Arch Linux Monthly Install: 11.2021

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hello everyone welcome back to the channel and to a new monthly installation of arch this time we are going to use the november 2021 iso and we are going to install arch from scratch with the i3 window manager now this should be enough to get you started from scratch with i3 if you want more informations about i3 i have already some videos on the channel for that so if you are interested in more customization stuff make sure that you check those out now without too much talking let's get started [Music] [Applause] so here we go we are ready to install arch with november 2021 i saw this is gonna be an installation with the i3 window manager to get you started i have more videos on the channel more in depth about i3 if you want to customize it further but without further ado here let's get started so the arch iso boots up with the us keyboard which i don't have so i need to change the keyboard layout by typing in load keys and then my keyboard layout here and then i can hit enter and now let me also increase the font sizes so you can see better so set font and then tur dash132n this is a terminus font you can see also it's much bigger easier for me as well to read so let's get started first and let's check if we have an internet connection well if you have an ip better said so let's type in ip dash c space a i'm using the c here to show the colors it's easier to see so you can see in this machine i have two interfaces the one i'm interested in is the second one enp1s0 this is a cable it's an ethernet cable and you can see i have an ip there ending with 186. now if you have wi-fi you need to use the iwctl utility which you can enter by typing in here iwctl so once you are here you can type in station normally it's always called wlan 0 but it depends really on your machine so you have to check out here in the list of interfaces what's the name of your adapter but in many cases is w90 so you can type in station wlan0 and then connect and then the name of your network then once you enter that you will be asked for the passphrase and once you enter the passphrase you will be back to your iwd prompt here so after this you can type in exit and again use the ip space a command to check if you have an ip once you have an ip like in my case you can type in then pacman dash sy to check if we can synchronize the repositories and you can see it works just fine so we are ready now to install arch linux so let's type in lsplk you can see there i have a disk called vda this is because it's a virtual machine in your case it might be something else it might be sda or nvme 0 and 1 so make sure you replace the name of the disk here when you see it in this video so we need to partition the disk first because this is a ufi machine i want to use gdisk which is going to create gpt labels so gdisk slash dev slash vda and hit enter so command n for new to create the first partition partition number one default is fine the first sector is also fine it's gonna start always a little bit after the first cylinder so i'm gonna accept the default here the last sector defines the size of the partition so this is the efi partition it's mandatory because it's a ufi machine so i'm going to create a plus two five zero megabytes efi partition that's plenty and the code for this partition is ef00 now let's create our swap partition as well so n for new partition number 2 is fine and it's fine also the first sector the last sector defines again the size so i'm going to create a very small swap partition here plus 5 1 2 maybe bytes because i have eight gigabytes of ram in this machine if you have not much ram like two gigabytes or one gigabyte make sure to give a little bit more swap maybe one or two gigabytes of swap here now the code is eight two zero zero for the swap and this is done so let's create our root partition so n for new i'm gonna accept the defaults here for the number and the first sector as well the size in this case is gonna be plus two five gigabytes for the root that should be plenty the code is fine and now we can create also our home partition so and for new and we're going to accept here all the defaults and for the code as well so the partitions are now created but are not yet written on the disk so we need to type in w for write and proceeding by typing in y and hit enter the operation has been completed successfully so let's clean up the terminal now with ctrl l and format our partitions you can see with lsb okay we have video one through vdf4 so let's begin with vda1 mkfs for make file system this has to be a fat file system because it's a efi partition so v-fat slash f slash vda1 this is the partition path we can repeat the same for the swap but not with vfat file system of course so we can type in mk swap for make swap on slash dev slash vda2 this is our swap partition now we need to activate the swap so swap on slash dev slash vda2 now let's take care of our root partition so mkfs dot ext4 i'm going to use the ext4 file system and the partition path is slash dev slash vda3 i'm going to repeat the same process for our home partition by pulling up the last command with the up arrow on the keyboard and replace vda3 with vda4 and the formatting is now done so let's proceed by mounting our partitions we begin with the root partition because that's where the new installation is going to be so mount slash dev slash vda3 again this is the path and it's going to be mounted on slash mnt now for vda2 we don't need to do anything our swap partition is already done but for vda1 and vda4 we need to create the directories for that so let's do this by typing in mkdr dash p to create multiple directories slash m t again this is our installation directory i'm going to create them all at once by typing in the curry bliss here and then boots slash efi this is going to be the directory for the efi partition comma home the directory for the