Are older 4WDs REALLY more capable & reliable than new? Our controversial answer! WIN A TRIP WITH US

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coming up on beers in the shed well we're not in the shed we're actually in the bush because we are live from cape york we're talking our older four-wheel drives actually better than new four-wheel drives and of course we've got all the regular features we've got rigs we've got fails and we've got prizes galore so let's get into it mate cape york in case you haven't realized before you say anything mate if there's a better noise than that in the world that noise in this location cape york having a cold iron jack up here mate look we've been on the road for a little while as you can probably tell we're a bit grubby but don't judge us but it's been an absolutely epic adventure so far we're about halfway through we're not going to give any secrets away to but talking about big adventures i tell you what the uh the first episode of the kimberley trip which we did not that long ago yeah gone up on the old youtubes it's been a bit popular exactly right mate look i've only got minimal correspondence from back home but everyone is saying that is one of the best shows we've ever done that's a big call but it's also one of our favorite shows we've ever ever done as well we were talking about this the other day we got a lot to talk about when we were driving the old 40 series what i've been gave you say what you can't hear a thing in there we were saying it was absolutely insane and i guess the reason i brought it up was uh episode two it's coming out that's sweet that's the thing about episode two if you thought episode one was a cracker and it was there's no doubt about it yeah episode two will blow it away because i reckon that was the most fun on the of the trip well we left our own devices that's right our guide ronnie we had to go back in a broken vehicle had to get back we were on our own in the middle of nowhere and um let's just say things escalated quite a bit let's leave it there i think so but look we lost the track i mean we were following the track we got onto the wrong track i think at one stage or several times what do i say not just once yeah several times we'll follow a track that was that old and had trees like this thick growing through the track it was absolutely off-topic like i mean i mean if you thought one was was epic and it was number two will blow your socks off absolutely well this is hot off the press it's so exciting that we've stopped everything in cape york to tell you this one because for the next thousand orders that's right thousand orders on we're giving away a free gift so the gifts are everything mate from hoodies we're talking about the latest range of natural clothing that's gonna be stickers stubby holders you name it a thousand prizes for the first thousand orders after this message i'm gonna go one bigger i'm gonna top you all throughout june any order for anything on the snatch clothing website stands a chance to win a golden ticket golden ticket just like chris came away chris won one in victoria at the time of his life he came away a money can't buy experience come away with us that's pretty cool check your packaging open the packaging carefully look around inside and rummage around if you've got a golden ticket come with us exactly right not in that no we will not even take something better we'll take but um that's a really cool thing right next thousand orders free flyers guaranteed and all of you look getting quick because that last time that went off in about two days so i'm actually getting really really quick and for the rest of june chance winner golden ticket snatch now before we get started just a quick um a quick idea what are we talking about this week the hot topic this week i think is one that's quite timely because i've spent so much time in this over the last couple of weeks that i'm starting to make better decisions in life i just got i've got to grow up a bit before i make these decisions but what we're talking about this week are our older four-wheel drives yep exhibit a better than newer four-wheel drives are they more reliable and more capable look that's a big topic and i can't wait to get right into that maybe before we do look this is something that's taking the nation by storm it's it's always exciting we're the nation well i think it is it's very exciting when like a new business comes that pops up in the full drive industry not a business it's it's not a business but shop customs is really taking the industry by storm i mean there's a lot of fabricators out there that are probably thinking they're a little uneasy at the moment they've got a couple of young blokes having a bit of fun out there just i don't think they're threatening anyway [Music] look the child customers are going there's been a lot of people not only not only behind the shop customs movement and in case you're wondering what is shock customers i'm saying to ask just explain that to the people shop customs is shawno and jocko customs shop customs you know it's a shock to me too folks you're right and we live well that motto our work is absolutely shocking and um we've decided to start a fabrication business if you haven't heard on the grapevine so we'll be doing anything that requires uh minimal effort and um no straight edges pretty much now i've seen some of the work you two have done yeah and it is you live by your name shock king what i wanted to show you were some folks i haven't got behind the idea starting with you've got old richard zamett here who has built a canopy for his next quite flash now oh he's taking way more time than we did that's the point of fabrication i would have thought skill and time looks like it's actually quite strong too it does look like it's very strong he's given the thumbs up what i really want to show you here though is steve matthews tray and canopy now due to lockdown he had no welder so he made a backyard welder using two batteries and it is still better than what i've seen you guys do