Get There | Dr. Dharius Daniels

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I'm ready to preach tonight so there's a scripture there's a story I want to read found in the Gospel of John chapter number 9 and I want to read the first seven verses I read from the New International Version of the scriptures I'm gonna go through verse seven for the benefit of brevity John chapter 9 verse 1 says this as he went along he saw a man blind from birth his disciples asked him rabbi who sinned this man or his parents that he was born blind neither this man nor his parents sinned said Jesus but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him as long as it is day we must do the works of him who sent me night is coming when no one can work while I'm in the world I am the light of the world and after saying this he spit on the ground made some mud with the saliva and put it on the man's eyes go he told him wash in the pool of Siloam this word means sent so the man went and washed and came home seeing he went washed and came home seeing he went and he washed and he came home seeing he went he washed and he came home seeing I want to tag this title of this text it's going to be the subject of tonight's sermon I want to talk from the subject get there get there as I even to this introduction tonight I want to present three principles that I believe are the foundation for this preaching presentation in our time together three principles that are master keys that unlock the door to God's best for three significant statements that I believe will help us make sense out of this sermon the first principle positing tonight is a principle I call the principle of the place here it is and this principle simply suggests that my well-being and my welfare is not just determined by Who I am it is equally impacted by where I am my welfare and my well-being is not just determined by who I am it is equally impacted by where I am this principle can be seen in the book of beginnings the book of Genesis we can see it in the creation narrative when God creates the world the syllabus he spends five days creating the place and one day creating the people when you look at the order of God's activity in creation he did not get to Adam or Eve until day six but he spent the first five days preparing the place before he created the people notice the order he did not create birds than the sky he created the sky than the birds he didn't create fish and then water he created the oceans and then created the fish he didn't create animals and then create land he created land and then created the animals because he knew in order for his creation to thrive he had to make sure he dropped them and positioned them in the right place are you hearing what I'm saying therefore when God prepares to elevate my life there are times he does so by altering my environment this is why God had to ship some of you from where you were and drop you at the brook here it is because entrances into new seasons are preceded by exits from Owens and what you are able to walk into is determined by what you're willing to walk out of and so God knows how to put you in the right places that has the ingredients that you need to thrive and to function the way he created you to function not only does God know this the enemy knows this and so because the enemy knows this he attempts to lure us out of environments that God has placed us in so that we can live life as God intended he uses things like you did with the prodigal son like a fence to get us out of set places entitlement to get us out of set places arrogance to get us out of set places and when he cannot get us out he'll send serpents in the garden it's the principle of the place my welfare and well-being is it just determine about Who I am is equally impacted by where I am that that's number one second one is the principle of proclamation the principle of proclamation what's this pasady rancis it's simple this principle simply suggests that whoever has your ear has your life did you hear what I just said whoever has your ear has Allah in other words we cannot live a good life with bad information consequently one of the most critical and consequential decisions we can ever make is who we choose to get by ear - this is why the writer of Proverbs says in proverbs 13:20 walk with the wise and become wise but a companion of fools suffers harm in other words we will become like who we want with and this way for some of you in this season this season is too consequential it's too significant it's too catalytic for you to allow some of the same old cynical limiting voices to have access to your ear sometimes new levels require you surrounding yourself with new voices who can do more than remind you of where you come from but prophesy where you're going and I want to talk to some people in this room today that are honest enough to say as good as God has been to me I am allergic to average that just because you are satisfied does not mean I have to be imprisoned to your inferior standard God might be through with you but he is not through with me there's another level there's another door and if you don't want to go please don't hinder me did you hear what I just said because it's possible to have people in your circle that keep reminding you of who you are instead of introducing you to who God is calling you to be it's possible to have people in your circle who your only connection and camaraderie with is who you used to be and a part of you you're trying to keep crucified [Music] [Applause] here's a question what part of me wake up when I talk to you I feel realness over here with sigh listen this okay I said what side of you wake up when they talk to you cuz some people wake up a part of you that you're doing your best to keep in solitary confinement you like look I'm trying to keep this part of me in solitary confinement you don't want that part of me to get out I prayed and I fasted and I asked God to help me get rid of that part of me I don't need you to help me wake that up I need you to help me keep that in the gray but is there anybody here that refuses to let people limit you to who you were when they met you whoever has your ear has your life [Applause] we must steward who has access to our yeah are you hearing what I'm saying because words don't work power of life and death is in the tongue don't words have the power to give