the god that is able to forgive we thank you for the blood that was shared on the cross for us that we are able to come boldly before your throne of grace and find mercy we thank you for your mercy god we thank you for your grace yes so many do not know you but god we want to ask you that you will have mercy on us have mercy on us their father we are struggling as we walk on this journey but we are asking you to have mercy and you are having mercy god your desire is to save people by any means necessary and we want to thank you for that we are going through some tough times and even now the coveted numbers have increased the death number has increased it's multiplying oh jesus and we are again at a lockdown experience father according to today's theme we are locked down but we are not locked in and we want to thank you there jesus that we still have this avenue where we can lift prayers where we can lift praise and we can come before you even in this tragedy and say we are appreciative god of all that you are doing you do all things well and we trust you god but there are some persons who are going through some experiences of losing jobs losing income losing family members oh god the grief as much jesus there are people look at even india the grief is much jesus overwhelming grief god show your people how to manage this experience help us to learn obedience so their father we will be able to be blessed we pray god that behind the hand of death instead their father is removed and we ask you that jesus that lies will be saved we know that we are the first death we may not get away from the first death but what we are interested in right now is that you save us yes show us your glory god show us your faith help us to learn the lessons that you are trying to teach us in this difficult time i pray o holy god that you continue to walk with us take us through your lord i understand what it means to give praise and tragedy to give praise and tribulation paul gives us that advice and lord help us even as we go through our tough times that we can still give you praise father we look up to you no other help we know our help comes from the hills we look up there jesus to the el shaddai to the almighty god to the provider because even if we have lost salary even if we do not have jobs you are promising that our bread and our water will be sure help us to learn the lessons that you want us to learn in these times but we ask for healing god we have persons who are of the fought persons who are at home and they are healing we ask you lord for your hand your hand of healing anointing heads with oil their father and allow cups to run over we pray god that your healing will be with us but we do not only ask for physical healing we ask for psychological healing because it's a terrible time psychologically for many for the children who are in school or they are in front of the screen and the time is expanding we ask you god that you give us psychological healing give us spiritual healing their father and save your people save your people jesus these are the mercies i ask in your name but jesus we pray amen amen and amen eternal god we don't mind taking a little time more to just spend a little more time at your footstool yes you're an awesome god thank you and you're touched with the feelings of infirmity yes jesus you know exactly what each individual in this earth is going through and when we're going through these things sometimes we ourselves because of the limited nature of our vision and our understanding we sometimes even try to understand how could god let this happen to us we fail to understand that there's a war going on between good and evil we fail to understand that in your in your all knowingness that sometimes you have to let evil appear to win because in your all-knowingness you know that ultimately every man has to make a choice and in your all-knowingness you also know that in the end you yourself will drain forever and ever and therefore god you're helping all of your people to experience this because while we experience this we will come to judge for ourselves and we too will fall down and say one day that god do it all things well we too will begin to say that even though the enemy meant this for evil god had a way of working it out for god we too will be able to say all praise and honor and glory be to your matchless name because every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that jesus christ is lord and because of this understanding of this reality we come to you we come to you on behalf of the people for example in synthetic and the challenges that they face there the challenge one thing is eruption and the next thing is flood god is like it is our all job experience all over again while they're yet speaking while they're yet thinking about what else could happen something worse comes oh god in the name of jesus visit with your people have mercy on your children everywhere because not only is invincing their challenges but across the world in different parts of the world people are facing some real serious challenges challenges of poverty and challenges of serious inhumanity man's inhumanity to man god all over the world even in our little corner of this neck of the woods they're abuses of all kinds father please visit with your children give the courage that is needed by your children but especially give of yourself so that the breakthrough that is needed can come to all of your people their god will long for the day when all of these things will be no more until that time oh god we are living here visit with us be with us strengthen us and do for us more than we could even think or ask silence the the enemy in the name of jesus bring the plans