well i'm not going to argue with that that uh look steven that's a sort of that's the sort of skill set we need at shop customs mate so if you're looking for a gig i mean like we're not gonna pay very well and yeah and look we're not we're going to have a stack of business coming through the door at the moment so look but that's the sort of that's the sort of i guess it's just absolutely genius mate the guy's as look at his son yeah she's actually quite good i'm going to get you to study those photos a bit later there's a bloke here i want you to meet we've got chris here who he won the run for winch last time yep and in the blink of an eye he's installed i would have done the same the second would have arrived in the post so i've been so excited to put that bad boy on actually i would have put it in the lounge right there just some of that fun yeah exactly exactly but there you go he's in i'm just going to read out what he said to us um because i think that's important he says cheers legends which is now in just waiting for a chance to get out and get stuck just so i can use the rumba it's a cracking unit thank you all that's nice chris if you're watching and you will be mate our pleasure goes to show though we give a lot of prizes away on the shed it's cool to see these plus getting used and all the rest of it so that's fantastic so hold our on four-wheel drives we're going to use the word better more capable more comfortable reliable more reliable than newer four-wheel drives now i'll let you i'll let you start i've got a few ideas i'll let you start what do you think okay well look the long and short of it is i i want to start off with a little story that happened actually to get to this position right here in cape york i've been driving the 47 um you would have seen this no doubt last week's um youtube episode can i just butt in for one second people are probably wondering what the heck's going on with regards to the 47 and you and i yeah we have there's no news what you and i know you and i but i'm just going to say it now because i think it's important to know this is our tenth trip up here together yeah to cape york yes sort of an anniversary for us wow so we thought we'd do something a bit special and and give a bit of a nod a bit of a salute a harking backing time to the guys that opened up this part of the world yeah the people that really did cape york in my opinion 100 100 and they did it in trucks like that so we thought we'd do exactly the same and end as well we've been long believers that you don't need the latest and greatest and less everything to get off roads so we wanted to put our money where our mouth was and basically go into one of the most remote and harder cape trips i've ever done in an old like this and let me say the last week and a half wait the reason why i'm so dirty and these are my cleanest clothes i've got and um it's been absolutely wild but but i want to get into the story of how this is gonna i guess put the foundations of my opinion of old vehicles and new vehicles because driving this old up we i left my place in the gold coast and drove basically 2 000 cars up to cairns now from about 15 kms out of my place it started overheating so you can imagine how slow i was going it kept overheating and and the thing was is i drove 2000 kilometers with a radiator that was 90 blocked from all the rust and flake and stuff inside the engine that has gone through all the cooling jets that have gone basically into the radiator got stuck and that was causing me to overheat now when you're on the road and you're trying your best to try and keep this vehicle going it was it was a tough slog all i could do was i made a little spacer out of um a bit of recovery equipment to pop the bottle up i put a ratchet strap over the bonnet to get maximum airflow in and i could drive it about 70 k's now and that was the only thing i could limp up here but i had a lot of time to think on that 2000k is up to cairns and i was just thinking to myself look okay it kind of sucks it's overheating i'm going super slow but what new vehicle could cop that type of abuse overheat the whole way up 2000 k's up to cans which we basically cleaned out the radiator and got the cans properly got flushed completely and it's never skipped a beat since well okay this morning i had to change the starter motor as well but that's a small thing it was it feel like the water in the last week you're doing some really deep water crossings yep and um but this is a old rig that's about 40 years old and it's still chugging along and not giving a beat here's the thing had it been a new vehicle there wouldn't have been rust and flake in the block and it wouldn't have overheated from the start this is true but say there was say there was i just don't i just don't think the new vehicles could cop the punishment the old ones will now here's the thing i was having to speak to um to anthony uh the other day you guys will meet him uh coming up but i was speaking with you today and we were talking about the evolution of four wheel driving australia i'm getting to a point in a minute you and i know that we've driven some of the hardest tracks in australia over the last couple of years we've been driving these tracks and we're noticing they are not being driven as much as they used to yeah the hard hard tracks the hard hard tracks are not being driven as much as they used to you're getting to them and they're not they're not sort of dug out you can see they haven't been driven a long time that's because of the arrival of these newer vehicles they're just sort of they're brilliant they are brilliant but they're sort of not designed let's ride those hard if you want to drive the big tracks where you need 35s and twin lockers and then also you need to put your vehicle in a position where you might do panel damage and stuff like that you're probably not going to take your brand new d-max high lux triton all the modern dual cabs your 200 series your yc's to all these flash new vehicles on those tracks and that's probably why so many younger people