"Pride Is The Devil" Pastor Reginald W. Sharpe Jr. Sunday July 18, 2021

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welcome aboard the virtual ship with fellowship chicago while we can't have church traditionally we can still be the church consistently new method same message new platform same power new season same god now let's go into our worship experience good morning my name is kweilyn from the tweens ministry i'm excited to welcome you aboard the virtual ship it is fellowship youth takeover and we are unapologetic and fearless we pray that you are blessed today in a special way come enjoy worship with us [Music] mr preacher man i don't want no trouble i just came to praise and worship with my brothers praying to the lord and hoping he forgive us i won't god the same i just don't want the streets to kill us i'm like mr breed to man i don't want no trouble i just came to praise and worship with my brothers praying to the lord and hoping he forgive us i won't got the same us don't want the streets to kill us some life is to preach a man please don't be alarmed [Music] and i know you've seen us running from the cops all this senseless killing we won't need to stop we want you to know sir if you don't let us in we have no place to go sir just to i preach came to praise and worship with my brothers praying to the lord and hoping he forgive us i want not to save us don't want the snakes to kill us don't like us to preach [Music] in my [Music] we may [Music] i [Music] i don't want no trouble i just came to praise that worship with my brothers praying to the lord and hoping he forgive [Music] us when i think about jesus what he's done for me when i think about jesus how to set me free turn up turn up i can't help it [Music] still rapping holy spirit on the inside i can't help it what's going on family welcome aboard the virtual ship i'm so excited that you have tuned in this sunday to worship god in spirit and in truth with us wherever you are today aren't you glad to be alive haven't god been good to you i mean aren't you feeling the residue of his mercies on you because they're new every morning wherever you are can you take 10 seconds and give god your best praise because this is the day that the lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it there's another scripture that says let the redeemed of the lord say so somebody take a few minutes before we get started to just say so tell god thank you tell god i love you tell god i appreciate you tell god i can't make it without you wherever you are this morning just open your mouth and bless him come on open your mouth and bless him and then and then and then since we're here on the virtual ship let's put our hands together and sing a little bit of this song that means so much all of my life come on one more time all of my life [Music] what else did he do and he wasn't finished and then he did one more thing come on one more time you woke me up this morning [Music] oh [Music] use them and act like the devil's in the middle of you come on clap your hands oh ye people shout unto god with the voice of triumph hey before i get too excited let me tell you something real real good today is youth day can you make some noise for all the youth who are connected to fellowship chicago i know you have some youth in your family and we are praying that this worship service would bless them i'm going to get out the way because they're running everything today the only thing i'm gonna come back to do is preach and maybe sing three lines of a little song but other than that the youth got it today so i cannot wait to see how god is working and moving through them enjoy this worship service i'll be back soon peace peace i can't take this anymore i have had it up to here they are always killing us i begin to think about the killings and i think to myself when will it stop when will these killings stop oh sometimes i feel like killing myself girl what are you talking about why are you screaming at the top of your voice why are you so upset every day you come in here about something what happened at school why are you so angry you need jesus you don't understand you will never understand what do you mean i don't understand every day you come here complaining about something can't you be happy just one day can you come to this house just one day you go into your room you are slamming doors you come out of your room you're still slamming doors will there be any day that you can act normal be happy not be so angry mama you don't understand you are too old to understand i can't talk to you why can't you talk to me i am always asking what is wrong i ask is it your school is someone at school bothering you i ask did your dad say something to you what what did he say i told you to stop listening to him because he's always filling your head with mess i told you to stop going over there anyways because whenever you're around him you seem to have an attitude see you just don't get it i will never be able to share anything with you it's not anything about what my dad said hey mom with that jeanetta going off again what does it know boy i don't know but you should know you are both alike no i'm not i don't know that alien frankly i don't know where she came from are you sure she's your child because i serve notice today she's not my sister and i don't know whose she is i'm gonna remember that boy you need to stop yes she's your sister and yes i have both of you breaking news martin jackson here on the south side of chicago another black man shot killed while running away from the police [Music] no this the fifth black man shot and killed this week it is so much violence in this world jesus jesus heal the world lord come down and protect these young men today what happened now the police killed another black man it's open season on the black man see this is what i'm talking about thank you marcus i feel the same way every time we're riding the bus or you turn on tv you hear about somebody getting shot you in class you hear about somebody getting shot when will it stop everybody is constantly talking about the killings at school one of my teachers even had the nerve to say why don't you kids just get it and stop getting yourselves killed like it's our fault what stop lying your teacher said what no it's the truth well what did you say i couldn't say anything because if i said something i would have said the wrong thing then i would have got some spinning from school all i said was really are you serious you have the audacity to blame us for the killings that the police are deliberately doing to our black men you all just have to pray and ask god to protect our men marcus can you believe her the answer is always pray that's her ghost too why are you so angry janetta yeah why are you so angry we can't go talk to you before you go flying out the handle like you always do i'm with marcus i can't talk to you before you go biting my head off i think it's your dad who is bothering you filling your head with mess why do you feel so powerful when you start throwing my father under the bus why do you think every time i express myself and i'm telling you that i am angry and i'm telling you that i'm frustrated that you think it's my dad then you turn around and tell me that i need to pray do you know what's happening in this world do you know that we're in the middle of a pandemic do you know how many black men have been killed in this year alone do you get it why are you getting angry for it you act like his mama thought that we had just covey you act like everything that happened is her fault even though it kinda is now marcus that's all right you don't have to defend me janetta you should get on your knees and pray ask god to handle this and stop being so angry you need to be sorry you just need to pray stop it just stop it i am sick and tired of you telling me that i need to pray i am so angry right now why won't you let me be angry i have this burning inside of me and it won't go away hey mama can i go out no boy your sister just said we are in a pandemic and the virus is out there but i'm just going down the street to the store jeanette can go to school i'm not in school i literally need to get out of this house come on mama you know i'm your favorite child even though you say i have a sister but who really knows that she's your child but i literally need to get out