Lae'zel Voice Actress Devora Wilde Talks About Baldur's Gate 3 , Romance Scenes and MORE

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you could take people's like underwear and put them on other characters I've seen loads of memes with that that was so funny and they're like yeah I killed her and I took her underwear and I put it I'm just sorry and I'm like oh poorly self [Music] hey what's up everybody Welcome to Behind The Voice I'm joined by devorah world who has played lizelle in Baldur's Gate 3 such an iconic character people are loving this character hating this character uh so thank you so much for joining the the show I have really appreciated thank you thank you for having me absolutely I mean it must be a crazy couple of weeks for you I I assume because the game and everything so how are you doing overall with all of this still going on um I'm yeah I'm enjoying just reading like everybody's reactions about the game and uh just trying to keep up with all the all the news because obviously I think that you know at the beginning the game came out of people really hyped about it but now people are getting through the game yeah you know people are some people have finished it or at least finished like one playthrough of it and uh and so now it's like a little bit more interesting because I think at the beginning I was just like hyped for it to be released but you know people were spending sort of um hours creating their character before even starting the game so um so yeah I'm just I'm just enjoying sort of reading about it and seeing how people have have been enjoying it yeah I mean character creation right there itself which like this game has not really begun and when somebody's spending hours on just creating your character and I spent an hour on creating my character a lot of people spend even more I did there's too much like I had to be like is this I gotta make sure that this character is good and so it has to to be like going through all the options and everything so it took a while to figure it out and then I was like oh yeah I have to continue let's please do that I've been sitting here for an hour doing this so it's it's crazy like people do that and uh and yeah I know people have been having such a great time there's talks people are talking about this game constantly and it's probably has sort of broken the record at least this year if like the game has 800 000 players I cannot I know it's insane it's crazy it's crazy and even today I saw that it's um actually become like um the top game of all times at the moment it's sitting at the top according to reviews like how it's been reviewed so far which is mad it's mad I mean it's it's um yeah I think because when you when you're recording you're not really thinking about that you're not thinking about the reviews or anything and uh you're sort of just doing it and getting through it and obviously because it was such a long time uh we spent four years doing it um and now to kind of have it out in the open it's just like yeah it's very cool yeah is it is really cool uh what we know I know the game has been out for a while but like it can kind of came out for everybody I guess in the same state they like had an official launch in some ways like this couple of weeks ago so what were you doing at that time when this sort of launch happened again like for like everybody to get into it because the game got even more popular because of the romance scene of the bear but like uh what were you doing at the time when this all happened like do you remember like what was what was you what we're doing on that day was that did you like plan on it like I'm gonna sit here and just watch if everybody's reactions or you had something else planned like what was what was on that day what were you doing I was actually on holiday I was actually on holiday and um and and I didn't know I didn't really have anything planned because I know it was coming out in different times and I honestly in my head I was like I'm not even gonna figure out what time it's gonna come out in my time zone I'm just gonna wait and and see how it unfolds um and then yeah and then I was just kind of seeing people's reactions on Twitter I love reading stuff on Twitter um because I think that's mostly where a lot of the fans are and seeing the fan art I've seen that and just um and then seeing kind of we have like a few interviews and things coming out anyway so just seeing like just just watching it all unfold really but yeah like I said now it's a bit more interesting because people have uh people have got into the you know the game they've got got past that kind of surface level meeting with the characters and now they're really going through their stories and um now it's like now I'm really watching is it like dude like go into YouTube and watch some of the scenes and stuff do you do that yeah I do that I do that because um when obviously when we're recording it we record it and and it's done and it's sort of finished and then the next time you're you'll uh you'll see the game will be either if you play it or if you watch on YouTube you won't ever you know we won't it's not like we'll sit after recording session a few days later after it's been done and be like okay remember that thing you did two days ago here it is with the character like there's no time to do that and you know and it's not necessary for uh for us to do our work but it is very interesting also because you get to see uh my character interact with the other characters which I never get to do when I'm recording it so yeah I do that a lot it's great I've seen so many scenes and obviously the number one thing that a lot of like I was seeing that at least on Twitter I don't know probably is just me I'm weird but like I've seen to take so many people talking about this at least with the romance moments like who I'm gonna have romance with and because there's so many companions and everybody was like like wow this is great yeah having talked about this great uh so I saw a lot of scenes it's like multiple scenes and obviously with Lazelle does it like everybody has different approach because the way their character is and I like that it was not just like hey I'm sexy I'm gonna go with it like it's just like everybody has their own different ways so do you remember at the time when you had to record I believe you guys did performance capture in subways for these scenes as well I could be wrong but do you remember those scenes and moments that we had to do that I don't even get to know that oh we have these things to do as well yeah I mean so so we don't do we do performance capture we do motion capture for most of it but there are there are other performers doing on our performance capture as well for like the more intense scenes say like battle scenes or more physical stuff that we can't do um and I think for some of the romance stuff as well uh like the more intense romance stuff um that yeah we weren't doing that uh with our body specifically but yeah I do I do remember doing a lot of those lines and I mean the way it works is we we'd always have like a conversation like okay so today we're doing these lines how you know they send it to us in advance and then in the studio would be like okay are you okay with these lines we'd have intimacy coordinators as well uh to make sure that yeah to make sure that everything was you know that we felt comfortable um so it was very kind of especially for those scenes it was very well planned out and very well thought out just to make sure that everyone's sort of comfortable with it and uh and it's not awkward and nobody feels like horrible about it but honestly I really enjoyed recording those lines because it's so Lazelle like it's so it's so her and it's like what I like about the romance options in this game is that they're so character specific and they're so well written and it's not gratuitous and it's not like just like