as well are getting into new vehicles these days 100 when you and i were young i mean you'd scrape together whatever you got that'd be your first car oh yeah yeah and then by the time you get in your first four-wheel drive one was the suzuki sierra and um let's just say it was pretty basic yeah pretty basic a couple of tubs from bunnings in the back actually i've moved on from there i'm still using toast from bunnings but yeah you're right you're right and so i guess in that response the older vehicles are working their way out of the industry almost a little bit yeah that's right a little bit um so let's get back to another one here i think there's a time and a place for both yeah i really do think it's a ton of places both on the way up here now if you're doing a massive touring trip you've got the kids with you you've got all their toys you've got the bikes don't put them in a 47 series i i i think i think one of the big things that people people we have an opinion right now when they're watching this they're gonna be thinking heck i'll be good you can't go wrong they're tough reliable all the rest of it but how many times has a new vehicle let us down on a big trip i can't think of a time it's got something to be said i mean we go to some of the most remote places in this country and if the thing if you're thinking new vehicles are weak and they're not going to make it they're not going to be as reliable as the old jiggers um i mean just from from here yeah our experience well here's the thing i'm going to let a count of the bags a story that happened quite some time ago and i think i can tell people about it we were driving um up here cape york kate flattery you'd bug it off yep um oh yeah i had to come through a massive water crossing in the older d-max that we had flooded the whole thing because i got stuck in there uh water came up to about here inside yeah never even signed new vehicle knew straight away to shut itself down older vehicle wouldn't probably kept chugging i probably would hydraulic lock the vehicle in this case the computer turned itself off we got out by our winch recovery i took the little computer chip out i set it on a rock we made a cup of tea a couple hours later i put it back in and drove all the way back to cairns yeah i don't think an older vehicle could have done that wouldn't have had the computer in the first place would have would have chugged along with a laptop in your backpack but that's about it but what i'm getting at is if you tried to get out maybe you would have hydraulic locked it he didn't have the smarts to know yeah this was a bad situation that's right some of the modern vehicles when they start overheating they automatically shut off they're basically yeah they're foolproof in a lot of ways um look i want to talk about reliability since you brought it up done um you know let's let's look at the reliability of some of these older vehicles what i like about them is they are so simple i was going to say simplicity so simple and that's that's what makes them i think so reliable like that's why this will last 40 years and this one over here well i guess the ver the jury's still yeah it's not it's not still out on that one not old enough yet but i don't think my opinion is you won't see that doing another cape trip in 40 years time you just will not i'd be surprised they're very surprised they're very complex vehicles and you know you get a little bit of salt into it and say something goes with the wiring we're talking about thousands of meters of wiring that's in that one i've got about four wires in that one um you know you can replace them in about an afternoon with three beers that's true um even this morning i changed the starter motor we've got a lot of water into it just the ease of changing that starter motor there's two 19 mil like bolts basically and now she comes she comes straight out with a plug and i was i was just remembering back to like a 79 series or even one of these 200 series a starter motor toyota recommend an eight to nine hour job to change the starter motor because it's in the valley so if i did a starter motor in something like that up here in cape york i'm out you're done yeah can i throw a spanner in the work speaking of 19 mils the gearbox you've got in the dirty 30 yep if you have a problem with that tomorrow which you want all you've got to do is come into bramwell station here hook up to the internet rock it down in melbourne yeah true can dial into your gearbox yep and he can fix the problem for you that's right if it's software related or anything like that will change yeah you change parameters on that box and even if there's something mechanical he can just give you one gear to get you out of here yeah so there's something to be said for technology in the way new cars are moving and we both bucket we don't like it we buck that trend we don't think it's cool yeah but no you're right the thing is it's happening you're right what's happening and soon you'll carry a laptop in your car you'll get some dirty fuel or you'll something will happen you'll plug your laptop in you'll talk to your car you'll send it in an email and you'll say why aren't you working you're right it'll reply i'm just saying look okay okay we've talked about reliability of it let's get on to how capable some of these vehicles are off right let's go with that okay now i'm going to be the first to say the older vehicles not as capable as the new ones that's that might be a bit controversial shocks me because why do you say that okay this one here opened if doesn't even have an lsd um we're running pretty stock over here but if you get a modern stock 200 series say they've got fancy traction control they don't even have lockers they've got fancy crawl modes those things i've seen them drive insane basically with just stock vehicles but they have i guess the smarts within their drive train to be able to turn wheels at the right time to get the traction they need to get out of places this one is very very simple you're talking stock though stock of course because