home partition and close the curly brace so let's now mount the vda1 partition mount slash dev slash vda 1 on slash m t slash boot slash efi and hit enter and we are going to repeat the same process for the home partition by typing mount slash dev slash vda 4 on mnt home and hit enter of course now if i type in again lsb ak you will see our mount points there so that means we are ready to install our system so to do this we can type in packstrap slash mnt and the base packages we need to install our base so this time i'm going to install the linux dash lts kernel just for a change i installed many times the linux kernel the latest kernel this time i'm going to install the lts kernel so you can see how it's done and this basically means you're going to receive probably a little bit less updates on your arch installation i'm going to install also the linux dash firmware package and also get also my editor vim and also amd dashu code because i have an amd processor if you have an intel processor you can install of course intel dash u code and then just hit enter now depending also on your internet connection here it's gonna take some time to download the packages so i'm going to pause the video here guys and i'll be back with you once it's done so the installation is now done and we can now generate the file system table we have the gen fstab script in the iso so let's use it by typing in gen fstab and then we're going to use the uuids of the partition by using the capital u switch slash mnt so we are taking the mount points we created before and we are going to append them to the slash m t slash etsy slash f style which have been created when we installed now the base packages so now we can go into the installation by typing in arch dash to root on slash mnt and now we can proceed by installing the base system to do this i'm going to use my little script i have on gitlab so let me type in git clone https colon slash and then ef slash arch install base so this is my private repository don't use this repository to install this if you want to do this this way you can install with the public repository there is a link in the video description so let me hit enter here i need to authenticate because it's a private repository on the public repository you don't have to do this of course and so let me type in now ls you can see arch installed base is the first one so i need to go in there so i'm going to type in cd arch install base and i want to clean up the terminal now with ctrl l and type in ls l to see the list here you can see i have several scripts and directories in here so the one i'm interested right now it's the base dot sh script so let me go in there by typing in vim based dot sh so these are basically the commands i usually use to install arch these are the same commands you find on the arch wiki i just put them in a little script because it's a little bit more convenient to install this way but if you're curious about each line of the script or of these commands better said make sure that you check out the other videos i did on the monthly installations of arch where i go one by one line by line and i explain you what every line does so here what we need to change is of course the root password because right now it's called the password so make sure that you change this if you're installing from the public repository and i want to actually remove this no confirm because i do want to actually confirm these packages and let's see what else we need to change here because we are using the lts kernel i want to change also the headers these are the headers for the linux kernel if you want to install them for the lts kernel we need to install linux lts dash headers now another thing i would like to do here is to install pulse audio and replace pipe wire because i'm going to install i3 and that's based on xorg i know pro series is going to work better so i'm going to type in here pulse audio and i'm going to remove these pipe wire packages some of these might be installed as a dependency but i don't really care much about this right now and i'm going to install also xorg while i'm at it already so it's already done afterwards then we're going to install here our video card drivers so depending if you have an amd car you can uncomment this line and if you have an nvidia card uncommon the second line if you have an inter card you don't have to do basically anything because the mesa driver installed already by default is gonna work just fine these are the commands for grub which actually we can leave and these are the services that are going to be enabled now here i'm creating a user for the system so make sure that you replace my name with yours here with your username and also by changing here the username and the password for the user you created just now and also replace the username here on the library group because this is going to add the user to the library group if you're going to use virtual machine manager and also change the username here in the last line which is going to give the user sudo privileges so change it here on the command and also here as a file name then once this is done we can save this file and exit win with colon x and we can also now give the script execute permissions by typing in mod plus x on base dot sh now if you type in ls l again you will see the base script as xs so that means it is executable so to do this i'm going to go back to the root file system here and run it from there with dot slash arch install base and then base dot sh so it's going to create the locales i need to confirm the selection here which is fine in my case the portal here is going to be gtk and iptable and nft are in conflict with iptable so i'm going to remove ib tables yes and now i'm going to basically install the packages so again this is going to take some time depending on your internet connection so i will pause again the video here guys and i'll be back with you once it's done so the