Key Care Package Items To Send To Your Soldier At BCT

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what is going on everybody so today I've got a video for you then it's gonna be geared towards those of you that watch my videos that are actually the parents or family members of soldiers at basic training so we're gonna cover what you should send them whenever they're at training so I got a question on my email the other day asking me about like proper gun cleaning equipment and stuff to send their soldier that they have requested right and so that person I had reached out to me and kind of asked me for some advice on what to actually send the the soldier so I said there's some links and whatnot so it got me thinking about doing this video honestly I know a lot of you out there you're not soldiers you know future soldiers you're not gonna be leaving for basic training anytime soon you're a family member just watch this of my videos because you want to kind of get a feel for what your soldier is going through so as a parent or family member at home there's really not much you can do to really help out your soldier except for maybe some things that you can send them so I'm gonna go over a big list in this video I'm gonna kind of display it I'm gonna cover some key points that I think you should actually hit on but before I do that before I do that I do want to mention two things to you out there that are gonna be potentially sending something to your soldier I'm not gonna cover in detail like all the things that you can't send that's gonna be in the link them down in the description down below but two things I want to mention is number one don't send them food so any kind of food whatsoever anything edible that's gonna be out of the question and then number two ask your soldiers first so the first letter that you send them the second letter that you send them very very early on just go ahead and ask them straight up what do you want us to send you and then they will let you know because there's odds are you know you might have they might have patched everything you know the best that they could but they may have missed something they may have forgot something maybe they you know went to the PX and they bought some q-tips but now they're out of q-tips and they might need some more q-tips which is actually a really important thing when you're cleaning your weapon it's really easy to use anyways but you know there's many things like that so make sure you ask them very early on what they want so then you kind of pull from this list or look in the description at the link and kind of see if what you want to send him is okay actually there is a third really important thing that I do want to mention potentially your drill sergeants could deny really whatever so there's like a list of things that you could technically send them or things that were denied but ultimately it's up to your drill sergeants because the way it's going to work is you're just gonna mail it to them it's not going to go just directly to your soldier it's gonna go to your soldier platoon and the drill sergeants are going to hand things out and so if you actually send a package to them or even a thick envelope then the drill sergeants are gonna have them opening up and actually look at what is inside of it so if you send them just a normal letter then they'll be thin and it's obviously just a letter they're just going to give that to the soldier but if the envelope is thick or if they're you're saying them a package the drill sergeants will open it or they'll have the soldier open it right in front of them and if anything in it they say is a no-go you can't have it and may even be something that's questionable whereas like a different platoon or a different company may allow their soldiers to get it ultimately it's up to the drill sergeant so I'm gonna read the list really quickly on the link in the description down below of what you can bring and then like I said I'm gonna hit on some of the key things that you should really kind of focus on or potentially send very early on so paper journal pans pencil stamps and blood self-addressed envelopes toothbrush address book toothpaste dental floss shoe inserts blister pads gold bond foot powder toenail clippers on sense into your baby powder unscented shampoo unscented lotion unflavored chapstick baby wipes flexible wipes sugar-free cough drops I just want to say on sugar free cough drops that that's probably gonna be a no-go but you know you could send it if you want to but odds are if it's a no-go they're just gonna it's gonna get thrown away essentially you can just assume it's gonna get thrown away razors shaving cream q-tips folders travel sized travel sized Kleenexes bar of soap and moleskin so that is the approved list that you're gonna find on the future soldier family page that I linked in the description that's not technically everything if it's not on that list that doesn't mean that it's not gonna be okay but you can look at that and kind of see that it's really not that much stuff it's just kind of some self-care things that they're gonna need but again like I said to begin this video ask your soldier what they need but now I'm going to hit on some of the things that I think that they are going to want or need kind of regardless of the situation okay so some of the stuff they're gonna kind of run through and it'll be beneficial for you to send to them if you have the you know 10 15 bucks 20 bucks to spare also I want to know don't send big items so I think if an item is over $50 or if he's in over $50 in cash that's gonna be Nova so refrain from sending anything expensive as far as the email that I got it was asked about gun cleaning equipment I'm gonna link in the description the specific items that I recommend as far as gun cleaning equipment so a gun cleaning kit I wouldn't go all out on this stuff what I recommend is just essentially sending them what they're going to use in the military we kind of use the same thing all the time but the big difference here is the gun cleaning equipment is used all the time it's dirty in and of itself and you know if you have a very clean weapon and some of the pieces of cleaning equipment that you could use could actually dirty your weapon it's kind of weird but it's just because they're used so often so synonym like clean gun cleaning kit would be really really awesome really really beneficial for them so as a part of the gun cleaning the q-tips are going to be very very important q-tips some high-quality q-tips aren't going to screw up or going to Bend really easily you're gonna need some actual kind of good quality q-tips I'll be the most beneficial thing for them you know send them a big packet that don't just send them a little bit because they are going to run through it I mean they are going to absolutely run through it they're also probably going to be sharing it with some of their battle buddies because they're gonna need some q-tips but a q-tips are really essential they're really key unscented baby wipes you can actually use the baby wipes as well to actually clean your weapon so that's going to be good for them you know whenever they go out in the field and for cleaning their weapons so gun cleaning kit links in the description baby wipes and q-tips are really key and also I do want to note because I don't want you to waste your money the gun cleaning kit I will