What soldiers do at each enlisted rank

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so what does this guy do or maybe what does this guy do or even what does this guy do well that's what we explain in this video [Music] what's up my friends welcome to a brand new video in this one i'm explaining kind of what soldiers do at different levels of enlisted rank all right so when we talk about some different enlisted ranks i have a few demonstration ones here if i don't have a demonstration one there probably like a little pop-up somewhere showing what rank looks like and i'll explain it to you a little bit but you're probably curious as to like what do you do as a private what do you do as a sergeant what do you do is this rank right only on the analysis side that's what we're gonna do but without further ado let's dive into it and we're starting off with blank slate all right if you're an e1 you don't have any rank on your chest on your uniform it's just an empty velcro or hook and fastener it's a velcro all right it's velcro you don't have any rank on your chest anywheres you're just a private well those individuals we should probably still bundle in with the e-2s that actually does have something on their chest little mosquito wings your little kind of a chevron thing i don't know it's a technically a private second class but nobody calls it a private second class they still get called privates basically your e-ones and e-twos for the most part get treated practically the same these soldiers are stuck doing whatever all right if there is some crappy detail if there is missions that need to be done these soldiers are stuck doing it you basically have to earn your keep right you're brand new in the army you have no experience so you have to build that experience the only way you're gonna build experience is by doing things and doing the crappy details doing the good details whatever the case is that's how you build experience so those e1s and e2s you just kind of get stuck with the crappy end of the stick you get stuck with all the crappy details all the work anytime they need someone to go do something they're probably looking to the lower enlisted guys for sure if they need more than that and then probably grab more but sometimes the alternate too with other other ranks as well so you know but definitely expect that you're going to have to do a lot of crappy stuff for a while until you kind of build up and rank now when you build up to an e3 or private first class which i don't have one of those so it's on the screen but that does get a little bit better you may not notice it but it does get a little bit better you're probably not the first choice for them to go and send off to a crappy detail unless you happen to be just a crappy soldier because sometimes it doesn't matter what your rank is if you're someone that just messes things up all the time well the ncos want to make sure that you kind of learn from that and try to get better so you are still going to stuck with all the crappy details but if you are proving yourself you're working hard and you're doing the best that you possibly can then they might try to you know give more of the crappy details to those still privates and everything like that and the private first class e3 may be able to slide out of a few of those but you still don't have a whole lot of authority you don't have a whole lot of responsibilities as a private first class it's a little bit better than a private or like an e1 e2 but not a whole lot more it does actually get a little bit better when you get to this guy when you move up to an e4 or a specialist it does actually start to get a little bit better now you get a little more responsibility now you're probably the babysitter for the privates sure but you actually have a little bit more responsibility now you might be more of the go-to individual to do the more important missions the ones they really need someone reliable if you were someone really reliable as private too you could have ended up that situation but hopefully at this point you know their specialist individuals are the ones that are kind of the more reliable individuals and the ones that they're going to count on to get things done some examples of that is let's say like in my mos right as an ada mike the specialists that actually have proven themselves and everything like that i may trust them a little bit more to kind of look after the privates again kind of go back to the babysitter thing i guess but we might look up to them a little bit better to you know making sure that you know things get accomplished right so i might give the taskings out to those specialists or someone who's a higher ranking specialist to say hey these are the things we got to get done can you see to it that you know things are happening and you know have someone so help you get so and so to do this so and so to do that so you have a little bit more authority probably often you're not doing as much of the crappy details you might still have it and definitely if you're a messed up jacked up e4 specialist that is not very reliable then you might get stuck with a lot of the crappy details but if you are reliable and pretty good then it might be limited you might get none you might only get a few here and there it might just kind of vary on the leadership in the unit so things do kind of get better here i mean people have the e4 mafia the sham shield right a lot of times because the privates are getting stuck with all the crappy things and the specialists aren't having to do all those crappy things so like oh man especially so-and-so gets a sham out of this one well they've built their way up to their rank a little bit so yeah they kind of earned it a little bit now we should probably mention e4 corporal all right for the most part it's only a little bit more authority than