"Are You Anchored? Let's Talk About Grief" Pastor Reginald W. Sharpe Jr. September 8, 2021

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welcome aboard the virtual ship with fellowship chicago while we can't have church traditionally we can still be the church consistently new method same message new platform same power new season same god now let's go into our worship experience it's our church anniversary month fellowship is turning 71 [Music] that's 71 years of ministry and service 71 years of kinship a friendship a relationship 71 years of god being awesome 71 years of excellence and god doing more than we ever expected sunday september 12th is our official 71st church anniversary celebration we will celebrate like only fellowship does and honor three living legends of fellowship on this day dr ludella evans read reverend ferris evans and reverend jesse jackson you do not want to miss this praise party after church we are having an anniversary drive-through we will have music and special anniversary gifts to give away pull up from 12 p.m to 2 p.m to fellowship with us september 18th 19th 21st 22nd and 23rd is the official installation celebration for our very own senior pastor reverend reginald wayne sharpe jr take a look at what we have in store the pastoral installation celebration join us september 18th through the 23rd as we celebrate the installation of pastor reginald w sharp jr at fellowship chicago featuring pastor emeritus dr charles jenkins his grace is sufficient for me you might have to pivot twist turn adjust rearrange rethink reconsider recalibrate but say it it's my season feature dr e dewey smith jr your works don't bring your salvation i don't work to get saved i work because i am saved and the installation revival tuesday dr marcus cosby the truth of the matter is i'm saved by the power of the lord jesus christ and can nobody take my salvation the bible says those who are in the lord's hand nobody can pluck them out and guest psalmist kathy taylor [Music] [Music] blessings and glory thanksgiving guest saw mr karen clark shearer bishop walter scott thomas because god has brought you a higher brought you higher and it does not yet appear it does not yet appear what you shall become but you shall be like him [Music] the legacy continues the pastoral installation celebration streaming live on facebook youtube and fellowshipchicago.com full speed ahead [Music] sunday september 26th is hero sunday a fellowship hero is someone who goes over and beyond at the church in their community or in their career we will honor those individuals on this day we want everyone on board as we set sail into 71 years of fellowship [Music] what's going on fellowship happy wednesday we're back with our refuel and i'm excited that god has brought my wife and i back from sabbatical thank you again from the bottom of our hearts we appreciate your support and your consistent prayers it's been a time for myself and my family but it's also been a time for many of you and i want you to know that we're praying for you and we have you covered smothered and surrounded to borrow the famous expression of our pastor emeritus hey family god laid it on my heart that because so many of us are going through grief there's so much loss even amongst our church family that tonight's message is a message i shared last year on grief let's talk about grief it's a lot going on and i and i felt the need to bring out this message because the principles of the message from 2020 are still so relevant for 2021. so we're going to jump into the lesson in a minute but right now can we pause for a moment of giving come on help me praise god for bringing us safely to the ninth month of 2021 and it's time to give so look at those seven ways to give and pick whichever way is most feasible for you easiest for you and i pray that you so tonight let me pray with you god blessed every gift and giver and get glory out of tonight's lesson this is our prayer in jesus name and we thank you amen hey family this is the lesson from last year in september but it's still relevant this year let's talk about grief it's a hard topic but we need it i'll see you in a minute peace peace we're talking about are you anchored let's talk about grief let's talk about grief you know when it comes to grief sometimes we immediately think uh funeral we immediately think death but the truth is grief uh the definition is the the psychological emotional experience following a loss of any kind you can you can grieve losing a job you can grieve a relationship crumbling or ending you can grieve a status shift or moving or a transition you can grieve losing a game you can grieve an income an an income shift you can grieve if something happens to a family member some of us are grieving this pandemic because it is a change it's a loss of normality we've lost our normalcy we've lost our routine we've lost some of our rituals that are meaning for us and so grief is the is the psychological emotional experience following a loss of any kind and specifically bereavement is different from grief bereavement is a specific type of grief related to someone dying so you can be experiencing bereavement uh after someone dies but you can experience grief after a loss of any kind and so today we want to talk about grief because sometimes in our lives it's the moments where we're losing what we love