ASI Media Tobago Wednesday Night Prayer Service

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[Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] hello hello hello everybody good afternoon good night maybe good morning i don't know where where you are at in the world but we are here one more time to praise the name of the lord tonight is wednesday night and we come to pray as usual we come to just tell god thanks we come to seek his face we come to just let's just talk with you and to talk with our god who is so great and so wonderful soon to come mighty to saved good evening brother milton we are glad to have you one more time i want to say something to the people before we get going i just want to say good afternoon to everyone all the viewers all around the world wherever you are yes looking at us listening to us we hope tonight that somebody would be blessed as we pray for sure because we're going to pray once we're going to pray tonight for you people are going to believe and god has promised to hear and answer our prayers so we would like to have some some online folks are waiting to start sending their request as a matter of fact some are already sending their requests and we are going to talk a little bit tonight about about our um is not here with us this evening so we're going to do what god has asked us to do as usual may the spirit of the lord bless as we do what we have remember and pray for us as we let us pray yes rather again we come in the name of jesus this midweek hour yes to give you thanks for the blessings of the past days of the week and granting us a privilege where we can gather here one more time yes sir to look into thy word and to find hope to find strength in thee we come to pray again tonight for people who request special prayers and for everybody who is listening on whether they have requested a prayer or not what we are praying for because we all need the prayers of those we love amen we thank you father for the blessings and keep providing every need and tonight's program we hope that somebody will be drawn closer to thee in prayer in jesus name amen amen so tonight we want to look at nine bible promises that could help us in this in this pandemic time this mr covey time i don't know how many we're going to be able to do but at least we're going to look at some of them i think it might take more than just tonight for us to do all nine of them all right so help in this unique situation during the time of the time of kovit 19 and he says here you probably i'm just reading a little scripting you probably heard people say we are all in the same boat to describe how corporate 19 has transformed our lives but if we are honest the noble corona coronavirus has impacted us all in some manner or the other some people lost jobs while careers and the health care ramped up we had domestic problems we have all kinds of situations some houses are buzzing with kids home from school with no activity to attend i guess they are frustrated also while other homes are unbearable quiet and lonely and that's because some people die and left sometimes one person or maybe just two persons out of a family about 10. so some of us are living in extreme fear and others are on on burden by the threats of this health issue all over the world not in tobago alone all over the world we talked that with some people just today we were just looking at some situations and so tonight we want to look at no matter what happens no matter where you are no matter where you are find yourselves today we hope that one of these verses reaches you in a way in your situation whatever the situation is and to help you on in this very miserable season and so people have lost their jobs so many people have lost their job so many people are are begging for something to do while others are just rambling on and so uh brother and all time tonight we want to look at the first area um [Music] if you are scared about the future and i don't know how many people are scared i can't give a conqueror all the time but i know that people are scared i talk to so many people today and some people don't because they don't know what with my first customer this morning he's saying to me i don't know what to do and my whole system is just shaking i'm not feeling so good i don't know what to do and i know that she is she is very very scared so in all time jeremiah 29 and verse 11 gives us an idea of what we can do in this very rugged time when we are so scared of the tomorrow what that bible text says okay i would like to read not just verse 11 but jeremiah 29 11 12 and 13 three verses combined let's put them together and let's start for i know the thoughts that i have think towards you yes said the lord thoughts of peace not of evil to give you an expected end hallelujah then shall he call upon me and you shall go and pray unto me and i will hearken unto you yes and you shall seek me and find me when you shall search for me with all your hearts yes sir so in this situation the answer to the scared bewildered hearts those whose hearts are failing for fear and looking upon the things which are coming upon you even the covet situation around us that's right god is saying to us go search for me yes pray unto me i will hear you that's right and i will take care of you in this situation you shall seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart and in doing that we go to pray yes that's what we do yes so before we go can we pray we have to seek that's right right you have to find that's right anybody who seats normally will find that's right right and then we have to cry that's right and then we will get the results so god is saying to you people tonight hello i am here waiting for you he said call me we call in everybody else we call in the doctor we we we we call in nurses we asking help professionals what to do and god is saying but i have the answer but you're not calling me call me call me and and i shall and when you call me i will answer god wants to answer us today you know when i read my my version here but in all time yes it says for i know the plans i have for you declare the lord plans for your welfare not for evil to give you a future and to give you a hope hallelujah praise the lord what we can't look for anything else here god is saying i could give all of that to you and and so all we need to do is to cry unto the