you can modify this one probably to go to tough front exactly right you could make that a buggy and the you know competing the hardest four drive tournaments in australia that one you put you couldn't modify that you're talking stock i'm with you on that modern four-wheel drive way more capable than older four drives to a certain extent if you take shorty for example almost the same age as this one without driving that in a heartbeat all right come on if you've got a different driver in there yeah no doubt no doubt no doubt if you've got my sister in there here you go jess and dan i hope you're both doing well but i i'm with you the newer four wheel drives are coming out today i'm just looking around right now folks you can't see it but the campground around us here it's surrounded by newer four wheel drives and just about every single one of them will that drive this yeah unfortunately yeah that's that's true that's true yeah but you know you gotta have some you gotta win some battles and lose some i'm gonna go into another topic then if we're gonna go there yeah let's talk sex appeal let's talk rolling down the main street yeah right now you're gonna get a look i'm talking stock right okay who's gonna get the looks the bloke in the new four-wheel drive or a couple of good looking roosters sitting in the 47 series exactly right mate exactly right look the it's old school cool there's no doubt about it right we've been driving this thing for a little while now and everywhere we stop which is quite often there will be at least a few people even a couple of old blokes coming up or people just go that is so cool yeah and i guess everyone can relate to an old vehicle because there's a time and place where you have one of these exactly right exactly right so you can relate to it and you get it um there is a certain swag about taking a a 47 fire truck up to cape york 100 there is no 100 it's amazing that we have to clear all the bras off before there was they were packed over the bonnet and they're stuck in the windscreen wipers if you keep your eye open for the upcoming episode get in touch with me when you see what i'm talking about anyway we'll worry about that later let's go into a conclusion here mate what do you think i want you to have a bit of a say here okay i'm gonna i've got both i own obviously old vehicles and new vehicles far out for day-to-day driving there is no doubt that a new vehicle is far superior for tough tracks old trucks yep you've had to make it line in the sand this is really hard to do very hard i would have a hybrid of them both just like the dirty 30. some bits that are new and some bits that are old okay that's not really achievable for a lot of people so i'm going to say old vehicles rule because i love the simplicity i can work on them when i come to places like this i know that even though that stock standard i'm gonna be driving that thing home there's no doubt about it if i break a cv if i lose a tail shaft if i blow a rear diff up there's no matter what nothing's gonna stop me i'm gonna be able to limp that thing back home and no matter what all right well i'm gonna say this i'm not a rich man i'm not a smart man either you know this for a fact i'm going to go both i'm going to own a new vehicle very soon i'll let the cat out of the bag about that one later don't worry about that but then i'm going to drive that everywhere for my daily driver that's going to be my daily driver i'm going to do touring with it i'm going to go camping with it but if i want to go down the beach hard tracks i just want to get away for the weekend where i know i'm going to be able to mud i might have to rub it against the tree past some tight corners i'm going to take shorty i'm going to take an older vehicle it's fair because i go to the wrecker i can get a part for it i can flood it in water it's not going to bother me and that older vehicle only cost me five i'm gonna i'm gonna ask you to choose one though you gotta choose one you can only have one car you've gotta you see i've always said this i reckon the same thing the same with girls why can we only have one why can't [Laughter] i've only had to choose one it's a daily driver it's everything everything you've only got one car i'm gonna go the older one i'm gonna get the older one because i'm not a very good mechanic yeah if i open the bottom of a new folder i'm flabbergasted but i can do a few bits and pieces in an older one and i also like i like driving i like the feel of driving i like changing gears i like look if i can just ha tiny segway back if i could own one vehicle out of all the ones i've got and i've got quite a few yep i'll just choose an 80 series full stop yeah it's sort of middle of the road it really is there's nothing modern about them no but it was just a i reckon just a really sweet spot in engineering i think the gq and the early gus figures do that as well coil sprung yep stupidly capable of the showroom floor yes very very simple very soon i think that was a sweet spot of forward driving in this country i think we've just i think we've come to a conclusion there we go it's right down the middle it's neither new nor old it's gu the sweet spot 80 series yep folks if you're looking for a new four-wheel drive right now don't bother rottening it's a gu or it's an 80 series so what we want to know from you folks we've talked in the past about the most kilometer old ford right we've got some doozies oh yeah we've got a million kilometers plus one forever but what we really want to see is a brand new four-wheel drive that has done the yard yards done some huge kilometers get in touch with us yeah let us know what you exactly right because we were saying the verdict's still out on these newer vehicles have you got a 200 series with with half a million k's on it or something yeah yeah i betcha i bet you there's a lot of new vehicles out there that have done some solid case there'll be there'll be some guidebooks don't just let just don't just leave a comment of how many k's you've got on your new vehicle tell us what you've