probably wait to ask the if that's okay it freezes sin because maybe they can ask our drill sergeant if you know a family member can send them a gun cleaning kit because that is probably an item that could be kind of up to the drill sergeant so I would go ahead and ask ahead of time but going ahead and moving on with some other items are going to be okay mole scan that is really important that is going to help protect their feet from getting blisters and bleeding because of all the ruck marching and stuff that they're doing so if they don't have them all in you go ahead and send it to them if you want because odds are again they're gonna have some battle buddies that were gonna need it like and that's gonna be a really really important thing for them not to just tear up their feet some gold bond powder that isn't just needed for the foot powder to help with your blisters and stuff like you know you can use it to help yourself down there with chafing because of the rut marching and stuff that you're gonna be doing odds are they're probably taping so the gold bond is going to help with that situation any kind of male materials that they might need whether that's envelopes writing paper journals black pins write anything like that some stamps that is something that you know if they don't have it or if you know that they don't have it you can kind of go ahead and send it to them but again you can always ask ahead of time because they may have bought you know envelopes and pins and stuff at the PX whenever they got to go but just keep in mind they don't get to go to the PX all the time so they didn't buy that many envelopes and then buy that many pieces of paper or a journal or something and that got all messed up then they're not gonna get a chance to go back to the PX for at least a couple of weeks I think whenever I was there we went to the PX like three times maybe I can't remember exactly but it wasn't that many time so three times in ten weeks is not that much other people may go a little bit more it kind of just depends along with of that writing material something that I think is very important for them to have they may not know that they need it or want it or whatever because they're a little bit more expensive than just like a normal notepad but that is right in the rain notepad so if they're out in the field and they're doing something or doing land navigation it will help with sweat or just rain so if it's raining having a notepad then it's not going to get complete ruined because of the rain or because they're wearing the pad on their shoulder or their notepad in their shoulder pocket or in their pants or something and then all the sweat would ruin it right and rain notebooks are very very very important again the link down in the description down below the next thing is something that I personally requested for my family members to send me because I didn't have a watch so I asked them to send me a digital watch I told them just go to go to Walmart get a ten dollar watch so that's what I recommend to y'all go to Walmart get a ten dollar watch and they were gonna be a-ok so they don't have a watch a digital watch not a smart watch not a smart watch they don't have a digital watch make sure that they get one because being on time is super duper important and then the last two things that I think are gonna be really important that is chapstick and the Kleenex is so chapstick they may be out in the Sun or something which you know they should have provided sunscreen which is when I haven't recommended getting sunscreen that should last them but if they run out or something or if they're really fair skinned then some screamo obvious be okay but chapstick is definitely helping with them because again these are supplies that they may have but they may not be able to get more of until they go to the PX and then also Kleenexes are gonna be really important because if you go to basic training odds are you're gonna get sick or at the very least you're gonna have like a runny nose at some point in time and using like freakin toilet paper or paper towels or something is just going to screw up your nose so just those little travel-size Kleenex packages are perfect they can just put that in their pocket or something and they're good to go and they don't have to worry about just having snot right now because again you know you're they're probably gonna get six that's pretty much guaranteed and also I want to know the reason for that is just because you have people from all over the world coming together and being a one little confined compact space so that's kind of the reason for that so you're just gonna have a whole bunch of different people a bunch of different germs and things kind of mingling around maybe a little bit less so now during the whole koban situation going on but odds are like I said very least they might get like a runny nose or something so the Kleenex is are gonna be on point a couple little things that I want to address at the end of this video and if this is for those of you out there that are gonna be wanting to send your soldier just absolutely everything you're gonna want to send them something like every day every week or whatever make sure you're not overdoing it kind of get your stuff together and then send it as one big care package that that's what you plan on doing again make sure it's all kind of ballad stuff don't be going off the wall crazy buy an expensive things and all that and also don't be like ordering off of Amazon directly to the soldier just get it off Amazon if you have Amazon Prime it'll be free shipped to your house anyways and then send that to them like if you're going to get most items because you don't want to annoy the drill sergeants because if you annoy the drill sergeants by singing them stuff all the time singing the packages all the time because you're just addressing everything directly to them when you buy each individual item off of Amazon that's going to annoy the drill sergeants and then your soldier is likely going to get into a little bit of trouble so that's just a little forewarning for you and I want to reiterate go ahead first letter ask your soldier if they want anything if they need anything if they're missing anything and then you can just go ahead and send that out to them it'll take a little bit longer because of the whole process a little extra process that has to go through of shipping to get to a basic training soldier but that will ensure that it gets to them as soon as possible but that see me after this video I hope you guys are if you did hit that like button that'd be awesome if you don't got some more of my videos hit the subscribe button that would be even better for my histogram and snapchat if you haven't already hope you got something amazing freaking day and I'll see you a little later [Music]
Channel: Matt Ward
Views: 15,871
Rating: 4.9797211 out of 5
Keywords: Matt Ward, Matthew Ward, go army, Army Vlogs, army college, Army Recruiter, Army, Military Education, Army Education, Army Reserves, What is the army like, What is basic Training like, Military care package, What to send a soldier, army care, army care package, BCT care package, what to send in a care package for basic training, what to send in a care package for military, Care package items
Id: gzSTqhha9uE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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