romance or sex for the sake of it it's just it's actually the way that that character would um would really respond in that situation so for Lazelle it's just completely you know different I'm not gonna I'm not gonna say it specifically I want to spoil it for people who haven't done it yet but it's very let's say it's very direct let's put it that way yes so it's very direct it's very strange very straightforward like says what she wants and um but that's the way she is and obviously that's going to be very different to the way that shadow heart does it or a star owner in any of the other Companions and I I enjoyed that I enjoyed doing that yeah I had I I liked the lines that she had to say I was like okay it's on now I guess and so I but I I really like the the next thing that because there was lots of choices that you have to select and I might be doing a little little bit spoiler-ish but this is one lane that I really was like okay Lizette is probably not a fan of cuddling because when I selected that okay and she was like overheated grappling that wasteful years like it was so crazy crazy like oh my God that ease into time instead of we should have rested our muscles instead of cuddling and I was like okay she's not a fan of cuddling I remember that line yes yeah yeah but this is what I mean it's like so within keeping of the character because you know I if you were doing this in any other kind of um situation I suppose or even when I've done like film and TV you know there's only kind of one certain way that it goes or sometimes if it's like a female character it can be very much like boring you know like a female character written like sexy but for these characters it's very specific to them and to what they like and to what they don't like and um yeah it's a lot of fun it's like I'm doing those lines yeah love that and everybody and I I it was funny because I knew about this game like it was an early access before I knew like okay well just get three is a game but I because I'm not a fan of dnds mode so I didn't much know about the game I didn't read much anything but like I know when the bear sex scene moment thing came around on YouTube and everybody just went this isn't the game we are buying it and everybody just ended in the top wishlisted game I was like okay I see why people are so excited about this game it's crazy that that's the thing that pushed it over the edge isn't it it's like it's like okay forget about four years of work we've done there's the best accent yeah I'm in yeah I mean it's that that's what it isn't that's it not not the other things that oh there's some good options gameplays and like stuff and DND and that no no it's it's the scene oh yeah it's the bad the bad side but you know what this uh like larion is so you know not just Larry and Larry and everyone that I've worked with on this game is everyone's so creative and and you know they've created this world where literally anything is possible um I think that's just so cool and that's why people are so excited about it and it's like unlocking people's imaginations and yeah I I have never I haven't played video games since the Sims like when I was a teenager honestly it's been a while but or reading all the hype about this game I'm kind of like I should play the game I should really play the game uh the problem is I don't have a good enough PC or a PS5 to do it on but I'll get there I'll get there yeah soon enough that you have time I mean to be honest the game is coming out of console next month I believe so I know a lot of people are gonna jump into it because the hype is already up there but to be honest I as I mentioned before I have not been a like a DND fan I didn't know I've seen probably one video of DnD I played once DND and I couldn't understand that much of it so I was like very skeptical like can I even play this game and I was playing this game earlier like a couple days ago and I was so frustrated because things were not going my way I was like oh gosh you cannot fight people I'm dying so was DND something that you ever got interested in was something that you were into or was it everything new for you no it was completely brand new for me I I only knew D literally because I'd heard Dungeons and Dragons but I had no idea what it was I didn't know about how to play it I didn't know about the world or the the law behind it or any of that stuff and now having spent four years in that world I realized how huge it is and how uh how many different things and and how many you know if you go on like a DND Wiki you can probably read like pages and pages and pages of it there is a lot crazy stuff and I don't even know like playing obviously because this you know people used to play it before not on a PC they used to play it like collaboratively right so I don't even know how that would work genuinely actually do you know what my do you know what now it made me think of not even now but I was like I made the connection in my head because I I'm a big fan of stranger things and the last season they played d right did you watch it no absolutely I'm a big fan of because I am so much into sci-fi horror and stuff I went right into it and I know the very first scene actually I think but at least in the first episode there's like DND I'm like okay yes and then I came to know that okay the directors themselves are fans of DnD and I was like okay that's why so DND is like throughout stranger things and then yes yeah and I didn't even clock that that's our game like I didn't even clock that that's part of the world I didn't even realize and and now I know I do which makes me very happy because I have a connection to the stranger things yes oh man uh absolutely it's just like the DND World itself is so big and there's like the critical role I think which like is yeah the whole thing which like and so many voice actors in there and like it's a whole popularity and it's so amazing with and a lot of people are fans of DNA there's so much waiting for this game and I know a couple of friends who are like I have a character I'm so excited to make that character I cannot wait to see that character visually in front of my screen and all of that so people who are absolutely excited and I know you just mentioned you were not so much known but so what was this sort of evolution for yourself to like learning about everything that this world has and then not only that the characters well what was it like because you've been working for quite some time on this game yeah I mean it was funny because uh so when I auditioned for it I I didn't know and none of the actors knew what we were auditioning for we were given a very sort of vague instructions about what to do and how to audition and then we got the role um and I I think I started recording and because it's so common with video games to not know what you're recording for I don't think I even asked and then probably about a year and I was like what is this game by the way and they're like oh yeah it's Baldur's Gate three and I was like oh okay it doesn't mean anything to me right oh cool okay okay crazy game I like it I like what we're doing but the name doesn't particularly make me go like oh my God like what whatever but but it was um it was a process because when we started every single scene that we were doing um the director would have to give me a lot of context because oh yeah they'd be like this uh this person okay but this person's connected to that and then that person comes from that world but they've come down from here and then you don't like them because of this and then and they've just come from like a secret hole in the ground or a secret somewhere it was a lot of that and I'd be like standing there just like uh-huh uh-huh okay uh-huh okay okay got it and now four years later I can safely say that any scene that I was presented with I'd be like oh no I know what you mean because they're connected to this person and