of this house go on boy come right back from the store all right i will who is it i said who is it why are you knocking on my door so hard have you lost your ever-loving man it's roxy girl what's wrong with you come in miss smith mrs smith you gotta come out you gotta what are you talking about girl come where roxy what's all that noise what's wrong why are you screaming why are you here it's marcus it's marcus what do you mean it's marcus [Music] i can't see say what child what is wrong where's marcus marcus he gotcha he got shot by the police oh jesus oh jesus no where's marcus please mercy take me to him they've killed my brother he wasn't doing anything except going to the store they've killed my brother my only brother is dead i will never apologize for being who i am they say they will take care of us they say don't worry everything is going to be all right they say go to school get an education go to college you can be somebody they say pray and god will take care of you they say they didn't know any better to the police they say they didn't mean to do it they say he must have been doing something wrong they say why are you so angry they say why are you so negative about so many things and i say i have a right to be angry i have a right to be mad i have a right to be hurt and i have a right to be sad for the michael browns the brianna taylors the george floyds the dante wrights and the micaiah bryants of the world black lives do matter i will not apologize for who i am i will not be silenced for what i believe i will not go about my daily routine smiling when people approach me i am unapologetic i don't have to accept this i don't have to change the way i feel i am black and i am proud i am entitled to feel the way i feel i am [Music] unapologetic my brother laid in the street dead because someone did not value his life instead they decide to take it i know that god is real i know that god is there for me but why god why god i asked why did you let this happen to my brother why are so many people being killed why are we dealing with the pandemic why are so many of my friends turning to pills like perks i don't have the answers i go crazy thinking about him but one thing i do know is that i can't feel i can't apologize for how i feel for now i can only say that i have the right to be unapologetic today we are excited to welcome some family members of the ship phelan feaster who is being accompanied on piano by his father philip feaster now because phelan is singing this song in italian let me break down what's going on for you this performance is all about civol belare which translates to if you want to dance this song is an aria from the first act of the opera the marriage of figaro by wolfgang immedias mozart in the arya figuero is upset because the king has ordered that he will be with any woman in the kingdom before she gets married including figaro's woman fellowship let's show some virtual love to phalen feaster [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] piano piano piano piano [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh happy sunday fellowship my name is grace harris-jarman and this is your weekly edition of fnn fellowship news network [Music] we are gearing up to reopen our weekly soup kitchen and we are looking for volunteers if you have the passion to assist with serving hot meals to those in need and are available on thursdays during the day then we are looking for you email us at communitytable fellowshipchicago.com today our peacekeepers security ministry is looking for new members they are responsible for securing our building during worship services and events if you are interested please email security fellowship chicago.com to get more information as we continue to shift gears in 2021 fellowship bible academy will launch a series of classes this summer wednesday august 4th through wednesday september 1st 2021 from 6 30 to 8 pm weekly instructors will host all classes virtually via zoom visit www.fellowshipchicago.com for more information and to register today during this month of july some of our ministries will be taking a sabbatical to rest up relax and recharge for the second half of the year if you have any specific ministry related questions or concerns contact damian martin at d martin fellowship chicago dot com now we have some special announcements for you check them out fellowship chicago presents summertime shy worship vibes every sunday in august we're welcoming guest speakers to the ship this is a follow-up don't miss event featuring dr charles goodman ehud teaches us it's not just that you gotta be different you gotta think this dr danielle brown that we serve a god who sits high that we serve a god who looks low a god who is concerned about every aspect of your life reverend robert ty jones i know what the lord can do i know what the lord can do elder marissa farrow i think you lay your hands on yourself and declare i'm not going to break down but i'm going to break through dr freddie haynes you better recognize it's time for you to find and use your voice why because the stage has already been set for you and hosted by our very own pastor reginald w sharp jr summertime shy worship vibes make plans now and tell your friends and family every sunday in august streaming sundays at 10 a.m on youtube facebook and fellowshipchicago.com summertime shy worship don't miss it hey what's going on family i'm so grateful that you are aboard the virtual ship with us this sunday there are two quick things that i need to drop on you my grandma used to say i'm gonna put a bug in your ear the bug i need to put in your ear is simply this the installation is coming up and i know some of you have heard me say that we're reserving some seats for our senior members who don't know how to access the registration online that does not mean that all seniors just show up the day of i need you to call the church and make sure your seat is secured because even those seats are limited i know everybody doesn't understand www i get that but please tuesday through friday 9 a.m through 5 p.m all of our senior members who are having an issue with registering or reserving a seat for any of the installation services you must call the church to make sure that seat is reserved i love you for real and i don't want you outside stuck and mad feeling some kind of way because you thought the seniors just automatically had a seat no no no no please call it to the church and we'll reserve it for you secondly i'm so excited i have not baptized anybody since february 2020 but on july 31st at 11 a.m we're going over to fuller park right across the street and we're having a fellowship community day in full apart i'm baptizing we're going to have games for the children there will be food there will be an opportunity for you to receive a vaccination for some of you who've been dragging your feet excited about getting into the sanctuary but haven't gotten a shot in your arm hey you could do it all in one place july 31st 11 a.m pull up to the church walk across the street and full apart i cannot wait we're having a baptism service that will be epic you've never seen anything like this and it's going to be one of a kind we're going to do that to be a blessing to our community and for us to honor god for adding souls back to the church even through a pandemic wherever you are can you help me thank god for growing the church even through a pandemic people have been saved people have come to know jesus christ we celebrate that so meet us here july 31st at 11 a.m full apart community day is going down like four flats in the rain i can't wait to see you peace peace that's a wrap for this week's edition of fnn please check out the church's website and social media pages for these announcements and more for real-time updates text fellowship chicago one word to 559-49 have a great week fellowship family we are so happy to have this amazing guest artist with us today who is unapologetically fearless in spreading the good news of jesus christ fellowship please help me and welcome me to the ship for the very first time the judah band yeah wherever you are make some noise [Music] everybody put your hands up [Music] oh god here we go one time [Music] everybody there we go [Music] [Music] said he already did he said he it did it already [Applause] everything that you've been praying for [Music] oh [Music] [Music] everybody just clap those hands like [Music] this presence is what we need [Music] please [Music] i just wanna be where you are [Music] lord change every day [Music] [Music] here we go everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] in the presence of the lord [Music] in the presence of the lord everything we need we find in the presence of the we need lord presence forever [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] and he's right here [Music] make some noise right where you are [Music] wait [Music] you always come through we say that's what he does that's who we are [Music] he made a way [Music] come on y'all gotta sing it with us that he may [Music] jesus christ and over and over [Music] [Applause] every time i turn around [Applause] [Music] making it away [Music] me [Music] hey fellas your family can you help me one more time show some love to our youth today this is youth day it's youth weekend 2021 and i am just so proud of the youth and fellowship of chicago it it just didn't become this way since i got here the youth and fellowship always mesmerized me i mean we have so many gifted young people who are going to be trailblazers trendsetters entrepreneurs graduates of colleges come on i see doctors and lawyers and teachers and preachers and poets when i look out at the youth of fellowship chicago and i want to say thank you not just for today but all the way through the pandemic hadn't been refreshing to see our youth and our children helping to lead the worship service come on you just help me thank god for them and i'm grateful for them today and you know i don't know if i'm cool enough to be a part of this youth day but since they let me preach today i'm so so grateful to be a part so let me be a pastor for one second and let you know it's giving time on the virtuous shift come on it's giving time and we are always grateful to give to the god that has given us everything i'm so glad i don't pastor church where i have to convince people to give no we believe the word of god if you give it's coming back how good measure pressed down what shaking together and then what running over the message bible says god will make people pour blessings in your lap you won't even have to fight over your blessings god will send it right to your address and landed in your lap so look at these seven ways to give i want to thank you for your generosity all year long thank you for your consistency all year long and don't stop get it get it let's continue to sow let's continue to trust god and let's continue to bring ye all the tides into the storehouse a dime out of every dollar belongs to god and god says if you take care of my business i will take care of your business and open the window of heaven over your life and you won't even have enough room to receive it is anybody that needs god to do a not enough room blessing i i want to run out of space till i have to share my grandma used to say that all the time she said lord if you bless me i promise i'll be a blessing to somebody else and maybe that's why some of our blessings have been delayed can god trust you with a blessing oh that's not the message today i'm just throwing it out there always be able to be trusted let's sow and let's give to god and i thank you in advance for how you would do that god bless you we are gearing up for the first sunday of september we're going to be back in the building on sunday morning we're going to be back in the sanctuary somebody ought to get a little louder than that let's thank god and while this is a major pivot it's a major transition it's one that we're deciding and choosing to do cautiously and judiciously we just don't want to open the door and say come one come on because the truth is the numbers of vaccination in the african-american community are still very very low all of us have a man in our life a cousin in our life who said nah ain't gonna they ain't gonna shoot me up they ain't gonna put the put the ain't gonna put no machine in my body the machine bro we talking about about we talking about a vaccination now you drink to the end of the bottle and all of a sudden you're wondering i want to put that in my body now you smoking don't know what they put in the cigarette load but all of a sudden you so worried about a vaccination somebody say this with me get vaccinated research is saying right now that those who are vaccinated have a high high chance even if you get the virus they're seeing that people with the vaccination are able to fight it better and a lot of the people losing their lives now from the virus are not vaccinated so please get vaccinated i'm going to open up the doors on the first sunday of september but i'm encouraging you that if you're not vaccinated stay home on the virtual ship [Music] stay home and you sit right there in your couch and just clap and eat your frosted flakes but we opened the doors for people who are vaccinated that's my preference and we will have two services starting in september at the top of 2022 we'll go back to three services but i'm so excited i'm so excited we're celebrating fellowship's 71st church anniversary in september my installation is in september and so we are having a time more information is coming out it's probably be shared even today during this worship service but lest i get caught up with all those announcements i'm excited to share this word that god has given me today if you have your bibles come with me to daniel chapter four i'm excited y'all because we are opening the doors for pre-registration to any of our services in the month of july and y'all it's a hundred plus people in fellowship chicago today can y'all show some love to all of our guests and friends that are in the building y'all i'm so so so touched we have friends all the way from sacramento california show some love to them we have friends all the way from detroit show some love to them we have friends all the way from louisiana where they know how to cook down there hey man i'm talking about a crab boil i'm talking about crawfish i'm talking about shifu gumbo ah thank you lord i'm talking about crab fingers and char grilled oysters thank you lord i feel you right there i can't wait to get back to new orleans i'm coming down now coming down there but we're so grateful and then all of you who are member some have just been itching i can't wait to get back in the house will you in the house and let's give god praise for bringing us this far daniel chapter 4 daniel chapter 4 and i just want to read one verse until you're hearing i i i want to read one verse but i might have to read uh i might read a few but just walk with me daniel chapter 4 verse 27 and i'm going to stop around verse 31 32. i'm in the message bible today this bible makes everything just more palatable more understandable and with it being youth day i really want to press a point home not just to the youth because you'll discover as soon as i get started this is not just for young people this is for anybody who calls himself a christian if you're in the building would you join us in standing in honor of god's word if you're out of the building just keep sitting like you've been sitting the whole pandemic daniel chapter 4 verse 27 through 31 king james version reads like this but follow along in whatever version you have so king this is daniel talking to king nebuchadnezzar after he's asked to interpret a dream he says so king take my advice make a clean break with your sins and start living for others quit your wicked life and look after the needs of the down and out then you will continue to have a good life verse 28 all this happened to king nebuchadnezzar just 12 months later he was walking on the balcony of the royal palace in babylon and boasted boasted bragging prideful look at this babylon the great and i built it all by myself a royal palace adequate to display my honor and my glory the words were no sooner out of his mouth then a voice out of heaven spoke this is the verdict on you king nebuchadnezzar your kingdom is taken from you you will be driven out of human company and live with wild animals thank you that's enough you might be seated you may be seated hey y'all we have been vibing through this summer playlist and i hope you've been blessed by these songs that god has given me to bring some spiritual wisdom out of the uh out of the songs in the culture and