we're losing what we've cherished we're losing sometimes those things that are dear precious and sacred to us and we have to find healthy ways to grieve not just family members and loved ones that pass but any loss of any kind we have to honor god in our grief and ask god to aid us in our grieving because paul put it like this we don't sorrow as those that have no hope it it didn't say you don't sorrow it doesn't say you don't grieve it doesn't say that you don't have the human emotions of experiencing a loss but there ought to be some type of light still shining we pray that even in our grieving you still see a light a little slither of light shining in on those dark rooms and those dark experiences and so today i just want to talk briefly about the kubler frost five stage model this was formed in 1969 and this is where we get the five stages of grief from some of you may be familiar with the five stages of grief but it comes from the kubler-ross five stage model written by a swiss american psychiatrist in a book called on death and dying and in this book she lives for us the five stages the five phases that we go through when we grieve hear me now this is not just for people who have lost a loved one or a person that was significant it is for people this lesson is for anybody that has experienced any kind of loss can i tell you i've counseled so many people this year who have dealt with the loss of relationships people that have faced breakups and i don't know if you've ever experienced that before but when i tell you that is a painful loss when you have invested time in a relationship you've invested love in a relationship you all know everything there is to know about each other and there's some fracture there's there's some stopping and ending of a season that can break your heart it can leave you devastated if you uh have poured years into a job and you're furloughed or you are released from that position that causes grief some of us right now you're sitting in your home ready for all of this to be over you're tired of the pandemic you want to get back to church and you're grieving and you don't even know it you're wondering why am i napping all the time why am i eating and i'm not even hungry get out of that refrigerator you're just eating your way into happiness trying to find something that suits you trying to cope i want to help you with these five ways that might give us some insights on how to handle our grief number one the first stage of grief is this denial denial denied you're just in denial whenever someone passes away sometimes the first definition of the first experience rather is oh no that can't be true oh i know i know that's not true oh no no no no no no literally as soon as you tell people sometimes that someone has passed our initial reaction is no no and without us realizing that that's you trying to deny the reality that something is gone that you don't want gone it's denial and some people stay in that phase so long that they never face the reality because they're still in did not no that didn't happen to me no i don't wanna i don't wanna i don't wanna talk about it i don't wanna talk about it i don't want to think about it i don't like that sometimes you can get news from a doctor and they say well we see something that looks suspicious something that might be harmful to you and you no i rebuked that i don't know if y'all said it up here in chicago but i came from atlanta and anytime you hear some news you don't like you you know i rebuke that i i don't accept that that's denial and and you can't fix what you don't face and so denial doesn't help us on our journeys but it is a part of our journey there's a season where there's denial and i need to say this on the out front too that this is not linear this does not mean you're going to go through each stage in order no these stages are fluid you can be in denial today in another stage another day and go back and go forward and move up move down because grief is something that just happens you can't control it it just happens but the first stage according to these five stages of grief is denial somebody say denial then the second stage is anger it's anger you're just mad you're upset i remember i remember when my aunt died she went in for a simple procedure it was 2012. she went in for a simple procedure to remove a cyst off of her stomach and somehow the stitching of of her surgery was done incorrectly and fluid from the stomach began to seep out into other parts of her body she became septic and she died within weeks i remember being so mad on the day of the funeral i had to do the eulogy unfortunately her name was auntie sugar you know in the country everybody got a nickname so she was auntie sugar her name was gloria but we call it hunty sugar i preached her eulogy what made sugar so sweet i was i preached that eulogy so mad i sat through that funeral so mad and i didn't realize i was angry because i knew i didn't want my family facing this kind of death over something so what would seem so insignificant a doctor could have handled that situation better just just just stitch her up right it just made me angry my my friend that took her life a few weeks ago some of our friends we're still in the stage of anger you know just just upset that we've had to deal with this upset that that that she didn't find any she couldn't see any hope