lord and ask god to fix this thing for us for we are people are scared of the tomorrow what's going to happen when i wake up tomorrow morning and so my mommy just died i know a couple i know a family sorry who the father died then the mother died the sister died for them in the house the brother alone is there no he must be scared out of his wits sure and and somebody told me that actually he's in the hospital i don't know how he's going to make it but things are rough all over the world and god is asking us to give him a call give him a call in our normal days of going when we feel to talk to somebody we jump on our phone and we call and we chat and we laugh and we do all kinds of stories just to get some relief from the pain and the pressure that we go through and god is saying to us tonight i just want to talk with you i'm waiting for you to come so we can pray yes sir you will do the first one i'll do the first prayer father in the name of jesus we come again for one more time we give all the praise and all the honor and all the glory that is due to your name for we know that you are god we understand your calling you have called us not with just an ordinary call but a call for salvation to take us out of this world and to fix us for your kingdom tonight we pray jesus that you will just be with your people and ask continue to talk with us lord and let us know that you are waiting for us to give him a call to give you a call sorry call jesus says i know the plans that i have lined up for you i know how i want to make you prosper i know i want to give you an unexpected end but you need to call me and seek me and when you call and when you seek i will answer you somebody in their house tonight wants to talk with god somebody in the living room somebody may be in your bedroom you are there with us tonight and you are hearing or cry you are hearing us talking with god for you you want to talk to god for yourself god is saying come and talk to me talk to me just get off from where you are and maybe raise your hand in the air just drop on your knees and tell god tell god your lord i want you to answer my prayer i want you to talk with me because i want you to fix this thing for me this thing is too much for me i'm scared i don't know what to do i look to the right i get up in the night and i hear voices i get up in the night and i see things moving around in my house moving around on the outside i hear footsteps that are not in the house oh god be with those persons we pray and deliver them and cleanse them and give them victory and give them an expected end father hear our prayers this evening we pray we thank you for hearing and we thank you for answering answer speedily answer from the sanctuary give us that hope we pray in jesus name amen amen and praise the lord all right so we want to look at the second one by an altar sure right um if you're in a battle or you're on the battlefield normally uh but maybe but i let me just let me do the other one first before i go down there you know we are picking those that are very very important um if you're wearing you're weary brother not on second chronicles 59.7 if you're weary tonight people are weary this morning when i look at that young lady i see that she's tired she's weary if you're weary very from parenting especially in the house i have all these children no they are not at school and i have to deal with this situation when you send them off to school the teachers deal with the situation they but no i have to deal with this situation and some of and some folks are single parent they are they are all by themselves and they have three four five children they have two maybe and they are wary and so you're wary of parenting and you need a text to keep you going second chronicles 15 17 15 7 15 7 it says be ye strong therefore and let not your hands be weak for your work shall be rewarded amen might version just dance a little bit but as for you be strong and do not give up for your work will be rewarded amen comment yes yes this is a promise big times as you said people are weak they're tired they're worried they're perplexed on every hand tired god is saying listen be strong therefore let not your hands be weak because i have strength i could uphold you with my righteous right hand right yes and in the end whatever it is your work shall be rewarded so if you have the children to see about yes we know school is online some parents are not savvy with the technologies that's right but you got to try i don't try to go to god ask him for the new house ask him for the direction and he will enlighten your understanding that's right sometimes even by myself with the technology i just tap on tap when i get it to get through something let's play with it yes so that really equipment there's no reason to be feeling tired or weak because god has promised us that he will be there for us right he will uphold us amen and so we are glad for that and um i just want to add a little bit here for us for you see god is specific he's talking directly to you you yes you looking at me right now he's talking to you and god is saying be strong no you can't be strong on your own because we are we are we are we are weak vessels sin took over our systems but god is saying be strong i will back you up actually that is what he's saying be strong i will back you up do not give up people like to give up when you get weak and you don't know what to do and you're done and out you don't know what to do again and god is saying don't give up i am there with you i'm going to rally this through with you i'm going to cause great things to happen to you just hold on your reward is great now when god gives you a reward you are well rewarded don't give up folks don't give up young man young man don't give up don't think the thoughts that you're thinking right now we are here to help you young woman we are here to advise you we are here to do a little counseling with you to let you know that god says do not give up be strong god wants to take over and fix this thing for you whether or not pray for us we're going to pray tonight again yes father in heaven we come one more time we thank you for the privilege we have of even coming to you never weary of hearing us amen so tonight we call upon thee in thy sons jesus name asking for strength for all those who are weak amen all who are faltering yes sir