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all right there he is you ain't got any shoulder pets in there right where's your clothes why are you naked how I meant to steal your clothes when you're naked why is it always got to rain when we're recording every time I like press record the heavens open and we just get Covered in Rain I just want a nice beautiful sunshiny day that'd be great actually you know what to be fair this isn't a bad thing this might help cover our footsteps today cuz we're going to get into a little bit of mischiefs so a few days ago um synac killed our scorpion that we left in the cave now honestly I don't care that much because the Scorpion was stuck it was a low level like we didn't need it we didn't want it um but he killed it so we've got to get our own back now what we're going to be doing today is two different things I want to go and tame us a little monkey cuz that's going to help us get inside his base or anyone else's base but then what we're also going to do when I was out getting hide and fur the other day just kind of on the ice there was a midlevel Pia it tried to jump out and grab me but it missed now I kind of want to tame that cool amazing every time there's always an Archie that flies in the base uh can we shoot you from here fight back everyone jeez oh the sto's going to get involved now oh God I'm helping oh reloading hang on I I'm I'm P reloading oh God SEO please don't destroy my house please don't destroy my house I hate you all I hate you all oh god oh Crystal's get involved now is it dead oh my God I knew this would happen eventually uh oh no my tree dicks I liked that tree oh there another kangaroo hang on a second I'll tell you what we're we're going to do today what are you level 15 all right amazing guys thank you so much for that you destroyed my tree well anyway I don't know what I was saying now but yeah uh there was a p over there was mid level and stuff and I feel like we can tame that and we can place it we can hide it under the ground near syntax base so when he does travel on foot or he comes out on a tame it'll pounce him off now it's not a high level so whatever he's riding should be able to kill it but it's just going to be an inconvenience now if it does kill one of his creatures I will feel bad but do we do that technically means we get our own back right right uh you need to get out that bush cuz I will never be able to find you so let's get you over here so yeah we we're going to tame aoia we're going to t a mon we're going to head over to SX base hopefully by the time I've done all this he's logged off cuz he's actually online right now and it's going to be a little difficult if he's online but if he is I am thinking of maybe making some ghillie suit uh organic polymer I mean we've got Penguins here I mean I'll be able to sort out I'll be able to get some sorted but um yeah that's that plan so Mischief we're going to ruin cac's life hopefully cuz that's what he did to me I've been crying every day since that scorpion died so before we do jump into it then if you do enjoy the episode make sure you are whacking a like on the video make sure you are subscribing you're ringing the bell notifications becoming a channel member to support the channel That a little bit more you get an exclusive video every single Friday make sure you're grabbing an ax-man hoodie it's the comfiest best hoodie you're ever going to purchase this whole year and join the sausage party we have videos every Friday and the occasional Sunday it is fun it is a lot of fun um okay right what we're going to do is we're going to head out on crystal going to see if that Pia is still there I want to get this done before night time because it's going to be cold over there uh it's going to be very hard to find a monkey at night time there as well isn't it um oh well I guess we'll just cross that bridge when we get to it oh hello you guys were not oh God uh what level are we use uh 115 oh God uh raw raw okay oh look at that blue one level 20 it's not like a max level in here is there I think I see a 20 10 okay that's a 115 that was pretty decent though okay still F back all right oh my God there we go Jesus right come through Mr stego that a sabertooth to say I'm hoping my guy is still here oh you want to fight me as well level five well that was dumb if you wen't it so yeah he was over here and him and a Deon chase me across the ice okay not seeing it but oh God I do not like this sound below me oh god oh I'm in the water is that bad is there like sharks oh my God you can't see anything Dolphins okay I think we're safe is the Pia likely to go back in the ground I think it will right it followed me to like here uh all right let's kill you you're 135 okay that's okay some reason you can't hit me there he goes he's doing five damage um all right uh if we don't see aoia here there should be some along the beach cuz I've seen a couple of them don't throw me into the water sir You' have actually been really ideal to tame maybe another day all right Pia Pia Pia so all the PS I've seen haven't knocked me off my mountain and stunned me which I like but I'm hoping that they do do that to synac obviously Pia Pia Pia that's a bunch of caros don't be pooping now cuz I think there is also a yuss there that's another Caro over there that's a pig that's another Pig okay it is very dangerous here today this is where we get Pia and get us get absolutely shat upon right bunch of argies anies all right let's take care of you let's go like we're fully up so we should be warm enough to hang about in the cold here I'm going to head into the forest I'm going to be risky I'm going to be Dairy you dead another Carno another Pig all right oh a couple Pigs Level 20 there are so many deons about today what the heck you done