installation is now done there are some things we need to change before rebooting especially if you changed your graphic card if you entered your graphic card in the script so let's type in vim etsy slash and what you'll need to do here you need to go down to the modules and place the graphic driver that you used before so for example if you're using an imd card you can type in here amd gpu and if you have an nvidia card you can type in nvidia and if you have an intel card you can type in i-915 now for me this is a visual machine so i don't actually have to type in anything but if you do make sure that then you save the file with colon x and then you will need to recreate the init ram fs if you use the modules so to do this you will have to type in mk init cpio dash p on linux lts in this case because we are using the lts kernel then once you hit enter the init ram fs will be regenerated with the modules so now we are ready basically to go so we can exit here the installation and we can unmount our iso by typing in umount dash r on slash m t and now we can reboot our machine so i'm gonna type in reboot and we should be greeted by the grub bootloader so you can see this is grub actually i forgot to change the resolution of grub here but it does not really matter i'm gonna just set it for now here by hitting the e key on the keyboard and adding here the video parameter 1920 per 1080 and then booting up with control x and so it's going to take my full display here you can see we have a prompt so the installation worked so let's type in our username and the password we selected before so there you go now let me type in again set font ter 132n to increase the font sizes one more time and now we are ready to go so ctrl l to clean up the terminal so we're ready to install our window manager so let's type in sudo pacman dash s i will install the i3 group because that's including also the locker and the i3 bar if i'm not mistaken and let's see i want to install also one terminal so i'm going to use terminator in my case you can choose of course another one if you like i'm gonna install also lx appearance and next i'm going to install also nitrogen for our wallpaper i'm gonna install also file manager i'm gonna go in this case with pc man fm which is very light a browser in my case chromium and also d menu so i think that's not much but i think it's enough to get us started here and so i'm just gonna hit enter and accept the default here for i3 gaps which is the first repository and hit y here to proceed with the installation so this shouldn't take too long to install because there are not too many packages and also they are not that big so you can see it's already finished now we have the window manager but we don't have any display manager installed yet so what you could do here you could use star x with the x xenite rc file if you want to do that i have a video actually on the channel which is showing you how to do this if you want to use a display manager you can do that as well because i3 creates a desktop session so here i'm going to install actually one of my favorite display managers from the terminal which is called l y lie li or lie i'm not sure how to pronounce that but it's typed l y so it's in the aur so to download it i'm gonna type in git clone https columns slash and then aur dot arch linux dot org slash ly and then hit enter so we now clone the repository so if i type in ls shell you can see li is there so we need to move in there so cdli and now we can build the package by typing in make pkg dash si and it's gonna take a moment to do this this is definitely not a big package it's already finished building now it's creating the build and installing it and it's already installed so this is the display manager so it has a system disservice so we need to enable it so we need to type in sudo system ctl enable l y dot service and now we have a sim link in place so now we can reboot the machine so let's type in in here a reboot and hit enter and again i hit arch linux here to start up and you can see this is the ly display manager so it's not the correct resolution because i forgot again to change the grab configuration file i will do it afterwards but you will see i3 here it's already selected so i can go up here and type in my username and then the password for my user and here we have i3 now it's not the correct resolution yet but we're going to change this in a second i'm going to hit enter here to create the configuration file and accept the win key for the mod key and now the i3 installation is basically done but we need to change still some things so i'm going to hit on the keyboard here control alt f3 to go into tty here and i'm going to log in here with my user so the first thing actually let me definitely change now the grub configuration file so sudo vim slash etsy slash default slash grab i need to authenticate here and what i'm going to do here i just need to enter again the video equal 1920 per 1080 and i need then to save this with colon x and regenerate the grub configuration file so sudo grab mk config dash o so the output go slash boot slash grub slash grub dot cfg and now this is done now we have already a configuration file for the i3 window manager so let's go in there cd dot config slash i3 and hit enter type in ls and you will see the configuration file has been created so vim and then config so i'm going to change just a few things in here the first thing is i'm going to search for the terminal so with the forward slash terminal here you can see we have the terminal here it's going to search for a i3 sensible terminal i'm not sure terminator is one of them probably it is but to be sure i'm gonna replace this exec and then terminator and this is done and the next thing i'm gonna do here i'm gonna scroll forward with ctrl f on my keyboard i'm going to go down here at the end of the file and create also some other commands the first one is exec execute basically set xkb map ch