World Pathfinder Day 2021 || NJC Church Online || Morning Segment || September 18, 2021

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um and i'll praise his holy name oh he'll be with me every day and he makes my burden light said i'll go oh [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] he'll be with me every day and he makes my burden yes [Music] [Music] is well go where he lives [Music] [Music] to the left just keep in the middle of the road in the middle of the road in the middle of the road i [Music] i can see them standing round the big white gate we must travel along before it gets too late because there ain't no use for to sit down and wait keep in the middle of the road then children keep in the middle of the road children keep in the middle of the road [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] keep in the middle of the road [Music] to the left just keep in the middle of the road in don't sing don't look at the world full of sinful things don't lay down and get up and fly keep in the middle of the children keep in the middle of the middle [Music] [Music] i've got the spirit [Music] i've and he's taking control deep in my soul sometimes my heart [Music] i'll grows my way sometimes i lose control but each time you move my way and each time i calm each time you hear when i pray each and every time you're taking care of it all about the spirit the spirit within me his holy spirit i've got the joy down [Music] he's taking control [Music] [Applause] [Music] sometimes i just don't know [Music] every time you do the wonderful things that you do wow i've got the spirit the spirit within me i've got the joy down deep in my soul [Music] i've got a feeling [Music] the spirit within me [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] happy sabbath everyone it is indeed a blessing to have you worshipping with us right here at north jamaica conference njc church online we want to welcome you from wherever you are joining us this morning we welcome all our viewers and worshipers from across the bounds of jamaica land we love those who are in canada those who are in united states of america those who are in europe we welcome you those who are in the lesser antilles others in the great anteles we welcome you and if you are in asia or australia or south america anywhere on the globe you are this morning it is world pathfinders day and we go by the theme i will go will you go so in a very special way we ask that you will stay with us i just want to welcome a few individuals that i see online with us right now in the youtube on the youtube platform marcia stinnett happy sabbath uh drysdale knox roy rhoden maxine reed karen duncan uh vida record sharon lemonis timoria beckford and all the others who would have joined us um this morning daphne simmons renee walters happy sabbath to you all as we celebrate world pathfinder's day today and of course under the theme i will go isilda baker it is good to have you online with us and trisha campbell what a blessing it is to have you joining us this summer for most of today's worship service our pathfinders will be taking part however they will be assisted by master guides along the way and so and and senior youth that will be assisting as well we hope that as you if you are at home and you have your uniform i am challenging you put on your uniform and and feel as though you are in the big church setting and let us worship together and so in a little while you will be hearing from pastor summer bell our youth director but before we get to all of that we will be going into our song service and so i invite you know to bow your heads with me before the monroes take us into our song service uh pastor watson and kashmarie williams it's good to have you joining us as well as we celebrate this morning let us bow our heads as we pray heavenly father we present to you this morning the youth of the world we present to you the youth of north jamaica conference we present to you the youth who are having challenges we present to you youth who would have otherwise been in the churches and celebrating bearing flags and being a part of the drum corps and all of these and we present to you young people who are struggling in these times we pray in a very special way that you will just allow for your holy spirit to reach out into the hearts of your youth today we ask that even today will be a day when decisions will be made for young people to say i will go and move forward with you we pray that you will be with this program and as we worship together we ask that your holy spirit will take full control of the day's program be with those who are hurting who are grieving and lord we give you all the honor and all the praise as we now move into our praise and worship for this morning we ask that you will just allow for your holy spirit to curfew the hearts of your people we pray in jesus name amen we now turn over to the monroes [Music] my is [Music] the creature [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] is [Music] don't forget the sabbath [Music] oh is [Music] is [Music] [Music] and worship him today i am [Music] [Applause] my [Music] is [Music] is [Music] 384 safely through another week [Music] let us [Music] [Applause] [Music] they are [Music] while we see some lies of grace [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] bring me [Music] number 612 onward christian soldiers [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] of jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] as i welcome you to yet another streaming of the north jamaica conference church online your regular church virtually i joined with rahim writer john newton in saying safely through another week god has brought us on our way let us now a blessing seek waiting in his courts today this is an extra special day yes it is world park find a day today your worship treat will be served by pathfinders and master guides from the north jamaica conference of seventh day adventists we thank you for joining us and we trust that as we worship god together we all will receive a blessing the worship for today is under the theme i will go and the sub theme for or sub at school will be answering the call so i just invite you to stay tuned stay focused as together we worship god here is a message for you from the youth ministries team of the general conference of sims the adventists [Music] know [Music] samuel was bought a young man when he received the call from god he did not yet know why the lord was calling him but he knew how to answer because eli had told him to say speak lord for thy servant heareth when the call echoed in his heirs for the fourth time somewhere sprang to his feet and like he was instructed he said speak for thy servant hear it [Music] so [Music] welcome to our program it's world pathfinder day samuel as we were saying he learned who to listen to he learned how to listen and he learned what to do after he listened on this day many are hearing the call many have heard the call countless number of individuals men and women young and old boys and girls even have responded their response is a resounding i will go with that resolve they have dedicated their lives to god they have taken their pledge listen as jerome shares that pledge that all pathfinders have taken by the grace of god i will be pure and kind and true i will keep the part finder law i will be a servant of god and a friend to man yes they are who we are celebrating today the path finders at this time i invite you to listen as we will do our opening hymn it may be new to some of you because it's from the old hymnal but they never grow old this one is will you go we're bound for the land of the pure and the holy if you have your old a female find it and tune in as we will be led into beautiful singing it's so good that where you are you can join in singing without any interference without any fear that you don't have a melodious voice because you are giving praise to almighty god will you go it is 368 from the the church imna that's what it is called the church imna the old imnal so 368 we're bound for the land of the pure and the holy we're bound for the land of the pure and the holy the home of the happy the kingdom of love he wonders from god in the broad road of [Music] fallen above who will you go will you go [Laughter] [Music] who [Music] when you go [Music] [Music] oppression is [Music] oh [Music] say [Music] sickness can reach them the country is healthy oh say will you go [Music] oh say will you go [Music] [Music] as is we move o come to thy lord in his arms [Music] [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] amen did you answer yes did you say not yet or maybe as we go through this morning's program and indeed the day's program it is our hope and desire that you will in the end join with the countless number of others and say i will go as you answer the call at this time we will be having the opening prayer by brother sean blair unite your hearts with us let us pray eternal father we pause lord one more time to give you thanks and to give you praise for all that you have done in our lives lord from the day were born until now we thank you god for our productive week amidst the challenges lord that we face and indeed lord we know that we are living in unprecedented times but we want to thank you dear god that you have set this day aside so that we can come in your courts and worship you in spirit and in truth and in the beauty of holiness we pray dear lord that you will you will hide us behind the cross to the dear god and so that our sins will not be seen but you will be seen we pray oh god that you'll give us a productive day we have a blessing give us the blessings lord that you have in store for us father i pray that as we celebrate world part finders day 2021 under the theme i will go that all of us together will go on your mission so that we can proclaim your gospel so that the end will come bless us and bless the sabbath school and the sabbath schools all over the world we pray in jesus holy name amen amen thank you brother blair our program continues the pledge was so beautifully recited by gerwayne virgo and gerwyn hails from the seventh day adventist church in litchfield what we're going to be doing right now is just delving into it some more as we see to on earth its true meaning and see how it is the pathfinders master guides youth leaders in general god's people are allowing that pledge to guide their lives i have on set with me right now two young men and i'm very delighted that it's young men that we were able to identify to share in the program with us this morning so i have two young men and i'm going to be asking at this time for them to introduce themselves starting with the young man to my far right happy sabbath everyone i'm wearing virgo from the overcomer path final club of literally sda and by the grace of god this means that it hello everyone my name is daniel hall fuller and i'm from the litchfield district of churches and i'm glad to be here on this program all right and you're from the overcomers pathfinder club as well indeed i am okay awesome they operate out of the seventh adventist church in litchfield and that is in the statin district some of you may have known that so today we're going to be taking each of the lines or phrases if you please of the pledge as we will ask them both or each to identify what it means for them and so gerwin orange sorry i will start with you the pledge starts with the line by the grace of god what does that mean to you by the grace of god means that it is only as i rely on god to help me can i do his will as paul instructs us in philippians 4 30 i can do all things through christ who gives me sir awesome awesome that is so powerful and so profound i follow on daniel with the next line what does it say pure wow what does that mean to you it means that i won't fill my mind with the things of this world i will fill my mind with these good things the bible constantly reminds me to be true to be honest and to be just and i hope to be a good and just okay very good very good and you heard that he said honest and just so that's what it means for him to be pure but it continues orin that i will be kind and mark you this is a pledge that so many persons would have taken the truth is that some persons along the way seem to have forgotten that they had made this pledge and so this morning we're simply issuing that reminder so array what does i will be kind mean to you well to me i will be kind meaning that i am considerate and kind not only to my filament but also to all of god's creation that kindness should not be limited to give enough gifts but also in terms of the words i speak and the comments i made that is so important that you made mention that it's not just limited to gift because when we speak about kindness especially in this pandemic that we're experiencing many persons may say i give out food baskets i share my internet i do so many acts of kindness but thanks for that reminder that we're not limiting kindness to that but also extended to what we say and what we do on a daily basis daniel do you want to follow up on the next line or phrase of the pledge and this means that i am honest and upright in all i do i must can be all i must be trusted and be someone who you can say yes that person can count on them especially when we're doing things online and virtual school even through that be true being true means that i won't lie and i won't cheat and i won't deceive others sit above me and and i'm happy for that punch that you put in especially to your colleague youngsters who are online because i happen to know that many of them may i say many of you because you may be guilty among those watching i don't know there are many times when persons log in under the guise that they are at class you're cheating yourself you're treating your teachers you're cheating cheating your parents yes and in that respect you are not being true and it's the seemingly simple things that come to test us as to whether we are really living up to that which we know thank you for that um danielle all right another danielle coming out of the seventh day adventist church reminding us of that young man daniel in the bible of bible fame who stood up for that which was right even in the courts of babylon you're rightly named orain um what does the next line of the the pledge says and what does it mean to you i have pledged that i will keep the part find the law so i seek to understand the meaning of the law which has eight points and i strive to live up to its spirit realizing that obedience to love is essential in any organization the pathfinder law calls on me to be faithful steward so i do my best by god's grace um oh awesome awesome that is so important i heard you say that there are eight points to