they'll be like yeah right okay go for it do it but at the beginning it was a lot of context a lot because also we're not we're not doing it chronologically either oh yeah so we're jumping all over the shop I mean I think at the beginning we were mostly focused uh on act one because that's what was released in Early Access but still even within that we'd be jumping all over the place um so it was uh it was the process yeah I could imagine like uh uh you have these all these scenes all these things that have been explained to you and have to get to know like okay and I'm assuming that back back if you had like oh my god what have I got myself into what is this uh but like you know I know in the end you you guys did great job you know learning and all this and you know uh at the end like performing the way and I love the all these characters and lizelle is the one character that everybody else is I can see everybody else in a different with lizelle I feel like is like so straightforward and so like I feel like she she wants everybody to follow her what she is saying and yeah and it's like so direct and I'm like oh gosh I I will not do anything to you I'll probably stay far back let you do what you want not cross her path uh so because I it was intimidating at first I'm like okay and then later on I got to know I'm like okay but yeah I will always you know bring her back and continue with her journey because I needed it she's very my way or the highway and I think that's because she's um she's very determined and she's very driven about her Mission um and you know she's uh she's very intent on you know whatever goal she has she's very intent on uh following through with it and um and I think the way that she expresses that is just by being very direct like there's no time for small talk or chit chat or you know having fun or anything it's just like literally we're on a mission let's get it done and then we can consider everything else um yeah so that's that's where she comes across but but she is a very Marmite character you know you either love her or you hate her and it's so funny watching people like reading people's reactions because some people are like hell yeah I like her and other people like can't stand her I I killed her in like whatever bit I left her there I left her you know and I took her because I didn't even realize you could take you could take people's like underwear and put them on other characters I've seen loads of memes with that that was so funny so I've seen that lizelle's underwear on historian which is very funny and they're like yeah I killed her and I took her underwear and I put it on a story and I'm like oh poorly self but yeah yeah I was seeing like what is in this game like I didn't know I couldn't do that like so yeah and people are like even mad about underwears at one point I was like what okay great this is a good game we are playing but like you know I just uh just love that people have so much uh that they explored so much and there's all of this happening it's just Baldur's Gate three for probably the rest of the year at this point but it's just so incredible and I I you know do you have like a I know you guys like recorded for so long do you guys have the like best memories or favorite memories that you know of in all this time or something funny that happened during the recording do you have any of those memories oh God people ask me about this and I really need to like sift back through my memories and like consider it but yeah open the lock I'm like what did they actually do why are people asking me that yeah I there is um or there is a line that's very funny but if I say it I I will spoil it so I'm not gonna spoil it but there are some um just some very funny lines I I personally also love it when we're recording Lazelle and like Peak sarcasm or Peak sassiness uh I love it I mean I can say this I don't think this will be a spoiler because people have already got through this but when she mispronounces things when she says like tea flings and then the characters like don't you mean teethlings and she's like like get me off this stupid planet and let me go back home and uh and her little reactions to sort of to animals and uh and things like that where I think she has like a little interaction with a cat and she's like what is it oh yeah what is a cat what is this sort of hairy strange creature and people are like it's the cat Lazelle it goes meow when it does this and you know and she's just like yeah okay but it's all those kinds of moments I think her um her interactions with this world as a as an alien you know someone coming from somewhere else I think a very uh very funny and and you know recording it we just had a lot we had a lot of fun because it's always um it's me behind a pane of glass and then on the other side you have the director the performance director the uh audio engineer and the mocap engineer so it's like a little team of us and you know they're pretty long sessions and so I'd use the pain of glass and I'd go down an elevator for example you know like disappearing down the glass or I'd go down flights I'd do all that for them and they just look at me through the glass like you're so sad but you got to keep yourself entertained you've got to keep yourself entertained um yeah it's those kinds of things but I've got to think of like a specific funny memory that I can share from this whole process without spoiling it but a lot of the fun was connected to just some of the lines um which uh which sometimes we get in advance and most times we'd get them in advance but sometimes we we wouldn't and so or sometimes something would get changed as we're recording and then you'd get this line and we'd all just read it and go are you choking me that's what we're doing today okay all right fine fine okay oh man yeah that is amazing I know like there might be must be changes for the character as well because I know uh at least there was changes for shadow heart at least I read in an interview where there was Shadow her heart was supposed to be a little bit different than the changed over time so but then it changes that uh kind of drastically changed lizelle or was that how the direction was from the get-go the goal is what happened what was like Evolution like of that character overall um I think she was always I I don't think her character necessarily ever changed uh I think from the get-go from the writing it was clear that she was very direct like you said very no you know uh very business-like very straightforward like very driven um and very sort of Fierce and warrior-like um but I think watch what we were sort of playing around with at the beginning was the voice and the movement uh I think I started off um with less of a with with maybe my voice as it is now and as the game went on The Voice sort of got lower and and breathier until we kind of hit on that typical Lazelle voice which you now hear in the game um but that's not necessarily how he started out also at the beginning we had a lot of very uh like you know when she says like Chuck and things like that and Scar and things like that and especially with the Chucks we used to do we did very Jerky like especially head movements and then I think it got to maybe about sort of I can't remember if we'd released already Early Access or maybe it was before that and and we were like okay maybe we need to tone it down a bit it's not quite working in the game I think we'd had sort of feedback from um from the the animators and the people actually doing the image of Lazelle in game and they'd been like ah you know it looks a bit jerky it doesn't quite look right so so we played around with that and just and just tried to create something that was still alien like but not like so jerky and also honestly that was like quite painful to do that it was it was a lot so I was having my neck will break about this point like guys can we guys stop can we just like this