Lev's this one level 15 hi con As We join in yeah here we go I still oh there's another Pig someone behind me as well uh this is a 95 all right Crystal's got his one there's a p i can see the healing radius thing oh well oh no oh oh oh wait hang on is that Mega crazy I hope it's not all right you're level 20 okay yeah you get some Stam I don't think I dud raging I think we're right oh okay so Pia are likely to find us uh rather than us finding them uh how do we put this on our belt right click no app I can't whilst I'm riding this okay holy [ __ ] I you actually scared me then cuz I didn't really know what was happening there's one we found one it's a 95 please don't die oh no oh no no come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on oh I couldn't ride him he wouldn't let me ride him oh [ __ ] that is what I didn't want to happen um it's okay because we can get the RG that's what I not what is happen he's I've not been pounced off one this whole time uh it's going to be cold over there now as well uh right Hawk we need to get in and out uh are you heavy no why are you so slow then that was weird all right let's go we can pick Crystal up and get out of there hopefully Crystal isn't killing the Pia hopefully Crystal isn't dying we'll pick him up we'll fly back home redo our armor if we need to God damn it okay well luckily we've got the death marker that shows where we are um it is very cold here I think we should be able to get in and out before we dive the cold all right moment of truth let's see what's happening oh I see a lot of damage numbers Crystal hang in there I'm coming I'm coming right what do we got that's a die wolf not what we wanted Crystal don't die do not die oh my God everything get out the way that's not what I need it's another die wolf God damn it Crystal where are you please don't die please don't die please don't die oh my God I don't want to freaking die wolf crystals to Jumping all over the place make this very difficult oh my God right oh my missed them no going to die wolf I can't see cuz whatever that's happening okay we got them we got them let's get out of here oh Chris you are bloody you are very bloody all right what level was that Pia did we did we ever see I think it was like a an 80 or something right all right God damn it Crystal what are we looking like yeah I I think you were very close to death um so they might follow me a little bit oh yeah I see I'm kind of following yeah all right so we should be a to go back uh Pia does does have the potential to like bury itself and pounce on us again but at least we we might be ready to uh expect it I just thought I need to get me bag still don't I I didn't even think about that what do you stop Crystal Crystal what what are you doing what get back here what hey what are you doing excuse me what are you doing we're not fighting them now Crystal why are you not listening why are you going back you meant to be following me stop what are you doing why did you do that what the hell heck he was like no I need to go and fight them I will avenge you father why okay let me try that again I've got you following me why did you start running okay right if I put you down now are you going to be good okay what the heck Crystal all right uh I you're you're half Health you're okay uh um I guess uh how are we going to go about this do I fly over and see if I can grab me stuff before the wolves get me or do I yeah I probably have to right or do I take trodon it's faster on the trodon who I forgot is on top of the house sir going to need you to come down here please all right there's big sloth has probably killed the pus and stuff okay so we kind of came up here uh right that should be my bag just there right okay think so and boom Perfect all right nice all right uh so let's pop this back on okay so now we just snowflake I don't understand why these come off this happened to me the other day when I died randomly like me hot bar just disappears I'm not sure why okay right um there's the wolf don't see the Pia okay so what we're going to do we're going to heal up uh Crystal and we're going to try that again all right we're heading back in so there's the wolf okay there's two wolf medium leveled that's fine okay they still do pack a bit of a punch though boom so then maybe up here here the Pia should be around andless it fought that MEAP ferium so what I'm going to do I'm just going to try and bait him out is that a drop I can get we definitely saw him followers down there but we didn't jump out then so he might be up this way it was just such a perfect level I think if it was level like whatever I thought it was um all right I feel like it's not here oh Penguins you know what I do need some penguin kills I need that polymer please good is Sir how much polymer do I get four okay you want to come fight me bro 7 can I just pounce on you um sort of and it un pounce me nice all right there's a bunch of polymer foras does that last as long as in it does in here good [ __ ] oh God found one found one oh titties uh it's TW okay we should be fine here right as long as you don't break me armor okay that was terrifying okay no no no no no no Crystal Crystal stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop let me ride you okay Jesus Christ okay well this thing's probably nearly dead now I should have had you on passive but no I didn't want you on passive I should have been a dumb idea okay can you get up here can I just take a second okay just let you heal cuz these are going to hurt all right so let's put them onto you um is there is there like something that we can kill to get you healed up not that Mega faum yeah you're very hurt can you follow me I know there was a deer around here somewhere and level 20 is actually perfect that's enough to whatever syntax riding uh