ArchTitus ( Arch Linux Installer by Chris Titus ) vs Ezarch Install Script

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howdy youtube esnix here with a video for you so about two weeks ago chris titus released his arch installer script and i don't believe anyone but chris has done a video about it yet so i will do one now this may turn in to a chris titus arch installer script versus easy archer i don't know if i want to go that long but we'll make some comparisons along the way and if i have the energy this just might turn into a dual installer shootout so to speak so let's get started um the video was arch titus that was the title of the video up on youtube announcing the release of this project by chris he does have a github project page up with all the source code you can take a look at it see what's changed how recently of course see what issues people have posted see what poll requests there's only one at the moment i've already downloaded the code here and extracted it so we have that ready to go but we're going to take a look at some of the script files here so the readme is right here and we'll take a look at that he advises us to download the official arch iso and then use get to download his project which is fine that's a decent way to do it keeping it pure at the beginning using the arch iso and the instructions are pretty simple download the get project and cd into the folder and then run he has some troubleshooting down here for no wi-fi how to set up wi-fi on the system so that's nice let's see let's start taking a look at some of the code so we'll begin with archites sh the script was supposed to run and it looks like this is a very small script that runs a pre-install script and then she roots and runs setup using install.conf and then she roots and uses the user setup script and then she roots and uses the post setup script okay fairly uh this is really just a launcher so let's go back and take a look at the pre-setup script here okay he has a lot of fancy sort of graphics in this batch script going on but let's see what it does so uh sets time date okay it installs uh terminus font it installs reflector rsync and grub okay it changes a few lines in pacman.conf it backs up the mirror list and let's see then it goes and uses fdisk btro and installs gptf disk and it installs btrfs progs now those i believe are standard on an arch install iso but this is doing it inside the chi root so all this is all the disk partitioning it looks like is using sgdisk which is a very nice little program i use the g disk set uh gpt fdisk set of programs myself in my script doesn't look like it gives you any choices though it preps the disk it creates the partitions and makes the file systems and then it looks like it mounts the volume oh here mount target here's where it mounts it okay and then it starts installing the basic pack strap looks like generates the fs tab it copies uh some files into the system uh creates some mirror uh copies of mirror list okay and let's see each check for memory uh installs boot uh grub for the bootloader and checks for low memory situations and make some changes to the swap file basically the swap creation there okay so that was pre-installed see what setup does also a whole nice fancy title to the script sets up networking sets up language to us and set locale to enus utf-8 okay now you can change these settings here if you want to mess with the script but it certainly doesn't make it easier provide any uh like one variable settings like i use in my script so it's a little more difficult to customize say the locale but you can do it you can edit this line here the said line that should work you can edit this line as well um so a couple of places if you want to change locale and then the basic package list so this is a lot easier just to edit and take out and put in what you do and don't want looks like he puts invert manager okay looks like he makes a lot of decisions he uses pulse audio okay that's good that's pretty safe uh pipe wire is still in pretty rapid development so pulse audio is a good choice there to determine processor okay for installing the u code that's nice uh graphics drivers so it looks like a test for nvidia and it will install it if necessary okay and then user add okay adds a user there very good so that was the setup let's see the user here the user looks like it's adding yay to the system it's doing something with okay it's using zsh h some more packages now these are coming from different places here so this is something that i certainly don't do is adding a whole lot of outside arch packages to my system but um i guess this is the way chris likes it he likes those installed so that's what he's doing coming from github repositories coming from various sources so you sort of have to trust put your trust in chris here that he knows what he's doing and not giving you a whole lot of junk wear to do and just a bunch of settings it looks like and let's take a look at the post install very short really just the meat of it is right here just using system control to enable a whole bunch of services uh to do running grub config mk config and then remove no password pseudo rights okay just some cleanup stuff and you can read the license and other things here set console script restore and backup whatever racing he's done to the system what is set console okay it's just setting the v console to us and the font setting okay nothing too exciting there he does have some dot files i assume these will be your theming for uh i think this kde desktop you don't get a any choice of desktops you don't really get any