life and veracity and vitality but they also have the power words can be parasitic and they can suck the life out of you and people through their own words can transfer their moods I was in a good mood before I talk to you and now that I got off the phone with you I don't know what just happened I felt happy what did they do they transfer their mood through their words [Applause] whoever has your ear has your life and this next one the final I don't lift up is the principle of perception listen it is where you sit determines what you see and what you see determines what you do where you sit determines what you see and what you see determines what you do where you sit determines what you see and what you see determines what you do this mean we can be looking at the same thing and not see the same thing [Applause] if you don't understand this you won't be able to live through seasons of being misunderstood because some people will be looking at you confused flabbergasted having no idea why you are still saying in the membrane based on what you've been through or are going through but they have no idea that although y'all looking at the same thing you don't see the same thing did you hear what I said yeah so so here it is here it is cuz some people not it not in this church I'm they're saying in general some people in New Jersey churches some people have family that are confused by their commitment to a local church naughty naughty I know not in South Carolina not in the Bible God I know y'all don't deal with that this is in New Jersey and in Florida where we do this where where people's family and friends say things like why are you always at that church you're going to church on a wizz date night I know they don't say this in South Carolina but in New Jersey they say stuff like giving that Church church Church church Church cuz y'all looking at the same thing but you don't see the same thing they have no idea that the only reason you able to put up with them in your in your house it's because of what God gives you every time you come to this house if they really knew they would be taking your bag to the car because if it wasn't for what God was doing in this house you wouldn't be able to put up with them in your house we can look at this same thing but not not see the same thing that helps us when we misunderstood and this helps us when we misunderstand God because sometimes we can be observing the activity of the eternal and feeling like God why aren't you doing something want you why aren't you moving why aren't you intervening why aren't you I mean God I'm not entitled but I'm at least attempting to live my life in a way that aligns with your wishes and your standards I know some people that ain't even trying and it seems like all is well with them and I don't understand why you you seem to be so reticent God and Layton and an apprehensive who when the truth of the matter is sometimes God's not doing what we think he ought to be doing because when you sit determines what you see and what you see determines what you do maybe he's not doing what we think he ought to be doing because he's not seeing what we see and maybe he's not seeing what we see in because he's not sitting where we sit and see he's seated he's sitting in a different place and because he's sitting in a different place he sees things differently than we do see we see to the corner he see around it we see today he see tomorrow we see the crucifixion on Friday but he lets you hang on the cross cuz he sees the resurrection on Sunday did you hear what I said yeah we see I qualified for the promotion and I didn't get it God sees six months down the line they phase in the whole department out so what you thought was rejection what's protection I know we praise God for open doors I want to know is there anybody at the Brooke that's willing to give him a brace for some closed doors [Applause] in John 11 preaching this Sunday my church Lazarus was dead and Jesus told the disciples he's sleeping and I'm getting ready to go wake him up could it be that God is not rushing regarding certain things because you think it's dead and he liked it yes Lee [Applause] it's the principle of perception principle of the place principle proximity and the principle of perception listen to this and these three principles are the passcode that unlock the door to God's best in our lives it is God's intention that his people live listen to this spirit-led principle sinner lives spirit-led principle sinner when I don't have a word he wants me to use wisdom that makes sense spirit-led principles in life and so principles principles are giving you keys to the kingdom principles they are the keys that unlock the door to God's best in our life the working of the principles is the exercising of faith faith without works is dead what's works corresponding action if I believe it there's going to be an action that corresponds with it and when I work the principles that is me expressing my faith is like sowing and reaping when I am sowing I'm working a principle that unlocks the door to a promise and these three principles are principles that unlock the door to God's vests in our life and this text we just read foundational text in John 9 reveals to us why all three of these principles are important I'm almost done look at God but here it is here this this story escorts us into an experience that Jesus has with a blind man allows us to eavesdrop on a conversation that he has with them and the writer here John gives us some interesting insight into how we can see ourselves in this story the ball the Bible says it's Jesus runs into a blind man but I say blind now we don't know what his last name is we don't know anything about his family history we don't know what his occupation is or if he has one because when John was writing the story all John wrote was this issue because that's what happened when you let other people write your story some of them will write a book on your failure and cliff notes on your success they we only know him by his issue all we know is he's blind some I say blind okay so so blindness can represent a few realities but but we know first of all it represents a loss of vision he's blind so he can't see a vision --less existence so not just don't just think natural blindness think metaphorically he's living life with no vision and the Scriptures teach where there is no vision