of satan to naught in the name of jesus and let your will triumph for your children i pray for homes that are brain breaking and broken even now father i pray that he will grant the healing that is needed the clarity of thought that is needed because of that we are destroying our own homes with our hands and our lips and our mouth so god we are destroying our home we don't taught life what we are thinking so father give us the mind of christ jesus so that the way we think about things will be different father have your own way father in us so that we begin to love evilly unlovely and the unlovable i know you're telling us to love our enemies and serve us our marital spouses that we are living with as if they are enemies and they are supposed to be lovers and friends god show us how to function from the place of the principles of christ and not from the feelings that come because we've been hurt by some situation we've covered with you and put all of these situations in your hands i wish we even had the opportunity to pray longer so we could mention a number of other situations that are real crises for some people but oh god you know it all together and therefore we simply lift it to you father and like like like the king we just take it um and spread it before the lord we spread it out before you and ask you to handle this handle this in the name of jesus maybe there is somebody praying this prayer and just opening their hands as if the the situation in their hands and say to you hundreds listen to this the situation even your island of the six six and all of these things father hand let me ask in the name of jesus just because you are awesome god and because you want the best for your children we covenant with you and we conclude that this is done just because your word says if we ask anything in the name of jesus you will do it for us therefore we count it done in the name of jesus christ your son and our savior in jesus name we pray amen amen and amen [Music] the messiah will read [Music] as creation rejoices ye with majesty he will call with the sound of the trumpet proclaims the redeemed in march of sea he will call [Music] jesus [Music] most holy war [Music] he will closed captioning [Music] righteousness [Music] for those who have no god's grace the saints of all ages will gather as one [Music] [Music] he will come with the sound of the trumpet to claim for redeemed we will call jesus the savior he turn the king every day [Music] he [Music] washing [Music] oh [Music] kingdom of god [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] jesus the savior [Music] to him oh [Music] foreign [Music] hey it is such a joy to be with you today to share with you from the word of god at asi media ministries we are here to bring messages of hope and to lead you into the way of the lord our message for today is captioned locked down but not locked out as we begin this message i invite you wherever you are to pray with me mighty god and father we are so grateful for your love we are thankful that we can be here today because of you father it may not look all well but it is well with our souls we ask oh god that today above any other day we will sense your mighty presence as i stand before your people today to preach may you o lord show up in your glory and in your grace may you o father show up and let your word bring peace and understanding in jesus name we pray amen we have come to a time a time in this world's history where we can hear the tick tock of earth's clock the sands of time are swiftly slipping through and the sun is about to set on our beautiful planet our hearts have been troubled for the last couple of weeks with the volcanic eruptions in the island of sin vincent thousands of families displaced homes and vehicles covered in ash shortages of food and water normalcy nowhere in sight as the volcano continues to rumble and threatens to erupt over and over again and the rain yes the rain that we prayed for that should have been a welcome reprieve has caused flooding and land slips forcing many into already overcrowded shelters they are on lockdown it is hard it is hard my friends to feel like the world is okay it is hard not to feel like the world is falling apart when we hear of places like india whose health care system is on the brink of collapse hospitals across the country are running out of oxygen supplies ventilators and beds people stand on the streets next to their family members hoping to get help as they watch them struggle to breathe the corpse of the unclaimed lying the streets waiting to be buried as the accurate smell of burning bodies fills the air a nation sunken in despair when the pandemic swept over the world last year india placed its citizens over 1.4 billion people on lockdown they seemed to have it under control i mean such devastation would have would have hardly been imagined just a few months ago because children were back in school politicians were on the campaign trail and people were dancing at weddings in fact a financial bulletin read soon the winter of our discontent will be made through a glorious summer but here they are with over 400 000 new cases in one day and over 3 000 deaths i hear somebody say well what what about the vaccines you will think that a country that has gifted many other countries vaccines they should have it all under control well the experts would have warned that the more the virus spreads the more chances it has to mutate and create variants that could eventually resist current vaccines in simple terms what you are currently being injected with may not be able to resist what is to come and so we are on lock down but where stands the people of god at this time has the covet crisis quelled our