choice unless you want to edit these scripts so let's go ahead and run this thing so we're going to close firefox we don't need that open i've downloaded it in the downloads folder he assumes this is going to be run as root and that makes sense so let's open a terminal we'll make it a little bigger so it's easier to see there we go will become root so i have to do sudo su and live okay so now we are root very good and we have to run the arch titus sh so let's do that march oh i'm in roots uh home folder that's why it's not finding it let's go ahead and cd here so we'll just copy that path and cd into it there we go cool now we should be able to do completion yes okay are you ready folks let's try it i have not done this so you're seeing what i'm seeing as it as it happens this is my first run of arch titus so it looks like it's doing a reflector run here to create a mirror list and as usual reflector is failing to rate certain mirrors that's fine it should continue on we had a bunch of nasty warnings and failure notices right up front okay please enter a disk to work on so uh we are going to enter [Music] now from his example it looks like i have to type out the full path here instead of just sda but that is the disk we want to work on well okay this will format and delete all data so yes so now we're formatting the disk while partitioning it first and now formatting and now we're right into downloading all the packages looks like probably from the first setup script so this might take a little while he does have parallel downloads enabled so that is nice our time estimate oh that's the time currently used okay well this will take a little while i assume let's see we'll just let it play out i'm not going to pause the video i'll try to keep talking i don't know if i'll have anything interesting to say during this process but okay we've done all of the downloading cool this might just be the initial pack strap command i don't think that was the entire yes this is just the initial pack strap command so we're going to have at least two more download and install instances as it were so that's good this is going by fairly quickly we're almost done installing all the packages just have to run through some pac-man hooks and we should be good to go yeah there are the hooks running so so far so good our only interaction was specifying the disk to work on and agreeing when it wanted to format the disk so not a whole lot of interaction yet we're doing another small installer packages okay i didn't realize looking at the script that are going to be so many small installs of packages here i thought it looked like it was one long list but it's not but hopefully everything is going well and all this is getting installed in the g route properly we'll find out this i don't know if there's any more interaction in this script i assume at some point we're going to be asked to set a username and password okay here comes our desktop it looks like plasma so this might take a little while we have 272 packages and we're only at number 10. hopefully it's doing some of the big ones first and then it'll fly through the rest of them i don't know how long that list of outside packages will take because we'll have to get clone a number of repositories there so hopefully all of those see that's another problem with relying on packages outside of the arch repository when you're doing something like a scripted install you really have to trust that those outside repositories are maintained maintained well contain the software you still want when you want to install they may be you know abandoned by their creators in the time between the install script was written and when you are going to run it so there are a whole lot of ifs that can happen when you're running an install script that's going to rely on packages outside the arch repositories yeah this is really broken down into sections of install commands here which is a little more reliable it's not a bad thing it's actually a good thing for making the installer a bit more robust up we lost we went into screen lock there should move something around once in a while so as i was saying it's actually a good thing that all these install packet these install commands here are broken down it might be a little fine grained actually because you have i noticed a number of installation instances here that are just installing one or two packages so some of this could probably be combined now as i said if i have the energy to then after this install go ahead and do my easy arch install from script and i think i will do that i think we'll have time to do that it'll make the video a little longer but you know what some people enjoy long videos they like hearing a calm voice and following along so that'll be good so we're still installing see we have have get installed by itself we have um other things installed all by themselves a lot of this could probably be combined but it's fine uh kate is this all all by itself whatever that's an odd one at least it's still working right it hasn't bombed out anywhere yet now when you're writing an install script you're at you're listing all of these packages to go get now whether you're installing just from the arch repositories you still run the risk of your script becoming out of date if a package changes names or a package no longer is in the arch repositories so an arch install script requires pretty constant testing and diligence and um maintenance now luckily uh arch i haven't found at least with my easy arch scripts hasn't outdated yet hasn't run into an issue where a package doesn't exist now it might today i don't