the law and i trust that when we resume after the lesson revision we'll be able to quickly run through those because those eight points need to be said and an understanding of them also need to be developed but you also said that you are dedicating yourself to being a good steward and that is so important because as stewards we have been entrusted with so many gifts and so many responsibilities from the lord himself and so i am happy that our young people are pledging as they seek by god's grace to answer the call i am happy that this pathfinder pledge is there to guide them to guide their actions to guide their motives to guide their thoughts as they go from day to day is there another line to the the the pledge daniel and it is i will be a servant of god and that is very important because i need to pledge myself to serve god i need he needs to be the first thing that i think about in the morning and the last thing when i go to bed i should be constantly thinking how can i improve myself and improve god's word and as you said before i should use my gifts to be a good steward that is so so wonderful and i'm so delighted that it's coming from young men and to wrap it off i they always go together but yes i'm happy that they can be separated so i will be a servant of god but not only a servant of god or reign but also a friend to man what does that mean i live to bless others as the golden rule states i do unto others as i would have them do unto me i realize that when i act as a friend to man i am reaching out to god's creation wow that is such wonderful and quite a bit is involved in answering the call but i see that the pathfinder club is equipping its members so to do and you may be watching uh via or facebook page or youtube channel you're not a pathfinder you're not a member of any of the uniformed groups in the church this is a call to you for you to come on board and these principles that are being instilled in these young men they can be instilled in you too as we go from day to day we're going to be having the lesson review but first it will not only come from the adults we will have the children kitty kitty kitties yes you are all a part of today's grand celebration i invite you to come on board right now as this section of the program will be dedicated to you after that we will go right into the review of the adults lesson and it's so interesting the adult study is an interesting one it speaks of a man who received a call but was hesitant and i'm not going to preempt what the summit school panel will say because you will be right there to listen and to share and participate watch now little ones as this section is dedicated to you [Music] hello boys and girls this is aunt frenita and i have a wonderful story for you called god gives manna today's memory verse is from joel chapter 2 verse 26 it says you will have plenty to eat and you will praise the name of the lord the message for today's story is we thank god for giving us good food where do you get your food from a store from an orchard or field god gave the israelites some unusual food when the israelites had been traveling in the desert for several weeks the food they had brought with them from egypt was almost gone there were no grocery stores in the desert there were no fields or trees to get food from either instead of trusting god the israelites began complaining and grumbling god knew that they were worried and god knew that they were hungry too he knew they needed healthy food to keep them strong so god told moses that he would send them bread from heaven that night in the morning thin white flakes lay on the ground all over the camp the israelites had never seen anything like it what is it they said to one another it's the food the lord has given you to eat said moses taste and eat this special food tasted like crackers and honey the people called it manna which means what is it then moses said each morning you will find manna on the ground get up early and gather enough for the day but do not keep any overnight but some people didn't listen to moses they tried to save samana for the next day the next morning their mana was spoiled and it smelled really bad some people were lazy and did not gather enough for the whole day but the hot sun melted the manna and those people went hungry until the next day on friday moses told the people to gather enough manna for two days because god would not send manna on sabbath but some people didn't listen to moses on the other nights the manna had spoiled so they thought it would spoil on friday night too but it didn't and on sabbath no new manna appeared on the ground by the end of the first week everyone knew that they had to follow god's directions as long as they gathered enough manna for the whole day every morning they had enough to eat and on every friday they had to gather enough for two days when the israelites followed god's directions they had fresh food every day god took care of their needs and god takes care of our needs too god gives us our food today he may not send manna from heaven but however you get food it is because god provides for your needs let's praise god for our food [Music] this podcast was brought to you [Music] hi everyone it's aunt frenita today's story is called whose side are you on [Music] the memory verse is from john chapter 14 verse 1. it says do not let your hearts be troubled trust in god trust also in me today's message is we can worship our awesome god every day have you ever had part in a program i mean a really big program in a church with hundreds of seats you feel important practicing for the program you mustn't make any mistakes but then you worry so much that you nearly forget your part that is about how joshua felt after moses died joshua walked between the rows of tents he smiled at the families he passed but he didn't stop to talk he needed some exercise he needed time alone to think so many amazing things had happened in the past few days joshua quickly reached the edge of the camp his steps got even longer as he headed back across the fields he walked on until he had a good view of the jordan river then he stopped and just looked the river was flooded and dangerous but the israelites were all safely across and in the promised land once again their awesome god had seen them through the people had just finished celebrating the passover soon it would be time to move on but moving on was scary the israelites had powerful enemies in this new land as joshua slowly turned in a circle he studied the great walled city of jericho big tall walls thick walls how small the israelite camp looked with jericho's walls towering above them joshua had no idea what to do how is he going to lead the army of israel against that mighty city they had no fancy weapons of war joshua shuddered to think of his poorly trained soldiers they were not ready for battle suddenly someone stood in front of joshua holding a sword joshua stepped boldly up to him whose side are you on joshua asked ours or our enemies if he were an israelite soldier he had some explaining to do joshua had not told any of his soldiers to leave camp if the stranger were an enemy joshua was ready to fight neither the man answered i am here as the commander of the lord's army suddenly joshua realized that this was no ordinary soldier this was the lord himself joshua fell at his feet in worship i am your servant sir what do you want me to do take your sandals off you are standing on holy ground the commander replied joshua removed his sandals and worshiped the lord what a relief joshua had been thinking about battle plans he had imagined there was to be a war and that he would be the general in charge but now he learned that the battle was the lord's the plans were already made and the lord was in charge joshua did not have to bear the heavy responsibility of leadership all alone the lord was here his awesome god was with him [Music] happy sabbath everyone and thank you for joining us for our sabbath school lesson we are truly grateful today to be celebrating pathfinder's day a worldwide general conference of some of the adventists uh in collaboration with all unions all conferences all church all members we are all celebrating world pathfinders day uh this morning with me on the panel for well i am pastor christopher hyman also a master guide senior youth and pathfinder all of the above amen and also with me on the panel is hello cindy grant yes sydney grant as you can see he is a well decorated uh master guy and beside him is a lashon blair and the blair as you would see in his decorative uniform or decorated uniform he is a senior youth he's in the scenery with uniform but i can just imagine that all both men have been coming up in the pathfinder club from very young and they would have attained almost um every budget there is to to be attained uh ella grant and ella blair welcome this morning to our lesson review thank you very much thank you all right so this morning our lesson is entitled um so i i i gentlemen would you want to help me with the title the restless prophet's prophet the restless prophet restless prophet i would like i i'm going to send you two gentlemen with two responsibilities this morning all right the first i'm going to ask uh and the player to read for us our scripture reading and then i'm going to ask ella grant to do the prayer for or listen okay so our memory text comes to us from jonah 4 verse 11 and it says and should i not pity nineveh that great city in which are more than 130 000 persons who cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand and much lifestyle amen let us pray father we thank you that you are god there is none like you we thank you that even when it seems as if mercy should not be yours your grace and mercy extends towards us we pray now that you'll have your holy spirit curfew the hearts of your people and take care of us as we go through this review be with each person we pray in jesus name amen amen thank you gentlemen thank you very much so we are going to delve into the lesson we have got a short time but we are going to make the best use of the time as possible in the lesson this week we see the restless prophet unlike our theme for today our theme is i will go but in this case the the prophet of which we speak he he was saying the opposite he said i am not going so uh in opposition to the theme uh this gentleman by the name jonah jonah was called by god to do a specific task and i believe that is the task that we are called to do today is to go out and to share to spiritual limit that there is impending doom if repentance is not is not done and so that is what we are focusing on this morning jonah's call to nineveh and and and and the restlessness that happened during his call i believe that jonah initially said i will not go initially but after he did say i will go regardless of what and it brings me to your story pastor hyman that i will share that um even though you would have found your uniform and you have found that it is not able to fit you you did not say you will not go but you came to share just the same um jonah and and since we have a short time you know i'll just say jonah as many good christians and i might i would say 70 adventist christians would have their work at heart and they would love to go but the truth is they themselves have become judges for people so even though they are going they are saying listen but even though when they're not supposed to be in a church you know and and when some people come to church and is what this is what they know the same person who probably would be preaching the same sermon so even if we don't get the time to do it um later on i'm just pulling these points that in going sometimes we're zealous in going but we are not happy for people when they change their lives because we want to judge them wonderful most definitely i totally agree with ella grant but i just want to highlight the fact that um in jonah's pursuit to to go to nineveh as much as he he was running away from what god calls him to do we recognize that many of us can can can can um put ourselves in that shoes today but i want to encourage us as we read the lesson um this this week that we should say hear my lord send me and as the theme emphasizes this um today i will go we need to take that man to say i will go comes what me wonderful whatever one of the interesting things that i gathered from sabbath afternoon gentlemen and and viewers is that there will be no peace until you have gone that's right there will be no peace at all until you have gone if god has called you to a particular task you cannot you cannot evade that task and expect peace if you notice jonah destruction came on him at the time well where god had to send destruction to derail his his pursuit to to run away from god and so you can never have peace until that is where the restlessness comes if you are not doing the work of god you are going to be restless i know that i might be talking to somebody this morning that the reason you are so restless in your situation is that god has sent you to do a work and you have decided not to do it to to redeem yourself from that restlessness go and god's errand and past time as you share restless is not only restless you know but these individuals become very tired jonah when you look where jonah lived um in in gazebo the distance from where he lived to where nineveh was is about one-fifth the distance to touch is where he was running so sometimes god gives us a work to do our job to do but because we are running our way we end up running all the way around the world yeah running out of breath and still ending up having to do god's word yes so the pursuit of happiness outside of god will prove futile indeed because of it's it's like moving on a treadmill you're going nowhere but you're still moving so your your your energy is being consumed into the wrong things ella blair yes um many of us as christians we may not be running away like jonah what many of us are hiding right we are hiding from what god really wants us to do you know in some cases many of us as christians people out there will not know that we are christians because we don't ex exemplify that christian characteristics or people may will not know that we are a christian and so we are hiding unlike jonah who is running away yes as we as we as we also delve even more into the listener and and into sunday the point that you made earlier i see where it it it fits right into sunday uh sunday tells us that in second kings chapter 14 verse 25 we see where it was not jonah's first time being called by god to do and do our work right but it was at this juncture that jonah wanted to run away from god and what makes this time different from the other times it was because of who god called him to and sometimes we have to be careful of