just upset that some people are upset that they couldn't get to her in time well what if i could have said something what if i could have done something it's anger and it's a real emotion the bible even says be angry and sin not it's okay to be angry jesus was angry flipped over tables in the temple when he realized that they were misusing the house of god anger is a real emotion don't tell me that i'm christian and i can't be angry no it's a real emotion sometimes you you're just angry and it comes out suddenly sometimes sometimes now you're moody and you're agitated and you're not as nice and and you don't want to be bothered and you don't want to talk to people on the phone a little snappy it's a part of the grieving process denial anger and then number three bargaining bargaining somebody say bargaining uh this if this this is bargaining let me give an example if this wouldn't have happened then this would have happened if i had done this then then this could have happened somebody you know my friend passed well if well what if i had called her it's the shuttle woulda coulda blaming yourself phase guilt uh replaying different scenarios in your head well what if i did what if i could have said and it's all a part of grieving you know if if a relationship does crumble and the person says i don't want to be with you anymore and i want to i want to move on and now you've ex you're trying to accept what they've told you but then you're saying but what if i didn't cuss them out that bad what if what if i didn't tell him i didn't like his ball here what if what if i had been nicer what it's the bargaining phase where you trying to figure out what did i do how could i have fixed it how could i have corrected it and you got to embrace that phase too because you're human you're going to think about what went wrong what could i have fixed and that's a part of this process as well denial anger bargaining number four depression depression this this is one of the lowest parts of the stage it's when all of it has kind of set in on you and you feel that weight in your chest and you're starting to realize i can't change this i can't do anything about this this is my new reality it's depression it is that feeling it's also a psychological experience when the mind is having a hard time coping with the pressure the mind the spirit is having a hard time coping with the reality and depression listen that deserves a whole nother lesson just talking about depression and you can be saved believe in jesus and know all the christian songs and still deal with depression oh i wish the room was full so i could just look you and i and tell you don't don't don't don't think you too holy that that depression won't visit you we talked about it last week elijah we believe got depressed and he said lord can you just end this for me i'm tired of this job we believe he was depressed when he said i cursed today my mother had me we believe it's possible that even jesus got depressed in the garden of gethsemane that crushing place he said when he began to sweat and his sweat looked like blood coming out of him and he began to wrestle with his assignment and it was heavy we know paul dealt with some depression we know jeremiah dealt with some depression he he we believe he was so depressed that he got the nickname the weeping prophet because his assignment was so heavy and overwhelming and can i tell you even your pastor has had some moments with depression let me tell you and and it's and it happens so fast it can happen so fast i remember this year and i'm being vulnerable but i remember specifically i remember the moment it happened this year i'll never forget it it was all it was april the 19th i got a call early in the morning april 19th at faith evans i called it auntie faith went home to be with the lord two hours later i got a call that a member that had been sedated and been in a coma for almost 40 days had come out of the coma and so in a matter of two hours i remember having i i just remember that day because i got a call about a death that was devastating then i got a call about a member coming back from cover 19 that was in a coma and i and i remember what it did to me and i and i went down i just sunk and and it was so subtle and depression is so dangerous because you can be functioning highly functioning highly functional still doing everything you're supposed to do and inside you you just you're just finding it very hard to keep on going your energy gets low uh you you're not trying to make a scene you're not trying to be uh pull you're not trying to pull on people but it just it's very hard to get up i remember preaching during that time it took everything in me and so i had to begin to care for myself in a different way i'm being vulnerable because i know i'm not the only person who's dealt with it before and so you can't just preach it away just can't shout it away sometimes you have to call a therapist and reach out for counseling and talk to people who care for you get some advice find tools that can help surround yourself with friends that can understand be careful about your eating during that time you have to you have to include exercise and get extra doses of sunlight and even when you're feeling low make yourself go out and do something all of those things i'm going to teach another lesson later on about depression but that's