Army Basic Training packing list

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so perhaps you're getting ready to head out to basic training maybe you know sit at some point in time and you're wondering what I bring with me well that's where we explain in this video what's up my friends welcome to an all new video and this one we're talking about the packing list or the things you're supposed to bring to basic training and possibly even oh sit just to kind of give you an idea of what the requirements are to bring with you to basic training a few things to kind of note though as well don't use this video as like well I'm gonna follow this video to decide what to pack for basic training or OSA because know the there's gonna be a set packing list I'm just trying to give you a general idea of some of the items you can bring with you I want you showing up to basic trainer OSA and the drill starting yelling and asking we know where it hell's this where the hell is that and you're like well Christopher chaos in the video said that I only have to bring these items veryone he's probably be like who the is Christopher chaos private and - he's probably gonna care so just keep this in my general idea of some of the things you might bring to basic training some of them you may something may not bring and just go off with whatever recruiter probably tells your if the official website for the base training location go into Benning Leonard Wood or whatever has a packing list online then go off of that but this is just to give you a general idea of some of the things you might be bringing with you now stick with the video because I'm also gonna be telling you about some things do not bring with you so make sure you pay attention so start off with just some of the like admin type of stuff you have to bring some of the admin things are gonna be some kind of photo ID either driver's license or something along those lines and let's get your photo on it a certified to verify photo ID you're gonna need that to bring with you they also usually want you to bring your social security card an original one not just like a copy of one there have you bring a social security card and along with that some kind of verified proof of a GED or high school diploma which technically you shouldn't be even getting into the army at that point anyways if you don't have that but this is just one of the things I haven't have seen on the website that they want you to still bring a verified GED or diploma kind of copy if you are married make sure you bring a certified copy of your marriage license did you say you have to bring an ATM card or a debit card for a sure pay account also tricky thing if you have any kind of medication supposed to be taking that didn't like bar you from being able to join your arm in the first place make sure you bring some kind of official letter from a doctor saying that yes you need to take this medication that way they don't try to confiscate that and then you're also gonna have a bunch of military documents that you're going to get meps because you're gonna go to maps before you go to basic training and they're gonna be giving you a bunch of like copies of orders and other documents inside of a private folder you gotta hang on to that stuff so you'll have that as well so that's the summary of just some of the items there's still more kind of official documents you need to bring like I said make sure you pay attention to packing less then you'll probably have a recruiter or something like that but that's just got an idea some of the document related stuff let's talk about some more more of the physical type of items now they recommend that you bring some kind of you know two day supply of civilian clothing something really tasteful don't bring like your you know probably like your fluid t-shirt or you know Metallica t-shirt or something along those lines something that looks very professional maybe something you might wear to like church or something like that to kind of think of it this is for a couple different reasons one of the reasons is like emergency leave that something was to happen then they want you to change the civilian clothes do an emergency leave if something was to happen to someone in your immediate family or some along those lines and then other reasons as well but things you recommend to bring two pairs of civilian clothing you will show up the basic training with some white socks now the important thing to remember is these white socks can't have any kind of like colored stripes they can have a Nike logo you can have anything gonna be playing calf link white socks so make sure that they don't have any logos or any kind of markings on these socks and they also tell you to bring three pairs of white underwear why white I don't really know but they want you to bring white underwear they have to pretty much be like these tighty whitey type of underwear they are gonna fight issue some underwear in basic training that you'll probably wear the majority of time but you have to start off with some kind of white underwear I guess for women you're in after bringing some kind of bra or sports bra I believe they have to either be white or black though also on the topic of females going to base training or even ptosis and females can go to infantry or sit or even like MP you know training Fross it so also make sure to bring those feminine products as well you'll have other opportunities like if you don't have most feminine products or even like previously I mentioned those socks you'll have enough those socks then you don't have chances to go like a little px to get those items but you