how we judge others right or we think about others we believe that um because we have a certain past with them because the lesson emphasizes that historically jonah's people and nineveh was was was in a little eruption if you if for the world of a better world so there was a there was that there was a target war between uh his is his ethnic background and the work that god has for him and one of the things that we must learn no matter what others have done to you if god sends you to tell them and to give them a message or to elevate their spiritual life do not resist regardless of what has been done to you go and share the good news of salvation with them and and of course you know having said that i want to since this is part finally i want to reach out to some young persons today i'm reaching out to a young person who has a class a group every day you you'll share a joke in that what's up group with them but you have never shared your worship service link with the group um are you hiding are you running away from what god wants you to do and and this is where the lesson comes to food because many times even in our work groups we are able to share jokes we share everything but we are never there wanting to share a worship service because we think that people will say whatever or it might bring a backlash but let the backlash be for the work of the lord indeed and i just wanted to add that um many of us we come into this christian life thinking that um it is going to be better better roses right but we have to recognize that this christian life is is one that comes with so many things ups and downs and just like jonah he was running away that was his challenge many of us are facing different challenges in our christian world but guess what we have a god that is is willing he's compassionate you know he's compassionate so many times we fall and he's still there reaching out to us giving us and helping and so let us not um have the notion that it will be easy but when we put our hands in god's hand he will allow it to be easy for us amen uh gentlemen i want to ask the question that the lesson asked and i want to ask our viewers i don't know if you're sitting beside a family member but share with us uh have you ever tried running away from god what was that experience like i know i i hope when you were studying the lesson to come on this morning you would know that pastor heyman would answer that question because the truth is unless we have a practical example of home sometimes we you know in every story every story in the bible uh you you can you can be you can you can identify with a character either you are that person or you are striving to be that person or you were once that person in every story and i believe that i'm not striving to be a jonah in this case and um there has been instance where i tried running away from god i was about work and sometimes there are some houses that i don't want to go because of the of what might come from going there but i remember this particular time in my hometown in warsaw there was this lady that um everybody was kind of afraid of and uh when when when i stopped by her gate to talk to her about the lord the lady you know what happened to something else and she and she was she was very rough but sister charlie blair who was it was the person walking with me every day we will stop and say howdy and after a while the person will you know warm up and warm up and initially we wanted to not go back but you know when you run away from god god will say that right but right so so so we have to try as best as possible gentlemen experiences [Music] they said that confession is good for the soul i mean there are there have been many instances and i mean i dare not um sit here um this morning and and say that i i had not have that experience i have an experience where you know i i was a very shy person for one but very willing but the shyness in most instances will get the best of me so in that regard i can say i was hiding or not you know don't want to be in the in the public's domain you know as why um no you know this this um subway school has been broadcast all over the world i look at me now you understand confidence has as has been has been um top up to another level and it is only because of god and when we put god to the taste yeah you know he'll put us in that situation to see how we would react and i'm so happy that he has he has placed me um in this position and this even these platforms i can can talk to someone out there if you are shy and you think that you can't do it just put god to the test and he will do the rest um you know like beverly edwards that you know worshipping with us right now we all have our runaway experiences for me i think one that i am yet to get into for the last probably 10 years somebody i think elder duncan is a person randall duncan has been saying you need to do a series a gospel series and i've always been saying like my father i would love to do a series but i need to find that time when i'll be able to do the series and it has not yet happened sister days here but i think that coming up too in these times when we are at home probably if i can do it outside probably now is the time and i'll have to do one that is virtual inside but you know there are these experiences that we have where we run away but we it takes us right back and i'm saying again because at the end of studying this lesson what we want to present is the fact that if you are running away from the the the responsibilities that god would have given to you then somehow if that is your purpose you will end up having to do those same job amen um ela grant i want you to speak to me off here right i i was about to check my calendar but my my phone my phone was off um and uh i am i am in the welcome district and the next series that you will hear coming out of the world industry will be done by elder sydney girl somebody say amen so so i am creating the opportunity that you won't run from it again amen so so we see where jonah ran away from god then we see where there was a three day of peace after all that was happening on the ship he been thrown off the ship we see where god allowed uh some person say a big whale uh a fish to to swallow uncle john huh yes and and and and jonah got a chance to to be by himself and and speaking with the lord and you know what was quite interesting is sometimes when we run away from god god finds a way to get us by ourselves in order to speak to us and i know i don't know if there's anybody this morning who is having that experience that covey 19 has caused you to have a greater dialogue with the lord and it might be that before coving we were running away from from from spreading the good news of salvation i i can tell you before there's many people who never go in front of a camera to broadcast to the entire world but kobe has presented the opportunity it might not be three days but it might be three years soon where god has called us to to be ministers to the world that we can reach uh his dying people who are dying in sin and so we see where the mission became accomplished god took jonah sent him at this time god you know god did uh i i i i i i wouldn't want to say a stronghold but god captured jonah from his his misunderstanding and help him to understand that he must preach but he went after this time and god allowed him to preach when he preached the king of nineveh decided we need to have a fasting and prayer we need to allow our oxes and all our animals to just rest a while and we are going to we are going to communicate with god you know one of the greatest joy even as when you do the gospel series in world came uh in lagrange one of the greatest joy that a preacher will experience is when people come to know jesus and have accepted jesus as their savior but that was not jonah's experience jonah was not always happy about that gentlemen you want to share with me all right uh about it i uh just before we get to jonas and i don't know we're getting close to our time yes i just want on us to understand that when god puts us in solitary confinement quarantine the the experience is not always a bit of favor because god prepared a big fish and some scientists have different things to say i did some studies now when something is alive in the fish's gut the gastric juices are not activated exactly so that's one thing we know the other thing is that if there was something in the gut before it wasn't a nice place to be but jonah was there and of course he was getting oxygen there because there are air packages there as well and the truth is the fishes have what is called a barotrauma where when they come up to the surface the balloon or that area that is in them that causes them to float it starts to expand their eyes start to bulge out and what they do is now throw up and sometimes the entire stomach comes out to cleanse their stomach so this tells me that this is a story that is true but jonah was in this situation where things were not pretty around him but he was there so that he could talk to god your light meal is about to be cut off you cannot find the school fee that you need to pay for the children you don't have enough to buy the food that you want to buy but god is still providing the necessities of life and in this moment god is saying to you listen take heart and do the work that i have for you seek first the kingdom and all everything will be added right you know look how compassionate and patient god is you know we serve a god that is so compassionate and when i read the list i recognize that many of us we can we can say this without a doubt that god has have to put us in situations in order for us to reflect you know in order for us to reflect on his goodness so that we can make a rightable turn in our life so you see jonah had gone through this this um scenario and he reflected for three days you know you know god showed journal firsthand mercy but yet jonah was reluctant to do the same in terms of the people in nineveh and so are many of us you know so are many of us many of us we don't want to forgive others we're not easily persecuted to forgive when god is the one who give us mercy so i'm imploring us out there when god has done so much for us let us give others mercy show others mercy and compassion just like he did and embarrassed her carrying her skins yes yes she says that jonah was in this ship when jonah was in the ship the pagan sailors also accept that jonah's god was the true and real god they accepted god amen so even in our hardships sometimes and how we deal with it that's when people will recognize that we serve are true at least yes yes yes it is quite interesting enough that as jonah went and preached he preached the people repented jonah later left to go and sit under a tree no sit in the desert he's sitting in the desert god allow that tree to cause to be there to cover him overnight overnight jonah was there and enjoying the the tree get cut down by our butt look at god a word cut down the tree and then now jonah was upset with god that the tree died but he it was he was upset with god that god killed the tree but he would be happy with god for god to kill the people that's it i i don't want us to miss this and there are many times good christians use people and value things right and we as christians must use things and value people we must know that we wherever we go we are soldiers of the cross so whoever needs the help whoever needs help the christian army must be ready to help and that is why i believe we the the the pathfinder club and the very clubs in the part pathfinder the varied clubs have been established in the churches so that we can be that army of people who go and seek for those who are lost and bring them to the ark of safety which is to know jesus whom to know is life eternal pastor it could it be that their church members were more concerned about the church bench than who sits on the bench ah you know who who dear that i feel like i'm in a service no close uh man to come and sit on that bench and not recognizing that this person has come for god to clean up their eyes it could be that you know we are thinking about even the water that comes from the pipe more than the living water that the people needs to get these are some you know you might have an apple tree in your church yard and instead of opening the gate so that the community children can't get the apples you might be saying when they're going there the apples will drop in the church yard and dirty up the church yeah not even thinking that by doing so you are actually ministering and some children will even come to church about to get an applause you know so indeed these are things and and we are to be careful as christians that we don't use things to negate how important it is for people to be drawn closer to god you know i recognize that um when people give their hearts to christ many of us are not happy [Music] many of us we are not happy because we continue to look in the person's past you know and so we can't see what god is doing for this individual because we continue to look at what they have done before not recognizing that we had a past two and god was merciful as i said before to us and compassionate so we have to put away that sort of um behavior so to speak of looking back into people's past because guess what if god should continue to look in our path and many of us would not be here today and we we see god you know how loving god is that god uses this to show jonah that listen you have a work to do that work can only be accomplished by you by you and and and we cannot we cannot as christians put the work of god and blackburn the work of god and and as unless sydney was saying that there are so many things that are happening within our churches within within our homes that we value more more so things that we follow the souls of persons who who want to know the lord and we cannot do that anymore you know i i know of some persons who say pasta me now going i know my group because i follow me for my messages and i'll fill up my phone up pictures and you know i'm not i'm not going to do this i'm not going to to send out this i send out that but yet still if a video come with with with beanie man and alkaline and all these people you are glad to download it even though it's taking up the same space even more you know and and i must say i i don't know i don't know who i'm speaking to this morning but there are many phones that are crushed and it's not a technical problem god lock it down am i talking to somebody yes god have to close it down in order to get our attention and even we see uh you know in many different times in bible god send catastrophes in order to bring a message right and i don't know what catastrophe has has been your way but god is talking to you you know what is