is four years of the game um I'm just like tone it down but but I was happy to to just to just um tone it down she does have some specific movements that she does you know when she goes like it's always like a Chuck like that and surprise was like it's generally it goes down like the head will go down so she has some specific character things like that again which which we sort of discovered as we went along I think none of it really was was planned I think we just discover things uh because it's such a long process and you get to know the character more and more and and you know honestly we didn't know about the characters how they would end up we didn't really know until the very end um because you know this was being written as we sort of went along and I I'm of course the devs probably had a had a rough idea of how the story was going to go but we didn't so as you're discovering more and more about the character's Journey you're sort of evolving with them and then hence their their movement and their voice and everything is evolving as well so it was very in the moment in that sort of sense yeah yeah that happens like with so many games where uh the story is written as they go and there's some changes maybe a desperate from the website like or whoever is a writer who probably has written something else and something changed but you know that's the journey and you guys had like a great journey from you know beginning of the character to where she is right now and so that's that's pretty cool I love like that in that way you got to know more of the character and now you're like friends with that character even exactly exactly yeah but I do think that um you're right some characters did change after Early Access and they they were sort of slightly modified but I think with the with Lazelle I think they decided to keep her as that very kind of love her or hate her character and I'm so happy about that I'm so happy to play to play a character that's like that because it's not very often you get to play a character that that's so divisive and also that's like a female character I think you know a lot of the female characters are made to be like people Pleasers they're just like nice and they're just like there to just be like oh yeah but she's not like that at all um so it was very refreshing uh to keep her like that absolutely and I like that I love that that there is a character like that because I love uh divisive and but it's pretty cool and the with the personality that she has it it was very fun um so like did you have like any challenges at the time when you kind of you guys did performance capture and stuff did you find like was that a challenge for you at the time or do you or did you take it as normally as you did in any they're acting uh roles that you ever had uh it was definitely uh I don't know if I'd call it a challenge but it was definitely uh uh interesting at the beginning because I'd never done motion caption before this was my first motion capture job so I remember at the very actually I remember my very first session we all went into the volume and uh and I had a chat with with the people at Pit Stop who who are a lovely company through which we did all the you know they cast the game they directed us and everything and you know they became like my my little family that I went to see pretty much every day towards the end and they you know they came in with me and they were like right this is how you should stand this is what it is this is where the cameras are this is how it works and uh you know we're gonna guide you through it basically so don't worry you know it's a work in progress um so you know at the beginning that was a bit like okay I have to stand here stand in specific place I can't do two crazy movements I think in some games you can in this particular game we were quite yeah we were quite sort of fixed towards like the auto queue we had some scope of movement of course but it's it's not like we were wandering around the volume like that or anything no we were sort of pretty much facing Straight Ahead um so that was certainly a challenge and then as the game at towards the end of the game uh I was nine months pregnant so that was a challenge that was a challenge because yeah because obviously doing four hour sessions um you're on your feet so they got a little chair for me and I just had lots of breaks and I sat down a lot and and we we kind of got through it like that but it was it was interesting going through that process being so heavily pregnant and obviously throughout the whole pregnancy I was recording it but by the end you know it was like oh my God okay this is getting quite heavy heavy for me but um but you know it was it was fine in the end and they were very like accommodating and uh and yeah I just took more breaks than usual but but it was a challenge because I just got very tired very quickly oh yeah I mean props to you like even to work even though after you're pregnant and you have in the stage it's still working and then finishing it it's like props to you it's like it's a hard work I cannot imagine how all of that was speed but like it must be like super hard but he still did it so you know thank you yeah and you did a great job in the end thank you thank you well I I can't imagine I couldn't imagine like just you know because when I found out I pray I was pregnant I couldn't imagine being like Oh abandoning the game just because of that and also I think it's because it's motion capture it's one of the very few things you can still do while you're pregnant and it's not uh you know it doesn't discriminate obviously in film and TV some people sometimes have a problem because you know if your character isn't pregnant or you have to hide the bump and it becomes like a whole thing but motion capture doesn't matter so for me it was very cool to do that and to be able to work literally two days before I gave birth that's how much I was I was working and then I gave birth and I think I was back in three weeks after that um because he had a few more things to finish and they were like don't worry take your time you can take as much time off as you want I was like no I want to finish the game like we can't you know we have to finish and and obviously it was getting close to the launch so I was like well we have to to finish the game and and I was so happy to be back when you when you're doing stuff for such a long time and like I said they became more like my family and I was I was sort of missing it you know because up until that point uh just before I gave birth I was in every day and then obviously I had a break to have the baby and I was like I kind of miss being in every day and doing my my little laser stuff so um so yeah it was it was tough at times in terms of the tiredness but actually it was a massive gift to be able to to be able to do that that's amazing it to to this whole journey for years I feel like it's so cool like um yeah it's just I'm just blown away that you got to like you know do all of this and uh finish the whole game it's just amazing and but you know watching capture is something that really excites me I'm like oh what's the I'm gonna wear those uniforms I guess and you know they could have those things attached and all that stuff which is always exciting but what I'm just curious like because what do you guys do between the time when there's like when you did the recording and then you have to do another recording what do you guys do between the time when you have like sort of breaks you guys like watch a movie like watch something what is it that you do do you mean when we have breaks like while we're recording yeah yeah um we have like so I think the way the way it works is like we have every so usually those sessions are no longer than four hours simply because it's very taxing we're on our feet and we're using our voices and it's just us it's not like film and TV where you know