5 things you’re required to do in the Army

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so let's talk about five things you're required to do while serving United States Army what's up friends I'm US Army veteran Christopher chaos and in this video we're talking about five things that you required to do in the United States Army which was inspired by the great response that you guys gave me with the five things that you're not allowed to do while in a US Army uniform so related to that I was gonna do five things that you must do while wearing the army uniform and that was a little bit of pain so this is just five things that if you're in the army period you have to do and some of this stuff may transfer over to other branches I'm not gonna go into other branches this is army specific so if it transfers the other branch is cool but I'm talking about the army because I was in the army so some things are obvious you have to do if you're in your army you have to shave you have to keep a really close here cut if you're a male you have to salute officers and all sorts of other things but these are just five things that I hand-picked because I figured maybe they'd be things that to someone who never served in the military at all would think we're strange that you have to do now if you watch a lot of war movies a lot of military movies you pay attention on military stuff then they may not be that strange to you but for some people it might be so this is really in no particular order but we're gonna start off with the first one so on an Army Installation at 6:30 in the morning they raise the flag or they call it rebel a and then at five o'clock p.m. they lower the flag which is called retreat now for soldiers regardless if you're in uniform or not in uniform and you are on post and you have to be outside during one of these two events then you are required to stand at attention and render salute to the flag now the way that works is there's speakers all over posts there's these loudspeakers that are playing the song the plays in the morning at 6:30 as well as the retrieved song that plays at 5:00 o'clock p.m. I'm not sure if those times very different posts pretty sure it's pretty much Universal 6:30 and 5:00 but when this song is planed then the soldier has to stop whatever they're doing stand up face the direction of where the flag would be or they believe the flag is most soldiers usually know where the flagpole is the main post flagpole that's the direction they usually face in unless you're in formation if your information your stayin kind of where you're at because obviously at 6:30 in the morning soldiers are doing PT so sometimes we do this in the morning during PT so they would face the direction of the flag maybe the direction of the music and render salute when the song is done playing then they can drop their salute and continue on there was even like a controversy a while back of this female soldier that was like recording herself hiding in her car during either Revelator retreat over which one it was and this led to this big controversy that's not something you're supposed to do you're supposed to get out of your car salute the flag you're not supposed to like run in doors to try to avoid it even though a lot of people still do this sometimes well not I wouldn't say necessarily a lot of people but there are people that do this but the respectful thing is to just stand there and render salute now additionally I believe civilians are supposed to stand there and kind of put their hand over their heart during the time frame but that's not really gonna be enforced really but a soldier is going to be enforced to salute the flag during the morning or the evening when they're raising or lowering the flag me being a veteran I don't really like put my hand over my heart but I feel weird saluting so a lot of times I just stand at attention and face the music if I happen to be outside during any of those times next up we have the second thing that's kind of crazy that you have to do while serving in the military and that is remove your headgear at least while in uniform for some people this may be common courtesy a lot of people just do this as civilians anyways but some people may be surprised to know that or maybe not surprised at all I don't know but if you are a soldier if you are in the Army Combat Uniform or the Army Service uniform you have a headgear and if you go indoors you must remove that headgear now the PT uniform doesn't have a headgear sometimes wear a beanie but usually they're not very strict on making you remove your beanie if you come indoors but some people still do it anyways you don't necessarily have to remove your headgear if you're in civilian clothes and let you just wearing a regular old hat then it's up to you if you want to take it off or not some people still do it because maybe they grew up that way and they always take their hat off when they go indoors but like said in those two uniforms that army combat uniform and the army service uniform you must remove your headgear there is some exceptions to that for example one exception would be an MP a military police officer when they're on duty and they are armed with a loaded weapon they leave their headgear on while going indoors but if you fall into any of those exceptions than when you go inside you must remove your headgear and then when you walk it back outside your head you're back on that kind of goes hand-in-hand in some ways in the way of going indoors you have to remove your headgear and you can't be wearing a headgear indoors unless you fall in those exceptions and then when you're outdoors you can't be walking around without your headgear you have to have your headgear on now we move into the number three thing now if you see my video talking about how vacation works in the army you may be familiar with this one as you must inform somebody if you're going to leave more than 250 mile radius of the base so this means no spontaneous road trip spontaneous vacations you pretty much have to plan it out in the army if you give somebody notice that you're gonna be outside of a 250 mile radius from the post those come usually in two different forms usually either a mileage pass or a leave form so if you're going on some kind of official vacation you're