all who are fearful yes all who are faint-hearted yes all who think that they cannot make it but i want to tell you we could make it with jesus christ amen if we try amen so father give us all the courage and determination to stand firm yes to be strong as it takes us because god has promised to be there and the to continue to guide us in this path yes sir father sometimes we don't see the way out but where there is no way out god is the will so let's look today yes because i was promised and i promise it's fear not amen we're going to actually fight for a special blessing upon all those who are looking on tonight yes sir helping us all to come in that with that willing spirit that understanding mind and heart yes to take hold of the promises restored only for us so that we all can find that peace you all can find that rest you can find that solace yes sir in jesus christ amen so bless us as we continue to pray in jesus name hallelujah amen somebody heard that prayer let's do one more and then we're going to go to one of our requests on there we want to pray for that person um tonight one more time you are just feeling alone as i said before i i know of a family of four three already dead there is one left we must be feeding really alone and we want to look at the text romans 8 38 and 39 that's gonna take us through that romans 8 2 8 and 39. you're alone tonight you're alone there are some people who live in a family and they are alone you have three or four persons in the house but you're still by yourself because everybody's not messing people going out to work somebody's fat they're not talking to them or their sister not talking and their brother and their husband and they're not going so good but just you're just alone and so god wants to do something so wonderful and so great for you and he's asking tonight just come to me i am going to be your friend i will be your companion i will never leave you i will never forsake you i will be by your bedside you are not alone if you feel alone tonight romans 8 38 10 39 go there with me it says for i'm persuaded poorly speaking that neither death hallelujah no life no angels no principalities no powers no things present yes no things to come yes sir no height no debt yes no any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of god which is in christ jesus yes our lord amen amen so we have some here also very much for my my version i like to read my version because you know it could help you to understand better i am convinced that neither did no life neither angels nor demons neither the presence nor the future nor any power neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of god that is in christ jesus our lord hallelujah select hallelujah tonight so if you're alone jesus is saying come and talk to me let me fix it for you now come on let me come and let's talk together it's as simple as that and prayer you're talking to god you're just like if you call me up brother then when i want to talk with you so so so call up jesus say lord jesus i want to talk with you and you will hear a voice i'm saying back to you immediately come let me talk sometimes jesus speak like that come let me talk what are you worrying about come on let's talk and so don't feel alone somebody's there with you if if everybody else forsakes you somebody will be dead and i'm seeing somebody in their bedroom there tonight somebody may be driving in their car somebody's on locked on and you are alone and you know what the loneliness is all about and you want to ask god to be with you in the house even though there are other family members you still feel lonely because nobody really wants you or wrong nobody wants to see you a husband and a wife in a house both of them alone but there is no proper communication just yesterday somebody talked that story the husband walks in and he walks out and the wife goes in and and so there's no communication they are separated in the house living in different rooms and that kind of story jesus come tell you we have to see it but i want i always like to look at these issues and find a song that would mesh to bring home something yes i know you're very good with that the song says lonely nova no not lonely while jesus standed by his presence always share us i know that he's nigh he's promised never to leave us never to leave us alone no never alone no never alone he has promised never to leave us never to leave us alone so god's presence is always there with us so why should we be lonely while he's standing by wow halloween that song that's his song he promised never to leave us hallelujah so we're going to pray again we're going to pray again we're going to we pray tonight we pray tonight every every text we read we're going to pray and we have a promise coming up another promise we have uh uh a mother that is in hospital and kofi 19 and we need to pray for that mother tonight right after that we're going to go to it all right so we're praying for a companionship tonight yes yes right happiness is always there is it my prayer yours my prayer that's my words father we claim romans 8 38 and 1399 for one more time we see the promised lord jumping out before us for i am convinced jesus says i am convinced that nothing can separate us from the love of god neither death nor height nor love nor demon no angels no parents no husband no wife no alcohol no cigarette no nothing hallelujah i'm not even covered 19. as a matter of fact coffee 19 had to draw a lot of people closer to god because some people come close to death true close to death and they see that and they tell that in his face that leave me alone my god is with me go away and so tonight you're lonely nothing could separate me don't let anything separate you people nobody no nothing separate you from the love of god for the love of god is in christ jesus and that gives us hope and so we deliver ourselves we deliver the people we develop husband we deliver the wife nothing that come up against you will prosper that's what the bible says and and no weapon can't cut you down jesus is saying whatever the situation is give it to me i could carry a burden i know that my burden is light yes come and i will carry you with me and so you are not alone when you're under the stresses of life call on the name of jesus jesus please talk with us when we are and when you will no lord when we are under distress