this is going gonna basically give me my keyboard layout when the window manager boots up and also exec x render now this is probably something you can skip because if you're installing this on a laptop chances are that the display manager will pick up your display solution just fine but in my case not because it's a virtual machine so dash dash output the display name in my case is virtual dash one i know this because if you type in x render on the terminal you will see it when you are on the window manager dash dash mode 1920 per 1080 so i think this is now done for now well actually we can type in also another one let me also add this one exec nitrogen restore because once we will install a wallpaper we will have it available again once we reboot the window manager so for now it's enough so let's save this file here with colon x and reboot our machine again it's gonna take a moment here to do this and now we can hit enter and the display is now being picked up and now we have here our ly display manager so let's enter our password and here we have i3 fullscreen so if i hit now mod enter so the windows key and enter you can see i have terminator so let me configure this very quickly i'm going to go to preferences here and i'm going to remove some things i don't want to have the window borders under profiles here i'm going to deselect the title bar and also the title bar icon the font is fine the shape of the cursor for me it's underlined this is personal preference for the colors i'm going to use the colors from system theme because i'm going to show you afterwards why and for the background right now solid colors is fine and the scrolling i'm going to disable it so then we can exit from here and this is what happens so this is basically the color of the theme because we don't have any so let's install one shall we so let's type in sudo pacman dash s i'm going to install the arc gtk-themed and while i'm at it i'm going to install also the arch linux dash wallpaper and then hit enter i need to authenticate here and i'm going to install the two packages these are not big packages as you can see so mod d is going to put up the menu you can see it on the top of the display so we have lx appearance installed so let's open it up and let's choose well in my case i'm going to choose arc dark and i think that's going to be fine so i'm going to click apply and click close and now if i close the terminal here with mod shift q and open it again with mod enter you can see it picks up the colors of the theme so that's nice if you want to change this you can of course also change it in the preferences of terminator now let's open up again with the menu nitrogen and let's go here to preferences we need to add a directory here so let's click add so i know that the arch linux wallpapers are installed in the file system user share and then backgrounds and then arch linux so we need to then click select and click ok so here we have our wallpapers so let me select one here let's select this one right here and automatic full screen is fine so we just click apply and we can close nitrogen with mod shift q and let's close also the terminal and you can see our wallpaper now if we hit mod shift e to exit the window manager and enter our password again our wallpaper is still there because we have it in the configuration file so mod enter to open the terminal again let's increase the font size and type in here free dash h to check the memory usage you can see i'm using 226 megabytes so i3 is definitely a good performer so another thing that we can check is actually that we installed also the lock screen because it was part of the i3 group so if i type in here i3 lock this is the lock screen i know it's not much but that's what we have so we just type the password here and then we are back in our terminal so we can add actually the key binding for this in our configuration file by typing in vim dot config slash i3 slash config and i'm going to add it here at the bottom actually it's always nice to have comments i didn't do it before so i'm gonna do it now lock screen so the command is gonna be bind sim and then dollar sign mod so we are defining the mod key plus i'm gonna use let's say x in my case the so mod x is going to execute exec i3 lock there you go so we can now save the file and exit i'm going to exit actually once more i3 here and enter again and now if i hit mod x you can see our lock screen so type in the password and we are back in our i3 window manager so this is a quick installation of arch linux with the november 2021 iso with the i3 window manager if you want to have more info about i3 and go more in depth about the customization check out my channel i have several videos for that already available but this one should be enough to get you started for installing arch linux from scratch with the i3 window manager so this was the basic installation of arch linux with the november 2021 iso with the i3 window manager as i mentioned already in the video if you want to have more info about i3 i have already several videos on the channel also with the customization options so make sure that you check those out i hope you liked the video guys if you did please hit the thumbs up and subscribe the channel if you haven't already that always helps me out and if you want to support my work you can become a patreon or you can also donate your paypal to my website as well thank you so much for watching the video guys i'll see you very soon in the next one [Music] [Applause]
Channel: EF - Linux Made Simple
Views: 8,932
Rating: 4.9736843 out of 5
Keywords: Linux, Arch Linux, Software, Training, how to install, install arch linux, install linux, tech tips, it tips, linux tips, UEFI, linux help, monthly install, november 2021 iso, i3
Id: o09jzArQcFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 11sec (1631 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 06 2021
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