know you find that out when you run it so looks like we're installing a lot of stuff here geez this is going to be one packed system now i say packed because you never know whether it's really bloat bloat is in the eye of the beholder so one person can look at this and go oh my god this is going to be so bloated another person such as chris who came up with it will look at it and think it's not bloated because everything is useful to him so that's just the way it is but god this is seems to be installing tons of stuff maybe i should have paused this i'm a little out of things to say but then if i pause it and it runs into a problem that won't be on video if i pause it and all of a sudden we're at the end or going to the next stage in the installation process rather than just watching packages fly by you'll miss that so i really am tempted to keep the camera rolling and just watch us install so that's what we have here oh we're installing wine geez okay so there's a lot of stuff wine tricks uh some of this has gone by too fast for me to keep up so intel you code okay so now we're at oh please enter a username so let's do test please enter a user password retype the password see this is a little fancier it's actually looking like it's official not echoing the type the passwords and asking you to retype my script is quite a bit simpler uh please type name of your machine okay let's give it arch titus sounds like a disease doesn't it arch titus okay so it's doing the outside packages now beginning with yay and in order to to build yay it has to install go hi so we're looking at 432 megabytes of installed size now hopefully it will remove that when it's done building yay but maybe it won't because if when yay updates and you want to rebuild it you'll want go installed so it's just assuming uh we'll see i don't know so it's downloading a bunch of stuff from github now go is i guess and we should start building yay now and installing yay okay it's moving on to other packages installing the brave browser i don't know why firefox works perfectly well but that's chris's preference so that's what we're getting when you install easy archer easy arch with my script you got my preferences so yeah six of one half dozen of the other now with arch you can always go in and remove of course with any linux destroy you can do that so hopefully this process doesn't have too much longer certainly hasn't failed yet which is good it's always a good sign but it's building quite a bit of stuff here as i said mostly from github projects it looks like github desktop bin okay that's going in to help you manage your github projects with a nice desktop gui package what is it getting now lightly never heard of lightly doesn't mean much as a lot i've never heard of we're at 16 18 percent okay this is moving at what about two and a half two to two and a half megabytes per second twenty percent is 110 about 110 megabytes ouch that's 500 megabytes or so 550 560 probably that very rough estimate judging by percentage if that percentage is even close to correct i don't really have a whole lot more to talk about i mean we can always take more deeper dives into this setup but i don't really want to mess with these files while they're in use so we'll leave that alone we'll take a look at the readme here now i did open the readme let's change the font make it a bit bigger there we go so there give ourselves some most screen space here we've already covered this now this isn't that's a waste of time doing that so we're at 63 percent you know what i will pause the video i don't know how long this entire process is going to take so we'll be back well in your time in a split second coming back just briefly we finally finished downloading now we're actually compiling now this vm that i have let's open that up i gave it two cores six gigs of memory a little less technically uh it's in efi mode and yeah you can see the other settings here so the compile time is going to be a bit shorter than if you were doing this on real hardware where you have more cores a lot more memory i assume maybe not who knows you could have eight megs uh eight gigs but um yeah so the build time here is not really representative of what you're going to experience on hardware i hope now you might have very old hardware dual core machine you're trying to do this on it's going to be slow it's already slow with all the downloading of all these packages but it'll be slow compiling as well so we'll let it go i'll pause again we'll come back and hopefully we'll be at further down the road in the installation here we're back here again because i just wanted to point out it's taking a long time to install some of these programs that are being fetched from various git repositories we're now looking at the installation or part of the installation the second half i hope of this ninja software which i have no idea what it does i don't know if i'll ever use it same with lightly i have no idea what lightly is that took a long time oh screensaver kicked in okay we're back so the thought occurred to me and it probably occurred to you uh long ago because i'm a little slow at this stuff that all of these extra packages that are coming from outside repositories if the purpose of this script is to be a more general use script other than just chris titus's sort of backup script to install his system slowly or quickly probably quickly on a high-end machine but that's fine including all these extra packages that are probably very specific in their use use scenarios and probably don't appeal or apply to a general computer user it would be good to make this