worship experience has the news of another lockdown filled us with fear has the chaos of this world hindered our witness of the savior of the world i say to you no i resounding no we are unlocked down but we are not locked out the world may be falling apart but for the child of god things are coming together the bible tells us in romans 8 28 and we know that all things work together for good to them that love god to them who are the called according to his purpose so we are not on lockdown but we are not locked out we still have these three main things the first thing that we have is access to worship i can hear somebody say what yes we still have access to worship this week in trinidad and tobago the covet cases reach an all-time high with over a thousand new cases and a projected increase in the days to come four deaths overnight and eight more persons invested with the brazilian variant of the virus the government had no choice but to lock us down i personally understand why but they got one thing wrong you see you can close the restaurants bars and casinos can close cinemas can be put on lockdown malls here dressing salons and barbershops can be on lockdown but the place of worship can never be closed we can never be unloved done honorable prime minister let me explain something you see this body is the temple of the holy ghost so i am a living breathing walking talking worship center you can look down a building but we cannot be locked out of the throne room of god you can close the church doors but when jesus knocks at the doors of my heart it is always open for worship we have direct access to the king of the universe and he invites us in hebrews 4 16 to come boldly before the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need we are unlocked down but we are not locked out therefore for the people of god the place of worship remains open first corinthians 3 16 says knowing not that ye are the temple of god and the spirit of god dwell it's in in you watch this friends watch this friends john was isolated on the isle of patmos their effort to kill him by throwing him in a hot oil field and so they placed him on lockdown on an abandoned island he was locked away from his family and friends he was locked off from the temple in jerusalem but he was not locked out of worship somebody needs to understand that today he was not locked out of worship scripture reveals to us in revelation 1 9 and 18 i love this facet so much i said i could not dissect any verse i just needed to read it all the bible says here john saying i john who also am your brother and companion in tribulation and in the kingdom and patience of jesus christ was in the isle that is called patmos for the word of god and for the testimony of jesus christ he says i was in the spirit on the lord's day and heard behind me a great voice as of a trumpet saying i am alpha and omega the first and the last and what galcias writes in a book and sent it on to the seven churches which are in asia onto ephesus and onto smyrna and onto pergamus and on to tiatara and to sardis and on to philadelphia and on to leo di sierra and i turned to see the voice that spake with me and being turned i saw seven golden candlesticks and in the midst of the seven candle six one like the son of man clothed with a garment down to the foot and get about the pops with a golden girdle stay with me friends his head and his ears were white like wool as white as snow his and his eyes were as a flame of fire and his feet like onto fine brass as if they burned in a furnace and his voice as the sound of many waters and he had in his right hand seven stars and out of his mouth went a sharp to head sword and his countenance was the sun shinet in his strength have mercy and when i saw him hear this now i fell at his feet as dead and he laid his right hand upon me saying unto me fear not i am the first and the last i am he that liveth and was dead and behold i am alive forevermore amen and have the keys of hell and of death my friends in virtual land john was on lockdown on the isle of patmos he was quarantined because he was spreading the gospel but what looked like exile was really an encounter with the most high god he couldn't go to work he couldn't see his friends he couldn't shop in the marketplace but he could see god his mind was on god he declared in verse 10 i was in the spirit on the lord's day and the son of god the son of god showed up can i talk to somebody today who's on lockdown you need to know that you are not locked out from god we keep complaining they close the church yes and so what could it be could it be that god wants the church closed so we can go to him god has given us co connection in the disconnection you see let me break this down we know how to go to church dress up in our three-piece suits in the blazing caribbean sun stepping lightly in our four-inch heels and muddling down the aisle in the height of service we constantly watch around to see who is singing loud who where and what rolling our eyes are the people on the on the pulpit because you have some secret for them all of that done now god says i want you to come to me in joel 2 13 the prophet pleads rend your heart and not your garments return to the lord your god for he is gracious and compassionate slow to anger and abounding in love and he relents from sending calamity god is inviting us in this lockdown to experience him to get to know of his love and his grace to understand that his great plan is to ensure that you make it into the kingdom of glory to continue to worship him so yes we are on lockdown but we are not locked out of worshiping the king of kings and the lord of lords we are on lockdown but we are not locked out so we talk about that