done um as we draw close to the end of the the study i want us to understand that here it is that no jonah would have brought the message and you know the fast was called and i want to people to understand that when we are in trouble sometimes people we don't expect to call for prayer they are the ones calling for prayer and you know they are the ones who are saying listen we need to be true and faithful to god but what is important is that while we do this we no need to know look at the fact that while we are praying and we are fasting when people would have given their hearts to christ we can't be the one smirking and saying listen um what is this no we need to be happy for souls i i can tell you that one of the greatest joys i would get growing up in the church is where we have a baptism service um i would love when we have the bap i love baptismal services because this is the time when someone is giving their life to christ and what a joy it is and you know when if we as sinful men can be so happy imagine the host of heaven when someone gives their life to christ and so it is that we have a very serious responsibility to bring the good news but there are too much restless christians who need to rest in the peace and love of jesus so that others can exercise that peace and love themselves right you know we should we shouldn't we should rather we shouldn't rather be joyful in other person's calamity many of us we we we find it as a pleasure you know when persons fall you know we are the first and you know social media is so rampant these days as soon as someone falls it is on all the platforms that you can you can name so we shouldn't be you know we should be joyful when persons fall we need to be there as a helping hand you know to encourage an individual and i want to point out um to us as well as to the audience that the message that we bring across to others right we should be for us an introspection so when we bring across message to people we should look in ourselves at the message that we are preaching yes we are about to close i i i don't want us to miss what was said on the under thursday don't want us to miss what was said on the thursday a two-way street have you i have noticed that god was interested in bringing to nineveh a message but there was an underlying issue with jonah that needed to be resolved yes jonah had a hatred for the people because ninevites would have been the ones who would often capture jonah's people jonah was developing that hatred in him so much that jonah could not envision a heaven with ninevite i don't want us to miss that jonah could not envision a heaven with nineveh while he was in his mansion while he would have been in his mansion ella blair he cannot imagine opening his mansion window and looking out and notice brother brother swanson from nineveh our sister swanson from the navy so jonah would prefer to run away from god and then save those persons sometimes you see you cannot be a christian i i don't want to get into any trouble when i'm going to see this no ella all right you cannot be a christian and you don't want to see your neighbor in the kingdom i have mercy you cannot be a christian and don't want to see others serve the lord you cannot be a christian i know of some persons in love who they are the two christians going to the same denomination and one got to the the the church in in don kansas and one got to follow at no i'm not using this is not literal duncans and fall members no i must apologize but they they they avoid going to the same church in order to not you know they don't want to book up us as they say the same church because they want to be so apart we as christians we cannot be so malicious are so male escaping that we have to avoid one another if you have to avoid somebody to serve the lord you're not serving god amen um gentlemen we have bought a few minutes uh our time is expired and i want you to say something before you go i you know jonah had to become the prophet that loved the ninevites he needed to learn how to love like god loves healing and here we know brothers and sisters and friends you care not the last time i check i don't think god has um segregations in heaven there is not a jack seal not so not it's one heaven with one god and let me just put it to you that if you can't worship in some churches because of how the church look or because of who is in the church don't plan to worship in heaven because all of us will have to worship together yes with a holy god who is not partial and so it's time for us to stop becoming some of us sick not because we are sick but because we are restless we do not have peace within we cannot find it in ourselves to let go and let god and so it is this time that god is calling us from our jonah experience this sermon is normally preached for those who are who are having difficulty making the decision for christ yes but this sermon is for christians who are in the church and playing church and might i say very active in church too it's for me take your part of it two points and i i will stop all of us are a work in progress [Music] so there's no need for us to judge others first of all so all of us are seen have seen and come short so when we think we are heaven born and we are not looking out for others interest then then we are not going anywhere and one thing i i got from the lesson this week is that we should take from others mistakes to empower ourselves to do better [Music] powerful today we are reminded jonah ran away from god but thank god jonah repented yes and so for many of us who are running away from god the day of repentance is today it is not by chance that you came on this platform this morning there are persons right now there are i was my car is dawn and i was traveling in a taxi this morning and the taxi driver was playing uh ncu fm amen and i know we are not at ja online today but i know that there's somebody this morning that is listening to us you're not a seventh-day adventist and god has been calling you to be a christian for the longest while and you have been running away like jonah i'm saying to you come back home you have been running from god for far too long now it is time to have a relationship with jesus christ it is time to heal it is time to come and spread this message of salvation i am making an appeal and maybe you may be the first candidate for baptism in ella sydney's crusade come back to the lord before it is too late part finders adventurers master guides senior youth aware leaders all members of the adventist youth society it is time as talents on the kingdom of god to move forward not as jonah did but move forward with that italian of angels to lift up the mighty name of jesus it is your time to go today this panel is saying we will go god bless you father we are mindful that you have called us you have called us to service you have reminded us this morning that when we run away from you the only place to go is down down in the ship down in the sea down in the belly of the whale but lord when we accept your call and we seek to serve you you take us up and you place us on higher ground we pray in a very special way that today you will take someone from their downward trend you will stop that trajectory of going down and you will put someone on high because they would have answered here my lord send me thank you for your words thank you for the leading of your holy spirit may we continue to do your will we pray in jesus name [Music] what this dying world could use is some willing man of god who dares to go [Music] against a man raise the shield of faith protecting what is pure whose love is tough but gentle a man whose words are sure god doesn't need an orator who knows just what to say he doesn't need authorities to reason him away he doesn't need an army to guarantee a win he just needs a few good [Music] [Applause] eternities and aren't afraid to die man who fight for freedom and honor once again he just needs a few [Music] whose life has been renewed [Music] he wants you to come in he just needs [Music] love and cry men who face eternities and aren't afraid to die man who will fight for freedom and honor once again [Music] [Music] men who face eternities and aren't afraid to die men who fight for freedom and honor once again he just needs a few good man man full of compassion who laugh and love and cry men who face eternities and ours afraid to die men who fight for freedom [Music] we just need [Music] he just needs a few good [Music] amen indeed he just needs a few good men and women and boys and girls are you one of those few who will answer the call and say i will go is interesting that as i sat and listened to those two stories that were shared for the children that one reminds us of how god makes provision for his people and i'm sure that if you had any doubt that god will provide for you as you seek to answer his call that story about the children of israel would remove those doubts and also with joshua and the and the israelites going to battle and how it was that god fought their battle for them and he made them victorious you too can be victorious when you answer god's call and to top it off that lesson review what an interesting study it was laced with so many lessons with regards to answering the call so yes we may be doubtful at first we may be hesitant but as the lord lingers with us as he remains with us as he continues to make provision for us and inspires us we will by his grace eventually answer the call and having answered the call you may be asking how can i be equipped so that i will do that which the lord wants me to do well the pathfinder law has the eight guiding tenets that arrange spoke to earlier this morning and in these closing moments we are going to be looking very briefly at them so gerwyn will now recite for us the path find the pledge and we'll have a brief discussion joanne did i say pledge i really meant the law so it's the path finder law that we're looking at the path finder law is for me to keep the morning watch do my honest part care for my body keep a level eye be courteous and obedient walk softly in the center keep a song in my heart or on god's errands awesome awesome what a nice way to envelop how it is that we can be equipped to answer the call what better way than through the laws that govern the pathfinder society so we have a traffic on set and this time like i said they will briefly take us through the pathfinder law and and iran had spoken about them earlier so a rain to you what does it mean to keep the morning watch to ensure that i keep the morning watch i have personal devotional time each day all right and i'm encouraging you to do the same personal devotional time each day danielle to do your honest part what is that um to do my own inspire what does it really mean i'm just seeing where you can help out whether it be in church or to do your own share of god's duty definitely so you made mention of the fact that you're a steward but we're also stewards of the body temple how do you care for your body what does that mean to you in caring for my body i am temperate in all things and i strive to reach a high standard of physical fitness oh physical fitness is very important and these times to which we have come where the virus is attacking and immune systems are being weakened we're told to exercise we're told to ensure that we get our fair amount of sunlight and air and so it's important as as orin would have said that we care for the body you see god knew all of these a long time ago you know and i'm happy that the pathfinder club embraced them and have passed them down to our young people so it's not strange to them now daniel what's the next tenet of the the pathfinder law keeper liver ayah what does that mean um it says i don't lie and as i said before in the pledge i don't cheat or deceive whether it be in the physical world or in the virtual work world i despise dirty talk talk and i don't like evil thinking oh very good very good arraign you're called on to be be courteous and obedient we have so many uncles persons relating to how do you exercise courtesy as i strive to be courteous and obedient i remain kind and thoughtful of others i reflect the love of jesus in all my associations with others and that is so important he said in all of his associations with others not with his fellow pathfinder members not with the members of his family but were called on to be courteous and to reflect the love of jesus because if we're answering the call primarily we will be going to those who do not yet know the lord and so if we do not have a good relationship with them it will be difficult for us to share the gospel with them daniel to walk softly in the sanctuary that is a sore point um in many in many congregations i would want to say or in many places of worship what does that really mean it means that in my devotional exercise or my worship and especially in church i show reverence after all i am in the presence of the all-powerful and almighty creator after all he made me and he deserves the best definitely so definitely so and to keep a song in your heart or do you sing do you sing out can you do a special song for us today all right so what does it mean to keep that song in your heart then by keeping a song in my heart i remain cheerful i always seek the positive side of life and i allow the influence of my life to be as a sunshine to others wow so let the beauty of christ be seen in us is what one songwriter says and so as oren keeps that song in his heart he allows what is happening inside to radiate and to impact the life of others with whom he comes in contact very wonderful daniel ah this is the the final tenet i think and i'm going to ask both of you to speak to it you know why that is so because with the theme saying i will go and with the sub theme for summit school being answering the call going on god's errands i think is very important so daniel very quickly to go on god's errands to me it's a simple thing it means i am always ready to share my faith and i will go awesome arraign the same question i constantly seek to be of service to others as jesus did i will go wow wonderful affirmation from our young people this morning the call is still echoed to you out there listening watching the call still goes out the question is still extended whom shall i send who will go samuel answered jonah answered all beats hesitantly pathfinders have answered will you answer there are still individuals who need to answer the call and take up the the challenge go share this everlasting gospel as we are reminded in the gospel commission that the gospel of the kingdom must be preached in all the world for a weakness and then the end will come on this world path find a day we are calling for youth there is this old song that used to be song in a whites maybe mv's back