ARK: Survival Ascended | Riverside Home with Dino Pen | Build Tutorial

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] okay hey everyone uh it's Dan back again with another tutorial um the second one I just want to start uh by saying thank you so so much for just all of the the views the subscribers The the likes the comments um on the Treehouse it was unbelievable I'm Blown Away by just how how much it blew up um yeah just a mass thank you to everyone the positivity has been crazy um the comments are all so lovely um yeah thank you to everybody that's that said something nice or not nice just any criticism is great cuz I can try and improve from that um and of course everyone that subscribed I'm I'm hugely grateful I've gone up by about 600 subscribers since that Treehouse video came out um it's wild but um yeah we had a we had a comment for a river SL Beachside house um which I've gone and give a go at doing um hopefully you'll enjoy how the result is um it's pretty similar to the uh Community post I made um just sort of giving you bit of a heads out that I was going to do it um I've changed a few things I added a dino pen which was which was a comment um someone suggested um and also adding a balcony which is another suggestion as well um so we're going to go ahead and get started um everything you need is here I will endeavor to add a graphic that is a bit nicer for you to for you to see what your what you require for the build um but that that's everything here um and the decoration which you'll see in the intro is here so that's what I've used for the interior the exterior um that kind of stuff but everything you need to basically build the house is in the inventory here um so to get started what you're going to want to do is put down 20 of the wooden foundations um I'll give myself a bit of a hint here just because the location I built it I want it to look the same as a thumbnail if I can so um you want to lower it to about that low um it's not all the way down it's a little bit up from as low as you can go and it's a 4x5 I have taken the tip of using the ghost mode as well so thank you very much um for that hint then it's one level down and it's all Stone along the bottom here Stone triangle foundations that snap onto the the second one in from the left as you're looking at it from this angle at least and that's the main foundation of the house down I've almost lined it up with the original one I hope it's all still going to fit okay the next step is stairs along the bottom here and then the next variant which is the curved one for these Edge bits here on the triangle foundations you want to snap them so they're curving um outwards from there we'll then go ahead and put down the the pier which is two and then half ceilings two big ceilings and then two uh quarter ceilings on the end this is Stone pillars on here just on the edges of the ceilings and then underneath there is railings which you want to snap underneath and then flip upside down like so and then on the front it's two upside down ceilings like that um I just think of that as like a moing point you know where you bring a boat maybe and and tie the rope on so that's why I've done it like that uh The Next Step we'll do with the bottom will be quarter ceilings and they snap on to these two foundations here and then another two off this end then sorry and then one ceiling here uh now this is purely because I need a a cable here for this a later step to work so you don't it's a bit of a waste because you won't see a lot of it um really the only bit you do need is this wall um but because I just want to finish the look I've gone with just completing that under side with uh with quarter walls you don't have to though like I say you can just do uh just do this bit here that's fine and just to make use of that we will go ahead and do it with the quarter ceiling set that to a triangle and that cter wall lets you snap it um sort of intersecting we have the foundation I should have cut that up we'll do three triangle ceilings here we on the endmost foundation here next to the stone foundations you want to do one ceiling and then walls around the bottom of that and along the front here it's uh wooden stairs snap points can be a bit fiddly that goes all the way along the bottom there obviously intersecting with that block on the end and then one on that triangle piece and we can get this snap one more there which I think gives quite a nice curved uh stair and then underneath this uh sort of outcropping is going to be railings we just snapped first like that and then one more underneath it but flipped and that way you get quite a nice um sort of a post support type effect so just repeat that around the edge there ones overlap here and then on this part here I went with walls um simply because you can't snap these like this on on this part of ground it's just uh the way the ground works it won't let it happen um so I've used the quarter walls flipped on this part here and then on the very edge of these it's two pillars which can be a bit fiddly to snap on they should go on there if you're having trouble with that like I am you can use uh a pillar which I should have done from over here not from there like that that will then give you the The Edge bit um and that's the majority then of the sort of the base platform of the house done we start with the walls next so up at the patio and it's double doorways a ordinary doorway a window an ordinary wall same again here same again there a window a a full doorway with no top on it uh two walls and again another wall there as well that's the ground floor layer done what we'll do next is the fireplace section um which