the specialist in a lot of cases not always but in some cases sure they kind of are like this in between of a specialist and a sergeant sometimes they task them with tasks that normally done by a sergeant sometimes they might task them with things to be done by a specialist they're kind of almost like both ranks they're almost like a sergeant and a specialist in some ways and they feel like hey we can just give this guy you know both of these jobs there might be things like you know they're like hey that soldier is a corporal so let's go ahead and have them you know lead this team or let's have them take care of this you know this guard duty thing or whatever and be in charge of them or whatever but then sometimes you're just stuck doing regular old specialist stuff and even though you're not getting paid extra for it you have more responsibility with it that does definitely vary i mean there's probably some like infantry units certain combat arms units where corporal does get a little bit more authority almost more like your sergeants in certain other units but definitely you know it does depend on the unit depending on the leadership now once you do finally move up this guy to your sergeant now you do actually have a little bit more authority but you also have you know more responsibility so now you're possibly like a team leader maybe even you know after you've been a sergeant for a while you might even be a squad leader it just kind of depends on your unit at who they have what they're short on because there's often cases too where you have a sergeant that's been a sergeant for a while so they might be a section sergeant they might be a squad leader whatever the case is but now you know you have authority right you are probably more of the person that has to tell the soldiers what to do you're less of the worker bee now i mean not always but less of the worker bee and more of your supervisor kind of a role and a lot of people you know especially when they're new sergeants they try to kind of play both fields you're like i'm not going to be one of those ncos that just watch you know over what's going on or whatever and they try to get more active with doing things but after a while they start to find out that hey if i'm really tied up with working on this with the soldiers i can't keep track of what these other soldiers are having to do over in this other area and now they're just kind of off roaming free so sometimes you do have to balance that out sometimes you have to do a little bit of work you know with the soldiers to pull your weight a little bit and kind of you know not seem like you're lazy or whatever the case is and sometimes you do need to you know just kind of step up and to be that leadership position and check on soldiers make sure they're doing the right things maybe make sure they're doing things right the right way so we don't have to do it a second or third time but especially while you're new right you're still kind of stuck in that mentality like maybe you were as a specialist where you want to get your hands dirty and get into the work and that's that's fine right that's okay to do but you can't let it get in the way of also being a leader and also making sure that your other soldiers you're responsible for are doing the right thing so now you're like put in charge of some soldiers like i said maybe you have like three four soldiers maybe more it just kind of depends that's usually kind of a common range you know especially for a new sergeant to maybe have like three or four soldiers that are kind of like a part of their team that you probably now have to do counseling statements for for monthly ones as well as if they do negatively then you have to write that counseling statement for them and you have to you know maybe conduct some training with some soldiers and lead the training and you might be in charge of like some guard duties and different kind of tasks like that also some crappy ones too sometimes you stuck being in charge of a crappy detail get stuck being in charge of the cq you know being the 24-hour duty at the barracks and being the one in charge of one or two other soldiers that you're runners and making sure the barracks are fine now when you do move up to staff sergeant it does seem like a little bit of a good increase right now you should not be anywhere close to the same level as these guys really i'm not not saying like putting them down kind of thing i'm sorry i'm talking about as far as like you know responsibility-wise and what you're going to be doing now you're probably like a section of sergeant maybe even in some cases if you've been a staff sergeant for a while and they're short on certain people you might even be a platoon sergeant so now you're charging more soldiers maybe now you're in charge of like 10 20 soldiers it kind of just depends on the makeup of your platoon what unit you're in your mls all that kind of stuff like that but now you have a lot more responsibility now you're more looked up to and you are going to be the go-to nco for getting a lot of training done because the next one up from here right they're probably like the platoon sergeant so you're like the next one online platoon sergeants which i'll talk about a little bit are more of your ones that are kind of looking over the big picture for the platoon and handing down the tasks to these staff sergeants to make sure that the platoon is carrying them out these these individuals are the ones making it happen right they're the ones that have been told what we have to accomplish what has to get done and making sure it gets you know seen through to get accomplished these are also sometimes your drill sergeants right you can have drill sergeants here too but most commonly you know here is where you want the drill sergeants but in situations where they are short-handed on