don't want you yelled at for not showing up with the minimum you're supposed to have so let's get to some of the toiletry type of items your need to bring of course you need a toothbrush but you need a toothbrush with a case so make sure you have a toothbrush case it also need razors you're in the disposable ones though don't bring some kind of fancy Gillette or Shakur River your type of shaver or anything like that no electric razors you know that you got to bring disposable razors along that line by also gonna need some shaving cream or shaving gel something along those lines make sure you're bringing some kind of do to something you know probably like a roll-on kind of deodorant I don't recommend bringing some in an aerosol type of deodorant but brands can't roll-on deodorant and then you're also you need some soap and a soap case to keep the soap inside if you can't bring extra soap if you want but you also have opportunities to go to the mio px - you know restock on these items once you start running out of them now as far as what all this stuff is gonna be packed inside if you just bring like a duffel bag don't bring anything too huge no giant suitcase nothing like that but maybe a little duffel bag maybe like something you would take to the gym or something along those lines usually is what most commonly people will bring you have all the items into there anything that is not a part of the packing list or maybe considered contraband or anything like that it's probably to go back into a civilian bag and then probably get stored a closet somewhere so then you get it back at the end of basic training also a very important thing you need to bring is a lock a combination lock or a lock with two keys and the reason why you have to have two keys is that way you're gonna keep one and probably goes around your dog tag chain and you have to give the extra key over to the drill sergeant that way if you lose that key then you're not locked out of your wall Walker and the drill sergeant can retrieve that extra key that you gave them and be able to give it to you to be able to open up your wall Walker most people I usually bring combination locks the kind of a problem with that is sometimes you have to hurry up and open stuff in a hurry maybe try to hurry up against your wall luck or get into your bag whatever you have that combination lock on and if you're not really fast to get that combo opened and you know you might be getting yelled at by the drill sergeant to tell you to hurry up so sometimes pretty easier to do the lock with the key but then you also have to kind of keep track of that key at the same time so it's kind of a lose-lose situation probably there now some things they probably recommend that you bring are things like stamps you're probably gonna have a chance to write some letters so bring a notepad and a pen as well maybe something you can write on so there you write these letters and then some envelopes and stamps and maybe a book with all their addresses and people you want to write letters to but you can bring those kind of items not required but these encourage that to try keep morale up and hopefully you have someone to send some letters to you can bring cash with you if you wish I'd usually recommend somewheres between twenty and fifty dollars they don't recommend you bringing like hundreds of dollars to basic training because you don't need that for one but maybe somewhere is around twenty to fifty dollars you're not gonna have opportunities to go out to the club or you know go to the PX to buy snacks or drinks or anything like that so you know you're not gonna have really much of anything to spend this with cash or anything so it's probably just little things here and there you might get opportunities to utilize that cash if you don't use your ATM or debit card for getting maybe restocking on toiletries or personal hygiene stuff or something like that so that's maybe a good idea of some of the common things you probably bring with you to basic training kind of give you an idea of what you've been bringing but like I said make sure you reference some kind of packing list you probably from a recruiter or from MEPs or something along those lines but now let's talk about some items that they tell you not to bring the first one I kind of wanna address on here is kind of a weird one because I've seen people bring these items and they don't really make too big of a fuss about it but one of the items I saw on Army's website they say is cell phones do not bring cell phones but yet I have heard many stories from people who have recently gone through basic training saying if they brought their cell phones they just simply lock him up and maybe they once in a while got to utilize the phone for a few minutes or whatever to call home and then how to lock them back up inside the drill sergeants office or something like that and that really varies because the drill sinners aren't required to allow you use the phones this is if they're nice enough and maybe you're doing good enough or something along those lines that they want to allow you to have some phone privileges otherwise you're just stuck writing letters sounds kind of a tricky one maybe you kind of consult your recruiter or something like that and if you can bring a cell phone or not but don't expect to get to hang on to your cell phone it's at a minimum getting either be locked up and you're never gonna see it again until the end of basic training or it's going to get locked up and once a great while drill sergeants might well you'd have access to it to make a quick phone call home to say hello and talk to family for a few