Ark Survival Ascended vs. Neebs & Dingle Berry

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[Music] all right folks uh nee's here in a turtle okay yep all right trying to do something here all right that's not my turtle this is my house uh I live here with dingleberry who is a parasor parasaur parasor oh it's been a while you know what I'm talking about and then uh Ted Ted is one of those uh really annoying where is that turtle what are you doing Ted is one of oh here he is hey Ted I didn't want Ted he just attacked me and I had berries on me and he won't leave I just learned how to make dye so I made this I you know what do I have enough to make green I bet I don't let's take these out dyes green 20 do I need 12 okay got that is that there there it goes so what I did the first time was I made dye and I tried to drag it over to my inventory didn't work you guys probably already know this but what I did that worked was brought my shirt to here drag this to the shirt apply it to the shirt apply paint bam got it okay let's go check this out boom oh yeah that's looking good okay I need shoes still I don't have a ton of of uh hey buddy I don't think I can tame this guy he's probably too tough oh okay but what do I need I need a forge can I make a forge let's see crafting Forge Stone I got a lot of stone I don't know if I have enough hide I got fiber wood yeah let's take a look this is my little storage box over here I've got oh wait I do have a good bit of hide hold on Forge is that really what I should be doing right now I think yeah you know what cuz I like to have a better Hatchet and pickaxe cuz I've been running around with this Stone stuff here we go leveled up okay now that's number eight so they just snap now don't they you can't place them wherever you want to it's got to be like right in the center okay I do have a little bit of metal and we're going to throw some wood in there I guess here we go Ted got to watch where you standing buddy okay metal wood light fire it's not going to give me much but uh H I am right here I am learning to do the map a bit if I hold M and scroll wheel I can scroll out a bit so I think I'm in the South and I've pinged my little home there you can hit double m and then you can like put way points and all that mess so that's pretty cool all right Ted you want to go with me what are we doing I don't even know uh tell you what let's jump on dingleberry and just take a look for a minute maybe explore the beach so what's going on with me well I'm uh just hanging out had a day where I was my work so I thought hey I'll show people around and show them my little practice world and uh I'm learning as I go like that whole die thing didn't know that until like 5 10 minutes ago haven't seen a lot of danger I haven't even seen a raptor yet I fought some dillow and I fought uh what do you call it the fish there mean fish that keep coming after you piranhas anyway that's the most most of what I've seen and then there's Ted who attacked me and tried to take my berries so you know what I'm just going to keep going down the beach seen a lot of these guys I could have a whole Army of these if I wanted to back in the day I didn't know they' do this can I do this in this angle nope it's not working anyway this nope dingleberry you're embarrassing me man doesn't okay there's that I know that they let you know if there's enemies I thought if you hit C is it not C no all right well I'm an idiot I did it before I swear he's got the bite he's got the ding and then I thought he would like scare things off H all right don't worry about it just let it go pretty day today whole weekend's been fantastic man I love the sun it's my favorite thing being in the sun with a cold drink all right going to need one of these but I still what what what' he take what did he take Ted is that one of your people all right what's he got it's in his hand all right we're just going to do this get him dangle bar Oh's oh what is that there's more of them there's a whole Army great did I get him oh jeez I don't ah bird do something we'll just stand there all right here we go here we go that's it can can you handle this dingleberry this is the worst first fight to show anybody ever don't tell anybody about this fight okay this is not good I feel like I keep losing things in the ground too yeah like where like where is he y this game has only been out several days oh wait there we go but do you see there were two of them right and I'm only seeing one okay what's this took my rocks okay well you know what I need to hide and sometimes that doesn't even work let's see you don't see that other one do you dingleberry I know there were two a okay that was just me this time didn't see them all right keep on it keep on it oh was that the stuff he took yep took my water pouch okay all right you got to let me know when stuff like that comes up you got to ding them why can I not do that thing right could have swore it was C it's not see though huh H wait there it is you know what I did here's what I did don't hate me I rebound um I didn't like oh come on all right just run I'll take care of it come on no are you kidding me you're going to go have to ding oh all right there you go I'll just let this happen there you go take it out on jingleberry you don't want to taking our water things all right I'll take there go oh one more there it is good job buddy okay so okay that's weird but uh so what I did was I I don't like C being Crouch so I changed the control like most of the games I play it's control so apparently this is the same name and I think that'll scare some things