done to that vehicle to get it there yeah have you just changed the oil and kept the maintenance up to it or have you had to replace an engine or let us know i reckon it is a 10 000 k service and just keep driving them they're pretty reliable up to a certain number of kilometers but what is that number of kilometers we don't know how long are they going to go let us know now the winner is uh of course in order to do that you've got a comment down below so please do that and let us know we'll be trolling through them what are they gonna win mate mate we've got a full iron jack merch pack to give away so that's a really cool one you're getting a fishing shirt you're gonna get um singlet a couple of stubbies so you know subbie holders the iron jack ones um so basically sort yourself out there we're gonna we've got a couple of those to give away so get in comments down below i'll get back to you now we've got an awesome awesome deal for you guys now direction plus i've got 15 of their pro vent catch cans and also their pre-line filters so if you're thinking of doing a big trip like this they're the sort of kit you must have in your forward drive especially a modern vehicle we think about the sexy mods when we come up to cape york we want big snorkels won't be winter spotlights how about the mods that will ensure you get home every single time exactly so like a pre-filter of course you come up here you don't want to risk it getting a dodgy batch of diesel yep and of course proven catch can make to stop all of that soot going back into your intake clogging up and making a stack of charcoal which you don't need you don't want it you don't need that at all so look 15 off now you've got to use the promo code 4wd24747 it's so easy to remember so use that 15 off now's the time if you're thinking about protecting your forward drive want some cheap insurance jump on to direction plus and make sure you're orders only lasts for a week though folks until the 24th from now until the 24th so make sure get in quick get in quick 15 better in your pocket than someone else's absolutely on that last episode which seems like not that long ago and yet it was what a month ago yeah we were sitting on the banks of the pentecost river beer in hand that's right sun setting it was romantic it was lovely there's always lead back to romance i mean i'm a romantic it's not a bumpy trip i suppose you might have shaken a few things for sure it's loose i reckon in that car and we discussed our bucket list campsites and tracks we asked you guys what you thought and we got a whole bunch of answers here yeah here we go yeah we're going to write some of these down to be honest with you actually sure you should cause you you've never been to this top one here i'll let you read that one out see you out there says the best campsite ever merchandise station lovely run westie's come on did you write this no i didn't write this say that word best track ever brunswick yeah brunswick west is best yeah good one you see out there absolute legend i did not like that slipped through the gate okay when you're like carl barnes um how was morton island not mentioned this is but the north western campsites are something else kyle totally agree kyle i'm going to go with you on this one i think oh this is going to be divisive i like morton over fraser wow i do that is quite controversial i like morton over fraser i think it's smaller than captain numbers you can have campfires yeah massive one for me you camp on the western side you can see the sun setting yeah you're scared of dingoes as well so that would probably that's why you're gonna get a decision let's move on jimbo says my favorite destination has to be a sundown national park by the cliffs and waterfalls no exactly where you're talking about jimbo um sundown national park out the back of um stanthorpe that that is a cracking don't laugh like this but i don't know where i'm talking about that's that's in my backyard mate we're talking that's a great little arm national park absolutely saying he got some really hard steep australia he got there in the end i was thinking yeah the cogs weren't working over time what the man of dust up here is just getting your ears in your eyes uh liam bennett come on lads how did the simpson desert not get a shout out an absolutely incredible part of australia out there right now mark if you're watching mate i'm funny he rang me the other day but i've got reception you haven't been at birdsville hotel and luke the drifter was at the hotel too really yeah there's a small world out there apparently i've been to the birdsville hotel i can never remember eight times justin robson the op ways in victoria boys magic part of the world bonus a lot if you head to the grampians for the day you won't regret it yeah i've been the grampians very nice i want you to read this one um something up jugger up here you go up dunes in western australia yeah um a must-do trip as a local it's still do you pay people nothing to do with this as a local still an amazing place to visit after hours and most weekends even after the many trips he's done down the coast there so yeah absolutely i'd love to get down there to be honest with you but i tell graham that uh dylan reckons and i i'm gonna agree with him this one because i just did it recently dad definitely robe to beach port we're actually gonna this guy i'm gonna give that guy the winner he's gonna be the winner i'm saying it doesn't he didn't mention that and that south australia has got some cracking spots stunning and just one more we've got a bonus award here uh we're going to give it to andre for year up we're going to get it to marina for saying lorella springs northern territory gods country fair enough yeah we love that party that is a lovely place all right well mate speaking of iron jack i'll tell you what there's still a few trips left to win the ultimate bucket list destination then what a trip i can't believe it i i'm going to be taking a bunch of you guys on my ultimate bucket list destination so i actually know where it is you do