you're hanging around most of the day whereas this is completely the opposite you're intense and you're in there and it's just you have to like go go so what we usually did was we'd do an hour and then we'd take a break so we'd come out of the volume we'd like have a cup of tea have some coffee there's all there was always like chocolates or biscuits lying around so I'd always pick some of those especially when I was pregnant I was like just looking for sweet things to eat um have a bit of a laugh maybe see another one of the actors if they were in um and then we just carry on so that's that's sort of what we do just sort of hang out have a chat yeah stay in the suit obviously because we'd have sort of short breaks and then we'd carry on but uh but mostly it's just you know once you're in you're kind of in and you have to get on with it you don't have too much time to to hang around because we haven't we had a lot of material to get through a lot of it was Rewritten a lot of a lot of stuff was added um so we sort of had to get on with it um yeah I've heard like uh some most of these games like have the they have they don't have like long long breaks but there's like so many scenes I need to do and they need to finish it especially for boulders to get through because there's so much in the game and so much like kind of because when I'm playing the game I know there's like so many choices and every choice has like a line and then there's something exactly things are happening so there's guys have to do so many things so I'm imagining like you guys you just going like just go go we're gonna do the scene next index and then you guys must have that that's what I was curious like you guys must have a break it must be like crazy for you to like all do all these scenes I'm like have you just stop and can we just want to go out I'm gonna have a break and we're gonna go back so yeah yeah we had lots of we did have lots of breaks and there and there would be the odd time when uh because uh we have priority lines that we need to record in each session and once we hit those priorities then everything else is kind of like if you manage to do it great but as long as you've done the priorities then that's that's the most important thing uh but there would be some times when we would finish the script um that we had for the day and we'd be like oh perfect okay that's great then I then we can either take it a bit easier or maybe finish a little bit earlier but most of the time most of the time it was pretty much recording up until the end of the session and uh and just and just doing it that way yeah that I love it it's just pretty cool that in the end all of this like the whatever scenes we get to see whatever uh lines we get to hear it's so cool that's so amazing I'm like wow this is I'm loving it I'm believing it it's so much believable it's so I can get into this character and I was like this is wow like I can drive my character or my story in this way and they're going to react yeah I'm curious what they're gonna react it's just like that I'm thinking about it at night like what if I do this what will they do and I'm like what am I doing now it's so it's so amazing that you have like you have so much control and agency in this game and and I love what you said about it being believable because I think you're totally right from the clips that I've seen on on YouTube Once the you know when you see it then with say lazelle's image and the music uh going on the soundtrack by the way is incredible like yeah because I'd never heard it again I'd never heard it because I was just recording my lines and now going on YouTube and and watching some of lazelle's scenes um with the music behind it just makes it even more like wow just so much more intense of an experience and uh and interacting with the other characters and then it just it really does feel believable I think sometimes when when you're by yourself in the volume and you're just recording these quite epic scenes or quite epic lines and you do wonder God is this gonna actually come through in the game but once it's all put together and obviously it's a team effort you know everybody's doing their part writers animators directors actors everyone's doing their part you know composers and then once it all comes together you're right it is first of all it's very believable yeah I love that I love those especially music like I love music of which is and most of the game has some incredible music and when they it's uh hit with the scenes which are active but you guys like it's just so it mixes so well and I feel like yeah that would drive at least for me that's what drives me to watch those scenes and makes me more connected with the character and so all of those scenes were so cool and so powerful and I love the scale of it and all of it but I know like people like at least as I said Twitter is a place where people just like are so vocal about certain characters what are the things that people like usually ask you about mostly is there something that people always ask you all the time um a lot of people have been asking me recently is Lazelle is lazelle's face based on mine because they all think that I look like lizelle and I'm a bit like I don't know if that's a compliment necessarily what do you mean is this like what do you mean you have to be really what do you mean I'm a green lizard um a lot a lot of people have been commenting like oh you I can really see a resemblance between you and lizelle I was like okay we didn't do facial we didn't do facial capture for it I think um the animators did get because when we when we are motion capturing it they the auto queue is recording our face uh while we're doing it but that's not necessarily for the for the features of the character I think it's more for like to see how our faces move with the emotions so then they can like possibly copy that into the character um but yeah that's been uh that's been one that's been asked recently uh quite a lot um I'm trying to think of some others now that I get that I get asked quite a lot I think that's the main one recently that I've noticed yeah wow yeah that's like you guys you guys gotta be a little bit more specific on that because that yeah might not sound like a complimited I know I don't really see Lazar when I look in the mirror but okay it would be a fault they'd be saying that about the other about the other companions as well I think some people are saying you know um Shadow heart and Jennifer English who plays uh Shadow Hearts VA who's a really good friend of mine they were saying that she looks like I don't know if it's like people playing the game so much and then and then looking at us and being like Oh my God it's actually them I like I don't know if it's like a mind thing you know so yeah it could be yeah because people people get and people are very like they'll be immediately looking forward to like who is the voice actor and they look at it and they research they really do research sometimes and so then they probably the image forms on they're like oh this character definitely looks like they're uh definitely yeah it has to exactly so I think that's that's what that's what it is um but yeah I agree with with all the I know you guys have done so many lines I don't even know if you can remember any of them but do you have I don't know if it's even possible to remember but do you have any line that you remember about laser like okay this line was great I will always remember it this is something that I I never expected I had to record um yes there are a few that stand out I I like the things where she like just casually insults you and I don't think she's doing it on purpose it's just you know that there's there's stuff going around I think again I can say this without it being too much of a spoiler but the stopwatch she insults people's noses and people are like excuse me leizawa but you know you look you're pretty