Armour Mods for Baldurs Gate 3 EA

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hello and welcome back to my channel so if you've watched any of my previous videos you've probably noticed that almost all the time i have mods installed in my game and today i'm gonna go through some of those mods and specifically i'm going to be doing clothing mods today and in future i'll probably do hair and face mods as well as some other content of mods but in today i'm going to be showing you my three favorite clothing mods that i found on nexus mods let's get into it number one is going to be my favorite mod that i found and it's actually not that popular on nexus mods and the name of the mod is called misk mods like miscellaneous mods and uploaded by the user kitten tails now i adore this mod and if you look at it it's actually a compilation of many different mods it includes hair mods caddies iri textures but my favorite is the pack called the shadow druids backpack now this works much like basketball of equipment if you've ever seen that mod and i will cover that mod later in the video but for now it works much the same you find baskets in two different places in the map and you can go pick up the baskets and it contains all the clothing from the mod and the reason why i particularly like this clothing is because there's not much clothing for druid or very medieval appropriate clothing in a lot of mods and this mod sort of takes clothing that's already in the game and mixes and matches it and makes it look really nice um there's definitely some clothing that i adore in this mod pack and it even comes with three staffs which are really pretty i really like the black lantern one it's adorable the only downside of this particular clothing mod is that the armor isn't adjustable in any way so for example if you would normally have a higher ac wearing a higher armor class and you want to wear this mod and it lowers your armor class there's no sort of way to fix that with this mod alone another drawback is shadow druid's backpack also strangely enough comes with the caddia feature in the character creation menu so if you're creating a character you'll see these little chews horn thing even if you're a human or like anything and if you don't want to have cat or dog ears be careful not to click left or right on this button because you won't be able to uncheck it so if you don't want to have cattle dog ears um leave that setting alone when you're making your character unless you're making a tiefling but yeah there's no way to remove them which is weird but i love the clothing and i love the styles and i really struggled finding an outfit that i liked for my druid but with this mod it fits my droid perfectly and i love it okay mod number two is basket full of equipment now this is my second favorite clothing mod and it honestly serves multiple purposes and i would recommend this particular mod for anyone if you've played through baldur's gate a lot and the reason for that is is it's not just a clothing mod but it also comes with enchanted and somewhat cheaty items so for every single piece of armor or clothing in this mod they come with a perk or an enchantment or like a spell and one thing you might notice is the stars have a super op spell on them so if you play through baldur's gate a lot and you're really sick of combat dragging on lots or you're just trying to get somewhere fast using this mod also doubles as sort of like a cheap mod there are even rings which is why i would recommend this mod it comes with rings that give you plus 2ac and plus 4ac so if you would normally have a high ac and you want to wear these nice looking clothing you can just pop on one of the rings that increases your ac there's even a plus two to spell casting which is pretty nice as well and you can duplicate the basket of equipment as well if you double click the necklace you can spawn another one and you can keep doing this the only negative thing i would have to say about basketball equipment is that some of the outfits look very non-law friendly and more like biker get-ups but it's still nice to have the option and a lot of the armor is very nice it gives you access to a bunch of armors that are hidden within the game's files so it's still pretty good the other negative there's not really many options for druids in this mod pack which is why i would recommend miscellaneous mods if you're going for more of that naturesque medieval look rather than super fantasy if you're planning on installing miscellaneous mods and basketball of equipment be warned if you if you fill your inventory with all the bags your game might crash and this is something i did when i first launched in the game because these mods their baskets spawn right next to each other so that's really convenient but if you shove all of them into your inventory i noticed my game would crash but as soon as i got rid of like one or two bags my game stopped crashing so be careful of that and maybe spend some time collecting the clothes that you know you want to wear and then toss the bag somewhere else okay number three enhanced gear progression now i haven't really seen much of this mod because it's all based on random generation but what i can see is that it adds one and like worn down armor as you can see on lazelle she starts off with like broken and cracked armor and you yourself will start with broken and cracked armor and it makes a lot of sense like you and your characters have been through an awful lot and your armor should be pretty beaten up but up until this point i haven't actually found any armors from this mod within the game so if i do end up finding any i will put them on screen now hi uh editing proxima here i did end up finding pieces of this armor and like the different clothing in this mod and you can see laizelle wearing them very stylishly over these clips if you want to find them very easily you can actually just go to the blacksmith and the tea playing teeplin camp and also in just like most stores like any special vendors you find they will usually sell one or two of these so that's pretty neat um and when you long rest their inventory is restock so you can just do that method and try and get an armor that you want so yeah pretty good mod some of them are very nice and it's extremely lore friendly so it's pretty good mud those are all the clothing mods that i found so far but if you have any better clothing mods that you might recommend please put them in the comments if you want to know how to install the mods i use candle thank you for watching and i'll see you later bye
Channel: ProxEstelleD&D
Views: 35,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aSont9H3yqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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