5 tips to prepare for basic training

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they're gonna go into army basic training or OSA at some point in time here are five things that I feel like you need to know before you go what's up friends so in this video I'm giving you five things that maybe you should learn maybe things you should know before you go to basic training they're gonna teach you a lot of stuff in basic training or even oh sit but if you can learn these things or know these things before you go and show up already having this knowledge it just makes things that much easier to get the whole process now if you do a program like the delayed Entry Program or the Future Soldier program or any of those kind of like pre basic training programs you might already know a lot of this stuff maybe if you did gar OTC but if you were someone who didn't go through any of those programs or maybe just want to know what to expect before you get into some of those programs then these are just some things that maybe you should kind of learn about so let's get started and let's go into the first one which is how to address someone now this goes into learning the rank structure in the United States Army because when you go to basic training right off the bat you probably be dealing with drill sergeants you know that you need to address them as drill sergeant and not simply as Staff Sergeant or Sergeant or anything crazy like that so those individuals need to dress as drill sergeant but then other individuals be you know address a little bit differently so for example if you come across an officer you know sir ma'am to pay now if they're male or female you're probably not going to come across any Warrant officers in basic training but if you do it's basically the same way sir ma'am based on you know if they're male or female soldiers but then also on the enlisted side so if you have a private you dress most private a specialist as specialist if you come across maybe a corporal that is working there at the basic training area then you know you dress them as corporal you know and so on and so forth you may have cases like that especially you know when drawing your weapons you know that individual may be a specialist maybe a corporal may be a sergeant you know you have to address them properly so you kind of make sure that you're you know how to address that in digital based on their rank but also pay attention that if they're our drill sergeant doesn't matter if they are a staff sergeant or a sergeant first class you don't call them sergeant you call them drill sergeant so learn the rank structure you'll be taught in basic training but at least good enough to know how to address someone if someone comes up to you and you need to talk to that individual innocent respecting you know military man or how you would actually address that individual the next time on my list coming in at number two is military time also sometimes known as just 24-hour time and this one is good to know before you go to basic training because there may be situations where the drill sergeants the instructors somebody is giving you instructions maybe they haven't yet taught you military time maybe you're not familiar with military time or that 24 hour time period and they're saying something like hey we're going to start doing this in this training at 1300 and you're like what the hell time is 1,300 so it's good to know this you know 24 hour time format as you know early in the morning you start off basically a midnight is basically like zero hundred hours and then you go all the way up to noon which is just called noon so if they're saying you know hey we're going to get up in the morning at zero five hundred hours that's five o'clock in the morning and then instead of 1:00 p.m. it starts at 1300 so it goes from 12 to 13 and moves on until you get you know farther into the evening and you know gets higher up you know like 1500s 3:00 o'clock you know 20 hundred and so on and so forth so you need to know what this time format is that you kind of understand what it is that they're talking about so next step on my list is number three which that is standing positions when you show the basic training maybe you're not familiar with how you're supposed to be standing how you're supposed to present yourself you're still used to you back when you know you were still in high school weird over the case might be your stand around two hands in your pockets you're maybe leaning up against the wall you don't wanna do any those things you don't to be leaning up against the wall you want to be putting your hands in your pockets there's certain ways you're supposed to stand that is the military the army kind of standard of you know presenting yourself and those main positions are many things like the position of attention parade rest at ease and rest so these are different positions you need to know how to stand that so for example if you're maybe talking to an officer and you stand at position of attention when you were talking to individual other times when you're standing around maybe in line you know you're just kind of standing around waiting for something that you're supposed to be doing maybe you should be standing around at preg rest which is with your hands behind your back your hands are kind of clasp like this behind your back and you're just kind of standing there looking straight looking forward someone tells you to at ease then you just kind of simply drop your hands a little bit drop your shoulders a little bit relax a little bit but not too much and if someone tells you you know rest or whatever you know take it easy then you pray later if your arms hang over but still don't go put your hands in your pockets or crossing your arms or standing around like that next up on the list is number four and that is army language and basically what that's talking about is there's a lot of like slang