alien looking yourself but she's just like I'm not being insulting I'm just I'm looking at you and this is my observation of you so you know that's just that's just the way I am um I like all of her uh you know the her language that she speaks obviously um the gift Yankee language is is incredible um I think that as the game went on WE it got more and more complex first of all we were throwing in just certain words and then by the end we were doing like whole sort of two sentences saying GIF Yankee and it's just some of it sounds so epic and so beautiful and it's got a lot of commas in it so there'd be a lot of like uh like you know like you know that kind of where you have to sort of stop your stop the sound and then start the sound again um uh yeah I mean her little mannerisms and her little things that she said ishtic and I've forever remember the Chuck because she just says it all the time and now you know she's like kind of thing um but you know for me the lines that really stand out and again I don't want to say them with because I don't want to spoil it for people but I think that people who stick with Lazelle and give her a bit of a chance and look past her sort of very tough facade uh and and develop maybe a little bit more of a relationship with her will be rewarded later on when they actually see uh that she has other sides to her uh she has she definitely has a more vulnerable side and uh yeah I I really enjoyed recording those lines because it was so different to anything that I'd done uh in typical Lazelle so yeah again I'm not going to say anything more about that but if people get to those bits I think they'll know what I'm what I'm talking about yeah yeah that's definitely a side of her that uh I wanted to see in some ways like I was like there's gotta be and there's gotta be another side to it which is this is definitely there is yeah there is yeah because it is a facade and I think that at the beginning that that's gonna that might put people some people off because they just can't be bothered with it because with attitude but which is fair you know like that's fair enough but um but I think if you if you stick with her you'll understand why she why she acts the way she does you know she ultimately she she wants to prove herself doesn't she she wants to prove herself she um that's it she's just like a scared sort of a scared little child almost in this sort of body of a warrior and that's how she hides and that's how we're sort of coping mechanism but underneath she is uh she's sort of quite fragile and uh and I love that I love that because if it you know if she was just this kind of like attitude sassy kind of character I think that'd get boring quite quickly and she's not oh yeah yeah true yeah yeah that's that's why I'm like it's very interesting for me to see that character when I first met her and it's very interesting because that's the first character you like at least I met and I was like this is very straightforward and so I immediately liked her because she was I did not expect that character to be like immediately I'm talking to the very first character and that's how it is and I was like okay you're starting very strong so I I just love that that's why I kept her with me because I just somehow missed that at the end I was like yeah I'm gonna hear that response let's go for it I know this is gonna be your first response so I sort of sometimes missed that I'm like I'm gonna go back to talk to her for a little bit just to hear that it's just yeah [Laughter] um I know that you are like fluent in different accents I think so if he had like uh if lizelle was like obviously the the way lizelle speaks is different but I'm curious what would lizelle sound and it's like I don't know maybe in in Russian accent if that's gonna be how would it be I think it would suit it would suit her to have like because I'm yeah I'm Bulgarian I'm Eastern European so I think her attitude would certainly suit yes I was like it would suit it um yeah God I'm wondering what she was I'm trying to think of a line we can try oh what's the line we can try from hers in like an Eastern European accent do you have a favorite line of lasers even when people ask me like do you have a favorite line I literally can't sift through all the lines in my head like I can't even think of them because I've been so many like thousands and thousands of lines but you know she'd just be like hello I am lizelle of killer and I have come here to tell you that your nose is very fleshy and it looks like a mistake it would kind of suit her I think yeah I think it would be more meaner in some ways I'm like and at this point probably the percentage of people liking her not liking her I think the percentage of people liking it will probably reduce it yes yeah yeah yeah more dislikes so but no most of the accents are I mean are kind of British Childs I think British Irish a little bit of Irish uh yeah General English um but that's kind of DnD stuff but yeah it would be fun to have her as a as an Eastern European character for sure yeah that'd be that'd be great if the game had like options where they could I know like the certain games have like options where okay you can change the language and they can speak in a different language yeah funny it would be like you can change the accent and it's gonna be that would be but it would mean we have to we'd have to record for another four years so yeah so this is gonna come out eight years after now so yeah I guess on a trip um but I know like uh if you go back a little bit on your your own career I know you did audiobooks at one point in time uh what what made you decide like kind of go away from that or go to voice acting in the first place what kind of took you there they go I'm gonna do voice acting this is fun um I uh do you know what i i people sort of kept telling me that I had a nice voice it was very weird it was very weird because because I think that that's something that you say to somebody when the say if they're singing you know if they're like doing if they're like an opera singer or if they have like so to tell somebody that they're speaking voice is nice I'll just be like that's so weird and it's happened to me for years and years and years and I think it's like one of those like self-fulfilling prophecies where I'd just be like okay well maybe okay people are saying I have a nice voice now obviously already trained in acting and I'd been to drama school and to be honest in drama school they didn't really cover voice acting so much um and I had a little reel put together of like a little bit of like uh from an audio book a little bit of character voices and it wasn't until sort of five or six years into being an actor that I was like oh you know what maybe I should do a bit of voice over try it you know people always say I have a nice voice and it would be interesting to do um but a lot of people like you know voice acting is really hard to get into like it's harder than acting in fact it's like so hard to get into and I was like well acting is hard to get into something I might as well try and um and you know and then one thing led to another and ended up booking Boulders gate three was my first voiceover and motion capture job that I ever booked wow so crazy it seems like things you know it's like things are meant to be sometimes right um yeah so so that's kind of how it happened very very randomly I think I just uh it just sort of came to me on a whim and I realized that I hadn't used my voice real I hadn't really done anything with it and I sent it to a few um agencies and then I uh got my current voice agent who's incredible incredible and amazing and they got me this opportunity to two Edition proposes Gate 3 and then from then on kind of I started to do more and more uh voice acting but it was never it was never anything that was really on my radar so to speak I think that I think unfortunately voice actors