drill sergeants or certain people volunteer for it sometimes then you know you can be drill sergeants here but this is more of your common one also recruiting as well so your recruiters are often the staff sergeant this e6 so then from here it then moves on to an e7 which is a sergeant first class those individuals are typically your uh platoon sergeants your sergeant first classes are the ones receiving the the information from like the first sergeant for the company or the troop or whatever and they're the ones that have to make sure that tasks are getting done and it's delegated properly it kind of definitely goes down like a sequential kind of order right rank kind of kind of starts to go downhill of you know who's next in line for dishing out the orders and making sure things get done but your platoon sergeants are the ones that are receiving it directly from like your first sergeant first time it's like hey we gotta get this thing done you know as far as you know where we want to be as a whole company or a troop or whatever and the platoon sergeants at their levels are the ones that are attending the meetings to talk about how it's going to get done and kind of get the taskings and you know kind of divvy things up so a lot of responsibility at e7 when you're at that sergeant first class you're you're you know kind of kind of a big deal and you kind of have to you know really step it up definitely sometimes even starting first classes have to fill in often as maybe the first sergeant right if they are the higher ranking sergeant first class and the first sergeant has gone somewheres or whatever the case is they may end up being like the acting first sergeant now however if that company or whatever has a master sergeant then that one is most likely the individual that will kind of fill in as the acting first sergeant when the first owner is gone master sergeant is the next rank up your e8's your e8s can also be the first sergeant but first let's talk about the master sergeants your master sergeant is probably going to be like i've seen cases where they are in charge of the motor pool right they're the individual that is in charge of all of the motor pool right so they're in charge of the maintenance people in charge of anybody else and they're also overall responsible for the motor pull as a whole kind of task down from the first sergeant right obviously the first sergeant is the one in charge of everything but then it gets kind of delegated down to the master sergeant the master started maybe like the motor sergeant or whatever kind of term they may use and that person is kind of in charge of that master sergeants can also be more in like staff roles i mean a lot of these roles i mean really like this staff sergeant could be in a staff role the sergeant first class can be a staff role but if your master sergeant isn't like usually like in a maintenance section or certain other kind of roles usually they're working at staff level so that means they're working out like that brigade or battalion level different things like they could be like to train the nco right they could be the person that's in charge of making sure that the unit is getting the proper training they're supposed to be getting and scheduling the training through the proper channels to make sure that we have everything planned out for the field exercise or classes coming up or whatever so they could potentially even be like the training ncl that could even still be a staff sergeant though or sergeant first class but hopefully at some point that master sergeant is hoping to become a first sergeant as that first sergeant usually in charge of that troop or that company or that battery depending on you know what type of unit is they're the senior nco for that unit level so again kind of going back to how things kind of stair step down right these are the individuals that are probably receiving information as a whole from like the sergeant major right so they're getting the taskings as far as how the mission needs to accomplish at each company troop battery level and it gets handed down to the first sergeants to kind of relay hey this troop or this company or battery is going to be in charge of you know getting this part of mission done this other one's going to be charged this part of the mission and so on and so forth so they're handing these missions down to them and then it's up to the first sergeant to then kind of divvy that work up between the platoons to make sure that as a whole we can accomplish the mission someone might be in that first sergeant role usually for maybe like a year maybe two years it just depends uh often you don't want to have a first sergeant in charge of that specific you know troop company or battery for too long because then i know things kind of get complicated a little bit in some ways so typically a year maybe two years you usually don't have a first sergeant being in charge of that same troop or company battery for that long right before they either move on to another one or they move up in position because that next level up is a sergeant major that sergeant major could also probably be like in a staff position that one is usually like maybe the sergeant major for the s3 which is like you know the intel individuals or they're in charge of a whole you know major kind of a thing not to be confused with the command sergeant major which we'll talk about that a little bit but that sergeant major typically that's more of a staff kind of role when you're a sergeant major and not a command sergeant major you're working somewhere as a battalion at brigade maybe at division or whatever in some kind of you know main senior nco role but not at the level where you're a command sergeant major that's in charge of a larger unit sergeant majors that i've seen are like someone that's in charge of like the s3 