we have access to worship the second thing that we have is access to his word i don't know if this is my favorite one or not but we have access to his word john chapter 20 and verse 19 here's what the bible says john chapter 20 and verse 19 on the evening of the first day of the week when the disciples were together with the doors locked for fear of the jewish leaders jesus came and stood among them and said peace be with you friends the disciples found themselves locked down after the crucifixion of jesus they huddled together in a room with hearts filled with fear of the jewish leaders will they also be crucified when will it happen just this morning they got news that the tomb of jesus jesus was placed him was empty peter and john visited the supulca and all that remain were the strips of cloth that wrapped his body and the napkin that was about his head folded in a corner where is he their hearts pounding palms sweating minds whirling the disciples were unlocked down in fear but then then jesus entered the room and dispelled all worries and fears hallelujah friends you may be in love dung but jesus cannot be locked out he will enter your room of fear and declare peace at the birth of jesus the angel announced peace on earth and good will to men and now now at his first appearance to disciples after his resurrection the savior addressed them with the blessed words peace be unto you jesus is ever ready to speak peace to souls that are burdened with doubts and fears trust his word trust his word when he says peace be unto you peace be unto you my friend as you fearfully try to balance the budget without an income he says in luke 12 24 consider the ravens they do not sow or reap they have no store room or bond yet god feeds them how much more valuable you are than birds peace be unto you as you fearfully battle all man of sicknesses and disease god declares in jeremiah 30 17 but i will restore you to health and heal your wounds peace be unto you my child as you earnestly pray for the salvation of your children god promised us in jeremiah 31 17 and there is hope in thine end say the lord that thy children shall come again to their own border i say to the mother out there hold on in faith the father out there hold on in faith your children will return to god peace be unto you as you bury your loved one via zoom and look on helplessly as your family members that you cannot embrace to get comfort peace be unto you god says in isaiah 41 10 fear not for i am with you be not dismayed for i am your god i will strengthen you yes i will help you i will uphold you with my righteous right hand but i have a warning to the believers from the words of ellen white in the book last day event she notes it is not always safe to ask for unconditional healing he knows whether or not those of whom we put whom petitions are offered will be able to endure the trial and test that will come upon them if they lived he knows the end from the beginning many will be laid away to sleep before the fiery ordeal of the time of trouble shall come upon the world yes more of us will die she for the states the lord has often instructed me that many little ones are to be laid away before the time of trouble we shall see our children again we shall meet them and know them in heavenly courts what am i saying today friends be prepared to die to say goodbye to your children your spouse your parents your friends your co-workers do not be fearful it is only a separation in time as god seeks to transition us to eternity knowing what is to come some of us will have to rest in the grave until resurrection morning but resting in the grave is not the final end paul tells us in first thessalonians 4 14 to 18 for if we believe that jesus died and rose again even saw them which also sleep in jesus will god bring with him for this we say unto you by the word of the lord that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the lord shall not prevent them which are asleep i love these next verses it says for the lord himself hallelujah shall descend from heaven with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of god and the dead in christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the lord wherefore comfort one another with these words take comfort in the word of god my friends read through the pages of scripture and gain peace and strength to spend less time on the evening news and start reading the good news of salvation read about your lord and savior about the sacrifice he has made for your life and watch god work it out for your good this brings me to my final point we are on lockdown but we are not locked out we have access to witness so first we have access to worship secondly we have access to his word now we have access to witness watch the scriptures carefully picking up from the previous passage jesus does not grant the disciples peace to stay inside to remain unlocked on to be confined by the four walls no he gives them peace to get up and to go out the bible tells us in john 20 20 to 22 and after this he showed them his hands and side the disciples were overjoyed when they saw the lord again jesus said peace be with you as the father has sent me i am sending you and with that he breathed on them and said receive the holy spirit jesus showed up to show the disciples his battle scars the nail prints are still in his hands the wound is still on his side evidence that it was he that was crucified yes he stepped into the portals of the tomb slept in the arms of death and woke up with the keys of hell and the grave in his hands now he says again to his disciples peace be unto you as the father has sent me i am sending you wait what jesus is pouring peace upon them to walk the same path