sometimes people are just like oh it's just like you put on a silly voice and that's voice acting yeah and it's not it's not at all as you know you know you're very interested in voice acting as you know it's not like that it's um I would I would say it's it's in many ways more difficult than traditional acting because you can't use your face um you don't see the face you you you know you might see the uh the gestures obviously if you're doing motion capture you see their hands or whatever but you you can't use sort of 90 of the the the Expressions that we have you know obviously communication is sort of 90 non-verbal so to have all that taken away from you and just have to use your voice it's actually quite tricky oh absolutely it's not hard bringing personality and like then whoever's hearing it they will understand the personality of this character and that's just always like it's I find it very hard because I was interested at one point like always acting could be fine and then I was like that you are naive uh it's it's very hard can't do it because there's so many so much uh that you have to do to make this character believable and uh I I find that very hard so whenever I see people saying like oh this must be why exactly just record uh with your voice yeah sit in a booth and record like yeah you do in some cases you do but also you have to bring so much more of it because so much more of yourself to it and so much more you have to give more because otherwise if you sit and do a very uh I don't know very like laid back sort of hard fast performance it's not going to come through it's just not absolutely it yeah it just won't be believable at all at all yeah um but that I'm happy that you have done you've gone into this voice acting and you've done God baldness Gate 3 but like do you have I know you mentioned like you didn't play games and Sims was like your last game but do you get do you know more about games like do you know like what what games have been into like what games people love or do you know about any of the games that are around or you're sort of like not so sure about the game so do you know much about it like what's your uh idea about games at this point um I definitely do think I know more about games now having been in this game you know I know about uh you know NPCs and like yeah non-player character things like that like little uh game things that I wouldn't have known about before um I know about like dialogue trees and branching dialogue and um and because I've been in different kind of games obviously Baldur's Gate three is like an RPG game but I've been in other games that are kind of more sort of you know first person like first person shooter game or like a more sort of a different perspective game um so yeah I would say I know more about them I honestly I tend to just focus on the games that I'm in so I don't have so much of a knowledge of the I do have some knowledge of the games around but when once I find out you know if I'm sort of lucky enough to find out about the game that I'm recording before I record it I'll obviously do a lot of research into that and and see the style of the game and see if I can find something on YouTube if the game already exists obviously if it doesn't exist and you know you can't really do that but um I I do try I do know a lot more than I did before and obviously it's come a long way since the Sims a long way but uh but I still love The Sims I mean God God if you sit me down in front of the Sims I could probably play for like days well it's still going uh Sims is still going oh it's still going uh there's like a hell a hell big community that people just love to create and love to it goes and it goes on and on and it's like the community is super big so yeah Sims are not stopping people keep on going back to Sims and even people like just play Sims there are some people who only play Sims so yeah ads there people just love that that's the thing about games I think that uh there's so many games out there that are like Sims which people just yeah spend endless times on and there's some games which are like completely story based and people love that so uh because like at least one of the games that at least people who don't play games have no idea about games and so they at least know what some of the games like at least like the last of us got a TV series and stuff it was a game also that's how they got sort of introduced to that so I am actually loving the fact that more people are getting to know games in every different fashion uh ways possible so that's that's something I really love yeah I mean I I actually uh got myself one of those VR headsets recently like maybe six months ago um I'd love to see Boulders gate three on that that would be so cool that'd be so cool we need to we need to make that happen I I don't think it is gonna happen but I'd love I'd love for that because I really enjoyed that the developers really enjoy playing games on that yeah developers are probably their mind to be blown like what do you want from us we made this game for so long what we are but no VR games are just something I know that we people use VR for like exercise and stuff so the workouts yeah as well just like oh I never had VR so I'm like I would love to have a beer and just go crazy and probably my mom will be more scared of that like he is spending even more time in this room uh but um but I know like you've done acting for so long what was that kind of the biggest Inspirations even like uh considering yourself like to be going to acting what was that kind of biggest Inspirations even now like whether it's uh whatever you do with acting what inspires you in some ways to continue what you do at this point um I think well if we if we start with Baldur's Gate I think just seeing like people's just seeing people's um reactions to the game that's like really I think because it's the games had such a big reaction I think uh that's made me like oh oh actually that's really cool and that makes you want to continue because I think that usually usually you do stuff and you know maybe not a lot of people see it or you know it won't have such a big reception and you won't get so much feedback from fans and that's what I love about the Gaming Community is that people there are a lot of fans there are people reacting to it in in real time as they're playing it so that's kind of made me really want to continue and also you know you get a lot of rejection in acting so seeing people's feedback to borders gate specifically has been has been so incredible because I think we're all a little bit we knew we knew that the game was going to be very special and very cool but we we were still a bit nervous about you know the release would well how would people feel and and stuff like that so that's given me like momentum now to sort of carry on and with acting in general I just you know I carry on because I I love it and I can't not do it it would make me sad to not do it and every time I'm on set say doing like film or TV and I just I remind like I see my myself like I I feel so much better I feel like alive and I feel like I'm floating and I just you know I can't despite all of the like hardships and the rejections and everything yeah I don't think uh I could just stop doing it that would make me sadder yeah so I think that's that's the thing really isn't it that's yeah that's that's the thing and it's something that I like for me uh I love creating videos and stuff like that so whenever I stop if I when I I know like burnout and stuff like I get so much uh like I know like that exists and so when I feel like okay I'm getting too tired and if I take a couple days like I'm not gonna do anything and then I'm like I am missing this I need to go back and do this exactly too much so like I that's that uh that love is so strong that we that alone helps me that helps us like go ahead so it's passion isn't it it's passion for