today is no different today's song is by j cole i know all my saved super duper holy people you say j who j cole j cole j dot co c-o-l-e and the song that god has laid on my heart today is pride that is the death inhaling poverty pride make a feel away that you won't follow me [Music] pride be the reason for the family dichotomy got uncles and some aunties that's too [Music] come on say that with me pride is the devil i absolutely respect j cole because he is one of the rappers that comes out of what i talked about back in june he comes out of the protest rap tradition he comes out of the conscious rap tradition he comes out of the tradition where words still matter in songs because the truth is some of this hip-hop music has been commodified and now making money means more than the message you remember me saying that a few weeks ago that j cole is one of the few artists out i believe that still focuses on the content of what he's saying so that his words matter his words are touching the culture and then there's some people who say that and i've heard him say it to me over the last few weeks i'm with you on joy and pain i'm with you on there as hope i'm which but i just can't get with this hip-hop i just can't stand it i don't like it i don't want to hear it i don't and i need to remind you go back and listen to a hell of a year that's a sermon i'm not just cussing just because it was a sermon i preached earlier in the month of june go listen to where hip-hop comes from there's a reason it's so raw there's a reason it's so real and instead of you just dismissing it because they cuss understand this cussing usually is a sign of pain so out of the black community out of these brown and black communities is a pain living in the inner city it's a it's painful living in poverty it's painful when you don't know if you see blue lights behind you if you will ever live to see another day so out of that pain there's sometimes cuss words show up and then there's some songs where cussing is absolutely not necessary but to make money it's going to sell but there are times like in j cole's song because if some of y'all might play this and listen to it and you're going to say oh lord i can't believe the man of god had this song on the playlist and they saying this word and that word don't miss the message just because it's not your flavor because watch this truth can show up even when it's not your taste it may not be your taste but it's still truth in it i love this song it's off of his off season album and even that will preach because every athlete knows that in between seasons there's a period called off season and the off season is never for you just to sit down eat ice cream and prop your feet up and watch netflix and hulu no the off season is for training the off season is for preparation and i didn't even mean to say this but i fill up a gmail from heaven entering into my spiritual inbox and i need to tell you when you are in an off season embrace it like an off season too fast when you're in an off season and everything is filling off and looking off and you can't find your groove or your vibe embrace it as an off season a time for preparation and a time for training and a time for you to get stronger so when the ball is thrown back in your hands when the season begins again you will be ready you will have the dexterity you will have the strength you will have the ingenuity to focus in season because you were wise in your off season then the bible say something about be instant in season and out of season i love this album called off season and on the album is one of my favorite songs called pride is the devil listen to these words and i'll skip over the ones that would make you cringe i'll do my best uh j cole said pride is the devil yeah terrified paranoid i'll put you over everything to fill the void and when you're gone will i have anything he's talking about pride did you catch it he said i'm terrified i'm paranoid i'll put you pride over everything to fill the void and when you're gone will i have anything or will i be destroyed he goes even deeper watch this pride make a brother act way harder than he really be pride hide the shame when the city cut off all utilities pride hide the pain of growing up in hell and poverty pride make a brother feel the way they they that you would follow me make a brother flash a thousand like he hit the lottery make a baby mama make stuff harder than it gotta be make you have to uh take the woman to court to see your prodigy make you have to use your last resort and pull a robbery pride be the reason for the family dichotomy got uncles and some aunties that's too proud to give apologies slowly realizing what the root of all my problems be it got me feeling different when somebody say they proud of me pride is the death y'all if i don't preach anything else he just preached he's describing that pride is not literally the devil but pride is as problematic and satanic as the devil it messes up everything pride makes the young brother act harder than he really be pride makes you full of shame when your utilities get cut off pride makes you try to hide the pain of growing up in hell and poverty and so it's so many young people who are in pain and shame from not having enough resources and here comes pride trying to make them appear like they're more than they are that's why they put all their emphasis a lot of times on what your shoes are what your clothes are what name brand you have why are you buying a 60 hat to put on a 10 cent brain why are you buying 270 shoes walking in the wrong direction because pride make you do that pride will make you get on social media and flash money like you won the lottery watch this i can't use the word he used but pride make a baby mama make stuff harder than it gotta be make you have to take folk to court just to see your prodigy just to see my children make you have to use your last resort and pull a robbery pride be the reason for the family dichotomy this is the line for me got uncles and some aunties that's too proud to give apologies okay y'all y'all ain't feeling me today cause what i want to do is free somebody i want to free somebody i want to free somebody do you know what pride is see you got two types of pride you got the pride of pleasure and then you have pride that's problematic see the pride that's pleasure is when when when you have a sense of pleasure that comes from some act or possession like parents take pride in their children because they take pleasure they're pleased with their children that's the type of pride where you where you you're proud of something you're proud of what you've been able to accomplish that's a pleasurable pride but then the problematic pride is this a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated with or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired don't miss this it's when you are when you over emphasize yourself pride is when you over emphasize yourself when it's all about you when you start thinking that life is all about you and nobody else matters that is a sign that you are full of pride and you would be surprised how many christians who really do love god but they are so prideful and it's not just them it's all of us if you look in the mirror you will see somebody who's wrestled with pride if you look right beside you look right beside you look right beside you see that person sit right beside you look at that person that's somebody that's wrestled with pride do you see the person that's sitting in the seat that you're sitting in that's somebody who's had over emphasis on themselves when they forgot that it wasn't really all about them saint augustine one of the early church fathers put it like this he said pride is the love of one's own excellence when you caught up in your own excellence proverbs 18 10 and 12 says this the name of the lord is a strong tower the righteous run into it and is safe the rich man's wealth is his strong city and as in high wall in his own conceit before destruction the heart of man is haughty and prideful but before honor is humility did i say too fast before destruction the heart of a man is prideful but before honor is humility meaning if you're humble you're on your way to honor if you're prideful you're on your way to destruction uh-huh uh-huh proverbs 16 18 puts it like this makes it even more simple pride goeth before