an option if chris wants to say push this installer script into a more general user category of tools and give the user the option do you want chris's tools and then if the user says yes install all this stuff if the user says no pass by a lot of it now some of these things look like they're going to look and feel theming icons eye candy stuff make that an option just suggestions so i doubt chris will ever see this video but if you should then those are some small suggestions now that's only if you really want to push this script out to people as a more as i said generally use tool to install arch right now it looks like we're installing chris's system very specific all the choices really have been made the package selection of course which can be edited you can probably pretty easily find a way to edit out what you don't want of course just remove it from the the script or comment it out and you should be fine now um that's all well and good that's that's a that's a good way to do it too but giving a user a little break and choice in the script while it's running is i think a cleaner and more user friendly way to do it than having them edit the script now personally i've told people many times in comments just edit my script to get what you want so i have that attitude too i can't fault that so we're still going we're still grabbing software nordic kde nordic these are themes okay so it'll look a certain way what i find when making those types of choices theming choices icon choices uh back even background images is that most users i think they might be attracted although in this case with a script installed you don't even know what you're getting before you install it so unless you really read all of the packages go and research by going to the websites and looking at images before you install then you'll get some idea what it might look like but you never really know until you install from a script what you're going to get in the end now i'm my script is pretty clear you're only going to get default arch install packages so when you install kde you get the kde desktop as kde provides it when you install xfce likewise you can see my background my setup on this vm pure kde defaults ah we're finally installing the bootloader cool we should be done fairly soon i hope we can finally see what this thing looks like ah screenshaver kicked in again jeez i really should remember to move the mouse occasionally okay grub i know always takes a little bit of time to do its install and setup and config and all that stuff so but i'm not worried at least it's it's working we got there no errors reported very good and we're done that was easy long but easy right we're back at our root prompt it says done please eject media and reboot so let's do that let's exit our terminal here and let's reboot now when i reboot we can close that let's reboot here i don't need to save session settings restart i should get my easy archer boot menu and i can choose boot existing os oh no it's efi so it automatically picked up the hard drive first cool now i have my v box this vm set to vbox vga i usually find that more compatible with most linux distributions and then i just use the settings in whatever desktop i'm in to set the monitor resolution okay password for test does that look like a nice styled uh display manager sddm so far so good we're booting up into kde which we knew from reading the script and it was probably in the read me i just passed it by now this install defaulted to btrfs for the root file system i don't know what the disk actually looks like in terms of partitions but we have a desktop we have the papyrus icon set let's go into system settings so we can adjust the resolution here so display and monitor 16 by nine apply keep cool so we have a kde desktop we have the brave browser file manager you already saw system settings let's take a look at the application launcher now we're not going to go to all we're just going to go through the actual categories here and see what we got code oss cute fish electron github desktop plasma engine explorer plasma stuff qt5 assistant stuff and designer okay that's all under development we have steam installed for us under games we have gwenview and ocular ocular for pdfs and when view for images internet we knew we have brave remote viewer for remote desktop access steam is under internet as well zoom is here under multimedia we just have the mpv media player not a whole lot of options here under office just ocular under settings grub customizer and get in trouble with that covantam and ibus let's see under system we have discover we have dolphin g parted grub customizer let's see what h-top tells us 498 so about 500 megabytes of ram used at boot i haven't really done anything i know i opened system settings so this might be lower on a true fresh boot so don't go by that 500's not bad anyway even if that is a fresh boot reading let's see console open jdk java kitty terminal emulator okay under utilities we have arc good code oss text editor file lite disk usage anal analyzer emoji selector kate covanta spectacle synergy uh vim wine tricks compton and pcom not sure why pcom is in here i mean kde kwin takes care of all that under kde i wonder where lightly what lightly is set took up so much time to install see if it's under all here clicked on the wrong spot let's try this again all applications let's just use the scroll wheel lucrez is in here okay so it doesn't judging by the menus it doesn't look incredibly bloated installing it it felt incredibly bloated anything no test favorites is clear okay do take a quick run through here snapper