A Navy SEAL Reveals How To Survive An Active Shooter

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Number 1. "Don't get shot."

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GhosteyOfficial πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I've taken an active shooter survival class and have watched a ton online. This is one of the best.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DeeBeeKay27 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I wonder if this Navy SEAL had been in room 211 in Virginia Tech's Norris Hall on 04/16/07 or in Columbine's Library on 04/20/99 or whatever... his forethought and expertise would count for as much as he would plan for it to. I would hope so.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/aramiak πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

some fun tips i never heard before. like how to barricade a door by stacking stuff in a row till it reaches the other wall.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sullyville πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I always watch these and just think it’s all good and well unless you’re really unlucky and youre the first bastard they shoot lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kennyxop πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hi I'm Clint Emerson retired Navy SEAL founder of escape the wolf a crisis management company today we're going to talk about how to survive an active shooter unfortunately there are active shooter scenarios going on almost daily in the United States so here are some tips that will help you survive there are three simple things you must do if an active shooter is in your vicinity run hide or fight these are not in any particular order the situation in your environment determines which one you do let's talk about run a lot of times we think just run for add or run for an exit run for a window but the reality is you need to slow down for a second you need to determine where the shots are coming from and just because you see or heard of people run by does not necessarily mean they're running in the right direction so there's some science to this if I were to fire off a gun in your building down the hallway and around a corner you would probably think it's actually coming from the opposite direction that's because sound waves and how they propagate through hallways stairwells and in tight spaces it can make you think the bang sound came from the right when in reality it came from the left and this is why people inadvertently run towards gunfire so stop for a second trust your eyes and question your ears in these situations don't just run a big part of running is actually thinking it through ahead of time knowing your routes whether you're at home work or your favorite coffee shop think about where you would run all the time that way if shots are fired you already know the route you're going to take and all you have to do is execute it when you do run try and run in a zigzag pattern this is really important if you find yourself in a big open area like a parking lot or you're the only one running down a hallway and you know the shooter is right behind you it forces the shooter to change windage which is his movements left to right and elevation which is up and down so if you're running sporadically and irregularly down the hallway it makes far more difficult for him to get any bullets accurately on you it's human nature that if you see a herd of people go running by you're gonna feel like you should join them don't take that opportunity to look listen and smell your environment know where the shooter is listen to what's going on and ensure that you're actually going to run the right direction plus being part of the herd is exactly what the shooter is going to shoot at a large body of people ideally you're gonna be part of a much smaller crew or alone so that you increase survivability by not being part of the bigger pack when you run think about running in terms of Sprint's not a marathon so you're going to run from cover to cover or from concealment to concealment now there's a difference between the two concealment is like hiding behind curtains it takes me out of sight of the shooters sight but it doesn't stop bullets so ideally you choose cover over concealed because cover takes you out of sight but it also stops bullets it could be a Granik desktop in your conference room or if you're out in a parking lot it could be the engine end of the vehicle because if you hide behind the trunk bullets will zip right through it so you want to identify things that stop bullets and then use those when you run if you find yourself in a situation where you can't necessarily run or you can't exit the building all the way just yet and you have to hide in order to get out of sight to make sure you figure out your hiding location ahead of time we live in a very small pattern of life we're either at home or at work our favorite coffee shops the gym wherever this gives you time now to figure out okay what are the good hiding spots which gets me out of sight but is not a dead end it's just as important to identify dead ends as it is to identify good hiding spots because you want to avoid dead ends dead ends are like bathrooms for example if you go into a bathroom there is nothing in there to barricade the door properly and most bathrooms do not have another way to get out so ideally a good hiding spot allows you to barricade the doors and gives you an opportunity to escape it can be a hallway that has multiple ways of addressing ingress whatever it is just make sure your hiding spots and give you other opportunities of a state if you find yourself in a room and it's time to hide make sure you barricade the door first so the proper way of barricading a door is to stack stuff linear you find the door you place a table against it and then a table behind that table or another piece of furniture behind that piece of furniture the idea is to stretch that chain of furniture from the door to the opposing wall so now the opposing wall actually becomes the door stop and no one is gonna get inside that room keep in mind any time you're around that doorway it's dangerous that's why it's called the fatal funnel bad guys like to shoot into doors and doorways so when you barricade a door do it quickly and try and do it without putting yourself dead center in front of that door once the door is barricaded properly immediately look for other exits or a way to get out of there in the meantime put your cell phone on silent shut out all the lights lock any other doors windows any other way in make sure those are barricaded as well and then get quiet put yourself as low in the room or as high there's been people who have survived these by getting on top of the refrigerator in a break room you have to assume the shooter might shoot through doors and walls so don't put your torso in the line of fire of any those bullets if you find yourself in a situation where you can't run you can't hide and you know the shooter is getting closer and closer and closer to your location then your last resort is to fight and when you fight you have to fight for your life meaning your level of violence has to be greater than your adversary and when he's coming with a gun and you don't have one it's a good idea to team up grab other people who are willing to fight and make a quick plan and it can look something like this where hey you're gonna go for the legs I'm going for the gun you have to get control of the gun and then get control of the body and then ideally you separate the two so one person is going for that gun you're either grabbing it like a pull-up bar a chin-up or an over-under but whatever you do get a positive grip positive control of that weapon and then let gravity do the rest of the work just drop to the ground it's either gonna strip the gun out of their hands or they're gonna go to the ground with it and then the second or third person is gonna take out the body in the MMA world in the fighting world it's all about gaining control of the spine and the best way to do that is gaining control of either the head or the hips but in times of stress it's much easier to tackle hips than it is to try and get a hold of the head so one person gets positive control of the weapon another person is taken out the hips and then separate the two from one another once you've got that weapon you can either use it against the bad guy or you can use other improvised weapons in the room but whatever you do make sure you're fighting for your life keep in mind when it's time to fight your adrenaline is gonna be through the roof and it's very hard to control your fine motor skills so make sure you're using big movements big tackles big grabs those are the things those gross motor skills are gonna work and they're gonna work really well for you when you tackle a guy you're probably gonna put them through the wall you're gonna have strength and you're gonna have aggression that you've never had before but just make sure it's controlled and you use it properly and remember on some of this you only got one try so make it count when it's time to fight don't forget improvised weapons it can be a fire extinguisher hit him over the head spray them in the face you can grab any kind of cleaning products spray em in the eyes you can grab a pair of scissors stab them in the face anything goes and make sure whatever you do you go a hundred percent because it's either you or him remember the fight is all about creating pain disarmament and then taking down the shooter and once you do so maintain distance restrain the shooter if necessary and wait for first responders to arrive remember to ensure that the shooter is neutralized before you start helping victims you cannot let that guy continue to roam around or turn your back on him to help someone and sure he's neutralized then help the victims so remember in the unlikely event you hear shots fired run hide fight these are not in any particular order your environment the situation and your personal capability will decide what you're going to do by using this mantra you'll increase your odds of survival you
Channel: BuzzFeed Unsolved Network
Views: 4,200,282
Rating: 4.9626613 out of 5
Keywords: buzzfeed, unsolved network, buzzfeed unsolved network, clint emerson, A Navy SEAL Reveals How To Survive An Active Shooter, how to survive an active shooter, survival guide, navy SEAL, buzzfeed active shooter, buzzfeed unsolved, special forces, seal, navy seals, special operations, safety, active shooter safety, clint emerson training, clint emerson interview, 100 deadly skills, SffZ
Id: 5pgxzPoxv4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 24 2019
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