Don't tell your recruiter

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if you're thinking about joining the united states army before you go see the recruiter i want to help you out i want to tell you about some things that you should not tell your recruiter should not talk to your recruiter about what's up my friends u.s army veteran christopher chaos and today i want to help you out i want to help you maybe have an idea into the back of your head as to what should i not be telling my recruiter because it potentially could eliminate you from joining the army maybe even make things harder for you to join the army there's a lot of kind of factors in there so i want to tell you about some things that i recommend that you probably should not tell your recruiter now if you're someone that wants to join the army someone who is currently in the army or even someone that was in the army at some point in time i'm here to help you that's what i create videos for is to help that demographic right there so take a look down below are you subscribed to this channel if not i definitely recommend you hit that subscribe button also click on that bell to get alerts as soon as new videos go live to include the live streams and become a part of that awesome notification platoon so let's dive into some things that i recommend you should not be telling your recruiter a little bit of a disclaimer before we kind of get into that is uh do not lie all right i'm going to be telling you some things about you know what not to tell your recruiter but in the back of your mind keep this into that back of your mind that do not lie okay because if you do lie there's a chance you can get caught lying and if you get caught lying then that breaks trust with a recruiter your recruiter is probably not going to feel that you are a trustworthy individual and is not going to be very willing to want to help you get what you want to get into the army or even bother with trying to get you into the army in the first place so just kind of keep that in your mind okay that you are not going to lie but i'm going to tell you some things that you know aren't telling you to lie but telling you things that you probably shouldn't tell the recruiter about the first one is every single thing from your past that is related to medical type of things right if you're saying that i was 13 and i had asthma i jumped on a trampoline one time and it kind of hurt my knee a little bit right they don't care you know those things could potentially just make things harder for you especially if it's not something that you are currently diagnosed with something you're currently receiving treatment for something you're currently taking medication for they probably don't care about those kind of things and if you disclose things every single little thing they're gonna be like oh man this guy this guy sounds like maybe he's a kind of person that's gonna be broken really easily he's got like you know a lot of things going on with them we better do a really thorough examination on them and maybe dig into their past or whatever to decide if this is really a person we should be putting into the army they don't really get into like your medical history or your medical records right i mean for the most part if it's not something you're currently having to take medication for then they probably don't care about it the main kind of thing along with that is people always ask me questions about like asthma right they're like oh when i was 13 i had asthma but i i currently don't use an inhaler or anything else like that do i need to tell my recruiter about that if they don't ask about that i wouldn't i wouldn't bring it up right they probably don't give a crap about that kind of a thing if you are someone that currently uses an inhaler and you're about to join the army you're trying to talk to recruiter to join the army and you can't run because you need an inhaler with you and you could be at risk of having an asthma attack then yeah you're probably not going to be able to join the army in the first place but those are the kind of things you definitely don't want to lie about because you don't want to be in a situation where you're getting smoked in basic training you're going on these runs and you're like oh crap i i wish i had that inhaler i'm probably having an asthma attack i'm not passing out now you know you don't want to be in those situations maybe a good rule here is if you're not really sure talk to like your doctor right talk to your doctor be like hey doc i'm thinking about joining the army the military in general whatever and i know that i have this going on do you think that's something that could put me at risk if i join the military if i join the army and get the guidance from the doctor if you're if it's something you're not really sure about then maybe disclose it to the recruiter right if the doctor's like i don't know it could be a little bit iffy maybe you should talk to the recruiter about it to see if that's a disqualifier then sure but if the doctor's like yeah no you don't worry about that that's something you had in the past that's something that's not currently affecting you so you should be just fine another thing to probably not disclose to your recruiter is let's say certain criminal history i'm not talking about like hiding that i murdered a guy one time or you know i i you know got a dui i'm talking about things that you know maybe we're in your past past past like juvenile record that's maybe been expunged from that now those are like some other common questions i get is people ask me like hey when i was you know 16 i i got you know arrested for this but it's not my record anymore then the recruiter probably doesn't care about it another one is like oh i got arrested for this but they didn't convict me of it and they just dismissed the charges the recruiter probably doesn't care about it if it is something that's actually on your record they're probably gonna find out about it anyway they're gonna do a background check on you if they see