like i gave that example i've seen a sergeant major where they are in charge of the training but for the training for that entire you know unit right so if they're you know a battalion level maybe right then that is the battalion uh training nco or maybe the battalion schools nco or whatever could be that sergeant major in some cases but usually it's some sort of staff position there's somewhere working up at brigade or up a battalion or maybe up a division doing something really important and eventually if they you know are selected then they become a command sergeant major so now they're in command i guess you can kind of say of a unit that is usually done at that brigade level or that battalion level or that division level post level even right technically actually post is lower than division so if i did i say division before that but division would be actually one of the higher ones and then garrison commander the garrison sergeant major is like the post sergeant major but those are your individuals usually that are command sergeant majors they have a high responsibility over that battalion that division whatever the case is obviously those individuals probably want to work up to the high responsibility of being a division command sergeant major very you know important individual making a lot of important you know kind of decisions working alongside with you know whatever that you know probably a general like if they're a division level then they probably have someone that is the division commander which is probably like a general that individual may be like you know two star three star or whatever the case might be so there are different levels of that command sergeant major it could be a battalion brigade division garrison sergeant major that garrison sergeant majors though is almost more like a mayor right i mean they're working alongside with the garrison commander which might be like a one star or two star or something along those lines uh just depending on the size and installation and the size of the units and everything like that but they're kind of like the mayor they're not really like in charge of the entire units that are on that installation they are in charge of that post so they do have say so as far as like policies that go into place with that post and all the kind of stuff that go into effect on that installation but they are not in charge of those different units the that comes down to the division sergeant majors the division commanders for those levels and those ones kind of you know work with a higher up from bigger army stuff so garrison sergeant major garrison commander post commander post command sergeant major those individuals are more like your mayors that are kind of in charge of policies and everything with that installation and in charge of that installation but not the units necessarily so i think that kind of gives a good summary as far as you know what this guy does and this guy does and this guy does and all that stuff like that you might want to know like at what level do you start getting more leadership what does this individual do when you get once you get to that rank there are probably a ton of other examples right i'm just kind of shooting from the hip as far as some of the examples i gave you there are a ton more examples don't think that just because i didn't mention a specific example that that's not something that exists or whatever no i just didn't mention it there's a ton of examples that probably could be out there so there are a lot of different levels as far as responsibilities this is just to give you a general idea of some potential possibilities all right it's not the end-all be-all example and if i didn't mention it then that's not a thing that happens at that rank no i'm just giving you some good examples for your curiosity individuals especially that want to join the army and you're wondering at what stage what rank do i start doing this where do i start doing that if you have questions as far as you know hey what rank does this or what rank does that just leave those down in the comments either i'll try to respond to you i'm sure there's a ton of like other veterans or people that occur in the military they might be able to respond to you and maybe let you know maybe you want to know you know what at what level do i you know get to you know move off base or whatever the case is right and if if you really want to know that i mean typically it's usually right right around here sometimes in some cases with units depending on how full the barracks are otherwise you have to move up the next one and start first class unless you're married of course but again there are a ton of other examples so hopefully you enjoy that and you get a good little kind of understanding as far as an idea of what people do what soldiers do at different ranks at different levels now if you want to see the video that started all the magic of this channel right here i have a video that i did a long time ago back in 2017 that talked about enlisted rank and that's the video that made this channel what it is today at some point i'm probably gonna update that and do a better version but check it out if you haven't seen that already probably that's the reason why you're subscribed the channel maybe check out my latest upload right there links down in the description as always i'm christopher kass thanks for hanging out i'll see you next time see ya
Channel: Christopher Chaos
Views: 185,710
Rating: 4.8951449 out of 5
Keywords: christopher chaos, us army, army veteran, army rank, army ranks, army ranks explained, army rank structure, army ranking system, explaining us army enlisted rank, us army ranks insignia, ranks in the army, us army rank structure
Id: 0PCLFtwTS4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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