so when you're on the restraints you lord jesus i'm asking you please call him amen call up jennifer call up june call up john call up harry call up you know the names better than me lord call them up and tell them hello i am here with you in this room i'm here with you in this car somebody's saying you know i think this should be my last time for me to get out of this world let me take my life god is saying to you tonight don't even try to do it because you would not get through i am with you i'm your friend stay there with me and call cry unto me and i will answer you this is what jesus is saying that nothing separates us from the lord amen take over we pray in the name of jesus amen amen well another time we have a request it says my mother is in your heart it is hospitalized 19. and the rest of us are at home as for me my faith is god in god has become weak please help me to put my trust in god again need your how does ii chronicles chapter 7 and verse 14 my people yes if my people which are called by my neighbor shall humble themselves and pray the bible says yes god is and seek my face you know and turn from their wicked ways then then will i hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land hallelujah jesus is saying that tonight so tonight we come to pray the mother is in the hospital and everybody else is at home sure and they're saying they feel weak faith the faith is it is dropping we are going to pray for you tonight we we're praying for you tonight you need our prayers you need the prayers of those you love we are going to pray for you tonight that something nice will work out that you will hear an answer according to god's divine plan so mommy in the hospital we're going to pray for imam in the hospital and we're going to ask god to be with those who are at home and need that help tonight god has not forgotten you keep that in your mind while we pray quiet for an altar further again we come we come in thankfulness for the privilege we have to call upon thee yes the text says if my people are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray we come humbly tonight for the seeking life is become anxiety for special favors yes for special interventions yes jesus this prayer request says that a mother hospitalized with kovid in the hospital they are at home but this lady's faith or gentleman faith in god has grown weak needs help desperately yes tonight lord we are placing them in thy care and in that keeping yes axing thee that those straighten their feet amen helping them to know that god has promised and his promise is feeling humble yourself and free seek his peace and importantly turn from your wicked weeds that's important to all of us turn from our wicked ways and god will hear from heaven and heal our land heal our homes yes heal or weak hearts and minds yes father tonight we are thanking thee for the privilege for the blessings that comes as president answered hallelujah and hope that this family would gain the victory in jesus name according to thy will amen that's what we pray in jesus name praise god amen praise god amen if we have any more prayer requests could you put them up for us and then give us the bible says give us give us the link to get onto the people telephone number where they could call us up so we could pray for them we want to do that we have a second prayer request here the bible says i will never leave dean or forsake me but somehow i feel that god has left us and forgotten his promises what reassurance can you give me that he has not well that same bible text i will never leave thee no for sixty um you are alive and we need to praise god that you are alive and because you are alive god is actually saying to you hello i am not going to put you down i will never leave you i will never forsake you and you have to claim the promises claim that that direct promise claim it you know claim it with confidence that god has not left you maybe you will feel that way and the devil knows how to make you feel that way what i'm saying to you tonight god still loves you he will always love you and he will keep you we're going to do two prayers we're going to do two one time right all the time yes he says in my family three persons have died this month from covet 19 and we live in fear because we don't know who next and everybody is in that we don't know who next can you pray for my family this evening so we can experience some kind of peace create peace our day that love thy lord and nothing shall offend them god said i'll bring you peace i will leave peace with you and so in my family three persons have died oh yeah people are under pressure so we want to pray one more time we want to pray one more time we are praying for both families that god will do something great for them amen my turn to pray again for yourselves my god more your health people before we pray before we pray listen god wants to save you god wants to save people god is not saving some and he's not choosing people to be saved you just have to say lord i want to be saved really and he's going to begin the process with you he's going to call you he's going to talk with you and he's going to give you a chance to come to him and as soon as you start going towards him he's going to come towards you and when you meet face to face you tell him and he will tell you what you have to do to be saved from the word of god come unto me all that are neighbor and a heavyweight and i will give you rest i could just put in another world i will give you peace i will give you peace but just come unto me so the ball is in your court tonight what do you want to do what do you want to do let us pray father we come again in the name of jesus we bow in your presence because lord we have nobody else to belong to amen you are the god who created the heavens and the earth and the sea and the fountains of water and including human beings and because we know and we understand that we are not going to walk around and play around with any other god who could never be god we just want to call on the god who created all things amen and so god tonight we pray that you will take these families into your hand we know that some have died they are gone and you feel alone we know that there are people who are wrong waiting to see something happen somewhere wrong in the world and so tonight we commit these people into your care we