a low phase because it hits you and you can't tell me that that you lose somebody you really loved and you just bounced back no you gonna dip for a minute and that's depression but then that final the final part of this five stage is acceptance acceptance acceptance and this is when you finally start uh to to realize okay i did lose my job okay my boo did leave me all right yep that yep that hurt that hurt i didn't want to lose them but they are gone this is different this is hard this is challenging for me and my grandma lost her mother when she was 19 years old my grandma harper lost her mom when when she was 19 and i said well how did you deal with it she said you don't get over it you just learn to get through it and that's a part of acceptance you don't get over it you just you just learn to get through it you just learn to keep pressing you learn to honor their legacy in different ways and so no matter where you are whatever kind of loss you deal with i want you to know this whether it's a breakup whether it's a transition whether it's a change whether it's just you trying to cope with this pandemic whether you lose someone you love you have to you have to be gentle with yourself oh hear me tonight be gentle with yourself you are spiritual but you are very very human be gentle with yourself and give yourself space and grace to deal with the denial to deal with the anger to deal with the bargaining to deal with the depression that might come and to deal with the acceptance and acceptance don't mean that you just tiptoeing through the tulips again and running through the roses and and gallivanting everywhere no no no acceptance simply means you're finally coming to a place where you are relearning your world that is a major term that i'm gonna drop on you right now read somebody say i gotta relearn the world relearn the world some people call it a new normal nothing is ever the same again you gotta relearn the world it looks different it feels different everything you see may remind you of that person and so you are relearning the world over again it's kind of like somebody that hasn't used the muscle in a while and you got to rework that muscle or you or you had a surgery in your hip or your knee and you've got to relax you got to go through therapy come on somebody to learn how to work those muscles that have just been shocked and have been harmed because whenever death comes according to a book entitled how we grieve this author says whenever death comes two things happen there is a disruption and a deprivation disruption and deprivation disruption the normal flow of my life is halted and it's never the same again it's a disruption i was flown i was living and now there's a loss comes and and i'm disrupted but then there's a deprivation i'm deprived of what i want i'm deprived of who i loved and so the only way to overcome this disruption and this deprivation is you have to open your heart again to relearn the world somebody say that with me i got to relearn the world relearn the world and and right now in this pandemic let me ask you a question aren't we relearning the world haven't we had to re-uh refocus and realign and adjust and shift in major ways i never thought a million years so we'll be all of us be walking around with masks on did you ever think you'd be doing that i never thought in a million years i talked to miss loretta oliver who blessed us on sunday she said i've never missed this much church in my whole life she's in her late 80s almost she said pastor i've never missed this much church and we all having to relearn the world but it's possible with god with jesus all things are possible listen i want to drop this with you i want to drop this with you i want to drop this with you uh what helps in grief there's a couple things six things i want to give you quickly staying physically healthy what helps in grief meaning making making sense out of what happened uh you know you know when my friend took her life i had to quickly make meaning of it i had to quickly make meaning of it and and one meaning that i came up with i said she was tired she was tired she was tired and and i'm glad she's resting now now i don't know if that's the right thing to say but i had to i had to make some meat listen somebody you got to make sense out of nonsense sometimes it doesn't make sense but you have to make it make sense i remember my grandmother lost her son my uncle and and i i said grandma you all right she said yeah i'm all right he was tired he was tired he was tired and god let it happen for a reason and and i asked her months later she said he was tired and god let it happen for a reason i asked her a year later how you doing grandma how you coping with funky jeff's death she said he was tired and god let it happen for a reason i you know i don't know if if that's exactly the truth but i do know it helped her cope because she was able to make meaning of it she was able to make meaning of it then number three honor honoring the loss honoring the person you lost find a way to honor their legacy keep their name alive keep that i remember my grandmother died i wrote a sermon called grandma name and it's a very personal sermon for me because the whole sermon is a tribute to her being in the great cloud of witnesses from hebrew 11. but that was my way of honoring the loss and then number four number four