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yo guys what is up it's teach here coming at you again with another video over on Ark survival ascended and I want to show you my top 10 mods that you should try in the game right now yes there's a lot of mods that are going to be downloaded I'm trying to update this list pretty regularly though I want to show you 10 different things or 10 different mods you want to try one either because it adds content or two I want to show you it because it's going to add some quality of life change that just make your game more fun not broken but more fun so anyways I'm going to show you all 10 of those I'm going to show you in the shop I'm going to show you basics of what they do and then that's that's all I want to show you so if you don't mind smash that like button leave a comment below for the algorithm if you have something to say that'd be awesome and then if you don't mind sub to the channel I'm creeping towards 100,000 and that's what I've been going for all along so let's go ahead and exit to the main menu so we can actually see what um I'm talking about here right so the top 10 mods that I have is I'm going to goe and highlight them in my actual uh mod settings so you can see them real quick um I'm going to show you so guia gliders is one of them the next one is the additions the entire thing I count that as that um cryopods a stacking mod seed Farm automated Arc binoculars imbu and upgrade station Advanced Fishing Baits utilities plus and then obviously this is just the rest of the additions ascended mods now in order to add these if you haven't seen mods before it's pretty simple you're just going to go to the mods list right and when you're in Solo uh player you can search the mod store now I'm just going to show you what they look like for the most part right um You can search them in the upper right corner but uh my number one that you want to add is all of the additions they're featured they have a lot of really awesome dinos to them and uh that's kind of what you're looking for you can add any cryopods mod you want the TG stacking mod is the one that I use I'm just going to type it in so you can see what I'm talking about the TG stacking mods that just allows your game to have quality of life thing um and it it makes it a lot of fun so seed Farm you can see that right there that is another one that I'm using right now it's a ton of fun uh automated Arc it I mean that seed Farm just adds content right automated Arc makes your quality of life insane in this game and I really enjoy it so keep that in mind and then the binoculars just kind of unlocks your binoculars at a lower level which is huge and then the imbu station I'm just going to type it in so you can see it just allows you to upgrade your gear and just do some cool things that Arc probably should have in the first place but you know it is what it is um this next one is Advanced fishing bait I like this one a lot it basically just allows you to do a lot more fishing in the game and it's fun and then the last one that I kind of think is a really fun one utilities plus this is something they're updating as they go but it basically makes some of the frustrating things that you need to make thousands of usable again and it's just a nice little thing so those are the main ones I wanted to show you but I'm going to show you how they work inside of the Island right now so I'm going to go ahead and go back in and we're going to go ahead and start off with kind of in order my favorites to the ones that you know I think you need to try the most are first up I'm not going to hide anything behind the wall for you go and set time of day time of day let's do 10:00 why not all right so anyways the first one is going to be the ark editions dinos mod and the reason that you need to try it out is it literally adds dinosaurs to the game for you they they naturally spawn out in the wild right um they're not 100% chance of finding them I'm not going to spawn one in that's a massive coal um but they naturally spawn out in the wild so you don't need to go looking for them they do show up it's I I always feel like when you're looking for them you can never find them but when you found them um you you just never stop finding them it's kind of funny how it works um but it adds like the brachiosaurus and all other really neat large dinos that I think should be added anyways it adds a really cool shark um to the game experience and there's just a lot of D that it does add I don't see any of them right now now but they do spawn um you just have to do a dyo wipe and then wait for them to spawn in so that one's a pretty simple one you'll see what I mean if you download that one that's a uh that's just one that happens right it's not necessarily a quality of life mod it just adds stuff to the game now the next thing that you need to download you can see I told you about it was the cryopods right there's a ton of cryopods out there right now you can see that I have the cryo fridge and cryopod that adds a ton of quality of life you can choose any of them they all pretty much work the exact same and that's something that's pretty awesome right I just like that it's it's something that's fun to use now the next one that I've talked about is a stacking mod and the reason that the stacking mod is so fun you know what I'm just going to stack like a couple thousand element let's just do it that way so you can see what I'm talking about let's just do where is my do I have um where's my stacking sorry I'm going to get there we go so the nice thing about this one is it adds the ability to stack things in a much higher number because I've always been frustrated in Arc why can I only carry like a couple of fiber in a stack that's crazy to me so it allows you to carry not necessarily huge weight reduction but it does a little bit of a weight reduction and allows you to stack things in a much higher amount and that's a huge thing for me especially cuz it's just I don't know I just enjoy it right now the next thing I want to show you is you can see right here um that they add literal engrs to your game some of these mods that I'm talking about so uh keep that in mind this is not something you should be shocked about you're going to have to search for some of the things cuz they occur at different levels um so just just be aware of that like don't be super shocked about it um and a lot of these things are just stuff that I've used in the past and activated and it just gives you the ability to add special things um to this right so like that seed Farm it's uh not totally operational yet but when it is totally operational it's going to let you grow different resources from crop plots and that's a huge change and that just adds a whole bunch of generic stuff to the game I love that that kind of mod that adds um you can't search it right now but unfortunately you know it's there um but again you get the point so there's a bunch of things that I've talked about right so automated Arc what is it I'm not going to ruins a lot of the surprises for you um I'm just going to go ahead and show you so you can see AA is what it's called um and what that does is it basically gives you a whole bunch of optional things I'm just going to go and click on a few of them so you can see