commit the mothers and the fathers and the brothers and the sisters we commit the uncles and the aunts we commit everybody the grannies and the grandpas and the young people all those young ones young ones strong young ones we commit them into okay we commit the babies acts of protection for being amen amen young baby got killed yesterday or day before yesterday in trinidad by a man who seems to be a little bit out of his head we pray oh god that you will be with everybody in this time of trouble in this time of frustration in this time of chaos in this time of craziness we just want to commit people into your care we know that our prayers tonight will go up and you will hear because you said that the effectual favor and prayer of a righteous man avails much tonight please god hear our prayers for your people yeah your prayers for the grannies and the grandparents hear your prayers for the mummies and for the husbands and the wives and here oppressed and i told god we cried to you in front of and see we cried to you with with a kind of heart but the kind of heart that is saying please lord come and take us out of this world we long for your coming you said that you're going to come soon but you're not coming yet because the gospel is not in all the world for a weakness and so you cannot come until this happen you promise that you will come please i pray come jesus thank you for your love and thank you for your blessing and thank you for weapons that are coming up against us they will not prosper thank you for fights that are coming up against us oh god we pray that you will be with your people and comfort them in a time like this those in the hospital need a loving up a little hugging up or god we pray the the stories that we can't touch one another we have to spare say a distance from each other because of the corona virus and it's such a sad thing because people live off of hogs and loves and kisses and so on father said awareness virus please kill the virus oh god somehow whatever remove this pirates from our world and let us live in peace thank you lord thank you jesus for hearing us thank you for answering us thank you for caressing us tonight give us a big hug from upstairs oh god and help us to understand that one of these days all these things will be normal according to revelation 21 they will be gone from us never to come again amen help us to look forward to that time as we wait up on you let us wait with patience let us run the race with patience let us live out everything with patience let us wait oh god let us wait in peace thank you for hearing our prayers please answer according to your divine fan for that man for that woman for that husband for that fight for that child in jesus name amen father we continue to call upon you we call tonight because they will ask us to call yes we are calling tonight because there are those who are fearful yes so they cannot even call so we are calling for them yes we're calling tonight lord because we know and we are shocked by thy word that when we call you will answer oh lord according to your will hear us tonight hear us tonight tonight we learn the promise which there was made they said i will never leave thee no forsake thee i would always be your friend yes so tonight we are claiming that promise of jesus christ being our friend amen we sing this song what a friend we have in jesus all our sins and goods to be yes what a privilege to carry everything to god in prayer tonight we are bringing everything to the in prayer there are those two families who request special prayers for the situation that they are in in discovery time lord they may be thinking that there is no way out but again lord i want to assure them that there is a will because jesus christ said i am the way yes i am the truth and i am the life amen so bring that to their knowledge forcefully further so they can see thee with open arms and go straight to thee as their father amen and place all their cares upon you because they said you care for all of us so congratulations each family each one listening tonight each one thinking that i can't make it anymore lord let them know that we can make it if we try amen and trying is only with jesus you must try so give them the strength determination give all of us such determination to stick to it so that in the end we can hear from the lips well done amen good and faithful servants bless us to this and we pray in jesus name amen amen amen all right three more pericles let's have them bring them bring them bring them quickly and let's see what we have and while we are waiting for them oh at present i feel lost as my parents stayed in full lawlessness what what i said somehow i believe that god can help me out of this condition can you help me i am very desperate please please please my parents my presence and presence i feel lost all right we're going to appear on that we have our next one one more so we praying for um are we praying therefore but in all time just know that person said they feel lost right i just want to write and so we don't miss anything all right please pray for me please pray for me i am having a healthy health problem and i i'm scared i need god's strength and mercy so we pray in here now for um let's pray let's ask god to be with us and to relieve or scared that scared attitude that um she needs to be brave let me put that here be scared so you need to be brave ah god's mercy go ahead give us the next one right esther james goodnight saints of god i am requesting a prayer of thanks for answered prayer amen remember last week we have to rephrase that although i still have pains in my legs but i guess she's feeling a lot better okay so this is like it's like a sick situation all the way so brethren alton let us claim isaiah 41 and verse 10. isaac 41 41 and 10 we will claim that promise um isaiah 41 and verse fed or not for i'm with thee be not dismayed for i am thy god i will strengthen thee i will help thee out of holy with the right hand of my righteousness yes which is a promise again that's a great promise very good i will jesus is saying here i am god be not mismade remember who i am i will strengthen you i will help you i will uphold you with my righteous right life god is saying just call me and i will do everything for you sometime we go i'm looking for looking for this and we're looking for that god is saying just call