this is so rich make time for the loss and then make time for life so when i am in my grieving moment when i'm in my moments of remembrance give yourself time for the loss and then you give yourself time for life so that it doesn't always no no no you don't you can't stop life life's life keeps moving bills still have to be paid children still have to be raised uh commitments still have to be honored stuff has to be done emails have to be responded to so i'm gonna give myself time over here i'm gonna work today i'm gonna do everything i'm supposed to do is the best i can and then when i'm over here having my moment i'ma have my moment and i don't want nobody to bother me while i'm having my moment give yourself time the bible says in ecclesiastes there's a time for everything under the sun and so give yourself time for the loss and then give yourself time for life god does not want any of us to stop living because there's been a loss of life number five don't judge your feelings if you're mad today be mad if you up today be up if you're low today be low tyler perry helped me he put it like this he said ride the waves of grief he said because if you don't ride the waves of grief then all of the grief is going to crash upon you like a hurricane or like a tsunami he said but if you ride the waves when you're up be up having a good day have a good day if you're having a low one it's all right i have a low day it's all right to be moving a little slower it's all right to be a little more emotional it's all right to cry can i please talk to the black men they think they got to wear sun shades at funerals to cover their emotions didn't nobody tell you to put on shades to cover your emotions it's healthy to cry the body literally releases toxins through your tears you are releasing pain every time you shed a tear it's okay to cry i'm so glad that i got a i have a daddy and a granddaddy who cry all the time i mean my granddaddy's most emotional man i know he is not afraid of his emotions and i think that helped me as a man because i know they're both me you know they they're man's man they are men men men men men you understand what i'm saying but they cry my dad will be in worship or listening to a gospel song in the car and i've seen him share tears and it taught me it's okay to be a man and be in touch with your emotions don't judge yourself for how you feel you can't control grief but you can allow yourself to space to grieve number six basic coping cope cope in healthy ways some people turn to weed some people turn to drinking some people turn to all kinds of things that are unhealthy to try to numb the pain every funeral i go to of young people i walk in and the whole room just smells like there's an aroma of of of kush there's an aroma of of weed and reggie and loud you know all those names i don't know don't don't ask me i know the names somebody told me what they call it but i walk in everybody is high or you walk up to somebody and you and here goes some some some some malt liquor on their breath they had a little sip of jack daniels before they get to the funeral because they're trying to cope and here's the truth you can get as high as you want to but life's going to bring you right back down you can get as drunk as you and intoxicated as you want to get but as soon as it's over you got to face your reality again so it's best to ask god give me healthy ways to cope is that therapy do i need to reach out to a counselor do i need some pastoral care do i need to reach out to the prayer ministry to just help me pray myself through this and have some extra support do i need to talk to a friend at a certain time at night before bed do i need to watch a certain movie do i need to listen to certain music what's going to help me cope so that i don't lose my life while i'm remembering life you feel what i'm saying you got to take care of yourself cope in healthy ways some of us right now you listening and you drunk right now because you just this this pandemic you just you just stay intoxicated all day long god does not call you and purpose for your life for you to be inebriated and having all of these unhealthy substances in your body if you need medication it's okay go to the psychologist go to the psychiatrist and get the help that you need and let it be somebody who knows what they're doing cope with medicine that is designed to help you through certain seasons and it's okay to even do that but don't self-medicate yourself and ruin your body your mind and your soul by not coping in healthy ways so these are just some things to help you in grief and then i want to end with what to do to help others in grief quickly express condolences and sympathy ask them about the circumstances of the laws how you know how are you feeling some sometimes you get around people that have lost somebody and you don't know what to say it's okay to say how are you feeling you know i i'm sure this must be tough for you because people need to get it out you it's okay to ask them about the circumstances without asking so how did they die that is none of your business unless they bring that up don't ever ask somebody that i've seen people on facebook well what happened i i'm not about to write that back to you right here on this on this here uh uh uh uh instagram and facebook we're not about to do that that is not tactful and it is not kind it's