minutes or something just don't rely on that because that may or may not happen there also a lot of crazy things on this list like pets I'm pretty sure most people know not to bring their cat or the dog to basic training with them family members and pretty sure people aren't gonna try to bring their mom or whatever with them to basic training so I'm not gonna talk about some of the obscure things that you're not supposed to bring hopefully you should just know not to bring those items to basic training but maybe some of the things you might not realize that you can't bring to basic training like a car you can't just go and drive yourself to basic training or report there and then park your car and hopefully get to use it at some point time no you can't bring any privately-owned vehicles with you to basic training also make sure you don't bring any pocket knifes I know there's a lot of individuals out there that carry a pocket knife or a Gerber everywhere they go do not bring that with you to basic training or Oaks it make sure you're not bringing any kind of entertainment like playing cards or dominoes even like really subtle things like that can't have it if you do bring it with you they're either gonna make you throw it away the trash or they're gonna throw in your personal bag it's getting locked up until the end of basic training but it's just best not to bring it all list of things not to bring is perfume or cologne you don't need to impress anybody nobody cares if you weren't perfume or cologne or whatever they're gonna confiscate that as well sometimes they'll allow you to have non-alcoholic type of aftershave but that kind of varies sometimes but can have any kind of cologne or perfume they're gonna make you probably throw that stuff away another one you might not realize you can't bring is personal reading material don't go bringing your favorite book even if it's military-related can't have that probably the only thing you'd be allowed to read while you're basic training is you usually give them like a smart book in fact I think I have one around here somewhere kind of similar to this guy right here this is just a soldier's manual common tasks level one this probably is an outdated kind of version but something kind of similar of this that you'll probably be given and you'll have to you know just read that when you have the fair spare time to read so don't be showing up with 50 shades of grey or anything crazy and you're not gonna have time to read that stuff if you do have time to read you're reading that soldiers manual also make sure you don't bring too jewelry don't be showing up with some kind of crazy watch or earrings or necklace or anything that leave all that stuff at home you're not gonna need a liner base train you can't wear it while you're in basic training sometimes they do allow you to have digital watches but they're really strict on the kind of standards of that and most people just wait until they get to basic training and then buy one of the ones from a little shop that they're like approved watches they're usually really cheap just digital watches that if they get jacked up you're trying not a big deal you're maybe out a few bucks or something and then one last thing that I'll kind of mention do not bring with you to basic training is tobacco products you're not going to be a lot of smoke you're not gonna be allowed to dip so do not bring any of those items with you otherwise they are going to make you throw that stuff in the trashcan they're not gonna let you put that probably in your personal bag to you know have a nice smoke when you're done with basic training like that no they're probably gonna make you toss that stuff in the trash now for any my veteran viewers out there even active-duty currently in the Army viewers let me know in the comment section what kind of crazy things you just see people bring with them to basic training that maybe they weren't supposed to bring with them maybe it was you yourself or maybe it was just your battle buddy or somebody else that you saw bringing some kind of crazy items that they had a throwaway or put in a personal bag or maybe they snuck it into basic training for me I remember the dude next to me he had a cell phone and he kept that thing hidden away inside of his wall Walker he would sometimes hide inside of his wall occur and make phone calls late at night and back to his wife and you never had cut so he was able hang on to the cell phone the whole time I definitely don't recommend doing that don't try sneak away with kind of you know hide items you know supposed to have because if you caught it's probably pretty crappy alright so there you go that is the video hopefully you enjoyed that and make sure that you follow an official army packing list for basic trainer OHS that not Christopher que haces packing list check out some recommendations right over here for some other videos that might entertain you if you haven't seen them already links are down in the description thanks so much for watching I'm Chris for chaos and I'll see you next time see ya
Channel: Christopher Chaos
Views: 39,443
Rating: 4.9281044 out of 5
Keywords: christopher, chaos, Army Basic Training packing list, army basic training packing list male, army basic training packing list female, army basic training packing list 2019, army basic training, basic training, what to bring to basic training, basic training packing list, what not to bring to basic training army, christopher chaos, osut packing list, army osut packing list
Id: 2XQMJcvdEA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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