away isn't that right you guys would know okay I got some more hide if I get more hide you know what I would like to make is a boat not that I don't love taking dingleberry out I'm just afraid something's going to kill him cuz he's not very strong see how the map's looking are we uh uncovering some stuff here MPP was that a beaver that's a beaver is it was that a beaver if that was a beaver I could go for a beaver is this bird messing with he's looking for fish isn't he was that a beaver or a fish I'm less impressed with a fish I don't see any dams around yeah I really don't think that was a beaver would have been cool though all right let's keep moving [Music] [Music] okay looks like we may have found a drop so uh I don't know how long it's been sitting there but I'm going to try to get there quick before it goes goes away that is a white drop that's the easiest right okay this is my second drop I've ever got the first one had like some thatch building parts so let's see what we get here all right and boom okay what is this tell you what let's just let's just take it all and worry about that in a minute cuz might disappear journeyman cloth shirt that's probably better than what I got I don't have a hat or hand wraps yet cuz I didn't want to waste the uh okay all right well thank you um boom let's put the hand wraps on you know what I don't want to put this on yet because uh I'm enjoying the green shirt hate these hats man hate them they look so dumb what was the uh can you still hide a hat was it here here H what was hi here look at this have Moes we did see some of these on the stream but I've not tried them myself love evolved how about this okay yep all right we know what that is well hey got a little bit of something let's continue down the beach and see what we [Music] get okay I think I just spotted a T-Rex I'm sure I cannot handle a T-Rex right now with my bow and arrow and my wooden spear but let's see if we can't just get a look I think he's right through those trees over there oh yeah see him okay oh there's a raptor I wish it was just the Raptor cuz I would probably try to fight the Raptor whoa get out of the water there's sharks okay yep see that shark right there mhm yep okay well that's dangerous um H man you know what I kind of like this spot what if we just made like a little Hut over here so I can get dangerous from I don't want to lose [Music] everything okay so I just was getting ready to build a Hut and I see two turtles fighting a raptor um hey what okay you stay there you're not follow me are you don't follow me okay um oh yeah have y'all seen this how you can pick uh maybe cuz I don't have any do I not have any arrows you can pick which arrows you want right what does that say t oh you know what it's because I got this guy Ted come on man all right you stay there so now you can pick which arrows you want Stone Arrow Tran Arrow I guess you can craft them too oh boy I don't know what happened now I took so much time explaining this thing okay you scared me cuz you you know there's Raptors around did the Turtles kill it bet they did still seeing Turtles but I don't see a raptor oh what we got here all right drag body yep okay got ourselves a raptor dingleberry here we go oh God oh God oh okay I was stuck woo I was stuck in the rocks that was crazy okay dingleberry my man you about saw neebs die today all right let's chop these up good God man that was about it for me okay now seriously though which one of these gets more I feel like it's inconsistent that was more meat that time I'm just not seeing consistency here maybe you guys are all right ignore me I don't need this I don't need those I'm good what a bunch of junk I do like these but dingleberry is pretty good at getting those all right back on to it um we're going to make a little bitty Hut here a little Outpost so uh yep come on Ted hey it's good to know if you got Ted on your shoulder you're not switching your ammo very easily let's do [Music] [Music] it [Music] [Music] okay here we go there's the house and I got the door right there and then all right I made a fire so these fires do they snap as well let's see beds and fires I forget okay what is that number eight so yeah it's got to be like right in the middle so we'll do that and then the bed bed's wherever you want it so that's kind of cool so boom there's a bed here's this we could get a little food cooking there we go light fire and man okay should probably make a little storage box too and let's see dingleberry let's get you over here a little closer to the house this is kind of cozy like this little spot okay now the T-Rex and all those guys are down there towards the green Obelisk and we are here and yes I would like some storage can I do that let's see storage that's how you S Storage wood always with the wood okay I don't want to cut this tree it just it's too pretty and I'm curious how do you tame these guys do you knock them out I hate to do this but I really got to know um go here first a trink and nope he's not out yet okay that is a really okay yeah he's unconscious holy crap oh what I didn't feed him anything I'll call this baby pee um except my goodness that was super easy is he growing is he growing right in front of me are those hiccups I think he's growing man is he going to he'll be fully grown here in about 5 or 10 minutes hold on come over here Dingle bear you see this this thing's growing crazy fast I didn't feed him I just shot him and then he was mine this is probably not good um wasn't plan on having a baby with us today okay well uh welcome to the tribe Baby P yeah he is growing so fast