it won't kill him obviously um oh I saw a female De Jesus Christ there's a deer let's get this eaten for you sir stop rolling come on fight fight fight fight fight okay eat this yeah nice okay that should have healed you now we should be able to pew pew you okay amazing you're on level 20 so shouldn't take many of these okay and boom oh oh he's running oh he runs fast oh I can't really see oh oh there we go he's down nice stop moving when I've got the crossbow out Mr Raptor uh you have some primes as well oh bro we are chilling right now okay remember to bring me alcholics as well good [ __ ] all right we have a level 20 Pia that is actually perfect oh no no no no no no no no you I heard you RG let me change one of these look I'm not switching the keyboard This is the game doing it itself and it's frustrating the hell out of me this might be really random but it's snowing I think this is the first time we've seen it snow and it's really pretty I don't know if it's just me but snow at nighttime I mean look man is that not just amazing I know it's just snow and we've had it before but it just looks maybe it's cuz we're in the environment with the fire and it's dark it just looks so cool maybe it's just me if you don't think it's cool then I guess ignore this part but I love that there there's there's just summer that I just love of snow in the dark having a little like f with your it just does it for me you know hey there we go boys okay now um we need to get you home uh this is where we should have maybe brought Hawk with us um all right let's kind of see what happens here I'm thinking like is there a spot we can leave him uh where he's not going to be like attacked by anything cuz if a pack of wolves get hold of him he's done for uh um could we possibly I think we could leave in maybe here right you you come here sir somewhere where it's easy to find okay you stay there Mr Pia I'm going to go home and hopefully not fall to my death here I'm going to go home we're going to get Hawk so I can pick him up and carry him across the water because there is a shark in the water right now uh there's RGS everywhere it's just a hot mess there's just dinos everywhere so yeah let's let's be safe do also have a green drop uh that is down is there any creatures about uh my Pia just got knocked off wait is that my pia what's happened what are you oh okay that wait was that the prob looking for before no you get here dick wait can I not pick a p Up Wait do I have what is happening do I have my Pia or not why is my hand like I've got a Pia what is going on please stop are you kidding me what the titties all right you sir get here we're taming you now um do I have him why is okay is it C I meant to be grabbing him with is that what I meant to be doing I I'm I can't do stuff hang on right can we not pick a Pia up so I need you to stand still a minute so I can try this I guess we can't pick a Pia up this is news to me yeah I can't I can't pick him up but my AR my feet keep going weird like I've got him you know what I mean I'm doing SI see and I'm doing right click no don't get inol actually you're going to die yeah I I don't know man this is fun care we need to kill this AR here I guess we're taming this stupid prob now got 95 to teame up oh God damn bro I am all sorts of bugged I I've got no Stam I can't land I can't move what is happening I can't do anything I'm just stuck here with an AR below me I I I can't do anything really game I can't even like hop off here cuz I'll die are you going to move me or some I have no Stam how am I doing anything right now um yeah I'm just I'm just stuck there's another R coming in God damn it what do I do here can I like whistle you if I jump off I'm going to die cuz I'll fall to my death where all them Sabers are um like my stam's not going up but I'm not landing on if I do e real quick nope okay cool um I need to like get on you somehow without you dying okay that worked I'm an actual God okay well what we're going to do is we're going to go get Crystal again and we're going to go and tame that 95 P instead okay I I thought this was going to be the easy bit apparently not okay let's grab this um okay uh is that a coptodon saddle it is okay that's amazing I don't have to make a settle for my copter on all right that can get gone that can get gone that can flare gun can I shoot that off once I just want to shoot it can I shoot it now oh there we go I've not seen a flare in ASA nice worth it that was definitely worth it I hope hope SX saw that that'd be so fun if that like renders halfway across the map he just sees thisum firework oh every time I turn around it explodes again look at that oh it didn't then let me try again yeah oh yeah it explodes every time you look around amazing okay right clve you're taming let's go okay we're back with take two um I've just had a terrible time uh at my base you didn't kill it did you please tell me you didn't just kill that please tell me you didn't just kill that oh no he's still there oh okay so in my base we had a an RG attack and everything went crazy there and then when I was coming here we had an aloe a couple allows and RG attackers we then had a shark attackers we then had aerium and rg's here attacking this guy but I think we're good now I think we're ready to go so he's just doing seven damage to us which is fine we're just going to keep shooting these at you this is level 95 this might be a little too strong um if syac runs into this this might kill him if he's not careful if he's on like a weak Raptor or something he could be in trouble but I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get to it right oh if you could be stuck here that would be amazing okay oh oh oh he's he's moving somewhere he's trying to run oh my God very hard to see what's going on here