is a bit complicated so the fireplace just goes in between as Central to that wall as you can get it then a lot of our Stone cbles come into play so want Place one next to the fireplace two stone quarter ceilings go above the fireplace like that then out the back it's wooden quter ceilings should snap to the back of those I hope there we go then stone cter walls and then he's intersect here into the wooden wall and this is basically just building up the chimney part on the inside two stone walls will get used so the first one is a a doorway and the second one is a double doorway on top of that we'll continue with the stone walls the quter walls and continue on the edge like that and here we got our first of our Stone sloped walls goes like that bring the stone cor tools up to meet meet that top of the sloped one and then our second slop stone wall goes on the top there like that we have to keep building this one up like so and then you can put wood walls on the inside I've just done that because it makes it more cheap if you're playing this in in a survival setting um it doesn't cost as much and sry this one here will be flipped as we begin the uh top floor that's how hopefully that should be looking for Everyone by now we'll go ahead and put a door on here I've done this because it it it makes quite a nice cupboard um for both the bottom and the and the top floor and I have that set to always out just so you can always close it again doesn't intersect quarter ceilings on the inside it's always same over here as well sorry that should have been two quarter ceilings on here I see top floor completed we have curved stairs coming down on the top floor like that using railings complete sort of the landing area and you can see there how that covered works on the top and then same again down here on the bottom that's the that's the fireplace complete I quite like the way that design comes together um something a bit different and we've got a little friend wants to join in probably get rid of he's going to come back got bored right we're tur to the fireplace then complete the interior of it with these quarter walls don't put one there because then when we put the wooden wall in it uh completes that sort of like the chimney sloping away and then up into a single chimney so we'll go ahead and put that wood wall in now that's flipped like so the top level is uh I guess you could say three units high in terms of that being a twoo high and then the C wall on top makes it three um so we go around the edge there with three more quarter walls so one second I'm just going to change the setting so that the lighting fixes itself hopefully there we go we'll start on the roof section and these are flipped get on the inside it's too high SL to a more on the end like so then you can snap two more to the the top two quarter ceilings which the quarter wall sorry which is why we've done that so that gives you that complete triangle like that now on the inside two quarter ceilings SN to the topmost quarter walls and then one more quarter wall in the middle and this is going to allow us do the overhang um both on the outside side and uh oh sorry both along the length and the width of the house go ahead and finish the rest of the walls this one's a window I apologize sorry that one is not a window that one is a wall I said i' apologize less to uh somebody that mentioned it but um I'm making mistakes I have to say sorry interesting that's not snapped properly that's because that's a secret wall isn't it yep be careful of that I keep doing it it's so easy just to go from a window to that and think it's a normal one but it's not there we go normal wall this one here is a normal doorway you've got two full doorways again these all should be flipped at the top um just to match how I've originally made it um but of course it's completely up to you how you want to do uh the top doesn't matter this is a normal wall sorry that's a window another window here it's a short door on the top and then one more window wall to complete the walls for the top floor again I done a secret wall here haven't I yep it won't matter in a lot of places but obviously snapping on the outside it does matter so if you do do that Elsewhere on the build it won't be too much of an issue it's just if you can see it on the outside of the build there won't be um they won't join up properly when it's a one of those Secret Door walls so we'll go ahead and put the rest of the roof Parts in you can just do the quarter uh quarter walls all the same but if you want it all to line up properly you should press R to go to the second variant when he did the top layer um so I'll just put that somewhere over here apologies let me go and grab that back like so uh and that way you get um interchanging slots if you didn't do that there would be a a two slot Gap if that makes sense um and then you get gaps in the walls when you attach everything together um slope tools on the end there's a tree in the way then same again they snap up the top like this right snap Point somewhere in there there we go oh wow we went flying there didn't we fix that sorry about that same as on that end wall two ceilings and then a wall again all quarter variants and this is just all the same there's no there's no change between the three of these triangles aha you see there I didn't change the I didn't change between the two of them so they uh didn't fit so you can see there how there's uh two uh two slots there together where there should be a gap so I just flip it to the next one over if that happens there we go then the quarter ceilings and the quarter wall and that tops off the the roof end bits go ahead and complete the