i didn't see that in the menus snapper is here for snapshot system snapshot management there's a virtual machine manager i remember seeing that in the list of packages wine tricks i don't see that software lightly let's let's do a search lightly okay window so all of that time spent compiling lightly and it's just a style thing geez okay whatever it took a lot of time to download and compile nightly or lightly so there you have it oh i didn't even notice this you have your little desktop switcher here so four desktops and then all your usual stuff so that is chris titus's uh arch titus install script okay that's that's what it is it's giving us chris titus's system let's shut this down here let's go back to virtualbox and let's take a look for comparison purposes only this is not a speed test of course we're going to start up another vm and we're going to take a look at my easy arch install script now this vm is a clone of the one i used for the arch titus install will boot up into xfce off of my easy archer xfce edition and we'll run through my own easy archer install now for those of you who are only here that were interested in chris titus tech's arch installer you can leave now that's fine you don't have to leave a comment that i bloated the video by doing my own installer as well in the same video that would be impolite so let's log in here but i think this will be a nice comparison between the style of script installer that chris came up with and the type that i use now let's make this bigger 16 by 9 apply keep close now on my isos if you go into the easy archer folder there's a scripts folder if we go into that there are two install scripts and one maintenance script now we're on a uefi booted system so we're going to run this script easy arch dot uefi so let's open a terminal here let's make it a bit bigger so everyone can see and we'll minimize that we don't need that up let's become root um oh no i need to do it pseudo don't i let's fail out of this i should have known that i knew it in the first video the first part of this video that's what i meant to say okay we are root uh let's cd into the right directory here very good we can minimize that again so easy arch.uefi and let's run it we got a little welcome splash screen here and my script as opposed to chris's is a menu driven script and it requires a lot of interactivity with the user you get to choose and you must choose almost every step in this menu to complete the process now there are ways to skip steps and get a minimal system but we're not going to cover that we're going to do a full kde desktop install so first choice number one first choice in the submenu number one create a username so test and it echoes all of what we type it will echo the password creation as well and it will you'll see it'll confirm it so if you have anyone standing around you that you don't trust while you're typing don't do this type your user password user password and be exact and it echoes it and it confirms it now type your root user password you can make it the same which i usually do and now set our host name now these were all questions asked by chris's script as well so we'll call this easy archer whoops with only 1a there we go so we're done with this menu submenu let's do r to return to the menu we're going to choose our device and partition the drive so number two are we working with a sata disk or an nvmn a nvme disk we're working with a sata disk now enter device name number one it does print out the output from lsblk so you have a list of devices attached to your system my example is you only need to type in sda target device set to sda now we get to choose a swap partition size you don't get to choose zero you can't not have a swap partition in my installer you can go as low as two gigs up to eight gigs we're going to do two now we're going to set our root partition size and if you notice the note underneath that remaining space will be home so be careful be conscious of what you're doing go to two oh no we did too go to three now we can do 20 40 or 60. 20 to me is a minimum root partition 40 or 60 you probably don't need so we're gonna do 20 but i give you the option now we're going we picked our sizes now we're going to 4 to create the actual partitions and you saw a similar output because i use sgd disk to do all the partition work in the background we now have to format those partitions now you'll see my default is ext4 i like ext4 because it's been the standard file system for years it has a long history from ext1 to 2 to 3 to four we now have to mount our partitions now all this was done automatically in chris's script mine as i said is a more interactive hands-on make your choices now you don't really have choices you just have to do them so all our partitions are mounted we're done with this sub menu we can go r to return to the main menu we're going to install the base system and this is quite a bit of packages you'll notice i neglected to in my system here enable parallel downloads so this is a uh possibly longer process of downloading the software the initial pack strap 158 packages compares pretty favorably close to chris titus's initial pack strap of 144 packages so i'm not too far off i might include a few things in my initial pack scr strap that aren't truly requirements for a base system but i know will be needed by other packages and the system as i like to have it set up so we're moving a little quicker here we've finished with our huge packages and now just downloading very small things we'll keep the camera rolling this as i said will turn into a long video so we're almost done with