what I'm talking about uh it gives you a whole bunch of different sized structures and stuff like that that will give you different capabilities inside of the game that just adds fun stuff uh it's obstructed what do you mean it's obstructed okay there we go so for example right the OCD Vault this is something that you can literally set and like set special menus to um and you can see the OCD menu so you can select certain things in order to pull things or remove things from these vaults and it'll Auto sort it for you a spoiling Barrel you can see it right here it will automatically spoil meat for you and that's pretty freaking awesome that's just like a quality of life thing right and then you've got a control console that'll allow you to set uh operations and programs to run things and it's a very good thing for people that are playing solo so you can you know do all these really fun things that can sometimes take hours if not days to do in regular Arc and it it just gives you a whole bunch of unique additions into the game you can see what I'm talking about right it allows you to grind and do all kinds of additional things so AA automated Arc is a ton of fun now again I'm just trying to go through these quickly I'm sorry I don't want to make too long of a video for you but uh so the next thing I want to show you is the binoculars right you can see that there's Tech binoculars U plus binoculars and then regular binoculars if you just feel like playing a regular binoculars ones it gives you the regular binoculars that you would get at Tech inside of a lower level and it gives you a lot of really awesome things obviously you can see the fiomia the certain levels and it gives you a bunch of Statistics that are a ton of fun right right um and the UI binoculars basically do the exact same thing it's just uh it's a different uh menu and you unlock them in a different way so that's what both of those do now the next thing I want to show you is the station now the mbw and upgrade station um this is another one that's a lot of fun and changes a lot of things and I know I'm going fast so what I would suggest doing is if you're interested in any of these mods to go ahead and uh download them and check them out yourself because there is like honestly for each one of these mods I could probably make like a 45 5 minute video um but I'm just trying to show you the basics right but you can see the imput station add equipment click on it add amount of resources and then IMB and that's just like random armor and stuff like that right let's say I want to do this I want to click on this and you can see in order to upgrade this to a ramshackle I can imbue it with those things and upgrade that machine I think that's awesome so you can like spend time focusing on certain types of resources to upgrade your stuff it's it's just an awesome mod so that's that now the next one is the fishing bait um I think it uses honey is what I want to say yeah so Elemental honey and it just basically allows you to create a honey that uh you can put on the end of your fishing rod and it'll automatically catch fish for you and I love that cuz I I don't know why I enjoy fishing so much inside of this game but I love fishing in this game it's a ton of fun and it just skips the whole process for you and just makes it a lot of fun um if you enjoy that though don't don't do it then don't uh don't don't use the elemental if you like the mashing of the qweasd combo keys so it's just a fun little mod that adds some quality of life in there for people that like me like to go fishing in this game now the next one is probably one of my favorite mods of all time it's a it's different name but utilities plus right um it it it lets you make things like reinforced whips right now I want to show you what that means it's reinforced so the durability basically doesn't go down or if it does does really slowly and it adds some things back in this game that are a really really nice thing to have right so like for example there you go it just lets you whip all this stuff and then kind of move through it now it does give you a little bit of a funky UI thing right because that's just what happens but oh well it causes that water to crash up but it is what it is at a certain point right so it adds some of these things back into the game that are reusable like reusable Spears reusable just a lot of nice things Bolas right I'm going to go and go to the Bas so you can see a reusable Bola and it basically means that with these reusable Bolas I can throw this and if I miss I don't waste it it just comes right back into my inventory super useful obviously and it's just like it's nothing majorly broken it's just entry level stuff that you can reuse over and over it makes it a ton of fun now the last thing I don't know why I like this one so much I love it I don't know why but my Gaia glider skin I enjoy the crap out of this because it lets you fly in the game and I am a huge fan of flying I don't know why I just am but let's see if I can make a shirt here and you can see what I mean so go and put this there where was my Cosmetics let's go back into this sorry I had to cough there but you can see that it adds this to my back and if I take myself out of GCM mode um I can basically allow myself if I drop everything apparently cuz I just picked up a million and a half things there we go um it allows you to fly and I think that's super cool um so that's that's again that's personal opinion you can do whatever you want right because this is your game but uh it adds the glider back in it gives you the option to move around the map in a different way because the island right it's a vanilla it's a vanilla one right it's uh it's something that you can use to move around the map and it's just it's a lot of fun right I enjoy the fun parts of this mod and um and and just making your solo exper experience a little bit different is what's what's fun to me so again I'm sorry I didn't go super in- depth on a lot of these mods because there really is so much information you've kind of just got to try them yourself I could do like a mod spotlight on each of them let me know if you think that's something you want to see um in another video but for right now I kind of just did 10 quick mods that you have to give a try to and just showed you some Basics about them so if you want to see some mod spotlights or things that you want to see more of just go and put that in the comments below and I'll try and make some more videos on those hopefully this video helps you out and if you don't mind smash that like button all right teach 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Channel: Teachers Game Too
Views: 18,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark survival ascended, ark survival ascended gameplay, ark survival asc, ark survival ascended release date, ark survival ascended trailer reaction, ark survival ascended news, ark survival ascended live, ark survival ascended reaction, ark survival ascended xbox partner preview, ark survival ascended console, ark survival ascended launch, asa first 10 minutes, asa cheats, asa metal, metal spawn, metal, metal ark, island metal, island top 5 metal
Id: rx_CGxPRSlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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