destruction and a halty spirit before the fall here's the message bible proverbs 16 18 first pride come then the crash the bigger the ego the heart of the fall and then proverbs 6 talks about the six things that god hates proverbs 6 17 the first thing on the list is haughty eyes king james version says or a proud look i look this up what's haughty eyes it means to look down on others it means to look down your nose as if everybody else is beneath you and this is on the list of the stuff god hates not just that he hates a proud look a lying tongue hands that shed innocent blood all of those things god hates then and then and then and then it gets even deeper gets even deeper first peter 5 5-7 i'm on my way somewhere don't you go to sleep watch what the bible says likewise ye younger one submit yourselves to the elder it means you need somebody older than you who who can help you we all need to be subject to one another submit to one another and be clothed in humility this is first peter five verse five and six for god resists the proud and he gives grace to the humble i i think this might be one of the most important sermons that i preached this year because some of us are about to kill ourselves because we can't check our pride i'm gonna get to the text in a minute because i i refer you a man who who who who one day was so full of pride he walked out on his kingdom king nebuchadnezzar and babylon and y'all heard what i said he said he walked i said look what i have built and i built all of this for my glory and my honor look look what i have done listen to this a few years ago i ran up on a message by uh pastor charles stanley out of atlanta and and in this message he was dealing with the evidences of pride he literally says that it shows up in ways that you least expect and i'm gonna read to you uh the the 14 things that he said are evidences of pride and if you're taking notes this is something i really need you to grasp because and if i step on your toes just know i'm not talking about you i'm just talking about what i'm talking about number one his evidence of pride uh you have to be number one you you always feel like you've got to be number one number two you're cons continuously referring to yourself no you you don't have any conversations when you know somebody else can just have the floor but you always got to bring that conversation back to you so so it's not just you always have to be number one that's pride number two you continuously referring to yourself do y'all know anybody like that number three you must be the center of attention uh the loudest one at the table you the only one got a story you're the only one that's lived you're the only one that's traveled but you got to be the center of attention that is an evidence that pride is at work in your life it's this over emphasis on yourself number four ignoring people who are less fortunate than you you have no space to worry about nobody else you know i go for mine i got to shine so throw your hands up in the sky me myself and i that's all i got in pride you don't care about nobody but yourself and we see this unfortunately not just in young people but there's some older folks that the young people learned it from number five love places of prominence and love prominent seats oh oh oh this is the church now fellowship church down the street this is the church i got to sit in the front i got to sit in a certain seat when you walk in if you're late you you too good to sit in the back you got to go and get to the front because that's your pride make you number six dressing to draw attention ain't nothing wrong with you looking good nothing wrong if you're doing it for you if you're doing it because this is how you feel if that's how you want to express yourself but when it becomes i'm dressing to get attention i'm dressing to prove i've got money i'm dressing to show other people how it looks and how to do it right and i want when i wear this to i want to draw attention with this that's prideful to the point where right now somebody can't even hear my sermon because sharp is up there with skinny jeans on and his knee out so you got some old-school saints i've talked to them i like my past in a suit i like my pasta in a row and i know some pastors wear robe and suit every sunday and they gonna bust hell wide open when they die cause it ain't about what you got on [Applause] it ain't about what's on you it's about was in you and too many of us in the church we get too caught up with what we got on you to spend all your money just for one sunday you better put your jogging pants on in a clean t-shirt and come on up in here and enjoy jesus chapter seven chapter seven here's another evidence of pride seeking praise and compliments he always seeking always seeking somebody to pat you on the back always looking for a compliment eight a rebel your spirit oh i mean if everybody say go right you go left or rebel your spirit that's a sign of pride here's another one they refuse to do small tasks no they can't work the parking lot no i don't want to work the parking lot i don't want to do that no i don't want to be the ursha at the front door no i don't want to do that i don't want to work with the children ministry i'm going to miss church no i don't want to serve with the youth i'm a miss church no i don't want to do that i want to do something that's a big task and the truth is if you are too big to do something little you too little to do something big did i say something right there i think i did if you too big to do something little you too little to do something big and i'm excited about us coming back in here i'm excited come on we coming back the church coming back first sunday september oh we on the way back in here but if you are on the way back in here and all you want to do is get in your seat and sit down please stay at home i need some folk that want to serve that want to work that want to grow you weren't saved to sit you were safe to serve and it ain't just gonna be the big stuff it's got to be the little stuff too i know a pastor that i've talked to the other day all his ministers mad at him his choir was mad at him he had to go save every he had to go get everybody together the choir was mad because he used the praise team in the pandemic he said i was trying to keep y'all from dying and the ministers were met y'all didn't use us and the pastor said well it was a whole lot to do in the pandemic we were feeding folk did you show up we were visiting folk did you go visit there were folk who needed prayer did you call anybody i got a thousand members did you call anybody personally to just check on them while you looking for a microphone god is wondering do you really have a heart to serve help me preach in this house here's another one rebel your spirit you just want to do the big tabs refuse to do the minimal test here's another one sign of pride it's difficult for you to be happy for the success of others you think everybody else's win equals your loss oh i know y'all gonna say none today i'm prepared i got amens in all my pockets and if i need one i'm gonna just reach for one number eleven you can't apologize stop [Music] that's what j cole said in the song your family tore up but you got too much pride to just tell somebody i made a mistake if you married and you got a problem apologizing you will have a problem being married if you're dating and you got a problem apologizing i think you need to be single if you are a leader and you can't apologize i think you need to check yourself before you wreck yourself because in this world you got to learn how to admit when you've made a mistake it doesn't make you weak it makes you human and then if you're the leader or the leader of that house or the leader of that organization and you model apology it won't be so hard for the people that follow you to do the same i'm trying to tell you right now half of the stuff in our families that's tearing us apart is one or two people don't know how to admit they were wrong i don't have to do no family conference i just gave you a conference right there in three seconds pastor can you pray for my family no y'all go and apologize you ain't got to pray go sit down and what did you say that you shouldn't have said what did she say that she shouldn't say and everybody just get it on out release it do some apologizing and move on you'll need