section which is just one interior um CA a ceiling in there that just means that you can snap the rest of the Cal walls to it to create the rest of the chimney shape we'll leave that there for now and then complete the roof uh with the roof it's important to start with the lowermost sections first um because you can't you can't put a roof underneath this top one if you start at the top you have to start at the lower most snap Point first like that and then you can then go ahead and lay the top one on but we'll do the the the entire bottom row first you want to come two out from there same again on that side just one here and you can get all the way across on this side think so that's how we should be looking so far and then the corner roof pieces set to the roof Corner snap together like that do the same over here actually connect those two ends and then just to avoid any weird sort of interior roof Parts I've used again the the the triangle roof um on here too so I can get the snap point to work there we go like that and that completes the The Edge as you can see like that with the triangle bit and that just means that on the interior when we complete the ceiling there are there's sort of no bits of roof sticking through the ceiling um again just a bit of OCD you don't have to do that it's really quite a small bit of um clipping on the inside if you don't so it's not really an issue and then we can start with the top of the roof so that just snaps that quter wall that we placed earlier I'm just going uh two cross from the top then all the way across on this side that completes one end the snap points can be a bit fiddly at this point and what we'll do is we'll go with the triangle bits we can get the snap point I may have placed too many there I apologize about that one second okay apologies I need to just revert back to to that one because it should snap overlapping I can get it to like that then we go one more across across and then you get that snap point there I'll do the same on this side I'll just show you again so you're looking for the actual sloped roof snap Point as if you weren't doing an overhang which get easily now because we put the other side on but it will basically be overlapping like that and you can go two of them the corner roof piece same again here same again there that completes that part of the roof and then it'll be left with a little hole um which again you can snap the roof bit to to either one of these doesn't matter uh and that's the roof complete with the overhang so I'm really pleased with that actually I think that looks really nice then you can see on the insides it's all looking good then around the interior where we've got these gaps it's walls quarter ones just all the way around find that last snap point there we go and there should be one more gap on the outside here there you go and then we'll return to finish the chimney which will be the remaining stone quter walls that goes up two more from that section and that's the chimney finished and we'll turn back inside the top level I'll reset it back to daytime just so we can see what we're doing again and then ceilings in here six of the quarter ceilings to fill in that end Gap and then wood ceilings just to finish you resting and that gives you that three High um top floor like that then move on to the pillars put Stone pillars in every corner snap down twice on the front if you can Stone pillars either side of the entrance one stone pillar in the corner which is halfway in the middle of the chimney P here get just every corner has a stone pillar on it and there is one more here and if you want to you can also snap another one underneath I will do that and that will be just to finish the balcony this goes across like that and then railings around the edge like so moving on to the wooden pillars these snap uh one and a half above every stone pillar you can see like that and that's simply because there's a half wall up there you can get the half uh that half intersection you struggled to find the half snap it's just a case of aiming for a half wall I can find it it's in there somewhere let me just double check that's in there sorry about that no it wasn't no it was in there interesting that should work fine do the other side anyway there we go don't that one doesn't want to work for me there we go found it on the inside sorry about that and that hopefully should just work for you from the outside um but I don't know why that wasn't working for me there same again on these corners and the last one's on the interior corner here again uh one one full pillar and then just intersect so you've got half a pillar on top we're getting there start to finish the doors and the railings so we dra the edge here of this uh porch there's an overlap there these back doors are all glass all the greenhouse doors I should say Greenhouse door here for the balcony I'll just say again there's one for the uh the back door these upstairs Windows these two uh large door windows um are glass Greenhouse doors and then the one above the front door is a greenhouse door as well down the bottom it's a stone door for the front door and above that with quarter ceilings two of them and you get a porch like so all the windows are Stone hatch frames and they're rotated once with Q so that they all open upwards go ahead and open all those up so we can see what we're doing a little bit uh on the inside of every single window there is a rope ladder uh my preference on that um simply because I'm not a massive fan of the greenhouse Parts they're quite dark um but they do work well for the bigger Windows the smaller ones I'm not a huge fan with so they I've gone with the the