words that the army uses that you know you should probably understand and it might be a little difficult to do your have to do a little research look it up online and maybe I should have a video probably on the topic so you better understand some of the basic ones which might come in the future now that thing about it but those kind of terms are good to know so for example a drill sergeant he's up in your face and telling you you're gonna go upstairs and go get your wet weather gear Roger and you're like the drill sergeant my name is Chris drill sergeant that's that's not what he's talking about Roger is kind of like a basic thing asking if you understand also a word that's used is all no tracking they may say something kind of similar that tracking this is asking if you understand also kind of with that Roger one not everybody likes that one I remember like when I was in Fort Riley I had a sergeant major that hated it if you use the word Roger you would say Roger he'd be like my name's not Roger it's Ricky you can't afford to call me Ricky and I always remember that so a different lingo may be cool with some individuals but not cool with other individuals so it's also important just to simply understand it so they're using these Legos these special terms that maybe not you know transferable over to the civilian side are only really mainly used in the military people who were in the military it's good to know some of these things so look up some of them maybe hopefully soon maybe I'll do a video that covers a lot of these terms and the last one coming in number five that I've got on my list actually contains a lot of different subjects but it's essentially just learning some basic farming knowledge these are the things that they're gonna teach you in the army anyways things they're gonna teach you in basic training or a no sit but if you can kind of come into it you know already knowing it then it just makes the process a little bit faster for you because you already have these things memorize where certain other soldiers may have to kind of you know learn this stuff from the start some of these things are things like knowing the phonetic alphabet because if they're saying something like you're going to go to room 13 Bravo and you're not too sure what the hell they're talking about when they say 13 Bravo the room number is probably 1/3 and the letter B that's just the phonetic alphabet for the letter B so learn the thing that alphabet will help out knowing the Army Values they have an acronym called leadership and that is the acronym for their Army Values it's not actually spelled leadership though it's like LDR SH IP but memorizing those army values and kind of what they basically mean is a good thing to kind of memorize the three general orders be able to memorize those very good especially be able to memorize them out of order because you may have a situation where the drill sergeant is quizzing you and they're like what does general order number two and you got to just you know spout it out they're also going to teach you things like the soldier's creed you're probably to be saying it together as a group constantly but if they single you out and you already have it memorized then it's easier to kind of flow with it and be able to recite the the soldier's creed if you already know it as well as the Army's song you may ask different points in your time and basic training or oaths it may be you have to sing the army song if you already know it it just makes a lot easier so a lot of those basic knowledge tasks or basic knowledge things you should know from the Army it's good you can get a little bit of a head start and try and memorize some of that stuff before you go to basic training just to kind of give you a little bit of a 1-up and give you a little bit of that advantage so there you go those are just five things I thought might be helpful to somebody who's you know wanting to go into the army haven't started basic training yet maybe having started like the delayed Entry Program or the Future Soldier program or don't even intend to but you know want to have at least a little bit of a heads-up before the show up a basic training and be a little bit more prepared and know certain things that'll you know kind of keep them from being singled out or if you pick dunmore or just you know simply just make things a little bit more smoother if you have any questions about those things I talked about or maybe other things that you want to know about before going to basic training leave some comments down below if I know the answer to it I'll try to help you out or some of my viewers that maybe have some experience with basic training recently or in the past can maybe answer your question as well and then questions to any of my veterans out there or individuals that are you know already in the Army what are some tips that you think are very important for someone to kind of know about before they go off to basic training or off do sit so if you liked this video and found it helpful make sure to show us in love by hitting that thumbs up button a couple of videos over here that I definitely recommend checking out and down in the description there's some links to social media patreon and much more thanks for watching I'm Christopher chaos and I will see you next time see ya
Channel: Christopher Chaos
Views: 36,196
Rating: 4.9650402 out of 5
Keywords: 5 things to learn before BCT or OSUT, army, army basic training, basic, training, before basic training, before basic training army, things to know before basic training, before osut, bct, before bct, before army bct, things to know before army bct, what to learn before army bct, christopher chaos, explaining the army, 5 things to learn before Army BCT or OSUT, 5 tips to prepare for basic training
Id: DMcr93zZiEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 29 2018
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