for what you what you love doing despite everything despite everything else yeah yeah yeah well I'm Gonna Leave You with this one thing that I've never done before and I'm gonna start from here uh and cool it's very simple I'm just gonna ask you five random questions absolutely yes uh so what's the song that you will never be it's a song that you you always listen you will never be bored of a song oh my God I okay wait wait wait let me open my Spotify this is gonna help me oh John I haven't listened to I haven't listened to songs in ages I'm so bad I'm gonna blame him having a baby I'm gonna blame having a baby okay right I'm not gonna tell you a song but I'm gonna say because honestly I don't I go through phases with songs I like listen to one song for ages but anything by Burna Boy or the weekend but mostly Brown and boy massive fan About a Boy lovely I was actually one of my friends actually uh shared me something on Instagram I think it was something I saw him but it was from from Bruno and I was like Oh and it was like and you sent me a couple more because he started liking it and I was like okay this is pretty new and I started like it was pretty cool ready to get this and I'm like just scrolled and find some cool songs sends it to me I'm like this is great thanks because I always am looking for more new songs sometimes I get I'm like repeating the same song like I'm getting bored by it so I'm like I'm gonna listen to something new so that's pretty cool um is that a movie that you would recommend anybody to watch like this is at least this movie you gotta watch oh [Music] could be to be honest any movie I so a few years ago I watched and it stuck with me for a long time um I Daniel Blake it's by director called Ken Loach have you seen it I've not seen it but I've heard of it it was very very powerful and it stuck with me um it's a bit you know it's very depressing unfortunately but it's but it shows the reality I think of what a lot of hardships that a lot of people are facing uh and I love that so I would recommend that film I thought it was just incredibly real and very raw and very powerful that's awesome I had like some of those movies as well I guess and stuff so I really love that um if you had the like the power to like make a video game uh what genre would you want it to be fantasy slash um sci-fi I you know like like I said to you I didn't really know much about this world of d and d and this whole sort of fantasy world but I like it I like now having discovered more about it I like it and I like the uh I like the accents and like the costumes and I like that within that set world of fantasy or whatever D D they're actually a lot more scope to play around and oh yeah and uh some something like that so but also with a bit of sci-fi fantasy sci-fi mixed together that's brilliant I love fantasy especially costumes and they have like really interesting costumes I'm like wow this is exactly great love looking at it yeah there's some great cosplays of like all the characters from borders gate so good cosplayers just go right into it I love that uh yeah if you could ever travel back in time what time would you go back to Maybe like the 1920s because it's it it looks like it was a hoot it looks like it was fun and uh and I love their costumes and their the way they dress and yeah you know uh and at any time basically before we had phones I think I'd love to travel back too before we had phones on the internet and I am of the generation that didn't grow up with uh phones and stuff I think that the iPhone came out when I was like in my second year of uni um so I I did sort of catch a bit of that but I'd love to be in like that sort of really you know olden times whatever olden times when there was sort of no technology whatsoever that would be that'd be quite cool yeah when when everybody would have to do everything they have to go out and do everything instead of like yeah this person here you know instead of that yeah yeah yeah well it'd probably be a lot of effort but then I feel like we'd have more genuine more genuine connections that way yeah people probably will go out more which I don't do at the same time anyway but the last that's the last one question do you think that uh aliens are real do I think that aliens are real yeah well I I think that that they can for me it's very difficult to imagine uh that the Galaxy is so huge and that we're the only ones in it I just can't I I think that'd be very um Unthinkable really and a bit arrogant of us to think that we're the only ones in this huge huge huge you know countless billions of stars and I so I think probably yes probably yes but whether we're ever ever gonna find them or and you know maybe they found us maybe they're keeping an eye on us who knows but I think it'd be very strange for us to be the only ones in existence in this yeah in this massive billions of planets so yeah yeah that's true I believe they're the same at least we we know one thing is probably when they come here it would be they'll be attacking New York that's at least one thing you'll know so based on all the movies we've seen yeah they must be knowing that oh we gotta do that not that the movies have said yes yeah exactly exactly yeah but yeah thank you so much India thank you so much for doing this thank you such a lovely time I'd love to talk about everything Baldur's Gate and all that stuff the stories behind the scenes we could talk for hours could literally talk for hours about it there's so much to say but yeah but it's been really yeah it's been good fun absolutely I I enjoy this game I continue to be honest I I did get frustrated a couple of days back because I was not having the great time with combat I was dying so many times or three hours I kept on reloading the same place and I kept on dying I was like I'm done I can't play this game I'm bad uh but I I just it's just something that I just keep going back to because it's uh I want to try new things and I want to see where this goes where that goes well that's the beauty of it isn't it that's the I I love this and again I I didn't have uh much of an idea about what these kinds of games were this social Boulders gate DND RPG games but I I love the idea that you can finish a play through and then start again and have a completely different experience that's for me that's incredible that means that you can just play countless times I mean I think I read an article that was like it's going to take you eight months to finish if you do like all the different combinations um so that's that's amazing it just means you have more and more experiences as many as you like absolutely uh but don't forget to keep Lazelle on your party [Laughter] is that important you're gonna succeed with lizelle yeah she's a very incredible character she's very uh unique like yeah she is I love her but yeah thank you once again for doing this this is lovely and you know I cannot wait for more people to play this I know it's coming on Console next month so more people get to play this game and get to experience this because a lot of people want to experience this so yeah thank you at the end for doing the job that you did incredibly and uh for yeah and then talking to me it's been this has been lovely lovely yeah great [Music] thank you
Channel: GaminMadness
Views: 166,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lae'zel baldur's gate 3, lae'zel baldur's gate 3 romance, baldur's gate 3 romance, baldur's gate, bg3, lae'zel bg3, lae'zel, lae'zel voice actor, devora wilde, voice actor of lae'zel, lae'zel voice actor interview, baldur's gate 3 interview, devora wilde baldur's gate 3, devora wilde interview, baldur's gate 3 lae'zel, lae'zel voice actress, baldur's gate 3 voice actor, behind the voice
Id: fc8duZ27LsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 14sec (3734 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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