i've told you yeah i've told you where it is and how epic is it i'm as jealous as i could possibly be and i get to travel around australia every year exactly it's going to be that good if you have ever wanted to catch a barramundi if you've ever wanted to do something don't worry about that most spectacular football driving in this country some of the best scenery exactly exactly so something you really need to enter all the details of leak now on our social media so make sure you get in that and get involved because like i said people are going to win this and it's going to be true of a lifetime not just for me but for you guys too and here's a little is a little to get you thinking i almost guarantee in fact i 100 guarantee you'll have never been here yeah exactly right and very yeah very few people have made and what makes this place so special i love seeing fails because it makes me feel a little bit better about the way i drive yes but this one here is khaki boy mate imagine failing in front of all your mates on the climbing track you don't want to fail in front of you check this one out mate it's all going well so far he's into it though there's no doubt right foot bitter always taking a bit of a lean he did not even back off yeah it didn't the two wheels were in the air there was still throttle that's that was that right there is a really good spot to f well to fall because if it happened anywhere else you would have come all the way back down the hill way houses so uh houses he's given that a go yeah [Laughter] okay this one here comes from the us of the eyes yeah mate evil fj oh sorry i thought you're saying something about the usa uh when your mates are blocking the exit and you just can't wait see what happens i know it's gonna happen here wow wow oh my goodness oh he's got it he's got it and he's sprayed his mates too to the full roost evil fj if you haven't got yourself a full full sand t-shirt i mean you're part of the club that's a he's just got himself hung up a little bit yeah but he was not sure to give that a go all right all right that was from the um that was from the toyota jamboree wow they all get together and do that that's a cool thing yeah they're like funny i reckon if i was in the stadium no they probably wouldn't but imagine being there with a big jamboree with a whole people from all over the country oh i'm trying to maneuver like that you'd do that will you buy the beers at night we've got something here same but different from dan how are you dan oh this this reminds me they're touching this reminds me if i can just say there's a little quick story i was down in coffs harbour and this happened there was a bloke stuck on the track and i thought i'm in twin locks daddy fives all the rest of it i thought look i can drive this mud like no business i'll just i'll just zip up in a muddy hill climb and just get past you i'll then recover you drag you to the top you can shout me a beer and uh look maybe your girlfriend will give me a number who knows so what actually happened is as i was creeping around the side of him yep sort of slipped into his tray and i hit him with my bar work it was very similar to this and very embarrassing i haven't even said go to the bloke yet good lord man no it's uh that's why we don't trust you out there look they've actually touched on that they've touched there's panel damage and the boys are thinking what have we done well the good news is one of them's at least a nissan i can tell and uh here we go kieran's mate finally finds his missing 10 mil always lose a 10 mil i lost a 10mm this morning i was working my car for 10 minutes yeah i'm pretty steep fell out of the car that is so good he's very wondering what's that rally yeah it would have been a rattling noise for sure there it is middle of the track yep well done son easy as right here mate we've got a fail or possibly a win will be the judge from it's from unzood from nz i shouldn't do that accident because it's not even close right this big wow wow goodness he's well the big v6 king look at that that's a definite win that's what's a win because he didn't go on his lid yeah yeah no he didn't he saved it actually that's just yeah that's just good mate when you don't check your snorkel seal turn your turbo into a water turbine oh that's a deep little puddle yeah that's calling me out he's got a mate on the drone who looks like he's panicked and decided to send the drunk no he's doing well old every day is a disco uh not today champion that was like what is that i don't know but it seems expensive no it does that was like us the other day in the 40 this water we had it up to our laps that's still still never a pleasant feeling that's expensive yeah that's actually yeah that's a bummer that's a bumper and i mean defender parts are pretty cheap though you get that somewhere you know second hand or discovery parts they're not the same mate that's a bit racist liam's weak ending kennel worth gets a little wild oh my goodness that vehicle is pretty wild it is what is that that is a gpu mate gq used yeah and when that thing's done that you know the track's pretty hard yeah you see the tear coming out of his eye yeah you can he's not stoked not stoked now this week's winner though we've got jared for sending it too hard in a chimney in the glass house have a go at this in a chimney too i know exactly where that is and um bottomless let's just say you're not going to make that mistake twice i wonder what that snatch drop scared me a little snake he's on the edge he's on the edge put the water all through it yeah that thing has been flooded that is such a cool car though he's a lovely little car he's a big bloke he only just fits in there yeah i know she's got a paint job bucketing out of there oh that's a bunch well but look 100 buck gear voucher exactly right you might have damaged your vehicle and um maybe probably complete right off the bat you can get you've got a hundred dollar snapchatting gift vouchers i mean that's as good as a gymnasium that's gonna ease the pain doesn't it well probably not really