he walked as the father has sent me i am sending you we are on lockdown but we are not locked out of representing god we are called to be his witnesses even as the world wallows in worry the same thing the father sent him to do is the same thing the son is sending us to do what what did god send his son to do the answer is in john 3 17 for god sent not in not his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved so therefore if i am being sent just like jesus was sent then my message must be for restoration and not condemnation every person on this planet must be seen as a candidate for heaven therefore my association with others must contribute to their salvation and not their damnation ask yourself the question what you do with who you are doing with are you setting them up for heaven or are you securing their seat in hell we are sent to save not to sever one day jesus disciples asked him to show them the father his response was simple if you have seen me you have seen the father my duty therefore as a believer of god is to point people to god he said if i be lifted up i will draw all men onto me we are on lockdown but surely we are not locked out of declaring christ to a dying world and no i'm not talking about your social media polls or the bible texts that you forward every morning to your family members i'm speaking about being god in the righteousness of god so when people encounter you it's as if they have encountered god like moses coming down from mount sinai and his face shining with the glory of god like joseph standing in front of pharaoh after being in lockdown in prison for several years but never locked out of accessing god pharaoh declared can we find anyone like this man one in whom is the spirit of god like paul and silas friends who were locked down in the prison of the prison chained to the ground but at midnight acts 16 25 tells us and at midnight paul and silas prayed and sent praises onto god and the prisoners heard them who heard them my friends yes the prisoners these men who were locked down in chains were not locked out of their witness of a mighty god and verse 26 tells us and suddenly there was a great earthquake so that the foundations of the prison were shaken and immediately all the doors were open and every man's ban was loose these men were witnesses of god in a prison brought freedom to all the prisoners but not just physical freedom the bible informs us in verse 33 that the keeper of the prison and his entire household they were baptized that same night yes they found spiritual freedom and new life in christ i asked you this morning what is your witness as we close him on the final scenes of earth's history god's people are called to make a stand you might be thinking oh i'm so far from god i have been locked down in sin no today my friend you might be locked down in sin but you are not locked out from grace can i say that again hashtag that for me you may be locked down in sin but you are not locked out of grace romans 5 20 says but where sin increase grace multiplied even more the songwriter says grace grace god's grace grace that exceeds my sin and guilt grace grace god's grace grace that will pardon and cleanse within today my friend god can make you into a powerful witness for him if you allow him to deliver you from the sins that so easily beset you you don't have to be locked down in depression in drug addiction sexual promiscuity gambling drinking pornography are just plain old bad mind you can live a victorious life and not be locked out of heaven you have access to glory access the glory my friends let us not allow the present lockdown to lock us out of our heavenly home friends you know sometimes sometimes whenever i think of home while my home i get a little bit worried i get worried that i may never see my home country again yes my home cooperative republic of guyana it is the first time in in 20 years i've not gone home and while i live here in tobago i long for my home country i know many of you watching on want to come home to trinidad and tobago or whatever country your birthplace you have applied for exemptions over and over and none has been granted your families are hoping and praying that you will be reunited sooner rather than later but here we are on lockdown borders close exemptions denied but do not lose heart do not lose heart you may be locked down here but you cannot be locked out of heaven somebody ought to say hallelujah right now you can be locked down here but not locked out of heaven jesus has promised in john 14 1-3 he says let not your heart be troubled he believe in god believe also in me in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so i would have told you i go to prepare a place for you and if i go to prepare a place for you i will come again and receive you unto myself that where i am there ye may be also my friends in virtual land do not be overwhelmed by this lockdown we are locked down we are on lockdown but we are not locked out of the throne room of god we still have access to worship and when we get to that heavenly city we will not just be not be worshiping in spirit but we will be worshiping in the physical face to face we shall behold him far beyond the starry skies we shall see our lord and savior in the beauty of his holiness we are on but we are not locked out of the peace of god we still have access to the word of god find strength find hope in it know that irrespective of the trials he says in isaiah 43 2 that when thou passes through the waters i will be with you and to the rivers it shall not overflow thee and when the orchestra the fire thou shalt not be burned need a shallow flame kindle upon thee we are on lockdown but we are not locked out of speaking