a three-day conference to learn how to apologize what you need is to check your pride i'm trying to help somebody y'all ain't listening y'all sitting there looking at me tell somebody learn how to apologize i'm sorry i shouldn't have said that i was wrong i made a mistake i i got ahead of myself i know it was bad i i mean even me the pastor with my silly self i have to apologize all the time gotta tell you a real story because i mean i think this is helpful when you can see people and uh so so we're doing this little stage stuff and creative and it was one week i tell all my business there was one week when it wasn't up to par you know here at fellowship we teach that excellence is the floor which means on our lowest days we're going to still be excellent it means that it at our worst we're at least going to be excellent and i thought that one of the stage setups was not excellent so i walk out and i look around i said man well this is quite pitiful okay i need to be back in taming my tongue class clearly donna because that was tack less because there was somebody even though i didn't think it was excellent somebody worked for that somebody put their time and their creativity and they put their money in setting up that and i walk out and say that's quite pitiful don't you know the next week i was apologizing all week long i shouldn't have said it i shouldn't have said it i shouldn't have said it and if i'm the man of god if i'm the pastor and i go back to my staff or go back to my members and say i'm sorry i shouldn't have said that that was a better way to handle that what i knew that was going to be the rough one right there i knew it i knew it number 12 here it is the attitude of self-sufficiency let me talk to y'all who don't know how to work well with people let me talk to y'all who don't know how to delegate because you say well if i do it myself then it'll be right i don't trust nobody i don't want this the person that was in school who hated group projects just let me do it myself i can do it and i'm gonna do and now you're tired you wore out you can't sleep because you don't know how to humble yourself to work with somebody or how to teach somebody to do it how you like it done that's pride y'all can be quiet i'ma keep talking number 13 can't stand criticism oh no somebody tell you they thought it could have been a better way a different way you could have gone about it another way and that thing just get in your heart and it's like a knife it just turns in your heart because when you can't take criticism or constructive critique or advice or you're not teachable that's a sign of pride do you know anybody like that here's another here's another here's another here's another one taken credit 14th and the last one taking credit for what god and others have done that's pride you're going to take credit for what god and others have done somebody say pride now in the academy where in school we don't call that pride we call it plagiarism when you take credit for something you didn't write and drop it in a paper just to take up space cause every student in the room know what i'm talking about you're just trying to get the paper done so you drop six lines of a quote that ain't yours in the middle of the paper and if you don't footnote it it's called plagiarism but if you drop a footnote to let somebody know where you got it from everything's all right they should have never taught me that i fill up two pages full of footnotes oh you see only if you've been there you know what i'm talking about but every time i come to church i came to write a footnote god did this that house god did that this marriage god did that that blessing god somebody help me write a footnote today and tell god i thank you for everything you've done and can you not just praise god for what god has done can you take 10 seconds and praise god for the people that god has used to help you make it oh my god it's a sad thing when you act like you made it by yourself no there was a grandmama praying for you you had an auntie sending you money you had a daddy who was there for you somebody open to your mouth and say god i'm gonna write a footnote right here i'm on how'd you make it through a pandemic god did that how'd you get a job and a promotion in the middle of a pandemic god did that how did you graduate on zone classes can't sit in the classroom god did that how are you still in your right mind after everything that was on you this 16 months god i dare you to take a few minutes and just write a footnote and if you want to know how to write it let me teach you if it had not been for the lord or myself tell somebody i can't be prideful god's kept me i can't be prideful god bless me i can't be prideful too many people gave me a chance tell god thank you somebody wondering what they doing they getting loud they standing up because we gotta write some more footnotes i remember brother de la haye in the hospital last year and we both thought he wouldn't make it we were preparing for the worst but brother de la hay is still here after five or six weeks on a ventilator i need to write a footnote now under him who's able to do exceeding it [Music] somebody open your mouth [Music] you were in a storm but you survived it you were low but you got back up lost your job but didn't miss a meal let's write a footnote and my god shall supply all of my got cancer in your body wrestling with your health and you don't look like what you're going through let's write a footnote he was wounded i'm sorry tell three people don't touch them check your pride tell three people check your prize tell them tell them tell them check your pride check your pride write it in the chat check your pride who how can you be arrogant how can you afford to be full of yourself as good as god been to you this is what happened to king nebuchadnezzar in daniel chapter four got the nerve to stand up one day and talk about look what i built verse 27 daniel went to him and told him you need to get your life together king you need to get this straightened up he ain't listen all this happened verse 28 verse 30. give me seven more minutes i'm gonna be through uh he walked out one day y'all don't believe me i'm about to prove it to you he walked out one day and uh and 12 months after daniel told him to humble himself take care of those who are in need be faithful and god will help you have a good life walk now verse 28 put it on the screen just 12 months later he was walking on the balcony of the royal palace in babylon and he boasted look at this babylon the great and i built it all by myself i i built it all by myself uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh a royal palace adequate to display my honor and glory you see whenever your conversations got too much i too much my too much me you're on your way to destruction because ain't that much i me in my in the world no no no no no no ain't that much eye in the world it's amazing to me that this is the center of pride because that's the center of the problem the word pride has i in it you know another word that got eye in the middle sin whenever i mean more than god or others pride is coming and so is sin so here's what happens here's what happens here's what happens can i keep reading can i keep reading can i read it here's what's gonna happen look at i did this look what i did i i me me my my verse 31 verse 32. the words were no soon out of his mouth then the voice of heaven spoke this is the verdict on you king nebuchadnezzar your kingdom is taken from you you'll be driven out of human company and you're going to live with wild animals you will eat grass like an ox the sentence is for seven seasons meaning seven years you will be eating grass like an animal for seven years you will be kicked out of this kingdom for seven years enough time to learn wait that the high god rules human kingdoms and puts whomever he wishes in charge verse 33 it happened all at once just as quick as he lost his mind he also lost his kingdom nebuchadnezzar was driven out of the human company ate grass like an ox and was soaked in heaven's dew out in the rain his hair grew like the feathers of an eagle can you see how messed up he's looking and his nails he needed a manicure real real bad his nails were like the claws of a hulk his hair's growing like wild feathers of an eagle his nails are like the claws of a hawk his he's