then missionary volunteer programs the youth of the world i'm just gonna ask you at this time to tune in as that song will be presented for us be blessed [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] every time is [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] the youth [Music] [Applause] is [Music] the [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] praise the lord the youth of the world that's you and you yes you and me for the man of galilee we thank god that he continues to call us that he continues to invite us to be co-laborers with him i'm just going to be asking you to just bow your heads as we pray this morning divine god and our father we thank you that you have been with us from morning until now we thank you for the ministry through music and through the study of your words through discussions held by your young men we ask mighty god that you will preserve us that you will keep our weaknesses alive we pray for those who tune in we ask god that you will send their blessings their way and help that when today's program shall have come to its end we all will answer i will go we pray also for the many world pathfinder day programs that are convened in the local churches we ask god that you will bless the efforts and help that each one will bear fruits for eternity these things we ask as we tell you thanks for christ's sake amen we will now be having our praise and worship segment and you will agree with me that the the monroe family they have been doing a wonderful work sharing the gospel through music and as i said this morning before join in sing along disregard the fact that you may not think you have a beautiful singing voice just make a joyful noise to the lord continue to be blessed [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is my desire [Music] for you [Music] i worship you [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] i live for your [Music] me [Music] this is my desired [Music] [Applause] i worship you [Music] within me [Music] i is you my heart [Music] [Applause] me [Music] me [Music] [Music] death will not hold you down [Music] seated [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is your [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh is [Music] is [Music] all my days [Music] of the goodness of god [Music] it's all my life [Applause] [Music] [Music] of god [Music] i love your voice [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my is [Music] and all my life you have been so [Music] of the goodness [Music] oh [Music] from the monroes for those lovely songs the goodness of god god has been good to us god has been good to you and he has definitely been good to me the privilege is mine this morning this beautiful sabbath morning to welcome you to north jamaica conferences church online and today is a special day because we are celebrating world pathfinder day and so we join with all the uniformed groups across the globe uh where the seventh adventist church is concerned in celebrating this particular day under the theme i will go we are pledging today that we will go on the mission of christ unlike jonah we will not run away but we will go forward in bringing this gospel to the world so that men and women boys and girls will know that jesus still saves amen and so i want to take this opportunity today just to welcome you from wherever you are are coming from if you're here in jamaica whether you are joining us from west to make a conference from east jamaica conference from northeast jamaica conference if you're joining from central jamaica conference and if you're right here at home at north jamaica conference we want to welcome you and you know how i do it i don't just stay in jamaica if you're coming from one of the caribbean islands i welcome you just the same and if you're coming from some other land we want to take this opportunity to welcome you we have a lovely program lined up for you today and we pray that you will be blessed as we worship the lord in the beauty of holiness under the theme i will go i will go will you we are now going to be having our welcome song done by our praise team [Music] it's a good time to get it's a good time to know hello [Music] it's a good time to know hello [Music] those are [Music] [Music] [Music] amen called worship comes to us from psalm 48 verses 8 and 9. within your temple oh god we meditate on your unfailing love like your name o god your praise reaches to the ends of the earth your right hand is filled with righteousness the church is now called to worship and we will sing meditative praise song [Music] glory be to the father [Music] shall is [Music] shall we pray out of our bondage sorrow and night jesus we have come we thank you for bringing us together for worship one more time and as your people unite their hearts in prayer we pray that the words of our mouth and even the silent meditations of our hearts will be acceptable in your sight we thank you lord for christ's sake amen we invite you to join us in singing the opening hymn our mighty fortress is or god [Music] oh god oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] would be losing [Music] baby christ as it is [Music] [Music] [Music] to [Music] the bridge is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is so much and because our god is a mighty fortress we will go in his strength at this time we will be favored by a special music by the monroes [Music] if [Music] tell me where would i be where would i be [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] where would i be [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] where [Music] [Applause] would he oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] where would i be is where would i be [Music] where would i be oh [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] kids like me and you happy service boys and girls mommies daddies aunties uncles grandmas grandpas cousins and everybody this is auntie shory and i'm very happy that you are here with me for another story i'm so glad to see you although i'm not really seeing you you're the ones that are seeing me but i like to imagine that i see your smiling faces and that you are excited to hear another story from there yes man bright students all of you get an a yes our story is from the bible now today our story is a well-known one and boys and girls if you don't know this story well listen up our story today comes from the book of first samuel it's in the old testament you know the bible has those two big parts the first big part you'll find first somewhere in that part and it's in first samuel chapter 17 and i'm gonna give you a clue so that you can know who our story is about today only a boy named david only a little sling you know my story's about yes man my story is about david all right so in those long time bible days at that time saul was the king of israel there was a young boy by the name of david david had seven big brothers and they were some of his brothers they were soldiers in the army they knew how to fight and they were very strong and so they were going out to war against their enemies the philistines and so one day as david was going about and doing his work his father sent for him and said come david i needed to go to where your brothers are fighting the philistines i needed to take this food to them and i wanted to find out what is happening down there and come back and tell me so david being a very obedient boy he said okay daddy i will go and he took the package and he went off on his way i don't know maybe he had to walk maybe he was very energetic and so he would run run all the way down to the battlefield and when he reached there now he saw that his brothers were there he saw many other soldiers there he saw the philistines on one hillside and he saw a very big tall strapping looking guy and this guy he was talking very loudly and he was laughing you little israelites you little grasshoppers come over here let me get you and so david was wondering what was going on and so he asks questions he asks questions he asks questions and so he was told that oh you see that guy over there he's goliath he's a giant he's a champion of the philistines and he wants us to send one man from over here to fight him and if he beats the man we will be their slaves and if we beat him then there will be our slaves but but we are scared we cannot go and fight him don't you see how he's big you see him man if he just takes one of his fingers and push one of us we'll fall down we don't want to fight him no no no so david said really you have to be joking you don't want to fight him so i said all right so what is going to happen for the person who decides to go and fight him and so they said to him well you know the king says that any man who goes and fights a giant and wins he will let them marry to his daughter the princess and he will give them a lot of money and their family won't have to pay any taxes so david thought about it and he thought about it and he said tell me again what you said the king is gonna do tell me again and so they told him again and they told him again and so he was there and the philistine goliath he was there and he was talking about you guys talk about your god your god can't do anything to me look at you bunch of cowards and he was there and he was laughing at them and mocking them so there was about this man it's not easy i wonder if he knows about my god and one of you knows about the god that i serve you know you know i'm gonna teach him a lesson i'm going to teach him a lesson we'll wait he's coming here disrespecting our god he doesn't know what he's doing gonna teach him a lesson today and so the captain heard him and he took him to the king he said oh king live forever there's a young man here he's willing to go and fight the giant so the king looked at him and said you want to go and fight the giant are you sure david said of course i can go i can do it god will help me i am ready and so the king said all right okay come let me put on this armor on you when he started he put on a helmet and he put on a breastplate and he put some things on his legs and all of that but poor david he was a small fellow and the king was a tall man so you know when he put on the king's armor and he started to go he was just going clunky clunky clunky clunky clunk and he just couldn't make it at all they said you know okay live forever but your server cannot wear these clothes i cannot manage this it's all right i'll go in my own clothes never mind i'll be all right god is with me and so david went out to the battlefield and goliath saw him so i imagine goleta said to himself i wonder where this is the boy coming from crossing the battlefield doesn't he know that fighting is going on here galileo could never have imagined that this little boy was coming to fight him but if it was going and he was going circle i suppose he backed up and he looked down at him probably he lifted his helmet to see him better he'd probably lean his head and he said you where are you going i'm gonna feed you to the birds of the air get out of here and so david said to him you're coming at me with a sword and a spear but i am coming at you in the name of god and i'm going to take your head from you today you watch you're coming here disrespecting my god and while goliath was there looking at water what is going on there went david because he had some stones and on yes he had five smooth stones and he had a sling we might call his slingshot and while goliath was there talking and talking and quality and curling david was getting himself ready you see to cut one of his stones put it in a sling and while galette was there looking he went like this and the stone went like this and into goliath's right gonna never even know what hit me fell down on the ground and before god light could even come back to consciousness if he was to come back to consciousness david ran up and took his head from him just like he had said no boys and girls david was just a young boy and everybody thought that they couldn't do it but david was willing because he knew that god was on his side what is it that god wants each of us to do today i don't know what god wants you to do but he has something special for you to do so don't be afraid don't be a coward instead pray trust the lord and say i will go let us pray dear father in heaven we thank you that with you we are more than conquerors help us lord not to be afraid but when you send challenges our way help us to stand up and say i will go and to go in your name through jesus name we pray amen amen thank you so much auntie shorey for that wonderful uh children's story i'm sure our children and some adults i'm seeing some adults in the studio who were really in tune with the story we thank you so much for that it's time for pastor's corner and i am standing in the gap this morning just to share with you some important updates for this week and beyond because this is the prophecy and health platform we try to give you a health nugget or tip each time we have pastor's corner and today i want to read for you briefly from the ministry of healing page 254 something that i think is necessary for these times that we're living in it says nothing tends more to promote health of body and of soul than does a spirit of gratitude and praise it is a positive duty to resist melancholy discontented thoughts and feelings as much a duty as it is to pray if we were if we are heaven bound how can we go as a band of mourners groaning and complaining all along the way to our father's house beloved friends there are so many things around us to discourage us and to have us become disheartened but today you are reminded that god wants you to have a spirit of gratitude and praise amidst all that is happening now i want to share with you some important updates uh of events that are taking place in our conference and beyond firstly i want to remind you of the north damic conference's leaders virtual leaders council which takes place on the 26th of september starting at 10 a.m you should be seeing that flyer on your screen this time and so we are inviting all our leaders from our various churches in this conference to join us on september 26 at 10 a.m as we will be having virtual leaders council in time to come your pastors will share with you a link on which you can join secondly i want to let you know that as we continue throughout this week we have our very own president pastor carl archer who will be taking us through sunday night and wednesday night or services there and so on your screen you are seeing that sunday evening for the load cry we will be having him speak under the caption dress rehearsal confederacy of forces now i'm i'm my curiosity is his peak there and um i want to let you know that you should join in so that you can hear what god has to