the initial set here i do break down all of my software into software installation sections into more manageable groups so you're not waiting an inordinate amount of time for any one section of package installs to complete the initial pack strap you can see was about 500 megabytes in the mid 400 megabyte range of download size and we're almost done there we go pack strap base system installed now step four configures the system basically the locale language stuff like that now all this is determined by variables in my script and we'll take a look at that while it's not after it's run basically so we've done step four configure base system settings now we're going to install broad categories of software so number five we get to install in separate menu items xorg general software multimedia networking fonts and if you want printing support so let's go ahead and run through this since chris's install included printing support we will do that as well you can see xorg is fairly light 84 almost 85 megabytes goes by fairly quickly the general category and the multimedia category take a little longer they have more packages you know what while this is running we actually can take a look the script let's see let's see if this disturbs anything no that's fine okay xorg is installed let's do two and it will install a general set of packages used by the system now we'll take a look at the script itself and we'll word wrap it up front you can set your time zone you can set your locale and you can set your key map so one variable for each of these settings will determine uh what time zone what locale and what language you're using you don't have to go deeper in the script to change those variables let's see i'm not going to go through [Music] the script i'm just going to get to the software installation the partitioning choices [Music] okay install xorg you can edit the list of packages if you wish install the general set of packages you can edit this as well cut it back add in more it's up to you multimedia go through this see what you don't want don't need network packages same thing fonts printing and now we get to our desktops lxqt kde xfce mate and cinnamon are your choices and then the rest of the script are just the menus how those are displayed all the sub menus and finally the main menu and then we get to the bottom here and we have the actual functions being run in order disclaimer included since this is gpl v3 licensed i think that's all i need to really cover in the script because that's the whole point is the packages here the rest of the script is much less easily edited to do what you want the package selection is really where most of the customization will probably happen as well as as i showed the variable settings at the top of the script to determine language locale and keyboard settings so we're done with the general let's do the multimedia general took the longest amount of time i'm glad i was able to go through some of my script you can see my script is only one script it doesn't call subscripts it's a bit simpler code much simpler code to look at and to figure out and to edit and to make it something you want it to be rather than say something chris wants his to be now you can certainly edit chris's code it's just bash scripts it's fairly easy it's fairly readable once you figure out how bash works bash scripting works chris's script is just as modifiable as mine mine is just simpler i do need a bit of a drink of water here my throat is getting a little dry okay multimedia is done let's go on to networking now the way i've separated my package list here it doesn't say so but you don't really have an option with the first five choices you sort of need to install xorg general multimedia networking and fonts in order to get a truly complete desktop experience printing is only really optional choice you have maybe in a revision to my script i'll add a little note at that screen so hopefully it's clear but you shouldn't be skipping over any steps now we're getting close to the point looks like it's running a uh module installation here i do install i'll mention this the lts kernel with this script it's not installing the stock arch linux kernel so if you want that you can certainly add that after the fact after installation but i like the lts kernel i like relying on the lts kernel okay we're going to do five fonts this should go by fairly quickly very good and six printing support the only reason i'm doing printing support in this example is because chris titus's arch titus script includes printing support or at least i think it does if i my quick glances at the package list sort of suggested it did and you can see printing support basic printing support doesn't take a whole lot of packages now if you have certain model printers that aren't covered by the drivers in guten print and cups then you might have to hunt down your own printer drivers so okay we're done with this menu returned let's choose our desktop 6 and we're going to choose kde since that is what arch titus uses so 2 is plasma and this is a big desktop this is 443 close to 444 megabytes of in downloaded packages here so this might take a few moments it's going by fairly quickly i guess doing some of the biggest packages first and we should get to fairly smaller packages quickly here we're going down in size obviously starting with 68 megabytes down to in the two to two to three range at the moment now we're in the kilobyte size packages so the rest of these should download fairly quickly we'll just leave the cameras rolling maybe i will no i'm not going to bother opening a browser on my host