hatch frames um simply because it offers some kind of of uh protection I suppose if you want to uh close the windows um but also the stone uh the Rope ladders look a bit like blinds um and I quite like the way that looks and we'll grab on to that and then fall through the world he goes back through sorry about that you can see that that effect there is what you get similar thing on the Treehouse but oh it was on the outside with that just going to fix my ghost I'm not going so fast so no no ropes on the uh no rope ladders on the the back side of the house but the last one goes above the front door like that around the edge it's beams wooden pillars to to form those beams along the tops as well there we go so the bit the the uh the wooden beams go around the the bottom half of the upstairs and along along the top as well so we're almost there that's that's the house done now and the the peer and the patio and the porch and the final part is the dino pen so for that it's all uh the uh fence supports the wood fence supports and they are all snapped facing inwards with this you want to go for the guess you call it the second angle inwards um it's not 90° um but I don't think either of these are 45 so it's just the shallower of the two looking at it again facing in this is where the door goes and for this one you flip it so it faces out flip again so the remainder is facing in not quite there yet for the the bottom half you need to start from the house make sure they're facing inwards like so and that will join up because we've started on the house foundation you can get all the way around just to here the reason being is because that the the fence supports won't go that low so you have to then resume it from the house to make it meet up at the end um if you're starting on a part of ground that's that's faster than this you won't have that issue um it's simply because that this uh this particular house is built on a slope and that's why again just to touch on that if you do want to build this somewhere flat um the only difference you'll probably have to make is just have these Stones The Stone foundations be flush with the wooden ones there'll be no step um it will just raise up and meet with the wooden ones um but if you build it on a slope like this then that'll obviously all work together um as planned so working on the rest of the pen switch that to a pillar and we snap that to the centermost fence supports on both sides that's where the door's going to be and go around the edge with the quarter walls flipped once so you get the lighter color uh that way you get the fence supports on the outside and I think that gives quite a nice effect with the with the wood quarter walls there I just repeat that all the way around where you you can start putting them underneath just to fill the Gap again if you're doing it on a flat surface you won't need to do that so you may find you have extra quarter walls which I've obviously allowed for because this one's on a slope when you get down to this bottom bit again if you're on a slope just do the bottom half now for the doors snap to railings and at the top snap point for the pillar snap it until you get the downward angle like this on both sides do the same again over here and then for the rest of the balls you want to snap it and flip it once and here at this end where it makes the foundation one pillar and snapped to the coral wall so you get it lower down same again here and then snap another pillar next to the door side of the pen I do it in line with it it doesn't really matter too much which angle you have same again here and then here along this length one pill at the end and one pillar down here next to the door again one here and then you should get one snapping to this uh quarter w we placed much earlier on in the tutorial and that completes the edges of the pen like that and then the doors go in sorry the doorways need to go in first just snap them as they are no flipping and that's the doorways complete n the is innermost two of the uh the four wide Foundation want to snap two stairs railings here either side then going back to the fence supports on the interior other side the stairs it's two of those one more here and in the middle of this side of the pen two more and we will bring the trough from the decoration side of things and that just snaps not like that got that back sorry that just goes in the middle and that's the pen complete and that is the uh build complete so uh River SL Beachside house with Dino pen that's it uh apologies for the few mistakes there there um throughout the video a few little hookups with the roof um but hopefully that was fairly easy to follow again I'm going to try and refine the process it's my second ever one so I'm going to keep working on it and this is a much longer than the Treehouse um so I hope you manag to get it all the way through um again I I'll probably look at doing some more flatter uh builds in the future just so that they can easily put anywhere on the map um but similarly I think it's quite nice to do some sloped builds uh because you know not everywhere on the map is flat so if you can build on a slop spot then you can really build anywhere um but yeah thank you so much everyone for watching this um commenting like liking and uh any subscribers that join up thank you thank you so much I hope you enjoy the video and I'll catch you in the next one thanks very much
Channel: DAN Burtini
Views: 4,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AgJoOPjN0Lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 17sec (2897 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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