wet he's eating grass watch this he lost his sanity he lost his community and he lost his prosperity all at once he lost his sanity he lost his community and he lost his prosperity all at once he lost his sanity he lost his community and he lost his prosperity all at once it all happened in one verse verse 33 he lost his sanity said with me if he got it he lost his community and he lost his prosperity he lost his sanity he lost his community and he lost his prospect he lost his and he lost his community and he lost his because that's what pride will do lean up a little bit i'm almost done whenever pride takes over you're very close to losing your mind and whenever pride takes over you're very close to losing your community you wonder why everybody avoiding me why my wife don't she don't get as warm as she used to when i first met her she don't get warm like that like i mean she just get warm when i walk in the house y'all my wife used to love to see me when i show up now now she cold she got an ice box where her heart used to be she got an icebox her heart used to be so cold it's because you got so much pride that you you're so full of yourself you don't have space for other people every relationship is ruined because of this five-letter word i don't care what it was pride ruined it and then lastly lost his prosperity all the money and the riches and the gold and the grandeur and the glamour gone because of pride and you sit there wondering why is pastor preaching this because god has too much for us to do to let our own over emphasis of ourselves make us lose our sanity make us lose our community and make us lose our prosperity chicago is losing right now losing young people day after day night after night because of this one word i gotta prove to you he said it in there i gotta prove to you that i'm somebody so you came from mine i'ma come for yours and guess what the cycle continues now you came from mine now i'm gonna come back for yours and then you're gonna come for yours and you come back for mine and then and that's why it's shooting all over the city and young men are dying if i'm lying i'm flying we're losing our commute not just our relationships interpersonal relationships we're losing our community over pride churches shut down over pride mess happens over pride somebody didn't get the seat they wanted left the church pride somebody had a funeral and the pastor and the members couldn't all show up and they left that's pride that's me myself and i everything is ruined because of pride you lose your sanity you lose your community and you lose your prosperity so what's the remedy what's the remedy what's the remedy well if i had to leave you with that that'll be a horrible way to close the sermon wouldn't it but verse 34 35 here it is at the end of the seven years i nebuchadnezzar looked to heaven i was given my mind back and i blessed the high god thinking glorifying god who lives forever and this is what nebuchadnezzar started saying his sovereign rule lasts and lasts his kingdom never declines or fail life on this earth doesn't add up to much but god's heavenly army his angels keep everything going no one can interrupt his work no one can can call his rule into question so hear your three things and i'm done because they all look at me like you ready that you've been ready to go number one check your glance number two check your stance number three gotta help you advance see yeah it's right there in the text nebuchadnezzar after seven years what i'm trying to do is help all of us avoid the seven years of losing our sanity to seven years of losing our community and the seven years of losing our prosperity can i help you skip a step just go down to verse 34 go down to verse 35 and check your glands after nebuchadnezzar stopped looking at himself he's looked up to god he looked where he should have been looking in the first place look at somebody say check your glands lift up your head oh ye gates and be ye lifted up ye everlasting doors and the king i feel like preaching and the king of glory shall come in somebody has to question well who is the king of glory somebody else responded the lord strong and mighty [Applause] somebody need to check your glance i'd double dog dare you for the rest of your life live on a tilt and no matter what life throws at you just keep on looking up i was on a phone call before i walked in service today and they told me my aunt who had a massive stroke at the top of me is not doing well at all in some ways it looks like she's declining and that would have really rocked me if i was living on a level plane but i'm living on a tilt and right after i got the update i still turned on some music and the song i chose to listen to brother callahan is there's not a friend like the lowly jesus no not one no not one none else can heal all my souls diseases no not one no not one here's my part jesus knows all about my struggles and he will guide until the day is done there's not a friend tell somebody look up and live i know the doctor is suspicious about your body but look up and live i know you don't have everything you need but look up and live i know your house is crumbling and your marriage is shaking and your health is flaking but i dare you [Music] tell somebody check your glance but also check your stance you better know that you know that you know that you know that you know that you know that you know no if it had not been for the lord on my side i don't know where i'd be excuse me when i get loud excuse me when i start hollering excuse me when you hear music in my voice i just started reflecting over the fact that everything i have it came from god i need y'all to help me preach this thing and look at somebody don't touch them just say check your glance check your stance and watch god help you advance you're going higher there's more for you to do you're more than a conqueror this too shall pass watch god do more than you ever [Music] somebody praise them because you know where your help comes from somebody bless them because you know where your strength comes from somebody bless them cause everything in that bank account god did it everything going right into your life god did it and everything going wrong in your life god's gonna use it and before your story's over you're gonna have one testimony and we know that all [Music] faith [Music] somebody throw your hands up and say all things house things body things new things evil things crime things church things health things financial things broken things destroy things heavy things problematic things all things work together say uh say yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh somebody dropped that one finger in the chat somebody dropped that one thing in the chat somebody point out for the rest of this week you ain't gotta answer nobody how did it happen who's keeping you how you gonna pull through it what about the hospital visit what did the doctor say i'm done but my soul is happy [Music] check your glance [Music] check your stance and god's gonna help you advance it's the saddest most wonderful scripture because it took seven years for him to come back to himself and after seven years he was that pride that it took seven years to get it out he was that prideful then all of a sudden he realizes oh i guess this really is all about you god oh you really are the one running all of this i i'm the king but you're the king of kings that's what david realized you know david was a shepherd even david realized this he said yeah i'm a shepherd but the lord is i know you're a mother but god is your heavenly parent i know you're a leader but god is your leader so you always position position yourself in a place to look up [Music] somebody give god praise like you know it was all god i said give god praise like it was all god you couldn't explain it no other way but it was god [Music] can you just tell somebody god did that god did that god did that god did that god did that if you if you need christ today i need you to run quickly i want you to come quickly because pride is the devil but humility is of god and i need you to know that god resists the proud but he gives grace to the humble to the humble so i want you to humble yourself and come to christ so that you can check your glance you can check your come on help me your stance and so that god can help you advance only god can do that you