that is nutty you I was kind of worried that Arrow was going to kill him all right well good now we got two oh was I oh yeah I was getting a storage box got to stay focused don't like to cut these trees down cuz they're beautiful uh I really like that one too all right there's plenty of these though I do love palm trees when I where I grew up there was no palm trees so I always thought they were just the coolest thing in the world and I wanted to live somewhere where there were palm trees and now I do there are palm trees but not like not like Hawaii or uh Florida it's just barely warm enough here look at that is that the tree that I chopped down that'd be fun to climb up but uh anyway do have palm trees so I'm happy about that but man you get like way down south and they got like those big traveler palms and bans and man I love those trees warm climate trees beautiful but also Vancouver you ever been to Vancouver got some really pretty trees there too all right that's probably way more than I needed to make a storage box here we go and just one man I don't know I just went like on medium look at my pants how dirty like medium level gameplay but I feel like I've been leveling up like crazy every few minutes I'm curious if I get in the water did my pants get clean mhm now let's take a look nope they're a mess still a mess all right so you know what we're going to throw this storage box down and then oh it snaps too that's great I like that boom um we'll save that this I don't want to lose that shirt might as well keep all this stuff here H you know what I need to make some arrows first there we go I don't know what that does yet Cosmetics okay how many arrows you think it takes to kill a T-Rex 100 and I also want to make sure I can repair this bow if I need to let's keep a little bit of stuff with us how about that can I make more arrows yep am I underprepared what do y'all think all right well you know what [Music] all right after right over there there he [Music] is oh he saw me there we go how big is he he's a 52 you know what I probably should have tamed him I was thinking about that as I was uh stabbing him in the face okay here we go we'll get some more hide maybe we'll tame the next one things seem to be taming pretty quickly on here okay so H that's probably a better idea tame couple Raptors then go in there with some buddies yeah all right let me think I'll be right back so let's do this craft two more we got six coming boom we shouldn't need a ton of Narcotics maybe leave it at that tell you what one more arrow that now I've got 36 of those bunch of those and um okay that's what we'll do we'll let these last few craft and then we'll head that way starting to get dark slowly I do have my day set to long cuz I don't like I don't like it being dark all the time I like sunlight okay there we go we got it we have a bed we have a bow and arrow I've got my three slot to Tran arrows my four slot to Stone arrows I've got some Bolas should probably make another spear got three of them let's take a look can I make another one spear yeah there we go why not and get ourselves some more Health all right let's get in [Music] [Music] there folks I'm just not seeing any um Raptors but there's a ton of the bugs and compies so uh it is a good way to get some kiten man I don't want to be killed by a bunch of bugs okay start weeding these things out huh okay there we go there we go boom all right there we go jeez there's more and the bugs okay where' that bug go I would like to get out of this stuff they're on me okay oh boy jeez that's a lot a lot of bugs okay did I get them all what is that what are you running from he like Ah that's that looks like something grumpy over there hold up let me get this stuff or I wish I had a spy glass H there was something mean looking over there come here okay kitan I need to like make a workbench and make some kitan shoes or something is that a is that a berry onx can I bow of those what is this what are you man you are oh that's a gamus isn't it look how fast so fast my goodness okay jeez are they that quick if you tame them are they that quick nothing whatever ever catch you okay folks should we go for it is that if it if I can bull it maybe I can grab it those things are fairly tough I think they're really tough in the water all right let's try it let's don't fight him in the water let fight him on the ground he's on something okay this might be bad this might not go well is that of here right there nope dang it wasting shots I don't want to get in there too deep and there'll be a lot of you know danger okay right there oh nope change his mind [Music] come on baby come to me yeah let I wait my turn oh there he goes they're so quick ah come on don't like being out here really nervous about this there we go oh boy oh boy you can't bow of these that's not good oh jeez I wish I could run like that Barry Onyx he's going to get us he's going to kill us dead oh crap can I what can I do can I do the old looty Loop oh nope he's already killing me oh hey all right let's get out of here man his short attention span really worked out this time okay folks you cannot baa a Barry onx don't even try okay good what is that oh boy how many oh gosh there are so many of those that is a bunch that's a bunch oh crap I put it away Noe okay all right three boom boom all right go to sleep go to sleep please go to sleep mhm don't wake up okay holy moly we broke all of our clothes um I don't have any meat do I any meat yeah should where are you where you at please don't come over here nobody come over here boom there we go can I repair yep and nope