there are no boundaries there's no discipline people cast off restraint he's living a visionless existence darkness and this darkness of this state of blindness can also represent a lack of movement because when some people can't see they can't move yeah all when they move they move slowly because they're moving cautiously and as it is in the natural so it is in the spiritual there are times where people can see but they blind so they're going through life cautiously and slowly the danger of moving in blindness is that Solomon says to everything there's a time and a season some doors are only open for certain periods of time and if I'm moving too slowly some doors my clothes before I get there this blindness represents a season of stagnation and the Bible tells us how long he was blind since birth oh all he knows is moving slowly all he knows is life without vision so he's probably been blind so long he don't even think seeing is a possibility here it is so he's probably operating with hopelessness that is situation will change hopelessness Moltmann says is the premature anticipation of the non fulfillment of the promises of God it's when you prematurely anticipate God's not gonna do it we say God's not gonna do it that's premature cuz if the matter of Lazarus has been in the grave for days whenever he show up it's on time somebody needed to hear that right there I said whenever God shows up he's on time he mama says it is the the Prima to anticipation on the non-fulfillment of promises of God here it is family here it is here it is what if I told you that the book of James says the testing of your faith produces patience which means that sometimes God tests your faith with time somebody somebody which means the question isn't just how big I can't believe I like this the question is how long I can believe and can I keep on believing when it seems like believing in working I'm speaking to somebody in this room that the devil wants to infect with faith fatigue and he wants you to grow weary in your believing so that you give up on what God wants to do prematurely but I believe what God is releasing to some of us in this room is not just strong faith but long faith I told you I wasn't gonna tell you to touch your neighbor but one more time just touch somebody and tell them I still believe yeah I don't care how long it's been I still believe I don't care how many times I tried and fail I still believe I don't care how much the Devils telling me not to believe I still believe because a weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning I still believe I still believe I still believe I'm tired but I still believe I'm crying but I still believe people turned their back on me but I still believe watch this watch this I'm gonna see if I can get a real a man here I'm getting older but I still believe did you hear me cuz I read in my Bible a woman named Sarah had a baby in her nineties God put that in the Bible to remind me in you that he will enable you to give birth to something at an age when other people say it's too late it's too late for you it ain't too late for me who am i preaching to in here [Applause] somebody give God a praise that let the devil know I'm not too old hey I still got time what God has for me hey it is for me they better wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this blind man comes to Jesus y'all mr. young mr. the blind man comes to Jesus you got I said the blind man come to Jesus ok here's my question [Applause] if he's blind how did he find his way to Jesus this this reveals something that's Admiral about this admirable about this man's activity this means that even though his eyes didn't work he did not allow the limitations of what did not work to stop him from utilizing what did work so that he could get to what he needed from God in other words he says my eyes don't work but my legs do try my use my legs my eyes don't work but my ears do so I might use my ears what if I told you God don't need anything you don't have to do what he wants to do in your life and maybe some people are so focused on what's not working that you are not fully utilizing what is working because you got enough to get you there [Applause] gotta use what you got kill a giant with a rock hey did you hear what I just said the same rock that everybody's walking past is the same rock I'm not gonna bother this if it's in the brook youngness cuz David didn't just get rocks off the ground read the story the Bible said he went to the brook and got rocks same ruts everybody's walking past same rock God showed him how to use kill a giant same staff scheppers what width is the same when God showed Moses how to use part of Red Sea same law oil that the widow woman thought she could do none with is the same all the prophets shoulder how to use and the aw didn't run out until she ran out of Joss could it be God doesn't have to add to you to add to you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so this blind man gets to Jesus this is this is interested to me and the Bible says Jesus spits on dirt makes the dirt mud and put it in the man's eyes I'll have time to bother all that because some people would have missed the miracle because of the messiness of the method some people are hold up Jesus [Music] I can't see but I know what I heard Jesus Jesus that sound like some spit yeah I don't know I know what spit sound like Jesus come on I'm trying to find the honors section right don't don't sanitize the story you robbed it of his wrists it's not something to be like wait a minute I know he is not about to spit on me I can't see but I will fight you Jesus don't spit on I know you guys son and everything but nobody spits on me Jesus mud and puts the mud on his eyes he puts DNA he puts DNA on dirt and uses the DNA he put on dirt as a healing agent Sam I put my DNA on it which is a metaphor for regeneration okay let me wrap up here it's a metaphor for regeneration so let's just say we could deal with that all day right the DNA in the mud and all of that man's made out of dirt but here it is he he puts this on the man but that's not all he does so this means got mud on his eyes and God sends him to Salone he says I want you to go although DNA is on you you've experienced regeneration but you want transformation so so I'm the only one that can give you regeneration but for transformation I want to send you to salon I'm gonna