that you have duis you've got this criminal activity or whatever on your record they're going to know about it they're going to find out about it so those kind of things they're going to find out about it but if it's not something on your record you don't need to disclose it this is no point it's probably just wasting that recruiter's time it may cause a little bit of you know skepticism from that recruiter as to whether or not you should even join the army in the first place but if it's not something that's going to be on your criminal record there's no need in bringing it up if for some reason they ask you about things then obviously again don't lie sometimes they want to get pretty in-depth especially if your mos requires like a security clearance and they're going to be like hey we're going to have to dig into your background to see if you're going to qualify for security clearance so i want to know about things that you know you were convicted of not convicted of everything because we want to have a heads up as to how that security clearance is going to go in those cases maybe you do have to disclose every single thing but if that's not the case they don't ask about it and it's not something you're convicted of then probably something you can just kind of ignore and not have to tell them now you may have noticed i'm actually rocking some different bracelets that i normally wear that's because the awesome people over at skeleton hd sent me over some awesome bracelets and sponsored this video these things are pretty cool i definitely recommend them maybe with father's day coming up maybe you got a tattoo dad out there that likes skull stuff like i do these would be a great father's day gift so i will link down the description box down below a link to skeleton hd as well as a pen comment at the top so you can check them out and maybe purchase one for yourself or maybe some awesome dad out there or something now one more thing that i'll recommend that you don't tell a recruiter is that you will only join the army or the military if you can get this one specific job the reason why i say that is if you tell them that that's the only reason you're gonna join right is that if you can get this one specific job then they probably are gonna be under the impression that you're going to be someone that's going to be hard to work with i'm not saying that you have to settle for another mos that maybe you don't really want but don't give off that impression that you only will join if this is the most you can get definitely have like your top choice let's say 68 whiskey is your top choice you really want to be a medic you really want to be a 68 whiskey let them know sure let them know say hey my top choice is i really really want to be a 68 whiskey but other mosses that kind of sound interesting to me is maybe the 68 series other mls right some other medical type of mls that way they know that you're a little bit open right even if maybe necessarily you're not it's probably a good idea to be open right i mean there may be instances where you qualify for that mos you get great asvab scores but this is not available so they're gonna be like no you can't get this mls it's not available even though you qualify for it then maybe you should you know look at ones that maybe you'll enjoy maybe go in there with some backup mosses but if there is a specific once that that's the only reason you will join the army you don't want to go disclose that because they may have other recruits other people that are trying to join the army that are open to other mosses and if you tell them you're only interested in this one specific mls then they know you're gonna be a little harder to satisfy so they're gonna be working more of their time with these other individuals because they feel like there's a greater chance that they can get them into the army and maybe only dedicate a little bit of time here and there for you to try to get you into the army because they know that you're really picky about a specific mls if that is your goal that you will only join the army if you get this one specific west then cool that and then i'm saying i'm not saying to settle for an mls but you probably shouldn't go and give that impression to the to the recruiter otherwise you may not get as much time as certain other individuals there are some mls you probably could be that way you probably could tell them that yes i will only join if i can get infantry if i can get 18 x-ray 11 x-ray those ones because there's always a huge demand for those mls's you'd probably be fine they'd be like great yeah we have a high demand for that mos and we really need people to join those so yeah i'm going to work hard to try to get you into the mls because i need to fill those slots those ones you probably wouldn't have a problem with telling them that i only want that mos but if you're trying to tell them that i will only join if i can be a firefighter if i can be a 17 charlie the cyber security mos or some other obscure ones that's really hard to get they know that you're really picky and they may not be willing to dedicate a lot of time to you now if you are someone who wants to join the army but you're not too sure what job you want to do what most you want to do in the army your undecided kind of a thing i have a video to maybe help you make that decision right here so check out that video if you haven't seen my latest video upload i got it right here available for you check out the links down the description for skeleton hd for my social media a bunch of other things so check out the links down the description box thanks for watching hit that thumbs up i'm christopher chaos and i'll see you next time see ya
Channel: Christopher Chaos
Views: 7,481
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: christopher chaos, us army, army veteran, join the army, chris chaos, army recruiter, joining the military, recruiter questions, talk to a recruiter
Id: OHXj5W1-f-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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