about god we still have access to witness tell somebody about the love of jesus tell them how he came he died yes he was crucified but he rose again he was locked down for three days in the grave but all sunday morning came and he rose with power and strength let somebody know that this same jesus that was taken from us will come back in like manna as we would have seen him go up to heaven he is coming again my friends come in again the songwriter said lift up the trumpet and loud let it ring because jesus is coming again we are unlocked down in a foreign land but we are not locked out of our heavenly home just over the mountain i hear somebody sing him just over the mountain is the promised land lies the holy city built by god's own hand my brothers and sisters we are nearing home lift your heads high our redemption draw at night i am ready to exit this worn out planet i am ready to meet my god basic face to see with him and live with him and reign in a land where there will be no more virus no more curse no more pain no more sickness and no more death we will be with jesus in the sweet by and by ladies and gentlemen there is hope there is hope i'm gonna say a prayer for you and then we're gonna end off with that song there is hope because we're here to tell you the though you may be unlocked on there is hope in god continue to hold on to him and trust him as he takes us safely to the other side somebody somebody want me to pray for you you want me to pray for you just type in the chat wherever you are this time type in pray for me pastor i don't want somebody wants to type in the chat i don't want to be locked out of heaven i don't want to be locked out of heaven if you don't want to be locked out why not pause whatever you're doing right now let me pray for you pray for your family pray for your friends as we continue to hold on to the mighty hand of god we are on lockdown but we are not locked out from approaching the throne of god your heads are bowed and your eyes are closed wherever you are mighty god and father what an awesome god you are lord you are doing an orchestrating everything for your children to be saved and so we ask today oh god that you will be with us you will strengthen us and give us overcoming power lord we know that there's an enemy out there that seeks to distract us from your will in our lives but we ask oh god that we will walk away from temptations and walk in your ways of righteousness we ask oh god that we will not be consumed by what is happening in the world that we may not feel burden and stress but that we will look to you the one who's the author and finisher of our fate we pray oh god today that we can accept in righteousness your will for our lives we pray oh god today for the person online who is struggling with some sin issue we ask oh god that you give them overcoming power that they will submit and surrender to you and walk in righteousness we ask that you held the family that is going through a financial crisis and and they just can't put two cents together lord may you provide for them as you provide for the birds of the air and you clothe the flowers of the field lord provide for your children ask oh god that you be with us believers help us not to be distracted by the things of this world but that we will keep our eyes on heaven on your glory and your soon coming may we truly surrender may we truly be vessels may we truly be individuals that represent you in everything we say and do help us oh god keep us from falling keep us from walking backwards may we walk walk in the ways of righteousness so that when you come you can declare thou good and faithful servant enter now into the joy of the lord we submit ourselves and say father please continue to have your way in jesus name we pray amen and amen god bless you god keep you there is hope another powerful message once again from the word of god yes water sill man from pastor knew some look dumb but not locked out if you have been blessed this morning there's also more blessing in store this afternoon again we remind you that there is aoi at 3 30 pm and do not forget that asi media tobago streams program all throughout the week we thank you for joining us in worship today and do enjoy the rest of the sabbath be sure to like and subscribe as a view let us pray heavenly father we thank you for the wonderful program that we all enjoyed i pray of god that you will continue to bless us as we go throughout the day and i pray that you will bring us back safely for eli in jesus name amen amen [Music] asking god are you really there but i've asked that same question i've been down that road before looking back i now can tell you he's always let me know there is hope so hold on there is hope god has sent me here to tell [Music] as long as jesus there is hope was used [Music] but it friend's is he brought healing to all pain and the one who raised him from the dead can restore us [Music] there is hope so hold on there is hope god has sent me here to tell you there is hope and it knows just what you're going through and what the future [Music] there is is hope god has sent me here to tell you there is just what you're pouring through and what the future holds as long as jesus there is as long as jesus lives there is hope as long as jesus is hope uh [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] big [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] uh [Music] um [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] you
Views: 6,578
Rating: 4.9000001 out of 5
Id: zjbI1dgblII
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Length: 215min 10sec (12910 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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