it'll certainly go a long way towards helping righto mate if you've got a rig worthy of your attention oh mate and there's some good rigs out there and i love seeing them so 100 gift voucher from snatch clothing for you guys you can spend on whatever you want and um you and your rig can look the part you know yeah that's a good way of putting it first cab off the rank and it's not a cab it's a bt50 sean from victoria 2012 single cab it's not every day you see a b25 are willing to take on the tougher tracks of victoria but this rig is built to wheel harder look at it he's not shy of giving this a steer he's got a good build up on it it looks that's about to say it just looks nice sean's single cab bt50 isn't just built for show it's capable enough to handle the tough tracks victoria is known for there's a two inch lift long travel front shocks and a sway bar delete heavy duty fully adjustable upper control arms aftermarket lower control arms and a welded in diff drop the rig is protected with custom sliders bull bar and bash plates and features a rear locker extended brake lines winch spotties and a canvas skull wing canopy pretty darn tidy how's this on mate ben with his 1999 td 42 this thing is just built to it's a tough tour yeah that's the word it'll go anywhere and still drive hard tracks again it just looks nice ben's td-42 was built both to tour and to tow around australia as well as serve as a daily driver it features some impressive engine mods including an 18g turbo a 12 mil pump large front mount intercooler a 3 inch straight through exhaust delivering 200 horsepower and 671 newton meters of torque at the wheels this rig sits on a three-inch lift and 35s with a remote res shocks and an aftermarket control arm all right we've got paulie and his nickname this little beastie the panda i'm guessing to me that is a rig that is an absolute rig mate this schmick rig has got plenty of clearance for the four inch lift with six inch shocks paul's also added sway bar extensions and aftermarket drag link and tie rods plus he's fitted 35s on 16 inch steelies the engine is a one hz turbo with top man intercooler and the rig is protected with a custom bull bar rear bar and rock sliders combined with some handy camping mods in 12 volt this is a vehicle ready to take paul anywhere well mate of course is gonna be one winner and who is that mate that is endak hudson then check out this reindeer it's a ranging classic absolute cracker but what makes this one so special what does he's actually done a diesel conversion that's crazy so he's got rid of the old uh gas guzzling vr got that out of there and put a diesel in it and now he's done a good job this is the cool thing about this story as well he's working to save his way around to do a lap of australia so he's built this car to basically go anywhere and also live out of course does that picture remind you he's done all the hard tracks around his country he's not afraid to drive this thing which is really cool about it and you know i've got a soft spot for ranger classics mate they are cool cars in my opinion yeah but anyway he does and that's fantastic especially when they get out and get used because you don't see many rangy classics around them for that i think they're really cool and i love what endac has done with that one mate he's really made that one work congratulations yeah ndak wanted to own a 4b that could go anywhere be completely mechanical cheap to buy and have readily available parts he set on a ranger and converted the petrol motor to a 300 tdi turbo diesel and added a front and rear air locker to the equation and also atb center diff lock plus upgrade to the cvs axles and flanges he's upgraded the brakes with disco and defender parts and endac has also fitted 80 series shocks in the spring lift with two inch shock turrets cast to corrected radius and trailing arms and 33 inch muddies and of course a winch at a snorkel he's also saved a stack of money while at uni to make it up to cape york and the nt he's currently doing a complete rebuild in the driveway to get the old goal ready for another big adventure well my congratulations that is a very worthy rig i love that thing it really is a worthy rig and i wish you the best of luck on your continued journeys around australia mate when you get to the south west of wa give us a holla yeah hey we're in i'll show you around thank you around now how do you get featured to get your rig featured there's there's multiple ways you can show us your rig and one of the best ways of course is to use the hashtag 4wd247 rigs yes and and that's the best way it's the only way really that's the way to do it so folks take a photo and here's a tip from me uh make sure your photos are crackers too because that doesn't catch out right that really helps yeah it does get a bunch if you can do that get some really cool ones like you've seen on the show today but hopefully you get to show us your rig and uh maybe you might win the problem yeah i like a lot of good rigs out there there's always one angle that looks way better than any other no you get that angle right and you're gonna win a holy act mate last thought i didn't really want to bring this up but we're gonna okay i hope you're not embarrassed by this oh it won't be cooking looks yum a lot of people have been inspired by the cooking segments no doubt for reasons i cannot imagine i think because my when art meets chefery you get some amazing a few of our viewers have decided to give things a go now we showed a few last time yeah i want to continue this time and show you what can actually be done when you know what you're doing what we've got here wow jenny has made beer can burgers and the pounder oh look at her beer can be jenny if you want to come away on a trip with us and uh take over the cooking duties for instance and you cook something like that look at that that is so much better than yours that is amazing i wish i had look at that it's actually in the thing it's all put together how you're so precise with it all there's more oh wow sure i tried the pasta