system just to show off my sourceforge and project pages where you can download my isos with my install script or you can download the install script from sourceforge or all on its own and you can run it in your arch system we're almost done with downloads here we're close to 224 there we go and the installation shouldn't take too long once we're done with this integrity checking there we go very nice i will reiterate that obviously my script requires a lot more hands-on interactivity but i think that's good i i like it that way if i didn't i would have written that where all this would have done you know with one step no choices but the reason i separated out the software installation the package installation is because i can let's return to the main menu i can do steps one two three and four skip over five entirely and go right to seven install grub and have a basic text ui system only a command line if you want to call it or shell that would be more accurate a shell interac shell ui system and then i can build it up from there i can install i can do steps one two three four and then under broad categories just do xorg and have xorg installed so it gives me that option that flexibility so seven let's install grub i should have started that but i wanted to show you with the menu the main menu open that there are some options with my method here now under broad categories of software i guess i could have done xorg and then everything else and then printing could have combined general multimedia networking and fonts together because those are all really necessary that might be something i do i don't i haven't really thought about it in a long time because my focus has been maintaining the gui installer calamaris and making sure that it works with easy arch these archer isos and i really don't test my install script all that often i tested it recently and it did still continue to work so i didn't really think about it after that so we're almost at the final step here we're we're just running uh final mk in at cpio we've already installed grub and we're done we can exit we can exit and we can exit we can close our folder here and we can log out and reboot so let's restart and we come up to our grub bootloader we have a totally fresh install of arch and installed all the packages right out of the arch repositories it did not add anything on arch you're getting a pure arch installed system here password should work and it looks like it's working kde is coming up this is going to be one monster video when i upload it so kde first boot takes a little bit longer for kde to set itself up the first time after subsequent boots will go by a little quicker subsequent logins will go by a little quicker we've already booted we've logged in so technically loading the desktop is not part of booting however it is part of waiting before you can use your system and on my spinning rust hard drives in a vm this usually takes a moment or so i don't know about timing this login as opposed to chris titus's login i forgot to make a conscious effort to remember how long that took but this seems to be taking a bit longer for a pure arch and saw and from my memory i don't know why that is but we do seem to be waiting more than i thought we would so we are at our desktop let's run system settings chris might have used some custom commands some commands to um uh what am i looking for commands to optimize the loading of kde i don't really know all i can tell you is that my system is stock completely stock so if you installed arch and installed kde this is what you got now you get a lot more software than just installing kde the base kde you can see my development choices are far fewer my graphic choices are a little bit more i include gnu the my internet choices are more [Music] stock and you get thunderbird for email qubit torrent my multimedia choices are far more complete my office choices are the same my settings um [Music] don't recall settings in his menu my system choices i do include bleach bit i do include g parted gr sync see what h top says 490 megabytes not bad print settings of course manage printing we installed all that my utilities are far fewer hp device manager is here for people with hp printers and scanners but you can see we have quite a different approach to what software we think we need are like having around my system as i've said before is pure art nothing from outside the arch repositories chris titus's arch titus installs a ton of software from outside the repositories so there are certain choices made there now this is my base system i can certainly add to it give myself more complete desktop there are tools that i use like virtualbox like what else obs studio i use sometimes zoom but i i prefer to do those types of packages after install i don't like muddying my install system with outside things that's just the way i operate so hopefully this video gave you a good view of chris titus's offering for an arch install text installer and it reminded you of the easy arch install text installer thanks for watching hope you have a good day and you'll see me in another video my voice is gone
Channel: eznix
Views: 1,110
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Arch, Linux, Titus, ArchTitus, bash, scripting, install, cli, shell, programming, kde, plasma, xorg, calamares, desktop, operating system, installation, locale, password, username, packages, efi, uefi, bios, mbr
Id: B2jNTkZjjLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 1sec (4501 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 11 2021
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