send you to a place that's made out of water I'm gonna send you to a pool i'ma see you to a brook and I want you to wash at the brook and when you wash at Brook the Brooks gonna fix your ass is there anybody here that can testify God has fix your eyes and now you see things in ways that you didn't see things before so the Bible says he went he washed and he came home seeing so he went one way and he came back another he was a beggar but now that he sees he doesn't beg anymore he was overly dependent on people to transport him from one place to another but because he can see he is not overly reliant and dependent anymore and the Bible says that he runs into some religious people that begin to question number one is he the same man and he says yes I'm the same man then they begin to question who perform the miracle and he says Jesus performs a miracle and they say well he a sinner and this man are y'all ready for this responded to the religious Pharisees this way whether he's a sinner or not I don't know which means I'm not gonna argue with you I'm not gonna explain to you why we do it the way we do it I'm not gonna explain to you why this pool is not like your Grandmama's pool I'm not gonna argue with you about why we take a different approach to it here at this pool then the pool you came from I don't even have all the answers but this is one thing I know I once was blind but now I see is there anybody in the house that can testify when you look back over your life you can say I don't have all the answers but this one thing I know when I came walking through these doors I once was blind but now I see because God got me here he loved me enough I'm done he loved me enough to refuse to let me live saved but blind did you hear what I just said I say he loved me enough to refuse to let me settle for less and his best for me so he sent me to a place that's anointed with an anointing for agitation and whenever I settle this place agitates me to advance when I'm about to throw in the towel it is because he could have sent him to any pool he could have sent him to Bethesda he could have seen him today he could have sent him anywhere but he sent us alone and the Texas salon means sent he sent him to sent he sent him to sent he sent him to send he said I need to send you to send because what you need can't be supplied by somebody who just went I need to send you to somebody who sent whosoever call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved how shall they call upon him and whom they have not I'm whom to have not believing I'll say they believe on him in whom they have not heard how shall they hear without a preacher and how shall they preach unless he be sent God says what I have for you is so unique I had to send you to a place that could handle and nurture and cultivate that uniqueness because sometimes you can't get there until you get there here it is so this man got to the right place got the right word which opened his eyes place Proclamation perception I'm telling you that when God connects you to a house it is because what is on the house is what he intends to get in you listen to me so when the man of God said and and spoke prophetically about what God's getting ready to do in your life that's because God would not plant you in a place where he's doing the unusual if he did not intend to do the unusual in your life and when you see it that that way this celebration is not just a celebration about the future of this house it's a picture of the future of yours it is your this this is a full house so whatever is empty in your life God wants to feel because you're not at an empty house you're at a full house that's the anointing that's on my church so that's the anointing that's on my life [Music] so if joy is empty he wants to fill it if peace is empty he can feel that bank accounts he can feel that well cuz that's on my house because I can't get there until I get there so today I want you to receive what God is doing in this house as a picture of what he wants to do in yours boy thank you for sending me to a place that's getting me ready for what you have ready for me I want to pray over you I got five seconds would you lift your hands please [Music] Lord you said when we lift our hands we lift our hearts our hearts are lifted tonight we heard you and we speak over this house and we speak over our lives never the same I'm not a part of a settling house and I will not settle in my life I pray now for a resurrected faith I pray for a renewed strength I pray against faith fatigue somebody's tired and they're worn down and they're worn out and they're trying to believe but their faith is on e I pray for refilling tonight you said times of refreshing come from the Lord up I pray that over your people I pray whatever's into you will feel whatever's broken you would heal I pray for this house this church I thank you for the Brook this oasis in the desert they give her something fresh and new vibrant I pray protection over this house and I pray that you with sin the resources and the relationships to go along with the responsibilities you've given it I pray for these leaders as their days are so shall their strength be I pray for no lack in in any area of their life I pray protection over their children ha your word says you will bless the fruit of our womb and I pray as they are building your house you build theirs who strength to them now refreshing to them now renewal to them now I'll pray for fresh eyes and fresh vision and revelation keep talking to them so that they can talk to us and I thank you for support systems and shims and japheth's to hold up their arms and I pray that this day will be a day that marks a new beginning thank you we pray this blessing on this place in Jesus name would you clap your hands for the Brook tonight [Music] [Applause]
Channel: The Brook
Views: 65,008
Rating: 4.892355 out of 5
Keywords: people, blog, The Brook, Contemporary Church in South Carolina, Churches in Columbia South Carolina, Churches in South Carolina, Columbia South Carolina, The Brook Columbia, worship, The Brook Church, Online Church, Pastor Sim, Simeon Moultrie, sunday service, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Faith
Id: ZGGe5_0NnlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 46sec (2686 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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