recipe with the turkish it's pronounced suck it's a turkey sausage i was about to say something completely different it's a cook [Music] similar suck it's a sucker okay it turned out better than yours ah well you didn't taste mine um you haven't tasted it what's his name you've probably got more authority than me on it so ben van graan made the beef stroganoff the uh the beef stroganoff he made for his mum and himself and now she wasn't but she is now his mum is an avid four dog 24 7 fan ah far out takes one good meal hey boys and i've always said that let's tell you what ben takes say get out of him for me mate that's weird come on continue at least this one's from james he's um tried to make some of that stuff chicken breast and he got arrested you're doing it wrong i reckon uh doing it wrong you don't want to be doing that in public that's for sure he's doing it wrong let's move on uh down here travis longer he just paid a dirty bird yeah that's a good one though that is lovely you made the triple stackers mate you didn't chicken out i wonder if travis has ever made the dirty turkey well i mean that's if you run out of chicken you can try that one um lee has also made one of my meals and um he got rid of covered now that's some serious talk right there exactly right i would believe that mitch mcdonald had the pandas last night for tea i'm glad he said that was that big of a hit i had to cook another for smoko today then did it dinner again you're an absolute legend mate you're absolute legend look let us know about this stuff on social media because look if you're keeping my meals a bit of a go and look maybe they've helped you get a lady over the line i don't know but look let us know if you cook them they've actually turned out half decent let us know in the comments as well mate because it gets me a bit of inspiration and i go through that and it gives me the confidence you've got to come up with the next gourmet recipe gourmet it is gormet okay i can read mate mate what do we got coming up coming up on four drives 24 7. we have our part two of the kimberley yes man that is right and that is an absolute cracker what we said before we are so excited about this one we're very proud about the kimberly here we are episodes we yeah we did a lot of planning to do that trip and it just when i say it come together in a way that man never forget you'll never ever forget we certainly won't and um when you guys watch part two of our adventure you'll see exactly why we're frothing so much on it exactly and we're right off the back of that we've we've gone on for about five days uh had a shower and we're straight back up the cape right now in the 47. drove the big farm truck up we're about halfway through the trip we've got another week or so to go and um this is this i know for a fact this one's going to be an absolute cracker too so folks what i'm getting at here is that you have got some content coming your way yep it's going to blow you it's going to it's just going to blow your socks off i say that might it might do yeah it might do a big plastic band your socks have come off folks we've got an absolute ball we're at a bramble station tonight exactly right and mate if i've timed this right yeah we're just going in time for happy hour to hear ken give his little speech oh yes and this is very true i love this part and when you come up to cape york try to close your mouth and knock the flies in but also make sure you get down to bramble station this place is one of my favorite places in cape york we were driving up here today and i said to sean i i look forward from the year we do it till the end next year i look forward to coming up here to bramble station and there's a it's live there's birds flying over the top and saying it out of ken so next time you're coming up the cape and i hope you're planning a trip drop in here say it out of ken say that graeme and sean sent you up here right now though might even give you a free beer you won't no you won't but it's a business now folks one last thing too please don't forget we cannot say enough how much we love hearing from you having content from you guys it's not just about what we're doing we don't know what you guys are doing fails rigs the way to do that is to keep in touch with us on instagram facebook you can do it on youtube as well you can put comments in there we read all of them absolutely but what's important please don't think that your comments your contribution goes unnoticed because it doesn't i'll tell you what there was about 5 000 comments on the kimberley one all right that's what it's up to at the moment and i've gone through all those yeah at all of them and it folks it means to sean and i it means so much that you guys care enough to actually put a comment down that that to us is is amazing so please keep that going and you might win a prize you guys want a prize of course you can so yeah rigs fails and comments guys we love them i just want to make a quick mention as well i said it before about the iron jack ultimate bucket list trip if you haven't entered yet do yourself a favor it's going to take you about 30 seconds and you could be riding with me and you'll take this bloke's place hopefully actually not the best part of the trip and uh and you'll be going to one of the best destinations in australia for four driving camping and this destination is off tap i cannot say that enough and i i say every destination is fantastic this is pretty special so make make sure you enter now though folks thank you so much it's not beers in the there's beers in the bush we've had an absolute ball it's happy hour so it's my shout out of course it is mate okay you
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 314,933
Rating: 4.9279795 out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, 4wd action, 4wd 247, 4wd 24/7, old 4wd, new vs old 4wd, 4wd reliability
Id: XNjupCmZRU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 23sec (2483 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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