not it's not being generous number three check in on them rather than waiting on them to check on you or reach out you know the person's grieving you know they had a loss so call them don't wait for them to call you number four make plans to get together be creative in this pandemic give hugs when they are in pain be creative you can't hug right now but but how do you give a virtual hug how do i send a hug through my phone number six avoid saying the person should be strong don't tell anybody grieving they just lost somebody be strong no you're not saying that for them you saying that for you because you didn't have nothing else better to say be quiet don't tell anybody be strong just tell them i unders i i i'm praying for you i don't understand if you have had that experience say i i know a little bit of what you're dealing with but don't ever tell anybody be strong number seven avoid minimizing it by suggesting it was for the best well you know god don't minimize well you know god pick his best flowers first well you know god let this happen you're not god don't try to play theology in those moments just be present just let them feel your love there's at least two scriptures i want to drop real quick first corinthians second corinthians rather second corinthians chapter one this is one of my favorite scriptures second corinthians chapter one second corinthians chapter one verses three through five i love this i love this it says blessed be the god and father of our lord jesus christ the father of mercies and the god and the god the god of all consolation king james version says comfort watch this who comforts us and consoles us in all our affliction so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the consolation with which we ourselves were consoled did you catch that i know it sounds like a little jump and he says no god thank you for comforting me so that i know how to comfort other people the way you've comforted me that's the simple god comforts us consoles us in our affliction and god does it so that you know how to comfort and console others and that i speak over somebody's life he is the god of comfort when jesus left he said i'm going to leave you the comforter the comforter which is another word of the holy spirit i'm going to leave my comforter with you i don't care how low you feel it does not matter how how how low and how heavy and how depressed and how much grief has been on you we have a god that comforts we have a god that meets us in our pain and pulls us up into places of hope and strength and healing and this is my prayer for you today that you let god do that work john 11 35 says jesus will so if jesus wept if jesus had moments of humanity you will too i pray for the person listening to you in grief right now you are simply getting ready to relearn the world it's not over you don't have to throw your head in as the music comes in you don't have to give up you don't have to throw in the towel you don't have to take your life you don't have to end your life god has more life for you and every pain you feel aren't you glad that you have a savior that has felt it before jesus knows exactly we don't have a high priest that cannot feel the feelings of our infirmities literally meaning he feels it all with us he feels it all what a friend we have in jesus all our sins and grief to bear see when you get older those songs start doing something to you what a friend we have in jesus all our sins and griefs to bear what a privilege it is to carry not some things but everything to god in prayer can we find a friend so faithful who will all our sorrows share jesus knows our every weakness take it to the lord in prayer god is with you in the middle of that struggle let's pray god someone tonight needed this refuel they needed this reset they needed this word i thank you that you're the god of all comfort and one day when we get on the other side of this mountain on the other side of this grief we're going to be able to comfort people with a different kind of sensitivity some of us didn't know what grief was until we lost someone so it made us more sensitive of how we respond when other people are going through so god help us to be mindful of those who are grieving and going through so that we can come alongside them and walk with them encourage them love them through it and help us all relearn the world after this deprivation and after this disruption someone is hurting tonight someone is hurting so deeply i mean down in that gut in their stomach it feels like arrows it feels like there's a hole god i'm asking that you would fill it with your peace fill it with your joy fill it with your strength fill it with the love of god fill it with jesus christ allow them to feel your comfort tonight hey family i'm so grateful that you have tuned in tonight for our refuel and i pray that this throwback message from last year has been a blessing to your mind and your heart let me say this with so much loss so much sorrow so much global grief as i call it i want to park for a moment before i offer christ to you and another opportunity to give i want to pray let's pray god we thank you for tonight's lesson i pray god as we go through these five stages of grief that you would meet us on the journey god i'm so grateful that you promised to never leave us nor forsake us and so for the mothers the fathers the sisters