what I'm missing fiber all right man guys we got to get out of here quick if another Raptor comes maybe we can bow him too all right how's he looking I don't want to lure any Raptors over to here so I see one there um don't come this way okay let's get our St back on okay Hat's good that's good that's good I made some shoes a minute ago get some health up do have any food like steaks yeah here we go okay all right he is taming we got a bug floating around the Raptor is over there all right how's this looking unconscious he's not taming at all great all right we got plenty of food and I got some narcotics here oh oh man that was great all right one more bite and we can get out of here sweet how you going to act yep okay we got a friendly bug so I do like how uh if you look at that I think the yellow is the tame on this little icon above the the Raptor and the pink is his Consciousness so you can just kind of like out of the corner of your eye look over there and go okay he's mostly tamed and he's pretty unconscious I think that's how it works right yeah yeah let's say I got that right uh oh that looks like a crash that's probably a crash okay guys uh yep crashed but uh the footage should be good so we're going to resume the island here we go let's see where we are hopefully that Raptor's still there and we can finish this tame don't tell me there's no Raptor there's no Raptor oh man at what point is this is this before all that happened H my pants are like Halfway Broken that makes me think it was maybe even before the the Barry onx Oh there's a death over there what is that like my my home base H where is it saying that is that's probably like back at my base where I died just building stuff okay man what a bummer might be a minute all right let me look around maybe we'll find another Raptor somewhere [Music] man they have moved on all right let's go over this way and take a look wonder where that Barry onx went all right now what is that that looks like something bigger oh there's the Barry onx nope we know better than that now okay this is not working out man we really got uh the short end of the stick on this one man we had the Raptor knocked out one more bite of food we' have had it and a crash what a bummer okay wonder if this where this river goes H let's take a look at the map okay that connects it back we can do a lap why we do a loop okay help me keep an eye out what are those are those those uh and I forgot the name of everything with those bird Terra birds that looks like maybe a Carno up [Music] there do a Caro I can't bow a [Music] Caro sit tight let me get in a position where I can do something and I'll be right back [Music] all right folks change of plans um I'd like to have one of these these guys you get a I mean you get an army of these these these guys are a mess to deal with can I yes ah man I really wish that I don't like that this is in the way he's like hiding in there here we go let's try this there we go okay boom all right if we had a bunch of these oh what is that something getting me oh there's more of them hold up where is he did I get him oh yeah here we [Music] go oh did I kill it I killed it didn't I dang I hit him with the right arrow right I just crap okay sorry would have been great to have two of these let's get in there I think they meet and boom all right well at least we're doing something we don't crash again so would have been great to have two but yeah we get a few of those I mean they are really crazy powerful all right so now he is plenty unconscious he's got food in him and yeah okay not what I wanted I was hoping for something bigger something I could ride but this isn't bad so we'll just uh yeah we'll do this and our family has grown from Ted and dingleberry Baby P and what are we going to name this guy he's got big teeth he likes to fly um H teeth and fly how about um I don't know man it's a female which I haven't even been paying attention to of my other ones I've just kind of been like uh just named them whatever comes to mind baby P though that could be anything how's about H teeth and women that's what we got to work with how about I don't know all that's coming to my mind is teeth face but oh no no you're not come here stop it okay was it just one oh there we go oh man it's time it's time to name it uh okay Miss teeth face sorry I know there was already a teeth face but that's what we got okay boom there we go all right and did I get the meat off this guy do you like don't you supposed to like bite it okay there we go all right we did it we made progress this is pretty good um we should probably be a lot stronger than we are but hey we're having fun okay so hey I'm going to take this guy back home add it to the family and then uh who knows maybe I'll take you on some more adventures with me so thanks for watching catch you next [Music] [Music] time
Channel: Neebs Magic Dumpster
Views: 120,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ark Survival Ascended, Ark Ascended, Ark Survival, Ark 2, Ascended, New Ark, Ark Gameplay, Ark Ascended Gameplay, neebs gaming, neebs, solo ark, solo ark gameplay, ASA, ASA gameplay, ASA 2023, ASA solo, ark survival ascended gameplay, ark asa, ark remastered, ark survival evolved ascended, ark survival evolved base building, ark taming, ark building, ark fights, parasaur, pegomax, raptor, trex, tyrannosaurus rex, wood building, wood crafting, survival game, survival gameplay
Id: HIAxkWPsx0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 53sec (2213 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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