all right uh he's like how are you running under me okay it is out oh man okay we've got some Prime Meats okay right can you just like not die that'd be amazing so there's that stuff Crystal how are you doing you're doing all right it's just been a horrible few minutes just trying to regain my composure uh we're going to go for a bit more Stam I guess right so I don't think he's going to be safe there but I do want to go and fight this Mammoth or yeah this Mammoth to get some Prime Meats all right we've got our boy uh now we've got to try and get him across here that being eaten by a shark uh is that a shark over there I don't know how I meant to do this um do we try and just get him across that bit instead actually cuz apparently we can't pick him up with an RG which we found out I guess if we go to this part that's not where I wanted to jump whatever and climb up here can we get up this bit of ice we can can you get up this bit of ice come on you can do it and okay get [ __ ] on how about can you get up here nice all right that's good and then from here we can run across all this right yeah okay I like this this is going well okay and then we shouldn't have a problem with sharks here we should just be able to swim across and listen to all the loud ass fish okay so um as we can't carry these pus I don't know how I'm meant to take him to syntax base I already just thought about that right now um I'm I'll try again see if we can pick it up cuz I have a weird feeling that Hawk was just bugged out of his mind cuz we were stuck in the air and just all sorts of weird [ __ ] was happening so I guess we'll try again real quick but if not we we can keep him I guess and we've got a level 139 Pia that thing's going to pack a bit of a punch tamed creatures are always stronger than Wild Ones so like yeah that that could potentially kill like just say syntax out Gathering fiber on the mosh chops that that could kill it um all right so let's try this real quick so if we get on to you can we pick you up we can't wow I didn't know this wow okay well we've just done all of this for nothing then H uh Berry there he is I mean what we can do um how do we unbury you come out we can have you as base defense for when someone definitely will come around here and try and you know touch us stuff so I guess uh I don't know how we do this uh Behavior Harvest options tracking info what does that mean so do we do behavior um I want it to like eat people you know do I have to bury you all right you go in there sir oh set long range oh okay set short range interesting set medium I think all right I've got no mouse on my screen now bro this game can I do that on you no okay cool um I can't I my mouse is gone oh no we got it back bro sometimes right Behavior do we have like just attack humans um I don't want you following I want you on aggressive but like not to just any wild creature I want you to just come out at humans targeting medium um I don't know is that a thing Harvest in options tracking I want you to just come and eat humans I guess just stay on just short range is that what you're on short range to anyone that comes through the house gets heeden is that going to work hopefully um okay right it's already been a long episode but I guess we can make it longer what I need to do now is I want to get as a little Mony um now I need these let me go and pop some of this stuff away uh also do I have enough to make some ghillie suits and stuff and things we only have 13 oranic polymer uh what do I need for Gilly uh five 11 we need a lot more I mean I don't think we need that right now we'll be fine okay we need to go and find as a monkey which live um anywhere in the jungles so I guess we're going to go for Hawk you know what I'm not going to take Hawk I'm going to take the kangaroo yeah let's go with the kangaroo uh cuz we'll be able to I mean we might not be able to see him better but like flying up you're never going to see him mon care uh all right I guess we'll just knock about see we find one I just heard the little guy somewhere it was very like distant and faint Uh crap we got a bunch of raptors over there um what's that Health like 800 oh wait I can heit is that him okay it's also Rex titties uh can we tame this like as what level are you monkey where even are you gone oh this is bad um oh there you are level five oh that's perfect we just like boom that only gives you 19 amazing uh where's my kangaroo as long as that re stays over there we'll be all right level five that's like the lowest level monkey we can find but we only need him to open doors it doesn't matter the level um okay you should eat every so often got to make sure we're not spooking him staying behind him so you might want to be tamed up like ASAP Rocky feed oh no no no don't spook don't spook don't run that way okay how long are you going to be spooked for oh God no don't run into me God damn it all right the monkey being dumb did he go into a tiny little hole and what okay uh can I even reach down here feed okay nice if he wants to stay in there that's perfect you're safe Rex ain't going to get you I think you kind of stuck oh it's taming is going down I didn't even realize uh feed can I stay here if you're stuck yeah his team is going down fast oh [ __ ] right you just stay facing that way I'll keep giving you food have to look away and look again feed okay I mean this is lucky this is really lucky right now and one more feed any second now hey we got a monkey nice all right I don't really know where I am um I think I came from this way maybe all right let me see if I can get back home and then we'll take fly over syntax base have a look at what's going on and I guess plan plan for the future and see what we can do all right so here's the plan um obviously we can't do the Pia syntax base