me down for a week you know two weeks whatever the case might be then you put in for leave if you're just gonna be gone for the weekend to somewhere that is outside of that 250 mile radius then you have to put in for mileage pass and that gives you a thorough zation to be outside of that there are times when soldiers say screw that I'm just gonna go and you know press my luck I guess that's not recommended this now we're supposed to do that is against regulation and you have to let somebody know by either putting in one of those two forms to tell them that you're going outside of the 250 mile radius of your duty station so next up we have the number 4 thing and it's gonna sound kind of funny but there are times when you are required to have fun soldiers commonly refer to this as mandatory fun and they're things like maybe the unit has like a barbecue sports day a sports week and the unit requires you to attend this for example I got Fort Carson they have a week called Kit Carson week where they have a bunch of sporting events and amp units going up against other units and they're all battling for you know the best unit in softball in flag football in soccer or whatever the events are and you are usually required to participate in one of these sporting events and then at the end of it you have this big barbecue this big kind of get-together whether you do the award ceremony and you're required to attend that as well so that's kind of required to have a little fun and like I said soldiers will actually call this mandatory fun but to do this to try to build morale between each other so you have a little bit cohesion within your unit maybe you and your battle buddies which I'll explain that on here in a little bit as well but that's really the intent of it not just to be mean and force you to have fun and you're like I don't want to have fun no it's to try to build morale within the units but yeah it is essentially trying to force people to have fun so now will lead into that fifth thing and it kind of goes back to what I was talking about with battle buddies and essentially that means that the army kind of requires you to have at least one friend when you word it that way it sounds pretty weird but soldiers will often refer this as their battle buddies I believe there was actually at one point they wanted to change that terminology and changes like warrior companion and I I only got stuck though and I believe it's still called battle buddies and battle buddies are set in place for a lot of reasons you'll have them in basic training and AIT even when you go to your permanent duty station now that doesn't mean that you always have to hang out with this battle buddy person and they have to be your best friend or anything but you are gonna have to have somebody that is considered your battle buddy so like in basic you know you're not allowed to go anywhere by yourself you have to go in groups of two so they're gonna partner you up or make you partner up with someone and have a battle buddy so if you have to go somewheres you have to go battle buddy with you same with AIT you know if you're getting some special privileges some authorization to go off post or maybe do some stuff at the PX on post or whatever they don't want you doing that stuff solo either you have to go with a battle buddy and then when you Department duty station they still usually want you to have some sort of battle buddy this is usually maybe in the form of little cards they have keeping your wallet that has their phone number on it and if you're off post and you get in trouble you've been drinking you can't drive and you can call your battle buddy or even just other things that are going on on post because they want you to partner up with someone have a battle buddy to accomplish things with an even really on posts they don't really want you doing things solo I mean they're not gonna stop you anymore because now you're you know permanent party soldiers your active duty regular soldiers whatever you know so you go to the PX by yourself but a lot of times on missions or whatever you'll have a battle buddy you have maybe someone else that's with you it may or may not be your battle buddy but overall in the end along the lines throughout your army career your part can have a battle buddy hell even the first sergeant commander have battle buddies usually it's each other though but even usually they higher ranking people have at least one person that is considered their battle buddy so if you're hoping to be some lone ranger in the army probably that can happen you are still gonna get stuck with a battle but you might not like that person but your have to do things with them so at some point in time you have to at least get along otherwise you're gonna have a rough time so there you go five things that you're required to do while serving in the United States are I mean now yeah I could probably reword those and they could just be five more things that you're not allowed to do in the Army like if I was to worded that you're not allowed to wear headgear indoors then sure this could be a not allowed thing but that would be any fun so that was why and it renamed it and it's five things that you must do all in the army about my current army viewers and veterans if you want leave a comment down below what's something that you think is kind of crazy the army requires you to do that would be strange to maybe a civilian outside of the military and for my viewers who are not yet in the army maybe just interest in the army whatever the case might be leave some comments down below which ones you think are pretty crazy and why so you can find some more cool stuff in the 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Channel: Christopher Chaos
Views: 294,814
Rating: 4.9163036 out of 5
Keywords: required to do in the army, military, army, us army, must do in the army, army head gear, army headgear, army headgear regulations, army headgear outside, army head gear in doors, army headgear indoors, battle buddies, battle buddies army, battle buddy, battle buddy army, christopher chaos, veteran, army veteran, what is life like in the army, what is active duty like in the army
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 19 2018
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