say through his manservant then we move over to wednesday evening for access throne room where he'll be speaking on part two dress rehearsal mandating conscience and so i want to encourage you come out sunday night and wednesday night and join with us then we go to the jamaica union where they'll be having from september 2019 to the 25th their health emphasis week health emphasis week and you'll be seeing this the flyer on your screen in just a little where the theme they'll be looking at is embracing a healthy lifestyle and they have some interesting speakers are lined up such as dr balvin braham from inter-american division dr frank genius from the inter-american division just the same then we have all the way from loma linda california psychologist dr carlos feyard and also from the general conference we have dr xeno charles marcel and these individuals along with others will be coming to share in the jamaica union conferences health emphasis week from the sep the 19th of september to the 25th of september and i'm told that north jamaica conference will be bringing the program on sabbath the 25th so you cannot afford to miss that i also want to let you know that the jamaica union conference is launching a food bank in these times when it is most necessary they have chose their choosing to launch a food bank and you'll be seeing that flyer on your screen just the same uh giving caring and sharing and so on sabbath day 25th uh they'll be having their launch uh they're at the seventh-day adventist church conference center in mount salem and in the evening they will be sharing a a beautiful panel discussion and so we ask that you uh will consider this particular program and where necessary uh that you will give your support that is it for pastors corner today and i trust that you will be able to enjoy the worship session as we continue our world path find the day under the theme i will go until next week god bless you [Music] greetings members of the global pathfinder family what a wonderful privilege it is to join you virtually as you gather together to worship serve and celebrate 71 years of pathfinder ministry i want to thank you for your dedication and faithfulness to god as you grow in real world practical life skills develop a strong christian character and seek to serve jesus by helping your neighbors and friends be ready for his soon return now the theme your leaders have chosen for world pathfinder day 2021 is i will go cultures colors and communities this is especially appropriate as we consider the pathfinder aim the advent message to all the world in our generation now your motto the love of christ compels me is also rich in meaning this phrase is based on ii corinthians chapter 5 verses 14 and 15. for the love of christ compels us because we judge thus that if one died for all then all died and he died for all that those who live should live no longer for themselves but for him who died for them and rose again you see paul is teaching that when we fully understand and appreciate the incredible gift of salvation given through the life death and resurrection of jesus we no longer want to live for ourselves but for him our love for him and for others compels or pushes us to prepare others to meet him when he returns as young people you have a wonderful supply of strength energy and creativity i encourage you to use these wonderful gifts in living for jesus and reaching out to others for him keeping in mind that you have a circle of influence that only you can reach god has a very important role for you to play in these last days of earth's history so as you sing the pathfinder theme song today take the words to heart you are pathfinders strong servants of god faithfully following your leader jesus christ in kindness truth and purity you have a message to tell to the world a truth that will set us free king jesus the savior is coming back for you and me with the promise of his power and continued presence let's go and make a difference for him let me pray with you right now father in heaven we just thank you for what jesus has done for us in his life on the cross in his resurrection and what he's doing for us in the most holy place right now interceding for us and lord i just ask that you will help every pathfinder to recognize that truly you are the one who can guide them and give them a clear understanding of the path they are to follow so lord bless in this very special celebration of pathfinder day around the world and 71 years of witnessing for others lord come close to every young person and help them to be a wonderful witness for you as we look forward to jesus soon coming thank you for hearing us in jesus precious name we ask it amen god bless every one of you maranatha god sent his son as a gift for each of us that we may have life and have it more abundantly today god has also blessed us with gifts that we can send so that someone can enjoy and can have that experience of god's love you are called today because you have been faithful you are called today to be faithful as we return our faithful tithes and offerings at this time i invite you to do so prayerfully knowing that you are doing god's will please note that the information for sharing will be on the screen in a while before we do that i ask you to bow your heads with me as we pray father you are the giver of good gifts you have blessed us with life you have blessed us with health strength and you have blessed us financially and even when there is not much you still bless your people even now we ask that you will help us to prayerfully give to your cause unless we do so may this go to further your work in the vineyard as we all say today i will go have your own sweet way we pray in jesus name amen [Music] and the lord [Music] the is you give the more he gives to you so keep on giving because it's really true that you can speak no matter how you try [Music] and the lord is the more you give the more he gives to you so keep on giving because it's really true [Music] and on this sabbath the scripture reading is taken from genesis 11 verses 1 through 8 verses 9 and it reads and the whole earth was of one language and of one speech and it came to pass as a journey from the east that they found a plane in the land of china and they dwelt there and they said to one they said one to another goat goto let us make brick and burn them thoroughly and they had breakfast toner and slime for their martyr and they said go to let us build us a city and the tower who stopped may reach the heaven and let us make us a name lest we be scattered abroad on the face of the whole world and the lord came down to see them to see the city sorry and the tower which the children of men built and the lord said behold the people is one and they have all one language and this they begin to do and no building will be restrained from them which we have imagined to do go to let us go down and there confound their language and they may not understand one another's speech so the lord scattered them abroad from there on the face of all the earth and they left off to build a city therefore in this name and then therefore is the name of it called babel because the lord to dear confront their language of all the earth and from there did the lord catch them abroad on the face of all the earth this is the word of the lord [Music] as we pray [Music] of the world [Music] may our hearts be transformed [Music] from above [Music] join us [Music] let us assume an attitude of prayer spirit of the living god fall afresh on us today eternal god and our heavenly father we pause lord one more time to give you thanks and to give you praise lord for the many blessings that you have been bestowed upon us father it is nothing good that we have done to deserve it but it is because of your grace and your mercies that you have renewed every morning great is your faithfulness father we come before you this morning because lord we have no one else to call upon but you especially lord in these times lord we are living in unprecedented times father the coronavirus lord is the the the center of attraction dear god but we know that you are the great physician the great doctor the bomb in gideon the sympathizing jesus we recognize lord that the health system the health sector is overwhelmed lord with coronavia the coroner patience critically oh god severely purses are dying left right and center but lord we know that you are capable lord you are able to do far more than we can ask or imagine so lord we come this morning with that assurance knowing that you who have begun a good work in us will complete it lord as we we as we come to the emphasis lord of this day world part finders day 2021 we recognize lord that our youth youth of the world dear god you said our young people he's a young man we call upon you because you're strong i pray divine god that you will touch each young person that you will empower them lord from on high so that they will continue to take your word world to all the world lord you say in the theme as we emphasize the theme today i will go i pray oh god that each young people will go and proclaim the good news of salvation we pray o god for the children of men those o god who are heart in between two opinions we pray oh god that you will build an edge around them you will help them to make up their mind dear god to make up their minds to choose you who is to know is life eternal father i pray that you will you will empower us from on how you support your holy spirit today and as your man's servant comes lord to present the word we pray god that he will speak with power and with clarity so that men and women boys and girls youth oh god will be convicted and run to glorify you bless us dear god and give us a productive day we are wait that blessing dear god as we as we wait lord we pray that you will give us receptive hearts to receive it take full control now and bless us immensely we pray in jesus holy name [Music] please [Music] indeed we have come to that time when we will hear a word from the man of god in this time where a message is needed for a mess age coming to us today with the word is a man who is like david [Music] he carries a big name but when you look at him [Music] he doesn't seem as big as the name pastor amir amiel summerbell is married to one wife who has allowed them to be blessed with children one two three you never know in math how it goes but god is blessing them and even in these times when businesses are having it difficult god continues to enlarge his territory and he's pregnant with the word today he will be speaking to us on world pathfinder's day because he is the youth director for north jamaica conference as he speaks i pray that you will pray for him and pray with him that the words that will come to us will encourage us to go and not to run from our responsibilities before pastor summer bell comes with the word sister in monroe master guide monroe will be giving the song of meditation [Music] the army of judah was paralyzed by fear when they heard a mighty multitude was swiftly drawing [Music] looking for [Music] very soon [Music] the lions [Music] seemed there was no hope at all [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] they don't seem to make a change [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] there's is better place [Music] [Music] amen we thank god for that message in song thank you so much sister monroe for blessing our hearts with that reminder there's no better place to be than seeking the father father eternally very soon you will win the victory just pray on i want to thank the monroes for morning i've been blessing our hearts and i want to thank all those who would have participated in the program so far happy sabbath everyone it's good to have you joining us online those on facebook and those on youtube it's a privilege to know that you're spending world part finder day with us here in the north jamaica conference now i do know that some of you may be quite nomadic in your uh virtual operations and so from time to time you may skip from platform to platform but as we have noted that njc still is worshipping uh god in the beauty of holiness what we call here regular church virtually so it's good to have you with us i want to thank elder grant for his kind words of introduction my good friend and he would have been quite provocative as he spoke i heard him use some very loaded terms but i know that is typical of elder grant even when we speak from day to day so thank you so much elder grant today i want to encourage all our pathfinders across north jamaica conference all our pathfinders across our jamaica union and our pathfinders across the world who are honoring this today's celebration uh world pathfinder day today the church celebrates 71 years of the pop final ministry and if you're not keen on the pathfinder ministry in summary it is to help our young people it's a program to help our young people to be well-rounded citizens here on earth but also missionaries for the cross of christ path finders so i pray by god's grace that our young people will find another reason to press on even today as we consider the theme i will go i want you to pray for our young people as some of them would have outgrown their uniforms amen some of them would have in their teenage years would have transitioned some of our master guides would have put on a few pounds since the introduction of this or since since the entrance of the corona pandemic and the list goes on i want you to pray for them as they seek to get ready to fulfill the gospel commission or continue fulfilling the gospel commission even while wearing their uniforms so as i've said we celebrate god's goodness and his grace and today i share with you a message out of his word let's bow our heads as we pray father we thank you so much for today you are good and your mercies endure forever lord we understand that there is a sacred solemn calling on our lives and father this mission we have to go is very very very important imperative that we should spread the good news of salvation so those dying in sin can meet jesus christ pray that you will be with the preacher today speak through me so your people will be blessed in jesus name we pray amen amen well scripture reading was so ably done by brother fuller for us taken from genesis 11 verses 1 through 9 and it is a very very well-known story the story of how god scattered the people and confounded their language the bible helps us to understand that the whole earth was one turn your bibles there with me as i read just a few verses for you the section is captioned in my bible the tower of babel and i think it should be captured likewise in yours now the whole earth had one language and one speech and it came to pass as they journeyed from the east that they found a plane in the land