right now until maybe we get like a a quel I guess so maybe that's what we could just like do in the future but what I've done I've made a training dummy I've also made a bunch of armor so I'm going to dress the train training dummy up uh like kind of looking at his base like we did with Jim put a sign in front of it just saying I'm watching you just so he knows something's coming in the future and uh yeah we'll see if we can steal a bit of um his armor as well because now we have the monkey so we need to go pretty much back to our old base which is all the way down here so um yeah I will see you when we get over there I see the old base I see it down there which means sinx big old house should be just up here now he is offline which is a good thing uh right let's see oh yeah we can definitely place a little human like on the tree line or something oh that would be good okay uh can we place it up here so it's just staring at him oh is his stuff on aggressive oh God oh my God why is he going aggressive creatures I've never even touched anything yet what okay um I see how it is he knew he knew I was going to be here um can I just like land here are they all going to come for me I think I'm safe here right maybe oh they're trying um I okay I think we're good as long as nothing comes around so let me see if I can do this real quick uh I need it out in the open a bit more why is this stuff un aggressive look at it all um I don't want to I don't want to Chu his stuff off the edge I just want to place a little dummy like this tree over here am I allowed to do that look at his [ __ ] coming for me oh my God trike stop come back over here okay can we just get us away a little bit why is he got his creatures on aggressive how am I meant to get in his house now can I get through the back door oh he left his door open okay that's amazing that's going to do good for us are we all good no this this trike just here oh my God the beaver Oh my Jesus um beaver and trike come here come on oh my God he got Doos down there as well ow right just everyone take a chill pill or I will pick you up and drop you off the cliff okay maybe we oh what the heck they can't get me if if I'm here though right am I good here oh God no I hear him I hear his creature don't fall off the edge Mr Saro okay I didn't mean for that to happen we all saw that right maybe they're all far away enough what is happening over there what is he what they are on aggressive all right I think I'm actually safe here for a hot second hang on okay right man going to dress him up I wonder if they will come and attack this boom boom okay place this side just says I'm watching you okay there's that done now can I just squeeze into your house these creatures definitely can't get to there I don't want them jumping off the edge though I don't know why they're doing that okay boom let's have you on passive all right there he is you ain't got any shoulder pets in there right where's your clothes why are you naked how I meant to steal your clothes when you're naked is he got anything in here we can steal like I just need an item of clothing oh I found some I found some um all right we're going to take a shirt what do I I have his pants we'll take his shirt right since that get [ __ ] on Sir can I poop no can't poop can never poop wait did it say po it never came out I didn't hear the oh no not ready to defecate yet all right good [ __ ] uh close your doors next time sir can't even closeing for you okay right so uh this TR kind of fell off as well I kind of want to bring these to the beach so they're not stuck in the water is that a thing we can do any Mr trike can you come to the beach come on is this s in there still oh my God that's terrifying Jesus all right Saro chill chill chill okay is this trike coming trike is coming okay perfect please tell that wasn't his Raptor jumping off oh my God right I did not mean for any of this to happen this way oh what can I bring them all the way around is that something that we can do and then it looks like nothing ever happened all right I've got them all they're all here it's Saro well s here tri's just around the corner they're all up top here now though okay it's no longer my problem I I've done all I can do okay I just want to go and see our old base real quick before we call it a day today God damn that did not go to plan there we go the old base look at it so beautiful right what we're going to do we're going to wrap it up call it a day there then so we got a monkey we got a Pia we um managed put a sign up at his base is there another trike down there God damn it there might be I'll see if I can sort that out um yeah since I got his stuff on aggressive um that's his own fault I don't know why he's got them on aggressive but he does um all right so there we are if you did enjoy the episode make sure you are whacking a like make sure you are subscribing you ring the bell never notifications follow on social medias X-Man hoodies grab on channel membership patreon become one if you want to support the channel join the sausage party I'll catch you little a bit see you laters bye
Channel: The AxeMan
Views: 76,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AXEMAN, THE AXEMAN, AXEMAN ARK, AXEMAN TOP 5, ARK, EPISODE 1, ark new, ark episode, the axeman ark, ARK 1, ark, ark mods, ark dino, axeman lets play, axeman ark, asa, asa new, ark 100, ark survival ascended, ark episode 1, axeman asa, axeman ark survival ascended, ark new map, asa axe, ARK ASA, ASA CONSOLE, ASA AXEMAN, ARK TAME, ASA PURLOVIA, PURLOVIA TAME, BASE SNEAK, THIS HAPPENED, ARK SNEAK, ASA SNEAK, ASA BASE SNEAK
Id: 0aBLFN_Lu0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 2sec (2282 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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