the brothers the children the nieces and nephews the friends that are grieving lost tonight i pray that your holy spirit will fill them up and cover them remind them that they are never left alone god soothe our spirits massage our minds and keep us in your perfect peace your shalom shalom god we need you like never before cover those who are experiencing loss cover those who are walking with their families through sickness and healedness cover those tonight who are suffering from covet 19 god hear our prayer we know you're listening and answer us again in jesus name amen hey family the reason why i'm praying to jesus is because he is the one that gives us access to the throne room of god and if you don't know him tonight i want to offer christ to you a admit your center b believe that jesus christ loves you die for your sins and rose again and see confess him as lord of your life if you do that and if you need a church home email us info fellowship chicago.com or text us right now don't delay do it today and then finally let's give one more time god has blessed us god has prospered us so let's give look at those seven ways to give come on check them out check them out check them out look at those seven ways to give hit up zell hit up cash app hit up shelby next giving hit up paypal whatever is most convenient for you and i'm believing that god is going to give you a window seat yeah not a house seat a window seat because you're close to the windows of heaven and the blessings are pouring out on your life receive now the benediction may your struggles keep you near the cross may your troubles show that you need god may your battles end the way they should not the way you want them to but the way they should and may your bad days prove that god is still good i pray your whole life proves that god really is good until i see you again on sunday for our church anniversary peace peace it's our church anniversary month fellowship is turning 71. [Music] that's 71 years of ministry and service 71 years of kinship a friendship a relationship 71 years of god being awesome 71 years of excellence and god doing more than we ever expected sunday september 12th is our official 71st church anniversary celebration we will celebrate like only fellowship does and honor three living legends of fellowship on this day dr ludella evans read reverend ferris evans and reverend jesse jackson you do not want to miss this praise party after church we are having an anniversary drive-through we will have music and special anniversary gifts to give away pull up from 12pm to 2pm to fellowship with us september 18th 19th 21st 22nd and 23rd is the official installation celebration for our very own senior pastor reverend reginald wayne sharp jr take a look at what we have in store the pastoral installation celebration join us september 18th through the 23rd as we celebrate the installation of pastor reginald w sharpe jr at fellowship chicago featuring pastor emeritus dr charles jenkins his grace is sufficient for me you might have to pivot twist turn adjust rearrange rethink reconsider recalibrate but say it it's my season feature dr e dewey smith jr your works don't bring your salvation i don't work to get saved i work because i am saved and the installation revival tuesday dr marcus cosby the truth of the matter is i'm saved by the power of the lord jesus christ and can nobody take my salvation the bible says those who are in the lord's hand nobody can pluck them out and guest psalmist kathy taylor the better the more i call him the better we speak with dr teresa fry brown blessing that glory wisdom thanksgiving honor and power karen clark shearer bishop walter scott thomas because god has brought you a higher brought you higher and it does not yet appear it does not yet appear what you shall become but you shall be like him yes [Music] the legacy continues the pastoral installation celebration streaming live on facebook youtube and fellowshipchicago.com full speed ahead [Music] sunday september 26th is hero sunday a fellowship hero is someone who goes over and beyond at the church in their community or in their career we will honor those individuals on this day we want everyone on board as we set sail into 71 years of fellowship [Music] thank you for worshiping with fellowship chicago on the virtual ship we've always had a commitment of service and during this season we've increased our efforts to serve you better we have made it easy for you to stay connected to get the complete resources you need you can email us at info fellowship chicago dot com call the church office tuesday through friday 9 a.m to 5 p.m at 773-924-3232 and our social media on instagram twitter and facebook for real-time updates you can text fellowship chicago to 55949 we have exciting and informative resources throughout the entire week designed specifically with you in mind go to fellowshipchicago.com for the full schedule until we dock again thank you for your prayers and financial support of fellowship chicago remember we are in this together shock your spirit
Channel: FellowshipChicago
Views: 2,448
Rating: 4.942029 out of 5
Keywords: Worship Service, Pastor Sharpe, Fellowship Chicago
Id: 0V1sj9ZhFkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 7sec (2527 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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