of shinar and they dwelt there then they said to one another come let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly they had they had brick for stone and they had asphalt for martyr and they said come let us build ourselves a city and the tower whose stop is in the heavens then let us make a name for ourselves lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the old earth but the lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built and the lord said indeed the people are one and they all have one language and this is what they begin to do now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them the title of my sermon today when god steps down when god steps down the incubation period for this message i could not tell you but from the moment that it was laid upon my heart i had a longing to share this portion of scripture and this concept and the theme that i want to bring to you today this message my friend may just serve the purpose of enlightening strengthening and even warning we've come to a time in earth's history where i am not confident that all those who should be realizing what is going on that all those who should be understanding the times and redeeming the times are doing so for a while i have observed the vortex of popular trends and media and philosophies that so easily suck you in if go unnoticed i've tried to strike a balance in effectively communicating what has been revealed as i considered the side effects of being human as they are varied and cannot be numbered brothers and sisters consider these two things number one it is worth imagining what the world will be like 50 years from now and while i say it is worth imagining i will at the same time tell you that i tremble to think of what the world would be like in 50 years and i'm not telling you that i tremble out of fear but if humanity has come to such lofty heights in its progress can you imagine what we will do in 50 years well the sermon today will help you first to start to consider the direction humanity is going yes it is worth considering and number two it is worth considering also that humanity if left to itself will destruct not just destruct but self-destruct it seemed clear to me brothers and sisters therefore as we consider the story of the tower of babel as we consider the story of how languages came how how people were scattered abroad it seemed clear to me something in the text i want you to understand brothers and sisters that every time god decides to get directly involved in the affairs of humanity humanity bore certain characteristics that help you to realize that now something great is going to happen i pray that your mind would be engaged to make a comparison between each time god steps down and when or the time in which we are living now when god steps down genesis 11 gives us an idea of the condition of the world but lest you think brothers and sisters that only genesis 11 will help us to understand what took place at that time there are other places in scripture that you need to read carefully and observe that every time god steps down humanity bore certain kinds of characteristics and i will list for you today some of these characteristics i tell you very quickly that i don't need conspiracy theories i'll tell you very quickly that i don't need conspiracy theories for when i read the word of god any astute bible student will be clearly seeing some of the things that are happening now and how they define what will happen next number one ladies and gentlemen you want to consider every time god gets involved in the affairs of humanity every time god steps down every time god gets affairs in the business of humanity directly humanity had always had a heightened sense of self-sufficiency in other words humanity came to a place where they tried to get god out of the equation look at verse 4 of genesis chapter 11. the bible tells us that they wanted to make a name for themselves the bible says and they said go to let us build us a city and a tower whose top may reach into heaven and let us make us a name and i highlighted that in my text and let us make us a name lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the earth they knew my friends that unity was strength or unity is strength the plan seemed like it was good from all logical fronts but the plan brothers and sisters i tell you this quickly not every plan though it looks good is necessarily a good plan this plan was fraught with self-reliance and rebellion against the will of god the bible tells us that they wanted to make a name for themselves but you see brothers and sisters god would always want us to understand from study studying his word that it is never about us but it is all about him hallelujah we've got to understand that humanity is getting to a place where they want to extract god from our business and in the bible i find in the story of the tower of babel the men wanted to make a name only for themselves now i see humanity doing some of these same things trying to make a name for themselves slowly but surely pushing god out of the daily life and being comfortable doing so but i will tell you brothers and sisters that we are still alive simply because of the grace of almighty god you cannot survive without him that's why paul says in philippians 1 verse 21 for me to live is christ and to die is gain for he fully understood that a true believer knows that is not by might nor by power but by the spirit of the lord hallelujah so you can shake your fist in the face of god all you want but you must remember my friends that mankind is like grass in the morning he grows and he flourishes but by evening he is cut down and telling the church that the sense of self-sufficiency is a defining characteristic of a world ready for god to step down the preacher will also go quickly to tell you brothers and sisters oh how unwise that they would have thought that they could do something that excluded god remember that by the time we had i left the flood and come to this point in earth's history some of them probably would have thought that this this tower would have helped them to ex to to get away from the things that that are some natural calamities oh yes brothers and sisters but while we read the text i realize that humanity now is running along down a course that is making things hard for them it's like human beings the more the more things we do is the worse we become the smarter we get than the so-called wiser we get is the further apart from god humanity becomes so we build bigger guns how is it that everybody wants world peace but everybody is filling up with nuclear weapons weapons of mass destruction does that make sense to you but yet we say we we want world peace we build skyscrapers and we build planes that are suspended in the air for 13 and 15 hours yet there are people who are dying from hunger we spend billions on war but yet there are people who are suffering from diseases still no cure i'm saying brothers and sisters that humanity was getting to that place where they wanted to make a name for themselves but i learned from scripture that there is only one name given hallelujah under heaven by which men may be saved and that is the name of jesus hallelujah so if i were you i'd do the wise thing and ensure that i am hid at the foot of the cross the next thing i wanted to note about fallen humanity or or humanity preparing for the lord to get directly involved in its affairs is not just that there was an en heightened sense of self-sufficiency but also brothers and sisters they sought to do extraordinary things or the english special specialists would say extraordinary things the tower was an extraordinary idea but it was not just a tower it was a city it was prepared my friends as a fortress when you read the text and look at similar writings or similar bible passages that talk about this idea of a tower similar words are used to communicate what we call a fortress what they wanted to create my friends was nothing like what was done before they wanted to do something that somehow went against the natural processes of god's plan god's plan was that humanity would spread out but their plan was to keep humanity in one place and so god had to step down are you hearing because it went directly against god's plan so my friends they wanted to do something great let us build us a tower who stopped may reach into heaven it sounds like the devil's plan when the devil wanted to ascend his his stars above the stars of god and let us make for us a name a fortress that was impenetrable a stamp of their names in the book of history but it was not god's plan i see in the world that i live humanity is taking a similar course and as i said i didn't need conspiracy theories just read the word of god and look around you humanity is moving in a direction where they're doing great things oh my friends i was doing some research and i found something right now aggressive investment is being made into anti-aging in other words the natural process of life is supposed to supposed to grow old and pass off the scene but these men have invested heavily in anti-aging how do i know well in an article by antonio regalo september 4 just the other day 2021 he says meet alto slabs silicon valley's latest wild bet are living forever a meeting held that billion-year billionaire yuri min learns mansion in october scientists converge to discuss how biotechnology might be used to make people younger the meeting and i quote taken from wwe these things aren't secrets that meeting has now led to the formation of an ambitious new anti-aging company called auto slabs according to people familiar with the plants altos is pursuing biological reprogramming technology a way to rejuvenate cells in the lab that some scientists think could be extended to revitalize entire animal bodies ultimately prolonging life in humans let me continue quickly i tell you even in this message today human beings somehow want eternal life but they don't want the eternal life that god offers they want a better way of living here but they want to exclude god from the plan can i tell you my friends based on what i study and based on what i read in god's word if you want to live longer you need a new start amen let me say that you want to live longer what you need is a new start and for nutrition e4 exercise w for water t for temperance you need s and in your sunlight you need a t again for one trust in god you need a for air and you need r for your rest i'm just saying to somebody today my friends by god's grace we need a new study we need to leave to live longer if we want to live longer that will at least increase your chances oh friends what do i come bearing today not that only that humanity is trying to prolong life and making uh investments in doing so for a long time but brothers and sisters that help you to understand that space travel is now becoming more and more simple so now billionaires have invested much i saw recently how richard branson and jeff bezos would have invested in their rockets that took them on the edge of space just for seven minutes to return to earth a few years ago you told people that they'd say it's impossible but now it's becoming mainstream i tell you also something else that i see humanity trying to do it is out there and it's not a secret you can go online and look it up humanity plans at least there's one man who is pushing it real hard to establish a nation of at least one million people on mars by the year 2050. so we made a mess down here we're looking to go and make a mess somewhere else you can take the pig out of the out of the yeah out of this stuff but you can't take the the mud out of the pig because guess what we are human beings and anywhere we go trouble followers i deliberately didn't even quote any sources for these because these are not things that are in you can go online and search them up you see pop up quickly as far as i can see brothers and sisters the desire to do what is great was what characterized the tower of babel and it is characterizing the lives that this world the lifestyle this world is demonstrating another characteristic of a world that is preparing for god or for the lord to step down is grave wickedness and darkness this symbol was was this this tower rather was a symbol of rebellion against god and when there is rebellion against god there will be judgment let me say that again when there is rebellion against god there will be judgment sister white in the book uh conflict and courage page 42 says the dwellers on the plane of shinar disbelieve god's covenant that how that he would not again bring a flood upon the earth many of them denied the existence of god and attributed the flood to the operation of natural causes others believed in supreme being and that that it wasn't he who had destroyed the anti-diluvian world and their hearts like of cain rose up in rebellion against him one object before them in the erection of the tower was to secure their own safety in case of another deluge by carrying the structure to a much greater height than than was reached by the waters of the flood they they thought to place themselves beyond all possible danger and as they would be able to ascend to the region of the clouds they hoped to assain ascertain rather the cause of the flood rebellion against god but get this rebellion against god always ends in defeat because you can't fight god and win it's better you join the team from now because any other team and any other ship is doomed for failure it's best you join that team for now and even though you compare this text to other places in scripture it may not have been explicitly stated but from reading the text you realize that wickedness and darkness was upon the earth even as you compare the text to the period of the anteneluvians right before the flood oh i will close this section with another characteristic and it is the characteristic that humanity loved wealth and power and position even so my friends that the bible tells us that this kind of love uprooted the love of god in their hearts sister white says it that the men wanted to hit out against god as some of them believed that he was the one who brought the foot they were they were right he was the one that brought the flood which is probably why building a tower became so attractive it would be a representation of their strength and ability to change the course of history but you see in jamaica we have a saying when mana plan got a wipeout when money is planning god has other intentions in other words ladies and gentlemen i want you to know very carefully that this kind of love for pleasure and lovers of pleasure more than lovers of god finds itself as one of the dominant characteristics of an earth ready for the lord to step down so the question is today pastor as we are considering