come in today my brother god bless you god bless you isn't that amazing i have he's the first person to join the church in the church since march 2020 lord the first person to come to christ in fellowship bless you but for those of you who are online text us email us follow this brother he he you don't do it you don't have to wonder well am i gonna be the only one you're not the only one follow this brother who's in the building you he he did it in the ship now you do it on the virtual ship come on to christ admit you're a sinner humble yourself admit i'm a sinner i mess up b believe that jesus christ died for your sins and has risen from the dead see confess him as lord of your life you can't be prideful and do any of that it takes humility to say god your lord you lead me you guide me you direct me you are my lord if you've done that today email us text us and your new day has begun my brother we're gonna connect at the end of service y'all you can go back to your seat we're gonna connect before you leave can y'all show some love to my brother [Music] the devil is a liar god [Music] [Music] never be defeated [Music] never be defeated never be defeated never be defeated is i know he wants you to think that your future is over i know he wants you to think that there's nothing else good going to happen but the devil is a liar god is exalted god is exalted never be if many are the afflictions of the righteous but the lord delivers them out of their home always abounded in the work of the lord because your labor party because your labor is not in vain [Music] can y'all do me a favor i'm a licensed you to be a preacher tell your neighbor the devil is defeated the devil is defeated the devil is defeated the devil is defeated you can go to sleep tonight because the devil is defeated i said the devil is defeated i said the devil is defeated he's over every politician he's over every pastor he's over every leader i said god is exalted be still and know that god is god [Music] listen i don't want pride to cause you to lose your sanity your community and your prosperity when we were in school we say check yourself before you wreck yourself tell somebody check your glance check your stance and god will help you advance listen y'all we have my co-pastor who's in the room he's been a co-pastor of every pastor of fellowship and i would be remissed if we don't at least let him come on on the pulpit y'all give it up for the reverend jesse lewis jackson can you bring me a microphone bring me a mic how you doing proud of my pastor oh man thank you man say it again i don't think they're going to trouble my pastor bless you i feel you in christ now you're preaching oh i'm in your president thank you man i'm honored to be in your presence god bless you real good and he's blessed you am i still old man [Music] 13 years ago you're going seven [Applause] nothing nothing nothing too hard to god too loud then go unto god you don't want to believe each other's death through the valley without with me diagrams grace is sufficient you have the faith god has the power put your hands together like you really mean thank you and brie is over there i know that's what you really want to see y'all give it up for reverend jesse lewis jackson [Music] we we have friends here today all the way from sacramento wave at us they came all the way from california pastor we have friends from louisiana and we have friends from detroit reverend moss all right pastor otis moss come on out here reverend come on look y'all this one the preachiness preachers they ever preached come on out reverend come on out we love you here y'all give it up for the reverend dr otis moss the third this is the preachiness brother i know [Applause] he has blessed us now come on y'all can do it better than for your pastor he is a gift a gift and we thank god for pastor reginald sharp and eyes have not seen and ears have not yet heard what the glory of god will do through this man of god and through this wonderful and partner and team of pastor reginald and sister bree and we are just so thankful for the future of fellowship you man tonight we get to shout another basketball game in milwaukee phoenix is playing the milwaukee bucks taking my pass of the game tonight that's all right all right thank you reverend yeah we're going to the game i got to get y'all out of here y'all god is exalted and the devil is defeated can you give god praise if you were blessed today wow you never know who's going to stop at the virtual ship everybody in the room can you stand lord have mercy [Music] we've come a long way [Music] we've come a long way we've come a long way [Music] we've come a long way y'all excuse me why i checked my glance for a minute thank you lord thank you lord god we honor you help us not to ruin our lives and our relationships and our communities because of pride i pray oh god that you would do a work in us to help us see ourselves so that we can check this massive disease that might be worse than the virus called pride help every young person help every older person help every christian check it before it checks them help us all check ourselves from the pulpit to the back door from every person from california to south carolina help us check ourselves and we thank you in advance that you're going to help us advance and you give us another chance in the name of jesus we pray let all of god's people say it is so and amen hey listen we giving it back to the youth now y'all make some noise for our youth we giving it back to the youth judah man we got to get up out of here but y'all know we can't leave fellowship without having just a little bit of church listen let me tell you something god knows exactly what you need when you need it i was suffering from uh just sickness and i had been diagnosed with cancer and i wasn't feeling well and one sunday god knew exactly what i needed to hear and while i was sitting in church service that i wasn't supposed to be in i just have care he kept hearing god say and i know that all things work together for my good and i know that all things work together [Music] and even though it did not look good what i was going through it did not feel good god was wanting to remind me that it's working for your good wherever you are just slap yourself on the chest and say it's working for my good come on say it one more time like we in the church sanctuary and say it's working for my goodness [Music] and i know things work together from my good and i know that all things [Music] is no matter what it looks like feels like know that it's working everybody [Music] is [Music] [Music] and he worked it out [Music] [Music] dance [Music] and i know that all things together for my good and i know that all things work together [Music] it's working working we're gonna work lift it up [Music] everybody than i ever one more time [Music] [Music] he's we say [Music] is [Music] plus make sure everybody [Music] wait a minute hey it won't always be like this is [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] may your struggles keep you near the cross may your troubles show that you need god may your battles end the way they should may or bad days prove that god is good may your whole life prove that god is good have a great week fellowship thank you for worshiping with fellowship chicago on the virtual ship we've always had a commitment of service and during this season we've increased our efforts to serve you better we have made it easy for you to stay connected to get the complete resources you need you can email us at info fellowship chicago dot com call the church office tuesday through friday 9 am to 5 p.m at 773-924-3232 and our social media on instagram twitter and facebook for real-time updates you can text fellowship chicago to 55949 we have exciting and informative resources throughout the entire week designed specifically with you in mind go to fellowshipchicago.com for the full schedule until we dock again thank you for your prayers and financial support of fellowship chicago remember we are in this together shock your spirit
Channel: FellowshipChicago
Views: 13,410
Rating: 4.8861208 out of 5
Keywords: Worship Service, Pastor Sharpe, Fellowship Chicago
Id: beQz6zDF4ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 40sec (6760 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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