me call me please i am there i'm waiting i'm ready to go along i go along with you i like the sticks also though matthew 6 and verse 26 matthew 6 and verse 26 i like it it says look at the birds of the air they do not sworn or reap or store away bands and yet your heavenly father feeds them are you not much more valuable than that those so jesus is saying here what are you worrying about you have little problems here and there you got a little sickness and you're going oh god we're going dead don't say that god said he could provide whatever you need whatever your needs are he could provide it and he said look at the birds they they don't plant anything birds don't plant anything but they're always reaping every morning they get up and fly around and they find food and so god is saying i am going to love this thing so we claiming two texts here be not afraid for i am with you i am your god and we are also saying lord please provide for me so if i need if i need something to help me with whatever the sickness is god could provide that god could send you to somewhere you could get it and then the loss and we're going to pray for some strength for that that person who is not so brave right now and this will be our last one okay so let's do two prayers let's pray for yes lord we are not weary of calling thee because we know we are assured by thy word the promise is given that the word always there with open arms ready to receive us when we come amen so again we come tonight and pray honoring the requests that came to us to pray for this person this family they're fearful they may be dismayed but the promises that god has given us in his holy word are sure and that they are faithful yes sir his promises fear not so help that person to rely on the promises where they can place their trust and confidence in thee and the only hallelujah because the word god and there's none else beside thee amen today we have also given thanks as a server access to give thanks for recovery not to the fullest but she's a long way off [Music] so we thanking thee for father for answering the prayers that went before that's right on her behalf that's right so faith can be strengthened amen whose prayers have been answered we are we give you thanks and we have to strengthen their feet in whatever way amen continue lord to bless us as a people praise god let the world know that jesus christ is still in charge amen and he never feels amen and his promise and his promise would be fulfilled to the bitter bless us again let's put a diamond in prayer in jesus name father we continue in prayer tonight and we look and we see and we understand the times in which we are living we know that jesus will come for everything is pointing to a better life but not from the people who are running our programs here on earth there is no human being on earth that could fix the earth all of us are in the same boat that's why all of us could have covered anybody coffee is not choosing people all kovit wants to do is to kill and so this evening we come in the name of jesus to ask you father to be with your people you promised that you would never leave us that you will never forsake us you promise that you will heal us and you heal esther up to a point and we know by next week she's going to call in and say i'm completely healed because jesus is the mighty healer come call me i will come to you look at the birds of the field and let us not worry as the birds don't worry they sleep and they wake up and there is food somewhere they fly all over and they find food and god has given us the opportunity tonight to put food in the ground so that we can have food to eat and so we pray god that you will let the food grow so that at least like the birds we can have something to eat and so father feed us we pray when we don't have anything send somebody with something for us continue to be your guide continue to be your god continue to keep us faithful continue help us to watch and be sober and be careful in all that we do in whatever we do in this world oh god we pray that you would give us a life that will not be fearful help us to know that we are not we that we are not alone in this in this battle we are not going to lose the fight because jesus is our great commander in the army of salvation and so we pray that you would stretch our minds out and let us grasp this jesus who is and was and is to come and who is able to fix anything in this world including mr corona and the virus to help this man to be brave help him not to lose hope if it's a man or a woman whoever it is not to lose hope help them to continue to press on the upward weight and gain new heights every day because jesus is actually saying to us call on me and let things work pray our prayers we pray continue to be brother nalton and i but uh who is not here with us tonight all the air we pray around the world and all the doctors and all the nurses and all the prime ministers and all the presidents all over the world we pray for them tonight all the people who are taking care of every police officer every soldier all over the world all those nurses who are who are punching the needle into the hands of people so that they will be strong we pray oh god that you would be with us all hear our prayers be with those who have lost their loved ones and still losing love with two persons today close to me died oh god we pray that you will just bless and bless and bless in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit and let everybody online and everybody watch and say amen in your house amen amen praise the lord have a good night have a good night send your prayer request send them to us we are not afraid send them we're not afraid to receive them send them to 868 767-0020 one more time eight six eight if you're outside of trinidad and tobago if you're in trinidad and tobago and then you just put seven six seven zero zero two zero may god bless you we're gonna see you next week have a good week keep strong in the lord and in the power of his might do not be afraid stand up and fight with jesus amen amen [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Views: 296
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: dD1Pzd7mL9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 10sec (3430 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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