the theme as we are considering all this idea of going about the master's business what next do i do pastor or pastor what do you have to say to these things when i say to somebody that i have good news earlier in the message i charged you to compare this text the condition of the people to the condition of the world now and you should by now be getting a clearer understanding of what i'm trying to say unless you don't i would say remember creation when god stepped down the bible says that there was darkness upon the earth i say i remember the flood when god stepped down it was because the imagination was evil continually remember nineveh when the wickedness came up in front of god on his radar remember sodom where though they were rich and in need of nothing their wealth served or helped to serve as a part of their demise remember when jesus came sister white tells us when jesus came it was the darkest period of earth's history but i thank god that that god has alrea has always seen the need to step down because he knows that he has some part finders in our jamaica conference he knows that he has some some pathfinders in the jamaica union he has some pathfinders in the seventh-day adventist church who needs his hand in their lives so what's my encouragement to the church to my pathfinders today like david i say stand like a brit like the brave with my face to the full like isaiah i want you to say here am i o lord send me because while the devil is advancing his plan god's plan is still to seek and to save that which was lost i want you to say like samuel speak lord for your servant is listening god is getting ready to step down and i pray by god's grace that someone even from the message today will hear and understand that as we compare the wickedness that is taking place in the world as we compare how humanity has become a place where our people that are becoming less and less considerate of the widows among us as you now consider the great exploits that we are trying to do to be the first to go into space or have our own rockets built to take us there i want you to remember pathfinders never to be distracted but keep your eyes fixed on jesus christ so what's my encouragement amidst this age of moral decadence and wickedness and confusion you must go for god is getting ready to step down oh my friends you don't have time to argue with people about corona you don't have time to argue with people about vaccine you don't have time to argue about these things you have time to do the will of god oh let me quickly say something i'm gonna paint for you an analogy you know when we were kids often we would watch what some tv shows and and and and some some rubbers would come to our premises in order to take control but elder self there were some huge dogs in the yard maybe like two there's usually two and in order to distract the dogs the burglar the burglars would throw a piece of meat in the yard to distract the dogs so the watchmen were distracted from the work that they're supposed to be doing oh church i pray and this is an appeal to all brothers and sisters keep your eyes fixed on jesus christ keep your eyes fixed on the mission keep your eyes fixed on what you're supposed to do because you are the watchman on the walls of zion don't get don't get distracted no don't bite the bait the debate comes and it will go the natural process and god is still in control but i tell you this as i close today's message you must go for god is ready getting ready to come down god is getting ready to step down no no no unnecessary arguments i remember pastor archer in in acts chapter 7 verse 55 the bible tells me that stephen saw the lord standing hallelujah in the place of honor of god's right hand and i'm telling somebody that the next move for the lord is not just standing but he'll be stepping out and he'll be stepping down hallelujah he'll be coming with clouds of glory angels that excel in strength and power so the next move is god is getting ready to step down what's my encouragement turn your eyes upon jesus look full in his wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strange that him in the light of his glory and grace pastor what are you telling us to do i say go for the lord is getting ready to step down trim your lumps my breath in there treat my lumps with godly fear the masters coming draw if near let every lump be burning oh on uh thursday i was at a at a funeral and the last song we did just encourage my soul the song says come we that love the lord and let our joys be known join in a song with sweet accord and thus around the throne for we're marching hallelujah to zion beautiful beautiful zion we're marching upward to zion that beautiful city of god so i will not lose focus for i have this hope that burns within my heart it is the hope in the coming of the lord i say to someone today god is getting ready to step down so the question is are you ready i said to my pathfinders let that tick top video reflect jesus christ let that whatsup status reflect jesus christ let that let that facebook status tell the story that christ will come and he will not tarry he that is filthy let him be filled with still he that is just let him be just the writer says he that have an ear let him here oh church i know many things are happening many things have come to affect our daily lives and yes some of it can can can take a toll on you oh yes mentally it can be a strain physically and even financially but i believe my friends that the god of yesterday is still god today and even as the children of israel prepared down there in egypt for the plague to pass by the plague of death while they prepared they had something special to do they had to slay a lamb and place the blood on the doorposts of their homes and when the angel would pass by if that blood was there represented that house was covered hallelujah that blood reminded or foreshadowed the blood of the perfect lamb of god john says in 1 john 1 29 when he saw jesus behold the lamb of god which takes away the sin of the world so now you must consider ladies and gentlemen who we are and where we are and on whose side are you standing are you much into zion or is there something else that you need to do and then to ensure that your life is right with jesus i'll tell you what you need to do if you're not yet committed based on the story i quoted earlier on the doorpost of your heart needs to be covered with the blood of jesus christ where are you standing as sister shori sings for us this final song i want you to place in this place in the chat your prayer requests we're viewing here online we know there are people who may be going through various things but i'm encouraging the church today stay on board keep focused on jesus christ [Music] come with us love the lord and let our choice be known joining us when sweet a poor join in a song which sweet accord and dust saw around the throne and dust surround the throne we're marching to zion beautiful beautiful [Music] to [Music] [Music] abroad [Music] [Music] before we reach [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] where [Music] [Applause] [Music] the beautiful city of god you know as i listened and looked at the chat and the requests that came in i considered bad those who've dedicated themselves to making money a lot of them are still making money uh many people who would have devoted themselves to a particular cause regardless of what is taking place they're still fulfilling their cause simply because they would have decided to adjust how they operate in order to be successful as a part of the church we already know that our commander-in-chief is jesus christ we already know that this church is destined for success under the bloodstained banner of jesus christ so the prayer of my heart is that by god's grace i will remain faithful even to the end of of the world that i will hold to his unchanging hand even as we approach these stormy times many other things will happen and as a bible student you already know that there are other things that will happen oh my friends now i believe it's a time more than any other time we need to surrender and hold to god's unchanging i invite you to join me as we pray father we thank you so much for all you've done we want to thank you for this way you've spoken to our hearts and even as we consider the great in inventions and intentions of humanity even as we consider the deluge that exists around us pertaining to morality even as we consider how humanity seeks to make a name for itself it's only fertile ground upon which you will come the bible tells us that all these things will happen so lord help us to be faithful to the end i pray you'll be with those online those who would have placed in the chat or the various chats their requests knowing each one of god i pray that you will touch lies that you will touch families that you will touch hearts that you will touch finances that you will touch bodies or physical frames so something special can happen where things have gone wrong lord we continue to prove your unfailing hand in our lives we thank you for what you have done and what you will continue to do and help us lord to remain faithful until the day of jesus return we thank you for hearing and answering our prayers as we accept the call that we will go we thank you for hearing and answering your prayers in jesus name amen [Music] so [Music] amen amen praise the lord short sweet spicy just such a powerful message this afternoon i i'm blessed this is sure what about you amen i i want to let you know that that message has been resting upon the heart of our preacher for some time and i'm so happy that he would have been able to deliver such a powerful message to god's people today i know that i was blessed and if you were blessed i wanted us to type in the chat b-l-e-s-s-e-d blessed you were blessed and you want to respond by just typing in in the chat the word blessed i hear some persons in the the student here responding to me and i know that the lord moved in a mighty way this afternoon and so it's time for us to greet you as we separate one from each other i have on to sharon on to you i'm too sure on the show with me this afternoon and so we we want to i just greet some of you in the chat i am seeing uh some persons here and you can go ahead and tell us where you're joining us from if you're here in jamaica if you're uh over there overseas wherever you are from just let us know so that we can greet you in the name of jesus yes sister i'm burstly you are blessed sister c you are blessed sister mcdonald you are blessed veronica miller you are blessed brother robinson you are blessed what's happening over there on facebook all right so i saw a whole lot of hearts and likes going up and i see glenny smith saying amen carolyn williams combs saying amen and praise god and i see pastor archer over here happy sabbath pastor archer oh yes marshall robinson nicole campbell and kylie williams comes again sending a lot of love rose barnaby saying powerful message praise the lord joan rose claudette wilson baker saying bless nicole campbell blessed donit mackintosh blessed marshall robinson blessed pastor archer again blessed aquila franklin saying amen powerful servant pastor summer bell little boy talawah yes marvel watson saying blessed patricia dickinson-brown also saying bless carlene davis lacey nordia henry nova sims hall amen lots of persons here carry on faster right and and over on the youtube side we have hazel who's watching from boston in the u.s we have also uh veronica miller who's watching from boston we have olivia de paz who is coming to us from falmouth soviet adventist church uh we have lawrence roberts who is from woodstock claremont in st anne we also have uh this person lexi from hanover we have natasha all the way well she's right here in trilani welcome welcome home and we have also a sister shayan jones who is watching from brooklyn new york amen so we have karen williams here we also have okay nicole campbell is saying she's from queen height marvel watson from exchange we have barbara sakira dionne thompson all right so those persons have not indicated where they are from marshall robinson is indicating that he's from west jamaica conference carrion foster all right but she has not said where she is from all right wonderful and so as we wrap this up we have jerry dixon from toronto canada we also have uh this individual coming from saint lucia elizabeth wilson we also have uh wendy lewis from ill saint elizabeth uh well wendy lewis she's from new jersey from elizabeth new jersey get that right hey all right we have a few more coming up on on facebook here peanut hazel watching from florida grill dean mccalman from south carolina shelly and samwell's orchid angus and we know sister angus is from jackson town and claudette wilson baker amen amen and so i want to thank you so much for joining with us today at north jamaica conference church online uh your station your platform for health and prophecy and today we are celebrating world pathfinder day under the theme i will go this is not where it ends this is sure what is coming up for the afternoon well of course you know that there is bible class right which is always interesting and power packed and informative so you don't want to miss out on what is going to be happening this afternoon in our bible class which will be followed by our ay service and i trust that there will be something special for awhile this afternoon as this world path finally so you don't want to miss it have your lunch if you need to really really need to take a nap but don't let's say it mattress holder too long because you have to come back for the afternoon segment so make sure that your notification is on so that when we are live for the afternoon segment you'll get that notification just in case your door's not a little bit you'll jump up so you won't miss anything amen and we want to let you know that this is not where it ends for today on sunday night we have loud cry with our very own pastor carl archer and he'll be talking about dress rehearsal part one and then on wednesday night we have access throne room where he'll be talking about dress rehearsal part two and then we have journey of faith on friday evening and then we come right back here on sabbath for regular church brought to you virtually it has been a pleasure to have you here on njc church online and we are looking forward to seeing you at 3 p.m for our bible class until then god bless you welcome [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] you
Channel: North Jamaica Conference
Views: 7,637
Rating: 4.9587631 out of 5
Id: bXy_4qoB9Yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 230min 50sec (13850 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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